VOL. LI Ueo Electric Shocks for Regulating Heart* On* of the moat remarkable of re cant medical inventions la the atatlc ware device. Ita purpoae la to regqlate the beat ing of the heart, should it be too fast or too alow. The patient' alts in an inaolated chair connected with a ma chine which paaaea an electric current through the body. * Outside the machine ia a revolving ball, fixed to the end of a metal rod Every time thla ball passes another stationary ball, electricity Is dis charged from the body, causing the muscles to relax. If the heart be beating 74 times a minute, but is six beats fast, •ays the Detroit News, the revolving ball la timed to go around at 74 revo lutlona a minute and the heart ia thus slowed down to its correct time. In the same way, the heart can be quickened. This wonderful machine was ex hibited at a recent medical exhibition In London. The force current Is such that a person potting his hand within six Inches of the chair re ceives a powerful shock. Turned From Smithy to Watch Designing The first Swiss watch was made by a blacksmith. In 1680 a distinguished Englishman was traveling through Switzerland when his watch failed him and the nearest approach he could find to a watchmaker was a young blacksmith, Daniel Jean Richard. This young man undertook to repair the watch, which he did successfully. He profited so greatly by this experience in the knowledge he acquired of the design and construction of watches that he became the first watchmaker of the country and the pioneer of a great industry. According to a Swiss watchmaker visiting this country, the district of NeuChatel products more watches than any similar locality In the world. • When to Find Acorne Many members of the tree-planting army like the oak. As a group, oaks carry general marks of distinction from other trees. One of these marks Is the bearing of acorns. In which the oak has no competition, says tbe American Tree association of Wash ing, which fer a two-cent stamp will send you tree-planting suggestions. All of the oaks may be grouped aa either white or black. To the for mer group belong the white oak proper and the bur oak, swamp white-oak, • chestnut oak, over cup oak, the post oak, and live oak, which may be recog nised by the rounded lobes of their , leaves, with the exception of the post oak and live oak, which have no lobes; and by their light gray or light bufflsh brown bark, which breaks off Into loose, flaky scales. The bur oak Is distinguished from its close kinsmen by Its corklike branches. The trees of this group mature their acorns in a single year, and for this reason acorns of old and new crops are never found on the same tree. Relic of Feudal Days The old Norman tower of Holy Trinity church, at (Richmond, In York shire, England, dates back to the Eleventh century. It' Is one of the few, If not the only church .where the old custom of ringing the curfew still survives. The tower contain* two bells. For centuries the larger bell has been rung every day at alx o'clock In the moqilng and again at curfew hour—eight o'clock in - the • evening. The smaller bell is rung at eleven o'clock on Shrove Tuesday morning "to bid the housewives tend the fires and cook the pancakes well." Another quaint survival at thla church Is the practice of ringing the "gathering bell" on the occasion of s funeral to give . the mourners an hour's notice to pre pare. Unless speedy restoration work is undertaken this ancient tower Is aald to be doomed.—Family Herald. Hit Own Doath Notiem Mike waa working diligently in hla potato patch when he saw the post man coming up the road, bringing a black-edged envelope. Mike became uneasy, and showed It "Hope lfa not bad newa," said the postman. It ia that" said Mike, looking at the addreaa. "It's upset I am en tirely. My brother, Pafa dead. I can teU by his handwriting."—From Everybody's Magazine. Animal Highly Valuad The water buffalo la valued highly la China,- especially In the flelda, where It ia used for AM cultivation of the rice crop. It ia aald that they are more powerful than dm t§ and en pableef dragging or carrying a heavier load. The female yielda a much greater quantity of srilk than a cow, and of saeellant quality, from wMeh the ghee or sand-fluid batter of India I* made. The hide la valued for tts THE ALAMANCE ITLEANER. Art of Dining Out Dining oat is an art It is not learned in a day; and as 0M right guests at a table an as Important aa the food and drink If not more so—care must be taken In their selection, writes Charles Hanson Towne, in Harper's. Tbe hostess who glvss no thought to the placing of those around her board la a social fooL She does not deserve even the modicum of ancceas. For when people are to be Intimate with one an other for two hours, imprisoned at an inelastic table, there is a serious aspect of the situation which requires fore sight and a profound knowledge of