"wV is wonderfully protected and colic, diarrhoea, constipation, and other stomach and bowel troubles are quickly banished or avoided by using « B Bsr'? TkUaab' *ai CluUra', Rxiktw This remedy quickly aids the stomach to digest food and produces most remark able and satisfying results in regulating the bowels and preventing sickness. Plwasnt to «Jr» —plaaamt to taka. Hsnpl—. Bor«ly»««f hl«. laftoW and child ran • r»ralator. formula cm .•NrrkM. Qnai—lnJaoa ■weot«. nnryUnhotto. At AUDrmtmiatm No More Constipation cr Blotchy Skin Want a dear, healthy complexion, regular bowels, end a ' Ihi In I ii in li liim lining All easy to ob-I /% A rtTPri'A tain if you take LAKI C.K 9 CARTER'S JmrTLJr little UwJViVJrg . mis, the sure ■ JLls «"i sale and easy HPILLS stomach and despondency, they have no equal. Purely vegetable. geußrm-Sssannese fflftto Valuables. King Midas turned a hand to gold. "It Isn't as bad as turning a head to Ivory," we consoled h;m. If You Died i Medicine You Should Have the Best Have yon ever stopped to reason why H is that so many products that are ex tensively advertised, all at once drop ont of sight snd are soon forgot ten T The reason is plain—the article did not fulfill the promisee of the manufacturer. This applies more partienlariy to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative value almost sells itself, ss like so endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited, to those who are in need of it. A prominent druggist ssys "Take for example Dr. Kilmer'a Swamp-Root, a preparation I have Sold for many years' and never hesitate to recommend, for in almoet every ease it shows excellent re sults, as many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy has so large a sale." Aoeording to sworn statemente snd verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the success of Dr. Kilmer's Bwamp-Root is due to the fact, ee many people claim, that it fulfills si most every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri nary troublee snd neutralizes the ario acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address Dr. Kilmer A x!o., Binahamton, -N. Y., and encloee ten cents; also mention this paper. Large and medium site bottles for sale at all drug stores.—Adv. Installment Stuff. "Been visiting the Neweomhev, eh?" Is their furniture untlque?" "No: on tick, I fa.icy." The next time you buy calomel ask for 0 Tbe purified and refined calomel tablets that are nauaealeas, aafe and sure. Medicinal virtue* retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. HELP WANTED We repairs the aervteaa o( aa ambitious peraoa to do soms special advertising work lie tat In 7 oar awn locality. Ttaa work Is pleasant and dlcnlftrd. Par i* exceptionally larva. No prevlona experl anoe Is required, as alt that la necessary Is a wllllaaaene oa your part to carry ant tTyoa use your spare time ta a'way that wilt not Interfere wtth yoer present employ meat—yet pay you well tor yoar time. U yoa are making less thaa DM a month, the oßerJ am solnf to make win appeal to yea. Tear apare time will pay yon well—yoar fall time will brtac yea in a handsome Income. It oesta nothing to uveftlsate. Wrlu me today and I will aead yoa fall pattleu namr ll jPHri- ■! J rr-1 "n*.iin>y ' ! is lif* JB *.• ] —The Union Jack hoisted for th • ttr#t time over the former kalaer's palace on the Mount of Olives, Pales tine. 2—Senator Smoot upeaklug at the dedication of Zlon National Park In Utah. 3 —Parade of the Grand Army of the Itepubllc In Indianapolis. ' » NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS Relations With Japan Becoming Badly Strained Though There Is No Danger of War. TOKYO LEIIBNS I). S. STAND Disclosure* of Crookedness In Organ ized Baseball Arouse Indignation and Qrlef—Pole* and Baron Wrangel Still Driving the Red*—Moscow Eager for Peace. By EDWARITw. PICKARD. Despite the undoubted fact that,the J governments of the United StateirAnl Japan are earnestly striving to arrive at an urnlouble settlement of their dif ferences, the relations between the two nations are becoming more strained daily. This does not mean that hos tilities will ensue—such ap eventual ity Is almost ont of the question—4>ut the sltuatloii Is giving undesirable op portunity to the alarmists and the Jingoes of both countries and Is. real ly worrying the statesmen and those directly interested In International euraGieree. The administration at Washington has sent to Tokyo a communication stating Just how far It Is willing to go to meet the desires of the Japan ese, and this proposition was taken 'under consideration by the Jupanerfe cabinet. At neither capital was any Information given out hs to the con tents of the American note, but it was reported In Washington that one of the fundamental considerations Insist ed upon by the administration Is that Japan shall give a new guarantee against Immigration, In the form of an amendment