THE GLEANER 1 B - ~ IMttTKP SVEEYTHU|»PAI. 7. D. KERNODLE, Editor. SI.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. rue editor wiu not be responsible for /t«Wi eqpreseed by correspondent!. Entered at tne Postoffloe atOraliam. N. 0.. m Moond olao matter VWWUVWVWH»H»'WVWW»^'^^'W.,'..'«.'VS GRAHAM, U. 0., Dec. 9, 1920. ! » ■—(l ! The U. 3. Congress convened Monday for the pre-holiday short term. . ( \ • Gov. Harding spent the first of the week In Washington eonfering with party leaders, looking to takingup the presidential burdens on March 4th. Thatf President Wilson-In bis message to Congress did not speak about the Covenant of the League of Nations, barely alluding to it by inference, must have'disap pointed those who have fought it so bitterly.^ President Wilson did not de liver his message to Congress in person Tnssday, as he no doubt would have done but for the > d vice of his physicians. Points stressed in hi? ntessage were: Re vision of tax laws; Philippine in depence; loan to Armenia; gov ernment economy; laws affecting cost of living; rehabilitation and training of disabled soldiers and sailors. In conclusion he said: "I have not so much laid l>e fore you a series of recommenda tions, gentlemen, as sought to utter a confession of faith, of the faith in which I was bred and which it is my solemn purpose to stand by until my last fightiug day. | believe this to be the faith of America, the faith of the fu ture, and of all the victories which await national sction in the days to come, whether in America or elsewhere." IT ISN'T FAIR THAT'S ALL! To Your Family—To Your Friends - To Yourself—Going Around Half Sick TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH If Your Blood b Weak and Clogged with Poisons,Pepto-Mangan Will Strengthen and Purify It Wheu you get over-tired day after day, your system has to get rid of so much waste it can'tcreate new energy fast enough. The re salt is that your blood is filled with waste matter. It becomes clogged. You are trying to get around with a lot of poison in yoor system. Yon look bad, you feel poorly. • You get out of patience easily. Ambition is lost. You just don't care about anything. That is no way to live. Your blood needs help for A time. It is starved. You will find help in that fine tonic, Pepto-Maqgan. * Pepto-Mangan purifies the blood and fills it with red corpuscles. In a little while you'll have plenty of rich, red blood and' you won't know yourself. It Isn't a magic medicine. It contains iron and other ingredients that feed styrved blood and make it rich.and red. Physicians have prescribed Pepto- Mangan for yean. Pepto-Mangan is sold in liquid and tablet form. Take either kind you prefer. One aets the same as the other. Both contain the same ingredients. Bnt be sure to get the genuine Pepto-Mangan— "Gude's." The fnll name, "Gude'g Pepto-Mangan," should be on the package.— Ailvt. Mr. Jas. P. Smith returned the latter part of Isst week from a busi ness trip of weeks, in the Eastern part of the State. Turkeys For Sale. Apply to Geo. 8. ROGER*, 'Phoai 2483. Graham, N. C. I "First to si art may-lm last to finish tick eradication"-- ilmi'M 1 what they say about North Caro-1 lina with 10 087 square utiles still 4 infested. 1 In is estimated that farm mach inery well cared for will last three to five years longer than machine ry left standing on t-doo£ all year. fanner • a leading Cases Disposed of at Court Among the csaes heard and die posed of by the Superior Court last week were the-following: Buster Brineefield; aesfelt with deadly weapon; virdict farm ed to W. /.Barker 12 mos. C. H. Lee; gambling; plead guilty; $25 and to appear two years. Lacy Cook and Doc Wilson; gambling; plead guilty; each $lO and cost. John Dair; concealed weapon: plead guilty; SSO and cost and hired out six mos. Jerry Barrel], Lewis Lark, Jim MoCauley; gambling; plead guilty; $25 each and cost. Jim Turner; 0. O. W; plead guilty; fSO amd cost. Gns McCullom; larceny; guilty; 12 mos. on roads. John Walker, Ed. and Jim Al bright; gambling; plead guilty; $25 each and costs. E. H. Meeks; assault; plead guilty; $75 and cost. Harvey Freeland; rssault with d. w.; plead guilty; 12 mos. in jail and to be farmed out. See Sheriff Story)and settle your taxes this month After January Ist one per cent per month penalty will be added. ' LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers Don't suffer t A tiny bottle of Freezon eoata but a few cant* at any drug store Apply a feiS drops on the