THE GLEANfift ISSUED EVBBY THURSDAY. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. >I.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE^ I he odltor will sot be responsible for 'lows eqprested by correspoodeutr. In tared at too Postofllc* at Or»li»m. tf. 0., ai secoud OUm matter. GRAHAM, N 0., July 29. 1920 AN INVESTIGATION. A commission has been appoint ed by the Governor to investigate the shooting by the sold ere here on Monday night of last. week. Judg6 H. W. of Gteen ville, Adjutant General B. S. Royster of Oxford aud Col. A. 11. Boyden of Salisbury are unnied on the commission and the hear ing wyi begin at Durham next Monday. Governor Bickett has made the request that no attorneys be em ployed in the matter, as two of the commissioners are lawyers. Whether lawyers are employed or not, a complete-stenographic report of the evidence should be made. The admirer of Senator Hard ing, thinking to help his hero, no doubt mentioned with some pleas ure that Gov. Cox was a divorced man, forgetting or not knowing, perhaps, that the Senator's wife is a divorced woman. Both Mrs. Harding and Gov. Cox, doubtless, had the very best of grounds for their action. Governor James M. Cox, Demo eratic nominee for President, will be officially notified of his nomi nation on August 7th at Dayton, Ohio. Great preparations are be ing made for the event which will make it a notable day. The Gov ernor is diligently working on his speech of acceptance. The suffragists have opened headquarters in Raleigh, as have also the antis. Wont the legisla tors have a dodging time ? Villa Ready For Peace or Battle. Eagle Pass, Texas, July 26. Atrival of Francisco Villa, bandit chieftain, atSabinas this morning wan immediately followed bv a aharp encounter with government forces numbering about 25 men, according to information reach ing Eagle Pass late this afternoon. It is said Villa's force totals be tween 300 and 500. A report reaching Eagle Paw tonight Says Villa has taken Carl Haegelin, an American, here of the Sahinas brewery, and is hold ing him for ransom. Villa, who advices say, came to Sabinaa to negotiate by telegraph with the De La Huerta govern ment on terms for surrender of liims If and men, will start on another war-path if his terms for giving himself up are not accept ed, it iB reported here. Refugee Are coming to Piedras Negras frum the Habinas district, touring trouble as a result of Villa's pres ence, it is said. Reports reaching here say Villa is in full control of Sabinss ami following the encounter with a government force of about 25 De La Huerta troops, all of which are believed to have been killed, nont word to the kovernment garriton that he muat not be hindered If further trouble was to be avoided. All railroad and other communi cation service is siid to be under Villa's control at Sabinas. Accounts of his activities reach ing here say that if his terms for surrender are not accepted the baudit leader has promised to re ■ new warfare on a larger scale im mediately. A Wise man will keep in ibe house a bottle of Dr. BETU ARNOLD'S BALSAM against sudden attacks of Bowel Complaints. Warrnnted by Farrell-llayes Drug CoGraham, K.C. Cox cays he is glad now that,ho was ah "onder-dog" for so many veaix, so be appreciates and help* The under-dog. This is the kind of man onr country has always delighted to honor. Since a Kentucky school super i intendent annonneed that a boy won the first prise in a sewing content, we are waiting to And out which girl won the horse- HISTORIC VEHICLES ON VIEW Conveyance* UMd by Famous Persona Are to Bs Collected and Ex hibited In London. A collection of historic coaches, some lent by the government and others by private persons, is to be exhibited at Olympia, London, dur ing the international horse show, the continental edition of the Lon don Mail states. Among the fa mous vehicles will be the last Lon don-Rochester coach in which Dick ens traveled habitually. There will be seen also the origin al sedan coach in which Napoleon capitulated, and the posting char iot which was used almost Exclu sively for carrying eloping couples over the border on the way to Oretna Green. Other exhibits will be the duke of Wellington's post chifte, in which he traveled' while conducting the peninsular war and the Waterloo