THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., Dec. 29, 1921 Postoflice Honrs. Offlo opbn 7.00 a. m. t07.00 p. m. Snuday 9.00 m and 4.00-to o.go p. m R. N. COOK, Postmaster. ,I'.. *+•+>+++♦•. LOCAL NEWS. + „ s + ;'i •!•++♦}-+4-4* —Graham had a quiet and orderly Christmas. —Graham Graded School will reopen Wednesday, January 4th. •; —Mr. Joseph S. Holt moved last week to the J. L. Scott home on E. Hafden St., lately purchased by him. —Monday was practically observ ed here as .Christmas. All places of business were closed for almost the entire day. ; —Mrs. Jas. C. McAdams under went an operation atßaiuey ll6spit aL the early part of the week. She is getting along very well, it is ltarned. "—At a meeting held at Oaks IS oufe-6f 19 preeant signed the con tract Join the big majority be fore January Ist. and be. proud thi(t-you; Toted for the biggest th&ir is iiii' the South. -—Rev. S. L. Beougher held his first" service of Graham Christian church last Sunday. He had a good congregation and preached a good sermon from the subject: "The birth of Jesuß, the fulfillmentof prophecy " —L. Bank a Holt Mfg. Co. remem bered all of its employees with a per cent bonus on wages covering the past twelve mpnths as a Christ mas present, and the members of employees' families with a nice lot •*of fruits and confectioneries. *-The Community Christmas tree vtes a financial success. It stood immediately north of the Confederate monument and was prettily decorat ed and lighted by many different colored electric lights. It was Sat urday evenin'g. The exercise was simple, only singing by the young people. The money gifts amounted to SGS, and a bale of clothing was given, which will be used to relieve the hungry and destitute of the near East. Marriage. , Mr.. Newman C. Cox of Elon Col lege and Mrs. Cordia Andrews were ''united in marriage Monday,, Dec. L'G, at the home of Rev. C. L. Spencer, N. main St. > M; P Church. Preaching every Sunday at 11 A. M.and 7 P. M., C. L. Spenrer, Pastor. ■" Sunday School 9:45, C. P. 'Holt, Supt. .j—_ r -... Xjhristian'Endeavor at G P. M. : Everybody invited; New Providence Christian Church ' Services Jan. 1, 1922, Sunday S'tfiool U:45 a, in. Preaching 1 LOO a. m. Subject of Serman: 4 'Xoah a Preacher of Righteousness". Evening services. C. E. meeting G:00 p. m. Preaching 7:00 p. in. Subject: "The Lost Christ" Don't fail to go to church next Sunday— all are welcome. S. L. Beougher, Pastor. At The Presbyterian Church Rev. Edward N, Caldwell will preach at the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. .The quarterly communion service will be held also, and new members received. At 5 o'clock the postponed white Christmas service will lie held. This hour will enable all to come and still get home by supper lime. There w»d be no evening service. The gifts asked are for the Glade. Valley School. Ernest .tones, former major ot the army air service, has a series of American aeronautical photo graphs, which cover the develop ment of aviation from 1S0:> to I'M i. The 18W photographs visual iz" the successive steps made by the Wright brothers, Curtiss, I'homas, Wittematm aiul other pioneers of this country. Renews Strength! (Where there is I need for a' build- I ,i:-up tonic dtor gl prostrating lilr.ecs, % 0 ISCOTT'S eil-LS!orl| E taker* regularly, usually j ;jj spells rc:icv*ed strength I d and vigcr. •j» Eeott C. liowse, ElsomHeU, fi. J.. * 0 ALSO MAKSHSOF » rhmiss 1 - (Tablets or Granules) B FOR INDIGEST2CU " +++++++++++++++++++++++J.++ * + + PERSONAL. * + + ;t + +++++++++++++++++++++.}. 