"DANDERINE* Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. y) ■ €( 1 \ >t ■ \»" Jb jfcwL / A tow cento boys "Danderlne.'* Af ter an application of "Danderlne" you «aa not find a. fallen hair or any dind raff. beside* every ball 1 shows new life, visor, brightness, more color and toteknesa.—Adv. Didn't Sound Like Chopin. Parmer Spuds and Mr*. Spuds were cajtping—experiencing would be a better word—their first concert iWhnt be the chune the orkestry's (4ayln' of now}" asked the farmer of his spouse. 1 duuno," admitted Mrs. Spuds. "But I 'eard some bloke suy as 'ow it Were Chopin.*' "Chopin!" snorted the farmer. "Chopin be blowed! It sounds a deal anre like sawing!" MOTHER! •California Syjup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your cfclld Is having the best and most harm leaa physic for the little stomach, Uvor and bowels. Children love It* fruity taate. Fun directions on each bottle. Yea must say "California."—Adv. \ He Couldn't Tell. "Where were y»u yesterday, Tommy CrlbbsT" miked the teacher. "Please, mum, I had the toothache," answered Tommy. "Has It stopped V* asked the teacher sympathetically. "I don't know," said Tommy. "What do you mean. boyt You don't MMW If your tooth ha* stopped ach te«r "No, mum, the dentist kept It." BOCHEE'S SYRUP A Harmless •••thing. Healing Remedy for Coughs and Colds. Here Is a remedy for cougha, colda. brooch Itl a. throat Irritation, and espe cially for lung troubles, that has been •oM all over the d▼Mixed world In ■any thousands of households for the last llfty-four years. Its merits hive Mood this test of time and use, and f an rely no test could be more potent | . or convincing. It (Ives the patient with weak and Inflamed lungs a good night's rest, free from coughing, with | easy expectoration In the morning. Try one bottle, accept no substitute. Far aale by all druggists and dealers Ml medicine every where—Adv. ■P'- . t , ' ' f - The Autocrat "Vo you and your wife tulk politics at home." ••Never," replied Mr. Meekton, "We have a perfectly good cook." "What has that to do with It?" ' "We are afraid she might get Into the conversation and tell us both how well have to vote to keep her from g* leaving." "fiH'i Waptftla** Comets Steaicb "Papa's Diapepein" Is ths qutckeot. sun eat relief tor indigestion, U>HI, Klatu lian, Heartburn. Sourness. Fermentation or Stomach Distress caused by acidity. A tow tablets give almost immediate stomach relief and shortly the stomach la corrected *0 you can eat favorite 'oodi without fear. Large case costs only It «s«te at drug store. Absolutely harmless Ss4 pleasant. MtUtona helped annually, •sat stnmaoh oarrsctlve known—Adv. Ask Peanut Tariff. Importation of pennuts from China threaten to rain the growers of Araer p toi. according to a statement which Is being distributed to farmers In the Southern atatea by the- United Peanut Association of America, urging them to co-operate for their own protec rton. The association propones aa a remedy a restrictive tariff on peanuts nnd vegetable alia. The production of peanuts In China. It asserts, has lnrreaMed on a tre mendous scale in the past few yearn, and the Importations for the year end- SHOP FORGE MID WAGE REDUCTION NORFOLK ANO RAIL. " - WAV BYtTCfM INAUGURATES RETRENCHMENT POLICY. 1 RETRENCHMENTS ARE 6RADUAL Instructions Issued to Department Heads to Qlve Organisations Under Them Careful Study. i Roanoke, Va.—Notice of a 10 per cent reduction in the shop forces on the Norfolk and' Western railway sys tem, beginning, with laborers and help ers, effective October 16, have been posted in ,the company's shops, it was learned here. Though not otflcially stated, it is understood the reduc tions will eventually reach mechan ics. «N. D. Mahor, president of the road, announced that the reduction in tae working forces will be gradual. He added that it Is not contemplat ed to make any "big reduction" and that wherever retrenchment is made it will be "carefully studied out be forehand, so as not to impair the road'e efficiency." It was learned that in a number of departments minor reductions already have been made. According to an of ficial .officers of departments have been instructed to "give careful study to their organization with a view to effecting all economies possible." These Instructions, It is said, apply to clerical as well as mechanical branches. Coughlln Infant Smothered. Harrlsburg, Pa.