LEGATEE REFUSED - MILLION DOLLARS GARLAND ADVANCES SOMEWHAT UNUSUAL REASON FOR R» - NOUNCINQ LEGACY. CONDEMNS MONETARY SYSTEM t . "System Which Starvss Its Thousands Whils Hundreds Are Stuffed Condemns Itsslf." Buzzards Bay, Mass.—Charles Oar land, the young man who renounced bis right to a mIH ton-dollar legacy left him by his Gather, James A. Garland, who was a wealthy club man and yachtsman of boston, made a formal statement of his reason for rejecting, his money. His statement, he eald>, was due to the fact Uat the many re port* of his failure to accept the feg acy had failed properly to present his position. "I refuse to accept the money be cause it Is not mine," was young Oar land's summary of this action. "A sys tem which starves thousands while t and reds are stuffed condemns itself. A system which Isavee a sick woman helpless and offers its services to a healthy man condemns Ksetf. It is such a system that offers me a mil lion dollars," be continued. It Is blind to the sknptest truth known to erery child, the truth that the hungry should be fed and thl na ked clothed." T Copper Coins Disappearing. Madrid.—Copper coins ars rapidly disappearing from circulation In the large cities in Spain, says the news paper El Liberal. The Bank of Spain confirms reports that In the course of the last three years the amount of copper In circulation has diminished over SO per ceht. The. newspaper hints that speculators ars accumulat ing coins. Georgia Wants Back Tsxss. Macon, Oa.—Demand for $176,000 sm back taxes on the estate of the late Alfred Shepard, father of the late Fred D. Shepard, will be made on tax officials of tin state fey legislators of the state. The amount demanded represents unpaid taxes on the Alfred Shepard eetate for the past 23 y«an, it will be set out In the demand. ... American Gunmsn Appear. London.—American "gunmen" are said to hare made their appearance In Londonberry, Ireland, according to advices received here. The pres- ; •ence of these mercenaries in Dublin | and other Irish cities has previously been reported. The military .authori ties of Londonderry are taking all pre cautions in the event of attempted as sassinations. ■* Guarding* Mine Fields. Wllllamston, W. Va. Federal troops brought Into Mingo coutaty at the request of Oovernor Cornwell, •were disposed at strategic points „ throughout the district where miners have been on strike since last July. Colonel Herman Hall, commanding J the troops, had the situation well in J hand, and no disorders were reported. 1 Egyptian Cotton Tslk. • Cairo, Egypt.—Extravagant specu-1 fatlon following the armistice was re- j sponsible for the advance in cotton ; prices in 1919. which carried the prod- 1 net to a point 30 per cent higher jthan normal, savs a statement regarding the crisis In the cotton Industry, is- j sued by the Egyptian government. • Irish Clergy Enter Protest. Home. —Members of the Italian I chamber of deputies and senate have received a strong protest concerning the latest serious events in Ireland from the Irish clergv, headed by Card-; taal Logue. archbishop of Armagh. Police Detect Firebugs. London.—-Half a dozen men who were preparing to set Are to a large lumberyard In the district of Fins bury. less than a mile north of Lon don bridge, were surprised by a po liceman and fled. Minlstsrs Rscelved by Wilson. ) Washington. —Three Latin-Ameri can ministers recently arriving in the United States to assume their duties were received by the President. * C otto A Exports Doublsd. Washington—Ceylon exports last month were nearly' double. those of October 1911. the total lsst month be ing 688,726. bales, valued at $91,- 307.498 compared with 353.231 bales, valued at $(0,733, in October, 1919, 'the department of commerce an nounced. Honor Alsxsnder Bell. Edinburgh, Scotland.—The free dom of the city was conferred to day upon Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the talephone, who Is a aatlve of Edinburgh- Fifteen Police Cadets Killed. Macroom, County Cork. Ireland,— Fifteen auxiliary poMoa C*ds» ware kMled and on* cadet mortally wound- I MARY LOUISE JOHNBON , Miss Msry Louise Johnson, ons of |4hls season's sttractlve debutantees Wn the nstiosl capital, Is t£e daughter qif Psul Evsrts Johnson, s« prominent Wsshlngton sttornsy. : YOUTH KILLED BY FIREBUGS l I "•>" - Loosl Firs Brigsds Unabls to Cope With Blfxss Ovsr Ssvsn Miles of Dock Front, Csll For Aid. Liverpool.