-I v Child's Best Laxative is "California Fig Syrup" Hurry Mother!" A tenspoonfui of "California Fig Syrup" now will thor oughly clean the little bowels and in a few houps you have a well, playful child again. Even if cross, feverish, bilious, constipated or full of cold, children love its pleasant taste. Tell your druggist you want only the genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother, yon must say "California." Refuse any Imitation. African Negroet Th»re are said to he more than 10, 000,000 negroes in South Africa, count ing Bushmen, Kaffirs and Hottentots. DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Take Tablets Without Fear If You Bee the Safety "Bayer Cross." Warning! Unless you see the nam« ou packoge or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayei Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 23 years. Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv. Record Clam Bed Off the southwest coast of Florida. Is the largest clam bed in the United States. It covers 150 square miles. "CASCARETS" IF BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED—IOc A BOX If Dizzy, Headachy or Btomach Is Sour, Clean the Bowelsi To clean your , jr, ~ bowels without .i . cramping or over flyrl|l§s! acting, take "Cas w9fc»llpF carets." Sick v headache, dizzl l . ness, biliousness, gases, indigestion, • sour upset stom ach and all such distress gone by morning. Nicest lax ative and cathartic on earth for grown ups and children. 10c a box —all drug stores. * Lumbering Along "He dances as stiff as a board" "Of course, lie's a post-graduate."— Atlanta Constitution. ( ONE DOLLAF L^iBB r?rF!2*mM Your telephone placed on the An- J tennaphone forms / an ideal antenna. A The Antennaphone will not interfere with the S. ute of rout talephooe. —-n. than a (rin6/iwiiii outdoor aoriat I DETTER u tkmn am untightly indoor moriml EASY TO INSTALL The Antennaphone I* noc attached to. but merely placed under the telephone. Then connect the wire of the Antennephone to the antenna poet of your act (tube oe crys tal) and tune In. The Antennaphon* (tree you Ainu tnnln«. thereby (reatly INCREASING SELECTIVITY AND QUALITY OF RECEPTION The Aataaatpbaa* complete Si 00 with fannlated wire, price . . i GUARANTEED to work Ptrftah wfcfc er crystal McriMfi if Jlf wiu M refunded. AT YOUR DEALER fl) OR SENT IT MAIL UPON Vxy RECEIPT OF ONE DOLLAR \ Antennaphone Co. L i -—""'J ®1 Wsst Street New York Cky LANE SAW MILLS and HOE SAWS arm (IW itandard I Improred inerery way. Eaey to operate, all aisea. Write far Free Booklet. * Vat Ce .. lirfal Ifa. 522: IJ ■"MUkWU j i WANTED to Employ a Salesman in Every County in North and South Carolina who can furnish his own car to sell our line of medicines direct to the consumers! DIXIE MEDICINE CO.. 14 ». Charck St. Charlotte, N. C. •i j . :t , ■ t.. - STATE MAY OWN MO STATIONS BILL CARRYING APPROPRIATION MAY BE OFFERED IN LEGIS- # LATURE Raleigh. Senator Paul D. Grady, of Johnson, favors the erection of a radio broad casting station at the North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engi neering, to coat, if necessary, $25,000, and stands ready to Introduce and champion, the necessary legislation. ' The state should own and operate such a station," he said. "I am so thoroughly convinced that tt. would ijieet with popular approval that I would not hesitate to favor a liberal appropriation. It seems to bd that $25,000 would not be too much 4o be gin with. However, I am going to write experts and And o«t how much It will 'take. - Also, I am planning a series of conferences with Captain George Cox, of the electrical faculty of State college, who, I believe, can render valuable assistance on account of this record as a radio expert duHng the world way." Continuing, Senator Grady indicated that when he has received the data he desires he will draw a Mil provld-" ing for the establishment of a state owned and state-operated station of no mean dimensions. "There ere thousand* qf people in the rural districts," he went op "whose only amusement comes from the outside world. Comparatively few are able to buy expensive receiving sets. Wich the establishment of a ■ station in Reledgh, they could pur chase dnexpeslve receiving sets and enjoy radio just like people who have , plenty of money. "Then, aside from the purely amuse ment features that would be furnished our people, they could