THE, GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., Nov. 4,1920. ( Postoffice Hons. Offlo open TUM a. m. to 7.00 p. m. Snuday 9.00 to 11 .00 a. m. and (.00 to $M p. m R. N. COOK, Port master. +++++++++. +++++++++ l « | | 11 + + LOCAL NEWS. * ♦ } + V++++++++++l-++++++++++++++ —The County Commissioners met Monday and jadjourned till Friday. —Last Friday and Saturday morn ings theh: was some ice, but it is mild again. —The Election passed off quietly in Graham. A drizzle in the after noon slightly interfered, but not to amount to much. —The Board of Canvassers is in session today with the election re tnrns. Usually we have published the tabulated vote in our first Issue after the election, but this time we will defer it till next week. Armistice Day. Next Thursday, Nov. 11th, Armis tice Day will be celebrated in Bur lington. Big preparations are be ing made for entertaining the World- War veterans. Th 9 Confederate veterans will also be there. For Sale Three good farm mules, one driv ing mare, one pony colt, one good saddle pony. See me, if you want a bargain. C. A. WHITTEMORE, at Dr. D. A. Long place, 39-3t y Graham, N. J \ , : Rev. L. U. Weston Goes to Spray; The pastoral relatioil between Rev. L. U Weston and the Graham Baptist church ended' Oct. Ist, but he arfd his family did not get away until last Monday. Scarlet fever appeared in his family a week or two before they were to leave and being quarantined they had to remain a month longer than they had expect ed. Mr. Weston served the church here for three years and he and family leave many good friends here whose best wishes will f jllow them. Mr. Weston was called to the Spray Baptist church the latter part of last summer. Hallowe'en Party East View Farm. Saturday evening, from 7 to ll a delightful Hallowe'en party was given at East View Farm, the home of Mr,-and Mrs. W. S. Vestal, just south of Graham. The home was decorated through out with jack-o'-lanterns, pumpkins, autumn leaves and flowers in pro fusion. The guests came dressed in cos tumes and masks. A prize was given for the most original costume, which was won by Miss Annie /Cheek. All kinds of games were played and fortunes were told, after which refreshments were served, consisting of cake, hot chocolate and coffee. Assisting the hostess in serv ing were Mrs. W. Lee Cooper, Mrs. W. S. Neece and C. Crutch field. The guests numbered abotttfifty. Tbere Is more Catarrah in this section of - the country than all other diseases pu4 to gether, and untu the last few years was sap posed te be incurable. For a great many ' years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to oure with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable. Scienoe has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cbeney A Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only Con stitutional cure on the market. It Is taken internally In doses from 10 drops to a tea spoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaoes of the system. They offer one hundred dollars lor anv case it falls to cure. Hend for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO,, Toledo, Ohio. Hold by Druggists; 76c. Take Ball's Family Pills for oonstipa tlon- adv REST ASSURED! 1 You cannot well afford to experi ment, nor should you! When your physician tells you to take SCOTTS EMULSION you may aest assured f that his decision is ths result of confi dence, built upon experience. 9mJSSUmmSmSSSmUmmmt» Break your Cold or LaGrippe with tw doses of 666 x ♦ ♦ + PERSONAL. + * ♦ Mies Eileen Aiken of Hickory spent from Batnrday till Monday herewith Miss Nina Holt. • » Mr. W. R. Perry spent from Sat urday till this morning here with his family, when he returned to Raleigh. Miss Fannie Spoon of Liberty, who made her home here for a num ber of years, was here a few days ago visiting Mrs. W. T. Ezelle. 