THE GLEANER ~ a G&4HAM, N. 0., Dec. 9,1920. PostolHce Hons. Offloopen 1M a. m. tot.oo p. m. Bnudny 0.00 toll.OO a. m. and 4.00 ti 6.00 p. m B. V. COOK. Portmaster. ++++++++♦+++++++ ♦ .LOCAL NEWS. + ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦l l —Ardmore Orchestra, a Red path Lyceum attraction, will be at the Opera House tomorrow' (Friday) night. It should appeal to all music lovers, and will be enjoyed by all Who hear it. —Some one with a disposition to figure has given out that a pair of flies,swatted now will forestall the productionof 324,000,000,000 of the breed dnring the coming fly season. That's lots of flies—the truth and correctness of whi;h we neither con firm nor deny. But, if the swatting of a pair now will reduce the breed to be contended with by a hundred millionth part, there will be many less to bother and vex during the coming season. However it may be, get your swatter and go after them in and out of season. At the Presbyterian Church. v i Rev. E. N. CaldWell will preach Sunday at both services. At 11 o'clock: "Pilgrims," and at 7 p. m.. "Scars." All are cordially invited to worship with us. Among the Sick. Mr*. Chas. C. Thompson is im proving daily, her many friendfe will be glad to learn- Mr. T. P. £radshaw, one of the ' oldest citizens of Abraham, suffered a slight stroke of paralysis Monday morning. He has been in bed since and unable to speak- His condition 1 is critical, we regret to state. i ' ' / i Rain, Hail and Snow. It commenced to rain Tuesday night and continued on through yes terday. In the early afternoon some hail came along with the rain. Near night it ceased to rain and the snow and hail came thick and fast and when it stopped about ten o'clock the hail and snow was some two inches deep. It not being so cold and the ground being wet nearly all . of it disappeared today. Died. 5 Mr. William S. Kernodle, about 79 yeafs of age, after a brief illness, died about noon last Sunday at his home on Haw river in the north western part of Morton township and the burial was at Bethlehem, near Altamahaw, at one o'clock Monday. Deceased was a veteran of the Civil War and was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg. He is survived by a son and a daughter and a sister, Mrs. 1. N. W. Garrison, of Morton town ship. CHAS. D. JOHNSTON CHAIRMAN. New Board County Commissioners Met Monday. ' The Board of County Commission ers, n composed of W. O. Warren, Chas. D. Johnston, E. P. Dixon, J. H. Wilkids and John T. Love, con vened Monday and organized by electing Chas. D. Johnston chair man. All are new members except Mr. Warren, k Mr. Johnston's fourteen years service as Register of Deeds and Secretary to the Board qualifies him peculiarly to be at the haad of the Board. V Among matters before the Board were the following: Dr. W. P. Lawrence, former mem ber of die Board, elected at last elec tion to represent Alamance in the Legislature, appeared before a joint meeting of the Board and the Demo cratic Executive Committee and dis cussed new legislation, and. advo cated a million dollar bond issue for good roads. R. A. Lutterloh and John T. Love were appointed a committee to mark the official detour from Burlington to Elon. Dr.. P. H. Fleming, Welfare Offi cer, made bis report, which was ac cepted. Mrs. J. 0. Cheek of Greensboro was ebcted official court stenogra pher Tor the next two years at a silary of $7.50 per day and expenses. Supt. Lutterloh and Jno H. Wil kina were appointed committee to look after the proposed change in the road from G. R. Garrison's to Ster ling Foster's in Faucette towmhip. 