be kept Inform ed on subjects very vital to them. I have in nilnd particularly agriculture. For Instance weather conditions and crop reports could be broadcast dally. This would greatly aid the farmer. The extension- division of the college conld use the service to promote the things It is trying to do, and it the state superintendent of public instruc tion so desired, he could hold a state wide teachers' meeting once a week. Again, there Is the state highway commission. If such a station M estab lished, Mr. Page and his assistants could keep our people contantly in formed about detours, the opening of new routes and the condition of the highways generally. Id rainy weather this service would be very valuable." Senator Grady plans to go thorough ly Into the subject and to push fab fight for a state owned broadcasting station. The State college is the logi cal place for it, he thinks. This view was also expressed by Senator O- B. Moss, of Nash county, who declared, "I am thoroughly in sympathy with the novement, and at the proper time 1 shall give it my active support. Oend Out Movie Films. Fifty miles of motion picture films are -being sent out weekly by the Vis ual Education Division of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruc tion ot the 75 public schools of the state equipped with motion picture machines according to James B. Wil liamson, director of this division. • "These Alms," said Mr. Williamson, "•are sent free of all charges, except those Incident to their transportation. They Include various subjects. Some of the films are purely educational in their nature. Others are designed to amuse the people who see them. No film of doubtful character Is ever par chased by the department or sent out for exhibition. Each Is thoroughly censored before we turn it loose. It believe good, wholesome pictures are helpful. "These programs," continued Mr. Williamson, "go largely to the rural districts. They reach people who otherwise could not enjoy screen pro ductions. We buy many programs already filmed a&d, on the other hand, we make many films ourselves. Mr. WHllameon 1* planning to take pictures of the Inauguration of Gover nor McLean. These will be shown in the rural schools equipped with motion picture machines. Also, he recently took pictures of the opening of new inlets in eastern North Carolina. Making Plana Por Convention, Officers of the North Carolina Sun day School Association have announc ed that plane an* already under war to make the annual State Bunda7 School Convention, which 1a to be held in the First Baptist church, Greens boro, April 28. 29 and 30, the largest gathering of Sunday School leaders ever held tn the State. Commutation Granted Halifax Man. Governor Morrison commuted to life imprisonment the death sentence ef Gerson Cotton, of Halifax county, whose electrocution date had been set for January 12. Cotton was convicted of flrat degree murder at the August, 1924, term of Halifax court. "BeMvelbf that the prosoner was in such a state of mental confusion and excitement as to make Impossible that deliberation which would warrant his raping the extreme penalty for his crime, I hereby commute his ssntssee to that of Ufa imprisonment." ■ | 1 ifijlnPE Hiti •. *§ ' *>jy^T^wvloPl U iffg-J^ r 3|HP^ I—Bust relief of Oenqjrul Pershing, by Julio Kllenyl, which Is to be presented to him 111 May. 2—Pope Plus XI on his throne at the opening of the holy year. B—Secretary of the Navy Wilbur and J. A. M. Elder, Australian commissioner In the .United States, discussing the battle fleet's projected visit to Australia next'summer. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS Senate Rejects Government Ownership for Muscle Shoals Properties. By EDWARD W. PICKARD GOVERNMENT ownership of Mus cle Shoals received Its death blow In the senate when that body, as the committee of the whole, by a vote of 48 to 87, substituted the Underwood leasing bill for the Norrls bill, which had been reported by the committee on agriculture as a substitute for the Henry Ford measure passed by the housQ. The Underwood measure how ever, may not be flnßlly passed by the senate. Instead, the Jones substitute Is quite likely to be ruccessful. This provides for the appointment of a com mission of three, comprised of the sec retary of war, the secretary of agri culture and one other to be selected by the President, to study the