—A dispatch to the press association from Liverpool says: "An, alarming outbreak of Sinn Fein violence occurred when Ores broke out simultaneously both In the south and north ends of Liverpool and also in Bootle. "There were seven fires in Bootle and 11 In various parts oWLiverpool. Subsequent discoveries revealed a well planned Sinn Fein plot to sprsad a holocaust of fire among the ware houses In ths dock area. The tires were spread over almost all of the wtole seven miles of the doak area. "Owing to the inflammable nature of the contents of the warehouse# the flames quickly gained a strong hold, and by 1 o'clock In the morning ths whole sky was lit up. The local Are brigades were unable to cope with the situation and were obliged to call brigades from other suburbs. "Three youths, watching the sus picious movements of two men at the cotton warehouse In Parliament street, warned the police, who chal lenged the suspects. Thereupon the latter bolted and fired upon the police, who .pursued them. The policemen I were qnhurt, but a bullet pierced the i heart of a youth, Daniel Ward, who was among those who had warned the police, and he fell dead. Clean Up or Closs Up. New Orlsans. —Government inspec tors here served notice on the local branch of Morris A Co., Chicago packers, that they must clean up and make their stock yards sanitary or close them. Permission Msy Bs Refused. Washington.—The British gwem inent may refuse to allow the Ameri jcan commission investigating Irish 'conditions to go to Ireland, according !to an opinion expressed in official British cireles. i * Silk Compsny Bankrupt. Patterson, N. J. —The Berlet j 1 Silk Yarns company of this city, filed j an Involuntary petition in hirkrnptey here. Halting liabilities of $500,000 and assets of SIOO,OOO. The creditors are j iprincipally silk conceras. Griffith Goes *» Prison. Dupln.—Arthur Griffldi, head of the Sinn Fein, and E. J. Duggan, Sinn • Fein member of parliament, have been ! taken to Mount Joy prlsoa . Much Wool Sold, j Buenos Aires. —During the season of 1919-1920 Argentina sold ant ship ped to foreign countries 201,598 bales of wool or about 37.379,748 kilograms, the average price for whioh was ap proximately 74 cents In United j I States Money per kilogram (?f 2.20 {pounds each). To Hold Plensry Session Soon. Geneva. — (Havaa). The work of ' the league of nations committee has 1 progressed enough to warrant the an nouncement that a plenary session •will be held. sometime between De cember 6 and 10. .f With Red Cross. ' Prague.—Catherine Breshkovskaya, ' ths "Grandmother of the Russian Rev • olution," widely known In the United • States, Is now working with the ' American Red Cross In the American Red Cross In Ruthenla. s Theater Shows Deficit. Vienna. —The state opera and ths ' state theater, formerly subsidised by • the republic, shows a deficit of about 1 36,000,000 crowns for the year. As a result prices are to be tafcreaaed heavily. / Loss From Lower Prions. » New York. —/ Falling prices have • lopped off mora than twenty billion I dollars 7 r-s,l'iv - v -t'FY V-T .•.■4 THE ALAMANCE QIJS4WB&. XteAgAtt, N. 0. WLSON ASKED TO ACT M ini LITTLE HOPE UNITEO STATES 'WILL RELIEVE EUROPE OF AN EMBARRASBMENT. t . FRANCE MAY SAVE SITUATION u Dlssrmsment will bs Imposed Onl^r With Due Regard for ths Sscurity of Ths Different Ststss. Geneva. —The attitude among dele gates of the assembly of the Learns of Nations toward the appeal of the league to President Wilson to act as meditator in the Armenian situation appears to be one of hope without ex pectation that the United States will relieve Europe and the league of an embarrassing situation. Behind the admitted necessity of do ing something for Armenia, there Is a conflict of European Interests Involv ed. C/"eat Britain It Is understood, woufirlook with great disfavor on In tervention by any power having rival interests. Action by the United States in Armenia, it Is held, would Involve no such complications. In default of action by President Wilson, general opinion here Is tlhat France Is the country most likely* to offer favorable reply to the meditation appeal made by the council of the league to the vaHous powers. Committee number six at the bly has finally settled upon the prin ciple of its report on disarmament, the French viewpoint ' prevailing. Ths recommandaUe* •'Will be that disarma ment be imposed only with due regard for the security of ths different states. Rivsrt snd Harbors Bill. Washington. Harbor and water works Improvement and maintenance will require appropriation of $78,207,- 666 for the fiscal year of 1921 accord teg to estimates of Major General Lansing H. Beach, chief of army engi neers^ Recommendations for appropriations In the Carolines district follow: Wilmington, N. C„ district: Maneto Bay $4,600; Pa&lico and Tar rivers $8,500; Neuse river $16,600; Beaufort $6,000; waterway. Core sound to Beau fort, $3,600; Besufort Inlet $9,100; Cape Fear river, at and below Wil mington $696,600; Northeast river $3,- 000; Black river. $2,000. • Charleston district, Waccamaw river $10,000; Great Pee Dee river $16,000,- Santee river $10,000; Congaree river, $10,000; waterway, Charleston and Wlnyah bay $26,600; Charleaton har bor fl,900,000; Wappoo cut SB,OOO. MaeSwlnsy's Widow Sails. Queenstown.