MANY EMPLOYEES 111 GIL SERVICE i ' TOTAL NUMBER CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEEB DURING LAST JULY WAS 091,110. MAXIMUM NEARLY ft MILLION H ■■ !' , A Tabulation of th'a Army'of Worker* Fixes Average Age 11 Twenty- Eight, and Salary $1,176. Washington.— One person oat of ev ery 169 hi the entire country vat on the government civil service pay roll last July 31, the civil service commis sion declared in its annual report. The commission adds that of those estimated toy the census as employed U gainful occupations in the country, one la every 08 was a government worker. The total number of civil service employees last July, the commission ears, wa5'691,116 and the government was using them in approximately 1,- Wfl different kinds and grades of work. There are almost a million govern sxot employees at the height o fthe ■world war, the commission asserts aad adds that pre-war figures of some 480.000 in 1916 probably never again Will be reached. The commission de clares thst an "altogether rosy pic tare can not be painted" of the gov ernment's personnel situation. A partial tabulation of the great army of government employes fixes the average age at 28.4 years and the average salary at $1,176 a ysar, exclu sive of the |240 yearly bonus which naay of the employes receive. Woodmen to Dlsburss Fund. Omaha.—Woodmen of the World In all parts of America will share in the distribution of $1,260,000 during the ■sooth of January. Announcement has been made that each policy holder will be credited with an amount equal te one month's premium. Fraternal crdeis having Insurance features are not permitted by law to declare divi dends, but they are allowed to dis burse a portion of the surplus fund. Notices from headquarters at Omaha point to a substantial growth of ths Woodmen lillurance feature. Anti-Constantins Demonstration Constantinople.—As a result of antl- Goastantlne demonstrations, which have culminated in disturbances, ths allied police have forbidden the play teg of the Venlssllst anthem in thea ters and other public places in Con stantinople. Motorcycle Kills Two. Treerport, N. T.—When their motor cycle ran over an embankment near bare William Cameron, 26 of Miami, Via., was Instantly killed and his fi asco's brother, Lester Smith, so bad ly Injured that hs died In a Mineola hospital. Ireland in s Stats of War. Dublin.—A proclamation declaring that "the public must at once raahie that Ireland is in a state of wsr with forces of the British crown," hss been issued over the signature of the offi cer commanding troops of the Irish Republican army at County Mona- Japs Hold Mass Msstlng; Tokk>. —A large mass meeting of Wtadents, members of the Students' League of Jspan, was held here. A —solution protesting to ths world in the name of "justice and humanity" •gainst the anti-Japanese law In Cali fornia was a J opted. Bank Robbery In Oklshoms. Tulsa, Okla. —Robbers smsshsd the -vaslt of the First State bank of Sham nek and escaped with approximately fSS.OOO in cash without leaving a clue. Oermsn Ex-Empress Is Bsttsr. Doom, Holland. Former Empress Augusta vtfctorla. of Germany, con tinues to Improve In health, but her condition still is crttiosl. "-"'•I - To Resist Wsgs Reduction. New York.—Reports from mill cen- Sara give every Indication thst wage announced tor December JO by Isrge cloth manufacturing pleats will be resisted. Natlonsl Be safest) Agreement. New York.—The tentative draft of the proposed new national baseball agreement which la to be the govern ment of ths sport, was soceptod by She major and minor league commit tees which have been working on the document. Constsntlns Is On His Wsy. Lucerne. Preparations have been completed for the departure of For mJt King . Constantino and his family for Venice on the first stage of their Journey to Athens. Fsll Of Alntsb Expected. Constantinople.—Ths French have gained a foothold in Aintab, Asiatic Turkey, surrounding the town In the hope of starving out ths Tuiks, who are fighting from behind barricades. The tell of the town to expected ai uaost momsntartly. UP A I i V I 1 a mkM i RALPH H. CAMERON I Rslph T. Cameron, Republican, , elected senator from Arlxons, former ; ly repreeented Arlxons In the lower houss. IF WE DO NOT ENTER LEA6UE Thrss-Yssf Program Recommended Includes Building of Ons Cruiser and Thrss Battleships. Washington.