entire problem and report a solution to con gress next winter. Most of the gov ernment ownership advocates are said to prefer this to the Underwood bill, under which the President Is author ized to lease the Muscle Shoals prop erty at any time up to September 1, on terms similar to the Henry Ford ofTer, except that the lease Is limited to fifty years. If no satisfactory lease can be made a government corporation will be created. The bill emphasizes production of fertilizer for agricultural purposes, and specifies the amount of air nitrogen which must be produced by a lessee. TX7ITH a margin of only one vote * " the senate refused to override President Coolldge's veto of the postal employees' pay raise bill. Flfty-flve senators voted for the measure, but 29 stood firm In sustaining the veto and the prestige of the White House and of Senator Curtis, the new majority leader of the senate, was saved. This was done by the aid of Sehator Dial, Democrat, w*ho voted to sustain the veto, and of King, Owen and Shields, also Democrats, who were absent. Sev eral who orglnally favored the bill changed over and voted against It. It was at once announced by the administration leaders that they would now push the Moses bill, which pro- •vldes for wqge increases for postal employees and for postal rate ad vances amounting to $60,000,000. But It was believed the chances to get this measure through In this session were small. JOSEPH McKENNA, for 20 years an associate justice of the United States Supreme court, retired from that exalted position, and on the same day the President nominated Attorney General Harlan Piske Stone to succeed him. As a mark of the affection In which Justice McKenna was held by his associates his resignation was made known* with unusual ceremony. A large basket of roses was plsced on the bench In front of him and Chief JUstice Taft announced Ms retirement Justice McKenna read a letter to his colleagues, and then," as he withdrew to the robing room, the court and the audience in the chamber arose and stood silent. Until trie President selects a new attorney general the place will be filled automatically by Solicitor Gen eral Beck. Several men were consid ered for the vacancy by Mi. Coolldge, and It was said be looked with espe cial favor on Charles Beeclmr Warren of Michigan, former ambavnador to Japan and Mexico. This stirred up the entire Michigan delegation In congress, and also Governor Groesback of that State, who had himself been suggested for the place. Senator Couzen* carried t" the White House the inf«~"9sri»n • iiHi the MicbiKnn'fcirs much jn-fcrc-J Groesback to Warren an J arranged to take the state's delegation to the ex ecutive mansion to back n|. his inser tion. The opposition to Mr. Warren grows partly out of factional Hepub lican politics In Michigan and partly out of personal misunderstandings be tween Mr. Warren and Mrious Repub lican leadera tn his own' state. Other possible choices for the attor ney generalship were aald to be Mr. Beck. Blias Straws of Chicago, Secra tary of the Navy Wilbur, Owen J. Roberts of Philadelphia and Chief Justice Arthur P. Itugg of the Massa chusetts Supreme court. XX7ORKING rapidly and smoothly, the senate passed the appropria tion bills (or the Interior and Agricul tural departments and the combined Treaaury-Poiit-Offlce measure. Only slight t anges were made In any of them. The house passed an emergen cy deficiency bill carrying $157,000,000 for Immediate expenditure. Major provisions of the bill, in addition to the Inland Waterways corporation Item, are $150,000,000, to be used In refunding Internal rev«Mie taxes Ille gally assessed and collected ; $3,501,200 for continuing work on dam No. 2 at Muscle Shoals, Ala.; $275,000 for eradi cating reported epidemics of bubonic plague among rats at New Orleans and Oakland, Gal., and $150,000 for repair ing the coast guard cutter Manning. During the discussion of this meas ure It came out that the appropria tions committee had turned down re quests of the President for money to pay the expenses of the St Lawrence and the agricultural commissions, and that Chairman Martin Madden bad sharply questioned the legal right of the President to appoint commissions without the authorization of congress. luTORE than a million farmers In 18 states were represented by lead ers of the co-operative marketing movement who gathered In Washlng ton