either to the existing treaty or to the "gentlemen's agree ment" uuder whi£h since 1007 Japan has undertaken to prevent the emigra tion of laborers to America. If Japan agreed to accept any, such amendment, it probably would be to the gentlemen's agreement, for the Japanese people would scarcely stand for a formal treaty by which they, al most alone, would be set apart as un-. desirable Immigrants Into America. If Japan cannot bring about a definite settlement of the trouble at this time, she desires at least to reach an un derstanding that will quiet the .talk of Japanese domination In California and Induce the people of that state to reject, at the coining election, the pro posed new alien land law which Is the cause of most of Japan's protests. The adoption of that law was pre vented last year by the administration, but whether this conld be done again Is problematical. We hove thought In Amerlcn that the Jajwinese people were, considera bly wrought up over this question, but according to ifarquls Okuina, former premier, they are not sufficiently aroused. It Is now announced In Tokyo that Okuina Is going to devote himself to awakening the Japanese people against "the unlawful attitude of California Americans," and that he will call a meeting of 100 leading stntcftinen and other prominent citi zens to exchange views on the subject. The marquis says his fellow country men are liecoinlng weak and coward ly. like the Chinese, are Indifferent to grave questions affeetliffc the nation's Interests, and thaf 1 a strong, unified national opinion roust defend the In terest* of the Jupanese In California. He predicts that unless something la done to check the Gallfornlans, there will arise a similar stafe of affairs In Canada. Australia. W»«r Zealand and oilier British dominions. That the Japanese already are re taliating in such ways as are open to them Is indicated by correspondence between Secretary of Commerce Al exander ami Chairman Benson of the shipping- hoard. Mr. Benson called to the attention of Mr. Alexander In stances of Japanese procedure at i Kobe amounting te discrimination against American ahlpment* to the Far East. In reply Secretary Alexae 4r£& • •■W,li :' it 1 - • ,-w . - der wrote: "The nature of the dis crimination is In almost every ca?e so subtle, notwithstanding Ita effective ness, that it Is almost Impossible to take formal action."The best solution of the matter seems to be direct trans portation of American goods In Amer ican ships wherever possible." • ■ ■ mm The proposed California law, It Is held by Its proponeivts, would deny to. the Japanese In this country no rights or privileges not denied to Americans In Japan by Japanese law. It may be us well to give herethe following sum mary of the chief features of the pro posed law. It says: , That aliens, Ineligible to citizen ship in the United States, companies, corporations and associations, the ma jority of whose stock is owned by such aliens, are authorized to own and con vey land only as.provided by treaty and not otherwise. 1 That such persons, companies, cor porations and associations shall not be appointed guardians for estates consisting wholly or In pnrt of realty, but/that the public administrator or other •"competent person" shall act for the minor heirs of such estates. That ownership or leases, acquired In violation of thq law, shall become and remain the property of the state of California. That evasldns of the Inw governing conveyance of property shall be pun* Ishable by fine, not exceeding $5,000 nor more than two yeqrs in Jail or both. governor Stephens says of It: "The bill does not and will not, be cause the state legally cannot, prevent Japanese control of our soil nor can It stop further immigration. The full solution of this question cannot be had short of an exclusion act (tossed foy congress." Hot Indignation genuine grief have been aroused all over the land by the revelations of crookedness In or ganized baseball In the grand jury Ib vestlgatlon In Chicago. That here and there might be found one or two plnyers who would sell out would not be surprising, but that eight members on one club should be guilty of such shameful If not criminal conduct would be unbelievable were It not at tested by the confessions of some of the accused. These men not only sold their honor and the respect and admi ration of the American people, bnt they sold out for petty sums nad to cheap gamblers, who "double-crossed" them, and now they have nothing left bnt bitter reflections and the rem nants of their bribes. The grand Jury voted true bHls against eight men, seven of whom are still members of the Chicago White Sox club, the eighth having been sus pended last spring. They are accused of "conspiracy to do an unlawful act," State's Attorney Hoyne was doubtful whether auy crime as legally defined had been committed within the Juris diction of the courts of Cook