"A Strange afid Baffling Race of 'Wanderers From Northeastern Asia" By MANUEL GAMIO, Mexican Anthropologist. CENTURIES before Columbut his caravels a strange and baffling race of wauderera came from nprtheastern Asia in ships of mystery to' discover and. develop the virgin soil of the American continent. With equal readiness these hardy adventurere trod the trackless deserts and the suow wreaths of dizzy peaks. Fearlessly they explored remote caverns apd hostile tropical jungles. Struggling through cata clysm, hunger and epidemic, this race of bronze conquerors proved over and over again its indomitable strength and manly will. Artistic, sentimental, harmonious, the original Americans from Asia built powerful empires, created strange theogonies and wise laws. They developed a marvelous architecture and a graceful, colorful expressed by the decorator, the weaver and the worker in metals and precious stones. Today this race is grief-stricken, silent and humiliated, revealing no clue to its magnificent heritage. There is no one to understand or to re ceive the mute protest of its afflicted soul. There is no one to wait with devoted faith thjjt certain hour of its redemption when, cast in the molds of modern civilization, its latent ancestral virtues will reawaken in triumph. Thejiighest homage of mankind has been paid to Columbus as the discoverer of America. Several countries and numerous cities bear his name. In all latitudes bronze and marble immortalize his genius and poets ceaselessly srfig his odyssey. Only with Spain, the conqueror, does Columhtis. the explorer,, share history. - The fame of the Great Admiral is merited and justified. But his undertaking is not comparable to the achievement of those who preceded him here by a hundred and fifty centuries. Some dauntless son of the indigenous race was the first to plant his roving footsteps on this land. Tf honor were given to whom honor is due, he would be exalted as the true discoverer of America. "A Blind Man's Ears Are His Eyes as Well, He Is an Expert Listener" By THOMAS D. SCHALL, U. S. Senator From Minnesota. A blind ninn's ears are his eyes as well. Because of the hundreds of iittle things he hears which the uneducated ear cannot hear—each de noting a characteristic of the person speaking—he actually sees the person. The blind man is an expert listener. This is a job he is especially fitted for. There are all sorts-of things to throw a seeing person off the track. A man may have on a fine suit of clothes and may have a carnation in his buttonhole and may smile confidently and puff out his chest This muy all be camouflage and frequently serves to deceive a seeing person, but not the blind man. Many a voter has said to me "Schall, I'm for you" when I knew very well by his voice that he wasn't. The blind know their friends by vci-.ie, by th#-ir step, and by some little peculiarity that to the seeing has gone entirely unnoted. In a poker game a man can bluff his way through by keeping a straight face, but just let me hear his voice and I'll tell you what kind of a hand he holds. We Are Passing Through a Period Not Unlike the Puritanical Regime By JOHN J, BLAINE, Governor of Wisconsin. —i * , There is a formidable program on today. It is to enact laws and «ver more laws, stricter and sterner, heaping the penalties higher and higher under the delusion that modefn crusades can makfe men good by passing laws and the establishment of moral guardianship pver the people. Conventionally, we think of ths Puritans as coming to America to establish the principles of religious freedom. They did—religious freedom for themselves, but prescriptions and inquisitions for others.. They de manded full obedience to their decrees and religious freedom ceased to exist. Their policy was suppression and repression. They became the reapers of wrath, and through Massachusetts there began a race of law breakers, fostered by the laws themselves. ' We are passing through a period now not unlike the Puritanical regime of centuries ago. But the multiplicity of laws that do not com v port with God's moral law are bound to be violated aad eventually re pealed, as they ought to be repealed. * To Be Broke and to Be Turned Down by His Girl at the Sftme Time By JAMES L. FORD, in Theatre Magazine. The education of the dramatist should be that of life rather than of books. 