THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. VOL. XLVI SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT. Brief History of 19th Amendment to' Constitution. s The Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads os follows: "Section 1. The right of citi zens of the United States to vote shall jnot be denied or abridged by the United States or by any-Slate on account of sex. "Section Congress shall have power by appropriate legislation to enforce the provisions of this article," The amendment was first sub mitted to Congress January 10, 1878. It was finally passed by tfce House of Representations on' Mjty 21, 1919, and by the *&ejiate on June 4, J919. It was ratified by 36 Ststes in the following order: June 10,1919 —Illinois. June 10,1919 —Wisconsin. June 10, 1919—Michigan. June 16, 1919—Kansas'.. June 16, 1919—New York. June 16, 1919—Ohio. June 24, 1919—Pennsylvania. June 26, 1919—Massachusetts. June 28, 1919—Texas. July „ 2, 1919—Iowa. July 3, 1919 —Missouri. July 28,1919 —Alabama. July 30, 1919 —Montana. Aug. 2, 1919—Nebraska. Sept. 8, 1919—Minnesota. Sept. 10, 1919—New Hampshire. Sept. 30, 1919 —Utah. Nov. i, 1919—California. Nov. 5, 1919—Maine. Dec. l', 1919—North Dakota. Dec. 1, 1919—South Dakota. Dec. £2,1919 —Colorado. Jan, 6, 1920—Rhode Island. Jan. 6, 1920—Kentucky. *, Jan. 12, 1920—Oregon. ' Jan. 16/1920—Indiana. Jan. 27, 1920—Wyoming. Feb. 7, 1920—Nevada. Feb. 9, 1920—New Jersey. Feb. 11, 1920—Idaho. Feb. 12, 1920—Arizona. Feb.. 19, 1920—New Mexico. Feb. 28, 1920—Oklahoma. Mch. 10, 1920—West Virginia. Mch., 22, 1920—Washington. 'Aug. 18, 1920—Tennessee. Bid to Regulate Carnivals and Other Shows in Alamance County. The following bill was passed by the Legislature at itß special session: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. The board of com missioners of any county in North Carolina are hereby authorized and empowered to direct the Bheriff of each county to refuse to issue any license to any carnival company and shows of like char acter, moving picture and vaude ville shows, museums and menag eries, merry-go-rounds and ferris wheels, circuses, and other like amusement enterprises conducted for profit, whether under canvas or nof, whenever in the opinion of said board the public welfare will be endangered .by the licensing of such shows or exhibitions. Sec. 2. That this act shall ap ply only to, the county of Ala mance. Sec. 3. That this act shall be in force and effect from and after its ratification. GO NO _FARTHER The Evidence la at Your Door. Graham proof is what you want and the statement of this highly re spected resident will bannish all doubt. •A. T. Webster, Poplar St, Gra ham gave the following statement in December, 9107: "'1 suffered se verely from pains across the small of my back and there was a sore ness through my kidneys. The kid ney secretions were unnatural, too. Finally 1 used Doan's Kidney Pills and soon was much better in every way. I have had but little pain in my back since and the kidney secretions have cleared up." On July 12, 1918, Mr. Webster added, I would not be without Doan's Kidney Pills for anything as 1 think they are the best kid ney medicine on the market. They put me on my feet when I had kidney complaint and I advise anyone who has this trouble to take them." Price 60c, at all dealers. Dont simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Webstar bad. Foster* Suborn Co., Mfr*, Buffalo, W,T, In Justice to Mr. Morrison. Raleigh News and Observer. In a report of Hon. Cameron Morrison's speech at Graham ap pearing in tbe News and Observer last Sunday this language was jised: "Butler had searched the State from end to end to find deeent men to nominate, but they were not to be'had." ». Mr. Morrison waa not directly represented as using these words but the inference was that he did use them and injustice to him we are printing this Statement l>y him: • ' > "In my speech at Graham I used no language which in any manner reflected on Mr. Parker-or other candidates of the Republi can party. I waa explaining the