IHEGLEANER ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY . 770. KERNODLE, Editor. ii:00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. rtio editor will not be responsible for ."lqwi tqpr—«»d by correapondenta. Bntered at tne Postofflo»«l Graham. N. C., m tec oud otet* matter tiRAHAM, N. Q., Dfec. 2,19g0. Ah shown by the complete elec tion ieturna of the State, there are yet some irreconcilable * in the Republican ranks on the question, of woman suffrage. Mrs. Mary Settle Sharps as Republican can didate for State Superintendent of Schools started in the race with very considerable prestige. Her father was at one time Judge on the State Supreme, Court bench and candidate for Governor; her brother was a Republican Con gressman and also a candidate for Governor; herself a h'ghly edu cated woman, a good campaigner, and popular with the thousands of young women who had been nnder her tutelage it the State College for Women. Notwith standing the "pull" she had to start with Dr. Brooks, her op ponent, received the largest ma jority, 81,976, of any Democrat on the State and her vote wsß next to the lowest on the Re publican State ticket. Alamance Republicans helped to reduce her vote, feeling, perhaps, that the office to which she aspired was a "man's job/' Y. M. C. AAO ENTERTAIN PEO PLE OF ALAMANCE COUNTY. Moving Pictures Whl Educational Lectures for Rural Peoples Absolutely Free. The Y. M. C. A. Educational Service Bait is visiting the rural communities of this county giving a series of entertainments in the larger school "houses. The first meeting in your community will begin at 4:30 o'clock. Everypody is invited. The Unit consists o( an auto truck equipped with a complete lighting system and moving picture pulf t ' and three men who are expert* in rural work. A general manager, cooperating with the Supt. of Pub lic Instruction, directs the work of the Unit and presents the subjects of cooperation and recreation to the communities. 'An agricultural expert will speak on agriculture Bnd con duct helpful experiments. A man representing the' State Board of Health cooperating with the County I Health Officers will speak on rural sanitation and social ffygiene. In to ree ling moving pictures illustrate all subject* presented. This Unit has the packing of all County, State and National organisations interest - ed in the County Life Movement. x Where the Unit Vi lli Be. Mabao, December 6-7. Green Hill, Dec. 8-9. Sylvan, Dec. 10-11. Spring, Dec. 13-14. Stony Creek, Dec 15-10. Hawfielda, Dec. 17-18. Friendship, Dee. 20-21. Seholarahlpe for Ex-Hervlce Mas. The Y. M. C. A. invitee all ax service men to attend any achool or college or take any correspondence courae that tbey may choose. The Y. M. C. A. will pay the expense up to $200.00 per year. All men who aerved the United States daring tbe war should write to Mr. C. D. Suell, address Burlington, N. C. General Delivery, for an application • Good kinda of green feeda for lienaln winter, recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture, - are sprouted oata, alfalfa meal, chopped alfalfa and c over hay, cabbages, and man gel beets. Cabbages may be hung up in tbe poultry house; the beets nre uaually aplit and stuck ou a nail on the aide wall of the pen al>out a foot above thq floor to keep the feed Clean. Keepoyaler shells, grit, charcoal, and plenty of clean drinking water bef Ve the hens all the time. Catarrh Be cim with Local Applies*ton*, a* they cannot »e eh the *as> of Ihe rfiavaae. Catarrh la a tot al HaM»a. areatly Influenced by constitu tion* I coed It on*, and in order to care It yuu moat take an Internal remedy. Hall'* '"a tarrh Medicine l* lakt n Internally and aeta thru the blood oo the mucoua tuilkoe of Ihe uatMß Halt's Caiairh MedlWna wan pie ■or I bed by one of the neat phjfiulana to tbl» country for yeara. I' laoompoeed of aomeot the beat ten lot know a, combined with aume the bra> b nod puiider*. The perfectonm btnatlon of the In* edlenutn Halt,* 'Jblanli Mi illoine t» "hafproduoe- »uoh wondeni-l r. ujm In •aiarrhal ooi dltlona. Sand lor 1 "' * lo ' °• tornnmmum Kb... •, K 'riv* DEATBS | ( I Henry LaFoy Bayliff died st his t home here at 7 o clock Tuesday morning, Nov. 30tb, after an illness of about three weeks of pneumonia, aged 27 years, 3 months .and 16 oafs. He is survived )y his widow and three'small chiJd.en. He wis I a son of