I Weak | "After the birth of my I baby I had a back-set," I writes Mrs. Mattle Cross- I white, of Qlade Spring, Va. "1 was very ill; I thought I was going to die. 1 was so weak I I couldn't raise my head to r get a drink of water. I I took. . . medicine, yet I I didn't get any better. I I was constipated and very weak, getting worse and I worse. IsentforCardui." I CARDUI The Woman's Tonic I**l found after one bot tie of Cardul I was Im- H proving," adds Mrs. I Crosswhite. "Six bot ties of Cardul and ... I was cured, yes, I can say I they were a God-send to I me. I believe I would'l have died, had it not been for Cardul." Cardul has I been found beneficial in I many thousands of other cases of womanly trou bles. If you feel the need I of a godd, strengthen- I ing tonic, why not try Cardul? it mayibe Just what you need. 2 Druggists kztril Moat special favors draw a high interest. "" 1 ... ~ ' K»i &si .• Will Help the Labor Shortage By growing more wheat on less acreage. They increase quantity improve quality and decrease conger from in sects and diseases. To be sure of the best results from your wheat Order Early «f Order ROYSTER'S By ordering early you help to relieve the serious car shortage ana insure yourself against delay or disappoint ment. By ordering ROYSTER'S you secure the quality and service which have made the unusual popularity of these brands. | F. & ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY Norfolk, Virginia SCHOLARS TO GET RECORDS Attendants of Welih Schools and Co*. U, ligts Will Embark on an In* tersstlng Exporlmsnt .£» Wales, through her schools. Is about to launch an experiment. Schools and colleges have-been Invited to mslce a collection of all ths Welsh field, place and road names. Including those of lanes, hills, woods, mounds and dykes, and to mark on the sir-Inch ordnance ipap the spots to which the names are attached. A fund has been placed at the dis posal of the Welsh department to provide the materials for the records, which will be collated by the board of Celtic studies In connection with the university of Wales, and deposited In the Welsh library. Each school Is recommended to re tain a duplicate of the record, which, can be added to from time to time. Space is provided for supplemental information on such matters us the existence of rural industries; the survival of old or curious customs or crofts; peculiar words or pronuncia tions; local proverbs or quaint say ings; the use of old agricultural Im plements; particulars of interesting local "characters" who may' have been distinguished by their oddities, their benefactions, or their services during the war. Though it is intended for Wales, there is no reason why a similar scheme should not be put into force In the other parts of the United King dom. The framera of the scheme have hit upon a method of making the teaching of history and geography a very living thing, of great educational and national value. —London Mall. • FOUND MILLIONS FOR OTHERS Man Who Discovered the Famous Corn stock Lode Profited Little by Their Great Luck. The famous Comstock lode, greatest of silver deposits, was discovered in 1858 by three prospectors, Pete O'- Riley, Pat McLaughlin, and "Old Pan cake" Comstock, while washing gravel for gold. They were in bard luck. Needing water for their rockers, they dug a hole four feet deep and came upon a bed of sulphide of sliver. \Not knowing what it was they tried it for gold, with highly satisfactory results, though cursing the "Infernal blue sand" that clogged thfelr primitive ap paratus. The blue sand was an outcropping of the wonderful lode, one vein of which, 800 feet wide, came afterward to be kiiown as the "Big Bonanza," yielding ore that was nearly half silver. From this sour«e were derived tfie mult (mil lions of Mackay, Flood, O'Brien and Fair—the last-named being a young mining engineer, while the other three were everyday miners. The discoverers sold out for small sums. "Old Pancake" blew out his brains; O'Rlley went in sane and McLaughlin died a poor man. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Democrats of*. Alamance County : I announce that I am and will be a candidate for the nomination for Senator from this Senatorial District "My many friends" bave-not been to me and urged me to become a can didate. I have the desire to succeed rayed f. I am deeply grateful for the sap port I have received in the past. I have represented Alamance county in the Legislature of U9ll and 1013 and in the Senate in 1917. I shall do my best in the futnre. Truly yours, J. ELMER I-ONG. March 22, 1920. / FIX UP HENHOUSE iN WINTER Poultryman Has Most Time at His Disposal Then to Make Things • Convenient for Flock. Winter Is the season when the poul try keeper has most time at his dis posal to use # hls hammer, saw and uiilis in behalf'of his flock. Many con veniences for the henhonse require only a little lumber and time for con ruction. If new nests, feed troughs, drinking fountains or dust boxes in the biddies' domicile are needed, now Is the time to make them. Perhaps the roosts need replacing. United 'states department of agrt ' culture specialists recodhnend as a satisfactory perch a 2 by 3 inch scant ling set edgewise the upper edge slightly rounded. Allow *7 to 10 Inches of perch for each fowl; that Is, a perch 10 feet long would furnish room enough for 20 fowls. ' A smooth platform should be placed under the perches to catch the droppings. The perches should be from 6 to 10 lnche9 above this plat jform so as to allow tj)e droppings to be removed without removing the perches. It is usually desirable to have the platform some distance from the floor, from 2 to 2% feet, in order that all the floor space may be avail able. __________ ▼ World to Be His Parish. A Scottish parson, Rev. D. A. G. Malr, is giving up a comfortable pas torate, and, like John Wesley aiid St. Francis, is going to make the world his parish. In other words, hf intends to become an Itinerant paeacher, wan dering up and down Scotland. In the winter be will take up quarters in one of the .poverty-stricken parts of Glas- a gow, where he hopes to spend his time' in study and ministering to the wants of people in his neighborhood. He. has no private means. "It is God's work," he says, "and I rely on GoO's promises, "One of the experiments In the Gos pel that we have never tried is that of evangelical poverty as a holy voca tion.