* GRAHAM, N. 0., Sept. 2,1920. PestoHice Hoars. Offlo open 7.00 a. m. to T.OO p. m. Snudsjr 9.00 toll.OOa. m. and 4.00 to *4O p. ■ KX. COOK. Postmaster. **** ... ♦ ♦ LOCAL NEWS. + ♦ , ♦ —-It is "mild September" now. —The CoontyCommissioners will meet Monday in regular monthly session. —The Mebane Pair opens next Tuesday. Big preparations have been made for the festive occasion by the denizens of that hustling burg. ✓ —The. residence on the southwest corner of E. Harden and N. Mar shall Stsl, vacated by Mr. Chas. D. Johnston Tuesday, will be oceupied. soon by Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Cook. —A meeting of the attorneys of the county was held yesterday morn ing to set a calendar of cases to be tried at the .term of court which con venes on Monday, 13th. It is a two week's term. —lt is learned that the hot weather of the past week following thqfeeveral weekrof fain is causing much dam age to tobacco that had not ripened and had not beed -cut aud cured be fore the hot days set in. —A farmer down near old Salem church in. Thompson township sold his 'arm a few days , ago, at an aver age price of about $62 per acre, and it's a long way from town and the railroad, but it is* a good farm. Farm values seem to have gone up to stay. •—The weather being clear there will N be no service at the Presby terian church, as the congregation will worship at Hawfields to celebrate Orange Presbytery's 150 th anniversary. The evening services will be resumed at the church, Sun day night at 7:30 o'clock. —Mr. Chas. D. Johnston, who has made his home here for the past more than fifteen years, moved his family to Elon College Tuesday. Mr. Johnston has been Supt. of the Christian Orphange for the past five years. Mr. Johnston and family have many friends here who regret ted to see them leave. Evangelist A. Victor Lightbourne Coming. Arrangements are being made for evangelistic services to be held at Graham Christian church to be gin about the 21st of this month. Rev. Mr. v Lightbourne was here some six years ago and conducted one of the most interesting meet ings this community ever had. Those who heard his wonderful preaching then will be pleased to know that he is coming again and will be glad to hear him. Singing/]lass Tonight. The Oxford Orphanage Singing Class will be here tonight under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity of Graham. They have an excellent program of songs; recitations and plays. Graham people will be glad to hear them, not only for the enter tainment, but for the privilege of contributing to' help maintain the splendid institution they represent. Ice Cream Supper. The following invitation has been , mailed to the members of New Provi dence Christian church and Sunday school during the last few days: "New Providence Christian En deavor Society cordially invites you to attend an ice cream supper on the church lawn Saturday evening from fi re to seven o'clock, September third, nineteen hundred and twenty." ' Special Services at New Providence-' Labor Day will be featured ai the morning hour of worship at New Providence Christian church on next Sunday. The pastor, Rev. F. C. Lester, will speak on the theme: "Jesus and the Labor Problem." The entire program will be related to this timely theme. Laborers will be the honor guests. Everyone not attending elsewhere is very cordially invited to be present. Mr. L. M. Clymer of Greensboro was here this morning on business. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fogleman went to Goldsboro Saturday after noon to be present Sunday the inneral of Mr. E. H. Fonviefle, the father-in-law of their daughter, and returned Sundav evening. Mrs. Jas. D. Proctor, with her two young daughters, Misses Elizabeth ansl Mary Catharine, of Lumbeiton arrived here last Friday on a visit to the home of her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kernodle. 1111IIt IHIM ♦ ♦ : + PERSONAL. + Mrs. B. F. Trolinger is visiting relatives in Hillsboro. , Miss Annie Laurie Farrell spent the week-end in Durham. Miss Bonna Williamson of Greens • boro is visiting Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr. ► Miss Lillian Warren is visiting • her sister, Mrs. Jas. H. Smith, at Efland. - , . Mrs. Nat M. Lawrence of Smith -1 field id here visiting. Miss Mamie ' Parker. " / v Mrp. R. N. Cook returned Tuea ' day from Mt. Airy where she spent ' several weeks. r Miss Grace Thompson i* visiting her sister, Mrs. W. A. Blalock, in t Greensboro. . Mrs. W. R. Goley left Friday for . Jackson Springs to visit her daugh | ter, Mrs. Geo. R. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moore re f turned a few days ago from a visit . to their son, Mr. Faucette Moore, in , Gastonia. Mrs. Boyd R. Trolinger and little » Miss Annie Boyd spent Friday at Elon College with Mrs. H. D. . Lambeth. * I Mr. Coy R. Williams of Winaton - Salem spent Sunday here at the home ' of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. ■ P. Williams.- Miss Marce Goley has returned i from a visit of several weeks to her 1 sister, Mrs. Geo. R. Ross, at Jack ' son Springs. ( Mrs. E. S. Parker and daughter, Miss Mamie, returned Friday from , Morganton where they spent some three weeks. t . / ! Mrs. J. Mel. Thompson and Master Melvin of Mebane spent yesterday here with her mother, Mrs. J. L. | Scott, Jr. • Mrs. J. W. Menefee returned the i latter part of last week from a visit to friends at Saturday Cove, North port, Maine. Mr. Geo. L. Cooper, who has been located at Even wood, W. Vs., for the past three months, returned to his home here last Fri4ay. Mr. and Mrs. R. Jess. Mebane and children of Greensboro spent Sun day here with Mrs. Mebane s parents, Col. and Mrs. Jacob A. Long. Mrs. J. Scott.Hunter and her three little .boys arrived here yesterday from Black Mountain to spend a month with Mrs. C. S. Hunter. Mrs. J. Dolph Long and Master George left Saturday morning for Stonewall, Pamlico county, to visit her _parenta, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Att more. Mr. Alpheus A. Williams, who lives in Winston-Salem, spent the first of the week here with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Wil liams. Mr? and Mrs. Walter R. Harden an£ daughters, Misses Elizabeth and Annie Ruth, after spending about two weeks at Ocean View, Va., re turned home last Friday. Miss Fannie Foust, who has been spending some time here with i er sister, Mrs. Jas. M. Turner, left this morning for Barium Springs Orphan age, where she teaches. Mrs. Allen B..Thompson made a business trip to South Carolina and touched at several points in the western part of this State in the inter est of-Alamance Broom Co. last wtsek. Mrs. J. D. Lee returned Saturday from a trip of several days to Balti more, where she went to iay in her fall stock of millinery. On her re turn she spent a day in Washington. Mr. Boyd Harden left Tuesday ' night for Williams Bay, Wisconsin, where he goes as representative from ' his Greek letter fraternity, the Beta Theta Pi, at the University, to at tend the Congress of the Chapters throughout the country. He will be , away about ten days. Mrs. Don E. pcitt and little ' daughter Jean Gray left for Winston Salem last Friday to be pnmt upon. ; the arrival Tuesday of her brother, Mr. Grier Gray, with his bride, who waa Miss Margaret Cunliff-Owen of ' London and is the daughter of Sir 1 Hugo Cunliff-Owen, President of thf ' British-American Tobacco Co. They were married in the early part of last May. . fKeepThca Gravity j I Children who an over-thin, I [ X «hn«ii4 taw! ' I Scotfs Emulsion I I regularly vrfj day as anl i f aid to growth and stardmeafci i 2 Nothing iutfuuMt Scott's 2 t I Emauum as a tonfc-nafri-1 I Went for a child of any ag*.f Tax Leyy of Fifty Cents on the Hun dred Dollars The County Com'missioners were in session Tnesdsv and levied the taxes for 192 p. This is some three months later than the 'axes have heretofore been levied, due to carry - ing out the revaluation act of 19111 and submitting the result to a special session of the Legislature which finished its work and adjourned last Thursday. There will be no property tax for State purposes aa the State will get aufficient revenue from other sources t > run the State government. Last year Alamance county paid the State $41,409.01 levied on real end personal property. Now all property taxes collected in the county will be used for county purposes. The levy on the 1100 valuation of real and personal property is ss fol lows: f \ County government,' .08 Roads aud bridges, .04 Bonds and " s .09 School purpose*, " .29 Total, .50 The poll tax will be in addition to the above for those liable to poll lax. Last year the property valuation in Alamance aggregated (14,296.732, upon which there was a levy of $1.40 on the SIOO, which produced $200,- 154.25 