11 Torpid P 3 Liver H BB! "Black-Draught is' in OT# raqj my opinion, the test liver fXj Mil medicine on the market," W8 MK states Mi*. R. H. White- UKf ggS side, of Keota,Okla. She ?gS Cl* continues; "I had a pain MA *ta in my chest after eating— PW igS? tight, uncomfortable feel- 'Jjntx ub ing—and this was very KKI disagreeable and brought BH £pQg on headache. 1 was con- f&E K*jf sti pated and knew It was VSSt am/ indigestion and inactive mm liver. 1 began the use of pBK Cj* Black-Draught, night aw| TBfm fkj morning, and it sure is Wra splendid certainly Thedford's BLACK DRAUGHT MJ9 For over seventy years Mtflj i&K this pnrely vegetable yyS? flB preparation has been fgW found beneficial by thou- r*js| Mnd s of penons suffer- H|l m ing from effects of a tor- yftS graj pid, or slow-acting liver., jgra ttjs Indigestion, biliousness, KCft Swe colic, coated tongue, diz- jg%s HW ziness, constipation, bit- jSH lEgJ ter taste, sleeplessness, fQjl IffiX lack of energy, pain in mj ttß* back, puffiness under the ÜBI gSS: eyes—any or all of these gQj Zjjft sy m Pt°ms often indicate jpu SgS that there is something [ggg (Jjfej the matter with your nu liver. You can't be too j fcJSj careful about the medi- WjEf cine yon take. Be sure MBj! saw that the 'name, "Thed- 395% S/S ford's Black-Draught," is Slzj &js on the package. At all Accept Only UN the ftMmtwf. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, Alamance County. In tlie Superior Court. Before the Clerk. Mix. Beulalr Edwards, Adni'rx of Y. B. Brown, deceased, vs. Geneva Brown wnd Will Brown. The defendant, Will Brown, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, to sell the lands of Y. B. Brown, deceased, for purpose creating assets to pay debts; and the said Defend ant, Will Brown, will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Court of said Coun ty on the 20th day of November, 11)20, at the Court House of said County in Oraham, North Carolina, and reply or demur to the petit ion tiled in said action, or the petitioner will ap ply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Compalint. This the 14th day of October, 1920. D. J. WALKER, C. S. C. J. J. Henderson, Att'y. Mortgagee's Sale of Per sonal Property. Under the power of sale contain ed in a ceriaiu Chattel Mortgage executed July 22, 1020, by Jnines A. It. DavtH to J. S. McDonald, default having been made in the payment of the note secured by said Chattel Mortgage, the uuder signed mortgagee will, on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 1920, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court bonne door in Graham, offer at publie sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following personal property, to-wit: One Oldsmobile, Eight-Cylinder louring car, Model No. 44, Serial No. 118101, the same being a cer tain Automobile sold by J. S. McDouvld to James A. R. Davis. Terms of Sale: Cash. J. S. MCDONALD. Mortgagee, /ohn/, Henderson, Att>. WL' SLMm ' OFFICIAL RETURNS OF THE VOTE . of Alamance County, " At Election Held November 5, (916. "* a u r ®2 * FiLs n. 2 • ! sill ill s i*f !"f 8 3" H -"5 la = o' " Z 4 1 ! -* ° | * - 1 " i HI i mmmmn. t 8 Senator 8j swioß« a% o g £g,B % gg_ F. M. Himmons, d. ro ! M H H tc t>o » I U. S. Seaate £ i S2SBSSBg&gfeSjesß L J. M Morebead, r §1 i hw«.mh m io mm m m Corp. Uom'r S ' gSSg&ggH ?, 2S 8 g 8 g Geo. P. Pell, d Sihm u•- m ro m h mum Corp. Com r I'! sa o I i—> c>9 h- » m Kw•. w h Ohief Just. Bu'pr O'l £ I ssfcgsag3g?