VOL. LI TAPIR NUISANCE IN i ZOO ON BOARD SHIP l ' Takes Fancy to Carpenter Who Dislikes Species. j New York.—An unusually large and valuable collection of rare'birds, and beasts from the Upper Amazon ar rived In New York from Para and Pernambueo- - - The collection arrived In charge of PbOlp Scbuman, who had spent five months, and had employed six hun dred Indians In bringing it together. The gems of the collection are a Moracaja jaguar, a beast about the size of a fox-terrier," with a curl one mark on Its forehead resembling a Chinese laundry ticket; three alinkers, large birds the size of pheasants, Vrith a unlcorn-like spike on their heads and sheathed spikes on their shoulders for offensive purposes; a rare and very valuable. yellow parrot, a white marmoset four inches long, and a three-year-old tapir, the size of a Shetland pony, very affectionate. | The collection also Includes 44 monkeys, 19 macaws, 22 marcos ducks, 9 maracas, 6 garsas, 9 kutlos, 8 ant&s, 26 parrots, 3 jacamees, 5 mutuns, S alligators, 8 snakes, Including a fifteen foot boa-constrictor; 8 owls, 21 land' turtles, l gwara, 1 three-toed web footed giant Brazilian .waterbog, which resembles a highly magnified guinea pig, and 9 anteaters. I The entire collection was housed on the forward hatch and covered by a canvas, tarpaulin. This unusaal dis position of such a perishable cargo was explained by Capt Walter Densop as due to the light cargo and, the at titude of tjie crew. * A Royal Feast of Nuts! ! "Except for a' little rubber and the animals the only cargo aboard was 500 tons of Brazil puts. If we had struck any sort of a sea the cargo would have shifted, the animals would have broken loose and, let' ab>ne the job of recapturing them, would have feasted royally «n Brazil nuts from Para to Sandy Hook. j "We tried to have the animals housed in the forecastle, but the crew objected. | "So the only alternative was to pht them on the forward hatch, which we did. There was room for all but the tapir. At first the chief officer tried to toave the beast stowed separately In the Carpenter's shop. But the latter came to me and requested to be put In irons. '"lt Christian,' waa all he would «ay. Alf Moore waa his name, and he said he had loaf a cousin in Australia from tiie kick of a tapir. 'lt's orl right for 'lm to aye that the beast's gentle,' Moore declared, "but all I knowa Is that you'll 'ave to put me In the brig for mutiny afore I ship* with that bloodthirsty reptile.' "The worst of it was that the tapir seemed to have taken a-fancy to Alf. We made him fix the cage dn top of the others, surrounded by the ant eaters and the waterhog to steady it •But ?very time the ship rolled the cage swayed, and no amount of stay ing could make it fast All the time Alf was working, the tapir kept wrig gling his nose at him and uttering low I whistles of affection. But Alf took no notice. | "All went well until two nights out from New York we struck a nasty UtUe sea crossing the Gulf stream. Alf , felt hungry along toward midnight and stole aft to the galley to brew a mug 'of hot tea on the sly. As he paased the tSplr the beast gave a mournful cry of recognition, but Alf hurried on. j ' Frightened by the Tapir. 1 "A bit later the chief engineer, Mr. Brand, spied something moving against the crack of light by the galley door. Thinking to play a Joke on Chips, whs had got so be couldn't bear to have tapirs spoken of in his presence, he sung out, 'Look out, the tapir's broken loose.' i "'Oh Gawal the tapirP Alf yelled, and dove Into the lazareet and barri caded the door. I "Word paased that the tapir was loose, and eight men and the boeun began hunting it in tbe dark. It was dirty weather, the old ship rolling, she was so light, all the birds and animals squalling and Jabbering, the Jagnsr meowing like a chorus of tomcatt, and the anteaters giving shrill crim i "The meh carried no lantern, sad there waa one nasty moment when tw* of the crew tackled the boeun —he waa a Bristol man. and they cams faom Cardiff. They handled bias a Mt roughly, «nd It didn'J; make matters any better when they explained that they had mistaken him for the tapir. the chief took a hand, sad found the tapir in the galley. Only It wasn't the tapir after all. It was the four-Inch white marmoset ' "Ons of the parrots was dying and j Its mate set up audi a Jabber that the marmoeet