|THE GLEANER P. 188PM) EVKKY THUBBDAT. J. P. KERNOPIE, Editor. ' SI.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. The editor WIU not be responsible for /lews expressed by correspondents. kntared at toe Postoffloe at Graham, i 'MT. C., aS second-class matter. N. C., Aug. 19,1920. WOMEN INVITED. Mr. C. R. Love, Chairman of the County Democratic Executive Committee, iri view of the fact that Tennessee, the necessary 33th State, has passed the suffrage amendment, conferring on women the elective franchise, invites the women of Alamance to attend the County Democratic Convention to be held in Graham on Saturday, 2lst inst. RATIFIES WITH STRING TO IT. OA yesterday, 18th, Tennessee ratified the woman suffrage amend ment, but sent it out with a string tied to it—Speaker Walker hav ing changed his vote from "no" to "aye" and lodging motion for re consideration, which he must exer cise in 84 hours or the passage will become effective. Friday, therefore, is the last day lor re consideration. NO STATE TAX. Wednesday ni(,ht chairman R. A. Doughton of the finance com mittee stated, in reporting the revenue bill, that no State tax on property would be levied this year, as the State's revenue from other souroes would be sufficient to meet expenses; and that prob ably never again would the State levy a property tax for its own use. This would be a happy condi tion, provided the revenue shall prove sufficient to do all those things the State should do for the betterment of all its institutions. SENATE DODGES. The State Senate on Tuesday voted on a resolution to defer ac tion on the suffrage amendment till the regular term of the Gen eral Assembly next January and the resolution was carried by a vote of 25 to 23. Of the 25 voting "aye" 22 are Democrats and 3 Republicans, and of those voting "no" 18 are Democrats and 5 Republicans. One Republican failed to vote and a Democrat was absent. It is a clear case of dodging the issue by both Democrats and Re publicans. The platforms of both parties—both State and national —the party law, favor woman suffrage. If the thing they have done rises up and smites them in the face, who will say they are not getting their deserts ? Every Democrat should attend the County Convention Saturday. Aside from the nomination of a county ticket, Hon. Cameron Mor rison, Democrntic candidate for Governor, will speak. The Poles have halted the "Reds" in the European war now raging. State Fair. The North Carolina StJUe Pair will be held Oct. 18 to" 25, next. «en. Julian S. Carr is president, .. which IN an assurance that noth ing will be apared that will con tribute to lis success. The Premium List is now ready. Premiums this year have been so heavily increased that the best] Mi'.ricultural and live stock dis plays ever seen in the State are u«Hired. Ouo thousand dollars liHve been added to farm products end #3,000 have tieen «tdded to the already large premiums on live stock. A bandSoinu silver cup valued at two hundred and . fifty dollars and two hundred dol- I*i s eash ace offered for the best SEND MONEY IN SECTIONS Federal Rtssrve Bank Put* Into Prac tice Unique Schema to Circunv vont Train Robber*. A unique machine has been in atalled in the basement of the Mem phis branch of the federal reserve bank. It destroys money and makes it impossible for train robbers to benefit if they should hold up a train carrying parts of this money to Washington. f The currency selected/for destruc tion is worthless for fur ther uwin banks and by persons. It is pickeJTlrat of the daily deposits from banks made with the federaj reserve branch, carefully tied in packages of SIO,OOO each, then sent to the basement, where each pack age is placed in the jaws of the big machine. A touch of a lever and the jaws are brought together by electric power. The SIO,OOO pack age is cut in two. Half of the money thus cut is shipped to the United States treas ury department at Washington. On its receipt the officials telegraph its arrival, then the other half is started. Simijar ones aro being installed in all federal reserve banks and their branches, and federal reserve bank ing officials believe this will effec tively circumvent train robbers or others who might steal the money while in transit TELLING If TO THE WORLD Man Evidently Thought Prohibition Officer Had a High Regard for His Position. Charles J, Orbison, federal prohi bition director for the state of In diana, is one of the active promoters of the new Indianapolis Grotto o? the Mystic Order of the Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm. This