hu man nature. Many dinners fall be cause there has been no diagram mad 4 of spiritual needs. Queer "Felicitation" Ignorant of English, a Frenchman wished to telegraph congratula tions to an English friend on his mar riage. He wrestled wtlh the dictionary until the happy couple were fairly on their honeymoon, and by that time be had evolved the following: "May you be very happy in the workhouse!" His friend was about to demand an explanation, when It dawned upon him that what was meant was: "May you be happy in the union." [For the ben efit of American readers it should be stated that all English workhouses (or institutions for the poor) are known as union workhouses.] Bureau of Printing On June SO, 1878, congress appro priated $900,000 for the purchase of the site at Fourteenth and B streets, Southwest, and for the eredtlon of the bureau of engraving and printing. The building was completed and oc cupied July 1, 1880. In 1891 a wing was added to the southwest end and in 1904 a wing was added to the west end. Congress appropriated funds for the new building in 1907. This was completed and occupied la 1014. Cave Name to Vogue The name "silhouette" Is derived from Etlenne de Silhouette, a French minister of finance, who was famous for his measures of economy in 1750. All business was stripped of unneces sary detail. Paintings were reduced to mere outlines. Whether this was In conformance with the spirit of econ omy or because It was coincidence that black and white outline portraits be came popular at 'this time, the name "Silhouette" jras applied to them and has clung., *"* Where Even Death /« Mild We're not pessimistic, on the con trary we are happy. We live In the best port In China. Tientsin la a health resort, and If you look at onr statistical reports you will see that we fcave less serious deaths than any oth er port, all other aspirants to the con trary;— The Mel Foo Shield (Shang hai). The onlvrgasonthat house plants a aleeplng room fc tl4rthe temperature of a well-venti lated room Is lower than the tempera ture necessary for planta. The average plant should have a night temperature of around SO degrees and a day tem perature of around 70 degrees. Early Church Dignitary Rev. John Carroll, who was bora In Upper Marlboro, Md.. and who Aas educated abroad and returned to this country as a priest in 1774, be came subsequently—about 1797—the first Catholic bishop in America. Immortal N artery Tale "Goody Two-Shoes," the old English nursery tale that Is such a favorite with children, was written by Oliver Gold smith in 1768 for Newberry, the pub lisher, whose office wss near St Paul's churchyard, London. Take Name From Bird* Gowk atorma la the name that need to be applied to the abort mlaatorma that occur la spring, especially about the time the gowk, or cuckoo, reap pear* In the North after a winter's sb aence In the South. Oldmtt Nmwapapar The oldest newspaper ia auppoeed to be the Chlnree Tchlnc-Pao, or News of the Capitol, which has appeared daily ia Peking aince about TDO A. D. It consists chiefly sf official newa, im perial decrees, etc. FmtiUFair Western exchange: "Besides being • talented ainger, Miss Rogers pos eessea a magnetic personality and a manner that I* entirely free from ef fectiveness."—Beaten Transcript Harak Ward* Over-Ouehiag Horteee—Such a dear nan the new vicar ia—so outspoken. In his eermon last Sunday ho censured the devil most severely I—London Paus ing Show. Plant Care GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 1925 naitea uaru to save Heroic Mother Bird One day during the World war I was taking a battery of artillery along a grassy road, a writer in London Tit-Bits relates. The horses were trot ting, and behind them the guns rum bled and swayed over ruta and stones. Suddenly there appeared not fifty yards in front oVhe leading horses • dozen fluffy brown partridge "cheepers," tiny mites no bigger than sparrows, running hither and thfther in the wildest panic before the ap proaching danger. With them was the mother bird. She chivvied them off into the grass on either side of the road, and then, when the laat one had made lta escape, turned and with open beak and half-spread wings faced the battery, daring them to come on. Had the battery not been halted tbe bird would have given her life in an endeavor to ensnre the safety of her chicks. As it was, she achieved her object by a display of reel heroism in the face of hopeless odds. This Is a typical example of the way nature makes heroines of animal mothers, no matter how timid they may be when they have no family ti> care for. In defence of their help less young, nature's heroines will face any creature that threatens their safety. Species Unchanged tor Eight Million Yean The longest pedigree in the world •o far as science can discover be longs to the "sphenedon," which can boast an ancestry of eight million years duration. The