county, but the attorney for Charles Coniiskey, the broken-hearted owner of the White Sox, says there are at least two counts on which each of the players named In the true bills may be prosecuted, lie says t£e» public paid admissions to see honest baseball played, and the conspiracy to throw the games there by cheated the public. Also he as serts the men conspired to Injure the property of Coralskoy, consisting of contracts worth more thnn $200,000 and the drawing power of the team end other good will estimated at $300,- 000. It Is believed that if the state does not take definite action against the players the government will prosecute (hose who received brllies for their failure to schedule the same on tbelr income tax reports. Official word to this effect has been recelted la Chi cago from the Internal revenue de partment In Washington. The White Box. which were only half a game behind the Cleveland team in the race for the American league pennant. Were of course badly wrecked when the seven players were suspend ed. and the chances were small In deed that they could win the honor of playing for the world's championship against Brooklyn, which already has captured first place In Itbe National league. Cheers for the League of NatUraa council yn the crowd that It had i stouned or averted hostilities Isvelv -4 fr«" , ~ ~ . .... , Sti V'- V. _ .''v ins four nations may have been pre mature or over-enthusiastic. Lithu ania and Poland, which were actually lighting, have not ceased yet, though they probably will before long. As for the dispute between Sweden find Finland over the Aland Islands, the former nation protest* that nev er was any. danger of Eostllitles, as she always settles International dis putes peaceably. Swedish officials said the quarrel with Finland would he amicably ended, though they added that Sweden never would give up the Aland islands. Both the Poles and General Wrangel continued their successful warfare on the Russian soviet The for mer at last repbrts had captured the Important cities of Ltda and Pinsk, and were Readily advancing north eastward toward Vilnft, whose fall was expected soon. Lida is the place whore TrotzUy was said recently to have .established the headquarters Of a new Bolshevik arm.v of 90.000 for a full campaign against the Poles. The Ukrainians, who are operating front, have recovered Kamanetz-Pp dolsk from the Bolshevlkl and are said to Jt>e planning a drive to form a Junction with Wrangei's forces and to sever the soviet line of communf cation between Kiev and Odessa. Wrangel; who is now well to the north of Alexandrovsk, is being aided by Makno, the Independent Ukrainian leader, and Is taking large numbers of prisoners. The soviet government has had more than enough war with Poland, aqd at the Riga conference Is seemingly mak ing every effort to arrange an armis tice that shall lead to peace. Accord ing to a dispatch from Warsaw, JofTe, head of the Russian delega tion, received Instructions from Mos cow to accept all the conditions laid down by Poland, however hard they may be, except those compelling Rus sia to partly or wholly disband her Red army. So far the chief matter In dffcpute has been.'the line of demarca tion between Poland, White Russia and Ukralnla. > There has been no cessation of the guerrilla warfare In Ireland. Nearly every day one or more 'members of the British police or army are mur dered by Sinn Felners, and In almost every Instance reprisal |s swift and bloody. Towns and villages are raid ed and the homes of well-known Sinn Felners are burned, and often they are taken out and shot to death. The British government, though It has started an Inquiry Into the killings, seems rather helpless in the matter Mayor Macflwiney of Cork is still alive, and a London paper says It has learned be is being given food In con centrated form. Though the effort to communise the Industrial plants of Italy Is admit tedly a failure, the disturbances there are Increasing. The workers and own ers In the metal plants are approach ing some measure of agreement, with the aid the government, but th# employees In other lines and the peas ants In Sicily and other districts are yielding to the efforts of radical trou ble-makers. Seizure of lands by armed, peasants, beginning in Sicily, spread to Hie north during the week and threatened to become nation-wide. The best development of the week was the way In wMch prices In th« United States began to decline. In most cases manufacturers and dealer* who offered the reductions tried to make It clear that they were based o& expectations of future conditions, in order to free themselves from the sus picion of having profiteered at the for mer prices. Ecomimlsts called atten tion to two things; First, that safety demanded that price* decline gradual ly Instead of tumbling; second, that the people .must not let the lower prices lend them Into another orgy of buying, lest the result be mother America met with defeat In the air plane race for the James Gordon Ben nett trophy In France. One of ber entries was thrown out by an accident and tbe two others did. not get far, owtnc to defects of construction In their engines. The race was woo by a Frenchman. Sadl Leeointe, antMhe ' 1 "'"I" 11 ' ' ' CONDENSED NEWS FROM THE OLD NORTH STATE »oirr NOTES OF INTKREST TO CAROLINIANS. Aaheville. —Frank Henderson, con-' vlcted in the Madison county superior court of murdering bis wife, was sen tenced to pay the-extreme penalty. Hamlet. The Presbyterians of Hamlet are making build a Dew church building. They have just closed a deal for a lot lfjO by 210 feet. Asheville.