- - - v - • j Est $8 Torpid m I Liver g S3 "Black-Draught it. la Wil £Ej mjoplnion, the best liver fDC nstfetae on the market," Nj MU states Mrs. R. H. White- lw 2g& side, of Keota.Okla. She ggS Clsj continues: "i had a pain blfl In my chest after eating— Pkd fC§3 tight, uncomfortable feel- Jgge rjbl Ing—and this was very faßi] Bw disagreeable »"d brought BB rpu on headache. I was con- fSQ* Qui 6lipated and knew It was |2f«i UK indigestion and inactive VMCr liver. I began the use of jftw ©l* Btack-Onuight, night and ©f* MJ& morning, and H sure Is t>£X MgJ splendid and certainly Thedford's BLACK- DtitWHT MJgl For over seventy years jM(Sg this purely vegetable ftSt MiO preparation bat been jSv] JNjg found beneficial by thou lr£ft sands of persons Suffer- jhujj ing from effects of a tor- VXk jjSQj pld, or slow-acting liver, JrSfSj |«|g Indigestion) biliousness, gge colic, coated tongue, QKI zfness, constipation, bit- jURj •Eg* ter taste, sleeplessness, jjEgf MjA iaclc of energy, pain in K| back, puffinesa under the BHVv eyes—any or all of these gjiS: symptoms often indicate iflx that there Is something rain the matter with your liver. You can't be too km* careful about the medi- HE! cine you lake. Be sure ÜB|! that the tiame, "Thed- eKS SiZ ford's Black-Draught," Is S/E oa the package. At all SJ2 Accept Only Bxs Rajfl the RajH It la said there are fami lies in Switzerland wbfch have cheexe dating from the first French Revo lution. There were about 9000 murder* in the United Stales in 1020. Re-Sale ol Land. Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court made in , a special proceeding therein pend ing, entitled "R. P. Braxton and others vs. Kate Braxton and others," whereto all the de visee J of the late J. W. Braxton and owners, and tenants in com mon of the real property here inafter described are duly con stituted parties, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale * to the highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Graham, on SATURDAY, DEC. 81, 1921, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, all of the following described real property, to-wit: - Two certain tracts or paroels of land in Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Wm. Hadley, J. W. Whitehead and others, and fully described by metes and bounds in the petition in said special proceeding. The first tract containing 88 acres and the second 43 acres, more or less. This property is known as the Dark Place. There has been sold off from tha44 acre tract a one-half acre lot to the Trustees of Center School.. Terms of Sale—The purchaser will be /required to pay one third of his bid in cash on date of sale and the othdr two thirds in equal installments within six and twelve months, deferred payments to bear interest froui date of sale until paid. Sale made subject to advance bids and confirmation by the Court, and the title to be reserved until the purchase price is fully 'paid. This is a re sale on account of an advance bid and bidding will atart at $770.00. This 14th day of Dec., 1921. J. DOLPH LONG, Oommianoner. POULTRY | FLOCKS | TEST EGQS AT LEAST TWICE Make Inspsotlon on S«v«n»h and F*v* toenth Day* for These Infertile •r With Dead Oerma. (Pr*par»4 by tba UnltW oUt*» Apart ment or Aarleultura) It 1# of little profit for a heft to 'sit patiently for 21 day* If the eggs over which she fluffs her feathers are In fertile or If the germs In them have died. Neither does It pay to run an Incubator for three weeks, with Its at tendant care and expense, If the eggs In It are not fertile. * All poultry owneOH who raise chicks should be thoroughly familiar with the method of testing eggs. An egg, whether It Is fertile or not, has a small grayish spot, known as the germinal spot, on the surface of the yolk. • A*, soon as a fertile egg Is placed under a hen or In an incubator the develop ment of the germ begins. All eggs should be tested at least twice daring the Incubation period, say poultry spe cialists of the Unltad States Depart-; ment of Agriculture. This If done preferably on the seventh and four teenth days. The Infertile egg*, and ' ' Tasting Egg by Un of Metal Chimney Tatter. those with (lead germs, ghonld then be removed. White-shell egg* can he tested on the fourth or fifth day, whereas the development of eggs hav ing brown shells often can not be seen by the use of the ordinary egg teeter nntll the