1 cannot conceive rf a real dramatist who has not wafe to be broke and turned down by his girl at the same time. Such an experience is of far greater value than the most exhaustive study of the work of Euripides, though thoughtful consideration of the Greek dramas may be taken by one familiar with the teachings of life as a postgraduate course. It is often said by those who favor dramas of the highest type that there is no reason why play-writing should not be classed with other pro fessions and taught as effectively as are law and medicine. But the practice of law rests on the solid foundation of the Constitu tion and that of medicine or surgery on the immutable laws which govern the human body, whereas the writing of dramas has no foundation save the ever-shifting quicksand of public taste. Conditions in Life Which Favor the Success of Motion Pictures By LOUIS WEINBERG, is Current History. ' I* the enthusiasm for motion pictures an artificial thing created bj the promoters, or is the success of the promoters due to the fact that there are conditions in modefn life which favor the success of motion pictures? A most cursory consideration of the subject must reveal the answer. Mo tion pictures were no doubt heavily advertised, but their success has been primarily due to the fact that they provided in an eaaily available way for tlie recreational needs of modern life. It is in the nature of this high speed system that millions of the city caught in the grind and the rmttine of their daily tasks, overwrought % the whirl of business deals, inhi' itiug the natural play of mind, muscle, mood, should seek escape in some medium of swift experience which brings visions of financial success, of free, uurestrained joy, of die thrills and dangers of outdoor adventures, it is also in the nature of our industrial order to stimulate in our rural population • desire for the luxuries, the pleasures, ml or imaginary, to T found *n the big dty. * V. j jt.Muiinnuc I—Exclusive1 —Exclusive portrait of Mine. Antonletta ll Martlno. wife of the new Italian ambassador to Washington. 2 The "Fighting Jewett" (CG-13 of the rum-chniiing fleet of New Loudon, Conn.) overhauled In Brooklyn navy yard and nearly ready to resume the pursuit of the rtim runners. B.—One of the six glunt Curt lux army bomber* which has been making a test flight of the transcontinental air mall route. " NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS German Note Gives Hope of Restoration of Friendly Peace in Europe. By EDWARD W. PICKARD GERMANY'S reply to France on the subject of the security pact, In the opinion of official Europe, makes bright the outlook for peace in the old world. Foreign Minister Stresenmnn's note, delivered to the French foreign office, WHS considered in general quite satis factory, though article hi of the League of Nations covenant still stands in the way of complete accord. The German government says that al though It does not consider its en trance to the league as a necessary condition for the establishment of a security pact, as France and Kngland Insist, it is willing to join the league, but with the express condition that article 10 does not apply to Germany. "In spite of the explanation brought ■bout by Germany's note to the league council on March 13 last, there 1 ' Is danger that after Its entrance Into the League of Nations Germany, disarmed and surrounded by powerfully armed neighbors, situated In the center of Europe and having In the. course of history served as the theater of great wars, would be drawn Into conflicts between third states," continues the note in expressing the Germans' fear of stirring the anger of Itussia by helping France to aid Poland. Article 16 theoretically gives France the right to send troops and supplies across Germany to the aid of I'oiand If the latter is attacked by Russia, but In Paris It is declared no French gov ernment would think of sending troops through ti hostile Germany. Germany says in the note that It would not have equal rights as a mem ber of the league until Its own dis armament Is followed by general dis armament. It denies any intention of trylfe to modify the treaties of peace, but adds: "At the same time It takes for granted that one must not forever ex clude the possibility of ndaptlng exist ing treaties to more friendly accord*.'* The third question discussed in the note is the right of France as a guar antor of luture arbitration treaties be tween Oermuny and Polnnd and Czechoslovakia to have the privilege to decide who is the aggressor. The note deuiandM that this right be given to a disinterested power, the Hague court, or the League of Nations. M. Uriand, French foreign minister, said: ' "In my pergonal opinion there is absolutely nothing In the German note which stands In the way of a sat isfactory settlement." I-ater he ap prised French diplomatic representa tives In other countries of numerous reservations which the note calls for on the part of France, especially con cerning the Interpretation of article 10 of the covenant., The Paris press on second thought did not lTfce the Ger man reply so well, noting that It opens a debate on the revision of the peace treaties. Addreimlns {he relrhstag, Herr Stretwmann urged the nation and tlie allien to back the