THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., Nov. 20; 1924 Postofflce Hours. omc open 7.00 a. m. t07.00p. TO unday H.OO tol 1.00 n. m. and 4.0(1 to d.OO p. m J. R. QUTHBIE, Pofamanter. *++++++++■■ + * .5. * LOOM, MEWS. + + + ♦++++++++++-H I.^.4.++++++++++ —Thanksgiving Day just a week hence. —W. Lee Andrews' handsome bungalow on N Maple St. is Hear ing completion. —Last Saturday was the opening day of the hunting season and many went a-field to try their luck. —A constant stream of tourists from tbe North is passing this way these days Florida-bound for the winter. —Alamance Superior Court will conveno next Monday for the trial of criminal cases only. There is a heavy docket to be disposed of. —The finishing touches are being put on the "Standard" service sta tion next, door to The Gleener office. It is one of the handsomest at all. -Mesdames H. J. and Frank Stockard entertained the Needlecraft Club at the home of the former on E. Hirden St. last Frid>*» j tffternooa. A special feshure of the meeting was a shower for Mrs. Frank Stockard of many dainty and useful articles. I —lt was about weather like this and such as we will have for the next few. months that the poet wrote — "The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year, Of wailing winds and naked woods and meadows brown and sere." —Snow, the first of the season, came Tuesday morning. Not much, to be sure, but enough to whiten roofs and make a show 011 dry leave* and grass. It was cold as real wintor time. It was general, covering a big part of the StateJrom the east to the west. —Mrs. M. C. Terrell and two lit tle daughters, who have been living in Burlington, are now making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Turner. Mr. Terrell, since his resignation as County Superintend ent of Schools a fe.v wee If s ago, is with Lintbicum Lintbicum, specialists in school building archi tecture. —lt is noted from a report sent out from tEe Department of Com merce at Washington that cotton ginning up to Nov. Ist in this State, is around 350,000 bales less than at the same date last year, and that only 000 county of tha Go r p >rted on shows an excess over the last year report and only by six baies. Or slating it differently, scHrcoly hmf*»s much has been ginned as last year. —Rev. G. M. Daniel and Mrs J. D. Lee have returned from the N C Couference at Wilmington. Mr. Daniel having completed his term o( service at the M. E. church here, he was assigned to Red Springs, and Rev. G. VV. Starling succeeds liirnT Mr. Daniel has done excellent work here and regrets at his leaving are not confined to his congregation alone. Mrs. Woods, 89, Dead. Mrs. Elizabeth Woods, widow ■; Henry L. Woods, died at lier ho nit ' iu Albright township last Saturday, aged SU years. The burial was a Ait. Hermon on Sunday and IIK funeral services were conducted bj Rev. George V\. Holmes. Huff Recital Postponed to Nov. 25th- The recital to have been given in tfie new court room on last Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock had to be post poned till next Tuesday evening, Nov. 25th, as the work of seating coulcTnot be completed in time. The recital is given under the auspices of the Graham Music Lovers' Club. Everybody urged lo attend, Admission 50 and 25 cts. Among the Sick. —Mr. and Mrs. \\\ C. Cooke, who have been spending some time here, are both sick at the houie of their daughter, Mrs.-R. N. Cook. Mre. M. R. Rives has been con fined to her home for several days on account of sickness. Mr. Benj. J. Williamson is still confined to his home by illness. Mr. K. B. Poole has been sick at his home here for several days. Tom Tarheel says he is not wor rying about Henry Ford and Muscle Shoals so long a» be can get nitrogen into his sbil as cb«ap ly by growing legume. , HalT Million Plants. 