4- 4 Misß Nannie Burke is visiting in High Point. Miss Nell Artnfield o£ Statesville is visiting Mrs.. M. E- Yount. * Capt. R. G. Foster left Saturday for Wilmington to spend Christ mas, , i ' Ray Harden, in school at A. & Iv. Cfillege, Raleigh is at home for the* holidays. » v " • Mr. V. W. Crawford «>i' J.ireens boro spent the holidays bere» with relatives. • Mr. and' Mrs. Joint Greensboro came down Saturday for Christmas. . , Misses Blanche ami Alma Clap.p, who teach in Spencj?r, me at. Jimue for tlje holidays. . . Mrs. Mary A. Martin of Mooros boro is hero visiting Mr. C. P. Albright. ■Mrs. B. J. Jesznak »f Gastoriia is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C- Mo*re-. Charles Thompson, left, yewterday for to spend a day or two with relatives. . Miss Lillian Tiirntfr of' Raltiiph spent Christmnn hero with her sis ter, Mrs. 11. W. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. "Dolpli. Moore of Greensboro >-pent the f'jst of the week here w th rolaii v , s> Miss Edn;- Bernhardt is spending the holidays Lu Winston-Sa'em and at her hom" at Liueolaton. Mr. Jet-sK .Fanning'! and Miss Dora Spencer of High Point are visiting M> as Mat tie Mae" Spencer. Mess. .Junius 11. Harden and J.J. Heuders>u went to Charlotte last night ami will return this afternoon. Mis.-j Carolyn Parker, in school at Fassiferu, llendersonvillef is spend ing trie holiday vacation at home here. Mr.. A. K. Hardee spent' Chris tmas at, his old home at Benson, call ed home on account of, the,illness of his mother. • Mr. and''Mrs. Sherrill Rathbun of Brooklyn, N. Y., are spending the holidays here with the latter's sister', Mrs. R. N. Cook. Mr. and Mrs.. Robt. E. > Harden and little daughter ofSGreensbord came Tuesday to spend a day or two here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. 0.. Fogleman left Saturday for Wilmington to spend the holidays with their daughter and family. Mr. and ivl-rs. J. D.' Kernodle Jr., and J. 10., 111, near Gibsonville, spent Ofaristra'as' here with Mr. and Mrs. .{. D. Kernodle. , Mr. M. L. King of The Gleaner force left on thw early Sunday morning train for •Danville to spend Christmas with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Moore and their four children of Washington arrived here Sunday and are leaving Iliis evening for their hom^. Rev. F. C. Lester,, who has been studying at. Vale University since early last Fall, spent a part of the holiday vacation among friendshere. Misses Mattie Long, Mary Phillips and Lila Hell, in school at N. C. College fur Women, (ireensboro, are spending the holidays at their homes here. Mr. arid Mrs. I). A. Hackney and two, children of Spencer and Miss Lola Ezelle of Charlotte are spend ing the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Ezelle. ..... Mr. It. Roberts and Miss Ada Itobeiis of Weaverville, who have been visiting at the homo of Rev., and Mrs C. L. Spencer, have re turn to their home. Mr. Willie'l'. Harder, who has bet-n living in New York for nearly tuo \*'.irs, returned a few days ago h-iil i- iH-w traveling with h n father, Mi .Inhri li. Harder. Mr and Mrs. Geo.» R, Ross and Masters George and William, who speiit Christmas with l)r. and Mrs. W. It. Goley, left Monday for their homHi at Jackon Springs, Willard (iolt:y r John l'hillip-t, Gar -111 11:1 IJMMUM >U, William Scott, Kllis Pickard, Boyd Harden and I.nvick 11. Kernodle are home from the University for the holidays. Moore, civil engineer no* »|ationed at Carthage, and Clifford C. Moore at Glade Hill, Va.,are here fur the holidays at the home of their pi rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Moore. Mr and Virs J. L Scott, Jr. Col. „md Mrs I>>KJ E. Scott and Mr. and Mrs John Scott Sunday after noon in Greensboro