HIE GLEANER ISSUED EVERY TUURSDA*. J. D. KERfvODLE, Editor. SI.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. i he editor will not be responsible for ✓lews eqpregsed by correspondents. Kntered ftt tne Postoftice at Graham, N. C., as second-el.is« matter. GRAHAM, N. C., April 7, i'J-'l. Disarmament Is something no nation wants a ttioitopolyon. Harding escaped seasickuess on, the Florida houseboat but that does notguarantee him immunity on ship of State. The school teachc wko married the janitor was probably dazzled h}' the thoughts of comparative luxury. 'l'he doctor who prescribes pe inaiiganate of potash instead of - whiskey for snake bites lias taken all the thrill out of snake liunt in if. i Well, one can't blame the Phil ippines for desiring iiidepend / ence. This country had it once. OLORELIABLE! There are tens of thousands who real ized the benefits of the growth-promot ing properties of SCOTT'S EMULSION I fin childhood, who now give it regularly to their children. You may depend upon Scott's EmnUion! Scott & Bowm, Bloomfiek), N. J. ■ ALSO MAKERS OF Kl-HOIDS (Tablets or Granules) Ij^INDIGESTIONj Receiver's Sale Under Deed In Trust. I'ndor ami by virtue of the power of mile contained in a certain deed of trust executed the l.st daV of October, lUI7, hy.Uruhnm Land Co. to the Urtihuiii Loan & Trust Co., Trustee, for the pur jputie of Recuring certain bonds of even imte therewith, and the interest there on, which deed of trust is duly probated mid recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Ahunnnce county, in Hook of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. ' 7s, at page SI, default having heeu made iii the payment of said bonds, according . »tu their tenor, and under and by virtue of the authority vested in ine, as He k reiver of the Uriiham Loan & Trust Co., in an order dated the 2Nth day if Janu ary, 11121, made by J. Loyd llorton, , Judge of Superior Court of North Caro lina, holding the.Courts of the Tenth Judicial district, the undersigned' He celver will on Monday, May I', 1921, at 12 o'clock, noon at the court house door of Ahinittiice county nt Graham. North Carolina, sell to the hichent bid der for cash the following defined and described tracts of land to wk first tract beginning at it i/ogwood being Leu Faucitt's corner, running North 23 chs 18 Iks to a Mulberry; thence Houth 7." deg. West 4(1 chs to a \ stoke; thence South 11 deg. West, 7 chs and 00 links to a Hickory; thence Knst 0 ch| •& SO Iks to a lti.u k oak; thence South SIS ilej;. E»st .12 chs & (ill Iks to the first station, containing (in acres more or less. ■Second tract be)»iuni|; at a Mulberry en great road running North 37 '-j deg West, 24 chs 72 Iks to a rock; thence North 77 deg. West 14 chs. and 75 lki> to a stake; thence Houth 11 deg. West St chs and 10 Iks to a stake: thence North 75 deg. Knst 40 chs to the first station, containing CO ncres more or j!»ss. r The above described prnpertv beinp the same land transferred to J. Hanks Mann, by J. F. Parks and Mora l*!»rks W. T. J-effrips and Annie F. Jeffries by d#cd dated the 25th dav of Mav Wilt. This April 4th, 1921. Wm. T. WARD Receiver of Graham Loan & trust Co PATENTS OBTAINED. If you have ai>-invention I lo patent pleasoseinl us a model or skett hi urilh a letter of brief explanation for pre J; ii unary examination anil advice, \,m t disclosure anil all business is strictly con tiilential. and will receive mir proiu'pt and jvrsonal utiention. D. SWIFT & CO., PATENT LAWYERS. JVABHINGTON, D, Q, Receiver's Sale Of Land. ■ ; I t'nder and by virtue of the power ot - jsalc contaiiifd iu a certain deeu oi trust I I executed the iStii day of May, llfu, I joy Jsaiah Robert Fuller, ljaywoou; 'Latham, lienry Thompson, and Johnj Ilialdwiu, Trustees of •'Methodist JipivJ ■•j copal fcioii Church", to the; Grahani l.oan ic Trust Co., Trustees, for the pur pose of see (ring certain bonds of «.