—Approval of another three-year naval building program, in volving the construction Of 88 ves sels, If the United States dloes not enter the league of nations or a simi lar world organisation, is given by Secretary Daniels In his annual re port to Prssldent Wilson. "If ths United States Is not to enter into any agreement with the other powers of the earth, which are now bound together in the league of nations," says ths naval secretary, "I feel compelled to approve the recom mendation of the general board that Congress authorise three ysar pro gram to be begun as soon as the cap its! ships now undsr construction are launched." The three-year program recom mended by the general board to be undsr way by 1924 includes the con struction of three battleships , ons battle cruiser, 30 light cruisers, eight gunboats, 18 destroyer leaden, 12 mine laying submarines, 6 cruiser submarines, a 41rplane carrier, 8 de stroyer tenders snd 3 submarine tend ers. No specific recommendations for appropriations for new construction during ths next fiscal year are In cluded in the secretary's report. Scrambls For Concessions. Nsw York.—A mad scrambls among the world powers for Industrial and commsrcial concessions In Russia wers forecast by Washington O. Van derllp, American mining engineer, who landed here bearing documents involving $8,000,000,000 worth of Kam chatka oil and coal land* aad flsh sries. Rumanian Ssnsts Bombed. London. A bomb was thrown among members of the Rumanian senate shortly after it had assembled, and M. Grecanu, a member of the ministry, and Bishop Radu, were killed, says a Central News dispatch. Aecspt Rsductlon In Wsgsa Chicago.—More than 70,000 negro laborers of Chicago and vicinity have agreed to accept a reduction In wages rathsr than lose their Jobs on ac count of reduced production, R. E. Parker, president of the American Unity Labor union, announced. Suspsnd Studsnts For Haxlng. Olneevllls, Fla. —Forty-five students of the University of Florida were in definitely suspended as a -result of a faculty Investigation of the shaving of head* of lower classmen by members of the upper classes. Long Rangs Machine Qun. Waahlngton.—Development of a new machine gun, with an effective range raid to be twice as great as that of the Browning maohlne gun, was announced by the war depart ment. Smith Opposss Blus Sundsy. New York. —The Motion Picture Theatrical association made ptfbllc a telegram from Governor Smith ex pressing opposition to any movement which would forbid "wholesome amusement" on Sunday. Ex-Congressman Commits Sulslds. Montexume, Oa.—Former Congress man B. B. Lewis, 6s. president of ths First National Bank of Montesuma and also president of the Lewis Bank lag company, of this city, ahot aad killed himself here. Board Assumes Jurisdiction. Roanoke, Vs. The United States railroad labor board has assumed Ju risdiction over the differences be twsen the Norfolk A Western Rail way company aad the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen now taking a vote on a proposed strike. Bsnk Rsservss Lower New York —The actual condition of clearing house banks and trust com panies for ths wesk shows they bold $11,247,910 reservs la excess of legal requirements GLEANER Q*RA Irf TSOHILL ADOPTION OF THE MOTION OF REPRESENTATIVE MANN IB SURPRISING TO HOUSL PROPONENTS NOT DISMAYED I - _____" The Actusl Rssult of ths Projsctsd Amendment Will be a Restriction Psrlod of Only Ons Ysar. Washington. Amendment of the Johnson bill to reduce the two-year prohibition against immigration to the United States to 14 months and « charges that foreign governments are "financing the movement of rad icals to the United States" marked ' another day of debate in the house ' on immigration legislation. Adoption by a vote of 87 to 25 of the amendment offered by Rep resentative Mann, republican, of Illl a nols, to reduce the embargo period was a surprise to the advocates of the legislation and constituted the first victory for Representatives Siegel, I republican, New York, and