THE GLEANER Xu.... ■ —— '"■ . ' • ""'J? 11 " . ISODBD EVERY THURSDAY. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. SI.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ' i ho editor will not be responsible tor • lews expressed by correspondent*. Entered at tne Poitoffloe at Qrabam. N. C., a* second clat* matter. GRAHAM, N. C„ Nov. 4, 1920. "" OFFICIAL VOTE OF ALAMANCE COUNTY. In this issue we are publishing the county official vote for 1918 as a matter of information aud interest to the readers of THE GLEANER. Next week we will publish the official vote for 1920. By com parison—those inclined to look . into it closely—can be seen how and where the vote varies froui what it was two years ago. NORTH STATE SAFE. North Carolinians have much to be thankful for and proud of in Tuesday's election. The Demo cratic ticket has won by an un precedented majority, around 80,- 000. The Old North State will at loast have good government. Three cheers for North parol in a Democracy! t i The women marched up and voted like veterans. Whoever had a notion they knew nothing about politics, should have seen them fixing their tickets and passing them iu anik at once, his ihind woud have undergone a change. The Republicans have the presi dency and Congress. If they ful fill their promises, good times will continue. Whether prosperity continues or not, all will fare alike in most cases. > __ Already the pie counter has loomed up. Republicans have been out so long that many of them are hungry for jobs. Mortgage Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of the jiower of sale Contained in a certain mortgage deed, wherein the undersigned, Claud Cates, is mortgagee, said mortgage being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in Book of Mortgages No. 82, page *SO, .default having been made in the payment of the debt secured thereby, the said mortgagee will, on MONDAY, NOV. 22,1920, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door iu Graham, N. 0., offer for/tale to the highest bid der for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: A certain tract of land in Gra ham iowhship, Alamance coun ty, State of North Carolina, and numbered 8, sectiori 12, in the plan and plat of the Avenue Land Company, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a corner on Gra ham Avenue and Alley-way; thence with said alley-way So deg 30' W 100 feet t*> a stake; thence N 83 deg 31' W 50 feet to a stake, corner with lot No, 1; thence with said lot No. 1 N 6 deg 30' E 100 feet to a stake on Graham Avenue; thence with said avenue IS 83 deg 80' N 50 feet to the beginning. This 18th day of Oct., 1920. CLAUD GATES, Mortgagee.* L. C. Allen, Att'y. Bryau is for free speech cvw. iho he demands pay for his ora tions. It looks as it most women have high ideals when it comes lo K skict*. The automotive age no longer refers to a political .warrior as a "warhorse". Cotton and wool both being cheaper, it seems natural in these •topsy-turbj' times for clothes to be higher. Qermany will be safe tor democ racy when she has junked all the; junket*. | 1 PUT FIGHTING QUALITIES IN YOUR BLOOD It You Are Pile and Weak, Without Ambition, You Need a Tonic. | THY TAKING PKPTO-MANCAN Rich, Red Blood Fight* OH' l)U'jas« and Keeps You Well and Enable* You to tVork With Pleasure Serious sickness of ton come* you least suspect. You may feel h little over-tired. You haven't been exposed to conta gion,' yet all of a sudden you are tlat on your back and iu for a siege of sickness. • Your blood did not have light ing qualities. It was weak and thin. Your vitality and powers of resistance were low. When you overdo you use up energy. Your blood is driven lo do tnore than it can. It becomes clogged with waste. The waste acts like poison. Disease g -rins get in your blood and dominate. Don't let yourself get run down, Take that good tonic, Pepto-Mau gatt. It makes rich, red blood that will resist and rout out dis ease germs. Pepto-Mangan is widely ajul heartily endorsed by physicians It is effective and easy to take. Conies in either liquid or tablet form, lioth have the same effect. Sold at any drugstore. Hut be sure you get ihe genuine Pepto- Mangan—"Glide's." Ask for it by the name and be sure the full name, ''Glide's Pepto-Mangan," is on the package.