MM| MM - , JJff, * W. %i'-^BH : ?J|HEe * Bpyy SSSSUSmSBSm • aids to good looks, sound teeth, eager appetite and digestion are only 5 C a SEALED . l"MßagggggMMßgaßalgSiP*^#g^»M'. Money Not All.Powerful. Money, In truth, can dip much, but It cannot do all. We most know the province of It and, confine It there, and even spurn It back when it wishes to get farther. —Carlyle. T V34f\ "a** Watd> V \ Child's Tongue "California Syrup of Figs" Delicious Laxative for Child's Liver .and Bowels Hurry mother! A teaspoonfnl of "California" Syrup of Figs today may prevent a sick child tomorrow. If your child is oonstipated, billons, feverish, fretful, has cold, colic, or if stomach is sour, tongue coated, breath remember a good "physic-laxa- A man's politeness isn't all on the surface when he gives up his seat to * lady on the elevated. "Pipe's Diipips'"" Comets Stomach "Pape'a Diapepsin" Is the quickest sur est relief for Indl estion, Oases, Flatu ,|ence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fermentation or Stomach Distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost Immediate stomach relief and shortly the stomach is corrected so you can eat favorite foods without fear. La rye case costs only 40 cents at drug store. Absolutely' harmless and pleasant. Millions helped annually. Best stomach corrective known—Adv. Approximately one-half of all the people in the world live in China and, India. U rem r eras smsrt or feel scalded. Reman Mr* Balaam applied upon sains to bed Is fast the thin* to relieve them.—Adv. A wise man never boasts of hia wis dom. He leaves that to hia press tfMlt. % »geni. t \ rsut ir» game.' i; Look Out for Rheumatism As Winter Approaches :; So many cases of Rheumatism come from atiny diseasq germ that infests the blood, that physicians an beginning to realise that this source of the disease is becoming quite prevalent. Of coarse a dis ease that has He source in Ae blood csnnot be resched by local / Quarrels Avoided. "I say, old man, doesn't spending so much time at the club get you in trou ble at home?" / '-'On the contrary, dear boy; it keeps me out of It."—Boston Transcript tive" is often aB that is necessary. Children love the "fruity" taste of genuine "California" Syrup of figs which has directions for babies and children printed on the bottle. Bay "California" or you may get an imi tation fig syrup. Beware! ' A Polite Fiction. "Arc lawyers truthful?" "In the nature of things they can't be." "Why not?" "Aren't they always addressing the 'intelligent gentlemen of the Jury'?"— Birmingham Age-Herald. Catarrh Cam Be Cored Catarrb is a local disease (ffeatly influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on tbe Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, gives the patient strength by improving the general health and assists nature In doing Its work. AU Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney * Co., Toledo, Ohio. Its Chief Point. "The wild goose is neither beautiful nor graceful." "Rut It'a immn" blood remedy that has been sold by ■ druggists for more than fifty years. S.SJL sets by driving oat of the blood the disease germ that causes Rheumatism, thus affording real relief. !35b... Begin takia* &S£. today and if ■ you -will write a complete history i of your case, oar medical director 1 ■ *■. ■■. y' ' v— ■ - ■ **■ -. • * 1.. ,-| , ,!'■■ ' II 1 sasaeaottßrt Movement to Eliminate the Defefciive Should Begin in the Schools ' ■ By ARTHUR WOODS, Former New ¥ork Police Commissioner. >• '"" '. ' 1 ' 1 - , i ~' . We have been very" amateurish in tfar handling jjjJ the question of criminal defectives. Prevention, H of course, is the great aim. We do not want to wait unt 'l » crime has been committed before we do any thing about the feeble-minded offender. It is only fair to the individuals affected, as well as to the public, fSSaHR that examination should be made very generally and that the proper kind j>f treatment should be given , to those who are suffering from mental diseases. We H| recognize this in bodily diseases, yet in many cases they, are nothing like so dangerdus lo the community as these mental troubles. Many a child who is slightly deranged may in growing up become steadily worse because of unfavorable, associations and lack of skilled treatment. I believe it is possible to redeem a considerable proportion of defective children if their cases are diagnosed early and if they are given kind and skillful treatment. There is no duty that I fan think of which is more obligatory upon a community than to give children a fait chance-—the children who particularly need help in order to over come the handicap of mental deficiency which may bring .to them ia.ter such terrible results. The beginning of a movement to eliminate the defective from our midst should start in the schools. Examinations should be made and chil dren who are dull, stupid and unpromising, but as yet not criminals, should be separated and treated. If it is found that after kind and pro longed treatment the child cannot ba eiade normal he should ,be put per manently in an institution. "Workmen Don't Want Philanthropy; Th6y - Want a Fair Deal All Around." 