Sabath, democrat, Illinois, loaders of the opposition. Proponents at the bill, however, were not dismayed and said they were confident of favor able disposition of the measure. The Mann amendment actually limits the restriction period to one year, reducing by one-half the period originally proposed. Contest Ssst In Congress. Washington Dr. J. L. Campbell, republican opponent of Congressman Doughton, will contest the election of ■the eighth North Carolina district congressman. This was decided upon at a meeting of the republican con gressional committee which met to ooosider the evdience. Southern Would testes Bonds. Washington. The Southern Rail way company asksd permission of the interstate commerce commission to issue $6,900,000 of dsvelopmont and guarantee mortgage bonds at 4 per cent, payable April 1, 1966, to be pledged sa security in part for gov ernment bonds of $8,826,000 to be ex pended for equipment. Went Division ef Csblss. Waahlngton.—Cooperation between the State Department and the senate foreign relations committee to obtain recognition of the United States in distribution of German cables ceded to the allied and associated powers . under the treaty of Versailles was ar ranged for at a conference between the committee and Acting Secretary ! Davis. Martial Law for Ireland. London.—The martial law to be tn ' etltuted in Instead, as announced by Premier IJoyd-George In the house of commons will be applied to a limit ed arse Ih the sonthwsst of Ireland, where the government states that lawlessness and outrage are especial ly prevalent. Harding and Hughss Center. Marlon, O.—President-elect Hard ing began his conferences here on the plan for an association of nations by a long talk with Charles Evans Hughes, the republican presidential nominee four years ago, in which the whole question of American relations with Europe was surveyed in detail. Dsstroysr Joins D*Annunxlo. Trieste. —Drastic action on the part of the Italian naval authorities is ex i pected as a result of the desertion of - the destroyer Bspero, which Joined i Captain Gsbriele D'Annunslo's forces t in Flume. The Incident has created i a deep impression in all ranks of the navy. Preparing. for Blockads. i Geneva. —Machinery tor putting the ) economic blockade into effect, when i occasion should call for such action . was discussed by ths assembly of the - league of nations at the morning ses sion. Bridgs Across ths Hudson, i New York.—Plans for a double : decked bridgs, across ths Hudson • river were discussed by Gustay Lln t den thai, builder of the Hell Gate • bridge, before the American Society at Mechanical Engineers. Stats Dinnsr for Colby. Rio de Janeiro.—A dinner to Bain i bridge Oolby, the American secretary i of state, during his forthcoming visit, • will be given by Prssldent Peesoa on 1 the evening of Mr. Colby's arrival here. Prefsrentlal Ratss Suspended. i Washington.—Operation of the pro i- vision in the merchant marine act al ► lowing preferential rail rates on goods I- destined tor export in American ships f indefinitely suspended. i . ■ Wilson and Bourgeois Honored. Christian la, Norway.—Presentation of the Noble peace prisss for 1919 f and 1980, which have been awarded, f respectively, to Leon Bourgeoals, of I France, aad Woodrow Wilson, Prssl -1 dent ef the United Btscss, took place bam jm flr KIJURO BHIDEHARA Kljuro Shidehara (a the new Jap anese ambassador to the United Btatee. Ha la only forty-seven yeara old INTENT OF REGOKMENDATIONS P V, Would Put Great Burden of Taxation Upon the Backs of The Victlma of The Plunderera and Profiteers. Washington/—Secretary Houston's recommendation* in his annual report that excess profits taxea be repealed and the Usher brackets of Income surtaxes be reduced were attacked by Representative Kltchln of North Carolina, ranking democratic member of the house ways and means commit tee as "the most unwise, unjust, un democratic and yro-rapublioan that ever emanated from any department of the government since its begin ning." "The whole Intsnt and policy of hia recommendations" Mr. KtteMn contin ued, "are to relieve the corporate in terests and mllllonarlee, who for the last four years have plundered and profiteered upon the people to the ex tent of fifty billions of dollars, of a billion and a half or two Milton* of dollars of taxes anually and place that amount upon the backs of the people that are the victims of suca plunderers and profiteers. "I cannot understand how anv man who claims to have a single impulse for the masses or who claims to be a democrat, could make such recom mendations. New President ef Austria. Vienna.