£g gg >8 £ * alter Clark, d mi mh coh h tv *o ' mmm | C hief Just-. Sup r0 t &1 gggjlftSßg-S3&3_Bs§j_ Wm. P.Bynum.r No Superior Court Judge/wan rmininir in thin (10th) Ju dicial Diet. Superior Court Judges run along"with nom inees for Chief Justice co immcc m m m mm m I Cons t A ro6ndmt?nt 8 I gSSSBBSgfcgg%S| for—See (1) below m i I Cons't Amendment S ' 8 8 oS !» wcc —ro h- »®m*-mm I Cons't Amendment S2 ! t nr io\ i IA f nn •■o ■ to ot.o» o I \&} neiow I Cons't Amendment against-See (2) below S- ! »—• m i— i—" mhh h « Congress, g ! Chas. M. Stedman. d. iS i '*s t\i«-> i—• >—• | Congress, yt'SagSSlgggSSSs|J. Jno. r gk !i— w -' m i-" to •» ►— >— h- I Solicit ir 8 'glg£Ss3SSSl S I S. M Qattiyd. cn i m m m mh m •-> I Suite Sen. 19th Dist g-tgglEßggg3g jgjg » £ SJGeo. L. Williamson,d im 09 >£* m h- io mm h h I State Sen. Dist. jg ! gggggSSSl L. C. I'a'terson, H !« I HtaUHH tO l_p —' - I—> t—- ISt te Sen. 19th Dist i 2 ! gSi 6S 3 o-S L D 86810,1 Smitb. r Immuwh m to mhh| StatQ Sen. ipth Dist. g I Jo«- 0- McAdams, r oi !m co ith h m h io hm p h I House of Rep. 8 I gggSwrgSSgigSggsgl Wm. J.Graham, d ! i- i—i£i)mh to mmmhh m House of Rep. a-!g3Bggj£gaS3£33 ft5:S_ R. T. Kernodle, r cn i mco k Clerk Sup. Court £ Dan J. Walker,d ImMico m m io ic m *M h h Clerk Sup. Court ;g Rosa L. Walkar, I i i— t>o•— ■—■ I Sheriff, ' S ct- t§J _P« O. Story, d. to Imm i-i i-« tc m m>- u I Sheriff, ft i g 3Si W. 8. Vestal, i S!i-o> +> n-' mi m» : LyitM&. 1 Register of Deeds s !js sft sss KWPri 1 1 M■ RogeiK^j li ! mm W mm i • mm Register of l)eeds g I gasgftgaggsfcggrg I Phil S. Dixon, r S I HttidHM ' h> mmm m'm I Treasured SS : Wm. P. Smith, d. ihkmkm M ten -- M I Treasurer £ i I Walter D. Foster,j S ! mojiumm m I Surveyor IM ils ft 8S S: B .ajfeOlMSJl . Lewis 11. aoM. h ! hM&9MM ic> f©mm | Surveyor I.ft_Lß 38S18li8S.8 85 gsl D. H. Thompeon, I 8 ! M tcl I Coroner IS : SSig.gggSggggggg ! R. M. Troxler, d. im !m m m m tc ro m mm m | Coroner 1 : I Jno. V. Pickett, r | mu» m m to Mm m m | Co. Commissioner Z : feS3g3gSaggjggSßSl W.P.Uwcs,d Sf 1 mW4- ►-> m mmmhm I CO. Commissioner d. 5 ! ftgsasSß^£gggßgß L E- L. Gravee, d k „M t o ►- MM M I Co. Commissioner 8 ! a P. Albright, d Si'lUuj. m' - to MM M | Co. Commissioner i i fesf BiBBSgBqraBBB I Jno.M. Coble.d. 8 I-'tMi* to - | Co. Commissioner I_ ! ' BBS^BsgB gS I W °- Warren,d. Si mhu-h to to I- MM M I Co. Commissioner j I : ggBBS23!B33fiSSS3:B I W. 8. Crawford, r I'mmw-- to to I Co, Commissioner £ ! £2 | gjgaagSgftiSggg-l' H. Turner, r $ Ihmkmnh to ton- MMM| Co- Commissioner 1 gSlgSgggaS&SgS&l QrsbamCyaWford,r BIhm»MM to to- -Mto | Co. Commisaioner 1 i IgSSSSS I Flavins Hornaday,» ,1 ;MM wM M to ro —MM MM I Co. Commissioner i o stoto © -»to cs *- to ci o E. K. Low r. I w i »*>- I ' '• (1) Exemption Taxation Homestead Notes. (2) Six Months Schools. They Ntvtr Drink. On« of the strangest of biologic facts ia that there are In desert re gions mhmmals that never drink. Conspicuous among them are the prairie dogs. These little marmots, apparently, do not In all their lives drink a drop of water. With certslo other rodents, such aa pouched iu!cf and kangaroo rats. It la the same way. Inasmuch as the physical economy of these animal* requires water, the latter manifestly must be sepsrated In their bodies from tbs food, mostly seeds, on which they subsist. CHOOSING HIS MISERY. "You most remember, my friend, that wealth does not bring happi- MS*," said the parson. "I don't expect it to," answered the government contractor. "I merely want it so that I may be able to choose the land of misery that is ■Wt liSWtNe to w.