Mr. and Mrs John A. Bay liff, who also survive him. The funeral was conducted Wednesday afternoon-from the M. P. chuich, of which he waa a member and faith/ul attendant, by hie partor; Rev. R 8 Troxler, aaaisted by Rev. E. N. Caldwell. The bu>ial was in Lin- | wood cemetery snd the services st | the grave were.conducted by the Jr. , Order U. A. M., of which Order lie waa a loysl and highly esteemed member. Tbe members ol the J r | Order attended tbe funeral in a body. , Mrs. Martha Lank ford, widow, ] aged 85 years, died Tuesday at Swep- ' sonville. The burial will be at i Phillips Chapel today. Among her i surviving children if a son named Julius. • William Cdrtis Andrews died last | Thursdaj at the home of bis uncle, , Mr. Lee Andrews, after neing con fined to his room more thao 15 months, aged 35, years 10 months and 20days. In August, 1910 while driving an antomobilo he was struck by a train near McLeansvi e On account of his injuries lie spent several monlba in a\bospital then went to his uncle's home. After his injury he gradually declined till the end. The funeral service were con ducted|by Reva. C. T. Thrift and R. P. Ellington. The burial was on Friday in Linwood cemetery. Mrs. Matilda Martin, widow of A M. Martin, who made her home here at tbe home of her son, Mr. 0. J. Martin, waa stricken with psraly aia yesterday morning about 10 o'clock and died tbe early part of laat night. Sbe was 65 years of age. Her husband died about 5 years ago. The remains will leave on the early evening train for Aiken Summit, Vs., her former home, where the burial will take place. Sbe bad been a faithful member of tbe Baptist church for about 50 yevs. Sbe was ibe mother ol ten sons, seven of whom survive her. Tbey are acat tered, and only one, Luther, bad reached here before the remains left. SB and Mr. O. J. Martin left with e body for tbe place of burial. Wm. Edward, the four-month*- ' old son of Mr. and Mrs George Robertson, died Tuesday night. The interment was in Linwood cemetery yesterday. , Superior Court. The November term of llie Su perior Court for tbe trial of criminal cases met Monday with Judge O 11. Allen presiding anil Solicitor Gattis prosecuting lor (he State. The docket was completed Wednesday afternoon. In our next issue we will give the proceedings. It Takes the Starch Out of a Fellow Working Hard Every Day Without Let-up Wears You Out in Time SOMETIMES YOU NEED A IONIC Pepto Mangan Makes Rich Red Blood and lifts You Out of BadHeahh Ruts l There are daya when you feel , down-right aick. You think you couldn't feel any worse. Yet«-as ' far aa you know, there's nothing j the matter with you. From the , time you get up in the mori.inii till you ico to bed at night you are ( tired. You feel as though you'd . like to ait down and do nothing. ' You look tired and pale and hag , gard. You get careless about your dress. No wonder! Your blood is all clogged up with poison Your power of resistance is at a low «*b.. Your blood needs f.wal. It j" 1 needs the help that the vitalizing ' tonic, Pepto Mangan, will gUe i'* j' Instead of feeling exhausted anu tired out for months, you will aoon pick right qp and fe«*l well; and atrong again. And with good i ' red blood you a»e able to light off ' ailmenta. Peplo Mangan W* widely and , beattily endorsed by physicians. It Is effective and easy to take. It is pteparetl iu both liquid and 1 i tablet form, and you can take one 1 ' or the other aud receive the same 1 | benefits. Soid at any drujr store. * But be ; sure you g«»t lh«* genuine Pepto- ! Mangan—"Gude'a." A»k for it by the full iiHMie and lit* eure thei full naiu« , "Gude'a Pepto-Man» gati," is on fh« pack age.— Advt. j -"* • . . ' i Lx*26» ■ ¥> \ ■ Sleeps Like a Farmer's Boyv Eats Like a Horse •. v > - . A B. L Allen Peels Like a Sixteen Year Old After Taking Lets Than a Bot tle of Tbe Reese Formula R-ll for Stomach, Liver and Kidney Troubles. "Put me down as a life-long tkoosler of Tbe Reese Formula R-ll,', writes B. L. Allen, assist ant foreman for the.Ncrfplk and Western Railway at rortsmouth, Ohio, in telling how tnis wonder ful stomach, liver and kidney remedy cor verted him from a man who suffered "almost unbearable pains after every meal" into one who "eats like a horse, sleeps like a country boy aud feels like a si x tee n-year-old." "I waa troubled for a long time with ne-vous indigestion and rheumatism, and could neither eat nor sie' p. Lots of nights I ( I WEAK, NERVOUS | J) . Mr. Enoch Moore, of Oconee, S. C., tells how Ziron helped him: "1 (I Em was nervous, and my limbs seemed to ache as though 1 was scared—or ■ IT gome B uch feeling, 1 can hardly describe it I would have weak (J* In "trembles." 