'Mr. and Mrs. June C. Perry re turned to their home in Raleigh yes terday, after spending several days here at the home- ofi •Jthe" former's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Perry. Mesi. Curtis' Wrike, Willard Goley, Thomas Cooper and Lovick H. Kernodle, in school at the Uni versity", were at home from Tues day afternoon till Wednesday morn ing. Southwest Alamance. Cor. of The Gleaner. Dr. C. E. Spoon had the mis fortune' to have his ear stolen while in Greensboro last Saturday. The loss was quite heavy. A lot of drugs and other things were in the car at the time and all were taken. The ear was practically new; had only been in use about ten days. No trace. Wheat sowing; corn pulling and shucking every night in the week. Mrs. Mary Shtfffner is seriously sick. 1 Oakdale school is progressing nicely With Rev. I. P. Frazler of Liberty» principal. .Nurserymen are very busy bill-' ing and shipping their stock. The \ suffrage question is caus ing some-serious family tronbles. When money talks in politics, it does not talk lor publication. I Ml II fII I Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA— ALAMANCE COUNTY In the Superior Court, Minnie Hill, Plaintiff, vs. John Hill, Defendant. The defendant above named will that an aetiou en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Alamanoe county, to obtain abso lute divorce; and the said defend ant will further take notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Alamancb at his office at the court house in Gra ham, North Catolina, on the Bth day of December, 1920, and an swer or demnr to the complaint of the plaintiff, whieh will be de posited in the office of the said CJerk of the Superior Court of the said copnty on or before the re turn day of this snmmons, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 3rd day of Nov., 1920. D. J. WALKER, 4nov4t. C. S. C. Wm. I. Ward, Atty. off Corns! \ Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezono costs only a few cents. Doesn't hurt a bit ! Drop a little Freezone on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then yon lift it right out. Yes, magic 1 A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents at any drug store, but is suffi cient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, anil the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Freezone is the sensational diwovery of a Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful. wmmi 'ilbour • aii» in the treatment of Be m»a, # ._r&Tr>' Tetter, Ringworm, Itch. «tt J Don't become di*coa«ae4 be- / / cause other treatmeaU failed. I /\[ / Hum'* Saivahaa relieved fcna- V B / dredaofancheaaea. Yoacaa't V,» / loae oa oar *«»«r Bmeh _ Caaranfaa. Trjrtt at oar riafe TODAY. MeeTScat / GRAHAM DRUG COMBA.VY, r V. C. TOWN TAXES,—-The tax Ixx.ks for 1920 are in my hands. Prompt payment requested. B. B. TBOUKOER, octSitf Tax Collector. Profiteers will seize on th« Bal briggan riots as an exctisa to boost underwear prices. Crooked pitchers should realize that sooner or later the pnblic will get on to their curves. Big Bra should be in every farmer's home Yon men who live on the farm have got to be heavy workers. And if yon are heavy workers you require heavy sleep and lots of it. For heavy sleep is heavy work's reaction and it's not always easy for the heavy sleeper to gret up without help. That's where Big Ben comes in. He makes it easy every morning. Big Ben fa a truth-telling and Tellable alarm clock. - He gets yon up, he never fails. You're always up on the dot if , he's ia the sleeping room. See him in my window next time I yon come to town. Hear him greet yon Good Horning. He ia well worth meeting, Indeed. ~ Z.T.HADLE\ Jeweler and Optician GRAHAM, N. C Season Ticket Sale, Greensboro? Concert Course . > • Wiuu.ylT j . ■ .4 mi! | , Tuesday, November 9, at Greensboro Music Co. Opposite Guilford Hotel, at 10 A. M. , % ; • . COUR CONCERTS: LUCY GATES, "America's own marvelous coloratura soprano," December 4th. EFREM 