I WnniPv from Here I (J 1 UIIICJ and There Trophies of the Great War in Demand • . p ;• A , ■ : • • • -f NEW YORK.—Thousands of war,tro phies brought from the battlefield* of Frnnfe for use during the Liberty , loan and other drives pre being dis tributed. at the warehouse of the French mission here. The material Includes guns of all kinds used by the French, British and Germans, cavalry swords, cuirasses, shells and soldier equipment. . Large demands for trophies have conie from Inland cities, according to MaJ. Jean Malye. director Of the bu reau ot Information,, Direction Gen erate des Services Frnncais aux Etats Unls, now In this city. One of the largest single collections, with the exception of that given to Washington for the National museufn', Was presented to the Army and Navy Club Of America. The trophies will be preserved in a suitable environment IS&y IH!KIS3§ YouJr For Malarial Fevers and a General Tonit If not sold by your druggist, write ARTHUR PETER * CO.. LOUISVILLE, KY. Needed "Pill" Right on the Start Little Eleanor returned home after her first day at school. She said: "Mamma, I need a pencil and a pill. The pill Is a book you write in, the teacher said." ' ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" la genu ine Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for over twenty years. Accept only an unbroken "BaJ'er package" which contains proper directions to relieve Headache, Tooth ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Druggists also •ell larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin is.trade mfcrk Bayer Manufacture Mon •aceticacldester of Sallcyllcacld.— Adv. Playing Safe. "Thnt fellow seems to have horse sense." w ' "Huh?" "He keeps away from the races." '' Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills contain nothing bat vegetabl* Ingredients, which set gently as a tonic and purgative by stim ulation and not by Irritation.—Adv. Prosperity has -"ruined more men thau adversity—but that kind of ruin Is so much more delightful. Most men will tell you that a good name is better than riches —but they keep right on hustling. Dr.THACHERS LIVER-BLOOD SYRUP HI to be Included in the plans for the uew $3,000,000 clubhouse that Is to; be erected In honor of the officers killed in the war. The collection of fifty , jiWes Include cannon, flame throw t-rs, trench uiortars, machine guns. ' bayonets, rifles, swords, cuirasses .wire-cutting machines, trench stoves, braziers, inurmites, shells and shell baskets, and marine signal flpgs. Tanks and German field pieces weighing from one ton to ten have been given to Chicago. St. Louis and other cities. A huge German listening post has been given to Bloorofield, N. J. Mont clair received a whippet tank, while the National museum at Washington was awarded a large 16-inan tank. Other valuable pieces, sent to Wash ington Included an airplane, sample pieces of all the foreign artillery used during the war, uniforms and field kitchens. , The prize of the collection, a Big Bertha, was claimed by Mount Klsco, N. Y. Chattanooga has been given a German 150-ralllltneter gun Weighing three tons. More than 3.000 French helmets and an equal number of uniforms had been disposed of. ■■ L To various posts of the American legion field pieces have been given. .Ji.. ■ ' ' ' 4 A Gentle Hint Wlfle—"Dearest, do you love me still?" Hubby—"How I could If you would only get that way I" GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER A Marvelous Remedy for Indigestion. Those who suffer from nervous dys pepsia. constipation, indigestion, tor pid liver, dizziness, headaches, com ing up of food, wind on stomach, pal pitation and other Indications of dis order in the digestive tract will find Green's August Flower a most effec tive and efficient assistant in the res toration of nature's functions and a return to health and* happiness. There could be no-better testimony of the value of this remedy for these troubles than the fact that Its use for the last fifty-four years has extended Into many thousands of households all over the civilised world and no indication of any failure has been obtiflned In all that time. Very desirable as a gentle laxative. Sold everywhere.—Adv. In order to win success a man must be in a position to grasp opportunity by the back of the neck. USE "DIAMOND DYES" Dye right I Don't rlak your material in a poor dye. Bach package of "Diamond ./fcyVl/X Dyes" contains directions frv.