5 Was 5 ■ Weak I U "After the bfrlh of my || I baby I had a back-set," 1 I writes Mir*. Mattie Cross- I while, pf Glade Spring, I Va. "I was very ill; I I thought 1 was going to 9 I die. 1 was so weak 1 I couldn't raise my head to I get a drink of water. I I | took. . . medicine, ytt I I I didn't get any better. I I r was constipated and very r I weak, getting wone and ■ I worse. I sent for CarduL" I i»iii The Woman's Took I"1 found after ooe hot- tie of Cardui I was fan- I proving," adds Mrs. I Cross white. "Sis bot- ■ ties of Catdui and ... I was cured, yes, lan say I they were a God-tend to I me. 1 believe I would I have died, had it not heea for CarduL" Cardui has I t|*A n ffui Dccn iouna Dcacticiau IB ■ many ttwwsaads ot ofhar cases of womanly fm* bles. If yoh fed fhc Mad ■ of a godd, Hwagßw I ing tonic, why Ml toy I Cardui? It may bajuat what you seed. 2 Druggists kiiJ * £3 THE AMERICAN dL \fj RED CROSS IN MA PEACE TIME W9j " y With the Soldier* 1 111 IM & n«r m HI - JCB-mI There remain ta army hospitals throughout the country more than M,- 000 soldiers still being treated for wouads received overseas. Red Croas workers give them the same sort of friendly aid—only more of It—tbat was glvea during the war. Furthermore, the Bed Cross Is teaching these lads occupation* at which they can later iqake a living and Is keeping In touch with their home folks In order that no dependents may suffer for lack of 1 fund*. * Trap Lanterns for Bugs. Entomologists have been experi menting In many parts of the United States with trap lanterns, to deter mine what claases of Insects arc most abundantly caught by these low*. At one station, where the trap was run every night for five months. It waa found that the harmful Insects, sucli as the buffalo tiee«tpper, the miunsh bug, the chinch bng, and the beemoth. almost entirely avoided the light, and surprisingly few specimens were caught, wbereaa Ichneumon files, lace wings, ladybugs and other Insect aids of the farmer were destroyed In vast numbers. ■' Mushrooms That Deer Love. Two hundred pounds of hedgehog muakroom spawn was recently plant ed In the Santf Barbara ■national forest of California, by an organisa tion of southern California sportsmen, for the purpose of providing n ranch sought food for the herAs of wild deer inhabiting that region, says Popnlnr Mechanics. A study of the habits of the deer in s Los Angeler p«i!s ro ll vealed that they are as fond of hedge hog mushrooms as cats are of catnip. ,_A_ . The Whale's Acuta Hearing. The orifice on the whale's ear is scarcely perceptible, yet-lt Is si.ld thnj. Mm Wm imM * »' Mt ML Jmd Jr I^UIK ■ wall HIPPLE CONCtRTCOMPANY. Bart JEL Hippie, "wlaard of the xylophone," la the manager of the Hippie Concert company. Each of the other members of the company Is thor oughly experienced in concert work. The company's program, «s usually given, is both classical and popalar In character although a strictly classical program will be given on request. The Hippie Concert compuny have earned a splendid reputation aa eater 'alnera and enthusiastic words .of conn- NURSING SERVICE IS RAPIDLY EXPANDING This American Red Cross Work Flourishing in Small Towns Throughout Countcy. Mora tfcfo 87,000 graduate nurses have been enrolled In the American Red Cross to date and Ita department of nnrslng is dally Increasing this en rollment. The department of nurs'lng has been authorized to maintain an adequate reserve of nurses for the army and navy.* It will continue to supply, the needa of the United States Public Health Service to' which it has as signed more than 1,000 nurses In the last year. It will isslst establishing proper nursing service In foreign countries where the jtmeiican Red Cross has or ganised hospitals, dispensaries and schools for nurses. Courses. In home hygiene and care of the sick have been started for thousands of women who have never received any education In this direction. Rural nursing which waa In Ita Infancy a short while ago has put ahenil at least a decade through the work of the department ef nursing and • local Red Cross chapters. Public health nursing lias been ex tended to many rural communities and now flourishes actively In hundreds of small towns . and counties. Nearly a thousand efficient nutyes lmv« already been assigned to this kind of work. The