THE GLEANER GRAHAM, y. Q., Pea 16,1920. PostofUce Honrs. Oflloopen 7.00 a. in. (oT.OOp. m. Bnuday 8.00 toll.OO*. R. V. OOOK. PoitDUtM. %'(. LOCAL NBWB. t ♦ ♦ —The days are nearing the short est again. --It's now less than ten days till Christmas. - ■ —The County Commissioners will meet in adjourned session next Mon day, 20th. —Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I. Ward, Dec. 15th, 1820, a son. Con gratulations. —Mr. Walter E. Story has re signed the* position of manager of the Gaaham Real Estate Co*.to take a position .in the office of his father, Sheriff Chas. D. Story. —Mr. and Mrs. J. Dolph Long mov ed into their newly remodled home on N. Main St. last Friday. It is thoroughly modern in every way and equipped throughout with up-to date convenience. e—Bed Cross Christmas Seals are still on .sale here. Use them for -making up your Christinas seals. They are attractive and the funds for them will be used in the fight against tuberculosis. J. W. Apple made The Gleaner a pleasant call Tuesday. Up to a few months ago.he lived in Orange, out from Eflxnd, forseveral years on his farm. He is at Mebane now, afcd his son John is in charge of the farm*. —Clerk of the Superior Court D. J. Walker has just received the pen sion warrants for the Confederate veteran 8 and widows. He will not send them out for a day or two, as many of them prefer to come to the Clerk's office for them. —Mrs. Ada Folger, who moved here from Dobson the latter part of last summer, is leaving today for her old home at Dobson. The .family consists, besides herself, of Sam Folger, a cousin, and her son Hugh, daughter Miss Annie Folger and Miss Sallie Mackey. Mi s Folger is. masic instructor at the Graded School and will continue to teach here. A Reminder- f v ■ Manj of the subscribers to The Gleaner are in arrears. Everything that goes to make ujp a newspaper is costly. While prices for everything were climbing toward the staip, the price of The Gleaner remained un changed—a dollar a year. The Gleaner has to pay its billa just like others do, so let us remind you to hand or send us your dollar at the earliest convenience. Social. On Wednesday afternoon Miss Mamie Parker entertained the Bur lington-Graham Book Club. Those taking part in the interesting pro- Sun were Mesdames Roger Gant, wrence S. Holt, Jr., and Augustus Bradley of Burlington and Lynn B. Williamson, Will. E. White and Frank Moore of Graham. The hostess served delightful refresh ments in two courses. Train Wrecked. An East-bound through freight was wrecked Wednesday afternoon between 2 and 3 o'clock some three or four hundred yards east of the station at Gibsonville. Some 15 cars left the track. A negro hobo and two pals, it is learned, out the automatic break hose, which caused the wreck. One was caught and told the story, but the others hav# not been heard from. • ■ ■ Still and BOOM Tiken- A few day* ago officers captured 8 gallons of whiskey in a lime barrel near the new home of Mr. Walter Euliss on S. Main St. No one claims it of course. Deputy H J. StockarJ and others captured a new still and about ten gallons of whiskey between Little Alamance and Bellemont last Satur day. A colored man named Burton Clapp was at the still and taken into custody. Boy's Leg Broken. Bruce, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben B. Holt, aged about twelve years, while playing basket ball at the Graded School Tuesday Dooming before the opening of school, had the misfortune to get one of hi* legs broken. The ankle was also severely sprained. The fracture is just above the ankle. Hj was carried to the hospital where the fracture was set. He is doing very well under the circumstances. * r ' '- "T - -J-'i*' '■'» ♦ ♦ ♦ PERSONAL. + ♦ _ + '■ . Maj. J. J. Henderson was in Ashe boro yesterday on legal business. i * Mr. William Scott, 1n school at the University, spent the week-end at home. Mrs. M. F. Winters of Wilming - ton is spending today with Miss Mamie Parker.