great difficulty the leaders of the party had in getting good men to run on account of the certainty their defeat. I explained wny Mr. Wbitener refused to put up his primary fee of SSO for the nomination for the United States. Senate. Every reference of mine to Mr. Parker of a personal char acter was of a pleasant, tenor." The article was written in great haste to catch an early edition and the correspondent, a member of the editorial staff, in rapidly sketching the various steps in Mr. Morrison's argument, gave a cast to one point that Mr. Morrison's language did not justify. This was done, of course, entirely with out malice and in view of Mr.Mor? rison's statement the News and Observer without hesitation ac knowledges the error in report ing him and expresses its regret t» for the incident, an expression in which the correspondent cordially joins. 7 , Crimson Clover Doubles Crops W. E. Bowers, in The Progressive Farmer. . Enriching his land to the extent of doubling crop yields in 12 years by growing crimson clover is the significant success of H. H. Ar lington, proprietor of the Beech wood Seed Farm, near Rome, Ga. "I attribute the increased pro duction to crimson clover and to crimson clover alone," recently declared Mr. Arrington, "and the good results I have obtained every year from growing the crop on abont 260 acres of my cultivated land for hay and for green ma nure, shows for itself to anyone who visits my farm." Mr. Arrington is a firm believer in crimson clover. As a cover crop it has given him better re sults than bur clover or vetch. He says that most good oan be had from the crop by growing it on about one-third,of the culti vated land of the farm, rotating it over the farm every three years. This long experienced grower has'found crimson clover an ex cellent cover crop. He says that he haa observed that the his fields withstands high water for many days at a time when his vetch and other crops are killed. "One of the greatest asset* of crimson clover," says Mr. Arring ton, "is the fact that the crop may be cut or plowed under for green manure in time for plant ing corn. On' this large Ffoyd County farm the practice is fol lowed of cutting the clover for hay off only the best land aud only to the extent of getting enough hay for tbe immediate use of the farm. On the best land where the clover grows very tall, sufficient stubble is left when hay is cnt to supply green manure. All the remaining clover is plowed under. Mr. Arrington was asked wheth er or not he had any objeetions to crimson clover hay. His reply was, "Cut it at the proper time and you will get a good bay. J have bad no trouble with it dur ing all the time I have been grow ing and feeding it. I merely cnt it at the right stage." It was not to be expected that Senator Harding would make a very original and surprising speech. It is not in him. He does not belong to the class of national leaders and teacher* of hnmanit.i. He is an ordinary Re publican party roan, a soldier who obeys commands and carries oat w oraai* girtn urn, GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 2. 1920 AMERICAN LEGION OF - NORTH CAROLINA. Second Annus! Meeting. Wilmington, September 3 4. The American Legion, Departs ment of North Carolina, consist ing of 112 posts aud 6,000 ex service men, will hold its second annual State Conveiitou in Wil mington, September 3 and 4. i Tbe first hCMSion or noeting, presided over by Department Coiu mnnder John Beasley of Mouhie, will lie held at one o'clock p. nu, Friday, when the various commit tees will be appointed and dele , gates registered. The addresses first day by R. G. Clioliuely-Jonrs, Director of Boreau of War Riak | Insurance, Washington, D. C., and' C. G. Schultz, Director of | Vocational Training, Atlanta, Ga. Saturday's session begins at 9:30 , a. m. At this meeting election of officers for coming year and dele , gates to National Convention at Cleveland, Ohio, will be held; also ' a place will be voted on for the third annual convention. The Department desires eveiy post of the Legion