GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., Nov. 25,1920. " f Postoffice Hoars. Offlo open 7.00 a. m. t07.00 p. m. '* Bnuday #.OO toll.ooa. m. and 4.00 to f.OO p. m R. N. COOK, Postmaster. ♦♦♦**♦*♦•■ ++++++++++++l+++ ♦ LOCAL NEWS. * tllllllMil lllllllllliniT ''—Give Thanks. ' —Thanksgiving Day—this. —Graham Graded School' aus pended yesterday afternoon for the Thankagiving holiday, and will re open Monday. —lndications are that the day will bean ideal one for Thanksgiving activities—iootball, family reunions, dinners, hunting and such. —On next Thursday afternoon, Dec. 2, at 3 o'clock, Graham Chapter of United Daughters of the Confeder acy will meei with Mrs. R. N. Cook. r-The Ladies Aid Society and .Missionary Study Class of Graham Chriatain Church will meet at 3 o'clock next Wednesday afternoon, Dec. let, with Mrs. J. B. Montgom ery. —The cotton mills of the county (all of them, a report says) closed yesterday at 3 o'clock for the re mainder of the week. It is also 1 reported that some of them will run three days aext week; some will not start till the week following, and Bome may not Btart Again tUI the first of the year, It is hopea that none of the reports is wholly true. However, part of the mills have been running on part time for several weeks already. Notice. Community Chorus meets every Monday night at 7 o'clock at the residence of Mn. W. A. Rich, East Elm St., Director, Mr. C. C. Wil liams of Burlington, N. C. The public cordially invited. Graham Girl Writes Poem. The November issue of "Pine Thistle," the magazine issued by the students of Flora McDonald Coilege at Red Springs, contains an excellent three-verse poem entitled "Autumn" contributed by Miss Louise Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cqpper of Graham. Court Next Week The November term of Alamance Superior Court convenes next Mon day for the trial of criminal cases only. At this writing there afe 77 cases on the docket, none of them out of the ordinary. It is expected that several more cas& will be dock eted before the Court opens. Judge Oliver H. Allen will preside next week. Off to Army and Navy Game. A party composed of Dr. and Mrs. J. Mell Thompson of Mebane and Maj. and Mrs. John- J. Henderson and Miss Lorena Kernodle of Gra ham left yesterday evening for New York to witness the football game batmen the U. S. Military Academy and the U. S. Naval Aca demy teams on Saturday on the Polo grounds in New York City. The Army-Navy game is the biggest football event of the year. Died. Mrs. Mary L. Sockwell, widow of Robert Sockwell, died at her bome in Guilford county, about five miles North of Gibsonville, on 12th inst., aged 75 years. She wits born and reared in Alamance. One daughter, Mrs. John D. Sockwell, and a half brother and t half sister — Mr. John T. Kernodle, near Ossipee, and Mrs. Sallie Garrison of Faucette township, survive her. The inter ment -was Frieden's church on the Sunday following her death. Farrell-Kluttz. The interesting announcement has been received by friends here of the approaching marriage of Miss An nie Laurie Farrell to Mr. Luther Everett Kluttz of Greensboro, as fol lows: Mr. and Mrs. John Benjamin Farrell invite ypu to be present at the marriage of their daughter Annie Laurie "to Mr. Luther Everett Kluttz on Wednesday, the eighth of December at ten o'clock in the morning Graham Christian Church Graham, North Carolina At home after December twentieth 614 Keogh Street Greensboro, North Carolina. * TOWN TAXES.—The tax books for 1920 are in my hands. Prompt payment requested. • j B. B. Tjwunagß, oct2ltf Tax Collector. ♦ x PERSONAL. ♦ . » Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Robertson of Greensboro spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr. Mr. Wm. Scott, in school at the University, came home thin morning lor the. holiday. Prof. Thos. R. Foust of Greens boro spent last Sunday with hia mother, Mrs. T. C. Fonst, near here. Miss Eatelle Brown left yesterday afternoon to apend till Sunday with her relativea in Hillaboro and Chapel Rill. Misa Mamie Fonst and Mattie Watson spent laat Friday night with the former's sister Mia. L. L. White, at Guilford College. Misa Martha Holt, living in Ashe ville, returned to the home here of f>arenta, Mr. and Mra. Mcßride Holt, Mqpday to ajoend,the winter. Mrs. Ralph Strayhorn and chil dren of Durham, who had been visit ing here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mra. W. L. Cooper, return ed home Sunday. Mr. Chas. S Murphy of High Point came down laat Friday morn ing and apent the day with his mother, Mm Stanford Murphy on the Graham-Galbraith road, two miles southeast of Graham. Mr. A. T. Whitsettof Greensboro Route 4 spent 8 short while here Tuesday, returning from Chapel Hill, where he had carried Mrs. Whitsett