—Adv. Sale Under Deed ol Trust. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed the 2oth day of September, 191'J, by J. A. Small and wife, to the un dersigned Graham Loan A Trust Company, Trustee, for the pur pose of securing certain bonds of even date therewith and the interest thereon, which deed of trust is duly probated and record ed in the office of the Regihter of Deeds for Alainauce County, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No, 84 at page 40, default having been made in the payment of said bonds according to their tenor, the undersigned trustee will, on MONDAY, DEC, oth, 1!>20, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door of Alainauce county, at Graham, N. C., offer for sale at pubic anctiou to the highest bid der for cash, two certain tracts or parcels of land in Patterson town ship, Alamance county aud State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Samuel C. CI pp and others and bounded as follows: Tract No. 1. I'eginningat u stone ne.'ir mill race and running thenee N (51 deg E 14.22 poles to a stone on the S side of mill road, thence N 20 deg. E 4.21 poles lo a stone; thence S 87$ de ElB poles to a sycamore tree on the E bank of Rock Creek; thence 11 deg E 5 poles to a sycamore on E side of said creek; t hence SSO deg \V 8 poles to a large sycamore near the E eud of mill house; thence & deg VV 0 poles to a stone on l he E end of mill race; thence S 23 deg E (i poles to a stone at or near the N eud of mill dam; th-nee up the pond at high-watermark with the various courses of the said pond to the head of the same; thence across the creek N and down the pond at high-water mark with the various courses to the begin; ning, containing 12 acres by the McMath plat, be the same more or loss, on lot No. 1 in tlje divis ion of said lauds and known as Coble's Mill. Tract No. 2. Adjoining ilit* lands of .1 G. Montgomery, llioss Browning, Mrs. Durham, and others, aud bounded as ' follows ; ! Beginning at a rock on said Mont- j gomery line, corner with said! Browning, and running thenee N I ."> 1-3 deg VV 1.50 rlfaTiis to a rook or iron bar, corner witn said: Browning; thence with hi* line S . 80 deg E 1.90 clmi US to a rock,! corner with said Browning inj said company's line; thence N 3 13 deif W 2,,3.>etiaitis to a rock 1 TWsaid Hn», comer wnh said Dut-j ham; thence wi.h Iter line West I 3.90 chs to a rock corner with! said Mrs. Durham; thenee S : 3 1-8 deg K. 3 5S ehs to a rock on ; said Moutgomar>'s ine; thenceS. 80 deg E. 20l chs >o the b gin ning and containing 1.25 acres.' nfore or less, and ou which llierei is a frame dwelling. This October 29th. 1920. graham loam & trust ca.. 1 Trustee. Win. I. W T ard, Att,y. ' ; | Hud Jones Kiiyß he has found Rath will probably try lo a!iaw to reduce his meat bilL—. home ruu eeuieuariau next yn ir. in becoming inore vegetarian. & ' . ■» -A mkk, • ' Doctor's Thrilling Struggle With Death Was Victorious Fierce Battle with Grim Spectre Brought Health to Dr. H. V. Reese and a Message ot Hope to Millions ol Suflerers AT SEVENTY-FOUR HE WEIGHS FORTY POUNDS MORE fHAN AT FIFTY __________ % While a Practising Physician in 1898 \Sr. Reese Was Unable To Eat and Drink ana Had to Wash Out His Stomach Three Time§ Daily - De ' »i cided To Devote Remainder of Life To Relieve His Own Condition Which He Did With R-l 1 and Now Is Hale and Hearty. I Although his life was despaired of H Iw nly two years ago by sonic of the | country's foremost authorities on stomach j troubles, of which he had been u sufferer l 1 for more than ten years, Dr. 11. V. Reese today, fit seventy-four years of age, i weighs forty pounds more than he has j over weighed, is huluau l -hearty and pos i xesMes more vigor than most men of lifty. .It was in 1898 that Dr. Reese, then a | practising physician of Huntington, W. Va., was told there was no -hope for hisi recovery. His condition at that time was so critical that it was impossible for him to retain either food or drink in his stom ach, aud when, after going 'as loug as possible without any nourishment, he ' would finally eat or drink somcthiug he j would have to wash out his stomach be fore he had hardly swallowed u second mouthful. In fact, Dr. Reese's condition