500,000. -Cabbage plants for sale. W. J. Nicks, Graham, N. C. PERSON. Mr. S. E Tate, near Cross Roads, was in town Saturdav. • Miss Margaret Hunter is spending the day in Greensboro. Miss Carrie Nicholson left today for Rock Hill, S. C., to visit friends. Sam Thompson of High Point, brother of Allea B. Thompson, spent Sunday here. Mr. John B". Stratford left Mon day for Richmond, Va., where he is spending the week on business. Mrs J. Steven Simmons and little daughter of Washington are coming to spend Thanksgiving with the former's mother, Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr. Mrs. J.'W. Menefee left Tuesday for DeLand, Fla., accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Jas. N. Williamson, Jr., of Burlington, to spend the winter. Mr. Chas. A. Thompson and daughter, Miss Elise, left Tuesday for Boston, Mass., where Miss Thompson will enter the Boston Con servatory of Music. Mrs. J. Dolph Long, lately elect ed President of the N. C. Division or the United Daughter? ofthe Con federacy, ieft last Saturday for Savannah, Ga., to. attend the Na tional Crnvention of the U. D- C. which convened on Tuesday. Master Irvin Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Williams, who accompanied his uncle, Walter M. Williams of Burlington, on a week's trip to New York, Philadflphia and Washington, returned this morning. In Philadelphia he visited Uis uncle, Giles Nicholson, at the Navy Y"ard. The kill had the time of his life. County Council Meets Saturday. The County Council of Home Demonstration members will meet in the office of Home Agent in the new court house, Saturday, Nov. 22nd, at II o'clock. Presidents, please see that your club is repre sented. • Mrs. Geo. M. Isley, Pres. C. C. Junior Order Home-Coming Dec. 4th. Graham Council No. 36, Jr. 0. U. A. M., is arranging for a. home coming on Thursday evening, Dec. 4jh, at their Lodge room in Gra ham. Mr. M. W. Lincfce of Nashville, N. C., State Vice-Councilor, has been invited to be present and speak and has signified his acceptance. He is a forceful speaker and will enter tain and make it worth while to be present and hear what he has to say. This will be the occasion of the annual banquet and get-together meeting of Graham Council, at which an oyster supper will be served. Members, not in the habit of attending regularly, will want to be present at this meeting and they are urged to make arrangements for so doing, as a very enjoyable even ing awaits them. _ The time is 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Dec. 4th, and the place is the Junior Order Hall in Graham. Elon Music Lovers' Club Entertained. Elon College, Nov. 15.—The Muwic Love's' Club of College met last Thursday night in their regular monthly session at the home of Mr. and Mr*. VV. P. Lawrence, with Miss Lila Newman, Prof. O. VV. -lohnson, Dr. and Mrs. Law rence a.H hosts and hostesses. Minn Ethel Hill rendered a paper on "Modern Music," and Miss Flor ence Fisher sang. "All Soul* Day," "Homeward," and "Devotion," all by Strauss. Piano sales by Miss Nelson pleased ail. She played "Mav Night," by Palmgren, "Irish Tune from Count Derry,*' and "OBuntry Gardens," by Grainger. The final item of the musical pro gram was a trio consisting of Miss IJerkley, pianoforte. Miss Nelson, violin, and Mr. Everett, cornet. They rendered "Barcarolle," by OfTenbaoh. The meeting ended with the serv ing of refreshments by the hosts and hostesses. J— VITAMIN QUA£ITIES Many people, young and old, plenty of food but the vitaminf" qualities out of which come the poyvers of resistance, are minus, and malnutrition and weakness ensue. Scoffs Emulsion is indeed the plus-auality that »o many children and adults need to help sdstain the body In normal strength and vitality. A very little Scott's after cadi meal helps, to vitalize the deficient diet. Scott's Emulsion promotes growth Ajjf —builds strength. Scott & Hownc, Bloomfiefct If. J. JHI Dedication ot New Courthouse Nov. 24th. Oa Monday, NOT. 24th, at 2:30 n m., dedication of Alamance comity's new courthouse will take place. The following program of exercises has be«n arranged for the occati>>u: Hon. W. A. Devin, Resident Judge Tenth Judicial District, pre siding. « 2:30. Song—Graham High School, Invocation—Rev. E.N.Caldwell. 2:40. The Courthouse —W. A. Darin. 3:00. Presentation of building to Board of Commissioners and Citi zens—W. O. Warren, Chairman Building Committee. 3:05. Acceptance: On behalf of Board r.f Commis sioners and officers—J. Dolph Long 3:IU. On behalf of liar of Ala mance County—W. H. Carroll. 3:20. On behalf of Citizens—VV. E. White, W. P. Lawrence, E. S. W. Dameron. 