frame HI MAKES MBHL SHU Declares Tanlac Enabled Him to Eat Better, Sleep Better and Work Bet ter. Has Gained Thirty Pounds. **l consider Tanlac the grandest medicine in the Avorld, for I have actually gained 30 pounds in weight since I began taking it. It has just simply filled me with new life and' energy and for the first time in years I can sit down to the table and en joy three square meals, a day -like other people. In fact, Tanlac has' made me eat better, feel better, sleep better and work better,' and I guess that's all a man can expect of a medicine. "Before I took Tanlac, I was off 25 pouhds in weight and was so badly run down I was hardly able to do nly work. Nothing seemed to agree with me and my food invariably soured on my stomach. I would always have an uncomfortable bloated up feeling In my stomach, and although I tried many kinds of medicines, I never ,got relief until I took Tanlac. "I also suffered at times from Rheumatism, but this hus all disappeared. In fact, this wonder ful medicine has made a new man out •j of me in every way. I feel years ] younger and can do as much work as in any day of my life. "Of course, I am only too glad to give you my testimonial because I want other people who are suffering as I did to take this medicine and get relief." > Daring has value only, when it la * combined with judgment. Wright's Indian Vegetable FlUa contain nothing but vegetable Ingredients, which act gently as a tonic and purgative by stim ulation not by, Irritation.—Adv. Do you know hoto good a man feels when he pays his debts? Cfltarrh Can Be Cured Catarrh is a local disease greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, gives the patient strength by improving the general health and assists nature In doing Its work. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. *} A Sharp Speaker. Mrs. Sheridan, the beautiful young Anglo-American sculptor who recently went to Russia and made busts of Lenin, Trotzky and the other BoJshe vik leaders, succeeded particularly well with her bust of Trotzky. Mrs. Sheridan, who was Miss More ton-Frewen before her marriage, said at a dinner party: Trotzky, you know, is famous for his sharp speeches. When I exhibited his bust in Petrograd, a lady said to Lenin: "'What a likeness! You can see thj» quiver on his lips.' " 'Yes,' said Lenin, 'and the arrows coming out of it.'" Like Raspberry Jam. • Western Australia has a species of Acacia called raspberry jam wood be cause of its odor which Is powerful nnd almost overpowering when the wood is freshly cut, says the Ameri can Forestry Magazine. Prudes are females who are always looking for temptations to resist. WORK DAYS AND REST NIGHTS Can you do it now? If you cant, there's something wrong. Many find coffee a disturbing element, so wisely leave it off and use Postum Cereal postum is a pure 1 cereal drink con fljw&MW p taining nothing that p can possibly distuib 1 nerves or digestion. s&jjp | You'll find festum . y has a delightful fla vor that fatly satisfies. "There's a Reason "forPostum Made by Postum Cereal Co.Jnc. t Battle Creek, Mich. HARRY M. ALLEN Of Pittsburg, Pa. The above remarkable statement was made by Harry M. Allen, resid ing at 1009 Saint Martin Strefct, Pittsburg, Pa., a well' known em ployee of the Oliver Iron & Steel Company of that city. Mr. Allen Is a well known member of the United Presbyterian Church and is highly re spected by all who know him. Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere.—Adv. i No man is the worse for knowing the worst about himself. Important to Mothors Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Signature of In Use for Over 80 Tears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caetorla • Working and loafing are habits and it is difficult to quit either.- I Don't Forget Cuticura Talcum When adding to your" toilet requisites. An exquisitely scented face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume, ren dering other perfumes superfluous. You may rely on it because one of the Cuticura Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum). 25c each everywhere.—Adv. t British Homemaking. The British think that homemaking has become a lost art over there, par ticularly among the middle and lower classes, and they have suggested a variation of tjie old saw, "Men must work and women must weep," as a kind of battle cry. It Is to be, "Men must work and.women must sweep." The Sanitary Inspectors' associa tion, which seems to correspond to our district visiting organizations, are at work in earnest propaganda to In duce women to give up trying to work outside the home and to get to work again in the home. Still at It! "Mrs. Nagit caught Mr. Nagit us./ig her powder puff to brush the dust utt his boots last week." "Gracious! What did she say?" "I shouldn't use the past tense, re cause she hasn't finished yet."