order, it may be said, is the third-degree Mason's playground, and the official headgear is a fez. Mr. Orbison, fez on his head, was on his way the other day to the char ter ceremonial session and oriental love feast of the Qrotto when he noted two men paying particular at tention to the ffiz with the name of the Grotto, "Sahara," emblazoned across the front. "Sahara." said one of the men, "what in the deuce does that stand for?" "Say don't you know what that fellow ia?" answered the other. "He's the prohibition officer." "You don't say," replied the first; "Well I didn't think he was So proud of his job that he tagged himself." —lndianapolis News. HISTORIC INACCURACY. During the preparations for cele brating the tercentenary of the sail-' ing of the Mayflower, it has been dis covered that in the fresco in one of the corridors of the houses of par liament in London, depicting the de parture of the Pilgrim fathers, their ship is flying the modern union jack. Now, the union jack, as we know it, did not come into existence until 1801, at the time of the union of Ireland with Gretft Britain, when, the cross of St Patrick was added to the British flag. The new stand ard of the so-called United King dom combined the crosses of St, George, St Andrew and St. Patrick. —•Munsey's Magazine. NIW 2«ALAND CLOTH. A movement is on foot in New Zealand to make uae of a part at least of. the country's great produc tion of wool by the manufacture there of woolen goods. At pres ent only shoot 4 per cent of the wool Raised in the coun try "ii vui»ed there, the rest being exported. It is claimed, that if sufficient capital can be interiwted the manufacture of cloth in New Zealand can be made a more piofiU able industry than in England. CVKRY LITTLK HELPS. Director —We will buy your play, but quite a hit will have to be cpf out and new scenes written before we can uae it Scribbler —What parts can you use? Director—The title. —Film Pun. COMPENSATION. V, *Ye%V.my wife is having tlrie houae all done Aver while aha ia away." "Isn't that rather hard on youf" y;, I jsuppose w; but HONORABLE CAMERON MORRISON ' DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE , FOR GOVERNOR Will Speak at the County I Convention * i SATURDAY 0 , . AUGUST 21st, 1920 1 O'CLOCK P. M. | l| If In offering Tiffin Candies, we'give 111 assurance that they contain the fin* / I est materials that money can buy II blended with exceptional skill, and II handled with particular care, in I every detail of manufacture. Their II individuality of conlbination and as- I II ; sortment of flavors, make them "Dis- v I tinctively Delicious 1" ✓ e I "Candies of Distinctive Quality" I I Farrell-Hayes Drug Co. GRAHAM, N. C. Rifeife, . "Didn't Rest Well" Prominent Georgia Lady Suffered from Faint Spells and Sleeplessness—Relieved by Ziron. PEOPLE who set to feeling weak every now and then, and who do not ssam to gat the proper re freshment from rest, sleep and recrea tion, need a tonic to help their blood revttalisaaad build ap their system. Tor thtak yon wlli find Zlron Iron Taale vary valuable, aa the teslmony of thoaaaads already haa proved Mrs. J. W. Bysart. lady of I prominent Oeorgla family Vaaldlnc near Cartara ville, says: -I didn't teal like myself. /[i&M ItU soon be in Museums —Otomel'loH x you a day I You know what calomel is. It's dHfcrcury; quicksilver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes into ' sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel •RtUcks the bones and should never be put into your system.' Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead! Whse you feel bilious, sluggish, caastipated sad all knocked out and believe you need s doee of dangerous calomel, • Just remember that your druggist sell* for a few cent* a large ; -j '■ >v •" *' '• 'SCPJ *• * THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. C. "I didn't rest well some nights. I would be just as tired when I got up In the moraine as when I went to bed. I would get weak, and have kiwi of falnty spells—at times hardly able to do my housework. "I heard of Zlron; and felt maybe a tonic would help me. 1 thought It would at least strengthen mA "I believe Zlron has done me -good. I feel better. lam glad to recommend It as a good tonic." . Try Zlron. Our money-back guaran tee protects you. At your druggist's. calomel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, sad can not salivate. 