—Mrs. Muriel Maoßwl ney widow of Lord Mayor Terence MacSwiney, and Mary MacSwiney his sister, who are Jouraedlng. to the United States to testify before the committee of one hundred investigat ing the Irish question, embarked quiet ly on the steamer Caltlio. Amsrlca Demands Hsr Rights. Washington.—The American govern ment has informed Great Britain, po litely, but firmly, that It does not pro pose to be excluded from participa tion in the rights- and privileges se cured under mandates provided In the treaties of peace. Jesrsd st Marriage Altar* Berlin. Angry housewives vented their Indignation on Herr Hermes, ths food minister, while he was bo- Ing married in a church. Hsvs Arrested 720. ! Dublin—More than 60 persons were | killed in Ireland this week and 720 ! arrests were made, it is learned from ! official sources. Deputies Approve Treaty. , Rome. The chamber of deputies ; has approved the treaty of Rapallo regarding the Adriatic problem by a vote of 221 to 12. Forty-two deputise abstained from voting. Msny Ars Housslsss. Paris—More than 46,000 Parisians are without apartments, sccording to the figures given In debate In the city council over the housing problem. Stssl Products ars Lower. „ Pittsburg.—Return of steel prices to the base established by the United States Industrial board March 21, 1919 developed here when Jones A Laughlin Steel company, adopted new selling rates on certain finished steel products. Whsst Valuss Shrink Chicago.—Values In the wheat mar ket ehrank to below $1.60 a bushel. It was the first time since peace condi tions had been restored that the $1.60 level was passed. Wilson Wetched Pageaht. Washington. President WUeon viewed from the east portico of ths • white bouse a colorful pageant com memorating the landing of the pil grims 300 years ago. . Estimate of a Living Wage. Now Torkr—A living wage for a 1 ny at five In New York city now Is 1 $2,632.68, It was eetimatad by John P. 1 Mines, president of the Printing Press :». i &i ■ 'i ■ ■ V MILDRED WELLERSON Not elnce Joeef Hoffman, It la said, haa an Infant mufcloal prodigy attract ed the attention In Now York that ten /yar-old Mildred Wslierson haa re ceived. She la the daughter of two well-known muelciana and appeared In a 'cello recital at Carnegie hall. THEIR AGENTS NOW AT WORK Rulaa of Third Internationale Pro. vide fftr Ormnfifers In Every Couifaffi including America. Wash lan soviet autho rities eatlmate that the unemployed in thia country will number 6,000,000 by the end of the year and two represen tatives of the Third Internationale have been sent to organize sovieta ' here, according to official advice* from Moscow. The representatives of the Third In ternationale plan to arrive In the Unit ed States in December, It waa said, and propose to form committees of the unemployed In co-operation with the communist party establishing soviet* of each trade. Their mission, the ad vices stated, IM to unite the revolu tionary movement In America into one fighting tody to bring about an armed revolution. Cominr -of the soviet representa tives, the advices declared, is in ac cord with resolutions adopted at the last convention of the Third Interna tionale in Moscow, whidh provided for Internationale representatives -in ev ory county of Europe and America. While government officials dis&unt ed the Internationale's estimate of the unemployment in this country, every precaution is being taken. Great Increase of Exports. Washington.—Exports during Octo ber increased by nearly $160,000,00(T while imports decreased approximate ly 91,000,000, foreigfi trade figures made public by the Department ol Commerce show. Exporta were valued at $762,000,000 against $606,000,000 in September, while imports were valued at $362,000,000. Tree Trunks for Wires. Washington.—That a number of messages may be sent over submarine cables simultaneously through the use of alternating current and that trunks of growing trees may be utilized at times in the place of sending and re ceiving antenna for radio apparatus was disclosed by experiments conduct ed in the research laboratories of tbe army' signal corps during the past year. Speed of 178 Miles an Hour. Mineola, N. Y.