—Lon don Ideas. GIRLS SOLD IN MARRIAGE MARKET Traffic in Brides Revealed After Purchaser Had Been "Dou ble Crossed." Fresno, Cal.—Disclosure nf a girl market, where young Armenian wo men were sold to the highest bidder, after having been brought to the United States, has heen made in Fresno, Cal., by George W. Moore, United States commissioner. He ar rested seven of the girl victims- and Harrotian Selyian, alias Harry Sel vlan, charged "with bringing the girls here, through misleading statements, for the .purpose of selling them. The disclosures followed a lengthy inspection by the commissioner of the operation of the so-called "marriage market" and a recent trip to Apnenla He C»uld Buy Her for SBSO. oy Seivian, where, it Is alleged, he ob tained the women and brought them to this country as his relatives for the purpose of selling then to his countrymen. Prices for the girls ranged from SI,OOO to $4,000, the commissioner *ald. The marriage deal w»is discov ered When one of the m >n. who had agreed to purchase a girt, found that she had been sold to another for a higher price. The scheme was betrayed by an Ar menian who said he had visited the home of Selvlari, and admiring one of the girls, proposed marrirge. Seivian, the Armenian alleged, fold him he could buy her for $8">0. In a few days the Armenian paid ,SSOO on deposit. -After procuring a marriage license and new clothes fur the bride to-be, he returned with tiie balance of the money. But Seivian In the meantime had Raised the price of the girl. The Armenian refused to pay, and the girl was sold to another. MUTE TERRORIZES KENTUCKY Predictions of Calamity by Deaf and Dumb Woman Preacher Cause Panic. Lexington, Ky.—A deaf and dumb wouian preacher has thrown su|»er stlrious people about MadisonvUle, Ky., into a state of panic. She is a Holy Holler evangelist, and Is holding a revival at MadisonvUle which is a coal mining town in the western part of the stall*. She ha: predicted In sign language from her puiplt that a great calamity will befall the town soon, but lias liot specified the date. She can i(ot read or wilte, and hoi language Is interpret! d by one of her co-workers. The prophet Is Mrs. Jessie White, and she has been a preacher for several years. Scores have been converted by her sign lan guage pleas. She ban gained u great hold upon her congregation, and bun dreds attend every meeting at which she appears. Several people are reported to have left MadisonvUle and vicinity because of the prediction. The Holy Rollers recently predicted a calamity at Louisa, In eastern Ken tucky, but it has not materialized. Fair Patient Picked Pockets of Physicians "Oh, doctor, you're hurting me," That 7s what Mlsa Ilcssie Alma Iteta, who is known to the police of Chicago as the "tonsllltta girl." told a dozen Chicago physicians during the last few days as they lea net! over her to treat her throat. Then she would squirm and wave her hands around the doc tors as If in-extreme pain. After their rflent had left, the doctors'w&q Id find their Jackets picked and watches missing. Eight pocketbooks and Ave watches belonging to the doctors who had treated the "tonsllitla Iflrl" have been recovered from pawn shops by the police. Girl Thwarted Thief by Biting Hand. Minneapolis.—When a thief scooped np a handful of money from the cash ler'a cage In a movlng-plcture theater here. Cashier Ethel Phllo bit his hand. The thief yelled, dropped the money and fled. THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. 0. Is It the Business of Congress to Supervise the Social Centers? By MISS MARGARET WILSON, Community Worker I Speak in behalf of community center work. Community workers are impatient with Representa mKSskf gjwl tive Wood of Indiana for denouncing the centers as "hotbeds of socialism" and the use of school buildings for community dances as a waste of public money. Is it any of the business of. congress to supervise the activities or speech of those they represent? One vX •/ * . reason that was given in the senate for cutting our P\ v ... appropriation was that our centers in Washington had ' .* been breeding unresf.. I know of nothing that could xM'im uphold that statement, but even granting it, even if laws are broken in community centers, it is the business of the courts or of the Department of Justice to try the individuals who have broken the law. Another statement made in congress was tljat ithey did not wish to pay the expenses attendant upon our dancing in our school buildings. Again I ask, granting that we have a moral right to use the school build ings, is it any of their business what we do in them, whether we listen to Socialist speeches or whether we dance? It was even suggested the other day on the floor of the.