campaign, and, as a contrast, the original "Deadwood Dick" coach, drawn by six mules. The only early Victorian tandem in existence will also be shown, as well as the original brougham de signed by Lord Brougham, if it be found possible to move it. STEAMER BUILT ON 'PRAIRIE Vssosl Now Navigating Mississippi River Had Its Beginning Far From the Water. Nothing extraordinary is to be noted in the appearance of the new 9,000-ton steamer New Orleans, now afloat on the Mississippi river, but the sight it offered in its early construction period was remarkable indeed. It was built, as a matter of fact, on a site thft was a prairie when work was started, with not enough water at hand to float a rowboat. Three months latet how ever, dredging operations began for the canal connecting the city of New Orleans with Lake Pontchar train, and by the time the vessel was ready to launch, there was an adequate depth of water right along side of it. Qnly the end of the canal toward the lake was open, however, and to get the new craft to its city dock, only five miles away, it was necessary to lighten it to a 7-ft. draft, tow it through the lake into the Gulf of Mexico, and send it up the river to New Or leans, a distance of 107 miles. Work is still progressing on the canal, which is about six miles long. —Popular Mechanics Magazine. COOTS' FLOATING NEST. The coots have built their nests again on the big millpond, and in one we counted seven large, speckled, buff eggs. The nest was an an chored raft, based on a patch of the greasy elliptical leaves of the pond weed that float on the surface. Dead reeds and other aquatic rub bish were woven with these and piled up until there was a little floating island, sufficient to bear the weight of the coot and her eggs. The whole business of building has been quite public, and now the nest and its contents are quite obvi ous to any observer passing that way. Boon there will be seven little balls of black down around the nest, o>' aPtivelv following mother coot across the broad water.—london Chronicle. BIGGEST CIRCULAR SAWS The largest circular saws in the world have just been made to fill a special order from a Pacific coast lumber mill. Each saw is 108 inches in diameter, weighs approximately 795 pounds, and includes 190 teeth. The latter are inserted in the rim, and can be replkced if broken. Two steel ingots, etch weighing 1,140 pounds, wen the raw material from which the great disks were made. The saws will be used for cutting big logs into lengths suitable for the production of shingles. SUPERIORITY. "I call your attention," said Mr. Meekton's wife, "to the fact that Tnrkish women are no longer com pelled to wear veils." "It's a glorious recognition of su periority, Henrietta. Turkish women may show their faces in public, which is more than the sultan has ever dared to do." MORTAGE OP RAILRO | There is a shortage of 40,000,000 railroad tics at the lowest estimate. Other estimates are more than dou ble tn»v figure. The deficit during ' gmmmmmi control was IMOO.m UPSET BELIEFS LONG HELD FoeaJle Found by American Scientist Reveal Truth of Earth's Firs* Forms Of Life. The first forms of life appeared on this iarth 45,140,000 years ago, according to Dr. Charles D. Wal cott of the Smithsonian institution, who has just discovered several thou sand fossils that contradict all previous deductions. The find was made in the Burgess pass fossil quarry, discovered in 1910 in the Canadian Rockies, about 3,000 feet above Field, B. C. Prof. Walcott has taken annual parties into this district, blasting fossils out of what is known as the Cambrian recks. When the large slabs / were blasted loose they wertf split with chisel and hammer, and fossils of animals were exposed that were, in life, softer than the jelly fish. The shale bed suggests that the waters of the ancient Cambrian sea swarmed with life, just as the ocean does today at Santa Catalina island. But this was long before the advent of fish on earth, and no trace of fish is found among the fossils. The find upsets the theory that in the Proterozoic age only one-celled Amebe, etc., existed on the earth. In stead of only unicellular animals there were actual swimming and crawling water forms of animals al ready dominant. Prof. Walcott estimates that fos sils pf