—Dr. Mlchal Hainiech was elected president of Austria by the national assembly. The election of Dr. Hainisch came after three days of balloting, the as sembly compromising on hie name as the federal president and the Pan- Gjrman finally combining with the Christian Socialists. Dr. Hainisch who is known as a Socialist writer steads between the Pan-German and the Socialist Democratic party. «S1&0MM>00 to Railroads. Washington.—More than $312,000,- 000 waa turned over to the rallroada by the government in the form of ad vances on the guaranty provisions of the transportation act and in loaha between the laat of March and first part of November. Much Inaurance Being Written. New York.—Despite the fact that the people of the United Btates have entered upon a period of retrench ment, they are buying more than $lO,- 000,000,000 of new life Insurance this year, aooording to original statistics. Hasten Newberry Invsstgatlon. Washington.—Agreements for ex pediting the investigation of Henry Ford's contest for the Michigan sen ate eeet held by Truman H. Newberry were reached by the senate elections subcommittee. Te "Dry Out" Mine District Santiago.—Coal fields in Southern Chile will become "dry" soon if a provision of an agreement Just signed between the miners and operators is mto law. Pension Angeles' Children. Mexico CKy.—The senate after solo gUing General Felipe Angalea. former Villa leader, as oae of the rep«ipile's most brllHant patriots, adopted a bill providing for a pension of six pesos dally for his daughters and two sons until they become of age. To Be Bitter Conatroversy. Baenoa Airs.—The question of the withdrawal of Argentine from thi league of nations assembly appear* likely to become the subject of a bit tor political controversy. Thirty Mo roe Killed. Manpa. P. I.—Thirty Moras were killed In the Sula islands in a battle wKh the Phillipplne constabulary growing oat of efforts to encourage education of children, it was learned here In official advloea. Gets Life Imprisonment. Wheeling, W. Va.—Life Imprison meat was the sen ten oe passed upon 16-year-old Samuel Bleveus. formerly of Little Rock Ark„ in court here af tor the lad had pleaded guilty to a charge at murder. IMMEDIATE REPEAL OF WAR TIME LAWS 4 VOTE TO ADOPT RESOLUTIONS WAS UNANIMOUS, 323 FOR ANO NONE AGAINBT. THE LEVER ACT IS INCLUDED p The Meaaure as Adopted, Practically Same aa TJiat Vetoed by President at Last Beaaion of Congress. Washington.—Repeal of most of the war time laws, including the Lever act, was voted by the house which adopted the Volstead resolution for that purpose after two houra of debate. The vote on adoption of the resolu tion waa unanimous, 333 votes being recorded favoring it with none op posed. r The amendment, which covers all provision* of the food control, act, with the exception of the section re flating to rents in the District of Co lumbia, waa offered by Representative Bland republican, of Indiana. It was carried by a vote of 179 to 137. The resolution exempts from repeal only the trading with the enemy act, the war finance corporation act and its amendments and measurers deal ing with the Issuance of Liberty and Victory bonds. The resolution declares "any act of congress that by its terms Is in force only during the existence of a state of war and a limited time thereafter shall be construed and administrated as if the present war terminated on the date which thia resolution be comes effective. The measure, ae adopted is practi cally Identical with -that passed by congress Just before the adjournment of the last session and vetoed by Pres ident Wilson. A League Accomplishment. Geneva.