&xJ/ 80 8lm P |e that any woman can diamond-dye a new, Vf/ m . r ' c h, fadeless color Into old IB ill safments, draperies, cover- VJ l/l ings, everything, whether 1 llr\ WOOI, I,nen . cotton or j.L[l mixed goods. Mr Buy 'Diamond Dyes" /| IL no other kind —then perfect results are guaranteed. Druggist has "Diamond Dyes Color Card"—l 6 rich colors. Adv. Plain, uuvarnished truth is better than questionable rhetoric. ALAMANCE OLEA.NER, GRAHAM, N". O. The Kitchen Cabinet nHIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIiKIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR ®L ltifc W««tern Nflwiptper Union.) - Everything that Is great In life la the product of slow growth. Mush rooms spring up to the night, an oak requires decades. Fads survive only for weeks, a philosophy for centutlth. If you are sure you are right don't -Ist your family, your friends or' the world swArve you from your purpoaa. Accept alow growth. If it must be slow, and believe that results will come.'-Joadan. FOOD FOR THE FAMILY. The following dish is one which Is a great favorite in many families. ■ ii ■ —a. Frizzlad Beef.*— 11l flfeuragjn Take half a pound "" nil of Bra o ke d dritd I rCjy* beef, cut In thin jm aiii boiling water over stand ten min utes. Drain and heat one tablespoouful of butter In which to Curl or frizzle the meat, Add one cupful of cream, poured oyer one beaten egg. salt If necessary, a little apepper and serve at' once. Lemon Custard Pudding.—Boll one pint of milk and pour It over one cup ful of bread crumbs. Cream one table spoonful of butter with two of sugar, add the beaten yolks of two eggs and the grated rind of a lemon. Then add the milk and crumbs slowlyi Pour Into 6 guttered pie plate and bake f or half an hour. Beat the whlted of the eggs to a stiff froth, add two tablespoonfuls of sugar, and a little of t|ie lemon juice. Pile on top of the pudding, sift with sugar and brown lightly in tb« oven. e Chocolate Junket. —Grate unsweet ened chocolate ,(Mbout two tablespoon fuls) and melt over stefcm. Beat 9 pint of milk to the lukewarm stage and stir In the chocolate and three tablespoon fuls of sugar. Dissolve half a Junket tablet In a tablespoonful of water and add to the mRk; stir well, and add • half cupful of cream, flavor with vanil la and turn at once Into sherbet cups to mold: Mousse Marron. —Cook one-half cup ful of sugar with one-fourth of a cup ful of water Ave mlnntes, pour on the whites of two eggs beaten stiff. Dis solve one tablespoonful of gelatine in one and one-half tablespoonfuls of cold water, add to the first mixture and stir until cold. Add one and one-half cup fuls of preserved chestnuts and fold In one pint of whipped and flavored cream. Line a mold With vanilla Ice cream and All with the mixture. Cover, pack In salt and Ice and let stand three hours. Oh! If the berry that stains my lip Could teach me woodland chat. Science would bow to my scholarship And theology doff the hat *Tls looking down that makes one dluy. —Browning. WHAT TO EAT. Where fresh mushrooms are plenti ful the following dish will be a favor ite : Green Peppers and I Mushrooms.— Wipe care fully and break Into small pieces fresh field mushrooms; saute In a tablespoonful of butter; there should be a cupful * when cooked. Add a half cupful of cream, three tablespoonfuls of soft bread crumbs, half a cupful of chopped clams, a seasoning of salt and pepper and the beaten yolk of one egg. Fill green peppers from which the veins and seeds have been removed and which have been parboiled In salted water for ten minutes. Place In a bak ing pan with a little water, basting every few minutes with butter and wa ter. Fried Cornstarch Mush.—Scald a pint of mjlk; add two tablespoonfuta of cornstarch mixed to a smooth paste with a little cold milk; add one beaten egg and salt Just before taking from the heat Cook until the cornstarch taste Is gone. Turn Into a square tin to mold. When cold cut In slices, roll In flour and fry brown. Serve.with sirup. Angel Psrfslt.—Boll together until It threads, one-half cupful each of sugar and water. Pour over the beaten whites of three eggs, beat well and flavor wltb one teaspoonfut of almond or rose water. When cold gently fold In one pint of cream, whipped, and one half cupful each of chopped walnuts and candled cherries. Pack In ice and salt four hours. 8t Charles Bread.—Beat two eggs lightly; add alternately one pint of buttermilk and one pint of Indian meal. Melt one tablespoonful of but ter and add to the mixture; dissolve a teaspoonful of soda In a small portion of the buttermilk and beat hard. Bake in a quick oven. Orange Pie.—To ooe and one-half cupfuls of sweet milk add two table spoonfuls of sugar, four tablespoon fuls of flour, the folks of two eggs and the Juice apd grated rind of two oranges. Use the well-beaten white* cut and folded In at the last. Bake as a custard pie. Apple Custard Pis.