2IMBALIST, "famous Russian violin genius, January 7th. MLRLE ALCOCK, "distinguished young American contralto," and LAMBERT MURPHY, "one of the few first-rate tenors in this country," in joint recital, March 4th. ALMA GLUCK, "best known and most loved singer on- the American concert stage," April 11th. E. P. WHARTON, GUARANTOR A season ticket is good for the four concerts. The price of the season ticket is only SI.OO more than a single ticket for the Gluck concert and only $2.00 more than a single ticket for either of the other three concerts. The purchasers of season tickets are given first choice of seats in the theatre. Out of town orders are being placed on file and will be filled November 9th. • _ Out of town patrons are urged to state a second and third choice of seats, in case their first choice is not available, when their order is reached on the file. No orders will be received by telephone, nor ./ill mail orders be accepted from 6reensboro. NOTE—AII profits from this course will be placed in bank to the credit of the Greensboro Concert Course, to be used as a guarantee fund, to be applied either to wards an extra number this season, or towards next year's concerts.' SEASON TICKET PRICES—I 920-'2l. MAIN FLOOR— First 13 rows , SB,OO plus war tax $ .80 Total £ 8.80 Last four rows 7,00 " .70 Total 7.70 BALCONY— First two rows 8,00 " v Bo Total 8.80 Next four rows 7.00 " **' . .70. ; Total 7.70-. Last three rows 8.00 " ,6i» Total 0.60 GALLERY— * First three rows - fi.oo . " .00 Total C.flO * List rows (admission \ 4.00 " .40 Total 4.50-S3 BOXES— ... ■' ' \ Lower tier (seat «ix) 4*2.00 " 4.20 Total 40.20 Upper tier (seat six) 36.00 " 3.60 Total 39.60 Mail orders and make checks payable to MRS, LESSIE L. WHARTON, Manager Greensboro Concert Course, Box 64*, Greensboro, N. C. * I *•-. . iffey. " . ■•}■ Ur., ■* ' I*. • •£' j*.- THE ALAMANCE QLEANER. 6-BAHAIL N. O. h »r—l«r (mf toy m or with wi ehy «r viUr, hoi or cold, prmfmrakly hot. . QUICK RFI.tF.FI Pric* 2s-50-75/ :;V%, ALSO IN TABLET FOHH 4 MADC BY SCOTT « BOWNS MAKERS OF Jcorrs~gjujjigN^ " L-JLl'—l ■ 1 . What a pitv Henry Fot'd does not sell food, fuel, siud clothes. Fords lor Sale. 1 new Ford with starter. 1 new Ford withoutgtarter. 1 1917 model—prifte right. Apply to Samet Furniture Co., Phone 626 Burlington, N.C. BBDonBDOBOBBmaBBonnanBEiOBn P A SYSTEM -BUILDER! B a : n People who have been sick, need a tonic to heip them regain their £ ■f strength. After severe illness, you know the tired, weak, no-account \ B feeling that hangs on, after you not up and begin to go about. The sooner • I yqu get your strength back the better, and you should derive valuable H Q assistance, in enriching your blood, renewing your appetite, helping j you to digest your food, and to build up your system, by taking | D The Scientific Iron Tonic D L n Mr. Ervin Horton, a prominent citizen of Horton, Ala., writes: "1. 5 JJ have been taking Ziron, and itjis a wonderful medicine. It helped me ■ D more than anything else, after I had the influenza. It is a great system- B D builder. 1 appreciate what Ziii>n has done for me. 6 T!>e merit of Zlron B Q has been proved by the good results obtained by thousands of men and M Q women who have taken it. Yiu should try Ziroh. Your money will be M M refunded if the first bottle of Zifon fails to help you. £ BID! ASk y ° Ur dru " gist for Ziran. Accept no substitutes. ' ZJ. 2gg BBBSBBBBBBB4B*BBBBBBBBBBBBB No Gray Hair. It seems" flcj SA wisejrajr, or lifeless' hair 'these days, now thai Q-ban Hair.CdhttJEeatorer will bring # ;;i»nturai, dark; shade, witho it gtajr 1 or lifeless hair Have handsome,* soft, lustrous hair in abundance without a trace of of gray. Apply Q-ban—guaranteed harmless—soc a large bottle—money back if not satisfied, sold by the Hayes Drug Co„ and all good drug stors. Try Q-ban Hair Tronic, Li quid Champoo and Soap. /Vir Tr y ebau ti'ii 11f ;i _ . . , TOWN TAXES.