could not stand tt. Ha didn't like living with parrots anyway and waa fkearly crazy from the small ef the Brazil nuts In the hold. "The marmoeet had crept out ef the .fcsakej and foend ltf way forward to v . • • . ■ } ■«... ;>r THE ALAMANCE GLEANER , -v a the galley. When the chief found It It had Just finished a plan of biaorit and jam the idrtor had been eating and was sweating-hofrnuyhfeause' it bad burners nose In the doctor's tea. '"Come on eutf the %Mtf tailed. •We've got it|t t. . , "So Alf crawled out of the lazareet " 'Here's yaur tapir I' said Mr. Brand, pointings to *ho 4 was trying to bite the-edge off*tine'of the chiefs brass huttaab. ■it ? 1' • "Alf looked-at It • 'Strike mo pink I' waa all he would the man said later that tfie Ungate ha used, forward was hacrftt" k /C* 'f % f Xij Popular Ailment A ten-year-old boy 'developed a rash •; and was sent to the doctor. The flee ter said the' Malady waa not serious ; or Infectious and placed no restrictions on diet or exerctse, but advised stay-' lag out of school, thinking, apparently, that the boy's appearance might occa-1 si on false alarm among teachers ahd pupils. - p- ->-* Much of the "enforced" Vacation was spent on a new bicycle. While on an errand to the grocery one aft ernoon the "victim" met a schoolmate who Inquired aa to his absence from school. On hearing the facts. Is be gan t; look envious and ejactlatfed: "Gees, hew'd yon gat lit I Wish J had It too." How to Prevent Contagion A sanitary 'tubs* "which may W fold ed up and carrleds around In the VSet pocket has been recently Invented for the use of persona who hre occasionally exposed to contagion, such as sick room attendants '' or visitors. The mask la of a suitable Altering material, with a stiffened compound incorporated into it, and Is cut Is a shape which en ables It to conform to the lines of the face about the nose -and mouth. If IS also creased so that It may be folded and carried'in a small space. Why Own One's Heme It is in the home, whether rented or owned, where we enjoy' the other primary needs and most of the foil* forts of life, entertain our friends, enjoy domestic comforts, and spend the greatest amount of ear time, from the cradle to the grave. Be it ever SO humble, the place par excellence for the average normal human being la the home, and it is a laudable ambi tion to have aa an object—perhaps not always attainable—the owning ef one's own home. —Exchange. * Chile in History Chill or Chile, da the western coast of South America, was dlseotered by Magellan, who landed at Chlloe In 1520. It was explored by Diego do Almagro, one of the conquerors of Pern, in 158S, Th* capital, Santiago, was founded IS' 1541. Chile was subdued? but not wholly in 1848. In September, 1816, Chile declared her Independence of Spain, and war was carried on until 1826. A republican form of govern ment was established. • Would Draw the'Lh** A dear bid'lady entered a "book shop. "I would Ilka a book to five my grandson." "Yea, madam," replied the book clerk. "What sort of a bookr The dear old lady considered, then went on. "J think I bad beet leave that to your Judgment. You aee, my grand son Is graduating this year, aad I want to present him with t book that Will give him ambition -enough to become rich, but aot yea know, vulgarly rich." Why Head Toward Engine Not long sidtfe in tktese "HeAf' and There" columns-there appsaild a little Item "Why Head VSWards'Snglaer A medical practitioner la connection wftb ( thla article wrltea*- 'The Ideas given there am only* common aeaae, hat science will- prov# that feet towarda engine causes blood to go towarda the bead, laduetng sleepleaaaesa. With head toward eegtae Mood Sows towards the feet and tadoces sleep.—Meotrsal Faaslly Herald. «■ ■ ■ > LOVE IS DEAF IS my Ufa I have had three leva* la all • My firat did nothing hot talk, aad I torn wearied of her. My second merely listened, and I wearied et her even sooner. Bat say third and I adored each other so asneh that aeftber of aa spoke a word. — a G. fly la Life. Camadef* Capital Qesae Vlatortr silsetsd Ottawa as the capital of Oaaadn. It had been founded Is 1*27 by s Colonel By, aad named for Urn aa feHowa. It changed 14- mm _ a— e_ aaoj M ■ % ,„| lta name so Ottawa in IBTV4, ana anoet four years Inter the queea shoes It as the site for the cspttaL The edactlea was ratlflsd by parliament la ISBR. King Edward TH} as prince of Walea, laid the ceraatstses of the Damlalsn parliament bulldlags In !