corns, calluses and "hard skin" on bottom of feet and then lift thm off. When Freezone removes aoans from the toes or calluses frOm the bottom of the feet the skin beneath is left pink hihl healthy and never sore, tender orirritutwl AS STRONG AS AT SEVENTEEN ZIMM Im mic ftttts Mr "OM MM" MVaaf kmmlm TviO§ Agfllflf wmf# UlS(ror§ To help repair the results of illness, old age, work and worry in your dally life; to help give strength to your run down system aad to help renew tagged forces aad tone ap the nerves—you will find a valuable remedy in Ziron. Read what Ziron did for an old man, who bad to stay ta bed most of the time. His daughter, Mvrtle Mitts, of Pulaski, Tens., says: "Ziron hae helped my father wonderfully. He could not do anything before taking it He waa in bed most ofthe time, complaining with hio> taken three bottles aad aays he Is as Strong as when he waa 17 years old." color the teeth, and maybe takes safely brvmmg aad old, mea, women aad Get Ziron at your druggist's, under a money-back guarantee. SL Your Blood' Needs limoN KEEP SETTING HENS FREE.FROM UCE ' * Enormom* Baby Chick Loss Caused Annually by Lies aad Vermin. •ft—. J«rs Mrs. L. V. Rosa, of Cnero, Texas.* "We haw never bad any of them'fkfl to do even more than you claim for them." Evny'year, millions of Baby Chicka are lost because setting hens are not_ kept clean and free of Hee. Dr.tLeGear's Lice Killer quk-kbr rids year flock of lice and vermin, •*- xj - . Through his advice and remedies, I Dr. LsOear haa helped thousands , of Poultry. Baiaara {faring Ua ST • JS ps^ also to take advantage of Dr. 1 advice jwt as Mrs. Boas «td and increase your poultry profits. Get a can of Dr. LeGearfi lice Killer from ycrnr dealer, see It according to dirwtfcms. If you are not entirely satisfied with reeults return the andhe ; Mrs. Wilson Uses R-l I With Great Success Says She Hated to Think of Eating, 3 Knowing Full Wsß the Way She Would Suffer Afterjrard-Now | Feeb Fine Anything. 0 After suffering "terribly" from indigestion, kidney trouble, nerv ousness and loss of appetite for a 1 long time, and having taken what I she believes "must have boen a ;j barrel pf medicine," withont re lief, Mrs. Maude SVilson of ; Clarksburg, W. Va., says she haa 5 "taken only one bottle of The Reese Formula R-llj but it has d put my system in snch shape that I can now eat anything and I feel ■; line." Mrs. Wilson continues: 0 "My stomach and kidnfys gave me trouble for a long time. I be : I'eve I must have taken a barrel r of medicine, but none of it ever 'I did me any good. I suffered ter -1 ribly from indigestion, kidney (rouble, nervousness and loss of I t WTT ■ » ■ ■ ■ ■ - ' —; r' > #ej| ifflsootttj?ta®sumr Calomel loses you a day 1 You what calomel is. it's mercury; quicksilver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel * attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead! When yon fed bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out and believe yon need a dose of dangprous [ calomel, Just remember that your b druggist sells for a few cent* a huge 1 bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone, which 1 is entirely vegetable and pleasant to I take aad is a'perfect sshstitate for l: ■ "I ■ I I II 111 111 1 Delicious, mellow and sweet—just like summers' golden fruits—is the way our canned products taste, because they have been properly prepared and are the finest examples of the cannere art;. We have a fresh and complete stock on our shelves where you can find jtist the particular kind of fruit you desire. Order a can today..' I J. W.HOLT, GRAHAM, N. C. Pay Cash - - - Cash Pays. TOWN TAXES.—The tax books for 1920 are in my bands. Prompt payment requested. 11. R. TROMNQER, Tax Collector. See Sheriff Story and settle your taxes this month. After January Ist •one per cent pet month penalty will be added. Less than three percent of (he sweet potatoes produced in eleven 4 Southern States are shipped to big markets. % TOWN TAXES—The tax books lor 1920 are in my banda. Prompt ; payment requested. 