W. J. ems LIFE HAS BEEN HLLEO M SENSATIONS WAS POWERFUL ORATOR AND FOR 30 YEARS HAS BEEN IN NATION S EYE. ' Virtually dominant in the Demo cratic party for nearly sixteen years, William J. Bryan was three times nominated and defeated for the Presi dency. Then. like Elijah of old, he cast his mantle upon ftie Elisha of Princeton and exerted a potent in fluence in bringing about Woodrow Wilson's first nomination for the of fice to which he. himself, had vainly aspired. Known in his youth as "the silver tongued boy orator of the Platte," it ■was Mr. Bryan's eloquence In his fa mous "cross of gold" speech at the Democratic national convention in Chicago in 1896 that made him the choice of his party. He polled more than ,6,500,0p0 votes in his Aral cam paign. "His career has been likened to that of Henry' Clay who also was three times nominated for the Presidency and as many times defeated. Clay, too, became Secretary of State. Friends of Bryan insisted that, like Clay, he was too conscientious for a politician and thai the famous Whig's declaration "I would rather be right than be President" well described the man fr m Nebraska. The former Secretary of State was born in Salem, 111.. March 19, 1860. His father wag Silas Llllard Bryan, a native of Culpepper County, Virginia, a lawyer and Judge. The son, after graduating from Illinois College in 1881 and Union Colelge of Uw, Chica go. In 1883 entered the law off!ee of. Lyman Trumbul, former United States Senator. Subsequently he removed to Jscksonvllle. 111., where he practiced law until 1887 when he settled in Lin coln, Neb. During the Presidential campaign of 1888 young Bryan's' speeches in behalf of the Democratic ticket at tracted attention and In 1890 he ac cepted a nomination for Congress in the First Nebraska District, a Republi can stronghold, "because no one else would have It," he said, since It was believed no Democrat could win. He was elected and serced from 1891 until 1895. He was made a member of the Important Ways and Mean Committee in his first term. Two speeches in this period gave Mr. Bryan nation-wide prominence, one against the policy of protection, delivered on March 16, 1892, and the other against the repeal of the silver purchase clause of the Sherman Act on August 16, 1893. In the latter he advocated "the free and unlimited coinage of silver, Irrespective of Inter national agreement, at a ratio o( II to 1," a policy with which his name was afterwards most prominent associated until he entered the cabinet of Presi dent Wilson. The first nomination of Mr. Bryan for the Presidency at the Democratic national convention in Chicago on July 10, 1896. has since been character ise! as one of the "miracles" of Amer ican politics. The nominee, after serv ing In Congress, had run for the Unit ed States Senate and been defeated by Senator John M. Thurston, of Ne braska. Abandoning the law, Mr. Bryan became editor of the Omaha World-Herald and championed the caoae of bimetallism as vigorously with the pen as he bad upon the fo rum. He bad been beaten for a third term in Congress on the Issue of "sound money" and when the time ctfflt for the national convention this' question was rending both big political parties. There were Free Silver Re publicans af well as Democrats, but the nominee of the former. Henry M. Teller, of Colorado, threw bis support to Bryan wben the Nebraskan won the -nomination at Chicago. The "ctoas of gold" speech by Bry fcn. which has been quoted oftener, perhsps. than any other of his words, and which made him a rival of Wil liam McKlnley for the Presidency cams at the close of a debate os the floor of the convention in advocacy of « frss silver plank. Men nationally prominent In lbs party had preceded him, and opposed the plank unless it shook! provide for bimetallism by In terna tiodal agreement. The situation was tsnss when the Nebraskan. then only 36 yssrs old — ons year more than 41m,. Constitutional requirement for a President —arose to spssk. Everybody -was Ured; everybody seemed ready tor compromise. Not so the delegate from Nebraska. There was Ire in bis •ye when he began to speak: . "1 would be presumptuous, indeed, to present myself against ths disting uished gentlemen to whom -you have listened." he said. "If this were s mors msasurlag of abilities; hut this Js not a contest