3:40. Reminiscences Alamance Courthouse—E. S. Parker, Jr. Song—Graham High School. Corn After Legume Nearly Doubles Yield. A demonstration on the farm of G. E. Callahan of Bladeu coun ty shows that corn after velvet beans, plowed under, was nearly doubled In yield as compared to corn foliowiug cotton. This demonstration js one of inanyN being conducted by the agronomy extension workers ot State College of Agriculture. In some of the demonstrations there is made a rearrangement of the fields after which regular crop rotations are folldwed so as to givethe farmer a system that in cludes a higher percentage of legumes. This enables him to improve his soil gradually and with smaller expense tbau by any other method. "Our demonstrations also per mit the farmer to grow more feedstuffs and ttftend larger fields instead of many small oues," says £. C. Blair, extension agronomist, who has this work in charge. "Mr. Callahan was one of the first men to undertake such a demonstration. He began bis in the spring of 1923, and is now well plfeased with the results be ing obtained. "In the particular case of this corn field, Mr. Callahan made a rearrangement ot his fields so that a part of the corn crop this year was on land that h>id been iu cot ton. The remainder of the field was occupied by cy>rn and velvet beans the previous year. There has oeeu a noticeable difference in the two parts of this corn field throughoutihe entire year. VVh?n the corn was harvested recently, the land was measured and the corn weighed. It was found that where the corn followed cotton, the yield was exactly twenty bushels per acre; where the corn followed the corn auu velvet beans, the yield was thirty-niue bushels per acre. "The coru was all fertilized the same, planted the s&ine day and cultivated alike. It all grew in the same field OQ uniform land and the increase of 19 bushels per acre can be due to no other cause than that of plowing under the velvet beans." RUPTURE EXPERT HERE F. 11. Seeley, of Chicago and Phila delphia, the noted truss expert, will per sonal! v be at the O. Henry Motel, and will remain in Greensboro This Tuesday only, Nov. 2S. Mr.- Seeley says: "The Spermatic Shield will not onlv re tain any case of rupture perfectly, but contracts the opening in 10 days in the average case. Being a vast advancement over all former methods— exemplifying instantaneous ettecu Im mediately appreciable and withstanding any strain or position no matter the size or location. Large or difficult cases, orin cissiional ruptures (following operations) spec ally solicited. This instrument re ceivad the only nward in England and in Spain, producing results without sur gery, injections, medical treatments or prescriptions. Mr. Seeley has documents from the United States Government, Washington, D. C.. for inspection. Our representee will be jdad to demonstrate without charge or fit them If desired. Business demands prevent stopping st any other place in this section. Fraud Caution—Avoid fraudulent imitators and impostors who may visit this section making any claims of connec tion with me or my establishment, imi tating my style of advertising—intending to deceive the afflicted. All such claims' are fraudulent and deceptive and the pdb lie are hereby cautioned. The genuine will always have name '*Beelev ' with Chicago Address at bottom of ad. P. S.—Every statement in this notice has been verified before the Federal snd State Courts.—F. H. Seeley. Home Office: 117 No. Dearborn St., Chicago. Expertly CImUM. « Beatrice, who has three litter* ul one brother, a regular little routts bout. «hen a*ke! "How many chil dren are there In >our family, dearT" replied, "roar children and one boy." THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. a i.lary « Little lirr.u. Ili'Kiiriling llir iiuili»rhii.