-senate that we should not be. allowed to talk poli tics in' our centers. Isn't that amazing? Suppose, that we should initiate a nation-wide referendum to make new rules for senate discussions. What an outcry there would be. It would not be a lawful procedure, I know, and therefore impossible, but would it not be more logical and reasonable for us to make- rules limiting the discussions of those wliq are accountable to us than that they should make rules for our meetings? The community center is the people's machine. It works in th? open.' Charges Brought Against Americans by , Other Peoples Are Startling. By LINDSAY RUSSELL, New York Lawyer. The charges brought against the United States by other peoples are startling. We are charged with being international meddlers. They say that Uncle Sam is a veritable Don Quixote, tilting at every alien wind mill. '• The satirical say that the principle of self-determination, if applied to our own country, would disrupt the nation. What about the Filipinos, Negroes and Indians? Again, Europeans say that we want to foist our form of government upon the entire world; that we ignorantly set ourselves up as models of cosmic perfection. They say we are innocent, arrogant, naive and con ceited. We are charged with being militaristic. Tt is charged generally throughout the world that the United States is aggressive. We have taken Florida from Spain, the Pacific const and Texas from Mexico. We have annexed Hawaii and the Philippines. We. fomented a revolution in Pana ma for the purpose of taking the territory that we desired." \\ r e have as sumed an overlordship of SouthNAmerica through the Monroe Doctrine. We are charged with being capitalistic. Deals rather than ideals characterize the average American. We went to war for the benefit of humanity and came out with humanity's gold. We Are Controlled by Bureaucratic Officials in Private Business By FRANK N. BRIGGS, Denver Banker Our Pilgrim Fathers came to this land 300 years ago to get away from too much government, from a government that interfered with reli gion, education, private business, individual initiative and personal liberty. In recent years this country has moved farther ami farther away from the fundamental principles of freedom and liberty tJntil now we are the most rigidlv governed people on earth instead of the least governed. Private rights have small place in the United States of America in these modern days. We are supervised, interrogated, inspected, investi gated, controlled and directed by bureaucratic officials in every depart ment of private life and business. Largely because of the numerous bu reaus we are now burdened with such tuxes as would have appalled arty generation preceding this. It was bureaucratic, not autocratic oppression and corruption that mined Bussia, and today our own country is rapidly striding with no un certain steps into the same sort of bureaucratic machine government that Ifussia had before the revolution there. We must destroy those governmental bureaus, commissions and boards, root and branch, horn and hoof, with their destructive, inquisitorial in terference. ' Americanization Is Retarded by the Foreign-Language Newspapers By DR. PAUL SHOREY, University of Chicago * Foreign-language papers and foreign-language preaching only retard Americanization and promote clar.nishness. Except for a few gifted in dividuals, there is no such thing as bilingual culture. The heart, the un-' derstanding and the loyalty are truly at hothe in one language only. American schools have hitherto taught too much about American divisions and henceforth ought to emphasize the things that unite us. This does not mean that they should falsify history, still less that they should foster a temper of provincial pride and contempt for the foreigner. Americans who hope that the new America will remaiif "E pluribus unum" and carry over all that was best if) the old, should see to it that our schools make fuller and more critical jase of the noble American tradi tion of rational, sober, statesmanlike and lawyerlike discussion of grave political prcblems. And with it they should encourage the study of the selected bert in our pure, refined, intelligent, If not ropremely great, American classical literature. I . >7 Friends* ' IIORBKS COUGHING? USE Spohn's Distemper Compound /■? n» ft to break tt tip and iret them back Id condition. Twent .r-mtrmm ((/) 14 i >JP H~| yr arn* use haw made "SPOHN'S" IndUpenaabla In tre&tioff ~ \-A\* Coughs and Colds, Influenza and Distemper with their resttlOaff Zp/ complications, and all dl#eanes of the throat, nose and longa. Arte inarvelously an preventive; acts equally well aa «wa e*nta and $1.15 per bottle. At all drug store*. 