THE GLEANER ISSUED EVERY THUBBDAT. :' 1. D. KERNODLE, Editor. SI.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. I'he editor will nbt be rMponalble for /lews eqpreaaed by correspondent*. Entered at toe Poatoffloe atGr&ham. N. 0., m Moondelau matter. GRAHAM, N.-0., Sept. a, 1920. ■■ *» The Tennessee Legislature is tangling itself np over the suffrage . act. The anti-suffragists are try ing to rescind the action of that £ body in favor of the amendment. I* But the passage ofj the aniend- I ment has already been certified : to the Secretary of State at Wash [' ington and it looks like the antis will have great difficulty in re versing the action of the Legisla- I tore at this stage of the game. Senator Harding proposes to construct a fabric to take the place of the Peace Covenant and League of Nations from the Hague Peace Council and some other material, forgetting that the Hun almost ran over the Peace Palace in his rush toward Paris in 1914. Graham Public Schools Will Open Monday, Sept. 13th. The Public Schools of Graham will open Monday morning, Sept. 13th, at 9 o'clock. All children who expect to enter are urged to be at school promptly, so that the work of classifying them may be completed as quickly as possible. Itjs import ant that all should be present tbe first day. Because of the delay in getting necessary repairs made it was necessary to postpone the opening from the 6th to 13th. The following teachers have been secured, and it is thought that all are especially well qualified for their ' work: Teachers who were in service in Graham last year: Miss Mary Weeks, Scotland Neck; Miss Marce Goley, Graham; Miss Clara Hughes, Graham w Miss Conley Albright, Josephine Thomas, Lenoir; Miss Eetelle Brown, Hills boro; Miss Annie Folger, Dobson; 1 Mr. F. C. Lester, Graham. New, teachers for the year are: Miss Lukie Nichols, Durham; Miss Ruth Early, Ltfniisburg; both are 1920 graduates of Trinity College; Miss Julia Rowe, Stonewall, 1920 graduate of East Carolina Teacher Training School; Miss Bessie Thomp son, Graham, a teacher of several year's experience in the schools of Alamance county; Miss Jessie Phil lips, Graham, graduate of Asheviile Normal, two year's experience; Miss Mary Walker, graduate of N. C. Col lege for Women, two year's ex / perience. There is still one vacancy to be filled. Circus Day oa the Way. Years may come and to, times and customs change, but a circus is always a joy to young and old. So all will be delighted to know that Sparks Circus is on its way and will exhibit in Burlington on Friday, Sept. 10th. Certainly this is one of the greatest shows that has ever come to Alamance county. It ineladee almost everything in the way of entertainment from the champion high jumping horse of the world, to Madge Evans, a dainty little Miss who puts a herd of monster elephants through their paces twice daily. Then there are feats of strength and balancing that seem to defy every law of gravi tation. There is the daring Ke nova "Upside down man" who aeeends an entire flight of twelve steps while balanced on his head and the great Matoka in his thrill ing slides for life on a slender wire extending nearly the entire length of the "dig top." There axe truly wonjlerfnl exhibitions of bareback riding, dancing horses, the Flying Earls, the Conners in light wire evolutions, Miss Irma, a living replioa of Mary Pick ford —acclaimed to bo "The Mary Pickford of the.high wire." The Sparks Circus has the repu tation of Riving more for the money than any other circus in the tented field and all the fea tures will be seen in the glitter ing .bewildering street parade at 10:30 o'clock on circus day. Britannia rules tbe waves -but not in yachting eveuts. Ludendorff in not a Bourbon, for he shows he has learned some thing. . - I Bosk yonr Coid or UGrim wfcfc JtWdNMOf.W An Unusual Anniversary. The one hundred and fiftieth an niversary of the founding of Orange Presbytery of the Presbyterian church will becelebratod out at Haw fields church Sunday, Sept. sth. The |church at Hawfields antedates the founding of the Psesbytery some what over 10 years. It marks an unusual fact in North Carolina his tory, and is among the comparatively few churches in the State that date back that far. An attractive pro gram has been prepared. A matter of interest to this com munity is tbe fact