*•*. • GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1925 ■ ri v nyvrmvi - • • J HOW=—== PETROLEUM IS OBTAINED IN ITS NATIVE BTATE. The word petroleum la from two Latin words, petra, "a rock," and oleum, "oil." It includes all the naturally occurring hydro carbons. Petroleum Is obtained by drilling, which la often car ried to a great depth. The drill la often followed by a metal tube so as to shut out water when passing through water stratum, ahd lower down the tube keeps the drilled shaft from being choked by' nmd. When oil Is reached. It may flow spontaneously, being forced to the Surface by' the of aubterrahean gas. If the oil does not flow afcktaneously, It has to be pumped to the surface. It Is Sometimes possible to Induce the flow of oil by stopping the ee cape of gas which Issues along with the oil, so that the latter Is raised by the pressure of the gas. At Baku, on the Caspian sea, compressed air la used for ralslhg the oil. When the well falls off in Its yield, It is usual "to shock" it by the explosion of a special kind of torpedo to Increase the flow. The torpedo la let down th# well and exploded at the bottom of the shaft As-it comes from the well, pe troleum Is a dark, muddy-look ing liquid with a strong and un pleasant odor. The Illuminating oil Is obtained hjr distilling the petroleum, this process being followed by refining and bleach ing: Over 200 different products are obtained from the refining. The active growth of the pe troleum industry dn this conti nent began in the United Statea in 1856, although earlier In the century the petroleum of Lake Seneca, in the state of New York, waa used aa an embroca tion under the name of "Seneca oil," and petroleum found la Kentucky In 18&9 was largely •old under the name, "American Medical Otf." ■ ' '• ' ■ M How Lithography Has SpwlMy Improved Printing from prepared stones haa been known since 1790, when the art waa Invented by Senefolder. The stone employed Si called a lithograph stone, and la a fine-grained limestone of a vary porous nature. Before the World war practically all lithographic atone came from Bavaria, as thei'iriaty quarried there la of the t beef quality and ef the moot practical I light gray. Theee limestones absorb grease and water rapidly; therefore, if a Una la drawn on a prepared stone with an ink containing grease, this line can be taken away only by removing the surface to the depth to which the grease bas penetrated. If water is new placed oa the stone, It will re main only on those parts not covered by the grease. When s roller carry lag a greasy Ink is paased over the stone the Ink will cover, only the greased portions, and the .parts that are wet will not take up the ink. Therefore, a piece of paper press til upon the stone will receive an lmpree sion In Ink from the lines drawn only. On these principles depend lithogra phy, the process being extremely valu able to the printer's art—Washing ton Star. How Nature Aide Criminals There are |om« views In and about the Ercrilada which are truly beau tiful, and persons seelhg them are apt to conclude that they have been doing the country an lnjuatlce when they think of It as" a terrible pUjce asso dated with death and destruction. It la a fact that the Everglsdee afford a natural hiding place for criminals, and It hail served In this capacity ever since they were knows. Soon after the Revolution It was resorted to by fugitive slaves who found It quite possible to live there and to be absolutely safe from pursuit Even then there were fugitives snd crimi nals la the place with a kind of broth erhood of sympathy. Puts of the Everglades consist of dsase wilder nesses where there are trails kpown oaly to a few Indians, fewer white mea. At other places there are acres at saw grass which grows tea feet high with hard snd shsrp leaves through which, tt to Impossible te Hmm Bmllom ld*m Cssw Meatgoller, the famous balloonist, volunteered te' air h£b' wife's gowns oks day wli she had to leave the lattos.' "While engaged In this tas* he bsdcad tkst When HUM with hot sir {Ma the'lire, the gowns began Jto rise upward. Be wss keenly Interested, and by the time his wife returned. Uontgotller wss sending up his Httle paper fcslUias. sad thus beghnlng the towtaflttM that