- th y! vrL£AH£K« cfKAIIiUXI) W. v« - "TH M ■■ I. MAKES YANK "HONOR MAN" • English Magistrate Has Faith la „American tailor Who Wont on Bproo. r London.—Louis Martin, American sallorman, who went on a spree wlth > ont paying bis railroad fare, owes some $2.50 to an English magistrate's I court —and has promised to pay it back as debt of hbndr of an Amentum . citizen." It happened this way: [ 'Martin left his ship' at Tilbury, r stopped at London tor "a few" and 5 found himself "ufr- country" without ■ funds wherewith to get back to his ship which was to sail shortly. He "simply had to get back," so he just "took a train " At the Wlllesden court, where he was taken after arrest for defrauding the railroad, Martin told the judge: "You let me go. Judge, and I guess ' the American consul will pay the rail road." The magistrate replied: i "We will lend- yon 10 shillings ont of the court funds, and from that you ■ will pay the railroad , and your ex penses to your ship. It is a debt of ■ honor* and you, as an American citl - sen, will .remember that you have the I credit of your country in your keep ■ lug nnd will repay us the 10 shill > tags." Martin said the note "would be hon ored, sure." ; USES CEMENT GUN Houses are being erected in South end, England, with the aid of a cement j gun. A frame of timber is bolted to , gether with expanded metal, onto which is pumped by a 60 horse power t motor a substantial thickness of sand ! and cement This Is the first t>ulldlng constructed in this manner in Eu • t rope. • j. GAVE .HIS WIFE TO ANOTHER 1 Navy Officer Freed Her So That She Might Marry the Man She Loved. - I _ New York.—At the request of his wife, Gertrude, who, he says, loves - another man better than himself, Lieut. Frederick L. Schwartz of the United States navy, has obtained a divorce. Lieut. Schwartz began his divorce suit after receiving a letter at Pelham Bay, N. Y.,, from his wife, a nurse in the Erie county hospital, at Buffalo, N. Y. The letter which began, "Deal friend husband," said: "Why shouli three people be unhappy when at leas; two, and probably three, can be made happy? Try to see It as I do." "I love this man more than I ever thought it was possible to love," the let ter continued, "and I sincerely believe he loves me as much as I love' him. That leaves only one course open to us, and I ask you, my husband, to make that course poSßlble." * P.. « ■ - ■ C Living Costs Hit Africa; Price of Wives Doubled Lord Dewar, who has just re turned to London from central Africa, in giving an account of his travels there said the in creasing cost of living in the district he visited was reflected in the higher prices for wives paid by the natives. Whereas a fine sixteen hands high wife cost four spearheads . in prewar days, she now costs eight spealtieads. In the cattle districts, the price of a wife at present is eight cows Instead of four. i i i, I POLISH WOMEN AS SOLDIERS Volunteer Battalion to Be Formed for Puty In Warsaw and Vicinity. Warsaw, Poland.—A volunteer 'bat talion of women Is to he formed by the Polish army for duty In Warsaw and vicinity. Service is for six months and is separate from the woman uillts which have served at the front The battalion is to have woman officers and will do patrol duty at bargicks and other places, thns relieving male sol diers for more strenuous work. Here's Your Morning's Morning. Huntington, W. Va.—"Do you need any spirits this morning?" has taken the place of the milkman's call Ip • mountain near'Huntington. Rev enue men say "mountain dew." also known as "white mule," is sold by a man who goes from house to house each morning with his demijohn. His prices sr*» somewhat higher tlmn milk, hut troth lo«sr than city "mo» •} * The President is forcing his party to do his will, says Mr. Hard ing. Those Republicans certain ly have a fluttering opinion of Mr. Wilson's powers. Which Party Will Win? r— —— We take pleasure in announc ing that any of our readers can secure a valuable vest pocket book of political information free by sending the postage there/or, two cents in stamps, to D. Swift & Co., .Patent Attorneys, Wash ington, D. C. It gives the popular vote cast by each State for Wil son and Hughes in 1910, and also for Wilson, Roosevelt aiid Taft in 1912. It also shows which party carried each of t^ie 'States in each of the last 10 presidential elec tions. It also shows which Presi dents belonged to the Federalist party, the Whig party, the Demo cratic p/irty, and the Republican £>arty. It also contains much other useful information, sueh as business laws, parcel post charts, etc., aud it would cost you 25c. at a book store. The Third party's candidate, Parley Cnristensen, is unfortu nately named. The party is sup posed to be against parleying and in favor of direct action. Mr. IJarding'is much concerned over preserving the independence of America but he doesn't bother much about preserving his own independeuce of the bosses. ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Name "Bayer" is on Genuiaß Aspirin —say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" In a "Bayer package," containing proper directions for Headache, Colds, Pain, Hewalgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaoetio? •cidestei* of Salicylicacid. • Trustee's Notice oi Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed by Banks N. Wilkerson and wife, Myrtle 11. Wilkerson, and bearing date of January 2H, 1920, aud which is duly recorded in theoflice of the Register of t>eed« for Ala mance county in Book No. 80 of Deeds of Trust, at page 154-157, default having been made in pay ment of the debt secured t hereby, the undersigned Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Graham, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 11.1920, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following real property, described HS fol lows, to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of laud containing 31.5 acres, more or less, situated, lying and being on the Mobano-Yauceyville road and about two miles north west of the town of Mebane, and being bounded on the North by the waters of Mill crtek, the lands of W. N. Taito, E. P. Cook, and Wood lawn school lot; on the South by the lan is of the Woodlawn school and A. A. Carter, and on the West by the lands of A. A. Carter and waters of Mill creek. This being that certain tract of land heretofore conveyed to Banks H. Wilkerson as two tracts by L. G. Wilkerson, by deed dated Sep tember 5, 1914, conveying two acres, said deed being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in Book of Deeds No. 49, at pagfc 539, and by deed dated October 10, 1917, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in Book of Deeds No. 60, at page 384, reference to which is hereby made. Said tracts con taining 31.5 acres, mote or less. Terms of Sale: Cash. JTliis 3rd day of Aug., 1920. JOIIN J. HENDERSON, Trustee. ioiii BACKV -l lOr - II without queattaaif Hunt'aSalao vlj >• «he tmtmrat of Kcsesa. /II p7 Truer.Rlmwocm.ltch.He. Dul IVI Ml I become diacouraaedbrcauaeothe* V. I'J trealnenta failed HunfaSaha K Mtk haa telievtd hundred* of Mich cam. Yon can't k»e oa oar money Bach CaarantM. Tn Omjß itatom rt«k TODAY. Prka7lc. - # far >alc tec ally by GRAHAM DRUG COMPANY, GRAHAM. N. C. • v." c. r - . ** r*, ■ ■■* " - igwya Hfc Children C«y If Fletcher's The Kind Ton Have Always' Bought,' and which baa teen in use for over over 30 years, baa borne the signature of and baa been made under bis per jV r y/74^—A > sonal• Buoervision since its infancr* CM/Af*&&4446 Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jpst-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle witb and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is C'ASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Paregoric, preps and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Ita age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has leen in constant Use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aide the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea— The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Havo Always Bought ' THE OtNTAUW COMPANY. NEW VOWK PITY. N HOW MUCH DO YOU SHOW YOUR AGE? ' •• * I A new form oi Natural Iron enriches the blood smooths out wrinkles—strengthens the nerves—wards age. When you begin to show and feel your age, it isJbeccuse your blood is thin and weak —it no longer carries life and strength to different parts of the body. The man or woman with warm, rich red blood retains the appearance and feeflogs of youth, in spite of the creeping years. To ward off the feebleness and appearance of old age is simply a matter of keeping the blood pure and rich and filled with life and vigor. Iron is the greatest and surest Mood maker, but heretofore the diffi culty has been to procure it 4n a form which the human system would lib sorb in sufficient quantities to bring satisfactory results. Pills and tonics said to contain iron have usu ally brought onljt disappointment. But now there need be no longer any doubt or question, for a success ful and reliable method of getting . For Sale by All Good Druggists. Burwell&Dunn and John M. Scott &do., Charlotte, N. C., Distributors. For Sale! # • • . - t tflfWe have bought th& Curry Moore Til Home Place, and will offer it for sale on easy terms. Possession can be given within ten days. A good 6- room house, in good condition at a reasonable price. Graham Real Estate Co. 'Phone 544—Office Next Door to National Bank of}AUmance GRAHAM, N. C oanaaDDoaoaoa ■ Accept _ HfeMWei s - I ■ Thedford's S BLACK-DRAUGHT t v ■ Purely fl g Vegetable g liver Medicine g SSHMHHMB s» 'J .■ , . iron into the blood is assured by the use of a natural form of soluble iron known as Acid Iron MineraL There are thousands of cases on re cord that prove this natural iron is a powerful blood and nerve builder. For want of iron in the blood, you may be old at thirty, or you are mors residily subject to the attack of dis ease without warning, or yoa will find yourself growing feebler day by day. If yoa want to foal the elasticity of youth in your veins; and avoid all the complications and disappoint ments of increasing age; you will start taking Acid Iron Mineral at once. It contains no alcohol or in jurious drugs, and it will not blacken the teeth uke moat preparations of iron Druggists will refund the purchase prioe cheerfully, if you fail to receive the improvement you seek. If Burned Out Would Your Insurrnce Pay the Loss? Examine your Fire Insurance Pol icy and see if yon carry enough Insurance. Prices of materials are very high anchyou would be a very heavy loser in case of fire. We can protect yon from anch loss. Graham Real Estate Co. rhMW 544 GRAHAM, N. Q