—Pee) soar ap ples snd stew until soft. Rub through a colander and allow ooe aod one-half cupfuls for each pie. To this qaan tlty add one t&trd of a cupful of bat ter. three well-beaten eggs and sugar to sweeten. Flavor with nutmeg or cinnamon. Bake In sn under crust only. ""HctUc SIMPLICITY OF THE NEW COAT STYLES Ipf B. - « ■ B I % • fill •■ 10 : Mr \ W • | A KM M W |m ■- # % M m fj M \ BJ .. S « " |H . II H » H I m mmm i h »s LHhHhL S MB HL M BF flpp^ Hp _ ■ Tjfrfo EVER since the curtain rose on the drama of fnl! and winter fash lons the practical woman has found reason to congratulate her self In the matter of coat styles. They •re of a simplicity that warrants their wear everywhere and of a beauty that makes glad the heart. Some of them are nothing more than capes with sleeve* added, all ©f them are cut In long and almost unbroken lines, ex cept those made of fabrics that imitate furs, which follow the lines of the coats made of skins. Velours, duve tyn, boHvla. and similar soft and pli able cloths give grace and comfort to tbe coats for this winter, and high fur collars,' that flt snugly, top them off with the luxury of fur. Occasion ally there are cuffs of fur, and where there Is no fur at all, very ample muffler collars of cloth, or crepe col lars, provide the same suggestion of comfort aided by the fact that coats are long enough to reach to the bot tom of tbe dress skirt. .• v . Two Suits Worthy of Note Bk J Bfllll / Ik / V»—m nWBMP! '-• I Vi'* 1 1 ■■" 1 *'■■ "* THOSE who are partial to long coats and to doubJe-broasted models will approve the handsome wilt at the left of the two shown here. With the authority of a great Paris ian name bark of It, It can take Its place among many companion*, with shorter coats, secure In the knowledge of It* origin and ita fine style. It !• , made of relotirs In one of those new . strong Mae shades, and black caraeq| > for never found a more effective back- , ground to serve ss a foil to its rich- ; ocas. Paqnln is among those who' have sponsored the loug coat, snd ahe Is not alftne. In this coat there la at least a hln* I of the Kussian Inspiration. It fastens , with a single large and handsome but-1 hit «t the left side. Its collar of cars- j ctii is very wide, and ita deep pointed : jW/iets of fur are finished with two i bufifras and a long tassel on each. The loose, narrow belt la extended into a girdle and looped over at the front, after the manner of belts gen erally. and the plain *tvt alao follow/ the axxto sttaadlng the Increased Designers who roust produce va riety while they preserve simplicity ot line Introduce Ingenious cutting and unusual management of details and accessories for this purpose. An ex ample uppears In the handsome doth coat shown In the picture, in which capacious pockets are formed by means of panels Inserted under anna These pockets are curved at the top and finished with machine stitching. The second coat Is one of those wov en fur garments that look so much like sealskin. Women who like the richness of fur, but have scruples •against It ought to be pleased with this model, for It is hard to distin guish the fabric from the pelt Real fur is used' for the wide collar, plain cuffs, and shaped bands on the pock ets, and there are many kinds that might be employed, as skunk, squirrel, fox, beaver. ° The coat hangs almost straight, with a slight flare toward the bottom at the back, emphasised by a band of fur placed as a border. ; length of skirts to at least the she* tops. The suit st the right Is as unusual jns to Its coat, as Its companion. This coat Is noteworthy because of Its full, rlpple) skirt, which begins at the front by adopting the average length of coat, but adds both length and full ness as It progresses toward the back. Imagine It In brown cheviot with the large motifs about the waiatlfne cm broldsred In silk to match, or In any other df the season's favorite colors that look well with sealskin, which Is used for the wide collar. • It has a narrow belt of the roan* rial, which follows the Isp-across fssh lon at the front. In this suit, aa Ir. the majority of others, the skirt. It al most goes without saying. Is plain. • little longer and a llftle wider that those thst preceded It In tlie early fall iA. »»•. n«stsra HHWHWI — I ) Owe Their Health To Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Copipaund overshadowing Indeed is the success of this great medicine. Compared with . it, all other medicines for women's ills seem to be experiment*/ Why is itj«o successful ? Simply because of its sterling worth* For over forty years It has had no equal Women for two generations have depended upon it with confidence. Thousands of Their Letters are on our files, whleh prove these statements to be facts, not mere boasting. Here Are Two Sample Letters: Mother aed Daughter Helped. Middleburg, Pa.