—Announcement was re-' ceived here that Gov. Frank O. Low-- den, of Illinois, Will be in Asheville on O.ctober 16, and speak on the political issues of the day. i Wlnstou-Salem.—Miss Alice Gray of Winston-Salem was elected rice com mander of the North Carolina depart ment of the American Legion. Miss dray saw service as a- hospital nurse with the A. E. F. Qasto^a.—J. Ralph Rankin, a prom inent farmer of the Point section, 10 miles southeast of Oastonla, met death when a tractor which he was operating in a field overturned and crushed him to death. I Wadesboro.—The board of educa tion has instituted mandamus pro ceedings against the board of county commissioners tp compel them to make a tax levy sufficient 'to run the schools ot the county six months. Salisbury.—Rowan's first memorial to the boys from this cdfcnty who took • part In the world war 'was unveiled. It is is a bubbling drinking fountain, made of native granite and stands on the courthouse lawn. Raleigh.— l -Raleigh woman, voting for the first. time in school election saved the 1Q per cent property and 30- cent poll tax by relatively out voting the men. The majority was 52 in a registration of 2,565. Boston. —Mrs. Hattle Reed Whlta ker of North Carolina, was elected president of the National Association of Rebekah assemblies. Lumberton. —A joint meeting of the home demonstration clubs of Robe son county is in session in ton. Wilmington.—Ramson Popte, rev enue officer, is in a serious condition in a Fayetteville hospital as the re sult of being shot from ambush near Cedar Creek. Greensboro.—The seven-game ser ies to decide the Piedmont league pennant just concluded In Raleigh •was witnessed by 24,629 persons, -bringing in $13,736.69. —— ' Wadesboro. lmpressive funeral services for two soldiers who fell Victims' to the World War while in Farnce were held here. TTieae sol diers were Charles Jones and Nelson Carpenter. Mount Airy.—The first meeting of the Surry County Teachers' Associa tion was held at Dobson. More than one hundred teachers from the town and rural schools were in attendance. New Bern. —Mrs. Thomas G. Hy roan, president of the New Bern chapter, United -Daughters of the Cen federacy aided by other local and state officers, is now completing the official program for the annual Con vention which is to be held in New Bern, October 12 to 15. Kings Mountain. —One man was killed, another Injured. whila two others escaped when a large touring car overturned in the middle of a street in Grover, near here, accord ing to advices reaching Kings Moun tain. The dead man is Otto Hord. Winston-Salem. —Triple sales at tho warehouses lasted nearly all day again, indicating that the farmers who market their weed here have decided to continue selling at present prices. A majority of the growers realise that the quality of this year's crop is far below that of last year. Henderson vine. The Board of Trade and the American Legion met to plan a celebaration for Armistice Day, November 11. Amofig the inter esting attractions will be a minstrel, in which various members of the Le gion will take part. New Bern. —Foundations have been laid for two of the concrete steamers which are to be constructed here by the Newport Shipbuilding corporation, and the work of forming and sheath ing for the vessel is said to be well under way. Charlotte.—A park area of 43.4 acres, following in some iatances the territory of the old Latta park, has been given to the ity by E. D. Latta, Sr. according to a statement by Mayor McNlnch. Mount Airy.—According to statis tics compiled by the Mount A try chamber of commerce the first half a minion pounds of tobacco sold on this market brought an average price of *19.77. Thus far low grades and Kill That Cold CASCARA fc> QUININE F°R AND C«Mi r £*g|ki La Gripps Neglected Colds are Dangerous Talc* no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first inw». * , Breaks up ■ cold In 24 hours Relieves Grippe In 3 days—Excellent for Headache Quinine In this form does not afiect the head—Caacara la beat Tonic Laxative—No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT After locking your family vskeleton in your chest hide the key where your neighbors cun't find It Oont Forget Cuticura Talcum IVben adding to your toilet requisite*. An exquisitely scented face, skin, baby and dusting powder i»nd perfume, ren dering other perfumes superfluous You may rely on it because one of the Cuticura Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum). 