THE'GLEANER ' r— ■■ ' --- ISSOBD IVKBY THURSDAY. jTo. kernodle. Editor. IN ADVANCE^ i he editor will not be reaponalhle for /iew» eqprteaed by correapoodeata. Kntared at toe Postofloe at Graham, N. C., aa aecond olaia matter GRAHAM, N. C„ Oct. 21. 1920. Hamilton Holtj editor of The Independent, long one of the national leadors of the Progres sives, announced his support of Governor Cox and says, "Tbe League of Nations is the greatest moral issue since slavery." . 1 If you have a Democratic friend or acquaintance, mab or woman, that would like to vote on Nov. 2nd, or think would .prob ably care • to vote, that has not yet registered, see to it that that one's name la on the registration book not later than Saturday, 23rd—the last day. . Republicans have made the Covenant and League of Nations an issue in this campaign. All the-nations of the earth, aave Ruseia, Turkey and Mexico, and the United States, are now mem bers of the League. The United States through its representatives wrdte more of the pact than any other country. And though ac tual war ceased nearly two years ago, the United States is yet, theo retically, at war with Germany, because a Republican Senato has not and will not accept a peace pact under a Democratic Presi dent. DR. DELIA DIXON CARROLL A good audience, composed about equally of men and women, gathered in the court bouse this morning at 10 o'clock to bear a ' woman, Dr. Delia Dixon Carroll, make a Democratic speech. She took off her gloves and waded in. Neither Democrats nor Republi cans of North Carolina were given any credit for women votiog in tbis State—but thanks was given to Tennessee. She said neither wanted women this year. 1 Though 'she spoke only little more than half an hour, she touched the vital poiuta in the campaign, State apd national. Republicans are making capital of the revaluation act, for which they voted unanimously in the Legislatu re. They are againat the League of Nations, because It originated under a Democratic administration. I\ Dr. Carroll is a brilliant #oihm and a good apeak er. She leaves off most of the frills and handles the issues pointedly and directly Daring her speech she was fre quently applauded. Let It Be Remembered. It ahould be oonatantly borne in mind that the Leagne of Na tlona is not one man's work, not one man's ideas. The Prime Miu .latere of other great countries participated with the American delegation in its formation, and v President Wilson consulted not only with Democrats but with Re publican Readers, and many of their auggestions were adopted and incorporated in the Covenant of tbe League. Former President Taft suggest ed four amendments and they were all adopted. Charles E Hughes, former Justiee of the Su preme Con rt and Republican can didate for President in 1016, offer ed seven amendments, five of which were adopted. Elihu Root presented six amendments and five qf them were adopted. There was no "one-man kovern raent" in the formation of tbe League. News cqmes from different mar kets that tobacco prices are im proving. ~ , v TOWN TAXES.—The tax booka for 1920 are ia my hands. Prompt MRS. B FRANK MEBANE FOR DEMOCRACY. Mre. B. Frank Mebane of 9pr»»y, the wife of h prominent Republi can, it* talking for Democracy and the League of Nations. She has been to Europe an& saw the battle scarred fields where hundreds of thousands of brave men g»ve up their lives' fighting for home «nd country against territorial grt-ed.. She. believes the league will not only enforce peace, but prevent war, and that is what Europe wants and all the world needs. She spoke to a great throng in Reidsvillo Monday night. It Vill be remembered that Mrs. Mebane is one Qf the ladies who toured the West four years ago for Mr. Hughes, the Republican candidate for President, on his campaign. Since then she ha* witnessed what the world-war did for fcnrope and npw she is for the ' league and Denuysracy. Catarrhal Deafbeaa C'annot Be Cured by local application!, aa they cannot reach tne dlseaaed portion of tha ear. There