Hi THE "OLD RELIABLE" THEDFORD'S BIiCK-DMIIGHT WUto Haired Alabama Lady Say# She Has Seen Medkaes Come and Go Brt The "Old Reliable" Thedford'a Black-Draught Cane aad Stayed, Dutton, Ala.—ln recommending Thed ford's Black-Draught to her friends add neighbors ben, Mrs.T. F. Parks, a wen known Jackson County lady, said: "I am getting up la years; my head is pretty white. 1 have Been medicines and reme dies come and go but the old reliable cane and stayed. lam talking of Black- Draught, a liver medicine we have used for years—one that can be depended up on aad one that will do the work. "Black-Draught will relieve indigestion and constipation if taken right, and I know lor Ifiled it It is the best thing I have i ever found for the full, uncomfortable Cost of Safety More than Doubled IP( 11/4 ' - t / &M-.' -st- 4Wm&m&m mmt> - - - - * ; IrfllwHHl wW vi v ' v &Mm Hi - -• iy 'XjL' V- M Jc k Wuf't ii'ml" - E The increased cost of the various materials and appliances used In the operation of the railways is wdll Illustrated by the two signal towers shown herewith, which are located on the main line of the Southern Railway, six teen miles south of Washington. These two towers are part of the electric automatic block signal system, protecting the d6uble-tracked line of the Southern Railway System between Washington aad Atlanta. Installation ot these towers was completed May 18, 1914, at a cost of 95.507.00. To Install two similar towers in 1920 would ooet 98.000.00. Mrcgggig Makes I wMjLj P^ Ce y |^ ur orc * cr NOW! The car and If you want a larger and Litter^wheat # Order Early w Order ROYSTER'S ®y ordering early you help to relieve the serious car shortage ■ ' and yourself against delay or disappointment By or derl rig ROYSTER S you secure the quality and service which have made the unusual popularity of these brands. I F. S. R ° Y norfo GUANO company feeling after meals. Sour stomach and rick headache can be relieved by taking Black-Draught. It aids digestion, also ssiststhe liver in throwing off impuri ties. 1 am glad to recommend Black- Draught, and do, to my friends and neighbors." Thedford's Black-Draught is a stand ard household remedy with a record of ovef seventy years of successful use. Every one occasionally needs something to help cleanse the system of impurities. Try Black-Draught. Insist upon Thed ford's, the genuine. At an druggists. u. TO V', ■ • *r7rsi *~£ ' T *r -■ *77*' BEFORE BOSTON "TEA PARTY" ♦. y 7 Annapolis Had a Little Celebration of Its Own That Wu Fully M Spectacular. Much publicity has been given the "Boston Tea Party," which was pic turesque as well as significant, but it was not the only "tea. party" of that time. Annapolis, the capital of Maryland, had an equally good one* with the same intents and pur poses and fully as spectacular. In the summer of 1774 the brigantine Peggy Stewart entered the port of Annapolis with a cargo of tea. The people of the city regarded the ship ment as an insult and a defiance of their will. They gathered in the street to denounce the local import ers and to organize for the destruc tion of the tea. The local importers appealed to Charles Carroll of Carrollton for protection. His answer was that the only way by which they Sould escape personal violence would be to bnrn both ship and cargo instantly, and in plain sight of the infuriated pop ulace. This was done, and the burn ing ship and cargo in Annapolis harbor was quite as spectacular as the emptying of a cargo of tea into Boston harbor. TRULY ARTISTIC V'i LUCKY TRIP. "Enjoy your Ashing trip?* "Very much." "Were the fish running?" "No, but the cards were." THE RIQHT ORDER. "The catalogue says these am fins bedding roses." "Thaa send for some pillar roses, take a few sheets and write a blanket order for the' others." 24 EGGS FROM 28 HENS Mississippi Woman Hsd No v Eggs for Four Months. : 1 - Hens Now Laying Regularly/ , _ "I wish to praise Dr. fjeGear's Poultry .Prescription to Poultry Baisers. 1 have 28 hens and had no eggs from them for pver .4 months. After I fed them one and one-half packages of your pre scription I gathered over 2 dozen > eggs from them. Thie !a a positive' fact, and I advise all poultry reisers to nse Dr. LeGaar's Poultry Pre scription, if they wish their hens to lay.—Miss Carilna Freeman, Bar. riston, Miss. Dr. LeGearis advice and a few pennies wisely spent have made lay ers out. of loafers. You can obtain the same results. Get a.package of Dr. LeGear's Poultry Prescription from your dealer. Use it as directed. It is a tonic which builds op the strength and vitality of hens, with out overstimulating or injuring the egg producing organs. If results are not entirely satisfactory, return the empty, carton and receive * refund of roar money,—Dr/ L. D. LeGear Mekflwßt. Louis, Mo. « AMERICAN RED CROSS TO GIVE RURAL HEP Program for Public Health and Community Welfare Is Now Wed Under Way. Rural communities sod towns of less than 8,000 population benefit in a very large part by tbe public health and community welfare work of the Ameri can Red Cross. Almost all- of the 8,600 Red Cross chapters have some rural sections in their territory. There fore the Red Cross Rural Service. Briefly, the purpose of Rural Serv ice Is to assist people to get out of life) more