made btm famaua DESPOTIC ACTION CHANGED HISTORY, ' Whan King Forbad* Cram well to Leave England ' A fascinating speculation concern ing both American and British his tory la aroused by memories asso ciated with May day. For it was on that date, 287 years ago, that Charles X of England forcibly prevented a certain trio of English Puritans from following those of their fellows, who had already migrated to North Amer ica. The significance of the inci dent is seen In the identity of the three men. They were Arthur Has lerlg, John Hampden and Oliver Crom well. tfhe Stuart mind was a law unto lttelf, and we cannot venture to In terpret the Inner motives which that misguided king to Insist upon keeping those. troubles of his realm at home, instead of letting them go to the colonies, perhaps to forget their grievances In the strenuous work of building up new communities, or perhaps to get scalped by the In dians. Possibly he .thought It safer . to have them where he could keep his eye upon them. He could scarcely have feared that they would foment rebellion among the mere handful of | colonists when settled on these shores, j Anyway, he did It; and. tremendous were the consequences, an editorial In the Washington Poet comments. t For It requires no stretch of the imagination to suppose thst with those men # out of England, there would, have been no civil war; or, at any rate, none so serious as to upset the throne. We cannot en vlson Nasby and Marston Moor with out the general of the Ironsides. It Is certain that the Puritan protest against royal absolutism would have been made, and it might have been effective, but it would have been made through' less strenuous and inexorable means. There would probably have been no scaffold In Whitehall, and no protectorate, and the Stuart dynasty might have been maintained even down to our own time. No less -interesting is speculation upon the effect upon America of the ooming hither of thoae great Puritan leaders. Cromwell would almost cer tainly have become a dominant figure in the politlca of New England. And S continuance of undisturbed Stuart sovereignty would have meant a dif ferent policy toward the colonlea than the varying policies pursued by the Commonwealth, the Restoration, and the reign of William and Anne. What ever had happened we may feel sure that we should not now be commemo rating the sesqul-centenary of the be ginning of our Revolution. The break might have come enrller, or later, or not at all; but It certainly would not have come Just wben It did and for the same causes and In the same man ner. On the whole, despite the tragedies which it entailed, that act of Charles I, in keeping Cromwell and his com panions in England was probably for the best for both England and Amer lea—we might say for all concerned save for Charles hlmselt To him, It waa the bitterest irony of fats. Remarkable Experience Experience with lightning is de scribed by a . Rand (South African) pioneer in a letter to a Johannesburg paper. He says, "Some years ago I was riding a bicycle in the country and was caught in a thunderstorm; in making a Kaffir hut for aheiter I was struck hy lightning. The flash caught me in the back of the neck, and made a hole there; it then ran all over my body, took one shoe clean off, and burned my clothes to rib bons. The flesh was peeled off my body, and I was unconscious for a long time. The doctor said I could not live through the night, as my Injuries were so severe. The drugis of my ears are broken, so I am still very deaf, f>ut after careful nursing and six months In bed I got better, aad grew a new skin, which I find quite as com fortable as the old one." Glacier May Yield Dead Reports from Geneva, Switzerland, are that alpinists are watching the glacier Dee Boeaona doaely this year la the expectation of finding tbe re mains ft six men who perished there in September, 1970. One waa an American, H. Randall of Chicago, and tt is regarded as possible that his body may be among the others which It is hoped will be given op by tho "river ef Ice." Statistics show that the glaciers usually give up their dead within from ten to thirty years, bat one case is recorded of s glacier's retaining bodies more than forty yearn. The hopes of recovering tbe bodies of the party that met death fifty-five years sgo are based upon the recent dlacevery of aa ax belonging to a local gnlde who met death at that time. Firat -Insane Hospital" Bedlam, to Londoe. was tbe flrai Uoaptal for the laaaas la Europe WHY Scientists Seek Adoption of Metric System Soon we shall no longer compote distances in inches, feet yards, reds and miles, and ounces and pounds will be no longer need aa unite of weight This was the confident predictlonmade unanimously by the members of the Metric association who met In con- Junction with the Association for the Advancement of Bdanca. It la only a matter of time, declared Dr. George r. Kunz of the Amerioan museum, ex pert In precious stonee and president of the Metric? association, before this country wUI officially and generally adopt the simple and easily handled system of measurements now current on the continent of Europe. Centime ters and declQietera w iu replace our Inches and feet the yard will be sup planted by the meter, the mile by the kilometer, the ounce by the gram and the pound by the kilo. The number 10 will be the common multiple for all the tables, and school children will no longer hnve to remember that a mile contain*, exactly 1.760 yards; they will only have to learn that ten milligrams make a centigram, and that ten centlmetera make a decimeter. Our money Is already standardized by thla metric system, making accounting fSr easier here than It la In England, where they still stick to their antiquat ed farthings, pennies, shillings, crowns, sovereigns and guineas. Why Gypsies Claim : the Right to Steal Gypaiee have always, whether Justly or unjustly, been labeled aa chronic thieves. The Romany has ever felt thst the world is against him and col lects toll. Gypaler Weir eVS»oly proo ecuted In daya gone by and, until leaa than 100 years ago, there waa a law' In England making it a crime, punish able hy hanging, simply to belong to the race or to apeak their language, the Family Herald says. There is a legem among the Alsa tian gypsies that whan Christ was to be crucified the Roman soldiers came to a gypsy smith and asked him to forge the four nails for the cross, one for each Umh. The gypsy refused la spite of every threat and when the nails were finally made by a Jewish smith the gypfcy tried to steal them- He succeeded In stealing only ana and that Is why on the crucifix one seee both feet held by a single nail To reward the gypsy for his most laud able efforts the Lord has granted per mission to, every member Of the race to steal one* In seven years. A gypsy does not steal because be is too weak to resist the temptation, bat froea topsy-turvy principles. Why He Stood Waiting The story Is told ef two devout deft cons of a church in a Maine city who for many yeats had been deep studsata of the Bible, ao much so that ordinary conversations were enriched by Illus trations from Scriptural lore. Consid erable Interest had been occasioned la the city by the Installation of the first carrier system for making change la a department store. Deacon 8. stood by the counter see afternoon when Deacon W. ap proached. Deacon 8.: "Why standest thou here Idle ail the day long, broth err Descoa W., entirely unruffled and over his shoulder replied: "Broth er, I *tand here before the Lord wait ing for my change to come.*—Block too Enterpriae. Why Horses-Eat Berk ■ The bureau of animal laduetry says that the habit that horses have of eat ing tbe bark from trees la probably due to the fact that the diet of the horse does not contain enough min eral matter such as salt If this ia tbe cause, the animals shoefd be given this substsace frequently. This habit may also be doe to the condition of the teeth. Why He Missed Rabbit "There, you've missed blm 11 cert-ny am surprised. How come yon didn't hit that rsbMt Cede Bllir "It was thla way, boy. Ten aee, dat rabbit he waa ronata' zigzag. I aimed at him wben he waa In zig, aad 'fore I could abut my shoottn' eye dat rab bit bad shifted into sag! Dam crit ters is glttln' more edlcated every day."—London Tlt-Blta. Why He Was Annoyed "I am never golag to Smith's boaoa a gala." declared Jeeea "Why aotr asked Ma wlfn. "Last eight they deasoaatratad n machine for tetiiag how much people are lying." -Well—" "Sad Just hefWe they tried it oa me (hey ponied s quart el ell en the wheels." Why She Gawe Hha Up He—Why did yea give up Baoolf She—He wouldn't ben ere am when I aald that ho was av first sweetheart Neither Alfonso, Pant nor Raphael asked me such a suasion! Waterway That Ar« Small bat Important fco Is told that there la an Amerl can waterway a little leas than si* miles In length that carrlea more freight than the entire Mississippi river from Cairo to New Orleans would be startling to geography classes Yet such la Newtown creek, a short tidal arm of the Eaat river, that winds ita way inland and, with three miles of main channel and two miles more of tributaries, furnishes hundreds of New York Industrial concerns a wa terway service. No one bas been named great in the school histories aa the discoverer of Newtown creek, and lta muddy ws tera resemble most of the streams that carry more than their share af commercial burdens. But the spars of shipping and the tall chimneys of factories tell its story. It is dirty and lacks romance, becauaa It is used for other purposes. Theee short streams that seem to have no particular usefulness suddenly take on great Importance when lo cated where they can be utllllzed by an Industrial population. The Chicago river is hardly on the map*, but its Importance In giving Chicago several precious miles of port facilities has never been underestimated The Big Muddy in southern Illinois may some day be one of the greatest coal car riers in the world. In the waterway world a stream doea not have to be large to be useful. Size counts for little. The wonder la that In places where nature has been so generous with her waterway bounty we have made so little use of It— Qulncy Whig Journal. Clock Seemed to Him Some Strange Animal The pendulum of Mrs. Wlnthrop's antique floor dock had-an Irresistible fascination for the children of the neighborhood, who often came in to watch it When Ted, a newcomer in the neighborhood, came In, he Immediately spied the clock and rnahed up to take hold of the tick tock. Wben told he must not touch It be pot his bsnds behind his back and stood and watched it with rapt attention. A few mlnutea later Mrs. Wlnthrop waa called from the room, and on her return she saw his hand reaching out to grasp the pendulum. At ber sharp exclamation he turned and, with quiv ering lips, said: "I wouldn't hurt It; I was Just go ing to pet It" Large*t Water Wheel* . Water wheels In the western' world are rivaled in size by. four giants which have served to make famous the town of Hams, in northern Syria, on the River Creates. The largest of the four wheels la of wood, and Is about aeventy feet in diameter. The wheels are driven by means of what is known as the uaderahot prin ciple, the wheel being turned by water flowing beneath It The creak ing of the wheels Is incessant day and night for they are never stopped. The water Is used nof only to supply the needs of the town, but for Irrigating the surrounding gardens as well. This la a most primitive form of water supply, but Is, nevertheless, quite ade quate to meet the needa of the towa e4 Hama. Wet Subject Asked for a compoaition on "water," a schoolboy wrote: "Water Is s liquid, ao la beer and milk, but tbe first la called llcker because Ifs adulterated; that is sugar and hope are added. Wa ter la very useful, ships float on tt and men and boys swim In It we also drink It and In tbe summer boys use It to wash their (sees. Salt water ie salt and is useful for all kinds of fish such ss the cod and whales and sometimes sea la. Rain Is watSr and ia kept In old tubs snd barrels to Waah dirty clothes. Sometimes water Is hard and then we have ice."—Bos ton Transcript Two Month* to Make Hat Oabo Rojo, near tbe southwestern corner of Porto Rico, la a straw-hat weaving center. In that place rain never folia and the weavers may spend the available working hours of two foil months to fashion one of the faah loaable high-grade Porto Rlcan Pan amas, which the weaver may sell at his doorstep for aa much aa |4oi The threads of fine straw are laid on the grass to absorb the dew la early morn ing and lata afternoon to make them pliable. They are not worked when the moisture has left the straw. Makpg Out a Case Letter seW to have been received by s lawyer: -Dear Sfo— My boy got ■trade by ay automobile, number 487.- 254. If tho owner Is rich, sue him at race. Tbe bas waaat bruised say, but •e your notifying aw that yoa have kought suit I will hit him in two oc three places with s hammer. Y«MS Iraly, etc."—Bootee Tmnecri* ~ ' ml NO. 25 Farm Motortruck Is Important Factor Two Questions to Consider | Before Purchasing. Farmer* who are considering baying 1 a motor truck abonld ask themaelveo | tw& questions, V. B. Hart of the Now | York State College of Agriculture at .| Ithaca says in a new bulletin entitled | "Farm Motor Trucks in New York." •' The first question should be, "Will Z it pay!" and the second. Is there any better way to Invest money that would be spent for a truck?'.* He says that I the following points should be coast ti ered in answering the two questions— Amount of hauling to be done; tlaw i and value of horse labor that a truck would save; first cost and probable operating cost of a suitable truck compared with cost of hauling with horses; probable length of time snow, and mud would prevent use of a track; probable development of new and la proved highways in the section; and J the possibility of developing new mar- kets by means of a truck. If aftcy * consideration of these points It appears that a truck would be a good financial investment for the farm business, and that the money ; could not be more profitably Invested | somewhere rise, the farmer Is safe to buying sue. The farm motor truck Is an Im portant factor in Increasing the food supply, Mr. Hart dedans, for the use of trucks has made It possible profit ably to raise bulky and perishable products st a greater distance from a railroad" than formerly. Especially is - this true of market milk, fresh fruit* and v— This bringing of mora remote land Into Intensive use and widening at the farmer's marks! ' means that mora food will reach thO consuming public, and that mora tamf'i snd fertiliser will reach tho farm. Sweet Clover Harvested Readily With a Binder Sweet clover may be barraatefl ' readily with s binder, binding and tsho&lng It like a small grain «rop, or by cutting with a mower and rak ing and stacking similar to the way alfalfa grown for seed is handled, sug gest* L. E. Willoughby. Kansas State Agricultural college agronomy sp» clalist. Sweet clover should be cut abort tSe time three-fourths of the ee*4 pods become dark. Baking or shocking lite straw when In a very dry. brittle con dition should be avoided as theasod wIU shatter badly at such tlatea. Mow ing the seed crop usually cpussf infra shattering than binding Tho an est clover should ba hulled or after It is thoroughly dry. At aasd crop averages from four te eight bushels per acre. Old Seedings Not Good for Alfalfa Hay Crop It Is a poor policy to depend upon the old seedings of alfalfa for hay. Old seedlings, if any, are the anas that are apt to winterkill. Well established new seedings will live through hard winters. Ice sheets, severe alternate freesing and thawing, When oid stands will-be very seriously Injured by these unfavorable weather conditions. For this reason, the man who sowf a new acres to of alfalfa every one or two years, will bsve bay, as a rain when those who depend entirely oa old fields msy be left high and dry. The seed trade Is wall supplied with good alfslfs seed, so tbst no difficulty need occur In getting good seed. la buying hardy stralna like the Grimm alfalfa, ears should be uped to secure seed thst has been officially certified and tagged by the officials of the states wherein the seed was grown. Excellent Pasture Crop Sweet clover Is an excellent pasture crop but it should not ba pastured until R bos reached a height of at least right Inches. Bweet clover i grows rapidly during the early part of the season snd msy get ahead at the live stock svsilsble to turn en R. If this happens It may be dipped hut the sickle bar of the mower must ha set high enough to cut at leaat eight inches above the ground for sweet clover grows from branches, not from a crown as in the cans of alfalfa. Several of the lower branches must be left to Insure s second groerth. DUtrmuing Malady Elderly Victim (In a deck chair)— Ah, my yount friend, you have no Ida* what seasickness Is Ilka When you have It, If someone came along and threatened to kill you, you would watt to make him your heir.—Boston Tran script City on Old Sit* Ths Dutch form of The Hague la •B Qravanhage. which means "tho Count's Hedge.". During the Thir teenth century the present rite of the town was occupied by a banting seat at ths counts of Holland. _____

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