—August Pasquale, "the Crank," has confessed to Major Lynn O Adams, / superintendent of the Penlsylvanla state police, that he stole Blakely, Coughlln from his home in Norristown, Pa., and and smother ed the child under his coat. He de clares he buttoned the coat around the baby when he heard a noise as he was descending the ladder, and that when be had gone some distance from the house he found the baby was dead. Several Promised Arrest*. New York. —Arrest of leaders of a "whiskey ring," said to be engaged In the shipment of carload lots of liquor to Chicago and other Western cities together with employes of the Balti more and Ohio Railroad implicated with the smugglers, was promised by M..J. Murphy, superintendent of the Baltimore and Ohio police. Welcome Wales Home. London. The Prince of Wales made * triumphant entry Into London on hisreturn from his six month' tour of th£ empire. Hundreds of thous and* .of person* turned out to give the prince one of the greatest wel comes of the kind in the history of the country.' Falling off In Price*. Chicago.—That there will be a fall ing off In price* amounting in aome Instance* to as much as fifty per cent within the next six or *even months was the opinion expressed by dele gates In the convention of the Pur chasing Agent* Association. Bonsall was R*-*l*et*d. St Louis. —Edward H. Bon sail, of Philadelphia, was reelected president of the Episcopal Brotherhood of St. Andrew at the closing session of the convention of this organisation here. Norfolk. Va.. was chosen aa the con vention city for 1921. Turn for the Better. London. —A turn for the better In the condition of King Alexander of Greece, who has been ill aa the reeult of having been 'bitten by a monkey was reported in a bulletin Issued in Athens. Harvard Enrolla 8,481. Cambridge, Mass—The enrollment at Harvard Univesity tor the fall term Is 6,481, an announcement from the reglatar'a office said. Thla repre sents a gain of 469 atudenta over last year. Inveetlgate Cauae ef Fire. Camerson, Tex.—An official Investi gation waa under way here to deter mine the origin of a fire which de stroyed the compress and warehouses of the Cameron Compress Compaay and 7,000 bales of cotton. I Declaration ef Insolvency. London. Herbert Aaquith. the former premier, has lasued a state ment commenting on Premier Lloyd Oeorge'a speech at Canarvon, charac terising it aa a "declaration of Insol vency of the coalition government." Dleavow Occupation ef Vllna. Part*.—The Polish government dis avows occupation of Vllna by General ZeHgotiskl, and his trdops. according to advices received by the foreign of fice here. Mere Night Rider Throats Columbia, 8. C.—Threats of gin burning came from another section of Sooth Carolina when Oovernor Coop- IMHIS® sttr tbat town, v " j THE ALAMANCE OLEAWES, GRAHAM. N. C HARRY M. BLAIR Harry M. Blair, assistant to Fred Upham, treasurer of the epublican national committee, waa an important wltneta before the aenatorlal- commit tee Investigated campaign funds. REWARDS FOR LAW VIOLATORS Activities of the Night Riders Are Wldespresd in States of Texas Arksnsss and Bouth Carolina. Atlanta.—Farmers in northern Ala bama, where several ginneries and mercantile establishments have been fired recently, have been warned that if they attempt to pick their cotton while the staple is selling for less than 40 cents a pound it will be de stroyed in the fields. Governor Kilby, of Alabama, has announced that the state would pay a reward of $260 for the arrest and conviction of Anyone implicated in the destruction of property and the Morgan county braneh of the Ameri can Cotton association voted a re ward of's2oo. Activities of the night riders are widespread, warnings having been re ceived also In Texas, Arkansas and South Carolina. Several gins in Texas have been destroyed arter their own ers had ignored warnings to close and gins In Anderson county. South Carolina, are operating with armed guards about the plants. Advised to Hold Wheat Wichita, Kans. —The wheat grow era' association of the United States, with a membership of 7Q.000 in Kan sas. Oklahoma, Texas, Nebraska, and