peace plan, lie Maid, however, there were mill some Im portant points outstanding. especially with respect to arbitration treaties and the position (Sermany la to take within the League of Nation*. Tlie mlnlirter wai confident that fur ther diacuwiflon would lead to positive malts. He expressed irreat satUfac tlon at the good will ahown by both France and Belgium -In completely evacuating the liuhr before Augunt 10. and the French premier'* declaration that Dneeseldorf, Dulshurg. and Ituh- rurt alao shortly would be evacuated, within the time set by the treaty. France van doing her part, as Kir*ae mann said, by hastening the evacua tion. Her troops were moving out «»f the German cities rapidly, at nlglit mo as to avoid clashes with the cttlien*. An explanation of the Improved fe tation* between France and Germany, eurfent In diplomatic circles, waa that Benjamin Strong, president of tlie (Jailed States Federal Reserve Bank THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. C. system, and Montagu Norman, gor ertior of the Bank of England, who had been In Berlin, Ijad threatened to re fuse further credits to Germany un less it showed a reasonable spirit In the negotiations. T.N AN Interview grunted last week Premier Palnleve said: "Frltnce has the firmest Intention to come to a settlement with the United States. There will be a settlement be fore November 1, and. although It has not been finally decided. M. Culilaux will go to the United States to arrange that settlement If the American public desires him to do so." Henri Franklin-Bouillon already has been appointed chairman of the French com mission. The premier confirmed the report that France would seek a huge loan in the United States after the debt settlement had been agreed upon. JOHN T. SCOPES of Dayton, Tenn.. was found guilty of violating the stnte law forbidding the teaching of the theory of evolution, and was fined SIOO by Judge Uaulston. The convic tion was a foregone conclusion. No tice of appeal was given and the case will he carried up to the Tennessee Supreme court. If that tribunal sus tains the verdict, presumably the Su preme Court of the United States will be asked to rule on the case. The fundamentalists iVe not satis fied with this victory. Walter White. Dayton's school sui>erintendent and the prosecuting witness In the Scopes case, announced that a bill would be drawn up and introduced in congress with drawing all federal support from In stitutions in which the doctrine of evolution is taught. The Scopes defence at the start of week surprisingly put William J. Bryan wn the stand, and he and Clar ence r(arrow engaged In a lively duel of question and answer. Which had the better of It was a matter of Indi vidual opinion. However, Bryan was forced to admit that In some instances, notably the account of the creation in seven days, the werds of the Bible might not be accepted literally. The Bible stories of Adam and Eve, of the tower of Babel, of the Flood, of Jonah and the whale, of Joshua and the sun, he said he believes are literally true. Streaking generally, he asserted: "I believe the Bible absolutely as It stands." Nest day the court decided all this exchnnge between Bryan and Darrow should be ruled out, and he refused to let Bryan put Darrow on the stand. So the case went to the Jury, which needed but a few minutes to agree on a verdict of guilty. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE JAKDINK has been spending some eight weeks touring the West, and on Ills return to Washington reviewed the agricultural situation as he saw It. There Is a return «f coutldence, he said, and the farmers are getting out of tlie "shadow of bankruptcy." He thinks there will be no great demand for further farm legislation and that the farmers themselves are competent to solve their own probfems. Many of the farmers with whom he talked told him to "let It alone, as things were going along pretty well." Mr. Jardlne continued: "Cattle and hog men are better off than they have been since ItKJO and I didn't aee any sheep men down at tl»e mouth. If the wheHt men are careful In marketing their crops they will get good prices and they are learning not to flood the market*. "Condition* In the corn belt sre re versed from, what they were a year ago, when hogs were still cheep and corn u poor and expensive crop. Indi cation* are for a targe cotton crop and a favorable Income In the belt."