1 was sallow, had a draggy, worn feeling; didn't rest well ■ II at night I read of Ziron and thought if it had helped others it might do |) the same for me. } knew I could at least try it I began using U [iglSS] ■ The Scientific Iron Tonic ■ [ and very shortly I felt better, ate and slept more, and the weak, nervous U| ■ feeling gradually left me. It was > tonio—a builder—l needed, and Ziron ■ If) seemed to hit the spot" U If Mr. Moore had not been benefited by the first bottle of Ziron he ■ In took, he could have gotten his money back, for Ziron is sold by reliable 71 u druggists everywhere on a money-back guarantee. ■V Insist upon Ziron iron Tonic. When you need Ziron, there's aoth- n | ing else as good, so refuse imitations and substitutes. u m Ask your druggist for Zkon. Accept no substitutes. ZJ.3 ■ • ' i i 11 1 1 ii Hi* With the color of ripe, golden fruit, with a flavor rich in natural sweetness our dried fruits appeal, to the woman who takes pride in her table. 1 They enhance the beauty of your table, they impart zest to tne appetite and are wholesome and nourishing. Use them frequently. Come to our store for dried fruits of all kinds—you will find a complete and fresh stock. J.W.HOLT, GRAHAM, N. C Pay Cash i - - Cash Pays. NOTICE ! Pursuant to law for the sale of vehicles seized in the transportation of liquor I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Graham, on Monday, De cember 13,1920, at 12 o'clock noon, ope 5-passenger Co lumbia Automobile and one top buggy. ♦ This Nov. 25, 1920. C. fa. STORY. Slum, ' ■. ~ • i ... '- \ ■ ■ never closed ray eyes, and after almost every' meal I had nlmoat unbearable pains in uiy chest. I HH»' The Reew Formula R-ll in Fisher and Streicu Drug Store here and decided to get a bottle, as Ijalways tried everything for stomach, liver and kidney trou bles. I have taken only two-' thirds of this bottle and now eat like a horse, sleep like a fanner's boy, and feel like a si*tdßU-year old. If you wish to iny uaino you are at liberty to do so, as I will always recommend The Reese formula R-ll." If you suffer from rheumatisir t indigestion, sour stomach, back ache, lumbago, urinary, or liver or kiduey troubles,-The Reese Formula R-ll will beuefit you. Get a bottle todaj at Graham Drug Co., or at your own dru»- gist. Track For Hire. | - Let as do your hauling of every ! kind, moving, etc. Have a new , track. Terms reasonable. Bradsbaw & Fl'lleb. J Phone 650. Graham, N. C. TOWN TAXES.—The tax books _ for 1920 are in my hands. Prompt payment requested. B. R. Teolingkr, oot2ltf Tax Collector. TOWN TAXES.—The tax books for 1920 are in my hands. Prompt payment requested. 1 , B. R. Tjioumkk, Tax Collector, I WEBSTER -MAN'S MAN! Wfh& Peter B. | Does your ear answer ; to the drumbeat of j Do you enjoy a good story of out-door life? i If the answer is —' "Webster—Man's ! Man''waswritten 'KJM ; for you. Not since sifo "Soldiers pf Fortune," Map i by Riqhard Harding jjfcgP j I ll Davis, has there been ; Hlf I / anything like it—or ■j l| I|| anything of the. kind Will Be Printed Soon as a Serial ! in Beains with issue of Dec. 2nd %• For Lastitng Christmas Presents Buy Gold Watches and Jewelry Z.T.HADLEI Jeweler and Oppidan GRAHAM, N. C j® Accept ' | Ho Substitutes g 1 fcr | Thedford's 8 UCK-DRAMHT ,J Purely / B Vegetable J '■ j Liver Mecicine " "ALL 0. K. FOR THE BLOOD": b WW a Cffan if toonli Saji ft : ZIRON, tfcl New till Tnk Iron is needed by the blood to keep , men and women strong and healthy. Iron if needed by the nerves to keep them toned up. ziron, the new iroa tonic, will , put Iron into your Mood and should help vsaew your tagged nerve forces fat the way H hasdoaettfor many others. .Read what Mr. J. R. Bell, Rt. 2, Oconee, Oa.. says about me effects of Ziron: "1 think Ziron is allO. K. for the Wood. That was what I have been taking it for— my blood. I liked Ziron so well Oat t . went back to the store and got two mora bottles of it" Ziron Is a combination of a pure metii- . dnal inorganic iron salt, mentioned in the , U. 8. Pharmacopeia, with thehypophos- ' phites of lime aad soda, and other valu- ( able tonic ingredients, endorsed and re- , commended by tbe best medical authori ties aad mentioned in the medical text "~oks. ' \ All druggists sen Ziron on a money ck guarantee. Look for the formula ' the label. Get a bottle today, aad \ e it a fair trial. \ XHH \bur Blood Needs j ZIKON ■ ■ TOWN TAXES.