seventh day. A satisfactory home-made *gg tester or candler can be made with a shot box or any other box lai'ge enough to hold (he lamp. Cot a hole a little larger than a 2,"5-cent piece in tha aide •f the box, so that when the lamp Is placed Inside the box the hola to tha aide wlfl be opposite the flsme. Make a bale also In the top of tha box large enough to prevent the top from catch ing Are from tha heat of tha lamp. When the chimney la long aiough, al low it to extend through the tap of the box. This permits the heat to ee oapa and avoids the risk of Are. ctal care should always he exercised In using kerosene lamps In candling jto prevent Are. To prevent further 'possibility of Ore, a wooden box may be nsed In place of a pasteboard one, and, If desired, the opening through which the chimney extends may be lined with tin or asbestos. > . Electrjc or gas lamps msy b« used In a box with a hole Id the same way that the kerosene lamp Is used. The hole which Is In the aide of the box should be on the same level as the light. The eggs may also be teated by sunlight or daylight, using a shsde or curtain with a hole In It for the light to shine through. Testing with a tester or candter should be ddne In a dark room. Hold each egg with the targe end up, ao that the sice of the air cell may be seen, as well aa the condlUon of the ambrya | or germ. An Infertile egg when can dled looks perfectly clear, the saiAe as a fresh one; while a fertile e*g shows a dark spot known aa the em- 1 bryo, with a raaas of little Mood falsa radlaUng In all direction* When the germ la dead, and the egg has hoeo Incubated for at least 48 bourn, the blood settle* sway from the embryo toward the edge* of the yolk, fonnlnj In some cases an Irregular circle of blood, known aa a blood ring. Sgz* vary In this respect, some ahowtng enly a streak V blood. All Infertile eg**, *nd those with dead germs, should be removed at the end of the first tent. Eggs with dead germs soon decay and give off a bad odor-If allowed to remain. The Infer tile egg* rouke good-feed tor jroang chickens. At the second teat, on the fourteenth day. the eggs containing strong, Hrlng erabryoa will be dark and well filled up, allowing a clear, aharp, distinct line between the air cell and the grow ing embryo, while eggs with dead germs will show only partial develop ment and lack this clear, distinct out line. The period of Incubation for hen"* eft* to 21 dayt, btft turaally ton* of the esn batch th# ettmtnc «f the twen tieth day. Boasetlißee It bappeoa. how ever, that the hatch wilt rah ovaf th« twenty-flrat day, eapeclally darlag cad weather. OHckata Tfctt Bat CMMitf. To datermlnata arickata thai eat clothing acatter aaaff abent their haunts. poor boiling water lata craAa aad erotic ee from which they aaarge. and ft ginger cardial lata apeo MMI * «*■ Sale of VflltiAiefT^perty. —T— ,»>» Under and by virtsLEe of the power of sale contained, in a cer tain deed of trust, executed by W, C. Thurston And bis wife to Felix F. 8 rnitb, Trustee, the undersigned Trustee will, on SATUSOAf, DEC. $, 1921, upon the premises, near&raham offer to the highest ' Jndder for cash the following' described property: First: A certain tract oi-parcel of land in of CJrahara, Graham Township,, l&jamance county, State of Notify Carolina, adjoining the. binds,of J. D. Moon, Southern Railroad Depot, r lot Emma'D. Walker, Sidney Cotton Mills, lot J. X Mathews, JT.,N. Williamson and others, and bounded as^ follows: Beginning at an iron bolt cor ner with Mpon in said depot lot line} running thence N 85$ deg W l.aifchstQ an iron bolt, cofnor witty paid W>lfcef in said depot lot line; thence S » deg W 4.«5 chs 66 Wirou pipe, corner With fciid Walker;;thence N 85£ deg ch\*'ti?,an ijron bolt, .cornet with, said WHfcerin said Williamson's line; thence 52.05 deg W (S. a) l 4;u llw to an iion bar, corner 1 With said Cot ton Mill jot; tbehce.jN 'li deg E (S. 8.) iron bolt, corner' with said Moon in said W 83f cor ner With i'said >loon; JilVence N li degJl t l. l3i ft) to the beginnjiig, containing 1.4 acres', niorj? or, 10p5,.,..... There' id' sMiared oh this prop erty a building that has been built aud rebuilt, which is to be used as a cotton manufactur ing plant, particularly for handling and manufacturing wastes, and also , for a lumber manufacturing plant;. This real property is subject to the,lien of a mortgage or deed of