'l'. J. Gwynn was elected registrar of vital -statistics for Morton town ship. Road Snpt. Lutterloh and W. O. Warren were appointed committee to look after proposed change in the road from Haw fields to Haw River. Fay your dog tax and sare fine Se® Sheriff Story. ■'y ' ; .V . .V •" - |» | | ♦ PERSONAL. Ml 111 Mr. W. S. Crawford of Mebane was here Monday. Mr. Chas. C. Thompson spent yes terday in Aaheboro on business. Maj. J. J. Henderson was in' Greensboro yesterday on business. I Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr., waa in Greensboro Monday on legal busi ness. Mrs. Junius Powell of Warsaw ar rived here Tuesday on a visit to Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr. Misa Lola Cooper, living in Char lotte, came borne Saturday and re-; turned Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Thompson of Chester, Pa., is here on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ezeil. Dr. J. I. Foust, Prest. of the North Carolina College lor Women, Greens boro, was in Graham Monday. Mr. and Mas. J. M.' Whittemore are visiting awhile with Mr. Whitie more's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Whittemore. Mr. Sterling if. Holt of Indian apolis, Ind., arrived here the latter part pf last week on a fait to his brother, Mr. Wm.JH. Holt, and other relatives. Mr. G. S. Whittemore left last week for a few week'a stay at Hot Springs, Arkansas, on account pi his health. He was accompanied by his son, I. B. Whittemore of Spencer, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee Henderson left by auto Tuesday afternoon lor Salisbury tb attend the State live stock meeting and to visit the lat her's sister, Mrs. Fred Smith. They expect to retnrn Sunday or Monday. Miss Lorona Kernodle reached home Monday morning. She attend - ed the Army-Navy football game iu New York on Saturday, 27th ult., and returning spent a few days with relatives and friends in Washington and Richmond. AFTER TWELVE YEARS This Testimony Remains Unshaken. Time is the oest test of trut'i. Here is a Burlington storyt hat has stood the test of time. It is a story "with a point which will come straight home to many of us, C. B. Ellis, music dealer, David St., Burlington, JT» C., says: '"I have no hesitation in saying taht Doan's Kidney Pills are a good, xelibale kidney medicine. I suf fered from a light attack of kid ney complaint and I got a sip ply of Doan's Kidney Pills from the Freeman Drug Co. After I took them the pain left me and I give them all the credit for relieving me.'' Mr. Ellis gave the above state ment in December, 1907, and on July 10,1918 t he added: Doan's Kidney Pills have given me a permanent cure, and I can certainly praise them as being a wonderful kidney ihedlcine. ' Price 60c, at all dealers. Dont simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pillls—the same that Mr. Ellis had. Poste—Mil burn Co., Mfgra., Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. John T. Kernodle's Home Burned Tuesday Night. The home of Mr. John T. Ker nodle at Ossipee waa burned Tues day night, also his cribs containing the year's crop of corn a few yards to the rear of the residence. The fire originated in tho rear part of the residence where there waa some fire dnfing the mornuig. It was about 11 o'clock when some member went on the back porch and dis covered the fire. A line of hose waa laid from the Ossipee mills, but not soon enough to keep the home from being a total loss, but it helped to save other near-by buildings. Only a part of the furnishings in the frontof thehonse was saved. The home was built by Mr. E.'s father before the civil war and at that time was fine of the best country ho-n esTn thatfoction. | Food for Energy Cod-liver oil ener* sizes and creates a buttress of strength that fortifies the whole body. SCOTTS EMULSION Ifi\B cod-liver oil in its best possible form. If winter is claim ing Us toll upon your vitality, take Scott's Emulsion. ~ 11 - " n " ir> =3= Community Christmas Tree For Graham ■ t Mayor R. L. Holmes has sppoint jed the following Committee to meet with him Monday night, 13th inst, to discuss and begin making plans for a Community Christmas Tree for Qraham on Christmas Eve night, viz: Rev. E. N. Caldwell, ArUtfftsWil liams, M. E. Yount, 0. H Phillips, P. A. Holt, K. Lee (lender* >n,/l'Jnl S. Dixon, J. O. Corbett, lloy.l K. Trolinger, Don E Scott. • - This will be a Gruliain affair ami every citizen will be a»ke«i t> tak« a part, both young Bud old. An nouncement of