South Dakota, has Issued from its- of fice here a proclamation to all Its members to refrain from selling any wheat after 8 p. m„ October 26, until such time a* the price ai good wheat Is raised to $3 a bushel at growers' terminal marketi. Blda for Confederate*. Fort Worth, Texas. —(km. K. M. Van Zandt, commander In chief of the Con federate veterans, announced that de cision would be made as to the 1921 reunion city within a few weeks. Louifville, Memphis, Chattanooga. LUtl* Rock and Savannah, Ga., are among the cities which have extended invitations to veterans. ' , Rube Marquard Arrested. Cleveland. Rube Marquard, the Brooklyn pitcher, was arrested in * downtown'hotel on a warrant Issued by Assistant Prosecutor Edward C. Staunton. He was charged with of fering tor sale eight world wries box seats, the .original cost of inuch was $62.80 for $360. Will Tax Contributions. .Washington. Contributions to po litical campaign funds afe taxable, Commissioner of Internal Revenue .Williams declared in a formal state ment, "advising members of all pir tles" that they will not be allowed to deduct amounts given to campaign funda from their income returns. New York Registration. New York.—Registration in New York City during the past live day*, for the forthcoming presidential eIW- Hon totalled 9084178 At thfe last pres idential election in 1919 the figures for the same period were 6M.C4C. Women May Beoome Mason*. Parts.—The grand lodge of Preach Freemasons has declared iUelf In fa vor of the admiasion of women to the craft. , Roosevelt Takes a Flyer. Sedall*. Mo.—Franklin D. Roosevelt, edmocratic vice presidential nominee, left by airplane for Kansas Cttgr tft speak. Other members of the party proceeded by train. To Marry Blackamlth'e Daughter- . London.—Announcement of the be trothal of the. Hoa. Lola Chandos Francis Temple, master of Klnloss, to Miss (Catherine Jackman. Is made In the Dally Mirror The bride-elect Is the daughter of the village black smith. Rewards In Alabama. Albany. Ala.—The Morgan county branch of the American Cotton asso ciation has offerad a reward of S2OO for tlje conviction of any persons on charges of burning cotton gins or stores la this vicinity. Order for Quarantine. Jacksonville. —The Florida state board of health In session here has HARDING VISITS IE AILANTA BRANCH MEETS WITH 01RECTORATE TO DIBCUBB COTTON MOLDING FOR HIGHER PRICE MOREUBEMITY IS WANTED Declaration W» Mad* That Planter* Are Not Beeking Money Simply to Finance Themselves. Birmingham, Ala. —W. P. O. Hard ing, president of the board of gover nors of reaeVve bank, with D. C. Wells, newly appointed member of the board, met the directorate of the Atlanta braSch and discussed the movement to holfl cotton for 40 cents a pound. "L. B. JacUsoa, director of the Georgia bureau of markets, who said hri was speaking for 90 per cent of the banks' in his own state, made a plea before the bdard for a more extension of credit to south-, ern planters, claiming they need the money to pay off debts Incurred while producing the .present crop of cot ton. Mr. Jackson asked that members of the federal reserve system he al lowed to discount *OOIOB (or money to be used in paying of wages, ferti liser and supply bills. He also de clared that a fcreat majority of plant ers were not seeking money, simply to finance themselves while they were holding cotton off the market. They are bard pressed by creditors, he said, and moat have cash at once with which to meet obligations incur red this summer. End of Bolshevism Near. Waeh'ngton.—The end of bolshev ism in Russia Is believed by officials of the slate department to be hear enough to begin considering what wifP follow soviet rule. The danger of anarchy and chaos in Russia following bolshevlsm Is' real, it was said by an official of the de partment who, however, expressed the belief that the zemstovs have been so well organised that they will be able to maintain order until a new and stable government Is set up. General Wrangel is reported to be receiving considerable support from the population of the territory under his control In south Russia and as his area of control increases his system of government is being installed. The anti-bolshevlk leader is sub-dividing the big estates. > Bible is Best Sailer. Toklo.