with the elder Mr. Scott's daughter, Mrs Chas. -W. Causey. Harvard « stirtilished iu 1636, - the Ihnt, in the United 3iate->. * RJ. VIRGINIA » ARZAI „ BURLEY Notables juRKJSH The three greatest cigarette tpbaccos. blending MILDNESS - MELLOWNESS-AROMA one-eleven cigarettes 20forl5 { y . *lll F AZT£. *Y*- • Mr. wild Mrs. John W* Estlowaud little datightei*of SchoolfiellT, Va., ar rived here last Saturday to spend Christmas with relatives. Mrs Est low is a daughter of Mr." and. Mrs. Jas. C. McAxlams. . . Rev. Geo. L. Cooper of Durham and Samuel A. Cooper, who has lived in Maryland for a year or more, but now in South Carolina, are spendsng the holidays here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V, L Cooper. Dr. and Mrs. A- C.. Jordan and son and daughter, Mr. A. C. Jordan, Jr., and Miss Fatte Jordan, of Dur ham, and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Perry ofSalisbury, the latter a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Jordan, spent Christ mas here with Prof, and Mrs. M. E. Yount, Mrs. Yount also being a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Jordan. John E. Hornbuckle Dead. After five or more years of declin ing health, during which he was a great sufferer, Mr. .John E. Hornbuckle passed away last Sun day morning about >3 o'clock at his home here. When in health he was a valuable mill, man and prior to his sickness was superintendent of a certain portion of the Oneida Mills. He wasabout 49 years of age. His widow, who was Misß Bailey of Con cord, .and. the. following daughters and sons survive him.. Mrs. Iv. M. Davis of Raleigh, Mrs. VV. T. Miller of Greensboro',Misses Minnie, Cornelia and' Lucile and .Johe /. and Reuben of Graham. The fun eral services were conducted form the home 'Monday morning by his pastor, G'. M. 'Daniel; of the M. E. Church, and the remains were car ried to Concord for interment. G. Faucette Moore Died Saturday 'Night. The death of Faucette Moore Sat urday night was a great shock to his family and friends and one of inexpressible sadness. . He conduct ed a grocery store on M. .Main St. and did not close .until quite late, lie went to the home of his father to spend the night, his young wife and baby„ son having gone to the ho'me of her parents in Gastqjiia to spend Christmas. Ho got to the pdrch and there he died about mid* night. lie was well thought of and*had a nice business. He was the yonugeet son. of Mr. and Mrs, ff. C. Monte. Besides his parents and wife and child he is survived by five half brothers, J. C'irry, Chas. Kj and Claud D. Moore of Graham, Dolph Moore of (ireens boro and Lacy Moore of Washing ton, and three sisters,'' Mrs. H S. Jeaznak of Gastonia anil Misses Louise and Margaret Moore oLGra hain. The funeral was conducted from his fathers residence Monday after noon by Iteve. _E. N. Caldwell and Dr. W. P. McCorkle, after which the interment was in Lin wood Cemetery; Insurance Agency Oapt. !L..JJL Fogter and Mr. Samuel Ausley have associated themselves together lot the pur poa»> of writing fire Insurance. They •have already secured the agency f.»c several good and reliable companies I'heir -efforts will lie chiefly diifcu*! to writing insurance on Graham property When you want insur ance, don't fail to call oa them ; or let them knoto anil tfiev will call on Binding the feet to retard thr ir growth hJiS lieen discontinued it* enlightened China. . . v . - ... »4 * -t •• * IMB ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. 