to spend some etiine with their daughter, Mrs. Carl Durham. Rev. and Mra. J. M. Carraway of Merrimon, Carteret County, are here visiting their daughter, Mrs. B. M. Rogers. The latter came last Fri day, and the former, who has been -attending the M. E. Conference at Rocky Mount, came Monday. Mrs. Jas. P. Kerr Died Tuesday Morning. After a general decline in health for a period of montha, Mrs. Kerr, wife of Jas. P. Kerr, died at their home in the Hawhelda section Tues day morning, aged 55 years. The funeral took place yesterday after noon at 2:30 o'clock at Hrwfields church, conducted by two of her former pastors, Rev. H. S. Bradshaw of Hillaboro and Dr. W. P. McCor kle, pastor of Piedmont Presbyterian church. * Mrs. Kerr was reared at Chapel Hill. She was Mi« Jennie Thompson, a daughter of the late H. C. Thomp son, About thirty yeara ago she was married to Mr. Kerr, who, with their two children, Edward G. and Miss Josephine, survive her. Edward ia at home and in charge of his brother's farm and Miaa Joseph ine, who haa been at home several montha waiting on her mother, ia connected with the Adjutant Gener al's office in Washington, ~ D' C. Three sisters also survive her, Misses Susan G., Florabelle and Ida Thomp son of Rock Springs Farm, out South of Ffland. Mra. Kerr waa a loyal and help ful church worker, connected with many of the activities of her church. She led a life of devotion to her fam ily, her church and her neighbors. The community sustains a great lo«s and monrnaa much loved friend. Tbere is more Caurrmb In thl« Motion of the country than all other dlwuM put to gether, and until the laat.few yeara waa snp poaed te be Incurable. For a great many yeara doctor* pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedlea, and by con stantly falling to oure with local treatment, pronounced'lt incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a oonstltutiooal dlaevae, and therefore require* constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, la the only Con sUtutlonal oure on the market. It Is taken Internally in doaea from 10 dropa u> a tea spoonful. It aew directly on the blood and mucous surfaoea of the sjstem. They oßer one hundred dollars for anv case It falls to oure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHBNBY * CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists; 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. , adv Subscrioe for THE uLEANBR—I. WHEN TOD NEED a tonic to help renew die zest of life and that snap that de notes vigor and ' strength, take SGOTTS EMULSION Its rich, tonic-nutrient properties can 'be sjb a large factor in ffipk restoring strength ttrY and building up the body. M C°T W S, A Wto clS'ito Clayton, b succeeded by Rev. G. M. Daniel. The M. E. Conference closed iu annual meeting at Rocky Mount Monday- Rev. C. T. Thrift, who baa served the Graham Church for the paat year, ia sent to Clayton and ttev. G. M. Daniel cornea to Graham. « The appointmenta for Durham district are aa follows: Presiding Elder, M. T. ■ Plyler—Burlington, Front Street, W. B. North; Eaat Burlington, J. F. Startles; Burling ton circuit, 1). A. Petty; Brookadale circuit, J. A. Russell; Chnpel Hill, E. H. McWhorter; Durham, Bran eon, J. A. Martiu; Calvary, S- E Mercer; Carr, H C Smith; Lake, wood, W. C. Ball; Memorial, M. Bradshaw; Pearl Mill and Kuo, D M. Trinity, A D. Wilcox; West Durham, J. W. Bradley; Dur ham circuit, J. C. Huml>i«; Qraham and Haw River, G. M. Daniel; Ilillsboro circuit, J. E. Blabivk and one to be aubplied; Leaaburg circuit, 8. F. Nicks; Mebane, N. C. Vearby; Milton circuit, A. J. Hohbs, -Ir.; Mt. Tirzah and Rougemont, R. E Pitt man aud two to be aupplied; Orange circuit, J. 0. Long; Person circuit, B. C. Thompson; Roxboro, Long Memorial, J. B. Hurley; East Rox boro and Longhurat, E. C Sell: South Alamance, W. R. Hardisty; Yanceyville, J. T. San ford; pro feasor in Tnnitv college. H. E. 3pence For Sale Three good (arm mules, one driv ing mare, cue pony colt, one good saddle pony. See me, if you want a bargain. 0. A. WHITTEMORE, at Dr. D. A. Long place, 39-3t Graham, N. C. SUBMCRIBB FOB THB QI.RA*.RB TOWS TAXES.-The tax books for 1920 are in my bands. Prompt, payment requested. B. R. TUOUMOEB, Tax Collector. NOTICE! t All persons are hereliy forbidden to hunt, iiab, or trap on the farm known as the "Old Long Homestead." I. B. WUITTEMORE. oct7+t f a- Summons by Publication '» North Carolina— Alamance Cmnty In the Superior Court, Gertrude Alexander, V 8 Frank Alexander. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Alamance County. North Carolina, by the plaintiff, Gertrude Alex ander, for an abß>)u e divorce from Frank Alexander, the defen dant, on the ground .if foruio tiou and adultery and (hat said de tenant will (uther ttke notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the 4th Monday in January, 1021, Ht the court house in said county in s iid actiou. or the plaintiff will apply to the conrt for the relief demand ed in said complnint. D. J. WALKER, C C. This 13th day of Nov., 19i» HAD TERRIBLE SKIN DISEASE ÜBk M laprwu RapMly Wtai 9m ZIION Irn T*h. Many mothers try one remedy after as other, for the suffennit* of their little ones, without apparently being able to find the system bran-down and seeds strengthen ing. you may benefit by the experience of this Westmoreland. Tenn., mother, Mrs. a terrible skin disease her, tt we finally started to give her Zlron. She improved so rapidly from the first bottle, so we have given her two mat. She is much better." other symptoms which indicate lack of iron in the blood. Sold by druggists on • money-back "■* »« Yxir Blood Needs IlfiON * * - ."A ; * / mi gw AS DANGEROUS pHV> Calomel salivates! It's mercury. Calomel acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel comes into contact with, sour bile it crashes into it, causing cramping and nausea. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead I If you feel bilioui, headachy, con stipated and >ll knocked obt, jut go to your druggist ud got a bottle of MNI'I liter TOM for I few cents, which is a harmless vegetable sub stitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and If it doesn't it art y«nr liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nsnty aalomel MANY LIKE THIS IN GRAHAM Similar Casta Belnf Pubttehed in Kach Issue. The following case is but ona of many occurring daily in Graham. It is an easy matter to verify »t. You capnot ask for better prool. W. W. Garrett, proprietor res taurant, court house square, Gra ham, gave the following statemsn: in January, 1915: "I had a baa attack of kidney trouble and / thought my back was broken. 1 would be laid up for days, unable to help myself. My kidneys caused me a great deal of trouble, too. I had these spells everv little whit* until I began using Doans Kidney Pills. They did me more good than anything else used. My back got stronger and my kidneys began acting as they should.-* On July 11, 1918, Mr. Garrett add ed. "I have no need of Doin's Kidney Pills lately. I think this remedy is just what it is repre sented to be. Every word of mv former statement still holds good." Price 60c at all dealers. Don't ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same tnat Mr. Garrett had. Postor-Milburn Co., Prop's, Buffalo, N. Y Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, Alamance Couuty. Angel'ne Cales Weaver vs. Marvin It. Weaver. The defendnant, aboved named, will takf notice that an netion, entitled as above, has com menced in The Superior Court of this Coumy to annul the marriage contract subsisting between the plaio\iff and the defendant; and th*derendant will futher take no tice that be in required to appear befor* the Clerk of the Court, iu Graham, N. C., on MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1920, at 11:00 o'clock a. in., and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaiuliff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said compliant. This November 18, 1920. D J. WALKER, C. S. C. J. J. Henderson, , J. Elmer Long. Attorneys for Plaintiff.' SAVED Expected Hone Would Die- Now Sleek and Healthy. In reporting his experience. Mr. J. C. Haste, of Bock Bridge Buthi, Ym., stated: "My hone is tho best ndvertisomont you would want for Dr. LcG car's Stock Powders, lie wfts la a ran down fix and poor and I thought he would die soon. I got eome of Dr. LeGear's Stock Powders —•ad today he is as fine a looking horse as you.jAn see In this section. I only used a few boxes of Dr. T.cOenr's Stock Powders." # Mr Hwte bwefitted hy the advice of Dr. LeQear, Graduate Veteri nary Surgeon of 27 years' expert cnce. By following the Doctor's trojitment, you can keep your stock rleek and healthy. Here's his offer to you. Get a package of Dr, LeOar's Stock Powders from your dealer; feed it to your horses, milk cows, steers, hops, and sheep aa per directions. If efter a thorough trial, 'ho results are not aatlsfactwy, just eturn the empty carton ana your loner will be cheerful Ir refunded.