finally required the washing out of his stomach two and three times daily. In addition to stomach trouble Dr. Reese j suffered from severe livet and kidney troubles, which genertilly accompany stomach ailments. After ho bail sought relief through ; every known agency of the medical pro- ] fessiou and had spent the mujor portion | The Greensboro Daily News Is recognized as the State's best newspaper. It gives a news ser-. vice unexcelled, and its editorial page is always clean, broad and interesting. Independent in pol itics, it presents news and views from every angle. On its rapidly growing sub scription lists are the names of the States most prominent and farward looking citizens. YOU cannot afford to be without this newspaper. Forward your trial subscription. Six mos. Daily and Sunday R $4.50 Sixmos. Daily without Sunday, 3.50 Greensboro Daily News GREENSBORO, N. C. Democrats have exercised too ; much self-restraint in the matter of campaign contributions. The difference swius to he that | presidential elections are fixed ■with and baseball games for inonev. 'of his earnings for many years pre -1 vioiis, Dr. Reese finally determined to spend his remaining days in experi menting upon himself in anendeavor to discover a remedy for stomach, liver and kidney troubles.. After months of heart -breaking failures aud with his condition growing worse, Dr. Reese finally hit upon the formula which now is known as The Reese Formula lt-11, that conipl etely re -1 st ored his health.' Dr. Reese bus be ep persuaded for years by friends and users of The Reese Form, j ula R-ll to put lTis remedy on the market, ! already compounded at a price within the 1 reach of everyone. This he has dpne, I and uny leading druggist will explain to sulferers the merits of The Roes e Formula I R-11. This great medicine is not i ailed patent medicine, but the ingre dients, one or more of which are prescrib-1 ed by every physician daily, are printed j with each bottle. Onyonq suffering from indigestion, nervousness, rheumatism, backache, lum bago, sour stomach, heartburn, urinary, kidney or liver troubles of any kind will ] do well to talk over their case with their i druggist today. It does not cost one 1 penny to do this and you are under no | obligation whatever. RHEUMATISM SO BAD MRS. BLAIR COULD NOT MOVE HANDS OR FEET Treatment of Several Doctors Was Without Itesult, but After TaklugThe Reese Formula lt-11. Woman Now Can l)o Her Own Housework. Mrs. E. T. Blair, of Kitts Hill, Ohio, suffered so severely from rheumatism that at times she could not move her hands or feet. She begun taking*Reese I Formula R-11, with such remarkable ; results that* she can now do her own j housework. BUY "DIAMOND DYES" ' DONT RISK MATERIAL Each package of "Diamond Dyes" con tain* 'directions so simple that any woman can dye any material without streaking, fading or running. Druggiat has color .card —lake no other dy«l - T()W>PfAX - Tb« tax !>ooka f>:r 1920 are in my bauds. Prompt payment requested t - - . B. R. TaouNtffcttt • • • Tax Collector. Local Drag Stores Bay Big Quantities of ; Wonderful Remedy large Purchases of The Reese Formula R—ll Are Made to Meet the Big De mand fur Great Tonic and Body- Builder. Graham Drug Co., with all the otlier leading pharmacies of this city and sec tion, have ( purchased large quantities of The Reese Formula R-ll to meet the ever increasing demand for this wonderful remedy for stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Leading druggists everywhere readily appreciate the merits of this great tonic and body-builder, and are supply ing themselves with sufficient quantities to meet the big demand. The Reese Formula R-lt is the result of a practising physician's own need for a remedy for stomach, liver'and kidney troublijp. Everyone of the ingredients used in its preparation is prescribed daily bv practically every doctor treating these ailments, because of the fact that they have been proven positively to be the .best for its action on the organ it is in tended to aid. The superiority of The Reese Formula R-ll lies in the skillful and scientific manner in which these tried and proven drugs are combined to give just the proper amount of each ingredient at each dose. It is for this reason that R-ll has succeeded in relieving cases w here perhaps the same ingredients given in improper (loses have failed. h 111 ber case, Mrs. Blair said: „ "I had severe pains ill the back, a/ms, .. feet and limbs. Several doctors treated me without results. Finally I began tak ing Reese Formula R-il. Now my rheu* maihm is gone, my stomach and system cleaned up, my appetite is better and I ' can do my Own housework. 