1 • B. B. TBOUNOER, kj Tax Collector. ] THS ALAMANCE OLBANXK, GRAHAM, N. C. , appetite. I could not sleep, and , I hated to think of eatipg, know ' ing fall well the way I would suf r fer afterward. I have taken onlj one bottle of The Reeee Kormola R-11, but it has put my system in sueh shape that I now can eat i anything and feel fine. I feel better generally than I thought it k possible to JeeL I want to recoin ■, mend The Reese Formnla R-ll k because I know it is a wonderful . remedy and hope that sufferers ' from stomach, liver and kidney i troubles will'give it a trial." i If you Huffer from indigestion, i rheumatism, nervousness, sleep i lessness, tired teeliug, dizziness, backuche, lumbago, biliousness, headache, female weakne-s, uri > nary, kidney, bladder, stomach or liver troubles 'there is relief for you in a package of The Reese Formula R-11, which can be ob tained at Graham Drug Co., or at ' any good druggist everywhere. • ' > " V ' * * ' ' calomel. It ia guaranteed to start your liver without atirring yon up inaide, and can not aalivata. ft Dpn't take ealomdl It makaa jam sick the next day; it loeea you a day'a work. Dodaon'a Liver Tone atraight ena yon right up and you feel grant. Give it to the. children bacauae it ii perfectly harmlaaa and doartVgr^f, jMBBfIfIDBBBBB P Accept BB | Ho Babstltnte« g V *» i Thedford's r SLACK-ORAU6HI 0 1 Purely fc j Vegetable J Jiver Medicine^ -V • - - - • " -'■ • ■' • CLOSING OUT I Yellow Tag SALE! # \ We are selling our entire line of Coats, Coat-Suits, Dresses, Skirts; Waists, Sweaters and Millinery v AT AND BELOW COST > i. ■' '' ; • •••.. • . ( • Every garment must go. Come early and get your choiee. First come, first served '• ' ' - ■ - • .• • • •*. - V _ 1 Miss Margaret Clegg LADIES' EMPORIUM) GRAHAM, N. C. v • V '• * \ i iii ' ii . i r .■ ' " ' » i i li i—» In accordance with the requirements of Bection 1326 of Revival of 1916, of North Carolina, I, B. M. Rogers, Register of Deeds and ex-officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of Alamance County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that the following state ment is true aud correct, to-wit: Ist. The number of days each member of the Board met with the Board. I 2nd. The number of days each member served on a committee. 3rd. The number of miles traveled by each member respectively. * C. P. ALBRIGHT. * To-19 days as commissioner $76.00 S To J. day as committee..... 4.00 $ 80.00 W. O. WARREN. To 17 days as commissioner. .>. $68.00 To 3 d»ys as committee. 12.00 To 320 miles traveled 16.00 $ 96.00 E. L. GRAVES. ''% * I To 16' days as commissioner $64.00 To 3 days as committee. 12.00 ; To 8$ miles traveled 4.20 $ 80.30 W. P. LAWRENCE. To 18 days as oomniissioner. ,...572.00 To 1 day, as committee.. I 4.00 To 266 miles travel*} ... 13.30 $ 89.30 JOgN M. COBLE. . ® To 17 days as commissioner v $68.00 To 1 day as com mittee 4.00 To 540 miles traveled. 27.00 $ 99.00 Grand t0ta1.... $444.50 In the above is given 19 days ss the total number -of days that the Board of County Commissioners of Alamance county, North ; Carolina, was iu session from December Ist, 1919, to November 30th, Witness my band at offloe in Graham, Nov. 30,1920. B. M. ROGEBS, Register of Deeds sod ex-office Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners. , - * • 11 Notice of Sale. - Pursuant to an order uiade this day ID the Special Proceeding, en- I titled J. W. dates et al., vs E. J. Cates et al. } the undersigned Com missioner will, on SATURDAY, DEC. 18, mO, [ at One (1) o'clock, P. M„ at the 1 Court House door in Graham, N. | C., sell to the highest bidder, upon the terms hereinafter men . tion, two valuable tracts of land ' in Haw River Township, Ala mance County, and more particu larly defined and described as • follows: First Tract: The Wm. T. Trol linger land, Immediately on Haw River and on the east side of said river, adjoining thß lands of . W. H. Trollinger, Pleas Dixon, Jtm May, John Baker and others and containing thirty eight acres. This is the tract bought by the late James M. Cates and for a ) more complete description refer ■ ence is made to the deed made to said Cates by Capt. E. 8. Parker, Commissioner, and recorded in Book 39, page 581. Second Tract: Adjoining the I lands 61 J. M. May, Jno. M. Bak er and others, containing five and four-tenth acres. This being the tract of land bought by the late Jsmes M. Cates from Jno. M i Baker and for a more complete description reference is hereby made to Deed Book 68 page 11 Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one-third in four months and the remaining one-third in eight mont hs, the deferred payments to bear interest from the date of con firmation and title is reserved un tal all of the purchase money and J"**"* "repaid. The purchaser will have the privilege to pay all cash after confirmation. This November 1«, 1920. J. ELMER J,O>G, Commit# louer. •UMCSUB VOX m QLBANJ&It •Vtt'v u-;... V- ■ ...