THE GLEANER ISSUES EVERY THUBBDAT. 7. D. KERNODLE, Editor. SI.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. n»e editor will not be retponaible for /laws expressed by correspondent*. Bate red at toe Poetoffloa at Graham. N. a, u second-olaas matter GRAHAM, N. 0., Dec. 16, 1920. Notice to Ex-Service Men? Under an act of the Legislature of North Carolina, Session 1919, world war medala are to be issued by the State to each person who served in the United States Army, Navy or Marine Corps between April 6tb, 1917, and November 11th, 1918, pro vided such person had resided in the State for not less than three months prior to entry into service or is a native born North Carolinian. Mem bers of the Regular Army, Navy or Marine or others who served therein, are entitled to a medal if they gave this State as their resi dence upon entering the service. The Burlington and Graham Red Cross Chapters have theee medals on hand for distribution to ex-ser vice men upon presentation of the proper credentials of service. A medal will be awarded yon if yon will call upon the Chairman of the Burlington or Qraham Chapter, whichever is the most convenient, and preeent your certificate of die charge or other credential papers This December 14th, 1920. N J. L. SCOTT, Chairman, Burlington Chapter. J. DOLPH LONO, Chairman, Graham Chapter. Ihe Mao of Many Mysteries. Apparently so utterly impossible are the many performances of Mr. Laurant of the Redpath Chautauqua and Lyceum entertainment course that he is known as "The man of many mysteries." He is assisted by Mr. Fred Larson snd Miss Grots Barns. Mr. Laurant is world-famous as an entertainer. There are no dull moments during his evenings ou the stage. If you are look'ng "for the mys terious and entertaining, go to Mont white Opera House Monday night, Dec. 20th, 8 o'clock. Card of Thanks- On Monday evening last our home was bereft of wife and mother, and the sympathy and every act of kind ness manifested by our good friends and neighbors through the trying ordeal are sincerely appreciated. We sincerely thank everyone. «IHAN'T ESTELOW AND CHILDREN. At Graham Baptist Church. Rev. R. P. Ellington, Pastor Sunday achool at 9:45; prescliiag at 11:00 o'clock—"Jesus Christ, His Sufficiency." B. Y. P. U. at 0:00 p. m.; preach ing at 7:00 p. m. You are cordially invited to each service. Personal Credit For Farmers. ' Washington, D. C, Dec. 10. One of the national problems de manding special attention at this time is that of short-time personal credit for farmers, in the opinion of the Secretary of Agriculture, expressed in his annual report to the President made public here today. "It la generally recognized," ho said, " that one of the problems demanding special attention at this time is that of short-time personal credit for farmers. In the case of a man who has paid for his farm, the supply of per sonal credit raises, as a rule, no serious question. In the case of the renter, however, aud of the , young farmer who in just start ing out as an owner, the question of short-tinif credit is a difficult one. In. such * cast s credit can and should be based, to a consid erable extent, on character and productiveabiliiy. To deny credit to the honest, ambitious, and en ergetic farmer tiecause he has little tangible security to offer is I to lessen the productivity of avail* I able capital and to discourage a man who, in the future, should j. be a land-owning farmer. While | the bankers are, iu many cases, showing a commendable interest, V the need is for a system which I; will enable the man without col li'' lateral to secure fuutls for pro duetive agricultural enterprises. ! Without doubt this important ; problem should receive careful i consideration, and every feasible ■ effort Should be ' made to aid the farmer in obtaining the necess ary personal credit." The man w*lio says all men are - thieves reveals the identity of Mr. Henry W. Garrett Dead. ■ Following a atroke of paralysis, Mr. Henry W. Garrett, one of the oounty's oldest citizens, passed away Bonday, 12th inst., at his home near Rock Creek church, Patterson towpv ship. He was 80 years, 4 months and 9 days old at the date of hia death. The burial was at Little Mount Pleasant on Mondav. Deceased waa a veteran of the Civil War, having served more than three years. ** Mr. Garrett leaves surviving him three sons and two daughters—Mr. W. Wi Garrett of Graham, Graham and John Garrett and Mrs. Wm, L. Murray and Mrs. Luther'Moaor, all of whom, save the first named, live in the vicinity of the old home. He ia also survived by one brother and two ' sistelp—Geo. W. Garrett and Mrs. James Sharpe aud Mrs Alfred j Spoon. i Card of Thanks. \ We wish to thank our many: friends and neighbor* for the kind- I ness shown us during the illness and death of our'mother. Q. J. MARTIN AND BROTHERS. Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone /costs only a few cents. Doesn't hurt a bit ! Drop a litre Freezone on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then you lift it right out. Yes, magic I A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents at any drug Store, but is suffi cient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, add the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Freezone is the sensational discovery of a Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful. WHOLE SYSTEM JjUN-DOWN Qikk lipmnant Is Hotel After A F«« Dous if ZIRON Irw Ink. Increase In appetite, the coming back of strength, d isappearance of headaches and other ills, arra few of the many good results obtained from the use of a new remedy (Zlron Iron Tonic).*- Mr. Sim Orimsley, of Cordele, Gs., tried Ziron and has (his to say: "When 1 began to take Ziron, it seemed that my whole system was run-down, but soon after I began to take Ziron, I could eat more each day and Would feel a great deal better. Ever since It seemi that my health has been Improving, as I seldom have the headache or feel bad the least bit." Ziron is a new scientific combination of pure medicinal Inorganic iron, com bined with phosphorus, the active prin ciple of nux vomica and the hypophos phites of lime and soda. It will help to add more red corpuscles to your blood resulting In more color in your cheeks more vitality In your system. Try Zlron today; on the money-bad guarantee. * ZN II \bur Blood Needs I [ZIRON 24 EMS ~"" r FROM 28 HENS Mtaaiasippi Woman Had No Em for Four Months. Hens Now Laying Regularly* "I wish to praise Dr. LeGeer's Poultry Prescription to Poultry Raisers. 1 have 28 hens and had no eggs from them for over 4 v months, After I fed them one and one-half packages of your pre- j scription I gathered over 2 dozen eggs from them. This !s a positive fact, and I advise all poultry raisers to use Dr. LeGear's Poultry Pre scription, if they wiah their hens to lay.*—Miss Car Una Freeman, Har rieton. Miss. advice and a few pennies wisely spent have made lay era ont of loafers. You can obtain the same results. Get a package of Dr. LeGsar's Poultry Prescription from your dealer. Use it as directed. It Is a tonic which builds up the strength and vitality of hens, with out overstimulating or injuring the » producing organs. If results are entirely satisfactory, return the smpty carton and receive a refund D - uo « Break »«r Cold or UCrlppe with e v doses uJ 666 | Track For Hire. Let us do your hauling of every kind, moving, etc. Have a new truck. Terms reasonable. Bradsiiaw & Fuller, Phone 65(i. Graham, N. C. |>, Mr. Harding may again change hia practical mindj says the Brook lyn Eagle sarcastically The fa cility with which it can be changed 1* thie most practical thing about it, Pav your dog tax and save fine. See Sherff Story. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children In Usa For Over 30 Years ' • 'Cumberland Man Was Unable to Walk on Account of Rhematism I Bradley S. Deter Tells Of Wonderful Results He Obtained by Taking The Reese Formula R-11 -Says Rheumatism Has Left Him. « . Bradley S. Deter, of Cumber land, Md., suffered from rheuma tism which was so bad nt times that li« could not walk/*Mr. Deter heard of the many wonderful re sul** obtained by using The Reese formula R-ll and at last pur chased a bottle. As to th» results Mr. Deter makes the following statement: •'I suffered for > ears with rheu matism and tried eyerything J ever heard of without any of them doing me a bit of g"od, until I be gan taking The Reese Formula j What family wouldn't enjoy a chicken and waffle dinner for that Sunday meal ? A tender chicken - just salted a bit and cooked tion—with golden creamy waffles and marmalade of oranges from sunny Spain, what would be a more delight ful meal ? You can find just ihe size chicken needed for your family, together