«en ■ ciaty there wit f, and the interest tliereou, which deed of trust is duly probated and recorded in Hook of Mortgage r ami Ceils of Trust No. 05, at page l-i>, m fault having been made in the puyineui of said bonds, according to their tenor,! . anil under and by virtue of the iiu-j thority vested iu incf as Reveiver of the ('(.rahain Loan tc Trust Company in an' I oid-r dated the 28 day of January, 11121, | made by J. Loyd llorton, Judge of Wu I Iperior Court of North Carolina, holding 'J the Counts of the Tenth Judiclnt itre-, Jtrict, the iMiilersigneit Receiver will, tin J MONDAY, MAY 9, 1921 at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the court i house door of Alamance County, at Gra-j ham, North Carolina, sell for cash to the highest bidder the lands defined and described as follows, 10-wit: Lying and being in Graham Town ship of Nathaniel Long's lot, thence N'.j with said Lonjf line 40 ft. to a stahe oi l stone; thence Last SO ft. to a stake or I stone; thence South 40 ft. to said Long's! line to a stake or stone; thence with I . said Long's line 30 ft. to the beginning, i For more particular description see deed ! from Nathaniel Long and wife Amelia I- Long to Trustees'of African Methodist j l!| i.i-opal Ziori£hurch of Mnerica 1 jit.l.] the 17th of ended in office of Register of Deeds | for Alamance County, State of North Carolina. On above described lot there '■ a -hureh now standing. T1 i-i April 4th, 1921. Wm. I. WARD. T>~eivcr of Graham Loan & Trust Co. i\oike oi i j | 1. V. lii reus, under and I>y \ irUte m tlic j l> iivt 1 / .id aaitj 'coutuiiieii iii a cV-. tain : Mortgage' iJcjt'il ol Trust executed io i... I lusoiiiHcc ii. Heal Jihlaie Cifi |l j..., ( y, Irti tee, and fccordeu in tin- m 11«• * of tin* Register of Deeds tor Ala in., mi County in Look of -Mortgages lA'ciU of Trust No. S4, page i to, i... iRi. . .Vi.iitiauce Xnsuraaeo u rttiii K-.la'i Company, Trustee, tlid sell at pubii • | mil lion to . the highest binder ui tlii'l coiirtiioust! door iu said county at o'clock noon oil the 14th day of March, 1 i!C I, twt> certaiu tracts or parcels of I land hereinafter described utli#' having advertised "same as by. law provided, ] •mil whereas, a five per cent advauuo bid has been placed on the purchase J p.i c of Two Thousand, Light nundre l and Forty five Dollars ($2,H45.(Kij mfi ie j by the last and highest bidder: Now, therefore, pursuant to an order '' the court and iu accordance with J Chapter 110, Public Laws of 1915, and Chapter 121 Public Laws/of 1919, tin ] said Alamance lusurancjv's Heal Kstnte Co., Trustee, will re sell at public auc- k tion at the courthouse door, in the -aforesaid county, on , MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1021, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, two certain IractH or parcels of lafitl in Graham township, Ala mance county and Statu of North Carolina, described as follows: ' First tract: Near northern boun dary of town of Graham, bounded its follows: Beginning at h slake at a point in tb« Glen Alpine road or Mebane street extended, LSSIo f feet west of the intersection of j tin* north line of ijAid GJen Alpine ' road and tho center of the llig Falls ' road; rtiuniuK thence N lii tleg i 23'E 149 ft. to a thence .V r dt'K la' E 1258 feet to a stake in the center of Itig Falls road; ■ thence S ,'S deg lit' \V 451 It. to a stake iu the middle >t the liiy I Falls rotul; tliMBCe N N7 tb-g 21' \V 1390 ft. to the point of beginning, | and containing 13 acres, more or l(*w>. .Sucontl Tract: Ad joining the lands of Robt. L. Walker, ilrs Pomeroy, Millie E! Long and others, and bounded as follows: It being the northwest end of the Casper Long tract, the same be jug bounded as follows: On the oorlh by the lands of Robt. L. Walker, Mrs. Pomeroy and E. Freelantl; u.n the south by tin lands of Mrs. John W, Long; on the east the lands of E. Free laud, and on the west by the laiitlr S of Robt. L. Walker, the same con * taiuing by estiinatiou about 38 acres, inore or less. Bidding will begin at $2?*H7.25 i Ttiih lts day of Apr , 1921. Alanjiancelns. & Ro il Estate Co. Trustee \ W. S. Coulter, Att'y. „ ( jflDBBDBBBQQBB• m Acapt ag« No Substitutes 9 L tor \ Thedford's §, SLACK-DRAUGHT 9 Purely Q Vegetable g | S liver Medicine ° BB r.9 8888888888888 The Powei-s are prepared to fight to the death over disariua- , Hip»t. |i l Summons by Publication. NORTH CAROLINA, ' Alamance County. In the Superior Court. Estelle Douglas Graham vs. Fleming Graham. FT?ming Graham, the defendant above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been c iinmenced in the Superior Court of Alamance county, North Carolina, by I the. plaintiff, for the purpose of ob taining an obsolute divorce from the ,-aid Fleming Graham ; aud the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the rfficeof the Clerk of the Superior , C jnrt of Alamance county, at