trust se curing H. C. Walker, in the sum, of. ,$950.00, which sum bears interest.s. • Second )-T~All machinery of .every kind, including one (1) 15 H. P. motor and electrical equip ment, nine (9) knitting machines and all other machinery of every kind and description, whether for use in manufacturing cot ton br wastes, or for manufac turing lumber and building ma terial situated, in the building or upon the rGal property here inbefore described. Also all ad ditions to Baid machinery and equipment, /'which may be bought ana placed in said build-, ihg, or upon said lot after the date hereof. , / . • Third:- All supplies pf mate rial of every kind, including re pair parts, cotton and waste, lumber, and all other supplies and materials on hand or pur chased after the date hereof, As to that property conveyed under this item (nunbered 3) it is distinctly understood that the said C., of the first part "shall the privi lege of handling and selling the same in the due. course of bis busihess as a manufacturer of ootton andparticulary cotton waste and a lumber dealer, and that he sjwlLnot be compelled the'jjroc&eds of tbe pro perty referred to in this item to the payment of the notes here inbefore referred to, but may use said proceeds in the con ducting of the businesses refer red to herein; and it is distinct ly understood t*hat this convey ance is. intended to, and dpee cover aU additions to thuss sup plies Wd kinds i)L property re ferred to in this item, and at all times, cover sncb supplies and properiy'dn hand and owned l y 'F. trttttee; To Change Gray Halt I j Here's. tha sluiple, Oij, sale way Ito aurely change gray, fadci or lifeless hair to u uniform, dark lustroua, beautiful shade—perfect ly natural in appearance. Merely do aa thousand* ba v " Hone and ap ply Q-ban. . Not a quick kiting dye, but de fies detection. Guaranteed harm less—Mc a large bottle. Sold bv Hayes Drug Company, and all good drug stores. Try Q-ban Hair Ton ic; Q-ban Liquid Shampoo; Q-ban Soap. Also Q-ban Depilatory. /\' 1 l Tr y \KBSBBL Summons Vy IBSnSraro NORTH CAROLINA. Alamsrtce (3piuty.. . „ , v .l*«*S>*w^ orts#,,rt * R. W. Wi)«™, Plaintiff, , , , Vf. i , • Beulah 6. Reaves and Chas.lJ. Reaves. .The defendants abpre .named will Uke notice that * en titled action wu Issued' agsinat »*W de fendants the lain day of December. 1921, by D. J. Walker, Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance noWTrty, North Caro lina, for the lum ot fcNOO.OO, dift) said plaintiff by iea»o« of phoney* ps*d by plaintiff for defe»(iuDta.«%ei»dor»ed note*, which summons ia before said D. J. Walker, Clerk of the Superior court, at his otßce'in A)amantefe County, on the 16th day of January, 1&82. The defend enU will take notice that a warrant of at tachment was Iseued toy aaid D. J. Wal-. ker. Clerk of the Superior court, on the 12th day of December, IV2I, against the property of the »aid defendant*. which warrant is returnable before the said D. J. Walker, Clerk of the Superior court, at the time apd place above named for the return of the summon*, when and where the defendant* aWrtqnimi to ap pear and answer or demur *o the com plaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. , |: , u -vJvv This 12th day (ft December, .1631. D/JTWALKER. Clerk of the Superior Ccjuft. Wm. I. Ward, Atty. 158-15 Mortgage Sale of Real Estate. ' ■' '• a r(* ! I linger and ; hy, ylyjtue. of. the power.of «#le (xmtjsuoad in a eer tain mortgage deed duly execut ed in favor of the undersigned mortgagee on the* Ist day.pf October, 1914), au d tecofded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Book of Mortgage Deeds No. 61, page 213, default haying be.en made in the payment p,f the indebted' ness. secured thereby, the under* signed Mortgagee will, on 'MPSOAY, JMr ath, \m> ' at, 1,21:00 uooiv afcjtbe courthouse door inCrrabam. sale at public auction to the high est bidder fo?, cash a tract or parcel of land in the .county of Alamance and state of . North Carolina, in Burlington Town-; ship, adjoining the lands of Bellemoht Rpad, W. M.' Isley an 4 others,. and bounded as follows, to-wit: .j-wr t Beginning at a rock corner on said road, .running thence with line of said road N 6 deg f)7' W 50 .ft to, porner on W, M. Isley'* Hue;. Uieijce with said Jaley's line squth west 160 feet to corner on Isleys line; thence 8 l 'd&g W 50 ft to corner on Is ley's line; thengeJJ.Si.deg 