—The Bible is not only the "beat seller" in the United Stfjtesand England but haa now become the "beat aeller" In Japan, according to the Rev. Dr. Charles E. Lock, Meth odist Episcopal bishop of Manila, P. L, who In an addreaa here before the World'a Sunday School Congress. de clared that seven-tenths of the people v I the world now hare Btblea in their o#n language. - River Boats Frozen In. Juneau, Alaska. —Three Yukon river boats, the last of the season from Fairbanks, Alaska, to* Dawson, T. T., aad carrying capacity llats of peas tigers and mail, are reported frozen in below Eagle, Alaska, according to advices reaching here. . Magistrate a Moonahlner. Maeon, Ga.—B. F. Carden, Justice of the peace of Twiggs county, one of 289 persons accused of "moonshlning" at this of federal court, was sentenced to serve six months in the Bibb county Jail aad to pay a fine of (100. Amsterdam Postmen Strike- London.—A dispatch to The Lon don Times from Rotterdam saya the postmen of Amsterdam atrnck and that virtually no letters or telegrams were delivered. Turned Over to French. Parla. —Togo Territory, a former German possession In central Africa, was turned over to French authorit ies by the Britlah on October 1, y ac cording to advices received here. Debt Reduction Forecast Washington.—Further reduction of the gross national and floating debt was forecast by Secretary Houstoa in announcing a new offering of treas ury certificates. Bomb Flat Mystery. Hutchison, Kan. —A bomb-plot mys tery engaged the attention of local authorities following the flndlngs of a cylinder containing a powerful chargfe of explosives under the approach of I the Mala street viaduct in the caster of the city. Violent Earth Tremens London —Two violent earth tre mota were felt in Mantua, northern Italy, according to a telegram to The Rothe Epoca, says a Central News | dispatch from Rome. - Few Bids for Ships., Washington. Bids for oaty four ot the MS wooden steamers offered for sale by the shipping board had beep reoeived when the tenters were opened ti |h§ hgtdQuart#rf EBE^™ CAPT V GEORGE K. 3HULER Capt George K. Bhuler, a marine officer vUth a fine record In the World war, Is out to capture a seat In congress from the Thirty-sixth dis trict, New Yoork State, ths district which produced the late Bereno E. Payna. ALASKA NOT YET ANNOUNC Th« 105,683,ip6 Reported dees not In. - elude Approximately 12,250,000 In Our Outlying Possessions. Washington.—The total population of continental United States la 105,- 683,108, an increase or 13,710,843 or 14.9 per cent. This figure does not include approxi mately 12,250,000 people living in the country's outlying possessions. The population of Alaska and the total classed under the military and naval service abroad are yet to be an nounced. The growth of the country's popula tion was not expected to show so large a relative Increase during the last decade as during the previous de cade ending with 1910 because of the almost complete stoppage of immigra tion during the world war and the heavy emigration during that period. In the decade ending with 1910, thQ total population of the United States, exclusive of its outlying possessions, was 91,972,266. During those ten years the numerical increase wad the largest of apy decade in its history while the rate of growth was 21.0 per cent. The gain in tbat decade was four times what the total population of the country was Jn 1790 when the first Federal census was taken, while the total population in 1910 was al most 23 times larger than it was m 1790. Internal Revenue Receipts. Internal revenue receipts for 12 months in southern states follows: Alabama, 118.486,962; District of Columbia, *18,646,063; Florida, $16,- 6*3,811; Georgia Kentuc ky, 848.689,812; Louisiana, 861,324,- 986; Maryland. 981.462,867; Missis slppi. 811.7f1p.386; Missouri, 8149,492,- 669; North Carolina " 8162,667,320; South Carolina, 827,074,436; Tennes see, 836,622,992; Texas 8106,097,940; Virginia 869,761,127, aiid West Vir ginia 888,628,726. . Southeastern Express Cft. Birmingham, Ala.