these animals were engulfed about 27,640,000 years ago. He adds to this figure 17,500,000 years during which these and other crea tions were evolving from each other in the pre-Pabozolic period. QUEEN LAUOB Y. W. C. A. A cable recently received at Y. W. C. A. heqfjquarters, New York city, and sent from Bucharest, Bou niania, expresses from Queen Marie her desire that the work begun by the Y. W. O. A. in her country be continued. The queen deeply ap preciates efforts already made in helping her to rebuild her country and is firmly convinced that the Y. W. C. A. is of paramount im portance to her people. EVER NOTICED THIS. "Queer, isn't it?" "What?" "A man always has to do some thing like golf or tennis or rowing for exercise. He never seems to be able to get any exercise'out of his work." JAPANESE ENTERPRISE. Two new Portland cement fac tories are to be built at Kawasaki and Hokkaido, Japan, at a cost of about $2,000,000. • FANCY TOY. Among the new scientific toys it one which transmits pictures elec trically, using'the same principle* as ax* applied to telephotography. DEFINING IT •g* Tommy—Dad, what is a pes simist? Dad—A pessimist is a man who would rather read the death notices in a newspaper than the jokes. WORTH TRYINC The family had a new suction cjeaner, and mother was elated over the demonstration and her first day's use of it She showed the family how it took pins, needles and other foreign substances from the carpet and rugs. Little J amesyiratched her a while. Theiyhe crossed the room to her. "Oj£ mom," he whispered. "Try it out on dad's pants, won't you? May be it will pull, the change oat of them so yon and I can hare a little more spending ~" T ■ M. I - E TAUGHT NEW SINGING METHOD Ouldo Aretinus, Bonedictine Monk, Is Credited With the Invention of "Do, R«, Mi." What is the origin of these oi lables—Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La and Si, as names for the seven notes of the scale? The tale which one meets in his tories of music goes hack to Guido d'Arezzo or Guido Aretinus, a Bene dictine monk of Pomposa, not far from Perrara and Ravenna. His period was in the first half of the eleventh century, and a great many inventions and improvements were ascribed to him. As a monk of the Pomposa monastery, compelled by the imperfection of the existing teaching of music, be was credited with the production of a method which, according to him, gave im mediate results in singing which for merly could scarcely be attained in ten years. The practical merit of this method awakeneg the jealfasy of thev abbot and his brother monks, so that he had to leave the cloister. He.was called by the pope of that time, John XIX or XX, to Rome to explain his method. His journey was a complete success. In the first lesson the pope was able to find the tone of an antiphon and to siijg it. There is a portrait of Guido in the refectory of the monastery at Avel lana bearing "Beatus Guido inventor musicae" as an inscription. His sys tem, which was called solmisation, consisted, in part, of the use of six syllables, TJt, re, nii, "fa, sol, la.— From John o' London's Weekly. THE HOUSE "He offers us the house for $5,000." "Not a bad buy. No profiteering there." "You don't understand. He offerj to rent it to us for $5,000 a year." ACID FATAL TO" TIRES. "• The rapidity with which auto mobile tires are destroyed by acid was demonstrated recently in a Canadian city, when a large carboy fell from a truck and was broken. TJie strong acid flowed along the street-car tracks for a considerablt distance, while a half-suffocated of ficer strove to divert traffic to aafei thoroughfares. One driver, how ever, declfffed to change his course. Before he could cross the acidulated patch, his tires had exploded almost in unison. The fumes were finally stifled with -sand.