last week, and those leaders de clared themselves opposed to any cod dling by the government and emphati cally against the proposal of the Cap per-Williams bill to unite producers and speculators Into one organization. The men who dominate the national council of farmers' co-operative mar keting associations now ask only that the government take up. In behalf of co-operation, the introduction of a senate resolution calling for an inves tigation of alleged unfair tactics by the American Tobacco company and the Imperial Tobacco company (Brit ish) against the Tobacco Growers' Co operative association. The Dearborn Independent has been printing a series of articles designed to show that the co-operative move ment Is a plan of an international group of Jews "to turn over to an or ganized international Interest the en- tire agricultural Industry of the. re public." The magazine mentions the names of Julius Rosen wald, Otto Kahn, Bernard M. Baruch, Albert D. I.asker, Eugene Meyer, Jr., and Aaron Saplro. The last named Is counsel for several of the cM>peratlve organiza tions, and he has taken steps toward bringing suit against Ford and others for $1,000,000 for alleged libel. He has mailed to Ford a formal demand for a retraction within thirty days, this being required by Michigan laws as a preliminary to a libel suit. TX7IDESPREAD disregard of the " eighteenth amendment and vlo latlops of the national and state pro hibition laws led to the formation of the national citizens' committee of one thousand on law enforcement, which last week concluded Its annual meet ing In New York. It adopted resolu tion! for presentation to the President and the governors of the atates, and i special committee carried these to Washington, where It was entertained by Mr. Coolldge at breakfast One of the resolutions requested the President and the governors to urge all officiate "of every rank and claaalflcatlon, ap pointive or elective, to Join tbem by precept and personal example and, so fsr aa they may by active participa tion ID all administrative efforts. In maintaining among the cltlzena of our republic the high determination to obey and enforce tflfc law of the land." A wcond resolution "commends to the people the United States, and particular)/ to their official represen tatives, the attitude of the President In his obedience to the provisions of the eighteenth amendment to the Con stitution In the hope that the example of the first citizen of our country may Induce those who are now willfully violating the prohibitory statute to ac cept his leadership in conduct and In dorse In practice the Integrity of his fidelity to the supremacy of the law." This same subject of dry law viola tion has aroused some of the reform ers In congress, because the testimony In the divorce case of Representative Scott of Michigan has brought oat Ute alleged fact that various congressmen are among the frequent offenders. Mr. Upshaw of Georgia Intimates that an effort may be made to expel from the hous« those members who drink Intoxi cating liquors. CENATOR LADD of North Dakota, ** one of the four LaFollette sup porters who were read out of the Re publican party by the senate caucus, found opportunity last week to de nounce that action and to declare he would not sutynlt to It. He said the same method would have meant the death of the Republican party In 1012. Thereupon Senator Edge said the Re publicans would welcome Senator I.add back Into the party If the section of his address relative to the return of Roosevelt to the party was an Indi cation of "your plans to march In line In the future." On the Democratic side. Senator Dial recently made an address blam ing Democratic members of congress for the party's defeat last November. For this he was hotly assailed by other Democratic senators, and he asked leave to withdraw his remarks, say ing he had not Intended to be offensive, seeking only a way to re-unlfy his party. /"CHICAGO, the npper Mississippi val ley and all cities on the Great Lakes are vitally Interested in the de cision of the United States Supreme court forbidding, after 00 days, the of more than 4,167 cubic feet of water per second from Lake Michigan for the Chicago drainage canal. As at present constructed and operated, the Chicago drainage system requires two or three times this amount of water, and if the court's order stands s new program of sewage