0. Virietie* of Spiders' Web*. .The common hous* sprier spins i a web quite different from that of the garden spider: The house spiiter's , web consists Of a silken tube hidden In a dark corner, with on, Irregular sheet of closely woven (poshes spread before it. The tube is 'the spider's lurking hole and place of refuge; ihe outspread web Is Its snare. The wolf spider niakfs a tubular hole \Virh a hinged door for a.refuge and spreads* no snare. ' Still another species of spider constructs a far simpler tube of silk \ttthout any lid or door. Excellence in Art. * Excellence In-art is to be attained only by actire effort, and not by pas sive Impressions; by the munly over coming of difficulties, by patient, struggle against adverse circumstance, by the thrifty use of rhoderate oppor tunities. The great artists were not rucked and.dandled into eminence, b«t they attained to it by that course of labor and discipline which no man need go to Rome or Paris or London to enter-upon.—Milliard. Difference In Minds. To the Jivlug jtnd affirmative mind difficulties and u'toiatteUigihilitles are 8s dross, which successively rises r» the surface, and dims rhe splendor of ascertained and perceived truth, but n'htoh Js Cft'st sway, time after time, until t.h.e uiolteh silver remains tin-- sullied; but the liegatlvt? mitnl,-ls TOud, and, when ull'lts formations of dross are skimmed awaj t nothing reinnins.-r --poventry, P/itmore.,,.-.... \ Beginning of Manual Training. I'he earliest 'Official recognition of itutiiuul training was given in Finland, where Uno Cygnueus organized h.pjan for work ip primary schools. In 1858, and sucb. instnicHpn was made compulsorj for ceriain pupils In 18(58. *' Sweden so'on ai'ler ren>£ nleed tlie Importance of such train llig and ghve aa imperii to the move ment. . v. • ■ Get Moisture From Ice. In the Tananii valley, Alaska, though the rainfall Is very light*, crops draw tompleVmolSture fruin the meljt: ing of subterranean Ice for the first few years after the land Is first culti vated. Eventually the k-e recedes to such" a'depth that It no longer supplies the plants with writer. .Warm Secret. ■ . An Interesting suggestion for use in connection with soldering Iron or-steel Is to inake a swab from flexible elec tric ljght cord, which used in swab bing on to the wor ; k p solution made by dissolving a blt.of zinc in muriatic arid and' then "diluting with a little wafer. * Oil Can Grip. . A piece of sheet.nictiil bent rough ly in the shape of a buffalo's horps, with a hole jiun.chod in, tlm center so that "It wifl flt undrr the spout, which is then screwed li»'"place, iflakes an admirable linger grlj md enables the operator, to' slibot the oil more accur ately." • - Origin of Treadmill. ♦ The ' trpad'nMt .that . waif employed, for. many year* In Kritish' prisons foe purposes of discipline was. Invented In prison form by >Jlr William Cubit, of Ipswich, and the power produced was employed 10 grinding corn and flouf for food for the prisoners. Bad News for Highbrows. "Men with extra-large bends," says one of the doctor* "are likely to have brains that function poorly, owing to the excess water Inside -.the skull." Now let the man wfio wears a 7% hat cease to blustv when the clerk asks: "What size, please t" The X-Ray an'd Airplanes. The X-ruy Is used lu airplane con struction to detect defective materials, weak metal custlngsand workmanship, which would otherwise escape the eye of an Inspector and pos&flily he the cause of disaster and diiith'. Tools to Make Rifle., Nine hundred nwf ninety-seven cut ting tools alone are required In manu facturing ;i rifle. The twist drill Is one of the busiest of these. To sup ply 1,000,000 rifles 04,M0.000 ho lea must he' drilled. * * » i t . . Prohibition Enforcement. One of the.. ca*t»p It) Delhi,. Irylln,' has