between persons. Tbe humblest cttJsen In all the land, when «tod In Che armor of a righteous cause, to stronger than sll ths hosts of srror. f ocsas to speak to yon In defence of a | i —i as boly as t&e csuse of liberty— ' she cause of humanity." Then charging the evile of the toy —toe Me mills, ths social unreet and low wages—to the scarcity of money and the "Idle holders of Idle capital in wall street," ke continued: ; "The IndMvidnel Is but sn atom; he M horn, ha acts, he does; but prlnclplss — : ; —■ —r~~ j Nation Mourns His Death ' William Jennings Bryan Died Suddenly Sunday at Dayton. Tenn. Great Commoner Has for Many Years Been an Outstanding American Political Leader and Orator. % JL, . dm M % . /-■' / ' - ; Hhr " w- mM I m Us • & Ji H m j'/ , - are eternal; and this has been a con test over a principle. Having behind us to producing mases of this nation and the world, supported by the com mercial Interests, the laboring inter est* • and the tollers everywhere, we will answer those who demand a single gold standard by saying: "You shall not pretw down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon this cross of gold," The convehtlon was stampeded for Bryun. who was nominated over eight other candidates on the fifth ballot, following a speech by a Georgia dele gat* in which the eloquent young ora tor was referred to as "a Saul come to the Isrealitee to battle." Subsequent ly Bryan received the nomination of the People's and the National Silver parties. The nominee brake all speaking records In his first campaign, travell ing more than 18.000 miles and making about OO speeches in 27 States. He polled 6,502.925 votes to McKlnley's 7.104,779 and received in the Electoral College 171 votes to his opponent's 271. Although defeated, Mr. Bryan remain ed the leader of his party and. after the Spanish-American war In 1898. in wblch he. commanded the Third Ne braska Infantry as Its Colonel, he op posed the permanent retention of the Philippine Islands by the United States. In 1900, when again nominated for the Presidency, he made "antl-lmper lallsm" the paramount issue but re fused to omit an explicit party decla ration in favor of tree coinage of sil ver in the party platform. This time he was defeated with a popular vote of •.368.133 as against 7,207.923 for his opponent. He received 15$ electoral votes to McKinley's 292. Mr. Bryan returned to Llncon, and sturted the publication of a weekly political journal called The Com moner. Pour years later. 1904. al though not actively a candidate for the nomination, which eventually went to Judge Alton B. Parker., he vigor ously opposed Democratcy's "conenr vatlTe" attitude The interim between this period and the next Presldental eletcion of 1908 was occupied by Mr. Bryan, BOW known by many of his followers aa "The Peerless Leader." In several en | terprises that kept him in the public eye. Notably among these waa his I trip around the world on which he atarted September 31, IMS. About thia lime Mr. Bryan name | out for world disarmament, an Ideal i which Is said to have prompted his ! drafting In 1923. when he became i Secretary of Slate, of the particular • form of pence treaty between the lulled States and foreign nationa "by which all disputes were to be submit ted to an Impartial Investigating com mission for a year before hostilities could begtn." In 1908 Mr. Bryan was again named as the Democratic standard bearer. The campaign waa waged on the prin cipal issue or opposition to "trusts" ■nd for n third time the Democratic nominee suffered defeat. Mr. Bryan and Mr. Wilson held many Ideals In common. When Mr. Wilson was elected President ha ap pointed Mr. Bryan Secretary of State. The two years Mr. Bryan occupied a place at the hand of Mr. Wilson's cabinet were years of perplexity and stress. The Mexican embrocllo. the Japanese ant I-alien land controversy , in California and the correepondence With Germany and Austria-Hungary, antecedent to America's entrance into the we- were problems that gave fee Nebraska statesman many aleeplesa nights. While secretary of State. Mr. Brya an was often absent from Washington as a lecturer and this subjected him to no* little amount of raillery In the press. In a public statement he said the $12,000 salary he "received as a cabinet officer was Insufficient to meet the