THE GLEANER ISSUED KVKBY THURSDAY. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. SI.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. The editor win no. .» teiponalble for /lews eqpreaaed by correspondent#. Inured at tn* Pos'offloe atOraham N. C., »• w>uw u u-olmaa matter. GRAHAM. N. C„ July 23.1925 THREE DEVELOPMENTS HIGHLY FAVORABLE. * 700 New Co-op Members S. C. Belt Reported From Raleigh. Three outstanding develop ments in the affairs of the Tobac co Growers Association during the past week indicate that the fight on the organized growers is weak ening most where the attack .hat been heaviest. The first is the popular reaction to the resignation of*l)r. James Y. Joyner, former superintendent ol public instruction in North Caro lina, as an employee of- the asso ciation. Dr. Joyner, in severing his official connection with the association, tendered his services in the intorest of the association without pay. "Let me congratulate you with all my lieaH upon the inestimable service you have reudered the • emancipation of the farmer," a well known Eastern North Caroli na minister wrote Dr. Joyner. Man)' other letters have been re ceived lauding the positiou of Dr. Joyuer, who is as zealous in be half of the movemout which means prosperity on the farms as he was for almost 20 years iu be half f extending the public school system to every child in North Carolina. Opponents of cooperative mark eting suffered another set-back wbeu, iu a speech at Zebulon, one of the opposition propogan'distwas jinked point-blank by a member grower if he had not been em ployed to make "anti-no-op" Hpeeches by the organized auction warehousemen. The speaker de nied any collusion but admitted that he did not take the stunp against the association ui.til after a long interview with an official of the organized warehousemen's association. So much happened by way of turniog back the mider-cover tight which opponents of cooper ative marketiug have boon mak ing. On the other side of tbe fence was the announcement from head quarters this week that the new sign-up campaign has brought into the fold of organized growors over seven hundred new members. Most of those new memberships are in South Carolina territory, although quite a few have come from Columbus, Bladen and Kobeson counties. The results, are viewed by association officials, is a most effective answer to the attacks which are being made by agents of the auction system. Figures which bave been made public in a series of newspaper advertisements from .Raleigh headquarters, according to direc tors iu the field, have served to present the cooperative market ing question to business men in a new light aud the apathy which , has marked the program of the movement iu some sections of North Carolina, these directors way, will be couverted iuto active championship of the association. The 200,000,000 slogau for 1025, according to the good news which Is now reaching headquarters daily, is not an over-estimate. Farm era in tbe mountain sec- tion of North Ckroiida are now building aiioa to provide cbeap and nutritious winter feed for their cattle, report eounty agent* of the Stale College extension service. Tom Tarheel says be in plan ning to attend the picnic fit his Branch Experiment Station farm thia year. One idea gained last year hss been worth a lot of ntouey, be says. Recent studies show that the child crop of the Nation aa well aa the food crop cornea front the farms. Vitaaiines from the garden are better than those from the drug ■tore,' believe home demonstra tion workers at State College. Thone housewives who realise what the bodies of their children need during winter are now can ning fruits and vegetables for use jnexfc winter, aays Mm Jane & DR. J. Y. JOINER ASKS TO RESIGN Leader of Tobacco Ass'u Offers His Services Without Pay f)r. J. Y. Jovner, former Super intendent, of Schools fu North Carolina, foremost leader in building up this state's public school system and later the lead ing figure iu the movement of to bacco farmers to organize-the or derly marketing of their crops, this week tendered his resignation on an employee of tbo Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association of which ho was at one time pres ident, of whose organization com mittee he was chairman and for the success of which he has labor ed unceasingly for the past four years, much of the time without pay. "Willi my resignation, I tender to yon and through you to the as sociation,' my services without compensation for alllthe time that [ can pcssibly spare from the *u pervision of my fanning interests .Command me in the future as freoly as heretofore, for any ser vice that I ran render anywhere." deelaied Dr. Joyner in resigning his post as an official of tbe To bacco Growers Cooperative Asso ciation, which he was largely in strumental hi founding. Explaining his reasons for wish-1 in# to serr® the association wim- j out p iy, Dr. Joyner stated in his letter of resignation: "I believe that I can render more effective service by resigning, and thereby freeing myself of the accusation or suspicion of any other motive | in advocating cooper*'ive market- 1 ing bnt an honest dtsire to pro mote a cause which I sincere!,) believe to be the only hope for the prosperity, and ecocouiic emanci pation of our farmers through or ganization for the protection of the prices of their products by orderlyand intelligent marketing. Meeting the carping attacks of opponents of cooperative nmrket ing who have sought to ascribe his rocent effort* for cooperative marketing to mercenary motives the veteran loader of the tobacco association in North Carolina has the following to say: "Opponents of cooperative mar keting whose low ideals and self ishness prevent them frOtn appre ciating or from aseribiug to others any higher ideals or motives than their owu mercenary ones, have carried on a ceaseless campaign to discredit me and other paid employees of the association aud to destroy our infiuonoe by im pugning onr motivos and alleging that we were mere hirellugs, paid exorbitant salaries to talk and work tar the association. As president of tho N. C. To bacco Qrowers Cooperative Asso ciation and later as chairman of the organisation commits, it was my pleasure and previlcge to give without reward or the hope of reward the largest part of my time and service for twp years or more to the work of organising the Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association, refusing to aceepl therefor an offered salary. W hen asked, after the completion of the organization, to accept employ - ment In vfto Tobacco Growers Co operative Ajsoclatiou for my en tire time at a salary, it was, as you and others with whom I talked know, a* son rue of deep regret to u>e that, on account of the very conditions that I, as a farmer, was endeavoring to aid my fellow-farmers to remedy through cooperative marketing, I was not flnHuoially able to cou-| tinne to give my entire lime and i service without coinpenstttio i to the work." In a parting message to associate* and fellow members of the Tobac oo Growers Cooperative Astocia tion, Dr. Joyner said/ "In thia fight for economic free | dom and economic justice for our farmers, we are now standing at ths Marne. Arrayed against us are powerful fofaa, strongly en trenched, perfectly organised, powerfully financed, determined in their own interest to destroy us this year if they e*n. Farmers of the Carolines and Virginia, if yo be men, join me in whstev r voluntary sacriflioe and service may be found neeeaaary in thia crisis to win the victory. Let us recruit our ranks, increase our deliveries, and, standing |ln uu-, broken columns with locked shields, swear "They shell pot psas." 11. O. Wilson, Secretary of the Tobacco Grower* Cooperative As sociation, * hen asked this week about the resignation of Pr. Joy ner. declared: "pr. Joyner hps been a erusader in the greatest farmers' movement of his genera tion and in retiring from aemal daily participation in the fight for its progress and development, has further tendered sn*h of his services as can be spared from his other da tie*. He Man could have - ; „ "S, . " • ~ TH» ALAMANCE OLgAOTCB, Q&AHAM, H. g (lone more. Secretary Wilson Male* that be had alread arranged » schedule of work and engag • niHiiUt for Dr. Joyner which he was asking him to carry through the middle of August a|id is in hopes that he will coiiscut to re main in his present position until September 1, 38 Fanners la North Carolina Legislature. More than one-fourth of all the members of the North Carolina state legislature are farmers, ac cording to the Kears-Roebuck Agricultural Foundation, which has been compiling figures of (armor representation in the state legislatures and in Congress. Of the 50 Senators in the state legislature, 7 are farmers, states the Foundation, and 31 out of the 120 members of' the lower house list themselves as agriculturist. A few divide their time between farming and banking, farming and insurance, or some other profes sion or occupatioij iu addition to their farm.interest*. lowa with a farm population of 40 per cent has 99 farmers in its Ujgirihlure membership of 158, ihe highest proportion of auy of Hall's Catarrh Medicine Thoee who are In a "run-down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in «ood health. Thia fact proves that while Catarrh la a local dlaeaae. It la greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MBDICINB la a Combined Treatment, both local and In ternal. and haa been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Bold by all dmggrlata. - F. J. Cheney a Co.. Toledo. Ohio. The hardest test comes, not in making money, but in keeping it. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Um For Over 30 Years & THIRD RE-SALE Ol Land Under Deed of Trust. Un'ltir and by virtue of the power of title contained in a certain deed of trust from W. N. Thompson and wife, to W, 8. Coulter, Trustee, dated the 1 tth day of March, 1094, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Book No. 100 of Deeds of Trust, at pages 10-27, and In the office of the Register of Deeds for Orange county in Book No. 97. at page Ml, default hav ing been made in the payment of the in dented neas thereby secured, and certain legal holders of notes thereby secured having made demand upon the under signed Trustee that be sell the hereinafter described property, and the undersigned being required to sell same upon such de mand being made, and having offered said property for sale pursuant to advertise ment duly made and the bids received at former sales having been advanced as provided by law, the said Trustee will, on MONDAY. AUG. 8 1925, at )2 100 o'clock noon or aa toon after «aid hour of twelve o'clock, a* mav be possi ble, at the court house door In Graham, N. C., offer for afcle at public auctiop to Ibo highest bidder for cash tbe following described property, to-wlti A certain tnu-t or parcel of land lying *ud being in Orange couuty, State of North Carolina, near Efland station, and more particularly bounded and described by raetea and bound* as follows, to-wit: Beginning oo the east aide of the Pub lic Road leading north from the Method ist Church at Enand, N. C.. at a stake, , tbe northwest corner of tbe Gattis Horner J lot: and running thence with said lot N. 189 deg. E. 904 ft. to a stake, said Horner's i northeast corner; thence with this lot 8. 1165 ft. to a stake, his southeast corner on 'the line of William Ailen't lot; thence ! Willi Allen's lot N, 89 deg. E. 248 ft to a I rock, said Alien'* northeast comer; thence ; with bis lipe |i. 18S ft. to a stake, Allan's ' southeast comer OP H- P, Smith's line; thence with Kmitb's lipe N.pOdrg.EfO ft. to a cedar anH>ine pointer®, Smith's cor ner on E. 8. Brown's line; thence with lirownN.OTfttoßrown'a northwest corner; ihtnce with his line E. 80S ft. to a stake. Hrown's northeast corner and on the weat line of Maple 8t; thence *C. 40 ft. to the east line of aakl Street and line of T. W. and Robert Riley; thence with their line N. ( deg. E 940 ft. to a stake, their cor ner; thence with their line N. 89 deg. E. I MAS ft. to a rock, their corner and the ! northwest corner of the Quail's lot; thence with the lipe of Quail's lot N. SI 1-4 deg. K 90S feet to aa Iron, the northeast cor ner of said lot OB the Kreeland line; thence with said )i«e jr. 449 ft. to their comet and corner of the loin of 8. T Eorreat: thence with the Forrest line If. In all IOCS ft- to McOowao's Creek at the water or cattle fence; thence up said Creek aa it meanders westward 1794 ft. to a dogwood on tbe old line of tbe Riley dt Bain tracts; thence 8.110 ft. to a pile of rocka on tbe weat aide of tbe Public Road; thence 8. acroaa tbe road and with tbe epat aide of the road aad into aad with tbe rood 1900 ft. to a point in tbe rood; thesce N. 80 deg. E. 15 ft to tbe first station, and con taining fifty aad one-fourth (SO 1-4) acres. Kit or less. (The above given lines fol r (be yuprey made by Junes O. Webb, April 8, 1919. Sen Dead Book 88. page 108; aleo Hook Y Page Wft. Public Reg iatry of Orange County). Excepted from tbe ahovp dj*crihpd tract is a lot conveyed to 8. Oattia Horner by ieed bearing date of Jane 94. IWQ, b.-- ine the lot BP ft. by 900 ft, and known aatsfHo-11 ofthn gsbdlvMoq of ¥eba*e raws:terswKK TV bidding OO tbe above described tract will hefta a* f97-M nor This the lib. day of Taly; 1«U. W. & COULTER. Trustee tbe states studied, the Foundation Mutes. Pennsylvania with its 11 percent farm population, has only 15 farmers in its legislature out of a total of 258 members. Mrs. Mabel A. Gillespie of Gretna, a member of the Nebraska lower house, is the only farmer's wife on record holding a legislative job. Vl'he ratio of representation of farmers in Congress is lower than tbe average found in the state legislature*,' according to the Foundation. With a national farm popnlation of 30 per cent, the 69th Cohgress finds onljf five farmers iu the Senate and 21 in the House of Representatives. ■ ■ I HII FELT SLUGGISH ! IIKpoU Mu Tdb About Hi* ! Relief from Indiyestioa. ! "1 used to suffer" says Mr* | ! Walter W. Macdonald, of 111 Fair- > ' view Ave., EdwardsviUe. 111., ; | "with Indigestion, a tight feeling , i In my chest after meals—felt slug- i ' gish, lazy and dull aad out of sorts. , I would be very constipated. ' ' 'Some one recom mended Black- ; , Draught 1 began using it. I found , > it so very satisfactory 1 have used It • ' ever since. 1 wouldn't be without ! it ! "My work is inside. Ido sot get ' " as much exercise as I would like, j , and at times my system gets clog- , i ged and 1 would see the necessity > ! of a good active medicine. ! "After one or two doses of Black- , • Draught, my head clears up and I > feel like new. j , "For stomach x>r liver trouble, , > Black-Draught does good." i ' Thedford's Black-Draught is rec- ] ■ omtnended by thousands of others , > for the relief of many common ail- ! ments due to a torpid liver, need- ; ine laxative or cathartic stimulation. , Sold everywhere;- 25c. c-®» J ■ 1 ■ PWTT'flii f'l'iiLul ■ ■ •] ■•l' Notice! Trustee's Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by J. C. 'Squires and wife, Mi*. Lula Squires, bearing date of May 2, 1924, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Book of Mortgage Deeds, No. 100 at Page 95-97, and default having been made in the pay ment of the notes secured there by, the uudersigned Trustee will, o^n THURSDAY, AUG. 6th, 1925 at. 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door in Graham, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property, to-wit: A certain parcel of land be ginning. at a White Oak and running thence N 60 deg E 41.95 chs to a stone near mouth of Bogg's Spring Branch; thence N 25 deg £ 1 ch to a •tone on the bank of Rock Creek; thence up said creek as it meanders 4.50 chs to a biqph on bank of said creek; thence S 14 deg W 3 chs 50 Iks to a stake; thence S. 40 deg E 0.50 chs to a stake, William Spoon corner; thence S 45 deg W 18 chs to a stake Garrett's corner; thenoe N 45 W 9 50 to a stone Garrett's corner on sidfe of road; thence S 45 deg W with Gar rett's line 17.20 chs to a stone; thence with Joel Isley line N 62 deg 80' W 23.75 chs to the be- f inning and containing eighty ve and one-half' acres (85.5) more or lees. Also, another tract situated in said county and bounded as follows] Beginning at # a persim mon at the mouth of *a oranch above Creek Mill and running thenoe N 28 deg E 20.30 chs to a Post Oak on Phillip Isley's line; thenoe with said Isley's line N 45 deg W 4.30 chs to a stake in the middle of Roclf Creek; thence up said creek as it meanders to a beech on the bank of said Creek: thence S 36 deg E 4.50 chs to a sycamore near the North end of Mill dam; 1 hence up said Rock as it mean ders to the beginning and con taining forty-two acres more or lee*, This being that certain traet of )and conveyed tb Mrs. Lula Emma Squires, wife of J. C. Squires by David Cm£mings and wife. Terms of Sale) Cash, This July 8, 1015. J. J. HENDERSON, Trustee. Commissioner's Sale of Land. Pursuant to aq'order of the Superior Court of Alamance county made in the special pro ceeding therein pending en titled, ' 'Lawrence G. Nicholson, Executor of the estate of A. B. Nicholson, vs. Mary A. Nicholson and others," whereto, the widow and all of the devisees and heirs at law of the late A. B. Nichol son are duly constituted parties, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the courthouse door in Gra ham, on SATURDAY, AUG. 8, 1925, , at 12:00 o'clock noon, all of the following described real proper ty, to-wit: 1 (1) A certain tract or parcel of land in Alamance county, State of North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of R. L. Walker, bounded as follows: Beginning .at a stake at the intersection of Albright Avenue and Mclyille Street on the North side of Al-, bright Avenue and running thence N 2f E 125 feet along the West side of Me'ville Street to a stake corner of lot No. 6, thence N 87 degrees 10' .West feet to a stake corner of lot No. 6, No. 4 and No. 7;. thence S 3 degrees W 125 feet to a stake on the North side of Al bright Avenue a corner of lot No. 4; thence with the said Al bright Avenue on the North side thence South 87 deg 10' 90£ feet to the beginning, contain about oik*- fourth of one acre and known and designated as lot No. 5 in the lands on this day sold by the party of the first part. There is situate upon the above described lot of real prop erty the home place of the said A. B. Nicholson where his said widow now resides. (2) A certain tractor parcel of lani in Graham Township, Alamance County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Jas. N. Williamson, A. R. Flintoin and the Courthouse square and bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe the South West corner of the Court house square in the line of the lot of Jas. N. Williamson; thence North with the Western; line of said Courthouse square 4 24 feet to an iron bar 'a corner! of the lot of W. H. Holt; thence West at right angles with the first line 60 feet Wan iron pipe; thence South parallel with the ffrst line 24 feet to an iron pipe in the line of the lot of the said Jas N. Williamson; thence East with the line of the said Wil liamson 60 feet to the beginning, containing 1440 square feet, more or less. There .is situate upon the above described lot the brick store building known as the Nicholson Building. (3) Those certain lots of land in Alamance county, North Carolina, being lots NOB. 9, 10, 11 aud 19 in block B on the plat of land of the late Captain J as. N. Williamson, Sr., record ed in Plat# Book No. 1, page No. 3, in the office of the Regis ter of deeds. Alamance county, North Carolina. (4) Beginning at a corner with Lawrence Nioholsou on, Melville Street 80$ deg from the south #ide of Long Avenue, running thence N 86$ deg E to an iron stake in the line of lot No. 9; thence S 3$ deg W 75 feet to an iron bolt corner with lot No. 3; thencd N 86$ deg W 150 feet to an iron stake in Melville ( Street corner of lot No. 3;j thenoe N 3} deg E 75 feet to the beginning; it being lots Nos. 4, 5 and $ of lot No. 6, ac cording to the plan of subdi vision of R. L. Walker lands sold by W.. I. Ward, surveyed by Lewis H. Holt, April 8,1920. Also Lot beginning at an iron in the Southern margin of Long Avenue, earner of lot No, 8 and running tbenoe 8 34 deg W feet to an iron stake a Une of lot No. 5; thence N 86$ E 60 feet to an iron stake, oorner of lot No. 11; thenoe N 3$ deg E of line of lot No. 11, 128$ feet to an iron stake of Southern fnnrgin of Long Avenue; thenoe N 86$ deg W with the Southern margin of Long Avenue 60 feet to be ginning and being lots NOB. 9 and 10 of subdivision of E. L. Walker property as shown by the said platt and surveyed by Lewis H. Holt. All property 'abutting on streets, subject to assessments for street-improvements will be sold subject to such assessments. This real property is being sold free of the dower estate of Mary A. Nicholson, widow of A. B. Nicholson, and to create assets in the administration of the estate of A. B. Nicholson and for division among his de visees and heirs at law. It will be offered for sale in separate lots, subject to advance bids and confirmation by the Court. The bidder will be re quired to pay one-half of his bid in cash and the balance within six months, deferred payment to bear interest at 6 per cent until paid, and title retained until the purchase price is fully paid. * This the 30th day of June, 1925. J. Dolph Long, Commissioner. Sale Under Deed of Trust. Under And by virtue' of the power of nale in a deed of trust duly executed in favor of the un dersigned trustee, by G. A. Burke and wife* Callie Burke, November 24th, 1924, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance eounty in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust. No. 103, page 40, default having been made fa the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured, the undersigned trnstee will, on MONDAY, AUG. 17th, 1925, at 12 o'clock noon, at the qpurt house door at Graham, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder fof cash, the fol lowing described property: A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Ala mance county, and State of North Carolina, adjoining the iands of Church street, George W. Authony and others, bounded as f6llows: Beginning at an iron bolt on Northwest side of said Street 55 ft. from an iron pipe, corner of aaid Anthony and Vf. J. Burke; running thence N 55$ deg E 60 ft. to an iron bolt "on Northwest side ef said Street; thence 90f deg W » 35 deg W 175 ft. to au irou bolt; thence S 55J deg W 60 ft. g> au iron bolt; thence S 35 deg JS 175 ft. to the beginning, con ; taining .23 of an acre, more or lesp. On which is situated a dwelling. This the lith day of July, 1925 Alamance I ns . & Real Estate Co., • Trusts®. Coulter, Cooper * Carr, Att'ya.. NOTICE: Trustee's Re-SaleOf Rea| * Estofle. Under and by virtue of the power of ■ale contained in a certain deed of trnat executed to the undersigned Alamance Insurance and Beal Estate Company, Trustee, for the purpose of securing certain bonds described in said deed of trust, which deed of trust bears date of May 4, 1923, and the same being duly probated and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, North Carolina, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trv»t No. 95, at page 79, default having been made in the payment of said bonds and inter est on the same, the undersigned Ala mance Insurance and Beal Estate Com pany, Trustee, will, on FRIDAY. lULY 24th, 1925, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON at tne court nouse r.oar of Alim County, In Graham, N. G., otter for sale at publie auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: A eertala tract or pareel of land in Burliagtou Township, Alamance County and State of North Carolina, being a portion of lot No. 25 in Town of Bur- C„ on South side of Davis Street near Cameron Street, bounded as follows: Beginning at a (take or bolt on DavU Street 102 feet from comer of Davia and Cameron Street*, running thence parallel'with Canrtron Street 211 feet to (take; thence Northwest 51 feet to J. JL On tea' line; thence with aaid Catee' line 21S feet to Daris Street; thence with Hne of aaid Davi* Street 51 feet to the beginning, on whi«h it kitnated a modern twa-etary dwelling. Thta it n secoad ie safe of thU land, and bide on the name will begin at the •urn of Kftl&IO; F. M. BUnd. having placed a bid of 3,815.00 oo said lnod at the Qm resale. Thia July 9th. 1825. ALAMANCE INSUfiANCE * SEAL KSTATB CO., Trustee. t>Ail EBON ANP BHQDES, Attorneys. 66 6 3 is n prescription for Halatfe, Chfe uA Fersf, Dengue or Bilious Fever. > . It kills the germs. Mortgagee's Land Pursuant to the power of sale contained in a mortgage deed from J. D. Hunt to the under signed, dated April 24, 1924, and recorded in the office oT the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, in Mortgage Deeds Book 83 at page 447, and given for the purpose of securing the debt therein descibed, which is past due, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Gra ham, on MONDAY, JULY 27, 1925, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the fol lowing described real, to-wit: A certain piece or tract of land lying and being in Ala- County, State aforesaid, in Mel ville Township, and defined and described as follows, to-wit: That certain lot or parcel or land in the Town of Mebane, N. C., and being lot No. 12 in Block No. 1 the in the survey and plan of said said Town and especially of the Calvin Tate land, a plat of which is record ed in the office of Begister of Deeds of Alamance County, and is hereby referred to. Said lot fronts on Second St. 7 5 ft. and adjoins lots No's 11, 13 and 5 of Block 1 of said survey. This is the same lot conveyed to J. D. Hunt by Mebane Land fc Improvement Company, dated September 10, 1913, and re corded in office Begister of Deeds Aiamance ; County, in Deed Book No. 52 at page 426, refer ence is hereby made to said deed for a full description. There is a three room cottage on this lot. This sale will be made sub ject to advance bids as provided by law for mortgagee's sales. This the 23 day of June, 1925. Williamsons, Inc.' Mortgagee. J. Dolph Long, Att'y. Notice of Sale of Real Estate Under Mortgage. x Under and by virtue of the power of ?ale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed by William Edgar Thompson and wife, Leiley Thompson, to Ala mance Insurance & Real Estate Co., Trustee, on September 22, 1919, securipg the payment of certain bonds described therein, which deed of trust is duly pro bated and recorded in the office of the Register oi Deeds for Ala mance county, North Carolina, in Book No. 84, page 12; default having been made in the pay ment of said bonds, and the in terest thereon as provided and set out in said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will, on SATURDAY, AUG. Ist, 1925, at 12 o'clock, noon, offer for sale at public ahction, to the bidder, for cash, at the Court House door of Alamance county, at Graham, North Carolina, the following described real pro perty, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Alamance County, and state of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of G. W. Anthony, Luje. nia Thompson, W. N. Thomp son and others, bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a rock corner with said Anthony and W. N. Thompson in a road, running thence S 48* W (B. S. 48* deg) I.Bls chsto an iron bolt on said Anthony's line in said road; thence 8 55 deg E 1.73$ chs to an iron bolt in said W. N. Thompson's line; thence N 1$ deg W (B. S.) 219 chs to the beginning, containing 18-100 of .an acre, more or less. This sale will be made subject to increase bids as provided by law, and will be held open ten days after sale to give oppor tunity for such bids. This the 20th day of June, 1925. Alamance Ins. ft Real Estate Co., Trustee. W. I. Ward, Att'y. ' . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. MHB ThlstfceStfc U*o July. M.