—The tax books . for 1920 are in my bands. Prompt ] payment requested., B. R. TROUNCES, TtoCoU^° r - i • */wp * snnuS OSS .Vl* Sujpua I PIN »AV DIJI JatanjSaq *nsop eAjnuS -aid D| ipnom »qj £q Jnpn p»>mn Xqaq «n juaraoin mo mu) jnq *SJOS|J , pan SnnimoA }i»|o|A Xq putouo] luc e uotv>»fn PJPO pe*| -»» is jo nanqm 08 pm ot jo 'Xvp J»«po JU»a» »ao raopMfin snoeavi f •nsqqp e*np iq sp-na uusg ios . « w® loopmo tpw* mm 1 mm « mp 4nw «ts*p v mm o mnw jtmmn ■ Notice of Sale. Pursuant to an ofcder wade this day in the Special Proceeding, eu- Gates et al., vs E. J. Gates et al., the undersigned Com missioner will, on SATURDAY, DEC. 18, l9io, at .One (1) o'clock, P. M., -at the Court House door in Graham, N. C.» sell to the highest bidder, upon the terms hereinafter men tion, two valnabje tracts of land in Haw River Township, Ala mance County, and more particu larly defined and described as follows!—' First Tract: The Wm. T. Trol linger land, immediately on tlaw River and on the east side of said river, adjoining the lands of W. H. Trollinger, Pleas Dixon, Jim May, John Baker and others and containing thirty eight acres. This is the tract bought by the late James M. Cates and for a more complete description refer ence is uvade to the deed made to said Cales by Capt. E. S. Parker, Commissioner, and recorded in Book 39, page 581. Second Tract: Adjoining the lands of J. M. May, Jno. M. Bak er and others, containing five and (pur-tenth acres. This being the tract/Of land bought by the late James M Cates from Jno. M. Baker and for a more complete description reference is hereby made to Deed Book 68 page 11. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one-third in four months and the remaining one-third in eight months, the deferred payments to bear interest from the date ofcon firmatiou and title is reserved un til all of the purchase money and interest are paid. The purchaser will have the privilege to pay all cash after confirmation. This November 18, 1920. J. ELMER LONG, Commissioner. r Sale of Real Estate.. / i By virtue of the power of sale contained in a mortgage deed executed to the undersigned by Walter Fuller on the 29th day of July, 1920, and duly record ed in the office of Register of* Deeds for Alamance county in Book No. — r of M. D., pages certain bond, conveyed real es tate, and whereas default has been made in the payment of said bond and interest, I will sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door of Alamance coun ty, on SATURDAY. DEC. 4, 1920, at 12 o'elock, noon, a, certain tract ofland in .Morton's town ship, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of John Freel Sutton, G. D. t)an iely, H. R. Ireland and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock on the A. F. Isley corner; thence N 15$ deg E 25 chs and 71 Iks to a rock on Daniely's corner; thence N 80 deg W 2.66 chs to a rock; thence N 9 deg E 4 chs to a rock, Sut ton's corner; thence S 208 chs to a rock; thence N 86$ deg W 4.78 chs; thence N 10 chs to a rock, Sutton's fend Fuller's corner on side of road; thence N 86 deg W 21.07 chs to a solid- rock, 34 deg S E of B. O. Kernodle's and Ross' corner; thence S 4.5 deg W 2343 chs to a dead red oak corner; thence S 87f deg E 13.35 chs to a stone in Fuller's line; thence N 13f deg E 14.17 chs to a rock, Fuller's corner; thence i S 87 1-4 deg E 2.10 chs to a rock on west side of road; thence S 46 2-3 deg E 10.40 chs to red oak on the east side of the road; thence S 3 deg W 20.17 chs to an iron bar, Fuller's corner; thence S 86f deg E 11.77 chs to the beginning, containing 84 > acres, less 10 acres already dis posed of and released from the operation of this deed. This sth day of Nov., 1920. JNO. R. HOFFMAN, Mortgagee. For Sale Three good farm moles, one drir» ing mare, one pony colt, one good aaadle pony. See me, if you want a bargain. C. A. WHITTEMOBE, at Dr. D. A. Long place, 39-3t , Graham, N. C. TOWN TAXEB —The tax hooka for 1920 are in my handa. Prompt payment requested. i & B. Tboumw, > v tv Tax Collector. \ ' I Ivf r "* 1 . " "ST*■ it