ordinary household demands up on his pirrse and he N't obliged to supplement his Income in ether ways. One .of his most popular lectures was "The Prince of Peace." When he entered the cabinet. Mr. Bryan astonished Washington by an nouncing that grape Juice would be substituted for alcoholic beverages whenever the Secretary of State and Mrs. Bryan entertained the members of the diplomatic corpe. Indeed, Mr. Bryan la his long advocacy of teeto taitom was credited by many with hav ing done more tlrah any other Ameri can outside of the Prohibition party, to force the adoption of the Eighteen th Amendcent to the Constitution making the United States a "dry" na tion. From March. 1918. he was presi dent of the National Dry Federation. Mr. Bryan's leadership of the Demo cratic party definitely was broken at the National convention at San Fran cisco in 1920. when he was defeated in his efforts to have k dry plank in cluded in the platform. After his defeat on the convention floor relative to the proposed dry. plank Mr. Bryan said: "My heart ia in the grave with our cause. I must pauae untU It comes back to me." ". Soon after the election of Presi dent Harding. Mr. Bryan suggested that President Wilson resign because the people had voted against the League of Nations, one of the domin ant Issue* of the campaign, and in favoi* of an association of nati3nn aa proposed by Mr. Harding. Having become a permanent legal reaident of Miami, Fla., Mr. Pryan was elected from that Stat a a dele gate to the Democratic Natlonnl con vention at New York In 1924. He took a prominent part in the pncoedlng*. bat his Influence was greatly curtailed aa compared with that which he exert ed at prevtona national conventions of the party. His advocacy o? the nomi nation of William O. McAdoo had no effect in breaking the deadlock which continued for nearly two weeks be tween Mr. McAdoo and Governor Al fred K. Smith, of New York, tbe con test eventually being ended when the delegate* switched tj Joha W. Da\is, who was nominated. Baaing up on his political activities with the 1920 National ranipjign I Bryan took t greater interest in the 1 affair* of the Presbyterian ehur.-h and devoted more of his time to Iscturiag. An avowed opponent of the Darwin theory of •volution. Mr. Bryan mad* many addressee on the subject. Speak ing in I»2J before the 5-egUlature of Wast Virginia, which «it coatlderng * bill to prohibit tbe teaching of th* Darwin theory in th* schools af that Mr. Bryan ssid. r "School teacher* paid by tjuatlon , should not be permitted to teach under the guise of science ot philosophy sny tbing thai undermines faith m God, impairs belief la the Bible or discred its the SOB of God aad the Savior ot the world. Evolutionists rob the Sa vior of the glory of the vlrgla blrih. the majesty af Mis daitjr aad the triumph ot His resurrection They weaken faith la tha Bible by dl*ra:d lag the ■ trades aad tba Mparaatnral aad by eUmtaatlag from i Bible all the aoallcts with their theories. They reader the book a scrap ot papar." • ' ' W. ! - vri- • ® •' * - . »• i- ' f THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. C. WILLIAM J. Mil 15 WHILE BLEEP HAD BEEN DEAD HALF HOUR OR MORE WHEN DOCTORS ARE CALLED. MRS. BRYAN NEAR BY AT TIME family Chauffeur, Whom She Had Sent to Awaken Husband, Finds Life Gone. Dayton, Tenn. —WHliam Jennings Bryan, three times presidential nomi nees of the democratic party and known the world over for his elo quence, died here at the age of 65. The end came great com moner was asleep and was attributed by physicians to apoplexy. He had retired to his room shortly after eat ing a large dinner to take a short rest. Mrs. Brayn sent the family chauffeur, Jim McCartney, to wake him and it was learned then that he was dead. Dr. W. F. Thomason and Dr. A. C. Bryoles, who examined the body, ex'- prssed the opinion that Mr. Bryan had been dead between 30 and 45 min utes before they artived. The death occurred in the residence of Richard Rogers which had been assigned to the Bryans during their stay here. Mr. Bryan's death came oil the eve of another crusade he had planned to carry before the American people—a battle against modernism. H6 return ed to Dayton after having made ad dresses at Jasper and Winchester, Tennessee, and after having completed arrangements for the early publica tion of the speech he was to have made in closing the trial of John T. Scopes, who recently was found guilty of violating Tennessee's anti-evolu tion law. Despite the strenuous program Mr. Bryan had been following as a mem ber of the prosecution staff in the Scopes case and as leader of the fun damentalists. he appeared in excellent health. Shortly before Mr. Bryan entered his room to rest he told his wife he had never felt better in his life and was ready to go before the country to wfege his fight in behalf of fundamen talism. Abtu 4:30 o'clock Mrs. Bryan said she felt her husband bad slept long enough, so she sent the chauffeur, who also was his personal attendant; to wake him. McCartney shook Mr. Brayn twice before he noticed' the latter was not breathing. TOe pbysl cins and A. B. Andrews, a neighbor, then were summoned hurriedly. Mrs. Bryan accepted the " shock bravely and remained calm. "I am happy that my husband died without suffering and in peace," she said. Mrs. Brayn rece'ved a message from her son. William Jennings Bryan, Jr., etatihg he was leaving Los Angeles immediately for the east. Mrs. Bryan stated that she would inform of the arrangements for the funeral en route. Mrs. Bryan was preparing to leave Dayton In the next day or so for Idaho where she expected to spend the sum mer with her son. Mr. Bryan was to leave Dayton Tuesday for Knoxvllle, where he would deliver two speeches, then go to Naahville for a similar engagement, before going to Florida. He expected to join Mrs, Bryan in the fall. He was taken to Dayton Sunday morning by A. W. Lessly, owner ot the Roes tiotel, and they reached there about 9:30 a. m. Mr. Bryan stayed at home during the morning and made arrangements for the speech to be de livered at the court-house In Dayton.' Another engagement of importance was one at the Hotel Aqua when he would meet with the Progressive Day ton clnb and lay plans for the Bryan college, a movement which 'was to be definitely launched wRh the dinner meeting. He had planned to leave Tuesday morning for Knoiville. Mrs. Bryan was said to be entirely composed and bearing up wonderfully under the terrible blow. Wife Calmest of Them All. Sua K. Hick*, who wss associated with Mr. Bryaa in the recent trial, and Mr. Andrew* remarked upon Mrs. Bryan's courage as she took charge of arrangements. _ , "During all the excitement, Mrs. Bryan was the calmest person t* the house," Mr. Andrews said. "She took compete charge of af fairs and showed mors nerve than I hate ever seen in a woman—and she Is an invalid, too." George W. Rappelyea. who institat ed charges against Scopes in order that the anti-evolution law might be teeted. was among those who called to express sympathy to Mrs. Bryan. Hundreds of telegrams and long dis tance calls of love aad sympathy were received at the home. Aa for" Dayton, it found U almost impossible to realise that the com moner was dead. During the morning many of the citizens had seea him at the sou th era Methodist Episcopal church and had hea|d him land In prayer, lie appeared In ' excellent health and hla friends expected hjjn' to place la Ma battle ageiast modern-' **m all the vigor and eloquence which • Milstones In Bryan's Career * • Dayton.—Milestones ia the IKe • •of William Jennings Bryan ate: • • March 19, 1 MO—Born at Salem, • • Illinois, 1870, eatered public • • schools 1871* —entered Whipple • • Academy. *■ • • 1881—Was graduated froqa 1111- • • note College, Jacksonville. 111., be- * • ing valedictorian ot his class. * • 1883 —Graduated from Unioa * • College of Law, Chicago, and • • began practice in Jacksonville. * • 1884—Married to Mis® Mary E. • • Bair at Perry, 111. Removed to • • Lincoln, Neb. , .