—The assembly has accom plished the first important construc tive act in the work of the league of nations in adopting a statute for a permanent International court, of Jus tice. The organization, -«e planned, still lacka the obligatory appearance of both parties to a dispute* an dpro vldes no penalty for non-compliance wtth the decisions of the court. To Revive War Corporation. Washington.—The senate haa passed the agriculture committee resolution directing die - revival of war finance corporation as a meaaure of affording relief to farmers. The second section of the reaolution which aa introduced would have directed the extension of liberal credits to farmers by the fed eral system was amended to make the desirability of such a course only an expreaaion of opinion of the congress. Railroad Earnings Increased. Washington.—Net operating Income of all except 13 of the principal! rail roads of the country in October waa 183,947,374, according to a statement Issued by the interstate commerce commission. Thia compared with a net operating income of 179,876,666, for all of the principal roads in Sep tember. , Nsw England Cuts Wagea. Boston. —A reduction of about 32 1-2 per cent in the wages of approximate ly one-third of the 300,000 textile workers in New England was an nounced. The notices were posted in Lawrence, Lowell, New Bedford and other centers of the Industry In Maine and Rhode Island. Reeommendatlona of Navy Board. Washington.—Proposing a new three year building program of 88 ships, the general board of the navy In its an nual report reiterates Us recommen dation that the American navy be made the equal of any other nation in the world. \ Farm Values Shrink. Washington.—Shrinkage of values of the country's farm crops has placed their total worth thia year at almost $5,000,000,000 less than last year. Kltchln to Leave Committee. Washington.— Representative Kit chin, democrat, of North Carolina haa informed the ways and means commit tee of Us Intention to resign at an early date because of HI health. Chair man Pordney said. New President of League. New York.—John Conway Toole, at torney for the National league, was elected president of the National As sociation of Professional Baseball Clubs, the new name adopted by the new International league. Raw Sugar Hlta Bottom. New York.—New low records for the year were made again In the mar ket for ra wsugar, 12.000 bags of Porto Rican sugar beina sold aft 4.63 cents a poun dfor centrifugal. Ways te Raiee Revenue. Washington.—Methods of raising aufficleht revenues to offset losses through toe prospective repeal of the excess profits tax were considered by the hooae ways and means committee as the second atop toward tax revi atoo. , CONDENSED NEWS FROM THE OLD NORTH STATE «03T NOTES or INTEREST TO CAROLINIANS V" N. 3. B. FQUR JJBC ». Burlington.—The Burlington tobac co market has been flooded with to bacco during the past week. Winston-Salem. —The first snow storm of the season Visited this Mo tion following'a severe all-day rain. Charlotte. —Brought to the city hall by his father, Detective Alex West, on a liquor count, C. M. West, Was fined $25 and costs for receiving liquor, in the recorder's court. Concord.—The first annual meeting of the North Carolina War Mothers was held here. Delegates from all of the five chapters in the state were present. * Salisbury.—Rev. Dr. George H. Cox, retiring from the active ministry of the Lutheran church, has moved to "Salisbury to live and has purchased a home. - - Hickory.—The handsome new pipe organ of the Church of the Ascension installed during the last two weeks was used and Its music enjoyed by the congregation and friends. Raleigh.—Mr. C. T. Bailey, former newspaper man and at one time post master of the city of Raleigh, died at Rex Hospital from pneumonia, which set in alter a fall in which Mr. Bailey broke his shoulder. High Point.—Deputy Sheriff J. E. Wagner and three revenue officers captured two capper stills near a branch sveral miles from this city. Harry D. Smith, one of the alleged operators, was arrested and released under a S6OO bond. Greensboro.—Two young boys, one white, one negro, who are serving sentenoes for larceny in the Guilford county jail, returned to the jail after a brief period of liberty. They pot hungry, they said, was the reason for coming back after having escaped. Rich Square.