'i ' > « 1 By W. H. TODD, President Todd Ship Yards Corporation. ■■ i» No! I gave that million to the boys because it was coming to them, because they had earned it, because I promised it to them. I didn't really give it away, at that. We're all working together. We all did pretty good work for the last four years and I simply was giving the gang I work with a spjit on what was made. Four years ago I gave each of our men a chance to put down his name for a piece of stock. Loyalty of labor? You can't buy that with a million times a mil lion. Incentive to increased efficiency? There's not a big man in our outfit who was not lifted out of Jfre ranks by his owfl*effort. Philan thropy ? Workmen don't want p®mthropy. They want a fair deal all around. Maybe there's a lack of common sense in high places. There's a lot in both sides understanding each other. It seems to me the present diffi culty is due to too much propaganda and too little hard work. , What makes an American workman sick is the chap who gets in a hole of his own making, then runs to,the workmen, throws his arms, abound them, and begß them to help him out. On the other hand' there's the worfeman who says he can't work longer than six hours a day, and whep ine gets six hours complains that six hours' pay isn't enough to live ot. Why doesn't he work longer, then? I'm working more hours a day now than I ever did. ' I i—— Steady Increase in Divorces Means a Devastated Chicago in 30 Years. By WILLIAM P. McDERMOTT, Chicago. ' 1 1 ■ ' 1 ' ; If the present rate of divorces continues in Chicago for the next gen eration the city will by 1950 be more desolate than any of the war ravished cities in Prance. Talce the figures of the last ten years, for instance, as far as they are available. In 1911 there were 30,417 marriages and 3,442 divorces, or once out of each 8.83 marriages failed; in 1915 there were 81,509 mar riages and 4,116 divorces, or one divorce to every 7.65 marriages. The increase of divorce over marriage in that period was 13.3 per cent The years following, being war years, cannot be taken as normal. Bot last year, the first full year of peace, there were 37,583 marriages, while the local judges handling divorce cases estimated there would be between 5,000 and 6,000 divorces. Taking the mean of the two figures, or 5,500, it would show one divorce for every 6.83 marriages, or an increase of approximately 23 per cent over the divorce rate of 1911. Three decades more, at that rate, will see divorces equaling the number of marriages. Take the figures for 1914, a normal peace year. Out of 3,577 fami lies getting divorces, only seventy owned their homes; in 2,171 cases, or nearly two-thirds, there were no children. v Increasing childlessness, especially among onr native American peo ple, the growth of the apartment habit, and the tendency toward ease, indulgence and fast living only presage more divorces, more broken homes, and greater menace to the future-of America. ■ 4 , f "The Best Advice I Can Give to Women With Nothing to Do—Go to Work." By MRS. WALTER WILLETT, Chicago. I have a husband, • home, a car and a prize bulldog—but I have taken a job and gone to work. The day is coming when there won't be any silly, idle "women, waiting for hubby to come bome and then dragging him out at night when he is tired and wants rest. The clinging vine days are gone. The homes are going to be happier when women who haven't children to care for go out and get jobs for themselves. I got mine without a suggestion from anyone and without telling my husband. I've been a bridge-playing, day-sleeping loungeabout long enough. My husband says it improve* mydisposition as well as my understanding of how men come home night and while he is too surprised to understand it all yvt, he likes it. It it the best advice I ean give women with nothing to do— go to work. , "DANOERINE" * —■ "«. Stops Hair Coming Out: Doubles Its Beauty. A few cents buys "DanUerine." After an Application of "Danderlne" you can not find a fallen lialr or any dandrnff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, mora color and thickness. —Adv. in— No one ever heard a pretty girl say anything about her beauty's being only ftkin deep. DYEjGHT Buy only "Diamond' Dyes" Bach package of "Diamond Dyes" contains dlrectldns so simple that any woman can diamond-dye worn, shabby skirts, waists, dresses, coats, gloves, stockings sweaters, draperies every thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, new, rich fadeless col ors. Have druggist show you "Dia mond Dyes Color Card."—Adv. The empire of Morocco Is the most important country that is absolutely without a newspaper. BOCHEE'S SYRUP A Harmless Soothing, Healing Remedy for Coughs and Colds. Here Is a remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis, throat Irritation, and espe cially for long troubles, that has been sold all over the civilized world in many thousands of households for the last fifty-four years. Its merits have stood this test of time and use, and surely no teat could be more potent or convincing. It gives the patient .with weak and Inflamed lungs a good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration In the morning. Try one bottle, accept no substitute, For sale by all druggist* and dealers ia medicine everywhere.