CtT ]? GRAHAM, N. 0., July 29,T620T 1 ' Postoffiee tJoßrs. Offloopen 7.00 a. in. toT.OOp. m. ' onud»y 8.00 to 11.00 «. u. and 1.00 to tM p. m H. N.COOK,Portnuuter. +++++++++++++V++ ♦ _et ♦ * LOCAL NEWS. + tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiinn u —The County Commissioners will meet in regular monthly session uezt Monday. . —Mebane Fair will be held on Sept. 7, 8, 9 and 10. A large prem ium list with attractive premiums has been issued. —Since Sunday the weather haa been cool, like fall of the year, hut last week was the warmest weather, ending with Sunday, we have had this summer BO far. —Dr. Graham Harden's card ap pears elsewhere in this issue. He has taken offices in Burlington. Glad he has come to his Lomfe county to start hia life work. —lf the gathering in of Jaw breakers continues as it has for the past few days till the August' term of court, there will be a good delega tion for road duty. —The fronts of the stores occupied by I Messrs. Crawford A Mc Adams and Graham Grocery Co. are to be remodeled soon. Part of the material is already on the giound. The build ing is owned by Messrs. J. L. Scott,, Jr., and H. W. Scott. r Among the Sick ' Mr. James Cooper i« almost we)l again, after being confined to his room for about eight'weeks. Mrs. K, B. Pool, who suffered a stroke .of paralysis some days ago, tth'iws.little or no change. .* | * S4OO Reward. f , ; g The Governor of North Carolina ' ha offered a reward of S4OO to the person who Bhall find and make known evidence which shall lead to the conviction of the 'person who as sinlted Mrs. A*. A' Riddle on the evening of July 17ih. ■P, ' y-.'t, Mrs. Deßoy R. Fonville Dead. The almoßt sudden death of Mrs. Deßoy, R. Fonville in Burlington on Saturday night, 17th Inst., was pe culiarly sad. Before marriage she was M'IBS I-ena Fagsdale of Fuquay Springs. She and Mr. Fonville' were married on June 7, 191?. Mr- Fonvilte has the sincere sympathy of a host of friends throughout the county., • • - Goodman's Store at Mebane Looted. On Tuesday night the store of Ben Goodman was at Mebane wae broken into and about worth of goods are reported to "have been stolen. Yesterday a negro' wanted hi Dur ham, when arrested by Chief Bos . well, was found to have on,a shirt that came from Goodman's store. Goodman's store is said to have been broken into twice in • the past ten 'days. White Man Robbed by Negroes.,. • Last Satiitday afternoon a man named Tom May frofin the Brick Church community was assaulted by three negroes at Gun creek near Montgomery May's in Boon Station ■ township and robbed of bis money. May had been to Burlington and was on his way home. It seems the ne groes were in waiting for him. The negroes asked hi>n to let them ride. This he did. At a secluded point bis money was demanded and re fuged. Then followed a battle. MBy was clubbed. In a clinch with one of the negroes he and the negro fell out "of the wagon and the wheels passed over them. May had only about 19 and lost only a part of it. May returned to Burlington, report ed the attack and described, his as sailants, who prbved to be Dooster Allen and Bod Freeland, two old offenders, both of whom have been captured and confessed, and Roland Price for whom a reward of $25 is offered. Bay Your Coal Now. I have some good coal on hand now. It is very hard to get and my advice to von- is to bay your coal while you can get it. I can make prompt deliveries now. Come to sea me or 'phone me for kind and prices.. - Thanking yoa in advance for your business, I remain, Yours truly, 22jul4t T. C. MOON. Peaches for Canning and Preserving. We will have nice peaches of good size and quality for canning and preserving through the season. Soma ready now. Apply to Melville Farm, % Haw River. Phone 2612. * * PERSONAL. + Mr. Thos.D. Tinnin of Greens l>oro was here Sunday. Mr. L. E. Klutz of Greenboro is spending a day or two here. Miss Nina Quakenbush is visiting her aunt in Winston-Salem. - Miss Jessie Phillips left yester day for a visit at White Lake. Miss Conlev Albright returned Tuesday from a visit to Asheville. " Miss Inez Wooten of Chadbourn is here visiting Miss Luclle Holmes. Miss Alma Crawford left this morning for Greensboro to visit rel atives. Mr. J. Elmer Long spent the first of the week at Pittsboro on legal business. Miss Zelma Hornbuckle, now liv ing in Raleigh, spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Louise Kornegay of Gotds boro is here visifing Mrs. Willie A. Mc Adams. * * Mrs. Judson Ellis and little daugh ter Grace of Va., are visiting Miss Conlcy Albright. Miss Myrtle Alston of Raeford spent from Saturday till yesterday here visiting Miss Lolbena Perry. Mrs. T. C. Foust, south of Gra ham, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. L. Smith, at Elon College. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1. Ward left -last Saturday by auto for Chimney [look and other, pqfcts in the western part of the State* Mr. J. W. Menefee left tbe first of the week for Haywood White Sul phur Springs, near Waynesville, to spend a while. *. Mrs. Leo Moon and little son, Leo, Jr., of Swepsonville are spend ing. the week here with her sister, Mrs. C. L. Reavia. Mrs. A. M. Hay and Kttle daughters Nancy, Carolyn and Jean of, Green sboro are spending /the day with A)is. J. B, Montgomery. ' Miss Eunice McAdams of Salis bury and Miss Marie Reed of Staun ton, Va., are expected here tomorrow to viut Mrs. W. R. Harden. Mr. John'R. Harder left the first of the- week on a business trip to "Winston-Salem and other points in the western part of the State. ■ Mr. Walter E. Baton spent Sun day at Yanceyville with his brother, Sam Bason, who is in employ ment of the bank at that place. - Mess. Curtis Wrike and John Scott left Snnday foe Dobson an J other points in the Western part ot the State. The latter hM returned. Mr. and Mrs. A; A. Miller of Goldsboro, on "tHeir way to Winston- Salem, spent a few hours here Tues day with their daughter, Mrs. W. A. McAdams. Mrs. Ji W. Whitsett and daugh ter, Mrs. Thos. D. Tinnin, of Greens boro, are spending a few days out at their former home two miles South of Graham. > - Prof. L. _L. White of Guilford j College came last week to spend a while"at Mrs. T. C. Foust's, where Mrs. White and children are spend- j ing the summer. ' Mr. Roger Moore, now with the State Highway construction force out from Waynesville, is spending a ,lew days here at the home of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore. Rev. Edward N. Caldwell left on Wednesday, last week, for Toronto, Canada, where he went to act as best man at tbe marriage it Mr. Edward Evans. These two were boyhood friends in China. Miss Zadee Watson and her two little nieces, Misses Mary L-e and Alice Garrison, of Union Ridge, vis ited at Mr. J. H. Watson's the lat ter part of last week and the first ol this week. Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Taylor and their two sons left yesterday for a week's stay at Morebead City. Mrs. Taylor's mother, Mrs. Bynum, ac companied them as far as Raleigh, where she will join them on their return. Miss Fannie May Phillips of Whiteville, Tenn., waa hare Jl.rn day visiting her aunt, Mn. Manba Steele and other relatives. She ex pects to teach at Haw River daring the coming year. Mrs. Phillips and children; who had boon on a visit to Mr. and Mrs Cbas. 11. Phillips, left Monday for their home in Oreensboro. They were accompanied by Miss Maiy Phillips who will visit them for a few daya. Mr. Geo. W. Wood worth arrived here Monday on a visit to his familv after an absence of several months. He is in the employment of tbe Gov ernment and at present located at the Government proving grounds at Dahlgreo on the Potomac sooth of Washington. . - • ■ .»• * •. •'v ■ " 1 ' [The Better Way] I Never disobey Nature's warn-1 • ing. It's far better to foreatallS weakness with nourishment fi that protects. ( Scott's Emulsion g after meals for c»nld or adult, is ?! , a wonderful help in forestalling ij weakness.. Ask for Scott I *. « . J. 2M^" AMERICA'S LOVE FOR IRVING Hifih Regard In Whloh the Writer Wm Held Mado Deep Impree •len on Thackeray. In America the love and' regard for Irving was .a national senti ment .'. . It seemed to me, during a year's travel in the country, as if no one ever aimed a blow at Irving. All men held their hands from that harmless, friendly peacemaker. I had the good 1 fortune to see him at New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, and remarked how in every place he was honored and welcbmed. Every large city has its "Irving House." The country takes pride in the fan* of its men of let ter& The gate of his own charming little domain was foreyer swinging , before visitors who «smo to him. He shut out no one. { had seen many pictures his home, and., read de scriptions ef it, in both of which it was treated with a not unusual American exaggeration. It was but a pretty little cabin of a plfece; the gentleman of the press who took notes of the place, . ... might have visited the whole; house in a couple of minutes.—From "The Round about Papers,'' by William Make peace Thackeray. THOUGHT OF HER FUNERAL Qlrl Who Had Ridiculed Employer Proved Sh« Could Be Mirthful At Bolemn Moment. • An Indianapolis office has a girl as a stenographer whp. is a real mimic. Her impersonations of the eft tire-, staff are amusing, but espe cially the one of the,"Big Boss" is tjie hest of aIL And the other morning while he was out on busi ness she was giving it. Just as She reached the climax she looked up to see the boss hiniself back of the others watching her in in exceed' ingly close manner For a minute she was speechless. Then just as the others saw him she giggled, both nervously and mirth fully. Awed, the others watched her while the man calmly and ma