department of nursing Is unit ing with other organizations In a year's campaign In recruiting nurses for training schools, In educating the gen. eral public as tb standards of minting education and In allowing communities their responsibility toward schools of nursing. It will endeavor to meet ajl these needs as well as to continue the enrollment of dietitians who will he utilised as Instructors In home dietet ics, In developing nutritional clinics, and In supplying dietitians for tlie United States Public Health Sagvice and the civilian hospitals. The Nursing Service will continue to offer fo women and young girls the opportunity of securing Instruction In home hygiene and care of the sick In every community In the country. This InstruoMon lias not only laid the foun dation for public health hut In some places has given Impetus to the estab> llshmeflt of hospital* and community ►chopl houses, "As a community profits by the work of the nurse," says Ills* Clara D. Noyes. director of the department of nursing, "It Is logical tbat the com munity should be aroused to Its respon sibility. The American Red Cross standa ready to help In a general cam paign of recruiting and must have the support, sympathy and understanding of the medical profession as well as the Intelligent co-opierstlon of the people at large." H* Hadn't Started. Hiram Meadow* was an old-fa att uned farmer, 1U- firmly believed In that quaint Vim worn Out saying: "Early to bed. early to^ —> How does tbe rest of It got Ha couldnt gel along at all with tbe modern type of farm hand. So after thinking IfiiTTern over. Hiram decided to re form. After many trials he secured a strapping big fellow and resolved to keep that hand If humanly possible. Ac cordingly, on the flf*t morning ha wait ed till four o'clock betorl sounding tbe breakfast call. "(let out of there qUtck If you want anything to eat." "Thank*, very much," growled the gem. "But I never eat anything Just before going to aleep."—Kaasa* City ALAMANCE GLEANER, GItAHAJt, If. C. mentation havetwen written concern ing them by people In all part* of the United States. The personnel of the company la aa follow*: , J Earl H. Hippie, nfltpager, xylophone ahloist, trombonist, drums, traps and novelties. Azel A. Osborne, violin soloist unt) saxophone. - Mrs. Earl H. Hippie, piano soloist, Vlanologues, xylophone and saxophone. Christ Knudson, flute aplolst and cornetlst ~ _ . s RENO, THK MAGICIAN. Edward Reno has been a magician for more than-thirty-five years. He bar traveled in every quarter of the globe add Is constantly Inventing new things In magic and Illusions with wbicb to mystify and entertain the' public. During the hour and hal{ that Reno has the platform he executes sixty or more tricks, two or thrto times as many as are shown by the ordinary magician. The running-fire of comments 'as Reno pnts over his tricks are about as amusing as the tricks themselves. He goes out Into the aisles and comes Into close touch with those attending M ■ EDWARD RENO. the performance. In fact, the audi ence takes part In many of bis tricks. Reno uses a number of pets In hia entertainments, and he allows the children to play with these pets be tween times. There Is always a rash of boys and girls to the stage when Ueno makes his ippeal fur assistants. Among the many bewildering trick* performed by Reno is one in which he takes a lad's watch from a loaf of hread when it It supposed to be loeked securely in a wooden box. Agkln be ighti a candle, wraps it in heavy pa* per and later takes it from his inside •oat pocket, still burning. He shows .he children how to make two doves ont of one. He breaks anegg in a pan, tights a fire underneath it and then pnlls ont a dock. Everything, Reno does Is done with an exceedingly clevwr pair of hands. , On a recent swing through OMo Reno appeared In Cleveland, 1 Colva»> bos, Cincinnati and other dtlea, and la ■•very case enthusiastic reports watt received by the Redpatb Buiitaa. An Eye to Cf*aniln*ss, The young English girl thought she coulil safc% speak to the soldier xgho was traveling In the rtillway carriage with her. She hnd been unable to take her eyes off the rows at medals which spread across his chest and when he told her that he had been a sailor before he had been a soldier her triumph wns complete. "Tell me now," she nrged. pointing a con fid en i Hal linger Impressively at him, "when were ye Isst washed up on a dessft Island V— London Morning Post Adaptability. *Ot course, you are la favor of votes for women." —' "Of coarse," answered Senator Sor ghum. "A man who hopes to bold bis own In politics must do his best to be la favor S( anything that anybody wants."