^ Mesdames E. S. Parker, Jr., and- Will E. White an shopping in Greensboro today. «• Mr. A. Lacy Holt spent Sunday and -Monday in HiokO»y with his 1 daughter, Mrs. Roy Long. Mrs. Lon Sykea and daughter of Mebane spent the week-end here at the home of her brother, Mr. R. L. . Holmes. r Mrs. H. L. Ferguson and children, Mary Elizabeth and H. L, Jr., of ■ Durham spent the week-end with Mrs. W- T. Ezell. Dr. and Mrs! George Aittnon- of Stonewall arrived here yesterday evening on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. J* Dolph Long. . Mrs. Don. F. Noyes of Bridge water arrived here Friday. She is the guest of her sister, MrsX/has. A. Thompson, and will spend several weeks here. Misses Lena Kernodle, Clyde Wright and Hortense Moseley, stu dents at ft. 0. College for Women, Greensboro* and Mr. MoDoffie fwere the guests of Miss Loreua Kernodle Tuesday evening. \ An Approaching Marriage of Interest The following announcement, taken from an Asheville paper, isoori r interest to Graham people. Tho prospective groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H> L. Jones of this place, and the bride-elect was reared near Mebane, this county: Of great interest to a wide circle of friends here |b the announcement of the approaching marriage of Misk Capitola Craig of this city to Mr. James Newton Jones, formerly of Salisbury, but -now residing in Ashe ville. The ceremony will take place on Friday, December 24, at 3 o'clock at the first Baptist church and Rev. Dr. W. F. Powell, pastor of the church, will officiate. The matron of honor will be Mip. F. H. Snipeo' of Knoxville formerly Miss Janet Jackson, of this city. Mr. Jones will have as his best man, Captaiu R. E. Lewis and the ushers will br Mr. E. C. Green, Mr. Chester Brown, Mr. Wallace Wright and Mr. John Parker. Miss Craig is the daughter of Mrs. Craig, of Mebane. For the past two years she has been the church assist ant ol the First Baptist church of this city, a most important and re sponsible position which she has ex ecuted with great ability. She comes from the prominent North Carolina family of Craigsandisa young women of rare business bbility. Pupils' Recital. Mi«s Folger's music class will give a recital Saturday night, 18th inst., at the Opera House. An inter esting program has been prepared for the evening. DEATHS. George Purcell died at Haw River on 4th inst., aged about 21 years. He was a son of Mr. A. Q. Pnrcell, who, with two brothers and one sister, survive him. He was a most estimable young man. The funeral was conducted from the Christian church by his pastor, Dr. P. H. Fleming. Coley, aged about 9£ years, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wood of Al bright township, died Sunday and was buried at Mt. Hermon Mondav. ___— j, -- THESE DAYS) physicians seldom advise the use of tonics that are largely alcoholic; more often it is SCOTT'S EMULSION Every physician iwy knows it is the ; tiTT essence of purity | and goodness I | I and that it does not I ! {contain alcohol. | Mrs. Estdow Dead. Mrs. Grant Estelow died at her home here about 6 o'clock Monday evening, aged about 53 The | funeral was conducted from -the Presbyterian church, of which she was a member, at 10 o'clock Wed nesday morning by her pastor, Rev. E. N. Caldwell. The interment was iin LinwoOd oemetery. She Had not | been in good health for some months, and about eight wSeka a«0 »be went to Philadelphia for treatment. Her condition did not improve Eatelow went after her and brought her home la?t Saturday. Her young eet daughter, Lenora, had been with > her all the while. * Mrr s -Estelow, before marriage, whs Mite Ella Scbenck She anj Iter . husband would Have HiArliwJ 35 years on 25th int>t Ih ir feuiw was at May's Landing, N J. They came to Ghibam their borne nearly 22 years agu. Mrs E*tel»w was a most gentle and amiable wo man and held in the highest esteem bv everyone. She j* survived by her husband, two sons— John W. ui : School field, Va., and filmier ol Wash ington, D. C., and two daughters— Mary and Lenora; also five brother* and four sisters whose homes are4n New Jersey sod Pennsylvania. Pav yMir dog tax and save fine. Sfe Sheriff Story. Re-Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a mortgage deed executed to the undersigned by Walter Fuller on the 29th day of-July, 1920, and duly record ed in the office qf Registef; of Deeds fpr Alamance,county in , Book Ne>. 