the iciurt house in Graham, North Caro lina, on or before Monday the 25th j day of April, 1921, and answer or demur,to' the complaint which has been filed in paid action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in said comp'aint. This 'he 2'!nddavof Maroh, 1921. • IX J. WALKER, q. S. C. t Packer & Long, \tt'vß. 24mch4t. C ASTORIA For Infants and Children in Use For Oyer 30 Years Signature cf Wlctf .fjC /Uc/U^ CHINESE viTf MmtrMT- ■ »■' win ■ waxm llmiil Ijiimiiiy Wish you would kindly give me trial, and if the work suits you tell others, if not tell us. Bring me your work- my prices are cheap—collars 2ic. Send your clothes of any kind. I try to please all. CHABFUNG GRAHAM, .... N. C. [ADM 1 N'LS'TRATOR'S NOTICE. Ituvlnjr quallfleil hb Ailralnlstrator of the estuteof 1 >r. J. .1, Itiirefoot, iteceaned. late . I Aliminnee county, N. C., thin Is to notlty all petsonH havliiK claims umilnst the estate oi iiultl ilrceaNed to exhibit them to the under •"ifiieit in or before the 10th dav of March, IW. Or this notice will be pleaded ill tuir ol their recovery. All perming In debted to said estate will please make niiitlute payment. Thts February W- l!«l. K. 1,. POI.MEH. Adm'r of Or J..). Haiefoot, dee'd. I'attoerdt l,onir, Att'y*. ilmchflt II BEE a MEBANE, N. C. Lumber and Building Materials. Luihber—llough and Finished, I ** Sash, Dooif and Mill work, Laths, Shingles, etc. Everything to build with. We" deliver whole loads to your work. Send us your rough plans and we will draw them to scale and niitke estimates free*. We have mi architect aud engiueer in our ollice to do that. OUR MOTTO: Service, , Qualify, , Satisfaction. Fords for Sale. 1 new Ford with starter. 1 new Ford without starter. 1 1917 model - price right. Apply to Samet Furniture Co., Phone 626 Burlingtob, N.C. ■ '..-X. - 3J£fZM- & ts THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. 0. NOTICE OF ELECTION j To be Held April. 26th On Question of Spending One Million Dollars for High ways in Alamance County. Be it resolved that, whereas, the General Assembly passed a bill entitled "An Act to Provide for the Construction and Main tenance of a System of Public High ways in Alamance County," which i» House Bill No. and Senate Bill No. of the Session of 1-021; - And, where«s, the said bill provides that an election shall be called by the Board of Com missioners of Alamance county between the 15th day of Febru ary and the Ist day of May of the year 1921. lor the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the voters of Alamance county are in favor of raising and expending the sum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000 00) for the purpose of constructing a system of roads throughout said Alamance coun ty, as provided in said bill; Now, therefore, pursuant to the said Acc it is ordered that the SJiid election be, and it is hereby called to be he d on Tues day, tin 20th day of April. 1921. For theppru r pose of h lding the said election, it is ordered that the Registrars and Poll holders who ser\ed in the last general election be, and they are hereby appointed, Registrars and Poll holders for the said »lection, and the seve al voting places for the said elect on shall be at such places as the last g neral elec tion was held, the said Regis trars, Poll-holders and places of voting for the said election being as follows: Places of voting throughout the county ar: t > be at the same place at which the last National election was held. Patterson township—R. J. Thompson, registrar; Dave Lash ley and June Hornaday, poll holders. Coble tp. —Jasper Albright, registrar; Green A. Nicholson and John A. Nicholson, poll holders. Boon Station tp.—J J. Lim- registrar; E, (. . Rumbley and D. W. Brown, poll-holders Morton tp.—T. J Gwynn. reg istrar; W. A. Paschal and M. B. Walker, poll-holders. Faucette tp. —Lawrence Huff man, registrar; L. A McCauley and R. C. Dickey, poll-holders. N. Graham tp —tdgar Long, registrar; Floyd Clapp and T. B. Core, poll-holders. S. Graham tp.— VR. Hender son, registrar; T. S. Cook and C- P. Harden, po'l-holders Albright tp —B H. Hargis, registrar; E. B. Holt and T. P. Nicholson, poll-holders. N. Newliu tp. —Geo. Stockard registrar; Roscoe McPherson and >J?oss Mcßane, poll-holders. S. Newlin tp.