with everything else needed for tnatmeal, in our fresh stock. Order your Sunday needs today. W.HOLT, GRAHAM, N. C. Pay Cash - - - Cash Pays. Pay Your Tows Tup! All Town Taxes Now Due! All persons owing taxes for 1919 must pay at once or the property will s be advertised and sold for taxes. The town must pay its bills and in order to do this the taxes must be collected, so please settle at once. Also all persons "owning street and side walk assessments must pay at once, or ac tion will be taken to collect the amount due. This is fair notice to all. B, R, TROLINGER, j Town Tax Collector. I - > *• • * ,-1 ' jut TK" _ „ AJICJS QLaAWUiy QUA HAM, If. O. TOWN TAX liß -The »ax books are in my hand*. Prompt ' payment reqnested. B. It. TKOLINOEB, Tax Collector. "United State* prohibition at* tracts the world." Mays Sir Auek > land Geddes. And Culm's lack of ■ it attracts H number of United ' Statesers. I TOWN TAXES.—The tax books for 1920 are in my hands. Prompt payment requested. B. R. TBOLINOKB, oct'2l tf Tax Collector. • Girl students at Ohio Stats Uni versity say they do not require wealthy husbands ouly good pro viders. But how can tb«*y be good providers unless wealthy? There is no place like hom for home brew. R-11. I havo taken only one bot tle but I am feeling fine, my rhematiam ha" gone. When you consider the faH that I suffered from rheumatism so bad I could not walk you may begin to real ize what a wonderful remedy it is. I am buying my second boitle to day. I want to recommend The Reese Formula R-11, for its work in my case baa proven its merit." If you suffer from stomach, liver or kidney disorders such as rheumatism, indigestion, nervous ness, f-leeplessness, backache, and etc., get a» bottle of The Reese Formula R-ll today at Graham Drug Co. It will provd as much a god-send to you as it h»s lo jolliers. ■ "« » ~ : : - T iiwrr*' iTiiitir-i- r'n u "J ■ ■ •>, - ; „ 5 #"• , ' '■ ,? " '.-Ma -! ■ ;« j]i;> m . ' f '* vT -TP iThe Facts of the Telephone ' I' Situation in North Carolina F] V j / :; •"** By J. tppe PmW«nt •' 1 | 'T* ' 80UTHERN BELL TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH COMPANY I ———— i ! 7L 1 The Solution of the Problem i . To furnish the telephone servloe which Una la which the people of North "! will be needed In the state at North Carolina will not Invest their money! r during 1121. additional facilities moat bo The faoUittee no-*- ased by yon were paid 'T. conatraetod. , tor by money fnmlshed by stranger*. The/ To build these facilities will coat $1,048,- knew what they are earning In North Garo- , V J lit. 00. Una while serving yon J oat aa yon know. , The Company haa no money with which to Can you ask or expect them to construct these facilities. . T . mors money tor your use in North All new construction mat be paid tor out present conditioner / . of-the capital account of the Company; all of If the people of North Carolina will not \ the Company's present capital la 'invested supply the money needed to serve them in.the Company's baalnaas. selves they mu*t induce strangers to furnish This money can be had In only one way; 1 ! It mast be Invested in the Company's bu&i- Tbla can bo done fjy allowing the atranger - ness. to earn a fair and Just profit upon his money , v This money can be had from only one "®T Carolina, B8nrl *« J 00 * t - • source; from the lnveatlng public, people aU additional money required to | who have surplus money to invest ■ Part of the investing public of this coun- tngftdr^d££, ° D * W>7; hTjmj ' "n"" '°, N C - - These faculties are needed to serve the to charge a rate which will yield a fair and - people of North Carolina. ( Just profit over and above the cost of tor- Will the lnveatlng publle of North Care- slshlng you service in the state of North Una furnish this moneyf Carolina, It can secure from strangers Uv- Every dollar the public ot North Carolina " tog in othOr states the money needed to fur will invest In the Company will be used to n«_ , ?