in North Caro lina represented by delegates as , questions of importance will he decided upon. Among tbein the matter of electing a whole-time Department Adjutant and Fi nance Officer at a salary that will justify a man to devote his entire time to tbe work of the American Legion of this State, the publish ing of a semi-monthly magazine by the North Carolina Depart ment, the Fordney extra compen sation bill, which 'ls expected to come up in the next session of Cpngress, universal military train ing, education aud good roads. Dr. B. C. Brooks, State Super intendent of Publjc Instruction, has accepted an invitation to ad dress the Convention on Satur day. National Commander Frank- ■ lin D'Olier of Philadelphia, and Hon. James H. Pou of Raleigh have also l>eeu invited to apeak. Tbe present officers of the North Carolina Department of the Ameri can Legiou are: John Beaaley, Commander, Monroe, N. C.; Walter Clark, Jr., Vioe-Cominaif der, Charlotte,, N. 0.; Cale K. Burgess, Acting Adjutant and Finance Officer, Ualeigh, N. C.; Daniel W. Terry, Pnliciry Officer, Raleigh, N. C.; aud F. (>. Clark son, Historian, Charlotte, Nj C. STATS or OHIO CITT or TULIDO | «, Luc-a CSD°TV. I Frank J. Cheney makei ovb Uiat be I* senior partner ef ibe tttin ol K. J. i.beiuy * Co,, doing builnew iu tbe city of Toledo, oOunty and Stale'aloreaala.aiid that MM rtrm will pay the sum of One Hundred U»liun> for each and every oaae or Catarrh that cannot be cured by the ute of Hah'*« atarrb Cure, FRANK J. UIIUNKY. Sworn to before be sod aubacrlbeu In my preienoe, thU hh day Of December, A. 0., 188# A. W.GI.KA ON. [Seall Nuiui y Public. Hall'* Catarrh Medlclae la taken lMeiu.ily and act through the blood on the ui uoua aurlace* of tbe •yetem. Seud lor leetlmo nlali free P. J. CH H.KKY * CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all DrutfiOata, '*>• Hall'a Family Plll» lor cunatli illu.i Mr. Harding say* lie intend* U# make "America First" and keep her there. This is to laugh. Mr. Wilson has beat ytflbfo it too long ago to talk HIU»UI it. "America first." Ha! Ha! Our American dollar is worth 26 per cent more than the relative amount of Brit ish money, the next Htrongeet financial power iu the world, after us, 100 per cent more than the French money, 300 per ceut more ' thau Italian money and 700 per cent more than German money. Ah, Mr. Harding, your ridiculous i talk makes us stalwart Americans tired. Wanted! To employ middle-sged white wo man ss a help and companion for my wife. Apply with reference*. JACOB A. LHNO, I ; 26aug4t Graham, N. C. i WANTED—Man wilh t*am or snto who can gire bond to sell 137 > Watkins home and farm products. •! Biggest concern of kind in tbe world, i $1,500 to $5,0U0 yearly income. Ter ritory in this county open. Write today to J. R. YV ATKI SH Co., Dept. 116, Winons, Mino AauAt 1 Every once in a while it becomes clearer that Germany accepted the peace treaty "with reserva tions." , . We see a bank advertises itfelf , as "progressive and conserva tive. It might eonSde its formula ' to Harding, Southwest Alamance. Cur. of The Gleaner. Grover Shoffner met a serjoua accident while remodeling hia house. The scaffold gave way, throwing him td the ground; his ankle was fractured besides some alight bruises. Rjfofile art* ali in a rush cutting ana caring tobacco. So much rain kept tobacco green and now the sunshine is hurrying it up. Oppie Spoon is spending a few days at home Alfred Alexander has treated himself to a new Ford. Quite a number from our com munity attended the camp meet ing at old Bethlehem. l)r. Bob Burgees is suffering from another stroke of paralysis. Uuder the existing income tax law as frallied by the Democrats, such men as John D. Rockefeller, Pierpont Morgan and other multi millionaires pa? Uncle Sam $2 out of evury $3 they get. The Re publicans believe in "taking the poor" and allowing the downtrod den rlqh to go free, so long aa they furnish* the dough for buy ing the election for Hardiug. Well, Mr. Patriot', do you like their program—well then, the ouly thing to do is to