2fic each, every where.—Adv. A warning paragraph often saves a chapter of explanation. Dr. Peary's "Dead Shot" Is powerful but sate. One dose la anouch to expel Worm* or Tapeworm, No caator oil oeeaaaary.— AST. I A little leaven leaveneth the whole '.amp.—New Testafnent. Many a Pretty Face Spoiled by Pimples - Not only are these pimples and splotches' disfiguring, but they lead to serious skin diseases that spread and cause the pioit discomforting irritation and pain. Sometimes they foretell Eczema, boils, blisters, scaly eruptions and other annoyances that burn like flames of fire, and make you feel that your skin is ablaze. If you are afflicted with this foftn of skin disease do not expect PROVED TRUE TO HER WORD . Fair Autolst ad Said She Would Be Back Promptly, and It Was Even More 80. On one of my first excursions in our new cnr, writes 41 correspondent. I stopped at the grocery with my car parked with the back toward the storp door. I gave my. order-and told the clerk that I would be back to get my things in a very few minutes. As-1 stepped into the car, my best "beau" ' came down the street, and anxious to show him how well I could, drive,'l hurriedly threw Into gear. * raced the engine and let the clutch out to get a quick pickup. I».proved to be a wonderful one. as I had thrown into reverse and fonno myself In the doorway of the grocery store. I had gone over the curbing and all. breaking the window as I bumped into the store. The grocer hurried oqt, and when he saw who it was, "Will," he said, "you have proved yourself a woman oif your word, but It will cost you the price ot a new show window." Fully Occupied. Mrs. Peevish says she feels confi dent that Mr. Peevish will never ac quire another bad habit, as it takes all bis waking hours to practice those he Already has. and when he is asleep he tmores. —Dallas News. That Wholesome Table Drink POSTUM CEREAL chains new friends ridht along Because of its pleasing taste healthfulness, and saving in cost Postum Cereal is delicious -when property made: boil fully fifteen * minutes after boiling begins. The more you boil Postum Cereal the better it is. V/hen ordering be sure to get the original PRgBH POSTUM CEREAL P usually sells for j Made by Postum Cereal Co. Inc. Battle Creek.Mich. - --—f&llf-. X:i fJ>VIV .v • Matching His Boast. ( Interested Friend —Why did jrcra give the young man I sent you only s "supe" part in the plaxT Manager—Because from his own ac count he was such a broth of a boy. "Pipe'* Dlapepsln" for Indlgtstlm "Pape-'a Dlapepsln" la the quickest surest relief for Indigestion, Oases, Flatu lence. Heartburn, Sourness. Fermentation or Stomach Distress caused by acidity. A few tablets five almost immediate stomach relief and shortly the stomach 1s corrected so you can eat favorite foods Without fear. Large case costs only M cents at drugr store. Absolutely harmless am pleasant. Millions helped annually. Best stomach corrective known—Adv. He's a brave man who dies to stop a womaift runaway tongue. 9 Bent pins and Carpet tacks corns under the nead of felt goods. to be cured by lotions, ointments, salves and other Jocal remedies, a> they can not possibly reach tha source of the trouble, which is in the blood. Begin taking S,S.S. to day, and write a complete history of your case to our chief medical advisep who will giv? you special instructions, without charge. Write at once to Medical Director, 152 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, 6a. COULDN'T TAKE HER IN CUP "Honey" Was What the Yourjgster Was After, but Not in Quit* Such a Generous Quantity. Tommy Brown had not studied 'pel manism and his brain wns like a sieve. When h!s mother/told him to take a cup to the grocer's and get it filled with honey he. heard what she said; but when he got to the grocer's he forgot what he had come for. The grocer named one article after anotheg in the aopd-uatured attempt to refresh his memory, but all to no avnil. Then he turned to his plump wife and said: "Honey, can you think what It might be?" "That's it; that's it!". the boy, excitedly. "Hopey! But, look here," he. added, eyeing the buxom lady, "you'd better put her on my back and let me take her that way, for the cup wouldn't hold her." Not Qualified. "A reporter wishes to see you, sir." ' "What does he want?" asked Mr. Grabcoin. testily. ' "He says he wapts to get your views on the European situation." "Tell hiui I'm not competent to dis cuss the question. I don't even know what's become of that poet, musician or something or .other who captured Flume." —Birmingham Age-Herfild.

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