—Certificate of in corporation of the Southeastern Ex press Company, which will have its headquarters In Birmingham and will do a general express business in that section of the United States south of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi rivers, was filed here. Capital Stock Increased* Washington.—Capital stock in 130 national banks was increased by *23, 696,000 durin# July, August and Sep tember compared with an Increase oi 17,460,000 by 106 during thi same period last year, according to s statement issued by the comptrollei of the currency. Revival Unneceaaary. Washington.—Revival of the wat finance corporation to finance expor tors was declared to be unnecessary by Secretary Houston in answering letters from unnamed correspondents who had urged that course. Will Gain No Congressman. Raleigh.—With North Carolina's of flcial census made public—an in crease of 860,199 —the belief here is that the state will not gain any repre sentatioa fa congress. They'd Heard the News, fi Washington.—No .bids were receiv ed by tha shipping board for the 8,- 688,t00 . wooden steamship Chlmo, which caught on flre at Claremont. Vs.. and now lies bottom up in 66 feet of water. The ship wss advertis ed tor sale "as la and where la " Battery Plant Burned. Gary. Ind. —Fire, starting from an overheated plant vat, completely de stroyed the main building of the O. K Giant Battery Company of this city The losa was estimated at 1226.000. . ( , r » To Check Liquor Sale* Washington.—ln an effort to check illegal liquor sales. Prohibition Com nilssioner Kramer has ordered with- WANT CONFERENCE ■ WITH PRESIDENI OF FARMEHO ORGANIZATIONS PROM SECTIONS TAKE ACTION. WANNAMAKER THE- CHAiRMA;! The Polley of Deflation as Laid Oowr by Secretary Houston and. Federal Reserve Board la Crltlelse/d. Washington. Appointment of a committee' to present to the White House a request for a conference witii President Wilson and his cabinet for submission of the needs of agricul turists, was decided upon at a meet ing here pf representatives of form or ganisations from all parte of tht> United States. The committee chosen consists of * representative from each of the farm organizations. The farmers' representative also de cided to ask for a conference with the federal reserve board. J. S. Wannamaker, president of tha American Cotton Association, who. was named chairman of the commit tee, said it will ask that the fednral reserve system provide credits to en- Able farmers to market their products at. a profit, that the war finance cor poration or some similar body be re habilitated to finance exports and the', federal officials cease issuing state ments which, it was said, tend to bring down the prlee of agricultural products. In a speech, Mr. Wannamaker de clared the outlook for the agricultural interests are dark and' he criticised the poliqy of deflation as stated by Secretary Houston and the federal re serve board. Latest Is Luminous Cable. Paris. —Tests of a luftiinous cable, by which steamers may enter and leave port during heavy fogs, have been attended by Admiral Fournier and the minister of the navy, who have reported them to have been en tirely sucessful. It has been* decided to install one of these cables In the principal FrtnCh ports, and The Ma tin says the placing of one across the English channel is being considered. fIOO Bird In 15* Cent Soup. New York.—Fifteen-cent soup made of SIOO pedigreed pigeons has been served . recently in East Side eating houses. Police discovered this epi curean irregularity after arresting a 16-year-old boy on complaint of a pig eon fancier that his coops of prize-win ning birds had been persistently rob bed. He valued the pigeons at 11,500. Many Steamers Held Upx Dawson, Y. T.—The army dispatch steamer Jacobs and tne eteamo; Washburn reached here after several days' delay bucking through slush Ice. Latest advices Indicate that all the'&teamers caught by low water and Ice in the Yukon river will be held r? for the winter but that aft crews are safe. Propose General Revision. New York. - Proposals for general revision of working and wage agree ments, "necessitated by business de pression and falling prices," were submitted by the Clothing Manufac turers' association of New York to re> resentatives of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers' union. Railroad Official Dead. Ashevllle—W. N. Foreacre, vice president and general manager of lines east for the Southern railway, was found dead in hl4 private car at Hendersonville by his porter. Acute indigestion was assigned h y physic iaiw. ae the cause of'death. President and 'Wife Register. Trenton, N. J. Mayor Charles Brown of Princeton, democratic can didate (or congress in this district, stated that President Wilaon bad al ready been registered ajid Mrs. Wilson is being registered by affidavit > High Pojwer Wireless. Moscow—A high power wireless sta tion, capable of direct •ommqnicatlon with America, will be constructed about 270 Miles ty-om Moscow. Commission Cancels Rales. Washington.