definite' plaits uiK be made later. The general idea is to have a large, bum uriruut of the Confederate uionmiieut A big Christmas tree will be piaoed in the middle of the stage. Thin tiee will be decorated with all colors ol lights. A choir composed of the best voices of the town jvill be on the stage aud will sing Christmas carols. It is the plan tocarrv out "THE WHITE OHRIBTMAS" idea-giy ing instead of receiving. Churches,! Secret Orders, Societies, individuals, everybody, will be to bring some article of foodstuff; non perishable iood, such as canned goods, potatoes, flour, meal,' etc. This foodstuff will be turned over to the local Red Croes and will be dis tributed during the winter from time to titqe to families of our town ' who become in need. The. outlook for the winter does not seem so bright, apd this is a chance to look out for oar unfortunate ones who may become in need, and, toa at the same time it will be-"A GET-TOGETHER" for all the peo pie of our town. Every citizen should take a part in this affair, for it will be yours, Graham's, and not for any special one or claaa. Be gin talking OUR COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE at once, get in behind the movement, and if you should be placed on a committee to help, then throw your whole heart into the work and let's make it a howling success for OUR TOWN. " Graham High School Basketball Team Wins Four Straight Games. Last week we mentioned the game with spring in which Graham won 16 to 11. Last Thursday night in the Arm ory in Burlington, Graham—line np: 'John Phillips and Ollie Harder, c., Oscar Wrenn, L g., Watt Cooper, r. f, Willard Boone, 1. f., Chas. C. bompson, Jr., and Ellis Pickard, r. f., won from National Guard by 17 to 8. National Goard line-up: Cook, c., Small, 1. g., .Cates, r. g., Smith, 1. f., Fowler, r. L On Friday afternoon Graham won frOm Elon High School 15 to 12. Gr|£iam line-up. John Phillips, e., George Harden, 1. g., Watt Cooper, r. g., Ollie Harder, Li, Ellis Pick ard, r. f. Elon line-up: Brown, c., Franklin, 1. g., add ell; r. g., Wicker, 1. f., Church, r. f. Yesterday afternoon at Graham, Graham won fnun Elon by 17 to tf. Graham lin»-np waa; John Phillips, c., Oscar Wreun, 1. g., Watt Cooper, r. g., Ollie Harder, 1. f., Willlard Boon, r. f. Elon line-up was the same as on FridayTifternoou. Card of Thanks. I desire to express my «iucere thanks and appreciation to neigh bors, iriends and all for the many kindnesses shown during the long and last illness of my ooosin, Wil liam Curtis Andrews, while at my home. W. Lee Abdbews. Pay yourl dog tax and save fine. See Sheriff Story. For Lastitng Christmas Presents Buy ; Gold Watches and Jewelry | Z.T.HADLEY Jeweler and Optician j GRAHAM. N#C# t- «» .... .. '^i KB t vB .V. : ' : -.- , '■'' \ . I—.' ill Will»lWilvilW)>f'iiWgjiri 11 THE TUBERCULOSIS NURSE.. Around the world the double-barred cross, adopted in 1909, as the international emblem for the fight against tuberculosis, means that the enemies of this disease*are waging a winning war. North Carolina has twenty-two public health nurses doing part time tuberculosis nursing. Nurses for the tuberculous sick will be supplied from funds derived from the sale of Tuberculosis Christtpas Seals, December Ist to 11th. Graham people will be called onjby Red Cross representatives. Buy your Christmas seals from them and help a helpful cause. A Few Suggestions .-For Chrisimas™ Victrolas, Kodaks, - Whitman's Candy, • Toilet Sets, Manicure Rolls, Eversharp Pencils, Fountain Pens, Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Cut Glass, • *» Stationery, v Odd Pieces of White Ivory, - .. Djer-Kiss Toilet Sets, Cigars and Pipes For'the Smoker. GRAHAM DRUG CO. (GRAHAM, N. C. i ' '• ' . . ■ I • Sale Under Deed of Trust JJuder and by virtue of the power of»Bale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed the 39th day of December, 1919, by Hertnau Zachery and wife, to the undereitfned Grabpm Loan A Trust Company, trustee, for the purpose of securing certain bond* of even date therewith and