|> »( "Mary*t Little Lamb." n mvni mimher of ■ Lonilou uiHpizlne HII>M ; "Tliere liar* been man; clalmniit* In lite «ll*tlno tluu. but rnoxi of the evtili'tv«; xeema to show thni the real IIIIIIMW »■«» Mr*. Sarah Buell Hale, who for a number of jreura edUvtl tlie Ijiily it kiagastae, the leading Journal of Ita Wind for al most half a century In the United State*. She was the author of many popular poem* for children, and her son. Horatio Bale, that the poem was 3r*t published by his motl* ar In 18S0." Wtoat He Wanted. "Jenkins, the oil promoter, lias Mar ried the talkln'est woman I ever laid eyes on." "Struck a gusher this time, eh?" —Nashville Tennesseean. Warvt Ads Two cents » trd in this size type, cash with order. No ad for less than 25c. One-fourth off for more than 2 times. Ask for terms on long time and larger type. WANTED—Students at home or school. Tuition on credit. Work in office while taking. Posi tion guaranteed. Edwards Business College, 42-11 High Point, N. C. PIANO FOR SALE. PLAYER PIANO, aIso'UPBIAHT PIANO. We will have to take these panos back for the reason that the pur chasers are unable to continue pay ments. Will transfer account to re sponsible party. This is your op portunity to secure a splendid piano for Christmas. In answering, please state in which piano you are inter ested. Quick action is necessary. Chas. M. Slieff, Inc., 414-410 K. Grace St., Richmond. Va. 42-3t GUARANTEED hosiery, samples your size free to agents. Write for proposition paying $75.00 weekly full time, $1.50 an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; must wear or replaced free. Quick sales; repeat orders. INTERNATIONAL STOCKING MILLS, 5769, Norristown, Pa. 40-lOt Notice! Sale of Real Estate Under First Mort gage Deed of Trust. Under and 'by virtue of the power of sale contained in acerr tain mortgage deed of trust ex ecuted by Dennis Beasley and wife, Carrie Beasley, to Pied mont Trust Company, Trustee, on the 18th day of April, 1919, securing the payment of .certain bonds described therein which mortgage deed of trust is duly probated and recorded in the uffice of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, North Carolina, in Book 78, page 93, default having been made in the payment of .said bonds, and tha interest thereon as provided and set out in said mortgage deed of trust, the trustee will, on MONDAY, DEC. 22, 1924, at 12 o'clock, noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door of Alamance county, at Graham, North Caro lina, the following described real estate, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Rev. L. I. Cox, Jos. James and others, said tract being just west of Elou College, and bound ed and described as lollows: Beginning at an iron stake, Rev. L. I. Cox's corner in Joe. James' lino; thence N 0 deg 10' E 5.72 cbs to an iron stake, Cox's corner; thence N 89 (leg W B)£ Iks to an iron stake, Cox's corner; thence N 2J E 5.01 chs to &n iron stake; thence 89 deg W 1.76 chs to an iron pipe, corner of Church lot; thence S (leg W 5.70 chs to an iron stake, corner with Mickey Foster: thence N 89 deg W 1.19} cbs" to an iron stake, Jno. McMullen's and Mickey Foster's corner; thence S 6 deg 10' W 5.53 chs to an iron pipe in Joseph James' line; thence S 84 deg E 4 chs to the beginniug, containing three and one-fourth (3±) acres, more or lees. This sale will be made subject to increased bids as provided by law, and will be held open ten (10) days after sale to give op portunity for such bids. This 17th day of Nov., 1924. Alamance Int. k Real Estate Co., Truatee. Wm. I. Ward, Att'y. FARMERS! Bring us your cotton to gin. We nave put in new ma chinery and are better prepared to do good work than last season. You can sell both the cotton and seed at the highest market price at the gin door.. . Mebane, N. C. Mrs. Crandall (Iowa) TeUs How She Stopped Chicken Lossee "Last spring, rati knM&D oar baby chicks. Wiah I'd known about KauSoat before. With just OM lane package we killed swarms of rats. They won't let thb year's hatches. nibM." Rat-Snap b guar, aatoed and sells foe 35c. 65c. 1L25. Sold lod (UATtatiKk by GRAHAM DR(JO COMPANY," Entirely Too Much. "It Is terrible what 1 spent during file entertainments for charity," re dared Mrs. Newridh. "Two thousand for my dress and five hundred for my coat, besides the twenty for my charity contributions. It la too much." NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S RESALE OF PROPERTY Under and by virture of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance County, made in the matter of Miss Lydia E. Jordan Jet al„ vs Jordan Publishing Company, the undersign ed Receiver will on the Ist day of December 1924, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. at premises Burlington, N. C. resell to the highest bidder for cash, the following property, to-wit: 1 dot. Hemple Quoins 1 flat top type cabinet 1 pr brackets 2 line guages 1 simple mat maker 1 job stone \ 2 type stool* 2 tables 2 composing stones 20 sc galleys 5 dc galleys 1 page brass galley 10 3 col galleys 10 sc mailing galleys 6 2 col mailing galleys 10 3 col mailing galleys 1. slug and lead cutter 1. punch and 3 dies 4 Fonts wood type 4a 1. cabinet wood furniture 2000 lbs. linotype metal 3 Fonts typewriter type 3. Fonts type 1. Roller top desk 3. pieces Wing Horton mailers 1. 