sphenedon Is found on a tiny Island off the coast of New Zealand. There Is nothing quite like It anywhere else. The sphenedon Is a reptile and Is a mix ture of crocodile, snake, turtle, and lizard. As a matter of fact. It is probably the ancestor of all these creatures, but In the process of evolu tion through countless ages, the "children" have altered and split up lito a hundred and one different "families." The sphenedon, however, has gone on Its way unchanged and la exactly as It was eight million years ago. This pherlstorlc creature shows greatest similarity to the lizard. It has four short legs and a long talL Its face la rather like that of a fish and there la a hard ridge on the top of Its head snd down its back. The dinosaur and other prehistoric anhnals are of quite recent date compared with the sphenedon. It Is generally supposed that the 'dinosaur disap peared off the earth a mere three mil lion years ago! Influenza Ancient Enemy Influenza baa been kndwn almost as long aa man has been known. The word itself la derived from tlie ancient astrologers, who believed It to be caused by the "Influence" of the stars. The disease has been unmistakably traced back to 1580. It was then prev alent In eastern Germany and was known, curiously enough, as sleeping sickness. It appeared again In the Eighteenth century, when epidemics of It were frequent and prolonged In most European countries. Among the .famous people of long ago who suf-' fered from It were Sir Issac Newton, Goethe and Schiller. The great phi losopher, Kant, waa attacked by It, and he believed it waa cauaed by noxious Insects brought to western Europe as a result of trade with Russia. Chance for Experiment It w*s between fences. They were sitting in a dim comer. Ton have wonderful eyes," he mur mured. "Test" she Inquired expectantly. "They are like stars," he went on. Her lips brushed his ss he mur mured: They are so bright" His fumbled In his pocket snd he drew forth a glittering object: "They are so very bright" he re peated. He thrust his watch before her. "See If you can see the time In the dark." Rubber Fruit The toadooa tropical' fruits in a fully ripened atate aoon amy appear on distant market* with each piece of fruit Incased In a rubber composition known aa latex. Fruit dipped in the compound while It la warm retalna all the original flavor. Strawberriea, considered a diffi cult fruit to handle nnlaaa picked when vary green, have been dipped half way around the world In latex. The mating of rubber abuts out all the air, preventing any decompoeltlon of the fruit. The latex becomee brittle when cold and Is easily removed from the fruit Motor* Gramto Stent The world's largest granite atone was recently quarried at RockvOle, Minn. The atone, which was broken out by means of "Jackhammera," la ISO fact long. TO feet thick, and a tent wide. It weigh* Origin of Gloves Gloves trace th/>lr origin back for i centuries, the first mention of them In literature Is to be found in the Bible, but scientists believe we should I go back still fartheY, for among pre glacial relics ao unmistakable draw ing of A glove, rudely etched upon a stone, w«# disco tared. It is said that the first skilled glove makers were the monks of the early Middle ages.- 'ln 700 Charlemagne granted to tbe abbots and monks of Slthin, in nnclent France, unlimited right of hunting Hie deer for skins of which to make jjloves. Gloveuiaklng was established In France a# an In dustry In the Twelfth century. Molecule j A "nolvule" Is the KinHllpr.t part of a substance that can exist separately nnd still retain Its composition and properties; tbe anmllpst combination of atoms that will form a given chem ical compound. In physics, the struc tural unit, as distinguished from the afom. and epplled to particles of gage* In the kinetic theory Independently of their Mutton to the chemical mole cule. Snow Reef in Mountains One «f the few snow reefs to be found In all the Itocky mountain range, Is on "Snow Reef Top" In Gla cier National park. This snow reef Is there the year round and Is much raved over by landscape painters and eumera artists. In some parts of this reef, which forms a crescent near the mountain peak, the snow Is drifted 100 feet high. Religion ' I've «een r«tty cleur ever tlnce I was ft young un, us religion's some thing (Hse besides doctrines and no tions. I lookat'lt us if the doctrines was like finding names for your feel ings. so as you can talk of 'em when you've never known 'em, just as a man may talk o' tools when ha knows their name*, though he's never so much as seen 'em, atUl less bandied 'em.