THE GLEANER |r" JWr " ill H| ISSUED SvEBY THUBBDAY. i. D. KERNODLE, Editor. Shoo A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. rue editor will not be responsible (or /lews eqpressed by correspondent*. Entered at toe Poitoffloe at Graham. N. C.. as second olass master. GRAHAM.- N. C., Nov. 18; 1920. ' Falling prices and curtailment of production mean that ?abor will not have full employment It meaqp also that those who have ■ spent lavishly must needs econo mize, or many will lack for the F necessities. Reconstruction was [> and is inevitable, but few expect |. Ed it to come in big chunks. The United States was not rep- I resented In the League of Nationa t meeting which convened at f Geneva, Switzerland, Monday. »• To have no part In a council, the ' conception of American minds, ! and made possible by the blood of I America's young manhood, places America in a most unenviable I light in the eyes of the rest of the I world. | .Dinner and Supper to be Served. The Woman'? Auxiliary of the •y Presbyterian church will serve din ner and supoer Tuesday, Nov. 30th. I* Dinner: 12 to 3p. m.; Supper: 5:30 to 7:30 p. m. Proceeds go for a new building at Barium Springs. 2t Social Items. Mra. J. L. Scott, Jr., entertained at dinner Monday in honor of Miss Mary Sheppard of Winston-Salem, who is the guest of Mrs. Don E Scott. On Friday afternoon Miss Mamie Parker will entertain the Graham Bridge Club. K-; . Mr. Du. M. Ireland Dead. Last Thursday morning aboufrS '' o'clock Mr. Dan. M. Ireland died suddenly at his home in Morton township, near Altamahaw, aged about 52 years. He waa widely known and had many friends in the county and elsewhere who will re gret to hear of his death. The burial was at Berea Christian church, funeral services conducted by Revs. J. W. Holt, P. T. Klapp and A. F. I', Iseley. He is survived by two brothers and four sisters —W. P. and H. 11. Ireland, Mrs. Sarah Franks, Miaees Lydia and Octavia Ireland, and Mrs. D. W. Kernodleof Gibaon villa, all living in this county except the tot named. Alamance County Teachers to Attend Assembly —Special Pullman. A special Pullman has been chartered by the teachers of Ala mance county who are going to. attend the State Teachers Assem bly at Asheville, November 24, 25, and 26th. The pullman will be attached to No. 21, on Novem ber 24th, and will return Sntur day, November 27th, attached to No. 22 " There is room for a few more- in the car, and those wht. desire to take advautag* of thh ' comfortable method of makiut the trip may write immediately to M. C. Terrell, Orahiim, N. C The pullman fare will coat about the same as rooms in a hotel STRAIGHT SALARY: $35:00 . per week and expenses to man oi woman with rig to introduce Eureka | Egg Producer Eureka Mfg. Co., Bast St. Louis, HI. * ; PROFIT BY THIS Itofe't Wail Another Ihy. H ——-- When you am worried by back- H '* t ¥ r ache; By lauit-ness and uriuary disorders, Don't experiuunt with an untried medicine. Follow Graham people'* example. Use Doan'a Kidney Pills. Here's Graham testimony. Verify it if you wish: Mra. J. B. Fan-ell, N. Maple St.. Graham.aays, -'I can rec j.mnen'J Doan'a Kidney Pitls highly, as the. certainly are a fine kidney med icine. I waa troubled with sevor. paina across the small of my pack and my klaneys acted Doan'a Pills gave me won lerf jI TI lief from the biclcache an I Nf i Iff.- lated my kidneys. I tell my fri nd' who are troubled with kidney coraplhint to use DotflPs." Price 80c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy -r-?et Doan"s Kidney Pills-t hi kind Mra. FarreU bad. Foster-Mi). b|l|(JJ Buffalo Y Armistice Day. / 1 Last Thursday was not, au alto gether ideal day aa to weather, bat it wan not inclement enough to keep a very large crowd from gathering in Bnrlington to celebrate Armistice Day—the "World's Fourth of July." The oojfiPin olive were there in large number—more than ever gathered in the county on any occa sion before. A splendid dinner had lieen provided and they were well cared for. A number of Civil War veterans were also present. The dinner was served