*—Vw»n'» ; *•*>' ... J L.. .. V ' • *•-" « ' I V . * f j&t m&V' ,—_ , . ——— ALAMAMOB PUAHBt, OaAHAM, N 0. _ Marriage Without a* Courtship. When a New (lulnea woman falls In love with u man she sends a piece of string to his sister, or. If be bas m> sister, to his mother or another of his Ir.dy relatives. Thsn the Isdy who re-Hves tl* string tells the favored iimn thn( the particular woman Is In inve with him. No courting follows, however, for It Is considered beneath n Ne\\ tiulnea man's dignity to waste time In such pursuit If the msn thinks hs would like to wed the lady, he meets her alone, and they decide whether to marry or drop the Idea. Ts Tsat Strength ef Matsrial. It Is very desirable to be able to test the strength of s piece of mate rial liefore purchasing It. To dc Mils, examine the raveled threads of- the cloth snd notice liow the wsrp threads compare in strength with the woof or filling threads. A tine wsrp will not stand the strain from a heavy tilling th trail. Therefore materials woven ia i:J« way are uot strong, neither lire these which bar* * bsgvr «erd www in teaMe e vwj One tkrse* 4 - Until you have tried our canned vegetables you do not know how really delicious these healthful vegetables are. V ' ' So convenient and economical, no troublesome cleaning and washing or bother of cooking. Our canned vegetables bring you the most wholesome and appetizing food—ready to serve at any minute and at any season of {he year. Order a can to-day and add its goodness aad variety to your everyday meals. J.W.HOLT, GRAHAM, N. C Pay Cash - - - Cash Pays. CASCARAE> QUININE FOR AMD Colds, Coughs Li Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy bandy for the first sneese. Breaks up a cold in 24 hoars Relieves ' "•» Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head—Cascara is best Tonic Uiativ*—No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT THE PIEDMONT POWER & UIiHT CO. AND THE ALAMANCE RAILWAY CO. ARE YOUR PUBLIC ' UTILITIES Back them both up by your patronage or they cannot help to build your community Burlington, Graham, Haw River, Mebane, Elon College, Gibsonville. Worn Down, Out of Heart Georgia Lady, Worn-out and Tired, Tells How She Was Helped by Ziron Iron Tonic, THE pers6hal experience of Mr*. Nannie Phillips, of Powder; Springs, On., Is printed below In her own words: "1 was in a worn-out condition. My stomach was oat of order. I didn't sleep well. I was tired all the time. I couldn't half eat, and dldnt rest well at night "I would get out of heart and blue. I would feel like I was going to bo ! dm la M TK I kapt drafting! • »'» !»■ ■ " n ' ■"i " "V * J*-. n - 'We heard of Ziron, and from what I read. I was sure it wouldn't hurt ma, if it didn't help me. But after taking it, I found it really helped me, and I sent back for mora. I ate batter, tett much stronger. I am sura Ziron la a splendid tonic." Many people, who an worn down and disheartened, due to stomach disorders and nervous Ols, find relief by toning up their Mood with Ziron Iron Toafe Tan jnev trugflat you wat to Of I»jj, m m ■ . •* " - V' • Children Cry for Fletcher's The **"4 Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for oyer over 30 years, has borne the signature of jf . »n4 h*g been made under his per /*& sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but ' , Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment. What is C ASTO RIA Castoria is a harmless substitute tor Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its « age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has t>een in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, by regulating the Stomach'and Bowels, aid# the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural Sleep* • The Children's Panacea —The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Hav*.Always Bought HOW TO REACH RHEUMATISM THROUGH THE BLOOD Powerful Iron in liquid form makes rich, % red Hood and drives uric acid out of the system forever. It la now generally ksown that Rheumatism ia caused by-uric acid which ia formed in the blood and de posited through thousands of little