— George Eliot, Vanuhing Race A colony of 126 near Jerusalem, said to be descendanta of the Samaritans of Biblical days, must soon become extinct unless they change their cus toms. For 2soo yeara they have for bidden marriages outside their own people. Their numbers gradually have diminished and too close inbreeding Is exterminating them. Petrifying Animal 9 A New York chemist has evolved a solution which, it Is claimed, will mummify beasts, birds and fish in their natural colors. By dipping the crea tures Into the chemical aolutlon It Is said they become hard as though petri fied and in that state are Immune to decay and need not be kept in liquid while on display. Spice Buth in Spring The little yellow flowers In tiny clusters on some of the bushes In the swamps and along the streams with the alders Is spice bnsh, and by snap phig a twig to smell or taste you can be sure, says Nature Magazine. The medicinelike odor and flavor are on like that of any other plant Propeller Revereee Ship A propeller which will permit a ship to reverse its direction without revers ing its engine and which may be re placed or repaired without the ship go ing Into dry dock was recently In vented at the University ft Washing ton. , Attained Fame Early Wtlllam Congreve, the great English dramatist of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries, wrote nearly all the plays on which his fame rests be fore he was thirty years old. He wrote little of importance after he was thirty. Varying Minde Strong minds will be strongly bent, snd usually labor under a strong bias, but there Is no mind so weak snd pow erless as not to have Its Inclinations, and none so guarded aa to be without Its prepossessions^—Exchange. Built to Please Queen The hanging gardens of Babylon, one of the seven. wonders of the ancient world, were built on the banks of the Euphrates br Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, for his wife, Amytls, In the Sixth century B. C. Science Explode* Myth Rumanian experimenters who recent ly smoked cigarettes made of tobacco w»i™d with various poisons report that it would bo practically Impossible to smoke pofeon cigarettes unawares. Made Dragon Do Stunts | Seventeen men riding astride of • mechanical "dragon" in • German film production made the animal crawl, drink water, climb a tree, spit firs and j finally battle with the hero. Church Authority Rune Along National Lines Authority In the eastern orthodox churches la divided along national lines. There Is a Russian church, a Rumanian church, a Greek church and ao on, with primates, metropolitans or patriarchs of their own nationality at the head of each. > Four offices to which s great and ancient prestige attaches are the patri archates of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antloch and Jerusalem, and that of the ecumenical patrlareh of Constan tinople has the most weight of all; ills Influence extends throughout the east ern churches; though his authority does not. But the Russian chureh, for Instance, is a sister church to that of Constan tinople and not at all a subsidiary. Nor Is this a result of recent events In Russia, the autonomy of the Rus sian orthodox faith dating to 1721. Under tbe cxars this was the es tablished church. Soviet Russia has disestablished it and appropriated cer tain of its properties, and the govern ment policy Includes a propaganda against all religion. But any faith whatever may be freely professed In Russia, so far as Soriet law Is con cerned.—Cleveland I'lifln Dealer.^ Moravian Church Hat School in Far North At Makkovlk, In the l;e-bound pen insula of the North American continent known as Labrador, a country where one may travel hundreds of mllea with out seeing a human habitation, and where the temperature In winter Is often 00 degrees below tero, there is a boarding school kept by two Eng lishwomen. It ia under the control of the Mora vian church; and is one of the moat remarkable as well aa the least ac cessible schools in the world. A mis sion steamer goes out once a year with goods for the Eskimos, and on her last trip along the coast, prior to her re turn, she takes both Eaklipo children and the few white children 'available to the Makkovlk boarding school. There they must remain until the long winter la over, for in such ter rible cSId, and with no conveyance but dog-sledges, It Is Impossible for children to travel. That they are happy goes without saying, and with a gramophone, a piano, and a fine se lection of lantern slides, as well as an excellent library, the children get not only a good education but alao a good time. Service Has Many Dutiee • The «United States coast guard nervlce was created by an act of con gress of January 28, 1815, by com bining therein the revenue-cotter serv ice and the life-saving service. Its duties are to render assistance to ves sels In distress, saving life and prop erty ; destruction or removal of wrecks and other floating dangers to naviga tion ; extension of medical aid to Amer ican vessels engsged In deep-ses fish eries; protection of the customs rev enue ; operation aa a part of the navy In time ot war or when the President shall so direct; enforcement of laws