-"I am glad to itate thatXydia E. Pinkbam'e, VegetableCompounddidmemucb good whsc Iwu 85 years old- I was ran down wlthfemaletrouble and waa not abla to do anything, could not walk for • year ana eoald not wort I had treatment from a physician but did not gain. I read In tba papers and books about Lydia E- Pinkbam's Vege table Compound and decided to try it The first few bottles gave me relief and I kept on using It until I got better and waa able to do my work. The Vegetable Cora pound also regulated my daughter when she was 16 years old. I can recommsnd.VjsgeUbleOom pound as the best medicine I have ever used."—lira. W. YERGKR, R. 3, Box XI, Middleburg, Pa. Wise Is the Women Wl Lydia E.Pinkhams Vegetable Compound «■■■■—vi oct ginjaimljr i-irein T ■mmmmmm Vary Much So. "This unfortunate collision sent ray whole stock of eggs down the hill." "Too had. What yon might call a depreciation In roHlng stock." MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs* Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Flga only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure yonr child is having the best and roost harm less physic for the little stomach, liver and bowel*. Children love its fruity taste. Pull directions on each botOfc. Yoo must say "California."—Adv. Its Nature. • 1 "Jn*t Imagine that xtoel nuignnte's talking of the brotherhood of man." "That'w his fine Irony." There can be no treuty v.lth bgt abevism. N World pes re I* ruore of a Utopian dream tban ever. It'a a wise open-top car that know* where it is going. » Prices coming down! Wouldn't that sonnd good if true? Poland is the world's alarto clock In the matter of bolshevlttni. New wars for the collecting of old debts are not popular this year. The war cloud In Europe haw tuken to lowering with all its old-time arid ity. • The bolshevik! have occupied fievz *•*« —which looks as U It might be the pi belt 'j "till It should take about Ave bolshe vik! to whip one good, vigorous Polish Mtriet. Pall Hirer, Mass. "Three years ago I gave birth to a little girl ana after sbeVas bran 1 did not pick np welL 1 doctored for two months and my condition re mained the SSQ3c. One day one of your little books was left at my door and my husband sug gested that I try a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Com pound. I started it immediately and I felt better and could eat better after the first bottle, and I continued taking it for some time. Last year I gave birth to a baby boy and had a much easier time as I took the Vsqstable Com pound for foar mon thsbe fore baby came. On getting up I bad no pains like I had before, and no dizzineos, and in two weeks felt about as well as ever. "—Mrs. THOMAS WILKINSON, 888 Colum bia Street, Pall Btrer, Mass. ho Inslsta Upon Having Cuticura Soap —The Safety Razor — Shaving Soap I c \ PENNYDOCTORS iV b far Faflawag Fib ud TaUds « ■-' Heart tonic (Dr. Oordinisr); JTT.. Kidney. liver (Dr. Taylor); !***"». H* Asthma (Dr. H*re); Kmik itSSK 'Dr. Kensron); Nerve tonic ? rrT"-feP Dr. westbrook); Hay Fever- RMMr Mi (Dr. Lincoln); Catarrh (Dr.. Richards); Rheumatism (Dr. Metcalf);. Bronchitis (Dr. Davis); Cathartic (Dr. Hlnkle)-,Be* tonic (Dr. LaMadrtd); Irri tability f(Dr. Baer); Ackl Stomach (Dr. Roberts: Gastric stimulant. (Dr. North); Incipient tuberculosis (Dr. Curtln); Em mensrofue (Dr. Hooper);. Mixed orders, filled; none under SOe; prepaid. WALPOLK, WALSH * COMPANt U« Kelson gt;,. I>stgß-_ Freed From Torture EmtonSo Cleared Him Up-Set Stommoh "The people whp have seen me cof fer tortures from neuralgia brought on by an up-set stomach now see me per fectly sound and well —absolutely due to Eatonlc," writes R. Long. Profit by Mr. Long's experience, keep your stomach to healthy condition, fresh snd cool, aod avoid the ailments that come from an acid condition. Eatonlc brings relief by taking up and carrying out the excess acidity and Tases—does it quickly. Take an Eatonlc After eating and see how wonderfully It helps yon. Big box costs only s trifle with yonr druggist's guarantee. Tiict.twoiuiaum tot make shone Whsasa, MHf Boar, hsve Thick Wtad n Choke-dowa. caa be ' . 1 reduced with y I tlto other Bunches or Swelling*. NaMlatar, Bohalrgoae.and hone kept at work. Eco ! oomical— only afew dropi required at an appli | cation. |2. S> per bottle deßveeed, iMttlvaa HUM, M, the antieeptic Ueast for Ma kind, redness CystL Wens, Painful, Swollen Veine and Ulcer*. Ji.2sa bottleat dealers or a.i? a a t_ if-JJ »s * | UNIVVIVQi WOK liflQCuvC UTC* W. f.YOUM. Wmm. A-a KODAKS & SUPPLIES lira We alee do hlgkest class of tolaWsv I ■mi Price* and OahUofae npea ixpi—t. i I. *, CABBAGE PLANTS. UUMW VABIK o.*7k" PUJ'C! aiT'iel

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