elect that great Progressive "Jimmy" Cox. Mortgagee's Notice of Sale of Timber. Under and by virtue of the power of sale coutained in a cor tain mortgage deed executed by W. N. Richardson and wife, R. L. Richardson, which said mortgage deed bears date of December 7, 1918, and was duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ahtmance-county, in Book of Mortgage Deeds No. 75, at page 560, reference to which ia hereby made, default having been made in the payment of the debt se cured by said mortgage deed, the undersigned mortgagee will sell at public auction at the court house door in. Graham, to the highest bidder for cash, on SATURDAY, SRBT. 4, 1930T~ at 12 o'clock, noon, the following deacribed standing timber: All the pine, oak and poplar timber measuring ten inches in diameter one foot from tho ground on a certain tract or parcel of land lying in Coble township, Ala mance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of George Greesou, Big Alamance creek and Beaver creek, containing 144acr6a, more or less; the same being tract No. 25 in the survey of the Oak Grove Farm, recently sold by the parties of the first part to Eugene Ingle, but with the reaervation of the timber mortgaged. . Term* of Sale: Casn. This 28th day of July, 1920. 1). M. ELDER, Mortgagee. John J. Henderson, Att'y- Commissioner's Sale of Mebane Real Estate. By virtue of au order of the Su perior Court of Alamance couuty made in a special proceedings, wlieieto all the heirs and devisees of the late Isabella Vliiueiit were constituted parties, for the our pose of selling the land* foi di vision, of which she uied seized, the undersigned Commisoioner will offer for sale, to llie highest bidder, at the court bouse door, in Graham, on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 15.1920, at 12 o'clock M., the following valuable real estate, to-wit: A lot of land fronting Holt Streefcin said town, 152 feet, front ing Second Street, and running back 152 feet and 100 feet from said streets, respecfvely. The corner of Holt and Second Streets is a splendid business-site and thU property will be divided and offered in two lota, one as a business site, the other n« a resi dence lot, then it will be offered as a whole. . There is a dwelling house on' the property. Term* of Sale: One-third cash; one-third in six months, and one third in twelve months, deferred carry interest from day of sale. Sale subject to confirmation by the court. This Utb day of Aug., 1920, J. 8. COOK, Commissioner Summons by Publication. NORTH CAROLINA, Alamance County. In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. 8.1». No. Ml. | B. S. Robertson, sole surviving Trustee under the last \V ill ,' and Testament and Codicil I thereto of Charles T. Holt, de ceased, plaintiff, vs. Louise M. Holt, Wachovia Bank and Trust Company, (a corpo ration), guardian of the estate of said Louise M. Holt; Cora M. Laird, E. C. Laird, her husband, T. Holt Laird, Mar guerite G. Laird, his' wife, , Louise Laird (an infant), Mary Chambers Laird (an infant); , Louise M. Haywood, A. W. Haywood the younger, Adele Haywood, his wife, Adele i Haywood, Jr., (an infant), T. , Holt Haywood, Louise B. Haywood, his wife, Mary Louis? Haywood (an infant), T. Holt Hafwood, Jr., (an in- i fant; Ella M. Wright, and ] Louise B. Wright, defendants. The defendants Louise M. 1 Holt, Cora M. Laird, E. C. 1 Laird, her husband, Adele Hay- 1 wood, Jr., (an infant), Mary : Louise Haywood, (an infant), and T. Holt Haywood, Jr., (an infant), will take notice that a Special Proceeding entitled as ' above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance \ county, N. C., before the Clerk , thereof for the purpose of the 1 resignation of said plaintiff, B. 1 S. Robertson, as sole surviving ' Trustee of the trust fund under 1 , the Will and Codicil thereto of Charles T. Holt, deceased, and j i for the appointment of a sub- ] stituted or successot Trustee of ' ' said trust fund under said Will ' and Codicil as described in the 1 petition filed in said proceeding; that summons in said