9 Don't take calomel! It makes yo« sick the next day; it loses you s day's work. Dedsova Liver Tone straight- WENT OUT TO MEET BRIDES k New York Greeks Eager to Greet Fiancee*, Most of Whom They Had Never Scon. It's a wise fiance who knors jas bride-to-be, and vice veisa. More than one hundred prospec tive brides arrived at Xew Tork re cently aboard the' steamer Magali Hellas'of the Greek line, of whom approximately seventy-five had nev er seen tljeir husbands-to-be. The matches had been planned according to'the Greek custom whereby the .parents of the young couple make all arrangements for the marriage, occasionally neglecting to introduce the two parties chiefly concerned un til the day of the wedding. Pour boatloads of Greeks, come to welcome their newly arrived life mates, ny>st of whom they had not yet met,-approached the/ liner in midstream, lustily shouting the names of their fiancees to the rows of faces expectantly peering over the (hip's rail. AH would have gone well if some of the young women hadn't "repeat ed" and answered to several names. Matters were finally adjusted by means of photographs, which had been mailed from Greece before hand. The more patient bride grooms-to-be, who had waited on>the pier, didn't fare so well, however. Of the 200 assembled on thp dock more than 75 per cent were obliged to return home brideless, as their fiancees wore not aboard. HE COULDN'T '[Do you suppose there ever was A human being who didn't talk about his neighbors?" asked the cynical man. "Sure," said the genial citizen. "Name him." "Bobinson Crufeoe." ? ; ' a .WON LONGFELLOW'S PRAIS^. "Longfellow's Indian" still stands above the old flbw-disused cigar store at 38 Cambridge street, Bos ton, where since 1876 it has weath ered the elements. The poet, in passing from Cambridge to Boston in the old days Mien Cambridge street was the main thoroughfare between the two cities, always paused to express his admiration for the fine workmanship of the Indihn figure. Bow in one hand-, arrow in the oth er, quiver slung over the shoulder, blanket drqped gracefully, the neck hung with wampum beads, the In dian appears lifelike. GIRL EXPERT COBBLER. Mips Mary Pry» of Seattle, be lieves a.girl should learn & trade. She believes it so strongly that she gave up a position in a department store and started at the bottom of her trade. She's still on the job and is considered one of the most expert cobblers in that city. She's also learning to make shoes to start in for herself some day .soon. "We've got tp get back to first principles and learn to use our hands again," she says. "I doubt if many womeft •re as happy in their work as I am. It's because I'm making something." Q4GANTICTABK. The house committee on revision of the laws is now engaged in col lecting all the feleral statutes into one book. At present they are scat tered through 36 books which musf be examined to make sure of any law. This is the first time that such a work has baen undertaken in 46 years. Representative Edward C. Little of Kansas is chairman of the committee. LOTB OF ACTION IN BOTH. "My husband is worried," ex plained Mrs. Ooovo-Recsh, "because, with prices of both so high, he doesn't know whether it will be more fashionable next season to burn gin . and ''CiVjoulh in his civburetor or o etklj. _J Candidate Parker Thinks He Will be 1 . Governor. Monroe Journal. While Mr. Parker is claiming that he will be elected govetfrior in November, Mr. Frank Linney and Mr. John M. Morehead, who control the Republican organisa tion in this State, are content to claim only 28 of the hundred counties for their ticket. Mr. Parker is either badly deceiving himself, or Messrs. Linney and Morebtad, veteran politicians, and much older at the g£me, had bet ter go to Cleveland county and begin anew the stndy of politics under some of those youngßters who know more about this science before they are in the third read er than does the average Mecklen burg county lawyer. Mr. Parker really believes he is going to be elected. Possibly his optimism is attributable to*his youthful en thusiasm, which was stirred to the exultant stage by the cordial reception he received on his last speaking tour. Delivering the goods is as impor tant as getting the order. I KI-MOIDSI I : (GRANULES) *2L INDIGESTION Dissolve instantly on tonga*, or in hot or COM mtar, or vichy. Tiy at soda fountain. QUICK RELIEF! Aiao in TAurr row MAOK BY OCOTT * MWWC MAKERS OF * SCOTT'S EMULOON 10 Spectacles and Eyeglasses at Before-the-War Prices $1.50 up Z.T.HADLEV Jeweler and Optician GRAHAM, N.C. Commissioner's Sale ol Mebane Real Estate. By virtue of an order of the Su perior Court of