20 in. paper cutters 1 Cotterel Drum Cylinder Press A Omaha folder 1. 3 horse power motor 1. set shaft and pulleys 1. C. A P. 8 x 12 job press 2. Horton Pulleys 4. single 6 col chases 4. single 7 col chases 2. single 6 col chases I'. double 6 col chase 1. double 6 col chase 1. 12 x 18 C. A P. job press 1. N. S. Fountain 1. set quadruple chases 1. sot steel side A foot sticks 4. double chases 6 col 1. model 14 linotype'mechine ' 1. 300 lb. melting furnace 3. doc. quoins 10. sc galleys & 2 col galleys 1. stand for store? 100 lbs. leads and slugs 1. composing stone 20" x 76*' 24. brass foot slugs 1. can ink toner 1. file 2 sections 4. letter files 8. chairs 2. rolls wrapping paper 1. coal scuttle 1. door mat 1. proof press I. bucket paste 4. quoins keys I. Miller saw trimmer 1. type high pUne tools 7. aticks paper cutter job ink news ink odd pulleys and hangers 3. cases brass rule 20. old caaea 20. Fonts assorted type > cuts borders and ornaments 1. 13 x 19 Peerle«s JL»b Press 1.5x1 Pearl Press 1. Washington hand pre** 8. glue pots 5. double type stands anl cases 1. lesd and rul« cutter 1. standard punch 1. trimming knife 2. numbering machines 50 lbs. mata! furniture 1. large col.met wood font turn 11000 Ibe. labor saving leads and slugs 260. 'Fonts typ* and border Terms of sale: % cash, balance on confirmation of the Court, bidding to commence at 11864. This Nov. 10, 1924. L. H. Kernodle Receiver NOTICE! TRUSTEE'S RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN BURLINGTON TOWNSHIP Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by William A. Lee and his wife, Geneva Loe, on the 19th day of December, 1022, to the under signed Central Loan and Trust Co mpany) Trustee, for the purpose of securng the payment of certain bonds described therein, which deed of trust ig duly probated qnd record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, in book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 91, at page 232, default having been made in the payment of said bonds and intrest thereon at maturity the said Central Loan and Trust Co., Trustee, will on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1924, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, at the court house door of Alamance CJounty, at Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Alamance County, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: TRACT NO. 1. Beginning at "a stake in the western line of Manley Brooks property on Richmond Hill as per plot duly recorded in Plot Book No. 1, at page 53, at the intersection of a 20 foot road way; tltence S. 2 deg. 3 min. W; 144 ft. to a stake, the S. W. corner of the ■aid Manley Brooks property; thence S. 85 deg. 20 min. E. 75 ft. to a stake, corner of lot No. 5; thence N. 1 deg. 20 min. E. 144 ft. to a stake in the line of said 20 foot roadway; thence with the said road way N. 85 deg. W. 75 ft. to the beginning, corner with lot' No. 6 in said plot. TRACT NO. 2. Beginning at an iron bolt on William Street, corner with Claud Cates and lot No. 8, running thence S. 1 deg. 15 min. W. 266.2 feet to a stake in Claud Cates line; thence S. 74 deg. 30 min. E. 52.3 feet to a stake, corner with Sellers Hosiery Mills; thence N. 1 deg. 15 min. E. 298.4 ft. to a stake in the line of Williams Street, cor ner with Jessie Garrett; thence with the line of Williams Street, 60 feet to the beginnng, and being lot No. 7 in the subdivision of the Brooks land an recorded in' plot bock No.l page 12. NO. 3. Beginning corner of Willie A. Lee, lot No. 7, running thence N. 74 deg. 30 min. E. 52.3 feet, thence with line of lot N0.9, 201.7 feet to Williams Street cor ner with lot No. 9; thence W. with Williams Street to corner with lot No. 7;* thence with line of lot No. 7 to the beginning, _which is 266.2 'feet this being lot No. 8 in the sub division of Brooks property and ad joining lot No. 