■ * • 1888 —Elected delegate to State • • convention. • • 1890 —Elected to Congress in • • nominally Republican district and * • started flght for tariff refofm. • • 1892 —Attracted attention by his • • tariff speech. • • 1893—Opposed the repeal of • • Sherman Silver purchase act. * • 1895—Choice of Nebraska Demo- • • crats for United States Senator. * • 1896—Editor of Omaha World- * • Herald. • • 1896 —Nominated for President • • at Chicago after his famous "Cross • • of-Gold" speech. '• • 1898 —Oolonel of Nebraska vol- * • unteers in Spanish-American War. • • 1900 —Nominated for President • • at Ka convention. * • 1901 —Established "The Com- • • moner." • • 1905-06—Made tour of world * • with family. • • 1908 —Nominated for President • • third time. • • 1913 —Named secretary of State • • by President Wilson. • • 1915—Retired from Wilson Cab- • • inet. • • 1920 —Pleaded for prohibition en- * • forcemeat before Democratic con- • • vention at- San Francisco. • • 1925 —Became chief figure in • • prosecution- of Scopes evolution • • case arvl made passionate 'defense * • of religious faith at Dayton, Tean. • •» marked all his campaigns since the famous "cross of gold" speech. Spoke With Unusual Vigor. In his addresses at Jasper and Win chester, Mr. Bryan spoke with unusu al vigor, as he was encouraged by the applause of the hundreds who heard him. He returned to Chattanooga and while there completed arrangements for the e*rly publication of the speech which was to have been delivered dur ing the Scopes tHal. He Joined A. W. Lessly, Vernon Keith and Miss Bettle Harms at break fast bafore leaving for Dayton. Mr. Lessly \qpcompanied him to Dayton and while en route Mr. Bryan talked on various topics of the day and of the appeal to be made by Scopes to the Supreme court. The commoner expressed his deter mination then to "see the case through." Mr. Bryan, showed no signs, of illness but Mr. Lessly said he told him he was suffering with diabetis. Although severely criticized by spe cial writers and some modernists dur ing the trial Mr. Bryan had not ap parently been affected by this during the past several .days. Several times during the trial, however, he was vex ed by annoying questions. Threats Against Life. In Chattanooga Captain Marion Perkins, of that police force, who was in charge of a squad of officers here during the trail, said many threats had been madfe against the life of Mr. Bryan. Clarence Darrow, chief of Scopes defense counsel and who figured in a bitter clash with Bryan daring the closiug hoars of the trial, was' among the first to come forward with a tribute to the commoner. "I have known Mr. Bryan since 1896 and supported him twice for the presi dency," he said. "He was a man of strong convic tions and always espoused hia cause with ability and courage. I differed with him on many questions, but al ways respected his sincerity and de votion. lam very sorry for his fam ily and for hie friends who loved him." Other tributes came from members of counsel of both sides of the case. Newton D. Baker, who served In Pres ident Wilson's cam bluet with Mr. Bryan, who was secretary of state. Gov. Alfred E. Smith. New York; Vice President Charles O. Dawes and many senators and representatives. Family Widely Scattered. The death of Mr. Bryan found his family widely separated. William Jennings Bryan, Jr., who came here to assist his father la the Scopes case, had returned to Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Francis M. Baird his eldest sis ter. was in her home at Ltacola. Neb.; Mrs. Rath Bryan Owens, a daughter, was in Mount Vernon. 0.. to All a chautauqua engagement. Charles W. Bryaa, who waa nomi nated as vice presidential candidate by the Democrats In the last general election, was la Colorado and heart broken when told of hie brother's death. Mra. Thomas 8. Allen, a sister, was on an outing with her hnsband at Birch Park inn. oa Vermillion lake, near Tower. Minn., when she was In formed of Mr. Bryaa'e death. Bran at the time Mr. Bryaa died, his frleads here were completing ar rangements for him to dcMner his famous eermoa, "What Will I Do With Jesusr STATE FIRE LOSS TKJC JUMP FIRE LOBB IN FIRBT HALF 1926 AHEAD OF LOBB IN SAME PERIOD 1#24. Raleigh. Fife loss In North Carolina during ths past «ir month* was $3,463,1*® or an increase of more than $600,000 oxer the loss daring the first six months of 1924 which was $2,804*285, according to a report made public by State Insurance Commissioner Stacey W. Wade. At the flbme time the number of fires decreased from 1,247* 4n 1924 to 995 in 1925. There were 629 dwelling house fires during the first six months of 1925 with a loss of $600,895 while in the same period in 1924 there were 697 such fires with a loss of $821,981. Total fire damage in North Carolina in June was $202,174 with property at risk valued, at $1,563,100, according to the monthly report made public at the same time. There were 114 fires reported