disposal will have to be undertaken at great expense. The suit was brought by the government years ago. The real complainants are the lake cities, which claim the lake level is being dangerously lowered, and the people of the Illinois and Mississippi river val leys, who say the wster was contami nated. The Chicago congressmen are seeking temporary relief from the sec retary of war and permanent relief from congress. "C*ARLY and amicable settlement of *- J America's claim for payment of Its occupational army costs and war damages from the Dawes plan pro ceeds was forecast by the talk In the allied financial conference which met In Paris. Col. James A. Logan, Amer ican unofficial observer, and Chancel lor Winston Churchill had several friendly conversations, and Ambassa dors Kellogg and Herrlck took part In the negotiations. The British seemed ready to drop their objections to pay ment of America from the reparations receipts, and Colonel Logan made con cessions as to the amounts of the an nual payments asked. The matter of the Interallied war debts also was taken np, unofficially, and It was re ported that, while there would be no International debt 'conference, France would proceed at once to negotiate settlements with America and Great Britain through diplomatic cbannela. DT MUZZLING the press and ralrf •*-' Ing the organisation of the oppo sition, Premier Mussolini succeeded In "clearing the situation" In Itsly snd the Fascist! are on top, aafely for the present What smounts to military Isw hss been established, the prefects being given permission to tske what ever steps they deem necesssry for the safety snd interasl peace of the Isnd. Parliament la In session again, but will consider only Mussolini's new electors! Isw and then disband, and thereafter parliamentary immunity from arrest will not) operate. The opposition hss not given np yet, but on all sides as surance is given that there will be no public disorders during the holy year, when many thousands of pilgrims are expected to visit Rome. FUt the first time an American state has a woman governor, for Mrs. Nellie T. Rosa has been inaugu rated aa chief executive of Wyoming. The ceremoniea were severely simple, and Governor Ross announces that economy will be one of her guiding principles. On January 20 Mrs. Miri am Ferguson becomes governor of Texas. Already she has selected wom en for secretary of state and for a ■eat on the state Supreme cowrt beat*. HOW TO KEEP •- WELL t DR. FREDERICK R. GREEN Editor of "HEALTH" l®, 1925, Wiatiro Newspaper Union.) WHY SOME GERMS ARE INVISIBLE • * I 'HE British Association for the Ad vancement of Science met this year In Toronto, Cacuda. This Is one of the few times when tills dignified body of English scientific men has met on this side of the Atlantic. The presi dent. Sir David Bruce, K. C. 8., T. R. S., took for his presidential address, the Important and practical subject, "The Prevention of Disease." Of all the instruments which the tnlnd and Ingenuity of man has de veloped, the microscope, he said, is the most important. With it, In the last 50 years, the cause of almost all dis eases caused by minute living things has been discovered. But there are a number of common and destructive dis eases which are undoubtedly caused by germs which have never been seen by the human eye. This Is not because they do not exist but probably be cause tliey are so small that not even the most powerful microscope is strong enough to make them visible. Influ enza, measles nnd scarlet fever have all the peculiarities of germ diseases, yet, so far, oo germs have been found which are, beyond doubt, the causes of these diseases. Smallpox is per haps the most typical germ disease known, yet no one has ever been able to find Its cause. Foot-and-mouth dis ease un»>ng animals Is clearly due to some germ, yet no one knows what it Is. The generally accepted and prob able explanation o( this strange situa tion Is that the £erms responsible for these diseases are not only too small to be seen by the microscope but are also so small lhat they will pass freely through the finest filter made, and s« cannot be "strained out," cultivated and examined as can the larger and more generally known germs. An Invisible germ cannot be studied. This means that until a germ Is made visible, there Is no way of knowing where It can be found In the body, how It affects the