in taxes on "both real and personal property. ,This year under the revaluation act real and personal property valua tions aggregate which may be slightly varied by final veri fications. The tax on the amount under'the levy of 50 cts. on the SIOO will produce $192,947.78, which is $7,206.47 les than the property tax of last year. Instead of the ten per cent increaae in amount of taxes over the amount levied laat vear, permit ted under the revaluation act, there is a decrease of nearly lour percent, or about $7,206 less than levied last year. Instead of payihg over to the State this year over forty thousand dollars derived from tax on real and per sonal property, all taxes derived from these sources will be kept in the county to be u*ed for school and county government expenses of every kind and nature. Dandruff was killing my hair 5 by jj - and removed quantities of dandruff- : ~ the itching stopped. Today it U thicker Z - and more oeauoiul than ever. • WUdioot Liquid Shampoo or Wlldmot. ; I fesggff fsSFssnsjsi = WILDPOOTi = THE GUARANTEED HAIR fPNIC = r For tali hen under a | S irtnTQ- torft gtmnmit* S Graham Drag Co. Hayes Drug Co. lniAveiTL^^ DAVID'S £/) SALVE m Is Great For / Eczema, Itch, «/ jr X. J Piles, Sores, Cuts, Poisons, (V* 1 and Burns Vv /pf It will not irritate the teriderest skin. Is soothing. Gi't snd use one box and you will always keep it iotbc family. It is not made to compete with other wives, for it Is in a class entirely to itself. It was made as a home remedy iot many years and has without effort, gone into every State in the Unisn. Cut out this sd agd take to your drug gist. If he cannot supply you, send 75c. and you will I* mailed a large size trial package. If after using it you sre not entirely satisfied with the results your money will be refunded without question. Tske no substitute. Insist on David's or none. On sale by Alamance Druggists. DAVID REMEDY CO., HENDERSON. N. C. • \ Buy Your Coal Now. I have some p>od coal oo hand now. It is very hard to get and mjr advice to von ia to t>oy your coal while you csn pet it. I can make prompt deliverien now. Come to see me or 'phone ine for kiud aud price*- i Thanking you in advance foi your business, I remain. Yours trnly, 22jul4t T, C. MOON. » _ THE —Miss Margaret Clegg aunouncea bar first display of Pattern Ham, , DUMBO and Coat Saita, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 3rd and 4th. •* v Yon are liable to a sndden attack rt Bowel Complaint. The heat remedy ia Dr. SETH ARNOLD'S BALSAM. Warranted by Farrell- Hayea Drug Cof Graham, N. C. And 1930 will break all records for quantity prod act ion of ex candidates. The Mexican Government re ports that Villa has been "bottled up." If so, we'll bet that the cork blows out and he escapes through orifice. If you think there's nothing in a name, consider Warsaw. I RI-moidS I (GRANULES) . SSL INDIGESTION Ttito «wi do |sdd| Auolrt butantljr om tongue or in water; Uko u —did. QUICK RELIEF! ' MM IN TAUT PMtM FOR THOSK WHO H>«WI TMBI. mad* by aeorr * bownc MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION » Worn Down, Georgia Lady, Worn-out and Tired, Tells how She Was Helped by Ziron Iron Tonic. THE personal experience of Mrs. Nannie Phillips, of Powder Springs, 0«., is printed below In Iter own words: , "I was in a worn-oat condition. My stomach was out of order. I didn't sleep welL I was tired all thb time. I couldn't half eat, and didn't rest well at night "I would set eat of heart and bine, t would (Ml like I was going to be down In bad. Tot I kept dragging amoad. The Economy of Using Goodyear Small Gar Tires ' « " "r ' ' So-called bargain tires, made up for sensational sales and offered at ridicu* ! _ lously low prices, do not attract careful buyers. . iflQr jßr They are far more concerned with /Xgft jfflL \yhat they get than with what they i/Ovnr AR' pay because they know that in the tQOt'mrnm 611 ** ** performance and not price (A/Q lpwil delivers actual tire economy. rYxy . 