—Plying at a speed of i; virtually three miles a minute, Lieut., ,! C. C. Mosley, piloting an American made Vervllle-Packard army plane, won the first Pulitzer trophy aeronau tical race here against a field of 33 , starters. He covered the course of i! slightly more than 132 miles in 44 1 minutes. 29 67,100 seconds, an average , speed of around 178 miles an honr. Bonus Checks from Ford. Detroit.—Bonus checks aggregating 1 more than $7,000,000 for employes of , tl.e Ford Motor company ars now be r ing written and their distribution will start January 1 next. Harding's Quiet Thanksgiving. , Ancon, Canal Zone. —Senator and I Mrs. WWrren O. Harding observed I Thanksgiving Quietly here. Although . gray skies may have prevailed over r much of the United States, a scorch- I ing tropical sun bathed this city. Italy Must Stand Alo«f. Rome.—lf Prance and England de . clde to Intervene in Greece, Italy I muat stand aloof in order to remain . faithful to the principle of selMeter ) mination, says an article published in The Meaaagero. Palmetto U. D. C. to Meat. 1 Greenville, 8. C.—H»e 84th annual a convention of the South Carolina di r vision of the United Daughtera of the 1. Confederacy win be held hare Novem ber SO-December 1. Social Welfare Department. ( 1 Washington—Creation of a depart ■ meat of social welfare to "safeguard and promote the social welfare of the a people of the Uaitad States," n pro : txzxjztz I ___ *. ' 1 SEWS CHARGE MUIMSf CANADIAN MISSIONARIES SEND A BIGNED STATEMENT TO ASSOCIATED PRESS. 5 lOKIO MAKES PARTIAL DENIAL K Commlaaion of Inquiry haa Been sent to The Scene of Disturbance to Probe into T ruth of Allegations. Toklo. —Canadian missionaries In danchuria have sent a signed state meat to The Associated Press telling 5f massacres alleged to have been committed by Javanese troops In Chlen-Tao. Dr. Martin, a Presbyterian missionary at Yong Jung, cays: "The Japanese sent 16,000 troops Into this part of China with the seem ing Intention of wiping out the entire Christian community, especially young men. Villages were methodically burned daily and the males in them were shot Yong Jung Is surrounded by a ring of villages which suffered from lira and wholesale murder." Dr. (Martin gives accounts by anr vlvors wlhich describe the Japanes infantry as surrounding the villages and setting fire to tbe crops and shoot Ing the male inhabitants. He named 32 villages in which massacres occur red or which were burned. In one village, he says, 148 person* were kill ed. Reports received from other mis sionariea tend to corrborate the story of Dr. Martin. The war office Informed- the come spondent that there were 600 troop* In the region referred, to. Churches and schools, it waa said, had been burned only when there was evidence that they ware being used tor the pur pose of creating disaffection*. It wa« also declared that the only Tillage* burned were thoee in which a majority of the Inhabitants were leagued with outlaws. A commission of Inquiry has beer sent to the scene. Muoh Coal Going to France. Paris—Yvres Le Trogquer, mlnistei of public works said, that the United States now is the leading coal export Ing country to Prance. American coai reaching France during November he declared, greatly exceeded 700.00 C tons aod 1,000,000 tons are available from America monthly, if needed. Charles Ponzl Pleads Guilty. Boston.—Charles Ponzl, promoter of the get-rich-qutefc scheme in whicli thousands of persons invested millions of dollars before it collapsed last Au gust, peaded guilty to using the malls in a scheme to defraud in the federal district court. Colorado Bank Closes. Sterlinfl, Col. —The Farmers Na tional Bank of Sterling, a member ol the "Federal Reserve System has closed. Bank officials said no state ment would be issued until after the arrival of the chief national bank ex amlner. Majority of 395,801. Sacramento, Calif.—'Warren G. Hard ing, republican, carried California foi president of the United -States ovei James M- Cox, democrat, by 396,801 votes, according to the official can vase of the secretary of state. Armistice Is Arranged. London. —The League of Nations commission of control has arranged an armistice between Lithuania and General Zellgouski, the insurgent com mander at Vilna, according to a Kovno dispatch which reached London. 8. C. U. D. C.'S In Session. Columbia, S. C. —The twenty-fourth annual convention of the South Caro llna division of the United Daughter! of the Confederacy has opened here. Eglantine A Buicide. Paris.