jestically walked on into hi* pri vate office. And then one of them, a long-standing employee, took her to task for giggling. "Honestly, I believe you would laugh at a fu neral," she ended. The mimic smiled, "Ain't I just proving I would?" she returned. "I felt the minute I saw him that it was my funeral." But it wasn't "RAFT" OF CONCRETE. At the terminal of a ferry line in Sydney, Australia, a floating landing stage made of concrete has just been installed. This remark able "stone" raft is 11(K ft. long, from 58 ft 3 in. to 67 ft 7 in. wide, and 7 ft. 9 in. deep. The bottom, walls and deck are in S in. thick, and 4-in. bulkhead# divide the interior into 44 compartments. The whole- 042 cu. yd. of concrete, reinforced with .43 tons of round steel rod. A step at the, stern receives the hinged incline from shore, and a timber frame about the deck is notched to fit the mooring piling, while wood posts Support an awning overheads The total displacement in service is 783 tons, fully equipped, the concrete hull alone displacing 6?5 tons.— Popular Mechanics Magazine. Russian loader* My tlrey will pay all wftr debt* if the Soviet government lit afforded recogni tion. Thft other nation* will doubtleM be willing to recognize the war debts at any time. 1 —mm JOYFUL EATING Unless your Is o«t the aftermath oi painful addttjr, tW —I d bott sUfai Kl-MOIDS are Modafal in their Up » the aafaL StOOl BCD TTOUDIOa wnn VVW*ACKIuJ« Tliaimt to tsks n*»f prompt M HADCITKOTTAWVMI hXBMM or acorrs EMULSION #._. y j . GRAHAM, N. C .Here is the place to find what you want in Tableware* Cups and Saucers, Plates, Dishes, Bowls, etc. Highest Class Crockery from 1 gal. up to 15. Glassware, Alumi num. Churns, etc. Why not come and select what you need from a large stock at the very lpwest prices. Remember, it is going fast and the next will certainly be higher priced. ■ ' M I' 1 . I JJL-l- L„ IP- I For Sale! If I 'y '• r - \ V •' J; , / v ———— JTjWe have bought the Curry Moore Til Home Place, and will offer it for sale on easy terms. Possession can be given within ten days. A good 6- room house, in good condition at a reasonable price. I"-' «' vv r , ' .• . V ! Graham Real Estate Co.! 'Phone 544 - Office Next Door to National Bank of Alamance GRAHAM, N. C. . Frank Munsey summed it up pretty well wh«»u' he Maid "Hard ing is not H geniun." An example tof extremb politeness that sliQuld become, A elastic. * f& M ~~" ====== ' ' J Equip Your Small Car I With Goodyear Tires Goodyear Tires in the 30x3-, 30x3%- and 31 x 4-inch sizes are manufactured with characteristic Goodyear care to build high relative value into every carcass and tread Z/Vy filh Last year more cars taking these sizes, sOv 111 5 were factory-equipoed with Good ie 11|| year Tires than with any other kind. uXjC ppl In order to make these tires widely f/yO I available to users of such cars, we are j|Vy\ B operating the world's largest tire rn/y I factory devoted to these sizes, ' 'JJ If you own a Ford, Dort, :; X . ill V Maxwell or other car requiring one MmjC Ifj I of these sizes, go now to the nearest HIE? 1 / Goodyear Service Station Dealer for I/ I Goodyear Tires and Goodyear Heavy II >o«a%OoodTMrDwifctoCH» gJ-\SQ Goodyear HMnTowbc T-be. coec mo mocetbantbe pries Fabric, All -Weather Tread you are to pay foe tube, of leee merit-wfcy riak coedy 30*3% Goodyear Stagle-Cwre WKEA such «ars protection ia «ra&able F AJKQ —Fabcic. Ami • Skid TreaJ 3o»3%riaa *» .. I s — Poor Bill Bryan got licked on every point, but the defeat of his "dry" plank was the straw that killed father. k. j * A;:- : ; r|| rw*%P jF ■ ' 4MiBBI Real Estate! Arc You Interested ? '■' i i ; 'lOjiKfafeyf Banking on our faith in the future of this com munity, we have acquired, in fee simple, an at tractive list of real estate, both farm and city property. We are in a position-to offer attract ive prices and the very best of terms on any of our noldings. It is easy to do business with us. WE BUY, SELL, SWOP What is your proposition ? 2§S Think about it and see. R. N. COOK or E. P. McCLURE Graham, N. C. I«l Caith ktei' Iruning M A State school to train teachers for public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tui tion free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins Septem ber 29, 1022. ■ For catalog and other information address LROB'T H. WRIGHT, Prest., - - - - Greenville, N. C. Fords for Sale. 1 new Ford with starter. 1 new Ford without starter. 11917 model—price right Apply to Samet Furniture Co., Phone 626 Burlington, N.C. Democratic stock started a vigorous upward treud as soon as Got and ttoosevnlt were nomi nated. Track For Hire. m Let as do yoar hauling of every kind, moving, etc. Hare a new track. Terms reasonable. BBADBIUW & FULLER, Phone 06(i. Graham, N. C. Republican hopes have steadily 'Meclined" ever since that ice berg Harding was nominated. Break your Gold or LaGrippe with few doMS of 666