— l»r. L. D., LeCear Med. C 0.,. St I Louis. Mo. BUY "DIAMOND DYES" DON'T RISK MATERIAL Each paeksge of "Diamond Dyes" ton taiM directions so simple that aay vuaaa esa dye say astartel vttMl streakiae. iiiee ar mlml DmM I JSz J1 X.Uf" and without making 70a aide, yon juat go back and gat your money. If you take calomel today youH be «ick and nanaanUd tomorrow; be aidaa, it may aalhrate yon, white if you take Dodaon'a, Liver Tone yon will wake up Ming gnat, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It fc harm] rat, pleaaant and safe tf give to children; they Mce it 1 1 .ii Sale of Real Estate. By.virtue of the power of sale contained in a'mortgage deed executed to the undersigned by Walter Fuller on the 29th day of July, 1920, and-duly record ed in the" office of Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Book No. of M. D., pages certain bond, conveyed real es tate, and whereas default has been made in the payment of said bond and interest, I will sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door of Alamance coun ty, on SATURDAY, DEC. 4, 1920, ' at 12 o'elock, noon, a certain tract of land in Morton's town ship, Alamance connty, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of John Freel Sutton, G. D. Dan iely, H. R. Ireland and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock on the A. F. Isley corner; thence N 15i deg E 25 chs and 71 Iks to a rock on Daniely's corner; thence N 80 deg W 2.66 chs to a rock ; thence N 9 deg E 4 chs to a rock, Sut ton'.! corner; thence S 208 chs to a rock; thence N deg W 4.78 chs; thence N 10 chs to a rock,Sutton's and Fuller's corner on side of road; thence N 86 deg W 21.07 chs to a solid rock, 34 -deg S E of B. O. Kernodle's and Ross' corner; thence S 4.5 deg W 23.13 chs to a dead red oak corner; thence S 87f deg E 13.85 chs to a stone in Fuller's line; thence N 13J deg E 14.17 chs to a rock. Fuller's corner; thence S 87 1-4 deg E 2.10 chs to a rock on west side of road; thence S 46 2-3 deg E 10.40 chs to red oak on the east side of the road; thence S 3 deg W 20.17 chs to an iron bar, Fuller's corner; thence S 86f deg E 11.77 chs to the beginning, containing 84 acres, less 19 acres already dis posed of and released from the operation of this deed. This sth day of Nov., 1920. JNO. R. HOFFMAN, Mortgagee. NOTICE! Pursuant to law for the sale* of vehicles seized in the transportation of liquor I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Graham, on Monday, De cember 13,1920, at 12 o'clock noon, one 5-passenger Co lumbia Automobile and one top buggy. This Nov. 25, 1920. C. D. STORY. Sheriff. Fords for Sale. 1 new Ford with starter. 1 new Ford witHout starter. 11917 model—price right Apply to Samet Furniture Co., Phone 626 Burlington, N.C. TOWN TAXES —The tax books for 1920 are in my bands. Prompt payment requested. B. R. Tbolinokb, Tax Collector. Santa Claus Has Come! Hurrah for everybody ! The elections are all over—the returns are all in. Out of 100,000,000 votes in the United States Santa Claus mao6a clean sweep, burying both Harding and Coxk under a regular land-slide. Santa Claus hash swept the whole civilized world, including the League of Nations, the isles of the seas, and Jerusalem. Undoubtedly this is the greatest i victory for the little boys and girls in the history of the world. It is a pleasure to announce that I now have in stock the greatest variety of Toys, and the most beautiful and 1 valuable presents ever offered in Graham. The prices are as low and lower than others. You will be pleased f you'll come and look.them over. lam look ing for you every day to come and pick your choice. Sincerely yours for a Merry X-mas A. B. NICHOLSON VARIETY STORE Southwest Cor. Court House Sq., GRAHAM, N. C. l! L LL I 1 I ' || The Greensboro Daily News_ * Is recognized as the State's best newspaper. It gives a news ser vice unexcelled, and its editorial page is always clean, broad and interesting. Independent in pol- • itics, it presents news and views a from every angle. On & rapidly growing sub - scription lists are the names of the States most prominent and farward looking citizens. YOU cannot afford to be without this newspaper. Forward your trial subscription. Six mos. Daily and Sunday, $4.50 Six mos. Daily without Sunday, 3.50 O ... ■■■•■« . " ✓ Greensboro Dally News GREENSBORO, N. C ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine > Take Aspiriu only as told ia each package of Genuine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin. Thtn you will be following the directions and dosage worked out by phys icians during 21 yeurs, and prov ed safe by millions. Take no chances with substitnes. Ifjou see the Bayer Cross on tablets you can take tliem without fear for colds, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism, earaehe, toothache, lumbago and for pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets eost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Halicyl icacid. LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers Don't suffer ! A tiny bottle of Freezon costs but M few cento at any drug store Apply * few drops on the corns, calluses, and "bard skin" on bottom of feet and then lift thin off. When Free zone removes noons frouv ; the toes or calluses from the bottom of , the fast tho akin beneath ia left pink awl healthy tad never sore, tender nrlrrftotai.