li only one war to ears catarrhal deafnesa. and that Üby a oonitltutlonal remedy. CaUrrbal Deifneaa ia caused by an Inflamed condition of tha muoouk llnlnir of tbe Buataoblan Tuber . When this tube is Inflamed you h*ve a rum bling sound or Imperfect heating, and whpn I ltll entirely olosed, Deafnees li the result. Unless the InHamallnn cam be reduced and tbla tuba restored to lta normal condition, bearlnv will be destroyed forever. Many , eaaea of daafneaa are cauaed by catarrh, whlob laan inflam-d oondltlon of the muoous turfaoae Hall'a Catarrh Medicine acta thru ahe blood on the mucoua aurraoei of the aya '"w'e will five One Hundred Oollara for any oaae of Catarrhal Deafnesa that cannot be cuced by Hall'a Catarrh Medicine, Urculara , free. All Druarglita. 75e. , r. J. CHKNEV A CO.. Toledo. O. Rev. Dr. Gilbert T. Rowe, an eminent Methodist minister, has been elected editor ot the North Carolina Christian Advocate at Greensboro. The former editor resigned some weeks ago. Gov. Coolidge of Massachusetts, Republican candidate for Vice' President, spoke in Asheville Wednesday night. He was ac companied by Gov. Lowden, of Illinois, and Gov. Morrow of Ken tucky. WHOLE SYSTEM JUJN-DOWN (MBMMasal IA UjblaJ lAgf I [§■« qiici iipfiriMi is Mill Aiwr a riw Dim af ZIRON Iroa Tnle. Increase ia appetite, the coming back ol strength, disappearance of headaches tad other Us, are * few of the many good results obtained from the use of a new remedy (Ziron Iron Tonic). Mr. Sim Ortmsley, of Cordete, Ga., tried Zlron and has fills to My: "When I began to take Ziron, it seemed that my whole avitem was rua-down. but soon after I began to take Ziron, I could eat more each day and would feel a great deal better. Ever since it seems that my health has been Improving, as I seldom hsve the headache or fed bad the least bit." - Ziron is a aew scientific combination of pure medicinal inorganic iron, com bined with phosphorus, the active prin ciple o aux vomica and the hypophos phites of lime snd soda. It wOr help tc add mote red corpuscles to your blood lstaffing la more color In your cheeks more vitality fa your system. Try Ziron today; oa the money-bad a— l "- w x Mwir Blood Needs I I ill RON 1 KZEfl&fl HON IT BACK •rtthout questlonlf Salts Tatter. Ringworm, Itch, itt.%otw¥ / Don't became discouraged be fy W f I cause other treat stents Called, a / Hunt'a Salve haa relieved boa* V » / dreda of soch caaes. You can't \{l / loee on oer Wssejt Seek _ Cesrssfee. Try It etetw (M TODAY. Price Tie at »GRAHAM DRUG CUM PAN Y, . GRAHAM. N. C. NOTICE! E. E. Turner, or any other per son claiming title to one five passenger Columbia Touring Car seised by A. W. Moscr, Chief of Police of Graham, N. C., while being used by said Turner in the transportation of liquor, will come forward and institute the proper proceeding to secure pos session of said properly and wilj surrender himself to tbe under signed Sheriff to the end that the question of whether said prop erty was wed for the il'egal transportation of whiskey may be tried. He will further take notice that if,be fails to come for ward and surrender himself and make said claim on or before the 16th day of November, 1920, said Columbia automobile will be sold as provided by law. Tbis 14th day of Oct., 1920. um c ' D ' "TV DO YOU KNOW ' WHAT IS THE MATTER? When Yon Feel Oat of Sort* and tfee Thing* with a pall Bye yIOoV TU4TOUR BLOOD \ Pale Complexions, Languid Peelings, Lowered Vitality, Heed More Red Blood. Take Pepto-Manfan So many peopl" week after week feeling down and out. They never stop to think that some thing really is the matter. They HAlisfy themselves by saying,"Oh, I'm not sink. I'll tw all right to morrow And tomorrow comes again and again. Still they fe»l depressed and languid, scarcely able to get around. If you don't feel like yourself, you are not yourself. If you are w>ak and pale, your" blood needs strengthening. Yon should know about Pepto-Mangan, th it famous blood tonic. Physicians recom mend it and prescribe it because it