during the month with in surance of $1,030,898 involved. Considerably more than half Che loss of the entire state during June was caused by five fires, two in Win ston-Salem aggregating $32,000 and three in Charlotte totaling $91,250. There were only three other fires in which the loss was greater than $5,- 000. They Were a ferry boat and ter minal at Edenton, $20,000; a lumber plant at Wilmington, $13,300. The entire loss on the remaining 106 fires was only $38,124. Of the total number of fires, 57 were urban dwelling fires with a total damage of $25,872 and four Were ru ral dwellings with $1,270 damage. No fires were reported during the month in the following towns. Bry son City, Fairmont, Mt. Olive, Clin ton, Zebulon, Kernersvllle, Pinetops, Franklinton, WeavervlHe, Mt. Airy, Concord, Littleton, Aberdeen, Albe barle. Elm City, Pinehurst, Smithfield and Marshville. Many Counties Want New Loans. Informal applications for loans amounting to more than $10,000,000 have been made by counties desiring to borrow from the third $5,000,000 State school building fund, which will be available on- January 1, 1926, it has been announced by A. T. Allen, State Superintendent of Public In struction. "This" said Mr.' Allen, "Indicates a continued eagerness off the part of the counties to continue the work of rural school building. While the amount informally asked for is over $10,000,000, or twice the amount of the bond issue authorized, restrictions thrown about the formal applications will greatly reduce them." He said he believed $10,000,- 000 could be as satisfactorily distrib uted as the $5,000,000 which will be available. The money from this fund, he pointed out, will be loaned counties for a period of 30 years, at the same rate of interest the State has to pay for the bonds. Census of Highway Traffic. From Asheville to the Top of the Blue Ridge on Ronte 10, and from Ra leigh io the Durham county line on Route 10 are the two points of heav iest traffic density on the State High way System, according to a traffic census made on July 9 by the State Highway Commission and which was made public. On the road near Asheville 4,322 vehicles passed on the date of the census while on the road near Ra leigh 3,479 vehicles i were observed. The ecnsus covers a large number of points in each of the nine high way districts. In the fourth district, in wbich Raleigh Is situated, 42,182 vehicles were observed on the census day. The totals for the other high way districts were not made avail able. » More foreign oars denoting tourist traffic were observed on Route 29 between Hendereonville and Ashe ifllle. More horse drawn r vehicles were seen on Route 211. Commissioners See. Roads Oiled. Highway Commissioners J. El wood Cox and A. M. Klstler rode with their chairman, Frank Page, over many miles of the aaphaltfc oil roads of* Lee and Moore counties and the three could almost decree that the state highway commission has found ths secondary rood for North Carolina. The commission is building quite a few miles la these two counties. When the Page Packard leaped from the concrete stretch between San ford and Carthage. It became almost nec essary to step the chariot and intro duce the fellow commissioners to the smelly road now being oiled. ■No Pay for Mare Than 48 Drills. No Federal payment will be made for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1926, for any armory drills In excess of 14 drills per unit ia the first half of the year,, and 12 drills per nnit In each of ths thJrd sad fourth quar ters. or a total of 41 drills per unit for the rear, according to an order Issued from the office of the adju •*»•»>. J- Van a Metts. The aanual armory Inspection Is included the tt drills. These orders are is sued pursuant to instructions from the Militia Burean. Highways Letting Draw Many Bids. Eighty contractors submitted bids for twelve highway projects at a let ting by the State Highway Commis sion. The projects will cost the State around $2,000,000. The low bid for the twelve projects weVe as follows: Project 131-B: Hyde county: 8.19 miles ot paring on Route 91 from Scranton to Swan Quarter. Low bid N for roadway by Frank Mitchell Con struction Company; of Aulander, at $150,647.70. j*+> \ i Project 197: Washington county: 111.76 miles of paving on Ronte 90 be tween Roper and Martin county line. Low bid for roadway by F. J. Mc- Guire, of Norfolk, at $726,004. IProJesct 246: Jones county. 