by the membera of the U, D C. Chapters of Graham and Burlington. A number of prominent speakers were preaedt, among tbenfCol. Don E. Scott of Graham/ Other featurea of the day's exercises was a parade and a sham battle. In the parade jGraham had two attractive floats— one by the firemen and drawn by one of the large white fire horses, the other provided by the Graham 0. D. C.'s, decorated with Confed erate flags used to carry the old veterans: Withal it wai a great day and will lie remembered. Mr. A. L. Davit, Banker, Dead. v The news of the death of Mr. A. L. Davis of Burlington was a great shock to his friends. About two weeks prior to his death la»t Sunday afternoon he hud an attack of ap- Kndicitia and was carried to Rainey tspital where he underwent a suc cessful operation. He was recover ing nicely %hen he had a alight stroke of paralysis a week before his death. From this he was rallying when a.second stroke came. The funeral Was .conducted from Front Street M. E. church in Burlingtdb at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. Mr. Davia was prominently con nected with the banking and other businesses in Bnrlington. As cashier of the First National Bank he was the moving spirit of that large and successful institution. He wa« 4*2 years of age and the son of Mr. and Mra. J. L. Davis. He came to Burlington from John ston county about 25 years ago with his parents who, together with bis widow and a son, survive him. Mr. Davis was highly esteemed for his excellent • business qualities and his high personal character. Track For Hire. Let us do your haaling of every kind, moving, etc. .Have a new truck. Terms reasonable. ■ Bradsiiaw & Fuller, Phone 65i. Graham, N. C. Summons by Publication 4 ■" ■ NORTH CAROLINA, Alamance County. , Angeline Cates Weaver vs. Marvin R. Weaver. The defendnant, aboved named, will take notice that an action, entitled as above, has be«m com menced lu The Superior Court of this County to annul the marriage contract subsisting hetwoen the plaintiff and the defendant; aiid th ■ defendant will futli»*r take no tice that he It required t«» appear foefor- the Clerk of the Court in tlrnhnm, N. t! on MONDAY, DKcKMIJK.It in, hi 11:00 Velock a. ni . Mi'd iitifwer i»r_jl' mm to the e>mplH+tii in saM action oi the plaintiff Mi I apply »o lh» Court for the relief demanded ill «aid compliant This Novem » *r 18, 1920. D J. WALKER, t:. S. C. 1. J. Henderson, J. Klmer Long. Attorneys for Plaintiff. MEMS FROM 28 HENS k ' Mississippi Woman Had No Egra for Four Months. Hens Now' Laying Regularly, *1 wish to praiss Dr. LeGaar's Poultry Prescription to Poultry Raisers. 1 have 28 htm and had ne eggs from them ior over 4 months. After I fed them one and one-half packages of your pre scription 1 gathered over 2 doien eggs from them. This fs a positive fact, and I advise all poultry raisers to nse Dr. LeGear's Poultry Pre scription. if they wish their hens to l*y.—Miss Carlina Freeman, Har riston, Miss. D*"; LeGear's advles and a few pennies wisely spent have made lay ers out of loafsrr. You can obtain the same results. Get a package of Sir. LeGear's Poultry Prescription from your dealer. Use It as directed, It ii a tonic which builds up the rtrengthand vitality of hens, with t°®t overstimulatmg or injuria* the •f* P">ducin* organs. If result are not entirely satisfactory, return the empty carton and neefve a refund -gjajßTgi"■ SJbacriofc ior THfc uLEAWRB—I, iißb ** - '• . • ' »' r V ' V' -1 PEDDLED A "PETTY DEALER" In Olden Times He Was So Called to Distinguish Hlft From the -Stationer.'' *i Do you know that the Company of Stationers existed lobg before the invention of printing. A stationer was a dealer at one time, who kept a shop or stall, as distinguished from the itinerant vendor, wheth er of books or broom-sticks. So long as the seller remained stationary he was called a "stationer." In 1622, only dealers in books were called stationers. A peddler, according to Johnson, was a "petty dealer," and the word "peddler" is«aid to be an abbrevia tion of the hyphenated word. The Teutonic word, however, is bedeleT, signifying a "beggar." The Danish derive the word from their betelere, which likewise means a "beggar," to must probably peddlers were once beggars. A milliner's shop was originated in Milan, from which word the name "milliner" was made. Ladies of Europe at one time flocked to Milan, that city being the center of fashion in all matters of tasto in woman's dress. SLOW ISJHE WORD "Young Mr. Blibbs seems to be t timid young man." "I've never seen his equal," said Miss Peacher. "No?" "I don't believe he would even put his arm around me to open s door."