contains just the iugredients ne>*dtd to make red blood. r It re news your energy, puts you where you ought to be. Begin with It' today. Get the tablets if thby Will be more convenient to take than the liquid. Both have the same medicinal properties. .But be sure you get the genuine Pepto- Mangan. Ask for "Gude's" and ,be sure that the full name, "Gude's "Pepto-Mangan," is on the pack age. —Adv. The University of North Caro lina won the tootball game from the University of Sonth Carolina at Chapel Hill last Saturday 7 to 0. Kill That Cold With CASCARA 0 QUININE FOR AND ColJs, Coughs ' Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no cbancea. Keep this standard remedy bandy for tha ft rat sneeze. Braaks up a cold in 24 boors Relieve* * • Grippe in 3 daya—Excellent for Headache ' " Quinine In this form does not affect tha bead*-Cascara is beat Tonic Laxative—No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT THE PIEDMONT POWER &UGfiT COv • AND THE , ALAMANCE RAILWAY CO. ARE YOUR PUBLIC UTILITIES " v. •'••• • Back them both up by your " ' i f patronage or they cannot help to build community > ' * •» " - "- 'W* * " • Burlington, Graham, Kaw River, Mebane, Elon College, Gibsonville. ./ _ v Helped Father and Son "Ziron Did Us Both Good," Writes Mr. Gentry, of Nome, Tarn. rr k a wen-known medical fact, that Iron it a necessary coiwtltwl of the Mood, and that blood lacking iroo Is (he cause of mafiy troubles that only iron will can. Ziron, a scientific oompotsnd of iioa wiin oilier vaiuaoie ingredients, is tnc remedy to take when your blood aeeds more iron, and your system requires a tonic. Ziron b mild and harmless, does ■ot state the tedft. and is good for chil dtsetawtfl as adults. m, 9, a Qmtn, of m**, Tm,, _ »• * . Mortgage sr*e cf Heal Esta.e. # • By virtue of the power of stfle contained in n prta:n mortgage deed, whejje.n th • undersigned, Claud Cates, is mortgagee, said' mortgage l>ei«g recorded in the offic«j of the Register of Deeds Alamance county, HI Bx>k of Mortgages No. 82, page 20, default having been made in th« payment of the debt secured thereby, the said mortgagee will, on • MONDAY, NOV. 22, 1920, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door-in Graham. N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: . ■ * > A certain tract of laftd in Gra ham township, Alamance coun ty, State of North Carolina, arid numbered 8, section 12, in the plan and plat of the Avenue Land Company, and bounded as follows: » Beginning at a corner on Gra ham Avenue and Alley-way; thence with said alley-way S 0 deg 30' W 100 feet to a stake; thence N 83 deg 31' W 50 feet to a staKe, corner with lot No. 1;> thence with said lot No. 1 N 0 deg 30' E 100 feet to a stake on Graham Avenue; thence with said avenue 8' 83 deg 30' N 50 feet to the beginning. This 18th day of Oct., 1920. CLAUD CATES, Mortgagee. L. C. Allen, .Att'y, The Western N. C. Methodist annual Conference convened in Salisbury Wednesday. writes: "Ziroa Iroa Toofce has made cood in my family. I lave used it to a rery great adiaaMgf to myself and ay 14- year-old boy. It did as both good. I think tt is a good medicfae tor what ft is If you are pale, weak, tired, feel don and out, take Ztoo. It win put iroa iak) your blood, aad should helpbuOd you up. Oet a bottle from your druggist today, and girs ZIRON a Mr trial. Sold by IriiiiwlatniiT btfirinnatii mmmmi wmmmm. | Plain foods *'dressed up," the simplest meals are made more appetizing—for this purpose the thrifty housewife of today finds our jams, preserves and relishes are indis pensable. Supposed luxuries- those which the family enjoys are not luxuries of price, but of "economy. The choicest relishes, finest preserves, most delicious jam are all carried in our store in a large assortment. this week 1K /»fa J. W. HOLT, GRAHAM, N.C Piiy Cash - - - Cash Pays. The Greensboro i ... . j ■ Daily News Is recognized as the State's best newspaper. It gives a news ser vice unexcelled, and its editorial page is always clean, broad and * interesting. Independent