—Washington Star. Misleading. "Ton call her .a fair aamqfe of th*» beauty at the placer, j "We so consider her." "Hear can she be s fair sample wtkso she's a brunette r ' ; would not try'to Imp' Poultry without Or. LeGear'a Poultry Bem etf*» MT. Jlr^« L*V. f 80~ rf Cuero, TexasJto."We have nenr bad any of themffaillto'doTeven nan than you claim for i ► Every 4year, * millions Baby Chicks are lost because srtfcbir hen* are not kept'deantana •free of Bee. - Dr. Lies Killer quickly rids. your, flodcaf lice and vermin. NfPfb# t Through his advice anil remedies, Dr. LeGear has helped thousands of Poultry 4 Baiaora dnrioi Ids XI years' experience aas aa Expert Poultry Specialist.'• It will pay yon also to»take advantage of Dr. LeGear'a advice just aa Mrs. Rose did and increase your poultry profits. Get a can of Dr. LeGear's Lice Kffler from your dealer, use it according 1 to directions. If yoa are not entirety satisfied with results retain the empty can to your dealer end he -will cheerfully refund your money. —Dr. L. D. LeGear Mad. St' Louis, Ifayr Water Power la China. China's great commercial water highway, pie Yang-tse Klang, Is to be put to work. To keep the river always at flood level, and. Incidentally, tset rid of rapids which Interfere with nav igation, seven dams will be construct ed. The project contemplates the de velopment of 81,000,000 elejtrtc horse power, and will cost M 0,000,000. This is the first Important water power development undertaken In China, whose Industrial future has a wonderful outlook in that direction. For, thanks to Its lofty mountain ranges, the Flowery land haa far great er water power available than any oth er country In the world. ■ : Judge Had It Wrong. Charged with stdhllng a cheese, a man was brought up before a magis trate. The principal witness, a car ter, told how he had seen the man snatch up the cheese and had run up and held him. "Then you caught him in the ne farious act 7" said the magistrate. "The what, sir?" said -the witness. "You caught him in the nefarious act, I say." repeated the magistrate, "Not me 1" wfs the reply. "I caught him In the passage just beside the grocer's shop." Don't Sound Like Chopin. Farmer Spuds and Mrs. Spuds were enjoying—experiencing would be a better word—thejr first concert. , . "What be the chune the orkestry's play In' of now?" asked the farmer of his spouse. "1 dunno,". admitted Mrs. Spuds. "But I 'eard some bloke say as 'ew It ■ were Chopin." "Chopin!" snorted the farmer. "Chopin be blowed 1 It sounds * deal more like sawing!" He Couldn't Tell. ' "Where Were you yesterday, Tommy Crlbbs?" asked the teacher. "Please, mum, I had the toothache?" answered Tommy. "Has It stopped?" asked the,teacher sym pathetically. "1 don't know," said Tommy. "What do you mean, boy? You dont know If your tooth haa atopped ach ing?" "No, mum, the dentist kept It" Modest Apprehension. "That audience cheered you for at' least half an hour." N "Yea," replied Senator Sorgbqm; "1 began to suspect that, the folka wduld rather listen to their own demonstip tions than to bear me speak." • The Real One. "So th;y actually had smuggled WM&} on tbst yachting party. This Is pi'iv the limit." "Oh. »°- That's thfoa miles oat.* World** Largest Organ. The largest organ In -the world will be Installed In the cathednrt now Hear ing completion In Liverpool. This mammoth among musical Instruments will have no fewer than 10.067 pipes and 215 stops, each actuated by its separate draw-stop knob. Matshlng His Boast. Interested Friend—Why did you give the young man I feat you only a "sups" part In the play? Manager—Because from bis. own ae count he was such a broth of a boy. ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Name "Bayer" b on GenufaM Aspirin—say Bayer laaiat an "Bayer Tabktls of Aspiria" la a. "Bayer package," containing proper direction for Headache, Colds, Psb« Nemalgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. XaJße "Bayer" mesas genuine Aspirin preeerihed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets eoet few ceau. Aspirin is trade mark THAT DAY HE_TOOK^i« NmbiiMPt XJwwofltod Aot Too MM*' for Certent With Which Plata t. When we had guests for our ftnl [ little dinner party alter we were married I found that I was one din ner plate short An annt had given aa a beautiful chop plate soon after we were married, but unfortunately this had been broken almost imme diately and then mended for opiate rail ornament , I looked about hurriedly for some plate to serve one person, and, see ing Aunt Jennie's plate, thought thaf it would be all right to give that to my husband, since he never tised gravy, the heat of which I feared would open the cemented cracks. The plate, accordingly was put at whis place.- To my horror as soon as the hot gravy was passed he took, some, some more, and finally some more. Nothing' happened, though, and I began to be serene when with a sadden groan the cemented cracks did open, and John's dinner was all over the embroidered tablecloth. Aunt Jennie's plate was never mended again..—Chicago Tribune. THE UNCERTAIN BOY "Does your son show a leaning toward any particular vocation? "At times his conduct suggests his becoming a missionary and at others he seems to incline more toward general getaway." —Brown- ing's Magazine. QLABS DINNER SET*, Though the conservative hostess still prefers to serve her dinners in china, more radifcal have begun the extensive use of glass dishes* In such, establishments every dish is of rock crystal. To add to thedeco rative effect a silver border of unob trusive design will protect the rims of, each piece and the note of silver and crystal, crystal and* silver will be echoed from plates to cutlery, from cutlery to water glasses and water glasses to cups. There is|po intention, of opurfie, to make glass entirely Bupplant china; which has beauties of. its own, but the ideas is to use glass and silver for the most exquisite effects on special occasions. —Good Housekeeping. WILL MAKE DARILNQ VOYAGE. Capt A. L. Napper of the Sue sex Motor Yacht club of England proposes to. start on -a "one-man" voyage around the world in a mo torboat Many times the Atlantic has been crossed in small boats, while one man attempted the crosa* ing in a barrel. In 1886 three men navigated a small boat, called the Homeward Bound, from Fort Na tal, in South Africa, to Dover. Dur ing the great war, four members of the British ship Manila, torpedoed by a German raider in the voyaged 1,800 miles to Pago-Pago in the ship's small boat - KIND CONDUCTOR. ' *" ' * A very ugly man was quite paw turbed at having an organ grinder ait down beside him oa the street car. Walking back te (he conductor, he asked: "Do yon al low monkeys on this car?" "Just sit here in the bade seat," replied the conductor, "and nobody will notice yon." THE FACT. "I always suspected in Smith's hunting expedition something went back oh him." "So something did; gun kicked." CANT AFFORD TO WACTE IT. "Where are you and your family going on vacation?" "Nowhere. Our renfs gone up and we're going to stay at home aa& jr " fa** yA W Sin use for over over 3D^^ra,^t^borne^ the signature of Allow no^oneto°deceive yon All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Paregoric, "Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains netther Opium, Mdrphine nor other narcotic Bubstance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying FeVarishnfess arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aidf . the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natoral sleep. The Children's Panacea— The Mother's Friend. J/' GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS v; * s the In Use For Over 30 Years Kind You Have Always Baught • ' ; 1 ' \ I THE SIGNS OF LACK OF IRON IN THE BLOOD ■ Nervousness—Lack of Appetite—Easily Tired —No Endurance—Falling Off in Bodily Vigor Thaw are a few of the symptom* provement in your appearance and Out indicate your Mood is weak and you yourself will feel as you know anaemic and lacking in red corpus- you ought to feel, dee. Vigorous young men and women You can accomplish all these things all have rich red blood, but age and by aimply putting more ironinto your worry and hardship take th# power blood, through the uae of a natural and strength out or this life fluid. form