proceed ing was duly issued for all of said defendants on tne 14th day of August, 1920, which" sum- , mons was returnable on the 29th day of September, 1920, and the said Louise M. Holt, Cora M. Laird, E. C. Laird, her husband, Adele Haywood, Jr., Mary I Louise Haywood add T. Holt 1 Haywood, Jr., will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Alamance county, N. C., court house in Oraham, N. C., on said 29th day of Sep tember, 1920, and answer or de mur to the petition in said pro ceeding, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein demanded. This August 17, 1920. D. J. WALKER, , Clerk Superior Court in and for [ Alamance County, N. C. Ernest Haywood, Attorney for Plaintiff. 19aug4t LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers Don't suffer ! A tiny bottle of Freezon eosta but a few cents st any drug atore Apply a few drops on the coma, calluses i apd "hard akin" (on bottom of feet and then lift thm off. When Free zone removes aosns from the toes or calluses from tbs bottom of UtsfssttfeskiabseasU) i* Itft pink sod ■ MaUky M4wwrK>T», te*4«r or Irritated. ; / i j Sale tf Valuable Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain mortgage deed from Chas. Banks to Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Company, register ed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, N. C., in Book of Mortgage Deeds No. 61, page 525, defaiHt having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured thereby and the said mortgage deed and the note which it se cures and the property conveyed by it having been duly transfer red, assigned and conveyed by said Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Company to the under signed for value, and the said transfer and assignment having been duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance county, the undersigned will, as assignee, on MONDAY, SEPT. 20, 1920, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all that certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington township, Alamance county and State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Esper Montgomery, Jerry Sellars and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron bolt, corner with said Montgomery on North side of an alley; running thence N 11 deg W 218$ feet to a rock on said Montgomery's line, thence S 70} deg W. 50 ft. to an iron bolt; thence S 11 deg E 21-31 feet on North side of said alley; thence N 70$ deg E 50 feet to the beginning, contain ing 24-100 of an acre, more or less, on which is situated a cot tage. This 19th day of Aug., 1980. R. F. WILLIAMS, Assignee. W. 8. Coulter, Att'y. Trustee's Sale ot Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed ( of trust executed by Baxter Vaughn and wife to tbe undersigned trustee, November 15th, 1917, and recorded in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 73, at page 218, default hav ing been made in the payment of the bond secured by skid deed of trust, the Alamauce Insurance & Real Estate Compauy, trustee,, will, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 18, 1920, at 12 o'clock, noon, at' the court house door in Graham, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Alamance county, State of 'North Carolina, adjoining the ! lands of Mrs. At>«l llorno, Armaria j E. Fowler and others, lieing a part of that trai-'t of land owned by ! Daniel BOSWBII and sub-divided by Lewis 11. Holt. April 27th, 1017, [and bounded as follows: Beginning at a corner with L jE. Boswtdl on said Home's line, ruuning thence S 88 deg 35' E 1(5 chs 42 Iks to corner with said Fowler; thence with line of said Fowler N 8 ehs 17 Iks to confer of I Wm. Mcßroom; thence N 78 deg \V 0.72 Iks to a poplar; thence N 84 deg W 3.9Bchs; thence 8 B*J deg W 3 chs; thence 8 73 deg W 3 chs to corner with said Doswell; thence S 8 chs to the beginning, and known as t lie Florence Vaughn i tract, containing fifteen (15) acres, ! more or lesf>. This Aug. ICtb, 1920. Alamance Ins. & Heal Estate Co., Trustee. E. 8. VV. Dameron, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified a* Administrator of the i wttM of Win. 11. KotSnwm. deceased. tbe undertlimrd hereby qotlfla*all persons hold in* olalnu against the wld evtetu to present tbe same, iuly authenticated, on or before tbe IMb day of August, 1911. or tbis notice will ; be pleaded In bar Of their reoovery; and all persons Indebted to aald estate are request "AtS.'SS^tTT^ mm : i She Used To Be Gray, j The well known society leaders 1 hair Was gray, Just like yours. But = Mrs. Bu. heard ot Q-baa^S Hair Color Restorer—how thou- 1 sands had proved that Q-ban would I bring s natural, soft even darfc.S shade to gray or faded hair anq'JSp make it soft, fluffy and beautiful. !, Q-ban is all ready to use—a liquid, J guaranteed harmless, 50c a 1 trge Bottle—money back If not satisffed#9 Sold by Hayes Drue Co., and alt':* good drug stores. Try Q-ban Hair ■ Tonic, Liquid Shampoo Soap. * PROFESSIONAL CARDS GRAHAM HARDEN, Ma D. Office Hours: 0 to 11a.m. and by appointment • Office Over Acme Drug Co. Telephones: Ofllce 4 Residence JOHN J. HENDERSON Attoraey-at-Law • 'J GKAHAM.N. C. Mllc« ever Nsllsaal BsakslMsMaec J". S..COOK, ; Attor«*f-«t.La4, :'l 'RAHAM, ..... N. C ' omce Pstterson Building .Second Pluor. ...... DR. WILL S. LONG, JK. . . . DENTIST . i . Sraham North Carellaa OFFICE i* SJMMONB BUILDING | IA cos A. LOSfl. J. KUfK*ip)t« i LONG * LOKG, Attomaysand Oonnaatora »« Lsw GRAHAM, I*. G. VALUABLE MRSE 1 SAVED EimcM Ho™ Would Dfe~' Now Sink aad Healtbj. •] : hon * tho best adTertisoMnt you would want for | Dr. LcClear'a Stock Powders. Ho t?? va*?® Bnd Px>r alid | I tlioupht he would die soon. I eot i some of Dr. LeGear's Stock Powders 1 —and today he is as fine a lookint liorsc ns yon can see fat this section, t only used a few hexes of Dr. ..eCears Stock Powders." Mr. Ilnste benefitted by the advieo of Dr. LcGear, Graduate Veteri nary Surgeon of 27 years' expert cnce. By following the Doctor's treatment, you can keep your stock ; S fleck ami healthy. Here's Ms offe? I I « )0 ": n package of Dr. m LcO.-ars „foek Powders from your; feed it to your horses, milk rows,; steers, horrs, and sheep as per I treclioiiK, If after c thorough trial, W,e rrstil's aro not satisfactory, just | eturji il.a empty eirron er } vou? M I oil ay *'"!' p charMh- rztunilc', _ /I /■ r. 5 . IMli&t He&, Co.\ 1 A»U(S, r Summons by Publication N'OKTII CAROLINA— ALAMANCE COUNTY. In tbe Hnpertor t'uurt, l»ttle E. Houlbard against Waller K. Brooks Southard. The defendant above named will take mo ilea that an aclon enUUed as above-has been • ommu ced In the Muperlor Court of AJa manue conn y tar the dlssoluUou of the bonds of inatilmony between the plaintiff a> d defendant; and tie defendant »IliVur iher take notice that be Is required to appea before tba Clerk of tbe Superior Co art at his ofltce In Urabam In aald county on Monday, the Wrd day of August, IWU, and answer •be oomplalut. which will be depot I ted In tile offlej of said t;ierk on or before said Srd day of August, IK'. Aul let tbe 'lendanl take notloe. that If be faU to »n«wtr said complaint within the tine prescribed by law, the pUInUB will apply to the oourt, for the relief demanded In the oompUlnt. This the IBnd day of July. 1100. D. J. WAI.KBB, r. "I.e. LONO k l/>NG, Attys. it'Jnlytw EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having quailOed as Kxeeutor ot the win of Lauia Malone, .Iw.-an-d, the undemigned hereby noUSt* all persons holding claims avaiuat st d •■rtate U) present the war, duly authenticated, on or before the Ktb day of July, Itei. or tb s notice will bv plsaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebt ed *o said estate are requested to make im- ' mediate settlement. 'rhls June 2*tu, litti. J. D. WHITTEIMx-r -- of Laura Maloue. deo*d. ' | OJulySt \ Burliiiiitou. X. O, \ The Gerinabs may be very ab | sent-minded, but it appeare rtiat ■ Lloyd-George and Milleraud are determibed not to let tbem torget tbat they lost tho war and have got to p»y for it. ■T. .'.jßft . ■ -'.itibal

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