—J. G.'Clark, reg istrar; Walter Love and Walter Newlin, poll-holders. Thompson tp. —Satfapahaw, Geo. T. Morrow, registrar; il son Williamson and J. N. Thorn p son, poll-holders. Melville tp. —A. J. Thomp on, registrar; A. B. Fitch and Lon nie Crawford, poll-holders. Pleasant Grove tp, —J. E. Sel lais, registrar; S. E. Tate and W. E. Vincent, poll-holders. t Burlington tp.: N. B. Precinct —Lhloe Fowler, registrar; L'. C. Fonville and W. N. Alebane, poll holders. S. B Precinct—L. C. Allen, reg istrar; G. W. Bradshaw and Chas. Foster, poll-holders. E. B. Precjnct—Fletcher Mc- Pherson, registrar; Carl Stan ford and J. H. Hatden, poll holders. J W. B. Precinct—W. V. Cope laod, registrar; Manley Baker and R. G. Hornaday, poll hOlders. , Haw River tp.—Allie Thomp son, registrar; W. T. Brooks and S. C Spoon, poll-holders. That the registration of voters in the several voting precincts used in the last general election will be used for this election, and the several registrars will revise said registration books and will open said registration books for the registration of new voters as provided by law for general elections. That the Mid election will be ' held as provided iu said Act [ under which this election is called, and under the General Election Laws of the State of North Carolina, and upon hold: \ ing the said election the said registrars and poll-holders will . canvass and ascertain the votes cast ."For Good Roads" and "Against Good Roads," and re l>ort the result of the said elec ' tion to the Board of County [ Commissioners as provided in ' said Act. The said Registration 13ooks ; for the registration of new voters , will be open on the 2nd day of April, 1921, and will remain 1 open for the registration of new , voters until the 23rd day of April at sun-down, when said books will be closed. Upon motion of E. P. Dixon and duly seconded by J. H. Wil -1 kins, Commissioners voting as J. follows: E. P. Dixon, aye; J. ER Wilkins, aye; W. 3. Warren, aye; John T. Love, aye; and Chas. D. Johnston, aye. The above resolution was de clared duly passed and ordered published as notice of said eleo tion, and notice thereof ordered served upon the several regis trars and pi/11-holders as notice to them of their appointment. This March 7, 1921. B. M. ROGERS, * Clerk to B'd County Com'rs. NOTICE! Of New Registration and Elecliou. As provided by law there will be held in the Town of Graham an election on May 3rd, 1921, for Mayor ?yid Board of Commis sioners composed of five mem bers. A new registration of all voters in said Town has been ordered for the said election, and all per sons otherwise qualified to vote in said municipal election are hereby notified to register as provided by law for the said election. For the purpose of the said registration and election the Town of Graham has been di vided iuto two voting districts as follows: North and South Main Street constitutes the dividing line, beginning at a point in the line of the North corporate limits of the said Town in line with the center of the extension of the Street running in front of Sid ney Cotton Mills North of the Railroad track, and running thence from said point directly across the Railroad track and with the center of said Street, and thence with the center of North and South Main Street to the intersection*with the corpo rate limits on the South side of the said Town. The voting place for the East side of said I own of Graham shall be in the East room of the Court House usually occupied as an office by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the voting place for the West side of the said Town shall be in the room on the West side of the Court House where electioas have been heretofore held. The registrar and poll-hold ers/or the district East of Main 1 Street are as follows: + A. Lacy Holt, registrar, J. S. Cook and W. J. Nicks, poll-holders and judges; and the registrar and poll-holders for the district West of Main Street are as follows: J as. P. Smith, registrar, Willie Phillips and A. G. Ausley, poll holders and judges. The registration books will open for the registration of said voters on March 31st, 1921, at o'clock a. in., and will re main open for the registration of voters until Saturday, April 28rd, 1921, at 9:00 o'clock p. m. The books for the Eastern dis trict of said Town will be open at the store of Graham Grocer}' Company on iklain Street, and the books for the Western dis trict will be open at the Sheriff's Office. The said books will be open during the hours provided by law at the said places. Done by the order of the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Graham, this the 7th day of March, 1921. R. L. HOLMES, Mayor. P. A. HOLT, Town Clerk. TOWN TAXES. —The tax bcokg for 1920 are in my hands. Prompt payment requested. B, R, Tbcumw, Tm CeUector. TOWN TAXES.