that the Presby terian church of Graham is the oldest daughter of Hawßelds, being organ ized in 1856 As a mark of respect lor the mother church, the congre gation of the' Graham church will worship, weather permitting, with the Hawfields congregation and Orange Presbytery there at this time, Suuday morning at 11 o'clock. / Program MOUSING 10:30 (Hymn) 1. Prayer and Scripture Read ing, Rev. J. W. Goodman, Red Springs, N. C. (Hymn) 2. Address of Welcome, Rev. Jonas ,Barclay, Pastor of Hawfields Church, Mebane, N. C. 3. Historical Address, Rev. D. I. Craig, D. D., Reidsville, N. C. 4. Prayer, Rev. R. W. Culbert son, Charlotte, N. C. (Hymn) AFTERNOON 1:30 (Hymn) 1. Prayer and Scripture Read ing, Rev. G.' A. Wilson, D. D, Grottoes, Va. (Hymn) 2., Celebration Address, Rev. H. 6. Hill.D.D, Maxtou, N. C. 3. Short Talks and Addresses by Representatives of the Presbyteries of the Synod and the ex-l'osturs of Hawfields Church. 4. The Closing Prayer and Bene diction, Rev. H. S. Bradshaw, Hills boro, N. C., Chairman. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children In Um For Over 30 Years ZSZc&t&BK Another possible effect of dry ness; it is stated that men's clothes next fall will be aloug sober Hues. Receiver's Sale ot Real Property. Untjer and by virtue of an order (of tbe Superior Court made in a Special Proceeding entitled Jlarry Goodman, Receiver of the Graham Motor Car Com pany, vs. C. M. Gant and others, the undersigned Receiver will, on SATURDAY, OCT. 2, 1920, at 12 o'clock, noon, on the prem ises in Graham, sell the follow ing described property, in wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in the Town of Graham, said county and State, and de scribed as follows: Being Lots Noe. 5 and 6 of the Whitsett property sold by the Graham Loan & Trust Co. for the Gra ham Land Company on May 31, IQIS, a plat of which » recorded in the Register of Deed's office for Alamance county, in Plat Book No. 1, page 40, to which i reference is hereby expressly 1 made for a more particular de ' scription, said lots fronting twenty feet each on East Elm street, and running back 100 | feet, the said property having been conveyed to Jonathan Thompson by the Graham Land • Company. Deed recorded in i Deed Book 55, page 492, to » gether with all improvements ' thereon, to include the business p now known as the Graham Mo -1 tor Car Company, and the ma ' chinery, appliances and fixtures r in the machine shop of the Gra ham Motor Car Company, in; ■ accordance with the inventory i this day filed with the said C. i M. Gant and others. Terms of Sale: Cash. This property is the property 1 known as the Tate-Stuall Garage and is located ou East Elm street, near the court house, and consists of the Garage Building, and all of the implements and , tools used in the said garage. This 2nd day of Sept., 1920. H. GOODMAN, Receiver. I I J. J. Henderson, Attorney for Receiver. ; THIS ALAMANCIi &LHANER, *KAgA3t, PALMY DAY* ■" ' ♦ "You are always talking about old tunes," complained the confi dential .adviser. "I know it," confessed Senator Sorghum.. "I can't help yearning for the sweet, simple life when all a man in my business had to do was to lode the interests of his district over and make up his mind whether he iavored protection ot free trade." AIRPLANE DELIVERY RAPID. The rapid delivery service by air plane between Paris and London made it possible for a gentleman to order some cigars of his London dealer by telephone in the morning and they were delivered to the pur chaser at half-past three in the after noon of the same day. CURIOSITY BATIBFIED. ' # Stay-at-Home—l think I will go this summer to tour the battlefields in France. Would you like to go? Returned Soldier—l helped to make them battlefields. SHIPPING CONSTRUCTION. The world's tonnage of merchant shipping is greater than ever before and is increasing more rapidly than at any former period in maritime lustory. TOKYO UP TO DATE. Tokyo will have a 15-mile subway, •olving the problems of its traffic in a truly modern manner. . AN ADDED CHANCE. * - "Why do you insist on picking out a pretty girl for a clerk?" "A homely girl isn't always com petent" • "Well?" "Now, if I pick out a pretty girl, one of the men olerks will do her work." MEBANE FOUR COUNTIES FAIR ' . ■ * Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday ' September 