—Six yean ago North ampton county abolished the office of county treasurer and appointed the Farmers bank' of Woodland as finan cial agent of the county, to serve with out compensation. The service has beta entirely satisfactory, saving the county about $2,600 a year, Winston-Salem.—Matthew C. Clay ton, aged M years died at his home near Rural Hall. Charlotte.—An automobile, a Bulok, and half a gallon of Hquor, were cap tured by Jim and other officers who were answering another call in Dihrorth. Salisbury*—The Bth, 9th and 10th this month are days that will mean much to Borth Carolina, tor her poul try rasing Industry is to be boosted mlghtly. Durham. —County Officers Bel Tin, Morgan and Hall made a visit to Le banon township about eight miles from the city and bagged two stills. Washington.—Joe L. Baker, former ly managing editor of The Charlotte Observer and now holding the same position with the Asheville Cltliap, i was married in Philadelphia to "SUss Edna May Cox. Mooresvllle.—E. Martin Hudgins of i O'd Fort, was crushed to death in a sewer dltdh at the Mooresvllle cotton mills when the wails caved in and caught him underneath, i ■■ i Cope.—Robber* entered the Bank of Cope but it is not known whether ' they secured any money or valuables, i The vault was found locked with the combination blown off. Asheville. —Local grocers announce reductions averaging 10 per cent on i vegetable and many staples, following an announcement by wholesale men : that reductions averaging 86 per cent bad been made. Lenoir. —Burglars entered Bflrd's department store here and made a i complete getaway with a bunch of - clothing and shoes. The entrance i -was made from the frost by smashing ■ the plate glass window. Fsyettevllla.—A mass meettog of several hundred cotton farmers here adopted resolutions severely con i demnlng the federal reserve board for Ks handling of the present crop situa- I ttan and censuring Governor Harding i for "his crlticlfm of farmers for hold ing their cotton for higher prices." Tarboro. —At his home in this city ' Mr. C. J. Austin, an old and faithful • Confederate veteran, passed away at ► tfre age of 78, following an attack of i pneumonia. Chapel Hill.—After three quarters of desperately hard playing with both ! teams gaining frequently but neither ' able to score. Chapel Hill surged for ' ward In the fourth quarter, scored two touchdowns, and won the high sohcal 1 champiomhip of North Carolina for the second year in succession by da tasting Monroe here. 14 to 0. -ToCureaCold in One Day Take # Qrove'm Laxativo Bromo Quinine tmblmtm Be sure its Bromo jar*o The genuine bests this signature 30c. USE SLOAN'S TO WARD OFF PAIN You can Just tell by Its healthy., stimulating odor, that It b going to dp you good ffF I only had some Sloaa's Lini- I mentl" How often you've sakft that! And then when the rheu matic twinge subsided-r-after hours at suffering—you forgot it! Don't do it again—get a bottle day and keep it handy lot possible us* tonight! A sudden attack may com* on—sciatica, lumbago, sore muscles* backache, stiff joints, neuralgia, the pains and aches resulting from expos ure. You'll sosn bad waratfh and re lief in Sloan's, the liniment that p*n*~ tratcM without rubbing. Clean, econom ical. Three sixei—3sc, 70c, $ 1.40 Women *4 Made Young Bright eysa, a clear aldn and a lull of youth and health may be i ytnirm if you will keep your system 1 In order by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL BSBBOT% Thswerldls standsrd remsdyfcrlddnsfw I liver, Madder aad uric add troubles, the snemtoe of We and looka In ass sins* IMS. AU druggists, three sisea Ueli far *• mm OaU Medal ea mmw. has aad mmnNMes A Good Memory. "Has he a good memory?* 11l say so. He can even lemem -1 ber his wife's birthday." ▲ torpid liv«r prevents prop** food as , limitation. Ton* up yoar liver wtk Wrlsht'a > Adv** riu * nu act seatqr. i > , s Bachelors are men wh» have illu i slons about women Sure Relief IsCjPSB S ! Sure Relief BU-kAMS _" ' ' Have You Tried Theat Ask Your Druggist or Dealer i I SELDOM SEE V A mil dean k off without ky O Wlstar, sShslr Sj'"' Mm 1W5m55» w. ii u, cHAm«rrc, NO. sMaae.