—Birmingham Age-Herald; Oil In Blbls Spots. The asphalt springs of Hit, from which Noah probably obtained the "pitch" with which he made the ark Impervious to the "flood of waters," have now been thoroughly examined with a view to their commercial pos sibilities. The petroleum deposits of the land of Shlpar, between the Tigris an# the Euphrates, which furnished the "slime" that the descendants of Noah "had for mortar" In building the Tower of Babel, have been measured as well as can be until the bit of the oil driller Is sent down to prove wheth er the geologist right or not And the sources of bitumen which arch aeologists have foftiml was used as cement In constructing the ancient palaces of Babylon and Nineveh have undoubtedly been located.—John K. Barnes In tlie World's Work. TURKEY—seasoned just right—iust salted a bit and cooked to tender perfection, served with oyster and cran berry sauce, what more delightful Thanksgiving Day din ner could you ask for ? ' From soup to sweets you can serve a most complete and perfect Thanksgiving dinner with our selection or Thanks giving # Day specials. Order your needs today. J. W. HOLT, GRAHAM, N, C Pay Cash - - - Cash Pays. Ri-noiDS I £ (TaMff iinndn) : t Est INDIGESTION * With or without waton to take QUICK RELIEF! awifjjF MOW T «cwr >• WWK , MAKERS or * SCOTT* EMULWOW u . ■- ( ..... .. . - ■. : •».•' . - ARGENTINE STAMPS. Argentina has succeeded in get ting fresh stocks of paper and one* more the "son" watermark has been introduced. Argentina formerly had its stamps printed in Europe, on paper watermarked with the aim's rays. But the world war cut off supplies of the foreign-made labels and the South American republic was forced temporarily to print ad hesives locally on unwatermarked paper.—Boys' Life. Notice of Sale. Pursuant to an order made this day in the Special Proceeding, en titled J. W. Gates et al u vs E. J. Cates et al., the undersigned Coin missioner'will, on SATURDAY, DEC. 18,1920, at One (1) o'clock, P. M., at the Court.House door in Graham, N. C., sell to the highest bidder, upon the terms hereinafter men tion, two valuable tracts of land in Haw River Township, Ala mance County, and more pariiqu laity defined and -described as follows: First Tract: The Wm. T. Trol linger land, immediately on Haw River and on the east side of said river, adjoining the lands of W. H. Trollinger, Pleas Dixon, Jim May, John Baker and others and containing thirty eight acres This is the tract bought by the late James M. Cates and for a more complete description refer ence is made to the deed made to said Cates by Oapt. E. S. Parker, Commissioner, and recorded in Book 39, page 581. > Second Tract: Adjoining the lands of J. M. May, Jno. M. Bak er and others, containing five and four-tenth acres. This being the tract of land bought by the late James M CAtes from Jno. M. Baker, and for a more complete description reference is hereby made to Deed Book 68 page 11. Terms of Sale: One-third cash,' one-third in four months and the remaining one-third fn eight months, the deferred payments to bear interest from the date of con firmation and title is reserved un til all of the purchase money and 'interest arc paid. The purchaser will have thn privilege to pay all cash after confirmation. This November IS, 1920. J. ELMER LONG, Commissioner. Rceik Formula R-l lis * Result of Physicians' , _ \ Experiment on Himself . Twenty Years Ago Dr. H. V. Reese Wm Told By Stomach, Liver and Kidney Specialists All Over the