1 recom mend Reese Formula R-11, because of its r wonderful results in my case, and if my 2 testimonial will brin£ relief to other BUf -5 ferers, 1 gladly give it to you." 1 Get a bottle of Reese Formula R-ll to day at any "good drug store. Re-Sale of Land. Whereas, on the 20th day of September, 1920, the undersigned assignee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed to Ala mance Insurance & Real Estate Company, assigned to R. F. Wil liam for value, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Book of Mortgage Deeds No. 61, page 525, did sell at public auction at the court house door in said County to the highest bidder for cash cer tain real property hereinafter de scried, after having advertised »nne as prescribed by law; and, whereas, a ten per cent advance bid has beoii placed on the last and highest bid uiade at the afore said public sale within the limit of time prescribed by law: Wherefore, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in aforesaid mortgage deed, the un dersigned will, on November 15thl 1920, at 12 o'clock, Noon, re-sel, at public auction at the 'court door in the county aforesaid to the highest bidder for cash the followiug described real estate: "That certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Alamance County and state of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Esper Montgomery, Jerry Sellars, and others and bouulpd as follow: Beginning at an iron bolt, cor ner with said Mufttcomery on north side of an alley; running thence N. 11 deg. W. 213$ feet to a rock on said Montgomery's line; thence S. 70} deg. W. 50 feet to an iron bolt; South 11 deg, E. feet ou North side of said alley; thence N 70$ deg. E. 50 fe«t to the beginning, containing 1 24-100 of an acre, more or less. On which is situated a cottage:- This 27th day of October, 1920. R. F. WILLIAMS, Assignee. Track For Hire. * Let us do your hauling of every kind, moving, etc. Have a new truck. Terms reasonable. BDADSHAW & FULLER, Phone 650. Graham, N. C. . i ....... ■ m ft % OSMCBIBB FOB THB OLBANS& *• *1 'Z Stomach Trouble Relieved by R-Jt After Doctors Called ' James M. Long, of 426 North Second St., Ironton, Ohio,- an employee of the Union Iron and Steel Company, has to say of Thte Reese Fortnula R-ll: ' "I have been doctoring for over six yean for stomach trouble. Six doctors in Ironton and four in Portsmouth did not help me a bit. I have taken all sorts of remedies without results until I began taking The Reese Formula R-11. I have taken but one bottle but my stomach does not trouble me at all and I feel stronger every respect. lam going to take an other bottle although I feel that I am en tirely well now. I most heartily recom mend this remedy as it has, by relieving me, done something , I did not think possible." Consult your druggist today as to the merits of this wonderful tonic aud body builder. Union Labor Leader Says None Could Be Disappointed in R-II Secretary ot Central labor Union De clares He Was Benefited More by The Reese Than by All Other Medicines, and Says Sufferers Need Never Experiment When This Won derful Remedy Can Be Had. Sufferers of stomaeh, liver and kidney trouble "will never have to experiment if The Reese Formula R-ll can be pro cured/' says W. F. Dodson, correspond ing add recording secretary of the Lynch burg Central Labor Union. Mr. Dodson says "No one can be disappointed in this wonderful remedy, which lam absolutely sure I am right in recommending to any one and everyone." This labor leader contines: "I had stomach and liver troubles for a number of years, and took many kinds of remedies, which, it seemed, dia me very little, if any. good. _ I had no appetite, and nothing that I ate seemed to agree with me. 1 jnst about decided to let the medicines go and tough it out when I saw an advertisement of The Reese Formula R-11. I gave this very little notice, how ever, as I had tried so many remedies that had only disappointed me. One day while I was talking with Mr. R. M. Mc- Qhee, who works in the shops with me, I asked him bow he felt, for 1 knew he had been sick with a very serious stomach trouble. He told me he was a great deal • For Sale! fjlWe have bought the Curry Moore olHome Place, and will offer it for sale on easy terms. Possession can be given within ten days. A good 6- room house, in good condition at a reasonable price. ' / Graham Real Estate Co. 