in pol- ' itfcs, it presents news and views from every angle. On its rapidly * . scription lists are the names of the States most prominent and * • farward looking citizens. YOU ; > cannot afford to be without this newspaper.. Forward your trial * subscription. Six mos. Daily and Sunday, $4.50 Six mos. Daily without Sunday, 3.50 Greensboro Daily News GREENSBORO,' N.C. " N For Sale! JTfWe have bought the Curry Moore Til Home Place, and will offer it for sale .on easy terms. Possession can be given within ten days. A good 6- room house, in good condition at a reasonable price. Graham Real Estate Co. Tfcoae 544—Office Next Door to National Bank of Alamance GRAHAM, N.C. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court made in a Special Proceeding'. ,* entitled, Mrs. Edith Holt and ' her husband, Isaac Holt, vs. B. P. Boone an# wife, Effie Boone and others,, the undersigned commissioners Will, on FRIDAY, NOV. 12, 1920, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Graham, North Carolina, offer at public sale to the highest bidder," the follow ing tracts of real property, to-wit: Tract A. Two certain tracts in Newlin township, adjoining the lands of John Morgan, Julius Roberson, J. A. Winningham and others, and bounded fol lows: 1 Tract 1. Beginning at a stake, on the Graham road, corner with Lot No. 2, and running thence W 14 chs to 9 stake; thence N 84 deg W 14.35 chs to P. O.; , thence 10 deg W 12.15 chs to a stake; thence W 6.40 chs to Stafford line; thence N 17 deg E 16 chs to a stone, Stafford's cor ner; thence E 7.80 chs to'a stake, Robert Shaw's corner; thence S 14.85 chs to a stake; thence E 7 chs to a stake, Mary Ray lifle; thence S 8 chs to P. 0.; thence E 9.60 chs to Graham road; thence with the said road to the beginning . and containing 44 acres, more or less. Tract 2. Beginning at a white oak on the road leading from Saxapahawto the Graham road and running thence North sup posed to be 30 chs to a stake in Juny Ran line; thenc,e W 15.75 chs to a white oak on the Gra ham road; thence with-said road with its various courses to a cor ner of the African church lot; thence E with Saxtipahaw rOad to the beginning and containing 34 acres. Except therefrom has been sold a tract of 5.94 acres to J! * W. Johnson. Tract B. The remainder, after . the expiration of the life estate of Mirs. Letitia Boone, in the fol lowing tract of land, to-wit: The said tract of land which is a part of the above, and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a rock, corner with said Alston, running thence S 86 deg E 6.41 chs to a rock, corner with said Alston on W side of old Graham road; thence * S 16 d,eg 20' E 2 chs to an iron bolt m said road; thence S 75' deg W (B. S. 76 deg) 13 chs to a rock; thence N 2 deg,4o' Wl4 chs to a rock, corner with said Alston and heirs; thence S 88 deg 20' E (B. Sj) 6.56 chs to a rock, corner with said Alston; thence S 1 deg 80' W 8 chs to the beginning, containing 10 acres, more or less. Terms of Sale: One-third cash; one-third in six months, and one-third in twelve months. This 9th day of Oct. 1920. JOHN J. HENDERSON, J. pOLPH LONG, Commissioners. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, Alamance County. In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk,' Mrs. Beulah Edwards, Adm'rx of Y. B. Brown, deceased, vs. Geneva Brown end Will Brown. The defendant, Will Browh, ' will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, to sell the lands of }T. B. Brown, deceased, for purpose creating assets to pay debts; and the said Defend ant, Will Brown, will further , take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Court of said Coun ty on the 20th day of November, 1920, at the Court House of said County in Graham, North Carolina, and reply or demur to the petition f&ed in said action, or the petitioner will ap ply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Compalint. This the 14th day of October, 1920. V. J. WALSPB, 0. S. C. J. i. Henderson, Att'y. . ... . . V , * uw »r "N" *