Country That He Must Die. Resolved To Devote Remaining Days To Experimenting on Him self in an Endeavor To Find • Remedy For Such Ailments, and Finally Perfected R-11, Which Completely Restored His Health. Necessity is the mother of in vention. It was necessity that caused Dr. H. V. Reese to perfect the wouderlul stomach, liver And kidney remedy known as The Reese Formula R-11. No bettor evidence of the success he attain ed can be cited than to take his own case. The greatest special ists of the country had told him there was no hope, he was too far gone. That was twenty years ago. Today he does not have a symp tom of stomach, liver or kidney trouble, and at the age of seventy four weighs forty pounds more than he did at fifty. He is as ac tive as a boy. Never has any eci-mtist had a better subject to experiment on than .did Dr. lteose. To begin with he had the united opinion of great specialists ttant his case was an extreme one and was iucurable. Therefore, be knew that anything that would relieve him would be of untold value to the world. It is not uecessary to describe the d ictdr's feelings as one treat ment after another failed to give him the slightest relief. Finally he arrived at'a combination of drugs that seemed to help him. With this encouragement Dr. Reese set about elimiuating some ingredients and adding others, always taking those various im proved formulas until at last he hit upon a combination that be gan to work like magic upon him and in less than six months he was in ar normal physical condition and has remained so for the past twenty years or more. It is this perfected formula that Dr. Reeetf now is placing on the market under the name of The Reese Formula R-11, and which is creating such a sensation in this city and all over the country, be cause of its great merit. There are cases everywhere where the Reese Formula R-ll has accom plished for Mifferers who had NO GRAY HAIRS NOW You ( oeed not liave a b it of gray hair oow. You can do Just as thousands of our best people have, and bring a natural, uniform, /dark shade to your gray or faded cresses in a simple and healthful manner by applying' Q-ban Hair Color Re storer at once. Huva jiandsome, soft, luxuriant hair. Q-ban; ready to use; guaranteed harmless —only 50c a large bottle at Hayes Drug Co.'a and all other good drug stores. Money back If not satis fied. Try Q-ban Hair Tonic, Soap. Q-ban Liquid Shampoo. Y| 7 |bau fIBBBBBBBaasa ® Accept H D Ho Subsillutes p Icr v B IhedToii"# g LACK-DRAU6HI i Purely ft J Vegetable | liver Medicine " m - or -DIAMOND OYE" OLD GARMENTS LIKE NEW Aaj waiu eu ift faded, shabby given up hope, just exactly what it did in Dr. Raeae's own ease. The Beeae Formula R-l 1 is not a "cure-all." It ia not even recommended for any diaorder no* dne to the atomach, liver or kid neys. Bat it cannot- be equalled for ailments of these organs. Any doctor will tell yon that indiges tion, nervousness, dizziness, rheu matism, backache, sleeplessness, tired teeling, sow stomach, uri nary troufle, female weakness and kidney trouble are dne to the stomach, liver and kidneya. It is for this reason The Reeee Formula R-ll will give .reliel in any of these cases. The Boggess and McGuire Drug Stores, of thiii city, aa well as every other dealer, "have prepared for the great demand for The Reese Formula R-ll by purchasing it in lferger quantifies than any other preparation they have ever ban died.- Their good jndgment'has been proven by the enormous sale they have* enjoyed since it was first introduced. Anyone suffering from disorders of the above named organs can not afford to put off getting a bot tle today. A trial will absolutely convince you. Do not snffer need' lessly any longer. If there is any further informa tion desire concerning your case it vfill be gladly furnished if you write the Medical Department of The Reese Formula Co., Hunt ington, W. Va. Confined to Bed for Six Months With Rheumatism Relieved By Formula R-11 Nisi Gallic Stevens Wu Pat om Her Feet Again by Taking Two Bottles of Woaderttal Remedy, Although Doctor* Could