'Phone 544—Office Next Door to National Bank of.'Alamance GRAHAM, N. C. Receiver's Sale of Per sonal Property. Under an Order of the Su perior Court made in the mat ter of Florence B. MacConnell vs. The MacConnell Electrical Supply & Construction Com pany, the undersigned Receiver will, on SATURDAY, OCT. 30, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the store room occupied by the MacCon nell Electrical Supply & Con struction Company, in the City of Burlington, North Carolina, sell all the personal property be longing to the said Electrical Supply Company. Among said property is the following; Electric Sewing Machine, I PHYSICIANS USE IP REESE FORHVLA R-11_EVERY DAY Great Tonic Rebuild! Syfctem, I*u rifle# tbe Blood and Puts Snap In Your Step. STANDS TODAY IN CLASS BY ITSELF Physicians every day prescribe for pa tients suffering from troubles of the stomach, liver and kidneys, such as in digestion, nervousness, headache, back ache, lumbago, urinary, liver and kidney disorders, some of the drugs used in The Reese Formula R-11. They are excellent drugs. But unless just the right ones are used in just the riffht combination and quantities, the bm results cannot be obtained. It took years of effort and study with Dr. Reese's own life at stake to perfect The Reese Formula R-11. It stands to', day in a class by itself. There are thousands today who have suffered for yefirand who now owe their health to this wonderful remedy. Get a bottle today and be convinced of its merits. If there is any special information you desire concerning your own case write the Medical Adviser, Medical Depart ment, The Reese Formula Company, Huntington. W. Va. better; that he was taking a medicine that did bim more good than anything he had ever taken. This remedy, he said, was The Reese Formula R-11, which he bought at the Union Crafts Cooperative Store. Knowing Mr. McQhee to be a conservative man and on the strength of his recommendation I decided to get a bottle of R-11, which I did that evening. I can state positively and truthfully that I received more real benflt from this rem edy in one Week than I ever got from all medicines I had tried. My appetite im proved. indigestion disappeared, and I felt better generally than I had in months. lam very thankful I found out about this splendid remedy, for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, and feel that no one will have to experiment any more if The Reese Formula R-ll can be pro cured. I would qualify this only to say that I think anyone that has had these troubles for any langth of time should take two or three bottles of R-ll and I feel sure ttfey will not he disappointed." Anyone suffering from the after-effects of "flu" and pneumonia, indigestion, nervousness, sleeplessness, lumbago, backache, female weakness, urinary, blad der, stomach, liver and kidney troubles, will do well to get a bottle of this won derful remedy today, or write the Medical Adviser, Medical Department, The Re&e Formula Company, Huntington, W.Xa., for advice concerning your own particu lar case. Vacuum Cleaner, Electric Iron, Urns, Percolators, Lamps, Elec tric Fans, Insulator, Bells, Bulbs, Switches, and other elec trical implements, machines, fix tures, etc.; also one Wall Case, one Typewriter, and other office supplies and fixtures. The entire stock of goods in cluded in this sale will inventory approximately $1,800.00. An inventory of these goods may be seen at the office of the Piedmont Trust Company, with W. J. Graham, Receiver, or at the office of John J. Henderson, Graham, N. C. Terms of Sale: CASH. This 30th day of Sept., 1920. W. J. GRAHAM, Receiver.. John J. Henderson, Att'y. if; . "

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