capillariea and nerves in different* parts of the body. If you have healthy, rich, red, strong blood, you will never have Rheumatism. Healthy blood elimi nates uric acid, and does not allow it to stay in the body to cripple and pain. The succeasful and reliable method of getting this great easential into the blood is through the use of a nat ural form of soluble iron known as Acid Iron Mineral. The nerves are immediately strengthened, bodily 1 vigor is restored ancfthe general im provement of all ailing conditions prove that the blood is getting the Iron it must have to maintain perfect health. With the blood thus made healthy, uric add is eliminated and For feale by All Good Druggists. Burwell&Dunn and John M. Scott&Co., Charlotte, N. C., ' - Distributors. v MANY -WORKB COUNCILS." A recent study on works councils in thq United States by the national industrial: conference board, fur nishing another evidence of the widespread interest in plans for representation of employees in in dustry, covers 176 companies or cor porations having works councils in 262 different industrial plants, af fecting approximately 500,000 workers. In addition to those plans created as a result of awards of the national war labor board, the ship building labor adjustment 'board and other government agencies, there are 105 which were voluntarily put in operation by employers. The term "works council," which has not been generally adopted in this country, was determined upon, the report states, as being more definite and exact than that of "shop com mittee," which has been commonly used. TRULY ORNERY. Down in the Carolina mountains a. Northern traveler came across a mountaineer who was having more than the usual difficulties in per suading a mule to proceed. Argu ments, cursing and beating were of the customary no avail. "Stubborn?* inquired the man from the North. , The muleteer wiped hie forehead. "Stubborn he ejaculated. "Say, mister, that cuss is so mean that when hi* hind legs are pushing his ones m walking backward*" driven out of the system, even in cases where the trouble is of ltrng standing, and has failed to respond to other methods of treatment. This new way of driving Rheuma tism out of the system through the blood made pure and strong with this natural soluble iron—Acid Iron Mineral—is being adopted bv thou sands as fast as the story can De told. There is no need to suffer longer— you can be on the road to recovery today. And in driving rheumatism from your system, this remarkable > liquid Iron blood maker will give you stronger nerves, more power m every 1 If.you suffer from Rheumatism in any form, no matter of how long standing, you owe it to yourself to start using Acid Iron Mineral at once. Do not miss this opportunity. Call at your druggist today. Why sjjffer any longer? g° Accept 88 No Substitutes for 1 Thedford's 5 BUCK-DRAUGHT a Purely B 5 Vegetable g a Liver Medicine 5 flfl F. 9 nnnßononnaagta His Share. They are two traveling men named Lyons and Butler, and both often make It overnight at the same Indi anapolis hostelry. The other evening both landed abont the same time, reg istered and asked for their mall. Mr. Butler received one meager little cir cular while the other traveling m»n received a whole stack of letters and papers. For a few minutes Butler was dis appointed. Then- he looked at the other's stack and a twinkle came Into his eye. "Oh." he commented. "I see as usual you got the Lyons share of the mall.''— lndianapolis News. Aid for Bpanlsh Red Crow. The Iberian chapter of the American Red Cross, composed of Americans resident In Spain, has just contributed 9480 to a fund being raised by the Spanish Red Crow and the League of Bad Cross Sodetfw fsr tfca psyew