_e the state of North Carolina. £ construct plant facilities In the state of ~ Omnpouy must have this right before North Carolina for the use of the people et ** °J* money. North The people of North Carolina must act CaroMaa wllf"not*! nuq , h * Te telephone service you must either inthe Company's buaiwaj toT&>mSS own »»•* Company's , . must get the money needed ™ serve >ou I*™* **• Company to earn r",* Er , i " uch * p* o "* «Pon Its present and future in- SZ P iB ,Ute#: rertment aa will induce Grangers to invest' from strangers. their money la the state of North Carolina. Can you expect strangers to invest their their money In the state of North Carolina money In a business located In North Caro- to serve you. \ . C— ' • . The next advertisement will toll what profit the Company asks to sank , MO - • i t ' * • , . I ■ Annual Statement, 1920. In accordance with lh« requirements of Bectlon 1326 of Revival of 1916, of- North Carolina, I, B. M. Rogers, Register of Deeds and ex-offlcio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of Alamance Couuty, North Carolina, do hereby certify that the following state ment is true and correct, to-wit: Ist. The number of days each member of the Board met with the Board. 2nd. The number of days each member served on a committee. 3rd. The number of miles traveled by each member respectively. C. P. ALBRIGHT. To 19 days as commissioner $76.00 To 1 day as committee 4.00 $ 80.00 W. O. WARREN. To 17 days as commissioner. $68.00 To 3 days as committee 12.00 To 320 miles traveled..... 16.00 $ 96.00 E. L. GRAVES. To 16 days as commissioner $64.00 To ~3 days as committee 12.00 To 8| miles traveled 4.20 $ 80.20 W. P. LAWRENCE. To 18 days as commissioner $72.00 To 1 day as committee.. 4.00 To 266 miles traveled 13.30 $ 89.30 JOHN M. COBLE. : To 17 days as commissioner $68.00 To 1 day as committee 4.00 To 540 miles traveled 27.00 $ 99.00 Grand total $444.60 In the above is given 19 days as the total number of days that the Board of' County Commissioners of Alamance county, North Carolina, was iu session from December Ist, 1919, to November 30th, 1920. Witness my band at office in Graham, Nov. 30,1920. B. M. ROGERS, Register of Deeds and ex-office Clerk to the i Board of County Commissioners. Fords for Sale. 1 new Ford with starter. 1 new Ford without starter. 11917 model—price right Apply to Samet Furniture Co.,' Phone 626 Burlington, N.C. TOWN TAXES —The tax books for 1920 are in my bauds. Prompt payment vequesied. U. R. TRUUMOER, Tax Collector. See Sheriff Story and settle your taxes this month. Alter .January Ist one per cent pet month penalty will be added. NOTICE! Pursuant to law for the sale of vehicles seized in the transportation of liquor I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Graham, on Monday, De cember 13,1920, at 12 o'clock > noon, one 5-passenger Co ; lumbia Automobile and one top_buggy. This Nov. 25, 1920. C. fa. STORY-* Sheriff. Cox's hindsight justifies Me-| Adoo's foresight. jl Notice of Sale. '' jt Pursuant to an order uia£e this day Special Proceeding, en titled J. W. Catee et al., vs E. J. Cates et al., the undersigned Com missioner will, on SATURDAY, DEC. 18,1920, at Oqe (1) o'clock, P. M., at the Court House door in Graham, N. C., sell to the highest bidder, upon the terms hereinafter men tion. two valuable tracts of land in "Haw River Township, Ala mance County, and more particu larly defined and described ab follows: FirsKTract: The Wm. T. Trol linger land, immediately on Haw River and on the east side of said river, adjoining the lands of W. H. Trollinger, Pleas Dixon, Jim May, John Baker and others and containing thirty eight acres. This is the tract bought by the late James M. Cates and for a more complete description refer ence is made to the deed made to said Cates by Capt. £. S. Parker, Commissioner, and recorded in Book 39, page 581. Second Tract: Adjoining the lands of J. M. May, Jno. M. Bak er and others, containing five and four-tenth acres. This being the tract of land bonght by the late James M. Cates from Jno. M. Baker and for a more complete description reference is hereby made to Deed Book 68 page 11. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one-third in four months and the remaining one-third in eight months, the deferred payments to bear interest from the date of con firmation and title is reserved un til all of the purchase money and interest are paid. The purchaser will have the privilege to pay all cash after confirmation. This November 12, 1920. J..ELMER LONG, Commissioner. « BBB ™ BBB S§ No Snbstttateg a Thedford's § BLACK-DRAUGHT B Purely B Vegetable 0 Liver Medicine ° 88— MM as 1 '' Pay your dog tax and save fine. See Sheriff Story.

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