—Jean Pabre Eglantine, a de scendent of the famous member of th French national convention of th« same name, shot and killed hlmsell In a boulevard cafe here Recover 8250,000 Loot. Danville, Va. —Securities stolen from the Bank of Halifax, which were founc by a farmer In a corn shock at Midwaj consisted of life Insurance policies notes and other paper amounting U $260,000. - , The Prssldsnt Accepts Msndsto. Washington—President Wilson ha» accepted tfie invitation of the leagus of nations to act as meditator in the Armenian situation. The president's acceptance is condi Uonal upon the use of moral lnfluenoe Chuchhlll a Spectator. Geneva.—Major Marlborough Chore hill of the Unit ad States army latel licence service, who arrived in Ge neva last week, waa a spectator at the meeting of the League of Nations assembly, sitting In ths gallery. Will Not Urge Now. Genera. —The Japanese Megattos wBl not make any proposal for reds' equality at this ssssloa of the aaaem zzz&zzz*, ass CONDENSED NEWS FROM «THE OLD. NORTH STATE «O.TT NOTES OF INTEREST TO CAROLINIANS. Belmont—A large and appreciative audience greeted the presentation of "Edward the Conqueror" at Belmont Abbey college. - Raleigh.—Celebration of the 90th birthday of Comrade Cathey of Ma con county, the oldest soldier in the Confederate home here, was held at the home. fltateevlHe.—The North Carolina Fox Hunters' association will meet In Statesrille on Tuesday, December 7, for Che purpose of effecting a perma nent organization. Reidsville.—-Tobacco breaks at the local warehouses were quite heavy the first three days of this week. Prices show very little changes, though it is thought some of the me dium grades were slightly off. Hamlet. —An exceedingly enjoyable occasion was a'gathering of a la/fee. number of the Methodists of HaAlet at tttie church on Thanksgiving night when Rev. J. H. Buffalo, the retiring pastor, was presented with a chest of silver. Charlotte.—The Charlotte commit tee of the association for the promo tion of higher education ,in North Car olina, composed of representatives of several of the alumni ot the state In stitutions and committees from a number of the civic organisations, has been completed. Wilson.—Rev. N. S. Gillespie, color ed, of Washington, D. C., formerly of Robeson county, North Carolina, was bound over to superior court here in the Sum of SSOO for doing an Insur ance business without a license. Wllsoo.—lt looks blue end is blue for tobacco farmers, supervisor of sales reports for the week ending November 24, four days sales, 2,035 v 874 pounds which brought $628,032.29, an average of 123.82 per hundred pounds. Klnston. —The Farmers Bank and Trust company at LaGrange has fail ed to open its doors. An official of the bank gave as the reason inability to make collections. Trinity College.—The Trinity Glee Club, Orchestra and Mandolin Club made its initial appearance in Craven Memorial Hall here, prior to leaving for a tour through Virginia and the western part of the state. Beaufort, N. C.—Two men compris ing the crew of the tuxillary fishing boat Endeavor, enroute from Atlantic City, N. J., to Savannah, are believed to have been drowned oft near here. * Spencer.—Following an investiga tion made by Postofflce Inspector Webb, of Washington, Postmaster W. D. Petsel, of the Spencer, office was [displaced from office .under a charge of shortage of his accounts. Salisbury.—The Salisbury Congrega tional church is celebrating the 300 th anniversary of the landing of the Pil grims by a three-day program that carries addresses by leading members of the church in the South. Hickory.—ln a statement given to Solicitor Huffman, Chief of ■ Police Lenz, and Joseph L. Murphy, Lou Lynn, a yci-ng white woman, declared that Glenn Lippard was killed in tho woods of Burke county. Fayettevllle.—Jack and Jess Odom and Luther Cameron were arrested bv Sheriff's officers following the d«w-h of "Bud" Hodge in a local hospital of knife wounds, alleged to have been in fiioted by the three men. Charlotte^— Diphtheria in Charlotte, is on the decline, according to Dr. W. A. McPhaul, city health officer, wtio said that the number of cases report ed so far this month show a healthy decrease when compared with the number developing in October. ✓ Asbeville. —The fajrty-seventh an i au«\L North Carolina Teachers' assem bly is now history. The closing ses sion was featured by the address of Dr. George A. Works, rural education professor of Cornell university. New Beita. —Moses Harris, negro, said to have been one at the most ' desperate moonshiners in this sec tion of the state, and who, officers ! M y, had Masted that he never would be taken altre, was shot and killed by revenue officers a few miles from Trenton. AshevHle.