—The tax books lor 191*0 are in my hands. Promjn payment requested. •' 1 B. R. Tbolihobb, Tax Collector. Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate. j A ■ "" Uhdef and by virtue of an of the l «Jap»rior -C?a>t, jj*ade in a proceeding for foreclosure wherein S. A. Vest is plaintiff fcnd Ralph H. Gates ft defendant, the underfilled mortgagee will, on \ WEDNESDAY), NOV. 24, 1920, at ( 12:00 o'clock, noon, .at the conrt house door in offer at public auciiuit,' »o tlie bid der, llie followiug ue»cnbed' real; property, A certain tract of land located on the Haw River to Mabane road, beginning at an iron bolt at func tion of aaid road and the road jead iug off from aaid road to Big Fall-, thence running along the North aide of said Haw River to Mebane road easterly, a distance of 237 I feet; thence eastetly 15U feet, adjoining lots Noa. 12, 13, 14, to lot Nof 15; thence,in a northerly direction ad joining lot No. 15 a distance of 9D.2 leet to the branch; thence easterly : direction with branch a distance yfj 185 feet t9 the liigFallsroad; toencei a southerly direction along said Big i Falls road a distance of 416 feet toj the beginning, embracing lots NodJ 9, 10, 11, 15), 20, 21, of the subdivi-j sion of the A. L.v Thompson, land agent, Jormerly the J. 8. McAdams l lands, aa developed by J. C. I McAdams for A. L. Thompson, and sold at auction by the Qrahaui Loan; & Trust of Graham. ,N. C. For a inure particular description ref erence is expresaly made to a plat! of said subdivision which is rec >rd ed in office of the Register of Doeda, for aforesaid County and State in i book of plaia Nn. 1, at page No.— Terms of Sale; Cash. This the 20ili day of Oct., 192u. S. A. VEST, Mortgagee. John J. Henderson, Att'y. •M'HHt MIHK FOH THK OLBANfcH —— ■ . yVVi, «.U od i .■>;* mi ..v.«'u #Js3 1520.M5.1820 ' . . j wijij ?jaj The tax books for the year 1920 11; have been placed in my hands for collection. There is a •f - > -a • «» . .«■ * 1 :i •- % ir* "TTt I • • - - #*« . ftt # One Per Cent Discount If paid before December Ist 1 ' 7 If you want to get this discount, call at my office and settle before December Ist. C. D. STORY Sheriff of Alamance County. * «nfc | Sale of Personal Property I And Residence Lot! Saturday, Nov. 6th, 1920, 2 p. m. As administrator of the estate of Jesse M. Bradshaw, dee'd, at his late residence in Graham, at the time and on the date above mentioned, I will sell for CASH, at public outcry to the high est bidder, a lot of Household and Kitchen Fur niture, a good Set of Carpenter's Tools, Paper Outfit, and a good Five Passenger Automobile. At.same time I will offer for sale, on terms, a very desirable residence lot on North St., to J. B. Montgomery's, the bid, however, subject to rejection by the owners of the lot. JAMES E. BLACK, - Adm'r of v Jesse M. Bradshaw. This All persons are h&fcby forbidden to hunt, fish, or fcr»sij» the farm mi known as the ,l old J^ggS^esfead." Comiuissoncr'sße-Sale of Land. Under an order of the Court, made in a Special Proceed ing entitled, "Mrs. W, L. Ramley, Administratis df W. L. Ramley, signed. Commisioner will sell at public auction Aft thoeoitrt house ~ Graham, on tRIDAY, NOV. 12, 1926,' ' Lit 12 the. following real pfepefta to-"wit: Tractr "At"a stake on the mountain, Henderson Coble corner,la nil rih n ing theiice E 31.35 chs jo pointers, corner of lot No. 6; thence U 9 to pointers; N 70 deg E 4 73, chs to a stake on the Graham road; thence with said road 16 chs to a sassafras on the- west-wdc of t«e -said rood; thence S 54 dog 45 chs to the 4e£iftning, v aod containing 41.50 gcrep, ttture or lese, • Terms Of 8al«: One-third cash, one-third in three nifonths, and balance inwriK months. i ); This is h re-eale of this tract, and bidding on said tract -is to commence at 818.25. Sale sub ject to the,confirmation of Court, it&is the. 18th day of Oct., 1920. JOHN J. HENDERSON, Commissioner Mrs. "W. L. liumley. Adtn'r'x.