82 of M. D,, 251, to sectire the payment of a certain bond, conveyed real es tate, and whereas default has been *nade in the payment of said bond and interest, I will sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door of Alamance coun-i ty, on FRIDAY, DEC. 31, 1920, at 10 o'clock, a. m., a certain trftct of land in Mqrton's town ship, Alamance connty, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of John Freel Sutton, G. D. Dap iely, H. R. Ireland and bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock qn the A. F. Isley corner; thence N 15$ deg E 25 chs and Yl Iks to a rock on Dantely's corner; thence N 80 deg W 2.66 chs to a rock; thence N 9 deg Bi 4 chs to a rock, Sut ton'3 corner; thence 8 208 chs to a rock; thence N 86$ deg W 4.78 chs; thence N 10 chs to a rock,Sutton's and Fuller's corner on side of road; thence N 86 deg W 21.07 chs to a solid rock, 34 deg S E of B. O. Kernodle's and Ross' corner; thence S 4.5 deg W 23.13 chs to a dead red oak corner; thence S 87} deg E 13.35 chs to a stone in Fuller's line; thence N 13} deg EJ4.17 chs to a rock. Fuller's corner; thence S 87 1-4 deg E 2.10 ehs to a rock on west side of road; thence S 46 2-3 deg E 10.40 chs to red oak on the east side of the road; thence S 3 deg W 20.17 chs to an iron bar, Fuller's corner; thence S 86} deg E 11.77 chs to the beginning, containing 84 acres, more qr less, but subject to a deduction of 19 acres already disposed of as shown by deeds of record. Bidding to begin at $2,574.00. This 14th day of Dec., 1920. JNO. R. HOFFMAN, -—Mortgagee. For Lastitng Christmas Presents Buy Gold { Watches and Jewelry I Z.T.HADLEI , Jeweler and Optician GRAHAM, N.C. 4 - j • • '■ I ;' u . .• THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. 0. T" V * - T-¥T I , ' - * A Few Suggestions -.For Christmas^. . Victrolas, ■ Kodaks, Whitman's Candy, , Toilet Sets, Manicure Rolls, Eversharp Pencils, Fountain Pens, ; . Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Cut Glass, Stationery, Odd Pieces of White Ivory, Djer-Kiss , .Toilet Sets, Cigars and Pipes * For the Smoker. .> * - i i \ a——■#== GRAHAM DRUG CO. "I ,/r ■ % r GRAHAM, N. C. Sale Under Deed of '• Trust ' i • ' i Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed the 29th day Qf December, 1919, by Herman Zxohery and wife, to the undemitiued Grahaui Loan A Trust Company, trustee, for the pnrpoae of securing certain bonds of even date therewith abd the interest thereon, which deed of trust is duly probated and record ed in the office of the Register of Deed* for Alamance county, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 84, at page 142, default haying been made in the payment of said bonds according to their tenor, the undersigned trustee will, on MONDAY, JAN. 3,1921, at 12 o'clock, .noon, at the court house door of Alamance county, at Qraham, N. C., offer for sale at auction to jhe highest bidder, for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land in Albright township, Ala mance county, described as fol lows, to-wit: Lot No. 2, containing 10 6 acres; lot No. 3, containing 16.5 acres; lot No: 4, containing 6.5 acres; lot No. 5, containing 13.5 acres; lot No. 6, containing2B acres; lot No. 7, containing 18.42 acres. Ea h one of the aforesaid lota being one lot or part of ihe Fount land at developed by the Graham Land Company, and surveyed and platted by Lewis ti. Holt, a plat of which is on record in the office of the Register of Deeda for Ala mance county, to which reference is hereby made. But from the foregoiug lots the following lands have bee ft con veyed, and the same is excepted from this mortgage deed : That certain tract conveyed lo F. A. Coble by parties of the first part by deed dated December 24, 1919, and described fs follows: Beginning at a blackgum tree and running thence N 4 deg W 8.53 chs to a stone; thei ve 8 85 deg W 31.95 chs to a willow oak; thence N., new line, ll.GOcli* to Bass line; thence with iiia line S 3} deg E 25 chs to a htone in the south side of road, Bans corner; thence N } deg E 5 elm to a stone; thence 8 85 2-3 deg E 4 chs to a P. O.; thence 853 deg E 5.33 chs to the beginning, and containing , 34.95 ncres, more or lens. This Nov. 23rd, 19*0. GRAHAM LOAN* Sc. TKUSf CO„ Truetee. »Vin I. Ward, At.'y. "DIAMOND DYE" OLD . GARMENTS LIKE NEW Awy woman out dye faded, ihtW weens# apparel, whether wool, silk, cm torn, linen or mixed goods to unr color, teat like sew, by following ■impu dire*. Uoistii wt perVtgt of "Diamond Dyes." Sale Under Deed ef ] Trust Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain mortgage deed executed the sth day of December. 