7, upon which Willie A. Lee has built a four room house. This sale will be made subject to increased bids as sllowed by law and will be held open 10 daya ofter sale for the reception of such bids. Bid ding will begin at $1837.50. This November 16, 1924. Central Loan & Tiust Co., Trustee. E. S. W. Damerdn, Atty. Summons by Publication. North Carolln Alam:ince U> im» \yfthe ttuperior Court. J. A. Foust, Plaintiff, » vs. W. L Stanly and Southern Railway Co., Defendants. Tho defendant, W. L. Stanly, will take notice that an action entitled as above ha.s been com menced in tho Superior Court of Alamance county, to make asoets from personal property in which said defendant claims au interest, and to enforce a lien on said property; and the said defendant will further take notice that life is required to ap pear at the office of tho Clerk of the said court in Graham, in said Alamance county, N. C., on or before the 9th day of December, 1924, ami answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This tho 21st day of October, 1924. • D. J. WALKER, Clerk Superior Court. J. 8. Cook, Att'y. 41-4t i ujjuvy r «cithth& RED. ashamed It brought him untold misery; yet only he | himself, was to blame HE had neglected his teeth . long that he was actually r ashamed to visit his dentist. An 9 like *o many people, he kept put ting it off. - Finally _ he became so sensitive * about their appearance that in con versation he habitually distorted his mouth in an effort to Hide them from view. A reasonable effort on hit own part—consulting hi* dentist, con scientious use of his tooth brush and the right dentifrice—might have saved him this humiliation. But he even neglected these things. He was uncomfortable wherever ne went. Llntrtat Tooth Patlt cltaut ttttk a m way. At last tar chsmitts havt ditttvtrtd a fkthlmt Imgnddtnt that rtaUy dtaas with aut tcrotchimg tht tnaauh-t digital I pnUtm jtaalbtalttd. You will notice the improvement even in the first few days. And you know it is cleaning safely. So the makers of safe antiseptic, have found for you also the really safe dentifrice. What are your teeth saying about you today?— LAMBERT PHAR AIACAL CO., Saint Louis, U. S. A. LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE LargeTube—2s cents fear j Are you self-conscious about the impression " you make on peoplef PERSONAL appearance has a loe to do with the way you led. Clothes count, of course. But still there is one thing so many people overlook—something that at once brands them as either fastidious or careless — tht Urtk. Notice today how you, yourself, watch another person s teeth when be or she is talking. If the teeth are not well kept they at once.become a liability. Lliimiat Tttth Patlt cltaas tank a atm mar. At latt tar thimUti hart dim at—da pakihimt tamdhat that rtaUy daaat *U tat ieratth4atthataamti a di*cat tnVtm fiaallj tthtd. A large tube of Listerine Tooth Paste is only 25 cents; at your drug gist's.—Lambert Pharmacol Co., Saint Louis, V. S. A. ———-———■ I Subscriae for TUh ULEANBR ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havloit outlined as Administrator of the nut* nt Jotin Kurringtoo. dceaaed. late of Alamam e county. North Carolina, this is to notify nil person* hsviiw claims against the estate .»f «li) deceased, to exhibit tht-in to the un>ler»l;?ue«J at bis home In Melville Townsnlp. Alamance county, Noith Caro lina. «»u or tK for.' the Vrh day of Octob-r. I®, or thl« nolle* will be pieadvd in bar nf their reoverr. All pers-tns Indebted U> said estate will please make immediate payment. This lite ma day Opu. lati. M. X. KIMKKY. Adm'r of Johu Karrtngtuu, dee'd. Wm. I.'Ward. Atl'y. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. II iving qual Ned as Kxecutore of the wilt of 10. m. Kniiov. deo'd, the undersigned here by niiliOea all person* h>ldln* "la'iiis airalnst »«ld estate tn nr»« it the same, duly authen ticated, on or before the 'JUth day of Nor, III?.',, or 'his notice will he plea ted in bar of their rerorerv. VII persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate set tlement. . vIH Tuts Nov. llth, l»!i MK. K. \. ROVKV • '&S CUYDK It. Kos'KY. Kk*» of 0. 11. Ko:iey. dee d. ! J. Dolph Long. Attr. 41-6t m'RMi HIHK r'OR TflK OLKANBB

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