—Cancellation was or dered by the interstate commerce com mission of proposed increases of 10 cents per ton in the joint rates on coal from mines on the Norton and Northern rivers to destination in North Carolina and southeastern ter ritory. W range I Starts Offensive. Sebastopol. General W ran gel, 'the antl-bolshevlkl leader, has launched" his expected offensive against the new sixth amy of the soviet forces, shel tered behind Dneiper. General Wran gel is carrying out a pinching move ment converging on Kakhovn. Moderation to Advised. Paris. Prince an* Great Britain have aent a joint note to Poland ail ttjilk 1h» To Caftan# The mucow membranes through- ' out the body are subject to catarrhal congestion resulting m many seriooe (XHiplicttioni " •'-* PE-RU-NA • WMKmmwm mm* KmUmbf Coughs, colds, nasal catarrh, stom ach and wfofcl troubles among the most common diaeesee doe to catarrh al conditions. A very dependable remedy alter protracted atefcness, the grip or Span- PE-RU-NA h I good mediae to have on hand (or emergencies. Ml fern*** IN USB Fimr YIAM "Pain's enemy"* —lll say it is! \Y7QEN you want «trfat SOB* " fortius: relief frota any 'azUrnal" pain, aw Bioan'a " ' Ulitwt Itdoeethejob wttb* out ataining, nabbing. baada** Otm. Uaa/mfcftrrbaamatiam. f MDnlfiit iehM tnii XMKV apraine and atiaia* baifclulia, dDjb aora muaclaa. /Wfjrjf Keep Your Skin-Pores Active and Healthy With Cuticura Soap &aap ZSc, Oiataeat 25 aad SOc, Taicaa Zsc. Seat'of the Trouble. v Herbert of tin complained about the peculiar disposition of his small cousin, with whom he could not get' alongwwel t After a recent disagree ment be came Into the house out of patience and exclaimed: "Well, mother, James and I might just as - well quit trying to be friends If he is my cousin. We Just can't agree. He's too full of human tature." DISAGREEABLE TASTE IN MOUTH •' Stomach Was Out of Order and Head Ached, So. Kentucky Man. Took Blaok-Draugtit—"lt .Cured Me," He Says. ' Nancy, Ky.—Mr. Marlon Holcomb, of this place, says:, "For quite a long while I suffered with stomach trouble. I would have pains and a heavy feel ing after my meals, also a tnost dis agreeable taste month. If I ate anything with butter, oil or grease. ? I would spit It up. I began to fcav* regular sick headache. "I had Ssed pills and tablets, bat after a course of these I would be constipated. It Just seemed to tear ay stomach up. I found they were no good at all for tny trouble. "I heard Thedfotd's Black-Draught recommended very highly, so I began to use it It cured me. I keep It In the bouse all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. I do not have sick headache or stomach trouble any more." When suffering from headache, con stipation, stomach or liver trouble, try the old and well-recommended, purely vegetable, Thedford's Black- Draught. Just as Black-Draught brought re lief to Mr. Holcomb, so it also has to thousands of others, and should help you, too. Insist on having the genuine.—Adv. An Anomaly. "They say that ferret-faced man get* along well with all his fellow-employ ees." • "Why shouldn't he?" "Because he works In a 'rat' office." T>e occuloaal aae of Soman* Sr« Balaam at alaht till prevent aad relieve tired eye*, (atery eyee. aad eye atrala.—Adv. Much-Needed Rest. "Well, was your vacation succesar "One of, the most enjoyable I ever had," said Mr. Gawping. "Where did you go?" "Nowhere. The family will be home ♦oinorrow."—Birmingham Age-Herald. The Color of It "fhe sentry you see Is a green re cruit." "1 suppose that Is why he looks so blue." Among the people who get satlafac (lon by going to law ure the lawyers.