1910, .by Thomas White and wife f to the undersigned, Ohas. P. Thomp- 1 son, Mortgagee, for the purpose of securing a certain bond of even date therewith and the in terest thereon, which mortgage deed is duly probated and re corded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance county, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 69, at page 209, default having been made in the payment of said bond acoording to its tenor,'the undersigned mortgagee will, on MONDAY, JAN, 10, 1921, at 12 o'clock, noon, .at the court house door of Alqpiance county at Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction too the highest bidder, for earth, two certain Eieces or tracts of land lying and eing in Alamance county, State aforesaid, in Thompson town ' ship, and defined and described as follows, to-wit: No. 1. Adjoining the lands of the said Thomas White, C. M. , Webster and others, and bound ed as follows: Beginning at a rock, corner with said White and Webster, running thence S 87i deg W 4 chs to a rock; thence N 43 deg W 88 lito to a rock; thence 8 57$ deg W 6.44 chs to a rock and iron bolt, corner with said Craddock; thence 8 29 8-4 deg E (B. 8.) 7.90 chs to a rotk iin said Foust's land; thence N 82} deg E 8.47 chs to an iron pipe in said Webster land, cor ner with said Foust; thence N 11.25 W. 8.95 chs to the begin ning, containing 8.88 acres, " more f>r less, this being the lot of land conveyed to the said Thomas White by 8. C. Crad dock and recorded in the Regis ter of Deeds' office for Alamance county, in Book 35 of Deeds on , page 131. No. 2. Beginning at the cor ner on the old Wilson tract, C. F. Webster line; thence with said Wilson line W 70 yards, containing one acre, more or less. It being the lot of land which was sold to Tom Hester by Joseph Freshwater, after wards taken back by the said Freshwater and conveyed to the said Thomas White by deed ex ecuted 9th day of November, 1898. This Dec. 3rd, 1920. CHAB. P. THOMPSON, Mortgagee. ~ Wm. T. Ward, Att'y. Santa Claus Has Hurrah for everybody ! The ejections are over—the returns are all in. Out of 100,000,900® votes in the United States Santa Claus made al clean sweep, burying both Harding and Cox under a regular land-slide. Santa Claus has - swept the whole civilized world, including the % League of Nations, the the seas, and Jerusalem. Undoubtedly this is the greatest victory for the little boy 6 and girls in the history of the world. It is a pleasure to announce that J now have in stock the greatest variety-of Toys, and the most beautiful and valuable presents ever offered iii Graham. The prices are as low and lower thap others. You will be pleased f you'll come and look them over lam look ing for you every day to come aifd pick your choice. • Sincerely yours for Merry X-mas A. B. NICHOLSON variety stoke - Southwest Cor. Court HonsoVfe,, GRAHAII, N.C. Buy the Finest of Men's and Boys' Clothes y* .«* ? i AT AN AVERAGE (jP-LESS THAN 1 • FACTORY COST * . ir^our^revisedOTicra Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcofttt now $16.50, $25.00, $30.00, $3%00 and $40.00. Boys' Suits and Overcoats now $6.00, $9.50, $12.50 and $15.00. Men's and Boys' Shoes from $4.00 to $15.00. now $3.00 to SB.OO. 25 per cent, discount on odd pants, sweaters, hose, underwear and dress shirts. Crawford & McMans ' r GRAHAM, N.C > # The Greensboro i . - Daily News . I i• ■ - I % . ">* -J? I -iiiiTifi-itfwirTiil*' • - * • y ► Is recognized as the StateV|best newspaper. It gives a news ser [ vice unexcelled, and its * page is always clean, broad and interesting. Independent in pol r itics, it presents news and views ' * • from every angle, t On its rapidly growing sub -1 scription lists are the names of the States most prominent and ® farward looking citizens. cannot afford to be without this newspaper. Forward your trial 1 subscription. ' • J. six mos. Daily and Sunday, $4.50 J Six wfthoutSunday, 3.50 i * . Greensboro Daily News '