7.72 miles of grading on Route 30 be tween Polocksville and Onslow county line., Low bid for roadway by Nello L. Teer, of Durham, at $57,736.80. Project 395: Robeson county: 10.5 miles of grading and structures on Route 21 between Lumberton and Cumberland county line. Low bid for roadway by $52,923. Low bid for structures by Rhyne and~Kitehen at $63,573.15. Project 424: Franklin county: 5.73 miles of paving on Route 90 be tween Wake and Nash county lines. Low bid for roadway by Zeigler Broth ers at $155,043.70. Project 434: Granville county: 6.49 miles of paving on. Route 75 between Oxford and the Tar River. Low bid for roadway by R. G. Lassiter and Company, of Oxford, at $195,520.20. Project 547: Hoke county: 13.73 miles of grading and structures on Route 70 between Reaford and Moore county line. Low bid for roadway by J. A. Marrow at $56,210.25. Project 585: Randolph county: 2.33 miles of paving on Routes 70 and 75 east and south form Asheboro. Low bid for roadway gy Ziegler Brothers at $61,426. Project 618:, Cabarrus county: 3.07 miles df paving on Route 74 between Mt. Pleasant and Stanley county line. Low bid for roadway by Zie>gler Brothers at $113,012.95. Project 851: McDowell county: 12.07 miles of grading and structures on Route 104 from* the intersection with Route 10 to Yancey county line. Low bid for roadway by W. H. Ander son Construction Company at $277,- 747.40. Low bid for structures by Al bert Brothers, Inc., at $41,860.40. Project 888: Rutherford county: 9.40 miles of paving on Route 20 be t wee a. Forest City and Cleveland coun ty Hne. Low bid for roadway by Wil son Construction Company at $275,- 947.20. Low Md for structures by Ap palachian Conctruction Company at $11,330. Project 889: Yancey county: 7.S# miles of grading and structures on Route 104 between Harvard and Mc- Dowell county line. Low bid for road way by W. H. Anderson Construction Company at $73,848.20. Low bid for structures by Albert Brothers, Inc., at $26,146.50. Create Bureau at State Prison. Superintendent George Ross Pou of the State's Prison addressed a letter to each sheriff- of the State and to 150 chiefs of pollctf throughout the State, calling their attention to an act of the recent General Assembly creating a State Bureau of Identification. Superintendent Pou announced the appointment of Deputy Warden H. H. Honeycutt as director pf the State Bureau of Identification. Deputy Warden Honeycutt has for the past three, years been in charge of the iden tification department of the States Prison and is one of the leaddlng finger print exeptrs of "the South, hav ing been so declared by the chief of the Bureau of Identification'of the cKy of Richmond. Deputy Warden Honey cutt will perform his additional duties without increase in his present com pensation. The act creating the Bu reau of Identification was sponsored by the Police Chief's Association and by Superintendent Pou. Mr. Pou stated that the taking of finge* prints was not alone for the purpose of detecting criminals but for the protection of the innocent as well. Within a few years the bureau is expected to be of invaluable assis tance to Solicitors in giving in detail the former prison record, if any, of the defendant. The informaiton should also be of aid to the trial judge In determining the sentence of the prisoner. The Identification Bureau of the * State's Prison was established by Su perintendent Pou during his first term of office. The Bureau has been high compHmented by Wo. J. Burns? for mer Chief of the.Bureau of Investiga tion of the United States Department of Justice. It 'was established after Mr. Pou had conferred with Mr. Burn* relative to the most modern .methods In use. There are on file now more than 2500 prints of State Prisoners. r ■ Thirty Counties Benefited. When loans by seventeen counties to the State Highway Commission al ready approved t are executed, the State Highway construction fund will have been supplemented by $12,313,000 a»d thirty counties will either have kaneited er will be ia way of receiv ing benefits of road construction otherwise they might have wait ad years for In the pro rate distribu tion of hand money. Thirteen counties hare already leaned the Rt Mm commission M.M4 ass.