vsrlous organs, how It gets out of the body or in what form, what It lives on outside the body, #t>ether It Is carried by other animals or Insects, how It gets back to the human body and how It can be con trolled and the Infection of healthy persons be avoided. One hundred year* ago, smallpox and yellow fever were equally mysteri ous. No one knew the cause of either disease. No one knew whether they were carried by animals or Insects, whether contact with the sick person would cause It. Today, we know that only mosqui toes can carry yellow fever, so we dis regard everything else in controllng this disease. We suspect everything about a smallpox patient. Just as our forefathers did 100 years ago. Rome day, the germ of smallpox will r>e found and then It will be as easy to stamp out this disease as It is to con trol yellow fever. FOOLING THE MALARIA BUGS t ONO before tlie traninolMloo of malaria by mosquitoes waa (llscov .red, tt waa known that chllla and fever dlaappeared in the fall after the first froat and that no new caaea ap peared nntll warm weather came the next spring. We know now that cold weather kllla the mosquitoes, so there Is no way by which the dlaease can be transmitted until tlie new feneration of mosquitoes hatch out. But tbla rule, like all-generallcatlona, haa exceptions. Occasionally, there occurs In the spring, long before the breeding sea son for mosquitoes, a single caae of malaria, what doctora call a "sporadic case." Why do these solitary caaea occur and how can they happen when there were no moaqultoes present? They would seem to prove that the mos quito la not the cause of malaria. But the easiest explanation la sot always the right one. Careful study of the blood of malaria patlenta proves that the malaria bug can live all win ter In the patient's blood, resting, In active. without causing any symptoms, hibernating, In fact, juat like the bear which crawls Into a cave In the fall and aleepa snug all winter. In the spring, when all nature awakena and when all forma of life begin to atlr and grow, these malaria germa wake up. What makes the germ which haa slept all winter wake up wlien spring comes? The same thing that makea the grain of wheat, buried In tbs ground In the fall and lying apparently dead all winter, begin *o swell and lend up shoots when spring comes. Sunlight is the source of all growth nnd life. It has the aame stimulating eiTect on the malaria plant that It dees nn the wheat plant. We know much more about sunlight than we used to and can now produce in artificial light very much the same as the natural product So Doctor Helnhard decided to see If he couldn't. liy artificial sunlight, hurry up the de velopment of the sleeping malaria bugs and get them started early enough to cure the patient before the spring malaria season opened. 80 he ex posed his malaria patients to ultra violet rays snd three-fourths of them dad s chill In a few days. Then he gave them quinine snd so killed tbs malaria germs about a month In ad vance. Just like bear hunters who smoke the bear oat of his lair'and rfioot him la aldwlaUr. fiSSsRa WM / The standard of the South for fifty years. Quality—of £==3 the highest! And C only 25 cents for BrSgl 25 ounces. rgj BagyBBBBBBSaQg • ] FQEXTiHoistiim rnLQ-? bottla at LIQUID VKNBBL Wond«rfaTfc» your daily duatin*. ClMm4.au and poMataa with ftflt aw—p ofyomr daataiaOl. Kinli ■ pi avarrthlas Ml Uka aw Makw I illai a i Have you RHEUMATIBM Lumbago or Ooutf TUtMItnUOIDKMIwnIHMa uddrlTa tta ptimm fna tkaayaum. AtAUDr^xmrn* Jss. Ba«y 4 KWhUt DMria mpWrnrnmrnrmnarm wst RESIHOL Sooth inq and Hc&linq For Baby's lender Skin f Retail tfce Ora 01 ffclnl A Cksr SwMtSUs Cuticura WiO Help Yoo Ua. »~a W~9 SOAKS RIGHT IN and UMBERS UP STIFF JOINTS Btlff, swollen, Inflamed, rheumatic Joints should be treated with s rem edy made for Just that purpose and that purpose only. Remember the name of this discov ery Is Joint-Ease and tt will take oat the agony, reduce the swelling and limber up any troubled joint after ordi nary cure-alls hare miserably failed. Just rub It on—6oc a tube at any druggist—ask for Joint-Base. Always remember, when Jolnt-Eaaa gets to Joint agony gets out—quick. *e%ttV2t.« u fl3rT^S \ "»»'■«" of ITCH. BCZ.KMA, VjFjrtJJ KINO WORK .TKTTKKorothW / ■ I Py ttchlac akin «amn. Me* IVI J A 75c at dnnMa, or dtraoa froaa j

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