11l The popularity of Goodyear Tires, of ujCjT • I the 30x3*, 30x3y2- ana 31x4-inch m/O I sizes, is based on the fact that they jjHvA I deliver exceptional mileage at exceed* iSljjjy I ingly low cost. |||mw / I I If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, J|M| /111 Maxwell or other car taking these * nKjf [f / / sizes, go to your nearest Service Sta- \ igW if// tionfor Goodyear Tires and Goodyear 50* v/i Goodyear Double-Cur* s"*^sQ Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tabes cost no mote than the priea habrit, All-Weather Tread you are e«fced to pay for tnbel c£ Itm merit—why risk coady 30.3 ft Goodyear Fabric. Anti-Skid Tr«dl. *ZJL— 30»J%rf*e«« -wmterproof bag """" '- -J L'_ J... - 'I . ■ M. ■ Trade For Hire. . Let us do yonr hauling of every kind, moving, etc. Have a new] truck. Terms reasonable. BRADSHAW & FULLER, Phone 660. Graham, N. C. Spectacles and Eyeglasses *• *; . - y~ at Before-the-War Prices $1.50 up Z.T.HADLEI Jeweler and Optician GRAHAM. N.C. 1 i "We heard of Ziron, and from what I read, I was sure it wouldn't hurt me. If it didn't help ma But after taking it, I found it really helped me, and 1 sent back for more. I ate better, felt much stronger. I am sure Ziron is a splendid tonic." Many people, who are wom down and disheartened, due to stomach disorders and nervous ills, find relief by toning up their blood with Ziron Iron Tenia. Tell your druggist yon want to try Ziron on our money-back guarantee. of Land. —■ 1 - Under an order of the Sdperioi Court, made in a Special Proceed ing entitled, "Mrs. W'. L. Rumley, Administratis 0/ W. L. Rum ley, deceased, Ex Parte," the under signed Commisioner will sell at public auction at the court honse door in Graham, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 18,1920, .;t 12 o'clock, noon, the following real property, to-wit:. Tract 3—Beginning at a stake on the mouutain, Henderson Coble oorner, and running thence E 31.35 chs to pointers, corner of lot No. 6; thence N 9 chs to pointers; whence N 70 deg E 4.75 chs to a stake on the Graham road; thence with said road 1(5 chs to a sassafras on the west side of the said rpad; thence S 54 deg 45 chs to the beginning, and containing 41.50 acres, more or-less. Tract s—Adjoining the lands of Xaban Payne, Thomas Gibson, Geo. Thompson and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock nnd persim mon tree in Laban Payne's line, oorner with said Williams and running thence S 59$ deg W 6.85 chs to a rock, sorner with said Payne; thence 8 66 deg W 3.60 chs to a rock, corner witli said Payne; thence S 45 deg W to a rock in fence line with John C. Payne; thence, witji the line of John C. Payne to the north side to a rock and corner wjth said John C. Payne just west of old fish pond; thence N 45} deg Eto a rock, corner with said Williams: thence S 37 2-3 deg E 10.43 chs to the beginning, and containing 15 aores, more or less. I This being the east oue-half of the land conveyed to M. I. aud I John C. Payne by the heirs of; Patterson Payne by deed dated I March 17,1889, reference to which | is hereby made. Tract 6—Adjoining the lands of D. A. Ramley, M. I. Payne aud others and described as follows: Beginning at a rock, D. A. Rum ley's corner and in the line of the said M. I. Payne and running thence with the line in a norther line in a southeasterly direction to the beginning, and containing ' one-louith acre, more or less. ' j. This being that certain tract of £ land conveyed to Baid M. I. Payne and D. A. Rumley by deed record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance coauty in r Book of Deeds No. 60, at page ' 558, reference to which is hereby given. ? S. P. Holt, Patterson Payne and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a rbek in said ' Payne's line and running thence N 28 deg W 23 chs to a maple tree in said Holt's line; thence with , said Holt's line S 52 deg W 13.50 ' chs to a rock; thence S 38 deg E ( 24 chs 25 Iks to a rock in said Payne's line; thence with said , Payne's line N 48 deg E 13 chs 50 Iks to the beginning, and contain | ing 33 acres, more or less. This being that certain tract of land heretofore conveyed to Peter Kenney by deed of Wm. H. Holt | and wife and by sai'd Kenney to j M. I. Payne, which said deeds are , of record and reference 4s hereby I made thereto. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one-third in three months, and balance in six months. This is a re-sale of these tracts, | and bidding on tract No. 3 is to commence at 1756.25, and op tracts 5, 6 and 7, at $1,452.00. Sale subject to the confirmation of Court. This the 26th day of Sept., 1920. JOHN J. HENDERSON, Commissioner. , Mrs. W. L. Rumley, Adm'x. Fords for Sale. 1 new Ford with starten 1 new Ford without starter. 11917 model—price right. Apply to Samet Furniture Co., Phone 626 Burlington, N.C.