—Adv. > To succeed one must be patient. The penitentiaries are full of people who were Impatient. Wateh Cut leu ra Improve Your Skin. On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cuticura Ointment Wash off Ointment in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water. It Is wonderful sometimes what Cuticura will do for poor complexions, dandruff. Itching and red rough hands. —Adv. Not His Class. "That old miser Is sul generis." "He ain't neither. Notbin' generous afcnnt f'r." Building Homes for the Chicago Homeless m \ PpvH WKlxv& : ' - JSi sMraSScttk '£' ' : /' 'fy-w&zlk t JlfitfiL, a Vl* ||» Mr' .- 0B The Chicago Houalng association has undertaken a great aortal experiment In the erection of many hotoee Cor families which bad nowhere to lire owlug to the bouae shortage In thai city. The boioea are of brick, two atorfea. and the tenant pejra rental of about B6 a month wblcb la applied on the purchase price. The bonae la aold at exact coat _i/ ♦ ■ 1 . ■ ' » n'm't 1 , U. S. SHIPPING JUMPS Mm Now Forms Quarter of the Ton* nage of the World. Increaae of Mora Than 500 Par Car.t Since 1914—America la Now In Second Place. London.—According to Lloyd'* Reg- Inter of Shipping for 1020-21 J out la- j *aed, the aeanolng tonnage of the Unl- j tod Statea apart from Great Lake* ahlpptDg, baa Increased since I#M by over SOO per cent and now at and* at 12.408.U00 toaa. Tfcua the United f *. . «*• *- '♦ * . JL.: '•* ■; CALOMEL DANGER TOLD BY DODSON ♦ S«ys You Cannot Gripe. Sicken, or Salivate Yourself it You Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead . Calomel loses yon a day 1 Ton know, what calomel Is. It's mercury; quick silver. ' Calomel la dangerous. It crashes Into .soar bile like dynSiblte. crdhiplng and sickening yon. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put Into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, ] constipated and all knocked out and believe yon need a. dose of dangerous | calomel just remember that your drug ' gist sella for a few cents a large bot tie of Dodson's Liver Tone, which Is Th« Main Onutlnn I The Main Question. "Should Lefthook or Plexus win that prise light?" • "Lefthook should have the best of the argument" "I am not Interested In who has the best of the argument. How about the fight?"— Detroit Free Press. Kill That Cold With CASCARA E> QUININE FOR AND CoMt, Coagbt La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerooa T«ln no ciimiL 'Kip thla ittmUiJ mmdy bandy for tb« tow n«i. I . Breaks cp t cold It) 24 hour* RaUarn Qripp* h 3 dijn—Excellent tor HwiUflw Qoinlna In thia form docs not affect tha head—Caacam la baat Toole Laxative—No Opiata in Hill's. « ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT v / jjM ■ ■ Hr tl / ■ Hurry, Baby Hu the CoHc*/j Don't take dangerous chances by letting baby ' / . fret, cry andsufler—use tha safest proven remedy #*** a (Qßte for eolicky or teething babies. UttjppQ MR^' SYRUpOW S Hi/ gB&SSEfia&SI&Ss 111 inu F-ir- s=L ase. BSJ 1 At AU DruatUtt HHH| 1 AMUMMDOCAII MUG C 0„ IIS-»7 Mtea *»*. *• Y«* HH| y y Ej| t Walls No Bar to Wiral«M. The antennae of the wireless station In the cathedral of Florence, Italy, are entirely within the building, yet work satisfactorily, though the wtre ft less waves pass through several thick tt-fllU » ■ of the world's tonnage a* against 4.7 per cent six years ago. the Register "taten. f - . The figures ah own for the formerly belligerent countries Include a con siderable amount of enemy tonnage provisionally allocated to those coun tries. Germany, which In 1014 oc cupied. after the United Kingdom, the i flrst position with over 5,000.000 tons of shipping, now only owns 41C.000 too*. The steam tonnage owned by the principal maritime countries in Jane. 1920. totalled, 63.905.000, an Increase of WSOJ.OOO tons as compared with &* t. / > A.'SL - *£- i tia " J* , entirely vegetable and pleasant U take and Is a perfect substitute tor calomel. It Is to start your . liver without stirring you up lnsirte, and can not aallvat*. Don't take calomel I It can not be trusted any more than a leopard or a wild cat. Take Dodaon's Liver Tune, which straightens you right up and makes you feel line. Give It to the children because It Is perfectly barn* feaa and doesn't gripe.—Adv. KSbsHa-FffiuT • aESr^ 1 ' loam. Ma., It Isn't necessary to siiend motley In advertising your troubles; simply tell them to a goaslp. Some women's ideas of happiness consist in supposing themselves th* pnvv nf il> tlmtr frtwuU "■ Ister, by the shortage of other tonnage having given new life to the construc tion of sailing vessels. The Doited States, the only country which has In creased sailing tonnage since 1014; now owns over 48 per cent of the world's sailing tonnage. * 5f ' Human Ohglni Saves Glri. Chippewa Vails. Wis.—To the pres ence of mind of Mlsa Marie Cuddy of Spoooer. Wis., Miss Norma Marshall, of CMppewa Vails owes her fife. The two girts, with four other glrls.' werw bathing In Popple lake when Miss Marshall stepped Into a deep hole y* went under. None of the girls coul(»