15' E; 150 ft the being a part of that tract of land con veyed by the N. O. B. R. Com- 1 p&ny "to Wm. tstey, Oct. 25, 1887, and recorded ,ip>- Book of Deeds SO. 31, pages 534-536. This 6th day of Deo., 1921. Alamance Ins. & Real Eatate Co.. V\ *[(>' *' »>" • Mortgage®. W. S. Coulter, Attfy. Notice of SWie. Pursuant to ap order of.jkae Superior do'urt ?f, _ 4 Alamance 'County made in special proceed ing therein pending entitled Dix ie Lumber Oompany -rs- W. JB, derstgned ~ Cotonusaipiujr will oner for sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the court house door, in Qrabato, on . SAT.UftDAY JA& ?ik mi, at 18 o'clock, nom, tfee following described Real property, I A,certain lot or. paroel of land in the town of Mebaae, Ala mance County, North Carolina, adjoining other lands of the pe titioner fronting pn,Clay v Street in said town and bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron bolt cor ner with said coApany; running ,thcncq.§. 21 1-2 (leg, W. 238 ft. to an iron bolt comer with said Company on N. side of Clay Si.; thence 8. 681-2 deg. IJ. 170 ft. to an iron bolt on N. side of said street 16 ft. 2 in. from.B. E. cor ner of a house corner with lot of Thompson Heights; thence N. 2$ 3-4 deg. & 12p ft. tp an iron bolt; thence N. 8Q 1.-.A deg. W. 223 ft. to the beginning, contain ing 67-100 of an acre, more or less. Terms of Sale—One-half cash,. ; the other half in six months, deferred payment to bear interest at six percent and title to be reserved until the purchase price ip paid, . Sale subjecfc io. advance bids andj confirmation by the Court. Done this the 7th day of De cember, ttft. '■ A !' £.. .* . J t DOLfrlj CfifppMwntwr. Mortgage Sale of Land. - T. '? * Under and by virtue of the power ot sale in a deed ill trust, executed April 1, 1919, to Central Loan A Trust Com pauy, trustee, which, said deed in trust is duly wcorded in tfte office ot the Register of Deeds of Alamance county; fin, Book; of Deeds of Trnst Tfi, at page ?3, de%idi,k*ri#g been, made in .the paytgpnt of sauip, the under signed trustee will offer at pub lic sa)e tjp the highest bidder, for , oaeb,' at the eoynt, house door in jipham K N. Q., cn SATURDAY, JAN a 21. 1522, at 11 o'clock A'-Wy rail the fol lowing , A ,traob. ( or t parcel of land lying and being in the town of Mebaue, township, StateofNorth Carolina, bounded and described as tO"'Wit*M r(v* f" ; Beginning at an,iron stakeon 4th, Street aud an alley in rear of Commercial, st Farmers Bank, Mebahe, N. C., thence in a west erly direction.,Bt>. ft, with said alley ta stake, corner with T. B. Pettigrew^teepee iu southerly direction with line of T. B. Pit tigsew 42 ft. to stake, corner with. .X. B. Pettigrew and Me bane Motor Company; thence in ■an easterly direction with line •of Mebane Motor Company 86 ft. to stake on 4th Street; thence in northerly direction 42 ft. to the beginning, it beings lot No. 6 and lot No. 5 less amount of this lot sold to Mebane Motor Company of the T. B. Pettigrew' property as shown by plat and blue print recorded in Register of Deeds office, Alamance coun ty, Deed Book No. 44, pages Terms of S^ler-Cash. Tfaia Xsth d#y of Dec., 1921.i CENTRAL LOAN & TRUST CO., W>|> —.u >'t .*1 >1 A Summons by Publication f H 1' I". NORTH CAROLINA- ALAMANCE COUNTY, la the Superior Court,. ... Before U» Clerk. Margaret Isley, Tempie Ruffin, Alice Freeland,,'B. D. Free land and Lorena Freeland, his wife, Oarreno Hogan and her husband, Waymon Hogan-, Mary Johnson and/Johnson Johnson, her husband, Deity Frealand, wife e of Jacob Freeland. v% . Jacob Freeland,, Lindsey l?ree land and Evalina Freelaud, his wife, Arthur .Freeland and Elizabeth Freelaud, his wife, Lula Garrison and Glarenee Garrison, her husband, and Minnie Ben ton and her hus band, Benton' or her children, Emmet Benton; Lula Benton, Snipes, Remus Benton, Calvin Benton and Peter Benton. -» The respondents above named will all take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been commenced in. the Superior Court of Alamance count/, North Carolina, for the purpose of pbtaipijag an. older of the said court directing the sale of that certain lot or parcel of land in Alamance county, North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of R. P. D. Ray arid others and known as the Herch P. Thompson Home-Place, said sale being for the purpose of making a divis ion of the proceeds from the,sale