snd regulations governing anchorage of vessels In navigable waters, and quarantine and neutrality; suppress ing mutinies on merchant vessels; en forcement of navigation and other lawa governing merchant vessels, etc.; protection of game and seal and other fisheries in Alaaku and work as an In ternational ice patrol tttt Newfound land. Honored Anatole France In describing the funeral of Anatole France which took place while he was In Parla, William Lyon I'helps In Scrib ner'n Magazine, says: : "As a twin of letters, Anstole France was an aristocrat; In politics, he was a Communist. Thus his appeal was universal, and It was Interesting to see ail classes of people represented among the mourners. "Of the honors paid him, snd they were Innumerable and extremely va ried, one particularly Impressed me. There was to have been a play at the Oomodle Francaise on the afternoon of the funeral. Althpugh the house had been sold out, the iierformance was canceled, and the money returned to ticket holders." At What Hour? (Ad In the Birmingham (Ala.) News.) I'upples—Two fox terrier puppies. 1 male and 1 female; beautifully marked; guaranteed singers.—Ameri can Legion Weekly. Irish Prefix Explained The prefix "O" before the names of so many Irish families la an abbrevia tion of the word "ogba," meaning grandchild. Lincoln Ueed T One* President Lincoln. In his second In augural address, used the pronoun "I" only once, while Mr. Roosevelt avoided It entirely. Insects and Scientists Scientists are making a special study of animal and Insect life as a means of determining changes which have taken place In the earth. The re lations Insects of one region bear to those of another Indicate that certain Islands ware once connected. In Jamaica, recently, they "-explored a very ancient section of that country that has been above the sea for a long er time than its neighboring land and which shelters Insect tribes of great age. This discovery lends authorities to believe tlrat animal life of that Isle Is more closely associated with those of Haiti or Cuba, and that It original ly found Its way from the mainland over a land bridge long since engulfed by the ocean.—Family Herald. Gas From Flower Gardens The great development of natural gas In the Industries around • Pitts burgh, Pa., Is In u considerable meas ure due to George Westinghouse of airbrake fame. He Anally Induced his wife to let him sink a shaft In her flower garden, his labor being reward ed by a geyser when he had gone about 1,600 feet. From this came the development of-the Pittsburgh supply. Westinghouse himself worked out the system of piping that enabled It to be distributed without leakage, at the same time reducing the pressure by the use of gradually larger pipes, until It could be safely handled by the time It reached a customer. Earliest Known Letters It was formerly believed .that the earliest extant collection of formal letters was the series of about 150 Greek epistles professing to hnVe been written by the tyrant I'halarls of the Sixth century B. C. A controversy arose, however, and Richard Bentley, In bis fttmoift "Dissertation on the Letters of I'halarls," in IflOl), demon strated, as is now universally admit ted, that they are of comparatively late origin, about the Second century A. D. Among the early genuine let ters of the Greek period are those of laocrates (died 838 B. C.), nlao la aamber. • Prude* of the Past Authbr Frank Harris, the gnest of honor at a literary banquet In New York, said In his speech of acknowl edgment : "American literature usetf to be very prudish. We've changed all that, thank goodness. But our prud- Ishness in the past was so extreme that It reminds me of the girls' board ing school. "The principal of a girls' boarding school was taking her charges through a picture gallery. When half way through she halted and said: •••Attention, young ladles! The next apartment Is devoted to the nude. In passing the door yoij will all please lower your eyes, avert your heads, quicken your pace and blush."—De troit Free Press. Bach to Normalcy Ole Svenson, after having lived by himself and prepared his own meals for years, had taken a wife. Mrs. Sven son proceeded to live with her husband for the better part of two months, ufter which she ran away to the city. "Well, Ole," said a friend w roe time dfter tho lady's departure, "lire you sorry she wentr "No," replied Ole. "Xo? Why notf "Well," wis the reply, "she was always getting In the way when I was cook ing." Great Sleeper Mrs. Jones —John, I wish you'd preach "early to bed and early to rise" t# Clarence. Mr. Jones—Why? Mrs. Jones life's worc\ out llirea pairs of pajamns in a month. Truth Most Important It is more honorable to the head, as well as to the heart, to l>e misled by our eagerness in the pursuit of truth, tbnn K>-Ih» safe from blundering by the contempt of It. Short'Lioed Calendar The Revolutionary calendar was one adopted during the French reign of terror, decreed In 1793 and continuing until Napoleon restored the old sys tem in WO6. Excuse tor Plumber A statistical note says a plumber uses 23£15 implements an4 appliances. What more natural than that he should glways forget one of them?