decreed that any member intlng ln t'intr liquor ,ii ( t,o he hedten fifty times with his shoes, his mustache Is .to he shaved off on one side and v Hril" of Ave cowries Is to he imposed. And There's the Trouble. The world needs-lwitb dreatflerS and' workers. The trouble Is the worker* often go to sleep and the dreamers • frequently have nightmare*-—Motion Transcript. Cottage for Canines. Kngllsh ad —Two .bulldogs wanf small furnished cottage, about 2i"> tnUe#' from London, for eight weeks' holiday, with roams for their small car and human attendants. Write Box 11, etc. Work and Worry. • Work Is the easiest work In. the world. "Worrying Is the hardest work In tlie world and the least necessary. —Atchison Globe. Arab* Like Hyena Stew. S"me Arabs are extremely* fond of byena atew, and tills despite the fact rtinr even a dog turns from hyena moat In disgust. .. Blrtfo Spare tha BuUarfliaa. Insect-eating birds as • nil* da Mt Mt butterflJaa. ij i SATISFACTION, RETURN THEM AND WE WILL MAKE IT RIGHT." .HUB ENOUGH BUYIN6 OUT Of TOWN HAS BEEN VEfiv UNSATI SFACTOfIY TO MC . . * • * . X A GUARANTEE THe watchword of the home haberdasher is reliability. The fact that he represents everything truthfully and treats everybody fair makes him reliable. He knows that quality i£ a guarantee of satisfaction. How much better satisfied the out-of-town buyer'would be if he would patronize the home dealer who keeps in style to please his patrons. . MORAL:—Satisfaction and home^buyinjJ"go hand in hand.. 10c Farrell Drug Co. 10c This Coupon has a cash value of . i. lOcts on any *sl.oo 10c purchase at our store " 10c Graham Hardware 'Co. Cook' and * Heating Stoves W. B. Quakenbush French Doors, Book Cases, and all Kinds of Panel Work to order, Upholstering a Specialty J. D. Albright & Co. - Dress fioods, Coats, Sweaters, Under wear, Shoes and small notions "CRACK & JOE." - Graham Tire Co. Dealers in Hood Tires tYII kinds of Vulcanizing Work, Guaranteed Rich & Thompson Furniture and Undertaking High Olafcs Furniture at d Agents for the famous Sellers Kitchen Cabittet and L'ggett & Matt Bed Springs Phone 357-J EAGLE "MIKADO" PENCIL No. 1741. For Sale at Your I Made in Five Grades | ASK FOP, T HZ YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND v " EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY - NEW YORK f| WVWjMAm 66 6 ! mialltlt-d a» Kxx-ut-l X of tt>* ... , . « »j ' is* j in>t *»-i.. i"i, K-ntiiineoi i>t j h. Mc RioiiET BACK vvl " break a Gold, Fever, and lil'.r: i'l! "i'.'' »^m n S»f//7 we knoW « preventing pneu- II »r t/flwrr til". lUfh dar of Iter., IKU* or tilt*' 'lll'.'.'f.iUH |A I / ttfiofii'l Til 1 OrifVCl If 1 (i l ot-h II t« in 1> r uf iliel. rr-c«v- ff , i f\L a TlKnlM, ail, X /uOViOI Cr> All (K-rafiii* li.d«-f»U*l U5 Mid will ! Hunt «_Salr« haamirvd W m i i«ut iMokt- inima'HalM thymine ' dredt of «uch 11 VV M . > , 'i i.i. >, . " itfil loit on per H»n»r _ ,m iih, uTiiA Executrix W** I .*" ** ' 151 nukM, cHjutwl ot biauj, 18 a ldecdi " * of J. lOl I'tf, raon, dt-c'd. TODAY. 'AW.fn *»> • (l. tMnif city POtltaiflWlg • 70,U00 ■■ j, v '/* nuiisiv-*, each of which floats on a SUBSCRIBE FOR lUf OLBA. GRAHAM DRUG COMPANY, bimbos raft. _ , _-- ' ' • , ... ' . * ' s . *-* V y '. J. D. Lee Dry Good 8 Millinery'- r . Ladies' Shoes Graham Drug Co. Safety First trade with us and Save Money Crawford & McAdams Gold Bond Clothes • Florsheim Shoes, Stetson Hat*, Gents' Furnishings Graham Grocery Co. For Nice Fresh Groceries jind prompt delivery, call on as or phone IS7 Moore's Grocery Best Fresh Family Groceries always in Folite - - Service I J. T. Black ' General Feed Store Ship*tuff, Grain, Hay and Groceries