—The fex books for 1920 are in my hands. Prompt payment requested. B. R. TROLINGER, oct2ltf • Tax Collector. Wanted— Old Confederate States postage stamps and stamp collec tions. Greensboro Stamp Exchange, 7ap4t Greensboro, N. C. Mortgage Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain mortgage deed, executed by Joe Davis and wife, Ora Davis, Oct. 22, 1919, to doble- Bradshaw Company, mortga gee, which said mortgage deed is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ala mance county, in Book of Mort gage Deeds No. 80, at pages No. 98 to 101, default having been made in the payment of same, the undersigned mortgagee will offer at public sale, to the high est bidder, for cash," at the court house door in Graham, N. C., on MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1921, at 11 o'clock a. m., all the fol lowing real property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel, of jland in Burlington township, I Alamance county, State of North j Carolina, adjoining the lands of j Claud Cates on the north, Ma | linda Albright on the east, Meb jane Street,on the south, and | unknown alley on the west. Beginning at an iron stake 49 I feet south of Malinda Albright's corner; thence with Malinda Albright's line to an iron stake in Mebane street; thence with Mebane street deg W 107 ft to an iron bolt, corner with unnamed alley; tlienca with un known alley N 14 deg. W 56 ft to an iron stake, Claud Cates' corifer; thence east to the begin ning, this being a straight line. Terms of Sale : Cash. This 24th day of March, 1921.- COBLE-BRADSHAW CO., Mortgagee. GARAGE —AND— ,y:: / ••• Machine Shop™ '' ' 1 We are open, with expert mechanics, ready to serve the public on all makes of automobiles, trucks and gas and oil engines. Work Guaranteed at reasonable prices. We deal in second hand cars. See us for tires, gas, oils, supplies, etc. City Garage In Building Formerly Occupied By Graham Motor Car Company KIRKMAN BROS., Propr's E Elm St, - - Graham, N.C. Pay lour Tows Taxes! All Town Taxes Now Due! ' All persons owing taxes for 1919 must pay at once or the property will be advertised and sold for-taxes. The town must pay its bills and in order to do this the taxes must be collected, so please settle at once. Also all persons owning street and side walk assessments must pay at once, or ac tion will be taken to collect the amount due. > This is fair notice to all. B. R. TROUNGER, Town Tjuc Collector ' * ( **; ' Eggs For Setting. Barred Plymouth Rock eggs from pare bred slpck for setting. $2.50 for 15. T. R. HARDEN, JR., , lOfebtf Burlington, N. C., Route 7. Hoover takes the rational view of the European situation. Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer ' i tain mortgage deed executed by- James Walker and his wife, 'jCorado Walker, to Alamance 1 Insurance & Real Estate Com ' pany, on May 12th, 1917, for " the purpose of securing the pay ' ment of a certain bond of even date therewith, which mortgage is |uly probated and recorded in the* office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, 1 North Carolina, in Book of Mort -1 gages and Deeds of Trust No. ' til, at page 383, default having 'been made in the payment of * J1 said bond at maturity, the under -1 signed, Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Company, Mortga gee, will, on ' MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1921, jat 12 o'clock, noon, offer for sale at-public auction to the highest bidder, for cash,, at the court house of Alamance county, Graham,. North Carolina, a cer ■ j tain tract or parcel of land in the ccJunty of Alamance and 'State of NorthQarolina, in Boon ! Station township, adjoining the lands of Will Gant, William Cummings and others, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake, Will Gant's corner; thence S links to a stone; thenceN 88tieg W 1 chain f>3£ links to a stone, ; Will Gant's corner; thence E 1 chain (»3| links to the begin ning, containing 125-1000 of an acre, more or less. This March 23rd, 1921. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co., Mortgagee. E. S. W. DAMERON, Atty.