the interest thereon, which deed of trust is duly probated and record ed iu the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in Book of Mortgages and Deedsof Trust No. 84, at page 142, default having been made in the payment of sab I bonds according to their tenor, the undersigned trustee will, on MONDAY, JAN. 3,1921, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door of Alamance connty, at Graham, N. C., offer for sale at auction to the highest bidder, for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land iu Albright township, Ala mance county, described hs fol lows, to-wit: Lot No. i, containing 16.6 acres; j lot No. 3, containing 16.5 seres; lot No. 4, containing 6.5 seres; lot , No. it, containing 13.5 acre*; lot No. 6. containing2B seres; lot No. 7, containing 18.42 ticres. Ea h one of the aforesaid lots being one lot or part of the Foust land as developed by the Graham Land Company, and surveyed and platted by Lewis H. Holt, a plat of which is on record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance county, to which reference is hereby jnade. But from the foregoing lots the following • lands have been 2on veyed, and the same is excepted from this mortgage deed: That certain trset conveyed to F. A. Coble by parties of the Urst part by deed dated December 24, 1919, and described es follows: Beginning at a blackgum tree and running tbeuce N 4 deg W 8.53 cbs to a stone; thence 8 85 deg W 31.95 chs to a willow oak; thence N,, new line, 11.60 cbs to Bass line; tbence with his line S 3| deg E 25 chs to a stone in the south side of road, Bass corner; thence N f deg E 5 chs to a stone; thence 8 85 2-3 deg E 4 cbs to a P. O.; tbence 553 deg E 5.33 chs i to the beginning, and containing , 34.95 ncres, more or less, t This Nov. 23rd„1920. p GRAHAM LOAN * TKUST CO.. f Trustee. Win. L Ward, Att'y. BUY "DIAMOND DYES" DONT RISK MATERIAL 1 Each package of "Diamond Dtw" torn- L| tain* directions so simple tut any woolen can dre any material without streaking, lading or naming. Druggist ( has color csN Talis as other dysl i 1 Subacrioe for Ttfi UJUBAOTBU VvV yi. 11l ' I 'I I J"" 1 I"* 1 II: P* ' II s i ■pMKy : '■:-'»' ;•: ■■ I I Santa Claus Has Come! votes in tliP United Under a regular land-slide. Claus has swept the whole civilized world, including the League of Nations, the isles of the seas, and Jerusalem. Undoubtedly this is the greatest! victory for the little boys and girls in the histoaH of the world. It is a pleasure to announce that I now have in stock Js the greatest variety of Toys, and the most beautiful and valuable presents ever offered in Graham. The prices are as low and lower than others. You will be pleased f youH come and look them over. lam look- t ing for you every day to come and pick your choice. Sincerely yours lor a Merry X-mas A. B. NICHOLSON VARIETY STORE Southwest Cor. Court House Sq., GRAHAM, N. C. Buy the Finest of Men's and Boys' Clothes 1 ■ ,:j AT AN AVERAGE OF LESS THAN FACTORY COST * That[s_WhatWe_OffCT in^our^revised^^c^ / Men's and Young# Men's Suits and Overcoats now $16.50, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00 and $40.00. k Boys' Suits and Overcoats now $6.00, $9.50, $12.50 and $15.00. Men's and Boys' Shoes from $4.00 tor $15.00. Hats now $3.00 to SB.OO. • 25 per cent, discount on odd pants, sweaters, hose, underwear and dress shirts. Crawford & McAdams GRAHAM, N. C. The Greensboro Daily News /. I - J %' ''iiLduSSS Is recognized as the State's best newspaper. It gives a news ser vice unexcelled, and its editorial page is always clean, broad and interesting. Independent in pol itics, it presents news and views ! from every angle. On its rapidly growing sub scription lists are the names of the States most prominent and farward looking citizens. . YOU cannot afford to be without this newspaper. Forward your trial . subscription. Six mosu Daily and Sunday, $4.50 Six mos. Daily without Sunday, 3.50 f • y - i • 3^l Greensboro Dally News GKEENSBOKO, NjC. ■ . m •

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