heultli, wealth and happiness. In this purpose public health Instruction snd general educational progress of both children tod sdults play s big part. • Recreation is found to be one of the biggest needs In rural life. There Is lack of sufficient play-life for the chil dren and social life for the adults. Picnics, pageants, debating clubs, baseball leagues, community singing and other social events which bring the people of surrounding communities together have been organised and car ried on under tbe guidance of Red Cross rural workers to great advan tage. In many Instances solving rec reational problems and'getting people together proves to be the awakening of the community to other conditions which may be Improved by united action. As s restflt of community organisa tion, townships In which there bad been neither plans nor Interest la community progress have been organ ised to work together with the' unified purpose of bringing their community up to the most ehliglitened standards. 1 Lecture and musical entertainment courses have been stnrted as a result of community meetings, as well as cir culating libraries, Red Cross schools of Instruction In Home Nursing, Care of tbe Sick and First Aid. In tbe larger towns the need for restrooins and pub lic comfort stations la being met Play grounds for tbe children have been established and recreational activities worked oat for the year. In order that there may be concerted effort In carrying on the programs of the vsrions welfare agencies In the rural districts. Red pros* Rural Serv ice helps tbe organisations already on the ground. Tbe main object of the service Is to lend e hand everywhere and take tbe lead only where neces sary: A NEW CURB. One does not ordinarily pay much attention to new cures for dis eases that have remained incurable through centuries of efforts to find remedies, but when the United States public health service Xn nounces that 48 lepers, who .were un der treatment in Hawaii, were dis charged a year ago, and that they •how no signs of a return of the disease, there v* at least encourage* ment for the hope that this ancient scourge may be mastered.—Detroit Free Proas. ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Ntmo "Bayer" is 00 Genuine Aspirin— say Bayer lasbt ea -Bayer TaMsts of Aspirin' Neuralgia. Lumbago, and Rheumatism. NasM Bayer" means genuine Aspirin pr—ribrt br nhysicJTfor aia&e? MAKE HOM iS N CLA How Sevang Hundred People Uva Rent Free In the Province of 9tUw*n, China. When we speak of houses built of clay, we mean BRICK. But I;I the Yunnan province of China,, on the banfcs'of a certain river, the idea it carried out much more literally, in aa much as there a lofty vertical cliff of day affords homes, rent-free for several hundred" people. The stuff is a bright jrellow clay of so fine a texture-that a bit of it rubbed between the fingers' affords no feeling of grit. It is easily dug ont with spades, and a great many cave dwellings have been excavated in the faoe of the* cliff, overlooking the river. • i Some of there are of two or three stories, the day being so tenacious that thick horizontal layers of it will furnish a series of floors. Al though cave-dwellings are not un familiar in other parts of the world, nothing at all like these are to be found anywhere else. Scattered over the face' of the cliff, among the cave houses, are quaint Buddhist shrines, with "images, carved out of clay, standing or sitting at the entrances. Those high up on the day wall, as well aa the loftier family homes, are reached by bamboo ladders. MOT MEANT AS COMPLIMENT Old Gentleman Wad Merely Handing QranddausMer a Most Thoroughly Deserved Rebuke. A young society woman had been visiting at her mother's home for about a week and during that time had startled the entire family by some of the statements she' had made and some of the things she had done. But yet none had the courage to criticize her until one day her grandfather, who made his home there, said: "Helen, my dear, if you live to be ten years older youwill then be very much like your mother was when she was your age." Helen dimpled at the evident compliment. "Not hardly that long, grandfather,* she demurred. "I know that women grew older much more rapidly then than they do now, but still—" "Fiddlesticks!" interrupted her grandfather, testily, "I wasn't thinking of them growing older. I don't know anything about that. What I was thinking Qbout waa how much faster they gtew wiser." ■— —: —-32 . TOO TAME. Old Sim Wilkins and Hec Denton were having - their usual game of checkers ih the back of Sim's old store, when Denton was called away, leaving the game unfinished. Just then a darky who did the delivering and other odd chores about tne store 'slouched in, hands in pockets. Wil kins suggested to him: "George, sit down here and finish Denton's game for him. You know how to •play checkers, don't youf 1 — * "Yas, Ah knows how to play, boas, but" (he unconsciously withdrew his hands from his pockets and be gan ,fingering a pair of "bones"), "Ah always considahed checkaha a lazy man's game."