—Popular Me chanics Magazine. FILMS QUICKLY HANDLED. Siztv rolls of photographic film handled in ten minutes' actual work ing time is the claim made for a sys tem of glazed stoneware developing tanks now on the market, according to Popular Mechanics Magazine. The tanks are sold in sets of three; one for developing, one for fixing and one for washing. Each has a concave bottom, terminating in a brass drain cock. The last or wash ing tank is fitted also with an over flow connection to permit continuous j water circulation from bottom to top. NEW ÜBE FOR X-RAY. Among the new uses of X-ray* foreshadowed by Major Q. W. C. Kaye in a lecture at the Royal insti tution were the taking of finger prints, in connection with criminal investigation, and the testing of ohampionahy golf balls in order to determine that they had a perfectly lymmetrical center. THE SYSTEM. Scenario Editor —I'm sorry that «I cannot aooept your scenario. Scenario Writer—Why not? Scenario Editor —It's so good hat people will think ifs by a fa nous writer uflMQg • nam do plume. 1 X^rfd *- Ajfi >.l K I&MKr •: y *•*'. "WHTOI 1 ' —"*] ANNOUNCE) *E XT. To the Democrats of Alamance County : I announce that I am and will be a candidate for the nomination for Senator from this Senatorial District. "My many friends" have not been to« me and nrsed me to become a can didate. I have the desire to succeed myself. v I am deeply grateful for the sap port I have received in the past. I have represented AlamanCe county in the Legislature of 1911 and 1018 and in the Senate in 1917. I shall do my best in the future. Truly yours, J. ELMER LONG. March 22, 1920. . CASTOR IA Pof Infants and Children In Uso For Over 30 Years dandruff mem rgood-by to j {• Hair *1 I.J. Dandruff literally (mother* the •M nt life out of the hair root* and B -V'ls eventually brings baldness. H ; It. Wildroot is guaranteed to dean X i\y V. up dandniff and remove it—but it / ijl ■ I does more; it cleanses, softens and '!■ -W loosens the scalp and stimulates ft 'JI the hair to normal, healthy growth. J -1 > t v illhMten K the treatment. | IWILPWOOT | THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC For sale here under a 1 money-back guarantee H Graham Drug Co. Hayes Drag Co. Mortgage Sale of Land. Upder and by virtu© of the powe* of Hnle contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust, executed July 14, 1915, to Central Loan & Tru6t Company, Trustee, which said deed in - trust is duly recorded in the office of tjie Register of Deeds of Alamauco county, in Qook of Deeds of Trust fto. 65, at page No. 113. default having been made in the payment of sauoe, the undersigned trustee will offer at public Sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Graham, tf. C., on MONDAY, 23, 1920, at 11 o'clock a. in., all the follow ing real property, to-wit: " A certain tract or parcel of land in Alamance county, State of North Carolina, adjoining lands of J. 8. Wliiti*, Mebane Land & Improvement Co., and bounded as follows: Beginning at- a ptakc, corner with J. S. White oil Mebane Land & Improvement Company's line 10 feet west of Mebane-llawfield road; thence S2O deg YV 150 ft. to a stake; thence S 72 de. E 350 ft. to a stake; thence N 20 deg E 150 ft. to J 8. White's line; thence with hiH line N 72 deg W 350 ft. to the be inning, and containing 52,500 square feet.. t 4 Terms of Sale: Cash. This 26th day of July, 1920. CENTRAL LOAN «FR TRUST CO., ' Trustee. Lift off Corns! * > Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezono costs only few cents. Doesn't hart a bit ! Drop a little Freezone on an aching corn, instantly that corn utops hurting, then you lift it right out. Yes, magic I A tiny bottle of Free rone coats but a few cents at any drug store, but is suffi cient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Frcezone is the scnsHtiomil discovery of a Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful. T - !Mc3, L mXjjm I In offering Tiffin Candies," we'gh* ~~ I I assurance that diey contain the fin- | ■ I est materials that money can buy blended with exceptional skill, and I ■ handled with particular care, in | ■ every detail of manufacture. Their ■ ■ individuality of combination and as- ■ I Bortment of flavors, make them "Dw* I tinctively Delicious !" I "Candies of Distinctive Quality I H I Farrell-Hayes Drug Co. H GRAHAM, N. C. —^jilfMllll "Felt Like Eating" Man and Wife, All Run-Down from Farm Work, Were Greatly Helped by Ziron. WIFE and I, after a hard Jlfi spring on the farm, were tired apd run-down," says Mr. E. B. Mulkey, of Route 1, Acworth, Ga. "We neither felt weU. I knew my blood was bad, as 1 had little bolls on the back of my neck. t 1 "" "We felt we needed a builder. We had heard of Zlroa and thought it must be what we needed. It certainly