Alamance county made in a special proceedings, whereto all the heirs and devisees of the late Isabella Vincent were constituted parties, for the pur pose of selling the lands for di vision, of which she died seized, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, at the court house door, iq Graham, on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 15,1920, at 12 o'clock M., the following valuable real estate, to-wit: A lot of land fronting Holt Street in said town, 152 feet, froht-. •ing Second Street, and running back 152 feet and 100 feet from said streets, respectively. The corner of Holt and Second Streets is a splendid business site and this property will be divided and offered in two lots, one as a business site, the other as a resi dence lot, then it will be offered as a whole. There is a dwelling house on the property. TermßofSale: One-third cash; one-third in six months, and one third in twelve months, deferred payments to carry interest from day of sale. Sale subject to confirmation by the court. This 11th day of Aug., 1920. J. S. COOK, Commissioner, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified a* Administrator of tbc estate of John M. Foirleman, deoe—nd. lata cf Alamance oounty, N. C., tali Is to notily all persons having claims utainat the estateat ■aid deeaosed to exhibit them to the uader slgned on or before the Ist day of Aug., I*l, or this nouee will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. • All persons la dab tad to said estate WIU please make la- ThlsJune M, 1980. 0- A rOGLXMAN. Adm-r SSJnlySt ■ * of John M. Fog leuau, dee'd. BUY "DIAMOND DYES" DONT RISK MATERIAL Eseh package of "Dianoad Dyes" ssa tains direetioas so simple that say woman cam dm any material without itreakiag, tart tug or ; I LIFT CORNS OR 1 4 CALLUSES OFF Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers Don't suffer ! A tiny bottle of Freezon eosts but a few cents at any drug stote Apply a few drops on the coma, calluses and "bard skin" |on bottom of feet and then lift thm off. When Freezone removes aoans from the toes or calluses from the bottom of the feet the skin beneath is left pink and healthy and never sore, tender or irritated. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, Alamance County. In the Superior Court. Lillie Small vs. R. E. Small. R. £. Small, the defendant above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance county by the plain tiff, Lillie Small, for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce from the said R. E. Small; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Conrtof Alamance county kt the court house in Gra ham, North Carolina, on Monday, August 23, 1920, and answer or demur to "the complaint filed in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. Done this the 28th day of July, - 1920. D. J. WALKER, C. S. C. Parker A Long, Att'ys. 29jul4t Mortgage Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust, executed July 14, 1915, to Central Loan A Trust Company, Trustee, which said deed in trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance county, in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 65, at page No. 143, default having been made in the payment of same, the undersigned trustee will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Graham, N. C., on MONDAY, AUG. 23, 1920, at 11 o'clock a. m., all the follow - ing real property, to-wit: ' A certain tract or parcel of land in Alamance county, State of North Carolina, adjoining lands of J. S. White, Mebane Land fc Improvement Co., and boupded as follows: fiegtoning at a stake, cdrner with J. S. White on Mebane Land & Improvement Company's line 10 feet west of roadV thence 8 20 deg W 150 ft. to a stake; thence-6 72 deg E 350 ft. to a stake; thence N 20 deg E 150 ft. to J. S. White's line; thence with his line N 72 deg W 350 ft. to the beginning, and containing 52,500 square feet. • Terms of Sale: Cash. ' This 26th day of July, 1920. CENTRAL LOAM & TRUST Co., Trustee. PATENTS » OBTAINED. If you have an invention to patent please send us a model or sketcbr with a letter of brief explanation for pre liminary examination and advice. You, disclosure and all business is strictly con fldential, and will receive our prompt aad personal attention. D. SWIFT & CO.. PATENT LAWYERS. WASHINGTON. D. C. —For 11.65 yon eaa get both The Progressive Farmer and Tu ALA JUMCE GLKASSB itu one year. TW* or mail to aa at Graham and we will see that the papers are sent. , •

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