Gfve Her No Relief. Miss Callie Stevens, who lives at Eleventh and Lorraine streets, Ironton, Ohio, was a victim of rheumatism in Its worst form. She was confined to her bed for six months with doctors in at tendance, bnt without results. After taking two bottles of The Reese Formula R-ll she was able to leave her bed and get about the house where she still continues to improve. Miss Stevens goes on to say ; "I buffered with severe pains in my Big Ben should be in even farmer's home f You men who live on the farm have rot to bo heavy workers. And S yon are heavy workers yon require heavy Bleep and lots of It. , Pot heavy sleep is heavy work's reaction and it's not always easy tot the heavy sleeper to get up, without help. k ► That's where Big Ben comes in. He makes it easy every morning., ~ * Big Ben Is a truth-telling and reliable alarm clock. \ He gets yon np, he never fails. *. You're always np on the dot if he's in the sleeping xoom.T ► See him in my window next timel you come to town. Hear him I I greet yon Good Morning. He is. well worth msirtng, indeed .y —' Hf Z.T.HADLEI Jeweler and Optician JGIAHAM, NLC >- '£&ißakU*L43i Loses Eighty . five Pounds In Hospital Mrs. MePheroon - Heg*ln» Weight Through V*> of The Keete Formula R-11. N DRAA OTHER MEDICINES . BY THE QUART, SHE SAYS * After trying everything known to the medical profession aa relief for stomach trouble, indigestion and gall trouble, Mr«. Ella Me- Pherson, Mechanicsburg, Pa., says she is feeling "one thousand per cent better" us the result of tak ing only one bottle of The Reese Formula R-11. Mrs. McPherson says she "cjnsulted one doctor after another, drank medicinesby the quart —everything that was* advertised and everything that Was not advertised —and R-ll is the fir%t medicine that has given me relief." "1 recommend The Reese For mula R-ll because it has helped me wonderfully," she continues. "While in the hospital I dropped from 235 -pounds to 140 pounds but I am now rapidly regaining my former weight." Anyone suffering from indiges~ tion, nervousness, rheumatism, backache, lumbago, sour stomach, heartburn, urinary, kidney or liver troubles of any kind will do well to get a bottle of The Reese formnla R-ll today. back, arms and limbs and was confined to my bed for six months. After the doctor had completely failed to give me relief. I began taking The Reese Formula R-11. After finishing the second bottle I was so mnch better that I was able to go down stairs to my meals, my appetite had improved and I fell better in every respect* I want to recommend The Reese Formnla R-ll because it has work ed wonders in my case after I had given up hope. If you suffer from rheumatism, indigestion, nervousness, bilious ness, lumbago, or stomach, liver and kidney troubies*in any form get a bottle of The Reese Formula R-ll today at Graham Drug Co. Receiver's Sale of Per sonal Property. Under an Order of the Su perior Court made in the mat ter of Florence B. MacConnell vs. The MacConnell Electrical Supply & Construction Com pany, the undersigned Receiver will, on ' SATURDAY, OCT. 30,1920, at 10 o'clock a. ra., in the store room occupied by the MacCou nell Electrical Supply & Con struction Company, in the City of Burlington, North Carolina, sell all the personal property be longing to the said Electrical Supply Company. Among said property is the following; Electric Sewing Machine, Vacuum Cleaner, Electric Iron' Urns, Percolators, Lamps, Elec tric Fans, Insulator, Bells, Bulbs, Switches, and other elec trical implements, machines, fix tures, etc.; also one Wall Case, one Typewriter, and other office supplies and fixtures. - The entire stock of goods in cluded in this sale will inventory approximately $1,800.00. An inventory of these goods may be seen at the office of the Piedmont Trust Company, with W. J. Graham, Receiver, or at the office of John J. Henderson Graham, N. C. ' Terms of Sale: CASH. This 80th day of Sept., 1920 W. J. GRAHAM, _ . _ _ * Receiver. Jflhn J. Henderson, AWj. * : \* '. "

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