was. We took it faithfully, and after a week or such a matter we began to feel better. My wife felt like cooking, Mortgagee's Notice of Sale of Timber. Under and by virtue of the, power of sale contained in a cor* tain mortgage deed executed by Wj. N. Richardson and wife, R. L. Richardson, which said mortgage deed bears date of December 7, 4918,. and was duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in Book of Mortgage Deeds No. 75, at page 560, reference to whioh is hereby made, default 'having been made in the payment of the debt se cured by said mortgage deed, the undersigned.mortgagee will sell at public auction at the court house door in Graham, to the highest bidder for cash, on . BATURDAY, SEPT. 4, 1920, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described standing timber: All the pine, oak and poplar timber measuring ten inches in diameter one foot from the ground on a certain tract or parcel of land lying in Coble township, Ala mance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of George Greeson, Big Alamance crefek aud Beaver creek, containing 144 acres, more or less; the same being tract No. 25 in the survey of the Oak Grove Farm, recently sold by the parties of the fine part to Eugene Ingle, but with the reservation of the timber mortgaged. Terms of Sale: Cash. This 28th day of July, 1920. D. M. ELDER, Mortgagee. John J. Henderson, Att'y. JSJJsay§ Five million use it to KILL CQLDff^L HUL'a CASCARAgQUININE cold riaily for M jreere tablet forai aefe, eara, ae brtsks *P a eaM la M felievee srfo ia S in back tf it folk. The iS'/hk ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICB. Having qualified a* Administrator of the estate of John M. Fugleman, deceased. late it Alamance oountjr. N. C., this la to notlly aU peisonS" having clalma against the estate* mild iltceaaed to exhibit them to the under pin' ed on or before the ltt day of Aug» 1(81, or tills notice vUI be pleaded tat bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make las mediate payment. ThiaJune V, IMQ. 8' A. FOGLKMAN, AdmV SJnljrSt or John U. FOclesuc., deo'd. Hiram acta very much as if he would like somebody to anab him again and give him an opening. and I sure felt like eating. "Ziron sure did us good. It made us both feel stronger and better for the fall work, which everyone knows is 'some work' on a farm. My bolls began to dry up, though just at first they seemed worse. "We are much better and can highly recommend Ziron, and gladly do so for it sdre did us good." Ziron is a safe, reliable, tonic medi cine, good for men, women %nd child ren, when an iron tonic is indicated. It is easy to take and contains no habit-forming drugs. Ask your druggist or dealer. Town Taxes! I have been appointed Tax Col lector for the tojvn of Qraham and the books have been placed in my hands. I have been' directed to collect all delinquent taxes without delay. See me and save costs. You can see me at the Sheriff's office in the court house. Tbiß April 27, 1920, BOYD R. TROLINGER, ; 29apltf Tax Collector. PATENTS • OBTAINED. If you have an invention to patent please send us a model or sketchr with a letter of brief explanation for pre liminary examination and advice, You, disclosure and all business is strictly con fldential, and will receive our prompt and personal attention. D. SWIFT & CO.. PATENT LAWYERS. WASHINGTON. D. C. War wes will soon be ]y—* here and }&*- A Lapel Chafa, will be In vogue among I Wjr y well dressed \hJ / men. Wheth- . y /I er you discard // Lp your vest or / or not, you will want a watch chain to ault , your summer attire. Drop in and let as show yoa our tasteful new patterns in SIMQOMS CM>UXI S Mm—— Chains are noted for their wearing qoalitiae as well as for their eaquisite design and finish. They ■re not washed or plated goods— the surface of each chain Is abeavr roiled tube of so U goU. Come In eerty and make voor choice while our new—snituwiuis complete. Z.T.HADLEI Jeweler and Optician GRAHAM. N.C ECZEMA^ NORI7 IICK Mtbout quntioaif Husl'iSalx *1 WktatkHraMMrflcani. f TrttCT.^Ktßgworw^ltch^ tic.V |W / cent ether Iwitili MM. t /vf / Htait'iMwheßlmdkM. V B / dradi efeocfc ewe*. Yoe cast V,l M leee ea ear Mmmmy tack fX/ Gwtmlm. Try It at mm rt«k TODAY. MeeTSeet GRAHAM DBUa COMPA.VT, QRAHAM. N. C. ■ , -1 • .'•