of soluble iron, known as Acid Ton can supply what the blood Iron Mineral It contains no alcohol lacks. you can enrich the blood, you or injurious drugs, and willnot black can bring back the strength and en the teeth. vigor you once had, if you will take Pills and tonics said to contain iron a teaspoonful of Acid Ir on Mineral I may have disappointed you in the three times a day. "You'll note the past, but Acid Iron Mineral will atart effect, first, in an increased appetite Improvement that you can see, in a —food will begin to taste godo. The very short tiipe. Try this method of next improvement will show in your putting iron into your blood—it can sleep—you will awaken in the morn- not fail Druggists will refund the ing refreshed and feeling like a new purchase price cheerfully if ypu fail person. to receive the improvement you Your friends will remark the fan- seek. • For Sale|by All Good Druggists. Burw ell & Dunn and JoLnM. Scott &Co., Charlotte,N. C., * • • Distributors. A Surfeit of Art When I was a schoolboy anfl wns to have a new knife I could not make up my mind as to which was the prettiest U the showcase, and I did not think any of them were 'particularly pretty J and so I chose wWh a heavy heart when I looked at m> purchase at bom* where no flittering blades came Into competition with It I was astonished to see how handsome it was. ToMhH day nqg new hats look better ont of the ■hop than they did in It with other new hats. It begins to dawn upon me now that possibly what I have been tak ing for .uniform ugliness In the gal leries may be uniform beauty after aIL I honestly hope It Is to others, but cer tainly it Is not to me. Perhaps the. reason I used to cnjdy going to the Academy of Fine Arts' In New York was because there were but a few hun dred paintings In it and It did not sur feit me to go through tlwS list I sup pose the academy was bacdn and beans In the Forty-Mile desert and a Euro* pean gallery Is a state dinner of 13 courses. One leaves no sign after him Of die one dish, but the IS frighten away , his appetite and give him no satisfac tion^—Mark Abroad." "Moments With Mark Twain" (Harpefs). Island women An Financiers. The Loo Choo islands, home, of the world famous red lacquer ware, lie be tween Japan and Formos* not far from China's coastwise routes. The ware tables, bowls, trays and boxes used dally throughout Japan and China, and sold to thousands of tour ists, come principally from' the little towns of Ntta and Bhuri. The trade tar the ware Is conducted by ffie wom en, who do all the merchandising, and in fact have charge of It They are strictly eooprice merchants, the flrat naked for an article be ing the one at which It is Anally sold, no matter low much bargaining is The women are straight of back and erect of carriage, due to the custom of carrying everything on their heads. No matttr what the weight or afce at the object they place it on thatr head, and walk off seemingly gftflpgno thought to balancing It ' Ml'. —' jaaaaaaDDDoaa M Accept DO m No AMftafte* fi ■ lor BE 1 Thedford's 5 BLACK-DRAUGHT 3 Purely H m Vegetable g a liver Medicine F 5 ' DB F-8 £2* 3 . BBBBBBPB^CTW^ Kindergarten In Bmaller Towns. Statistics Just compiled by the Jdnr dergarten division of the bureau of education show that approximately 21,085 children were enrolled In kin. dergartens in towns under 2,500 popu lation' during the year 1918, In charge of 509 kindergarten teachers. The banner states for kindergartens •*' In smaller places appear to be Michi gan and Wisconsin, the former state ' with US kindergarten teachers and 4,015 pupils, and the latter state with [ 78 teachers and ZJBOO children in at tendance at kindergartens In smaller ! towns. California hhs 57 kindergarten teachers and 2,087 pupils in cities un- * ' der 2£oo population; lowa, 50 teach ers and 1,750 children; New Jersey, 49 teachers and 1.912 pupils; and No- . | braska, 62 teachers and 1,746 children* a The Nebraska figures Indicate a spe ; rial effort to reach the smaller towaf _ with kindergarten facilities. • BUY "DIAMOND DYES" DONT RISK MATERtAL [ Each package of "Diamond Dyes" son tains directions so simple that any 1 woman caa dye any material without f streaking; Jading or raasuag. Druggist has color card—Take no otter dyel "iniM'»*ifrii fl- nir if ill ■. Adttiti 'iiy »f: