VOL. LI rSHEEP THRIVE IN RED RIVER VALLEY Farmer* Learn Flocks Are Paying Propositions. . Washington.—Farming In North Da kota and western Minnesota Is In a transition stage between grain grow ing and diversified production, and the farmers are making sheep a paying proposition In the transition process. Sheep have been added on hundreds of North Dakota aflu western Minnesota farms In the last few years. They have added materially to net farm In comes, says the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. Information gathered by the department lndlcatea that sheep can be proitably Included in farm enterprises on most of the farms in the Red River valley of North Da kota and Minnesota, and Indeed throughout North bakota, with the ex ception of the southwestern one-third of the state. Sheep raising In this area In 1024 was profitable, according to an inves tigation made by the department in co-operation with the North Dakota Agricultural college. Returns from 190 flocks and as many farms were an alyzed. Even though It Is usually un wise to start in the sheep business when It Is at the peak of prosperity, this should not deter the farmers in this area from starting with sheep In a small way because sheep are espe cially well adapted to this area and can make a profit at much lower prices for wool and lambs than now prevail, it Is declared. Industry on the Increase. Market conditions have favored sheep, raisers In .the last few years. Since 1922, wool and lambs have com manded prices well above the pre-war level. As a result, the sheep Industry Is on the Increase In most parts of the United States. Sheep are displacing cattle to some extent on the range. There Is a strong tendency to increase sheep in many farm sections, and the demand for feeding and breeding stock has been such as to put the price of feeder lambs much closer than usual to the price of fat lambs. There Is a slight tendency throughout the worldj to expand sheep production In response , to higher prices for sheep product*. Few countries, however, have much room for expansion In sheep raising except at the expense of other farm enterprises. Accordingly the outlook for the industry In the United States Is not unfavorable. Some Important conclusions are drawn by the department from Its study of the 190 flocks previously men tioned. The investigation showed, for example, that size Is an Important fac tor In determining the Ibcome from sheep raising. On these Minnesota and North Dakota farms the Income from flocks of sheep increased verj nearly In the same ratio as the size of the flocks Increased. Thus, from flocks containing 50 sheep each the profit In 1924 was $204, while from flocks of 150 sheep each a profit of $124 was realized. These profits were figured after mak ing allowances for all costs, Including Interest on the investment in the flocks. Not only did profit per head In crease with the size of the flocks, but production costs, both for lambs and wool, decreased. An Important point noted by the In vestigators is that 55 per cent of the small flocks received attention at lamb ing time. In the case,of large flocks only 6 per cent received inadequate at tention at this critical period. The re sult is shown In percentages of lambs lost In the case of the smallest flocks the percentage was 12.7, compared with only 3.9 per cent In the largest flocks. Apparently the reason for this condition Is that farmers with small flocks do not like to take the necessary time to care for their sheep in the lambing season, whereas farmers with large flocks know It will pay them. Effects of Good Care. Accurate records of losses at lamb-' Ing time were not available In all cases. It Is therefore believed the beneficial effects of good care were really grestef than these figures Indicated. The pro duction coets and net profits from these Investigations show that every laifib saved at lambing time meant $8 or $lO more Income In the flock, with very little additional costs. Though labor made op only IS par cent of the production costs in thesis sheep.enterprises, it wss one of the most Important factors affecting the profitableness of the business. In aria ter less than one honr a day sufficed to care for a large flock. Little atten tion waa likewise necefesary during the summer. In the critical lambing period, however, the labor requirements were relatively large and wan adequately met on farms the operators of which were In a position to hire their field labor and devote their own attention to their sheep. For flocks of from 00 to 150 head, one man's full time was necessary In the lambing season. For larger flocks extra help was required for a period of from two to four xsots Sweet clover waa the principal pas-; tare crop prgrlded, j&is plant makes I THE ALAMANCE (^LEANER excellent pasture, but haa~ a tendency to cause "bloat. 1 " Btudy of the cauaes and pnroitlTM of bloat from aweet clover la necessary, says the depart ment, because even men who hand)* their flocks In the most approved man ner have losses from bloat. Neverthe less, the total losses from bloat were only 1 per cent of the total number of sheep In the breeding flocks. In a few localities the loss from dogs and coyotes was serlons. A valuable by-product of the sheep industry In Minnesota and North Da kota was found te Iw la Us value ti controlling weeds. Walk* Across Country Searching for Parents Newark, N. J.—Does anyone know the whereabouts of Billy Hunter's mother'and father? Anyone who haa Information of them will put Joy Into a real boy's siid heart and give him a chnnce to aettle down Instead of prowling the country hunt ing every nook and cranny for the parents he never knew. Billy Just stopped off at New ark with Teddy, his pal, a ►jappy-go-lucky, brave little fox terrier. lie was placed in St. Michael's asylum in Jersey City when he was two. .That was eighteen years ago. Until he was four teen lie was shifted about to fourteen other asylums and homes. All trace of his parents was lost. Four years ago he set oat in search of them and has not stopped since. He remembers his mother's maiden name was Agnes Mcllugh and that his £2- name was Andrew Hunt er. • ' Interesting Anniversary Abbotts Langlev, a little village In Hertfordsvllle, England, la preparing to hold a commemoration this sum mer in honor of its moat dlatin guished native son. Pope Adrian IV, the only Rngllahman ever to occupy the Vatican. A tablet la to be un veiled In the pariah church to mark the fact that this pope was once a little Hertfordshire boy, named Nich olas Breakspear. A pageant will be held in the grounds which once formed the garden of the house in which Nicholas was born some four cen turies ago. Being only aoi eaay hour's motor-car run to the north of London, the village la expecting to entertain a large number of pilgrims. How Conditions Chang* Natives living in northern Alaska beyond the Arctic dr-de are ; turning from the snow Igloos and dugouts to homes built of lumber and brick. Capt John Worth, master of the Carolyn Frances, first visited the Bethel and Kuakokwlm river districts in 1904, in quest of furs, gold and Ivory. Then the Eaklmoa and Indians lived in al most primitive style. Last year«he again went north on a trading mission and found all changed. The natives have become Interested in reindeer herding, fur farming and gold mining, and, following the white man's way*, are content in modern houses, as far as possible la tjiat Isolated country. Why Fbh Is Net Meat The distinction between fiah and I meat grew op in the OathoUc church. In the book of Acta It says, "Abstain from meats offered to Idols, and from blood, and from things strangled." FronT the early days of the Latin church this passage was Interpreted aa referring onlf to the flesh, blood or marrow of such animals and birds ss constitute flesh meat. Fish, molluals, crabs, turtles, frogs and such cold blooded creatures were not considered aa coming under the Injunction.— Pathfinder Magazine. _ How to Koop Floor Clom* On a stormy day spread several newspapers on the floor when the family enter the home aad let them remove their rubbers there. When rubbers are dry they can readily be re nters* by the respective on man to save work for mother. The papers can be homed, flier* Is na saMai roc sad ae floor to dean. CSWFIW Record for Lmws In sixty-eight seeslons, covering lflf yean of Its existence, cengrens has jisssil SOyOeo laws, ar aboat TBfl for easb session, according to flflar*i published la the Cougrssslooal Record, bf these faety sins ware un eoastltutlosaL VOISM of Choorhdmmm Cheerfataesa Is the best faith care that can be administered to eeif or others. At first It may esst a little effort bat eveataally It «ray Wnaa a habit DoctorT and nana* practise cheerfulness, aad la antty cas« M GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1925 f HOW I MANUFACTURERS OF GLASS » ; TURN OUT THEIR WORK.— jj According to a glass expert, the 1 most interesting part of the B : manufacture of glass is its geo- jj : graphy. He saya the glass in your milk bottle, for Instance. ; was assembled from the ends of the earth, and upon being assem bled started Its backward Jotfr ; nay to the far corners. As a ; : I common example, let ua Con sider the mason Jar. This Jar ; starts Its career In a quarry in : West Virginia as common sand. j | To thlp Is added soda ash from : ; Ohio; limestone from Michigan; j f eld-spar from North Carolina; ; j niter from the mountain deserts ; ; of Chile in South America; an timony from Utah* a small amount of cobalt from Canada, and selenium, a sister of Sul phur, from Montana. All these materials of all colors, composi tions and fused to : gether to form these Jars, bot- ; | ties pnd other transparent : ware. A zinc cap from Missouri : Is placed on top of the Jar. In- j I aide thlß cap la a white porcelain \ liner which la made of all the : previously mentioned ingredl enta to which are added fluor- ;j; spar from Kentucky and cryolite :I! front Greenland. Upon reaching the glasßhouse these materials are mixed thor- 1 : oughly In the proper proportlona 11 and * fed Into a huge furnace :j: called a tank. The average tank : holds from 100 to 500 tons of jij the liquid. A fire in the bottom ; of the tank plays over the liquid ! constantly ralalng Its tempera- jj; ture to 2,600 degrees. The mix ture is continuously fed In at one end of the furnace while the ; j finished glass Is drawn from the | ; other. It takes from one to two I days for tbe glass to travel the length of the furnace which may : be from 20 to 40 feet long. When ! ]|j the glass comes from the fur- j > ; ; nace. it la stiff like black mo- ; :|: lasses In winter. Its property of : | gradually hardening on cooling \' : allows It to be'blown or worked : : Into various shapes. In the old ! « days all glass was blown and ; pressed entirely by hand. But : now machines do all the blowing : | and pressing much faster and ; : more accurately than man.- ; j11 Pathfinder Magazine. How Civilization Has Wiped Out Grasshopper The early history of the New Eng land states affords numerous records •f the Inroads by graaahoppers upon the crops of the settlers. During the period 1748 to 1766 a great scourge of these hungry Insects occurred In Maine, and other outbreaks occurred In Vermont during the year 1797 and 1786. When agriculture began to be established generally In the great plains region of the United States, lying west of the Mississippi river and east of the Rocky mountains, dur ing the decade 1870-1880, a migratory species of grasshopper, commonly known as the Rocky mountain locust, frequently swooped down from Its breeding grounds on the benches ef the mountain range In such great swarms as to destroy practically all cultivated crops over vast areas ef country, reducing thousands of fam ilies almost to starvation. As the settlement of the Rocky mountain re gion progressed tbe breeding grounds of this destructive pest cessed. Thus thsre has not been a serious general outbreak of the Rocky mountain lo cust since 1880, and this particular grasshopper has ceased to be a pest of any great Importance. How Apes Help Science Monkeys and apes are being raised en a farm In French Guinea by the Pasteur Institute for experiments! pur poses in studying measles, typhus, yel low fever sad other diseases that can not be transmitted to rabbits and guinea pigs, commonly used In such tests. Chimpanzees are also kept at the farm, as they are considered the most soluble ef all the animal "rela tives to the human race" for the studies and also afford material for experlmsats la psychology. A director Is In charge ef tbe laboratory and special buildings have been erected for ears of tbe patients while they are given Inoculations and treatments. V sneering Long Known Is the cartoons e» the walls jf the teat s * Rekhmara. sear Thebes, drawn about (he tfsse ef the Kfndes, carpen ters are shews botHag glue, splitting weed Into thla sheets for vsnssr, aad clastic (he veneer on *e coarser woods. I Situation Alte-s 1 £a old bachelor eaya (hat a sua Is gUaitl-r eaasared by (he same kind M axtravsgaat dreaaing la a woman r . ./I. ' Am oM bachelor wjr« that a man U mmtttmm cnaaaiwd by (It* WM kind iH otmuui dreaalng la a waman I «La k* H*« IM •*»» »arrta*a. Opportunity and Thrift i Are Brothers in Blood One of the benefits of thrift aesaaa from the fact that often the poesse ' lion of s small amount of money at the right time marks the turning point In the possessor's life. The world Is full of Instances of those who have found the way to great auccess when, through thrift, they were able to take advantage of some special opportunity jffor self i advancement | Disraeli said; "The great secret of success in life la to be ready when your opportunity comes." | To those who are drifting along I from day to day without getting I ahead and apparently making no ef ) fort to do ao, this advice ahould come with special force. Money should not be saved merely with the object of being ready for some great oppor tunity in life, but the fact remains that without saving and getting ahead there will never be opportunity for any progress whatever. it alao la to be borne In mind that opportunities for personal progress often come to those who, because of their thrifty habits, have gained the .good will and confidence of some per son who Is In a position greatly to ad vance their Interests. Thrift brings Its rewards In count less ways aside from the mere piling up of savings. One of these Is the de velopment of Industry. The thrifty man Is well organized; he la of the type that inspires confidence upon ' the part of the employees and execu tives who are looking for men to fill Important posts. The man who Is thrifty can rest as sured he Is making no mistake. It may not be possible for him to look ahead today and aee the advan tagea that will come from today's sac rifices. But the day of reward will arrive. Thrift and opportunity are always on friendly terms. Boomorang Proof Robert W. Chambers, the only novel ist in the world to pay a five-figure in come tax, said at a luncheon In New York: "Novelists are conceited. Some peo ple declare they are modest but— "Well, any snch declaration aa that reminda me ot two pretty glrla who reclined In their bathing aulta on the warm sands of Palm beach. "'So you're flirting with young Scrawler Scribba, the novellat, are youf- aald the first pretty girl. 'I don't see how you can stand him — auch a conceited duffer as he. la f "Conceited?' aald the aecond pret ty girl. "Conceited your grandmoth | erl Scrawler Scribba Is as modest as a woodland violet. Why, I aaked him [ last night who waa the greateat living novellat In America, and he blushed, and bit hia Up, and murmured con fusedly that It wasn't for him to say.'" Festival ot Old Music ( A festival of the chamber mualc of the Sixteenth, Seventeenth and | Eighteenth centuries is being ar ; ranged for August at Haalemere, England, where Instruments will- be j used representing those of olden times. The festival Is to be stsged by Arnold Dolmetsch, who with other members of bis family and pu plla will play numerous rare Instru ments virtually unknown to the average mualc lover of today. The lute, the recorder, the viol, the vir ginal, the viola d'amore, the harpal , chord, the clavichord, referred to by Roast tl aa the "seven sweet sym phonies," will be used In rendering tbe music of the old masters. Eng lish music of "the golden age period" i (the Sixteenth and Seventeenth cee ; turlea) will have a prominent place on the featlval program. London Resumet Polka Dances of twenty-five years sgo bsve come bsck as one of the aeason*s novelties In society. On these occa slona the dancera wear costumes of tbe period. The polks, tbe mazurka, lancers and the barn dance have all been reintroduced with favor, and. even that known aa the Washington Poet danced to the march of that name, which 1* often heard on the London radio these dsys as played by England's beat-known Jazs orchestra, according to the New York World. One of the tyst "quarter-century sgo" dances wss arranged by Miss Belle Harding. s aortal favorite, whe waa attired In a black dreaa worn originally by her mother and which revealed a pink petticoat considered a true symbol ef Victorian days. Racial Divisions Or. Alas Hrdllcfce,* curator of th» Bilslsn of physUal anthropology, Na 111 — 1 srassum says thst there are paly three grand divisions of the hu mtrn race, tbe population of the white, tadsflsrmsnlc. Aryaa and Semitic be tas 894000,000; yellow-brown. Inctad- Ins Mi —— or Turanian, Malay, N/anlil. Amsrfran Indian (T), 711,- 0SOU0OO; Mack race, tadodlag the aegre |ht Bests, IS^KtyMOl WHY Cats and Witchcraft Have Been Associated. Ths place of the cat la meat affec tion —and dislike—is Interesting te trace and to contrast with ths corre sponding place of the dog; according to the Baltimore Sun. Doga have been honored as frienda of man almost ever since he began te give vent to Imaginative expression. Homer wrote of the dog of Odysseus (Olysses), who was waiting to' die ef Joy, aa a heroic dog should, whan bis master returned from his years ef wandering. If there was a cat In hla houaehold Odysaeus took no account of It; and no one ever heard of a cat dying for Joy any other of the lofty human emotions sometimes at tributed to dogs. The est was first recognized, not for Ite nobility, but as an appendage to domesticity, "the harmless, neces sary cat"—neceaaary to keep the house free of rats and mice—while such praise as there wss for domestic animals was bestowed on Its natural enemy, the dog: Cats havs a certain air of mystery due to their build; their quietness, their apparent Indifference to people, their habit of nocturnal prowling and a supernatural sort of dread thst some people feel for them. The air of mystery sccounts, perhaps, tor ths htrange place that they" have oceu pled in the history of the occult They have always been aaaodated with witchcraft and looked upon as shar ing the demoniac knowledge belong, lng to witches. In spite of her nefarious reputstlon, however, the cat has found favor with a surprisingly large number of dis tinguished persons, many of them writ era end philosophers, wh« havs found in the cafe demeanor the moat admirable qualities. Among the French the animal seems to have been favored above others. Montaigne, Rouaseau, Pierre Led, Talna and Mollere were partial te cats, observing and appreciating their neat and particular hablta. Why So Many Cities Have to Be Rebuilt Comparatively few people have yet realized that every progressive- city la the United States not alone meat be rebuilt, but that the rebuilding la now going on and gaining momentum each year, aays Thrift Magaslae. It la a aatural development that the better-to-do people should have their more modern homes first Bulldsrs during the paet few yeara have con centrated upon apartment bouees aad commercial strecturee. In bssm parts of a few of th{ larger dtlas tbe de mand for residential aad commercial buildings of ths higher type may be nearly filled. New buildings la (Sis class may now come along only as population lncreaaes. But In any report on housing eoa ditlons ws must not fsll to review the condition in our obsolete, dilapidated tenement districts everywhere. New housing must and will Include the whole range—tbe demand for better homee of all classes of workers—be fore the volume of national building shows sny permsnsnt slowing down. Why Crying Harts Babies Oylsg Is hard work. When g baby squalls be usss up twice ss much en ergy as when be Is sslsep. Tbe wsrk ef the body, repressntsd by what la called "metabolism," la doubled dur ing crying. If a baby cries every minute tor 24 hours, It does sn amount of work equivalent to lifting Its own weight to the top of the Waahlngton monument Dr. John R. Muriln of Rocbestsr, N. Y, hss figured out Ibis ssems ex traordinary, but It Indicates the rate of body growth la the young, says Hygeia. Tbe moral of thla story Is thst If ths child is te grow properly, be should not wsste his energy In crying. A healthy, properly nourished baby criee vary little. Why the Pessimist Fails * Pity the poor pessimist He hss no friends snywbsrs. He Is a ama with out a wslcome anywhere. And It aerves him right Pssstaalem Is net only unprofitable bet unaound. Things never torn out s s badly ss the pes simist predicts. Tbnss are always better tbsa the pessimist aatldpatss them. J. Plerpont Morgan declared many .years sgo thst be bed never known anybody wbo made msasy by IMjig faith la Amsrlra. Mr. Msrgaa was la business me sa optimist on America. He believed b It and had tbe courage te net sa lde ballet— Dallas News. Why Heir Is Staged Hair grows oaly frees the roots. Tit hair Itself Is ss Mtotaes ee our finger sella. Ths theory of singeing hslr te make It grow Is beesd sa the test tbet tbe ends of the hair sftH aad permit tbe sate ssespe. MsgiMg. ssy ths beibsra. dsess ep theee sputa Both Swift and Sar* Was Vigilante Justice The Montana Vigilantes, who deliv ered that territory of such notorious gangs as Henry Plummet's In the 'Bos, were nothing if not methodical la their self-appointed task. Besides Ptummer'a band of road agqnta and murderera, to which a total ef 102 deaths alone Is credited, the popula tion of the gold Adds numbered many fugitives from Justice from all parts of the country. In many places the lawless element was totally superior In force to the honest citizen group, which was driven te the establishment of a Vig ilance committee to protect lives ahd property. Outnumbered aa they were. the Vigilantes worked In secret and as mysteriously as possible; their principal tools were the mask and the rope. Some time during the night a white card always exactly seven by nine Inches and bearing the numerals 8-7-77 in black Ink, waa pinned on » the tent or tacked on the door of the desperado who had been sentenced to be banished at a secret meeting of the Vigilance committee. The men who received such a notice knew whence It came and that It meant, "Pack up and leave within 24 hours or awing on the second night" If he had the least glimmer of sense he 1 alao knew the warning waenflTbluff. | The Vigil an tea held no public trlala. but If aometlmea a mistake was made and tbe victim appealed for a review of the facta through certain chan-4 nela, he waa certain of a second hear ing. In aucb a case a midnight tri bunal waa held which reconsidered and aometlmea reveraed the aed tence. More often It reaffirmed the banishment with a second placard, against which there was no sppeaL If the warning waa disregarded, the lawlesa one found himself the center of a very lntereatlng and determined crowd on the aecond night and be did not live to aee tbe next sunrise. The Vigilantes constituted them selves Judges, Jury and execution era all In one, and their trials were cer tainly short. Whenever a highway, man or murderer was caught, (be leader ef tbe Vigilante band would say: "All In favor of hanging this man atep to the right ef the road; those are for letting him go step te tbe left"—J. R. Johnston In Advefc ture Magazine. Poeitive identification C. 8. Collins, superintendent of the Identification bureau of Scotland Yard, who has made nearly 500,Qt0 finger prints of criminals and sW pects, retired recently after 80 years' service In the London police depart ment From the finger prints on file In Mr. Collins' department some 261,- 000 Identifications have been made, according to authorities, without a single mlstske. "I would stake my life on the probability that there never will be finger prints alike, even If the world goee on Indefinitely," Mr. Collins said recently, In speaking of his work. During the next genera tion, be asserted, linger printa would be much mora generally uaed every where, not only In the Identification of criminals, but" ss s mstter of record In births, and numerous other dlree ttaaa. Hoping Their Fling It was isst year in a strict board ing school, sad my roommnts snd I bsd alwsys been on our good be havior, writes s correspondent of tbe Chlcsgo Tribune. We realised we had missed s lot of the fun the other girls bsd enjoyed, eeen though thej hsd paid for It by being np before the faculty many times. One night we decided we'd be dar ing and allp down, after midnight to the rarely occupied guest room and aleep In the four-poster bed In there. The corridors were dsrk snd the stslra creaked, but we tiptoed along nntll we had almoat reached the guest room. Just then we heard the watch man coining down the corridor. We popped Into the gueet room and onto tbe bed. A series of screems sroused every one. We bsd set upon s visiting mie stonsry from Africa. A Surprise Amateur theatrical stuff had base ladulged In by certsln members of the group out for e day's outing. One of these stunts included tbe placing of black wax on one or two of the front teeth, which left aa appearance of One young man, tiring of the wax, 1 tried to remove It and found he could not He asked a young woman of tbe party whstbsr she knew bow to get the wsx off. "Sure." she aald, boldly. That's' easy." And forthwith she grasped the wax firady between thumb sad fore-. fiager sad pullsd. I Imsglne her amassment a moment later when she held in ber hand tbe full upper aee of tolas teeth belong-1 lag to the yeung men.—lad! snap idle I News. I NO. 26 STRYCHNINE TO CURE CRIMINALS Doctor Say* Prison Error Lo4 to Discovery. Washington.—To prove bis cunt— tlon that criminals and even degen i erates may be reformed, rehabilitated 1 and transformed Into useful and up right dtlaena by administration at I doses of strychnine. Dr. Bail B. Dad* dins, president of the Prisoners' Belief society, offend to aell his body ts Johns Hopkins university tor experi mental purposes. Doctor Duddlng. who says he has been told be may expect just about one year more of life because of s heart ailment, revealed tor the first time that he, himself, served time In the penitentiary for a criminal of fense. In fact, be declares he was s crfm , Inal at heart and In mind and that It was through a mistake made by an attendant in a prison hospital, who gave him a large dose of strychnin* Instead of calomel, that his physical and mental being lost all traces o t criminality. The Incident occurred while Doctor Duddlng was an Inmate of the West Virginia state penitentiary In 1910. Although a graduate In medicine, Doe tor Duddlng never has practiced his profession. "I thought I never would tell the story/* be said, "but I realise It may do humanity some good and I have not long to live. While I was In the peni tentiary I became suddenly 111. "I was removed to the hospital and the doctor ordered a large doe* of calomel. Instead, the attendant gov* me a large dose of strychnine. In stantly I was convulsed. For three days I hoverpd between life and death and finally was restored to conscious* nese. "When I recovered I was cured at •11 my criminal tendencies and thoughts. Strychnine Is well knows a* 4 drug which best controls the hu man body. I believe that In my ess* it changed the nerve structure* In the brain so as to remove all criminal po tentialities. "I think my brain would prove aft Interesting study to scientists." Filibuster Developed to Nth Degree in Austria Vienna.—A committee of the Aus trian national assembly baa been giv ing a striking exhibition of obstruction of the public business by a procesa mt talking a measure to death. Then la no regulation to prevent the comadt teemen from speaking forever, and some of them have declared their In tention to talk until they gain their point. Irrespective of the merit* of the c*se. There came before thrf committee the question of nominating a chair man (o look Into the question of city rents. The Social Democrats were op posed to Doctor Klenbock, former min ister of finance, who.was desired by a majority of the committee. They be gan a series of endless speeches am the duties of the chairman, and have kept this up for eight weeks. One member, Herr Wltternlgg, baa spoken for forty-eight hours, spread over * period of seven days. He re cently announced be would "mumbl*" for seven days more. His method Is to utter s word every thirty or two words a minute, end thua to prolong Indefinitely his dlsfouren ■ ■ ■ ■ - Say Yankee Travelers Too Free With Tips Southampton. Reports circulated here that the American State depart ment has pat Its foot down on ex travagsnt tipping by Its representa tive* have brought out tele* at the largesse at some American million aires when they leave the vessels that have carried them acnes the Atlantic. It Is related among steamship stew ards that on one trip recently aa American mllllonaln gave $lO to every member of the crew of the ship on which he was traveling end 923 to each of the officers. His tips, It wss estimated by the stewards, cost this Individual SIO.OOO. Another passenger not' long ago sur prised a steward by presenting him with MOO after a six-day passage fnm New York to Southampton. Equable Temperature The climate at the equator variaa with the altitude above the sea level f and nearness to the sea. At Quito, ea the equator. 0.360 feet above sea level, the morning temperature Is 47 degress —the midday temperature Is 00 de grees. This varies very little with the I season. ' m Gave Name to Town , Shreveport. La., was named In booet 1 of Henry Miller Shreve (1785-1864), s native of New Jersey, who. In 181 ft a* I cended the Mississippi and Ohio riven I to Loalsvllla In the Bntefpri** tteflitt