of said property among the own era thereof; and.said respond ents shall further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the .Clerk of the Superior Court of said county at the court house in Graham, North Carolina, on or before Monday, January 23, 1923, and answer or demur to the com plaint which has. been filed in said action or the petitioners will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint, , i ! Done this the 16th day De cember, 1981. I&4 D. J. WALKER, 22dec4t C. S. C. • CASTORI Tm tad Chlldren The Kind You Hare Alwaya Bought, and which ha« been In «m for ever over &0 yean, has home the signature of J 'f*i •«••• -«** has been made under htf ' per 4. V SWJ-S/J/-+-/1- sonal ripervfelott "since Itt Infancy. .Allow no one to deceive you In tha. " AH Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jusfr-as-good " are but ' Experiments that trifle with and the health of Infants and Children— Experiment. Whit i^ASfOßffi. Castoria la a harralees substitute for Ciitor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothipg Syrups. It is pleasant It contalua neither Opium,- Morphine nor other narootic substance. Its age Is its guarantee, for more than thirty years it has bees In constant use for the relkf of Constipation* Flatulency, Wind Colir and Diarrhoea'; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, Mid by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aid# the aaaimiUrtfton Of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Jfjiend. ri • >■»»> 4- >, •,§ \.ii #!»*?» J'-- GENUINE £ftSTQBTA ALWAYS In Use For flyer 30 Yeats Th. Kind You Hay. Mw*y? , B?«.flh* THE HEW YOWK CITY. - 1 r ' THE EFFECTS OF BLOOD DISORDERS '« ■ "■ ''■■■' " " i )HIF 'i'i*r^Tn .i mii i i i Pimples, Rash, Itching etc., the First §igns—New Form ol Iron Clears the Skin and Brings Positive , / Benefit Quickly - 1 It' ia impossible to estimate the And the diaflguring effects pro ex tent to which human ills and disease duced by these blood impurities V owe-their origin to disordered and embarrassinffto the suffer ff. A impure blood. Think of the various reihedy should be used which not only ' ' totm* of Kidney ailments that have drives OW impurities out of the blood ; their- origin in diseased blOod con- hot Which will at the same time Se ditions. And no one questions that move every trace of pimple, rash and Rheumatism starts in blood. "breaking out" . , ... »'"8o it is important to watch the > A positive and quick treatment foe i blood and to begin treatment at the these blood disorders la supplied to first signs of disorder. By taking Acid Iron Mineral—a nfcw rorm or SUch troubles in time and through liquid iron. ~lta first function is f to persistent attention, harmful results strengthen and purify the blood by and much Buffering can be avoided. putting iroh into it Thus iippurities Nearly everyone is familiar with are drivfeh' crtSf and the blood is en tire so-called blood disorders as evi- riched—the whole system is atrength denced by pimplea, rash, itching, etc. ened—the skin is made dear and free It ia not important whether these from blemish,' perfect health through symptoms indicate eczema, saltrheum out the body is established. ?, scrofula, etc., bat it ia vitally.impera- Druggists will refund the purchase tive that the blood begiven treatment price of Acid Iron .Minpral if it faila to make it healthy. There should not to give you satisfaction—it contains be an instant's delay in doing this. no alcohol or injurious drugs. • ■ 1 . v, •; tv . v For Sale by All Good Druggists. Burwell&Dunn and John M. Scott &Co., Charlotte, N. C., Distributors. .. . . Trustee. PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL WORK! \ -; .V 1 . , ' ■ * - " . With a well equipped shop and plenty of supplies, I am prepared to do first-class Plumbing and Electrical work on short notice and reason able terms. Shop Southeast corner of Court House Square. Call or phone, W. M. EULISS. , 'Phone 273-J / Educate For Business • The Business Training offer* a short, easy and inexpensive route to Soeceaa. Practical business, stenographic and secretarial courses given. King's graduates with leading Carolina firms. Students aaaisted free to situations. Rates of tuition ud board very reasonable. Enroll any time. Write today lor catalog. JUlcfch. N.C - - • Charlotte, N. &

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