1,8,9,10 * * Four Big Pays and Nights Big exhibits in every department. Good Shows, Aeroplanes, Two Brass Bands, Speaking and a good time for everybody. / I ' Special Attractions and Amusements Pro vided For Each Day and Night.. I . .. r * • '• * | > 1 • Bring die Whole Family! I • • . .. Sale' of Personal Property THE UNDERSIGNED WILL, ON Saturday, September 4, 1920, AT 1:33 O'CLOCK P. M , V Offer for sale at public auction, at the residence of the late John A. Askew, near.Swepsottville, the following articles of personal property, to-wit:- Two Mules, 1 Pony, Cattle. Farm Machinery and Tools, con sisting of 1 Reaper and Binder, 1 2 Horge Wagon, 1 Wheat Drill, 1 Mowing Machine,- 1 Hay Rake, a number of Plows, 1 Section Harrow, 1 Cataway Harrow, Plow and Wagon Harness, 1 Pony Saddle and Bridle, and other things toa numerous to mention. "TERMS OF SALE CACH. This is the property belonging to John A. Askew at the time ot his death. • JOHN P. LONG. - j 48,000 | Drug Stores Sell Five million ( use it to KILL COLDS^L ILL'S €ASCARA£> QUININE Standard cold remedy far 20 y»art l —in tablet form—safe, tun, no j V -V opUttt—brriks up a eold in 24 I iDVhouri—relieve* crip In 3 dm - r=a Vrß%>_ Moncy ' ,ack " '*■!*• Tile i y[(S\f\o\genuine box has a Bed [WnlpH OP | c t Wjth Mr ' HCl '' VtiJjjiK At AUDram Star— PATENTS t , ■ OBTAINED. If you have an invention, to patent please send use model.or sketchr [ with a letter of brief explanation for pre lim?nary examination and advice, You, disclosure and all business is strictly con fldcutial, and will receive our prompt and personal attention. D. SWIFT & CO., | PATENT LAWYERS. ' WASHINGTON. D. C. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICET^ Slaving qualified as Administrator of the estate of Joan M. Foeleman, deceased, late of A lamance county, ,N. C., this U to notily all > peisum having claims against tbe estate oi ■aid deceased to exhibit them to tbe under signed on or be'ore tbe lat daV of Auft, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make Im mediate payment. ThlsJune 26.1920. o- A. FOtiLEMAN, Adm*r . Z9Julj6t Of John M. Foglemat,, dee'd. Town Taxes! I have been appointed Tax Col- I lector for the town of Graham and i tbe books have been placed in my hands. I have been directed to collect all i delinquent taxes without delay. See me and save costs. You tan see me ,at tbe Sheriffs office in tbe cmirt house. This April 27, 1920, BOYD R. THOLINGER, 29apltf , Tax Collector. BU7"DIAMOND DYES" DONT RISK MATERIAL Each package of "Diamond Dyes" con tains directions so simple ttiat any. woman can dyo any material without streaking, fading or running. Druggist has color card—Take no othfer dye I r§m ||i I In offering Tiffin Candies, we give I I assurance that they contain the fin- II est materials that money can buy • I I blended with exceptional skill, and IHH I handled with particular care, in I I every detail of manufacture. Their I individuality .of combination and as- IHH I sortment of flavors, make them "Dis -1 tinctively Delicious I" I "Candies of Distinctive Quality" II FarteU-Hayes Drug Co./; I GRAHAM, N. C. y v. T Tnscrupulous agents of other circuses may tell you'we are not coming. The Sparks Circus, will positively exhibit in Burlington on the ad- ; vertised date. You'll be sorry if you wait for others. %M Waukegan (111.) Daily Sun, July 15:—"The Eerformances of Sparks Circus were witnessed y large crowds, in fact the big canvass was packed. The show was one of the best ever seen in Waukegan; and the pleasing feature wap that it was clean." » ' - . \ ' _ 1 1 I i "" * ' V I ' * Coming to BURLINGTON "■ Friday September 1U Pay Cash Gash Pays If You Can't Come, Send the Children To my store. I will treat them right and give them a receipt tor their money. For SIO.OO worth of coupons I give you 26c. In other words I give you back 2%c On every dollar you'spend at my store, and sell you goods cheaper than any store in town. ~ " ? Fresh Meats Well Kept—the Best the Market Affords - *. ' " % .' * , For Last of This Week "Native Beef, Pork, all kinds of Sausage, Breakfast Bacon, Fresh Fish, Lamb, dressed and live Chickens, Country and Creamery Butter. I don't meet prices, I make them. Sugar, any quantity, 22 l-2c. " 1 J. W. HOLT, ;GRAHAM, N. C. Pay Cash Cash Pays

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