— Mansfield Journal. Anyway A sobhler arrested for wife desertion was found to have committed bigamy. Be should have stuck to his last.— London Humorist First Olympiad The first officially recorded Greek Olympiad was held la 770 B. C. Legend places the original games at a time far writer than that NO. 14 Modern Heroine * Barbara was selfish, thirsty tat pleasures of the most vulgar sort, amused herself by collecting adorers and treating them badly, was stupid and a liar—ln other words; was one of the normal types of healthy young womanhood. I should have been less disturbed by these discoveries If only her face had been different But with that dazzling and mysteriously lovely face she was a perpetual source of sur prise and pain. In Barbara's eompany I was learning that It Is possible to be profoundly and slavishly in love with some one for whom one has no esteem, whom one regards as a Bad character, and who, finally, not only makes one unhappy, but bores one.—From "Those Barren Leaves," by Aldous Huxley. * Made Name Glorioa* A world-famous battle was fought nt Thermopylae In northern Greece on August 7, 8 and 9, 480 B. C, be tween three hundred Spartans and seven hundred Thespians, commanded by Leonldas and the entire Persian host. For four days Leonldas and bis hand held the pass of Thermopylae iirainst the Invaders, at the end of which time Ephialtes, a Trachinlan. led the Persians over the mountains by a secret path to the rear of the Creeks, who were thus placed between two hostile nrmles and were finally cut to pieces. One Greek only Mk caped, and he la said to have been loaded with reproaches for Had. —Kansas City Star. Balance Your Diet The balanced diet is the healthy eoe and contains all three of the Impor tant vltamlnes. The principal food value of bread and meat lies In their protein content but they are lew In vitamlnes It and C, and If yon would be sure of more balance rations insur ing plenty of each essential, use the citrus fruits often.. The Juice of the grapefruit has a h!;h content of vita mlnes It and C that provide the proper amount of carbohydrate* and sella, Grapefruit supplies the blood with aa alkaline reserve «Utah effectively eo» bats acidosis. What the Deacon Said This Is credited to the Osborne TB> lage Beacon: "Deacon,*" said a half baked chump to me the other day, "why don'f you take more of your owa advice 7" -My benighted brother," I reeled as softly as my temper wonld penult, "I am fixing up this medicine fur your ailments and not for my own. No doctor takes his own medicine, any more th.-in a banker pays 8 per cent tor money." Floor From Wheat The n mount of flour obtained from wheat depends very much on the sue and weight of the kernels and varies from CT> to 80 per rent. A fair avenge is 4.7 bushels of wheat to one barret of flour, weighing 100 pounds, or one bushel of wheat to 41 pounds of floor. The shorts average 11 to 12 per cent of the wheat, and the bian 13 per cent. Auto* Not Castles The Supreme court holds that a man's automobile is not his castle, and many a nun realizes that his automo bile Isn't even his vehicle, tt'p the rusty old machine which harts the pride of members of the family who use It while pater familias digs op the sends for gas and garage bills.—Louis' vlltc Times. Rail Lights Needless All switch and signal lights on tbe . Alaska railroad are discontinued even at night during the long summer sea-1 son when the "sun never seta." Tbia Is the qnly railroad in tbe world operating on a 24-hour daylight sched ule even a part of the year. It runs between Curry and Fairbanks. Enable* Blind to Read Braille Is a system of dot* embossed on paper, which the blind read with their finger tips. The Braille nlphabet was deviMtd by l4>uls Braille, a blind Frenchman, about 1834, and has been adapted to the language of every civ ilized nation. Was Civil War Veteran Erall Frey, who was president of the Swiss Confederation from IS&4 to IRO7, wns a sergeant in the Union army during ttte Civil war, and was taken prisoner at Gettysburg, and confined In Übby prison. Reason Most Powerful The voice of reason Us more to be recorded than the bent of any present inclination, since Inclination will at length come over to reason, thoosh we can never force reason to comply with inclination. wj Tailor's Hell The tailor's "hell" is the name of the large box tailors kept nuder the board on which they sat while at work. The word is thought to be a corrup tion of the French word "oeir (pro nounced nil). fcit'ri nifflKti I * itf* rrr . • \ .t-' '.'m'«;*

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