81'OIIN MEDICAL COMPANY, GOSHEN, DDI Not Spring Fever TIFTNTERSM ITH'c But Malaria W #*HII I Tnui/W' CAUSES THAT LAZY II W>ILL 1 vNlv TIRED. FEELING. WARDS CFF MALARIA AND RESTORE* STRENGTH. TRY IT. ' If not soM by your dmnifat, Arthur Peter A Co,. Lotrisville, Ky. If the poor man huinot* always" get meat, the rich tnun cannot alwuyn (11- Ki*Ht If. —(illcs. * 4►" Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggiat* who are conatantly in direct touch with the public, there ia one preparation that haa been very luccesaiul in overcoming iheae condition*.» The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer'* Swamp-Root ia j *oon\ realized. It atand* the highest lor it* remarkable record of auccen. An examining phyiician -fof one. of ( the prominent Life Insurance Companies' in j an interview on the aubject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why so many applicant* for iniurance are re jected U because kidney trouble ia so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whoae applica tion* are declined do not even luspect that they have the disease. It i* on sale at all drug store* in bottles of two itze*, medium and large. However, if yon wish first to test this great preparation send ten cent* to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Bingbamton, N. Y., for a ■ample fcrttle. When writing be *ure and mention thi* paper.—Adv. A mun'x character resembles u fence —.von can't strengthen It by wring whitewash. According to the 1920 census, there are only 333,000 cookn In this country, not counting cooks by marriage. How can the United State* a*Klst Europe to stand oil Its feet while it ItmlstH upon standing on Its head? Mexico lias taken up daylight sav ing. One assumes that the daylight saved will be taken out of "mununa." « Quite often you find n fresh young stenographer who thiol's she's running the business. And quite often she Is. , u Mn/i, not woman, dictates women's fashions," says a society lender. That's why they're so much that way. And the Turk, who uns to be driven out of Kurope, Is now demanding that the giaours be drlvei • out of Asia Minor. The male popnlatiot, no doubt, is all agog over the report that the new style will reveal a bit tf the feminine ear. ,*'"rom the way rent profiteers con- ) tlnuf, to demand Indemnities one would think that the consumer:) had lost the. Good cost nothing, but j they an- hard to keep. * . * ' Oh How Glorious to Be Free From Rheumatism's Tortures! Just suppose you could be free in the poisoned, impoverished bloodL from your deepseatcd, agonizing When this is so, you need aa.m ternal remedy, one that will taka rheumatic aches and pains, your out the , m p Ur jties that are tortur stiff joints and unsightly swellings! i ng y OU) one like famous 8&S- Wouldn't you give anything to get which has relieved thousands of rid of them ? cases of rheumatism all over the You have doubtless country just this way. rubbed on outside treat- I'M|Kfifluffl Get S.SJ3. fro m your ments; most rheumatism jWfcMIBPI druggist today, and aftar sufferers have. Some of I I starting with it write a* these take the edge off I * history of your caaa* " J the terrible pains for a Iw> addressing Chief Medial Jy few hours, hut they do |Ji!XI!II|F,'TIILI'I Advisor, 877 Swift T sfc not strike at the cause, Li ilifMVnMllTl H oratory, Atlanta, Qasr- • =■-' which nearly always liec ■'■ i !■!!■■ ■«■ jria. , jjaft ... M VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric adl ' troubles are most dangerous cause of their insidious attacks Heed the first warning they givs that they need attention by taking GOLD MEDAL imiMW N The world's standard remedy for Staas disorders will often ward off these eaaes and strengthen the body again* further attacks Three sizes, all drnggiMk Look for the name Cold M««Ul m mq has tad accept bo imitation Renew your health by purifying your system with Quick and delightful re lief for biliousness, colds, constipat'on, headaches, and stomach, liver ana blood troubles. The genuine are sold only in 35c packages. Avoid imitations. i —: % We '«w. now shipping, by Insured prepeM Parcel Punt, draws from 7.590 hush elm cm*ft lled rorroslve sublimate treated Porto H Potutoea. 1.000 for 12 40. £.OOO for fILM. Bermuda Onion and Cubb****- plant* 1M tm II 00, 1.000 for 13.00 Leading varieties Te in&toea, and Egg I'Jmulm — lozua tm 30 :#-nTn. 100 for 7ft cents. Hut Is fart lon |iu>- Anteed Write or Wire HAVANA PLANT FAKMH. MIDWAY. Oa/laden Ca.. FUfRITVA. HKMMTITC lIING AND PICOTING AT TA(HMKXT. Works on any M»- ebln* ; f 2 50 BHf-threading Needles lie pfc*. ' Mutual Bales Co., Box 994, Chartotte. N. C AI.KNTH—Mn or women. s«*ll High Uruk Toilet Preparations,. K*tracts, Soaps. Pee fumes. Hellers. Repeaters. Rig cornralsalovß. Naomi h» in Co.. 3M37 Broadway, Chleacm. FRECKLES . A Iliislneeaof Yotir Own. Operale, sell PoMf j Oum. Peanut Machines. Information. VomS j Sal** CO. A-167 Jackso®. Phuonlxetile. Fn. W. N U . CHARLOTTE, NO. 1&-H2L

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