—Publisher's Auxiliary. THE PADIHQ HONEYMOON. The June groom had returned to work. About the middle of the second week the telephone rang aa usual, and the stenographer said: "Your wife wishes to talk with you, Mr. Green." "Tell her I'm very busy now," he replied, "and cannot leave to come to the tdephone, but be sure to add that I love her just as much aa ever." * REACHING OUT. "Mrs. Friaber says the ballot baa given women a wider sphere." "She's right about thai" "Yea?" , "In the old days she was content to run around in our village. Now she gada from Maine to California and from the Great Lakea to the gulf."—Birmingham Age-Herald. ENTERPRISE. *1 see you have bad the streets of this beautiful little city finely paved," remarked Mr. Chuggina. "Yea," replied the constable. "We had to do something' to keep up the excitement. Our roads got so lumpy that everybody slowed op $ quarter Unm «Mr P f—fr . Children Cry for Fletchers The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In OH for over over 30 years, has home the signature of /» ~ mtiA has been under Ids per* Bonal supervision since Its infancy. *CU6**4& Allow no one to deceive you .in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and. " Justsas-good " are but Experiments that , trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Enerience against Experiment. What is C'ASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been In constanlfcsefor the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aidf «he assimilation of Food; giving healthy and OAttUll sleep* The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. V-jfi ' .'AiV r U v --"' f, .'5 ■ GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought NJEW FORM OF IRON RELIEVES STOMACH TROUBLES Eat What You like—Stop Suffering From Add Stomacb —Gas, Pains and Other Forms of In digestion—Results Almost Immediately Fbr years physicians have been searching for a form of iron that could be combined with certain other in gredients like pepsin, etc., for use in treating chronic disorders of the di gestive tract, mal-aasimilatkm etc., etc. This is sufficient evidence that jnodicine recognizes the great value of iron, for stomach troubles when administered in proper form. If you have been disappointed with lack of results from pills and tonics said to contain iron you can now un derstand that the iron was not pre sented in a form that could be absorbed by the stomach into the system. And therefore could not possibly bring you benefit This new form of iron ip not pre pared by chemists—t is found in Na ture itself combined with other highly beneficial medicinal agents. It is quickly absorbed by the system and fit sufficient measure to bring results For Sale[by All Good Druggists. Btirw. ell & Dunn and John M. Scott &Co., Charlptte,N. C s Distributors. ©THE AMERICAN^. RED CROSS tojfm ffePEACE TIME Child Welfare Hi Boys and girls who learn «arfy te take nropar care of their teeth, throats, ayes, ear* and stomachs, hare ■made a long atap toward healthy manhood and womanhood. Through Its public health and nursing serv ices, the American Bed Cross alma eventually to reach all school children with teachings regarding disease pre vention and health promotion. Here's a school nnrae treating a little girl far sore mouth, at the aame time Im planting a valuable lesson to teeth hrushlng and proper dtat. GOLD IN VANCOUVER. A veteran Australian miner ha produced samples of ore* found in Point Grey, Vancouver, which show gold assay values of orer SI,OOO a ton. CHILDREN OUT OF SCHOOL. Latest figures obtained by the fad mi bureau of eduostion snow that bftwN 100,000 tad 400,000 chit- JJP but yaw that you can feel in a very short time. Jrist ask your druggist for Add Iron Mineral He will also tell you that stomach troubles am relieved by tak ing a spoonful in a glass of water three times a day. And for acute conditions like "sour stomach" etc., a single cjose will in most cases bring relief. This natural form of iron seems to neutralize the excess tfeid in the stomach as nothiogelse in all medicine. Stomach of long standing where the patient is subject to dis tress after eating, gulping, headaches, dizziness, etc., yield .positively to steady treatment with Acid Iron Mineral, And don't forget that' the general system is strengthened and invigor ated owing to the iron content of this great medicine. All druggists cheer fully refund the purchase price if the 1 results are not satisfactory to you in everyday. 4 jaaaoaaaaaßßß S" Accept ig Ho Substitutes ■ 9 Cor fl S Thedford's 5 SLACK-DRAUGHT 2 Purely , B s . Vegetable 9 a B a liver Medicine £ Sbb——mßS Town Crier In France. I 9 the old days the town crier *u 1 recognised institution throughout' France. But when the art of print ing came fii the newspapers drove -the town ctfer out of business. There are parts of France, however, where the town crier still makes bis announce ments, according to one of the mem bers of ▲ Company, Eighteenth en-* gjneers. In an obscure little village near the town where this unit was camped there is an old mail, who stands at the main street corner and beau • dram to attract tbo attention of the populace when there is news to bo given oat. There Is no newspa per. When the armistice was signed the people of that village learned of it from the crier.—The Splker, Franc*. "DIAMOND DYE" OU> GARMENTS LIKE NEW

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