—Capturing seven stills in one day and a half and emptying 10,000 gallons of corn beer, three gal lons of whiskey and I,lo® gallons of I apple pumice, prohibition raiders es > tabltshed a record in Madison county. High Point.—Discussion of the pro gram of the legislative council, rs i cently drewn up in Raleigh by the ' league of women voters, was one of Silk shirts art getting so cheap a fellow will have to have one or two of cotton t(t wear when he's dressed HO.- f Civilization devotes too much time to investigation afterward and too Hi de time to preventing evil develop ments. The Mexican government is no donbt hopeful that Villa will not revert to some oif his old methods In demand ing a subsidy for the fanner. Anothejr trouble about the fellow who always gives the farmer advice Is that he never deems to have any thing else to give -him. Many believe that the former czar of Russia Is still alive. If this is the case, existing conditions make it no favor to draw attention to the proba bility. > , .--Judging by the number of automo bile and motorcycle accidents, that "Safety First" propaganda has proved almost as effective as a camaplgn promise. Mothers should be careful about permitting their babies to be kissed by politicians who. bellow wrath and fire upon the heads of the people who are striving to save good government. "■ Japan and China are at it again. As a peacemaker, the war haa proved the wildest kind of a boomer ang. Archangel Is reported to be in a state of terror from the official assas sination of Intellectuals. What's In a name? The pinch of poverty to the mod em woman Is to be obliged to wear the same tint of hair for two month* running. Cheaper shoes are reported on the way, and they'll probdbly get here I about the time we're all wearing pa per suits. Aviators are experimenting with a new "rain maker" project, bnt noth ing ever will be found In this connec tion that could Improve on a county fair. According to the politicians, one-half of the American peoplo are crooks and ' the other half angels, which would in dicate that most of us "doc t belong" at all. Bolshevism Invariably loses Its ap , peal to anybody who has studied It ! sufficiently to get an Inkling of what it means. , Most business men hope to see the , price of that which they buy come down and of that which they ; sell go up. - ' The Spanish prince is a corporal in the army. He may think he Is some body, but be has not yet ran up . against the awxul majesty of a sec ' ond lieutenant i —: —r The headyner who wrote "Ameri ' can woman'may wear crown" forgot that In America all women are bom with crowns. " Infecting a monkey with rabies in order that it may bite a king is a complicated method of assassination, 1 to say the least. It is announced that the Prince of Wales Is in uo hurry to get married. ' It's pretty hard for a chap to be satls ' fled with royalty after spending six j months with real folks. Oratory Is merely talk with its Sun day clothes on. » GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER , 1 ! The Remedy With a Record of Flfty -1 four Years of Surpassing Excellence. t Those who suffer from nervous ( dyspepsia, constipation, Indigestion, torpid liver, dizziness, headaches, i coming up of food, wind on stom [ >ch, palpitation and other Indica k tlons of fermentation and indiges tion will find Green's August Flower a most effective and efficient assistant in the restoration of nature's functions and a return to health and happiness. t There could be'no better testimony of . the value of this remedy for these trou r bles than the fact that Its use for the , last fifty-four years has extended Into many thousands of households all over the civilized world and no Indication of . any failure has been obtained in all , that time wbere medicine could effect . relief. Sold everywhere.—Adv. I ' : j Love Is blind; therefore It can't see its own finish. - WHY DRU6GISTS RECOMMEND ; SWAMP-ROOT _ljor many yean druggirta hare watched with maeh interest the remarkable record ' —intainsd fcy Or. Omar's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medi t*n+ i It is a phjadaa'a preseriptioa. Swamp-Boot is a strengthening medi . eta*. It helps the kidneys, liver and bled- I dec do the work nature intended they Jo. ' "JVSt 1 drsggats on its merit sad S should help you. No other kidney - medietas has so msay friends. Bo son to get Bwaap4toot sad start ) treatment