* ACCOUDINO to Ogures Just made public by the l>epartiuent of Ag riculture, the farmers of the I'nlted States re-elved a gross Income of sl-,- 13»j.0»to.000 from agricultuml produc tion for the jeer ending Juue 30 last, as coinpured with 911 .JXB.UOO.OOO for the previous year. In arriving at the gross Income the department deducts coat of feed. aeed. and waste from the value of produc tion. According" to the depnrtment'f experts, the Increase over last year, smownttng to about 7% per cent, was due almost entirely to higher returns from (train and meat animals, particu larly wheat and hogs. Exclusive of live stock and feed sold to other fnriiiert) the gross Income from sales was $0,777,000,000, as compared to $8,1)28,000.000 In 1924. Food and fnel produced and consumed on tbe farms was valued at $2,359,000,000. VIOLENT attacks by the IMfflans failed to break the French line* along the Ouerga river, though some posts were abandoned, and at last re ports the Moroccan tribesmen were falling back on the center and appar ently preparing to concentrate their efforts on the wing# with the hope of taking the Important towns of Tax* aftd Quezzan. respectively about 60 miles east and northwest of Fez. Re inforcements for the French, together with the arrival of General Naulin. the new commander In chief of the field forces, and of Marshal Retain, have given renewed confidence that Abd-el- Krlm will be defeated. The French ure getting ready for a great offensive if the native leader rejects the peace terms that have been offered him by France and Spain. CHINESE papers in Shanghai pre dicted last week that war would break out within a fortnight between the Fengtlen troop* and thoae of Cheklang province, which were mass ing near the dty and were only ten miles apart. The International and French concessions were being protect ed with barbed wire entanglements and all foreigners were called In from the outposts. From Hongkong came word that two native armies were pre paring for an attack on Canton. Mean while the foreign diplomats in Peking drew up proposals for the settlement of the controversies. The most Im portant of them are: Convocation of the Chinese cnstooas revision. conference with a minimum of delay and creation of a commission to Inquire into extraterritorial matters, at a date still to be fixed. Reference of the question ot. re sponsibility for bloodshed ta the re cent Shanghai riots to a Judicial In quiry. with the CbliMM gOTcmant participating and all governments bound to abide by the findings. AUSTRALIANS gave tkt American fleet uproarious welcomes at Mel bourne and Sydney, which ports were visited last week by sections ot the divided fleet The people gathered froui all parts of the country to witness the arrival of the gray warships, there were many speeches of greeting; a ad impressive aerial demonstration*. Ad miral Robinson. commander of the sec tion. was at Sydney, where he received a salute of seventeen guns, nude «B rial calls and reviewed a tine parade of men from his vessels. Sir Dudley l>echalr, governor of New South Wales, standing by his side. HENRY FORDS bid for the Sset of unserviceable vessels ot the Caited States shipping board has been held up for the present, objections to it having been raised by unsuccessful bid ders under the ftrst advertisement. There Is 4 chance that the sale of the ships for Junking may be prevented entirety, for someone has raised the point that this may be a violation of the merchant marine act. It was an nounced Chairman O'Connor had asked for a ruling by the attorney general THE Van Swerlngen Nickel Plat# railroad merger project waa stilt before the Interstate commerce com mission last week, end the moat Inter esting Incident waa e hot exchange be tween O. P. Van Swvrtngeß and H. W. Anderson. counsel for protesting mi nority stockholders, concerning pre spectlve prortts for the promoters of the deal. Anderson presented a tabulation of original coets and potential values ■a a profit summarisation, which Van Swertngen declared led to fatfe ion rt eat on i. HEARINGS m postal rates were begun by the congressional com mission, and as a starter Postmaster General New told the body that portal revenues, under the new rate*, which went into effect April 15, were only $4,181, or .0001 per cent greater In May of thla year than In 11 ay, 1884. The postmaster general made It ctenr that insufficient time had elgpeed to Jodge accurately the result at lb# rhSM* DOINGS IN THE TAR HEEL STATE NEWB OF NORTH CAROLINA TOLD IN SHORT PARA GRAPHS FOR BUSY PEOPLE (laatonla —The cost of cleaning the streets of thii city averages 11 2-3 cents per 1,000 square yards ot pave ment each month, according to figures compiled here by David L. Btruthers, city manager. Ooldsboro. Ourney Jlollowell. a highly respected farmer of this sec tion. was painfully scalded when ha fell into a vat of boiling water at a sawmill while making some repairs. Th* skin was burned off his feet and leg*, half way up between the knees and hips. Rocky Mount. —The population of Rocky Mount and Its suburbs Is now 22.640. Secretary George Williams of the chamber of commerce has an nounced. The announcement was made following the compilation of sta tistics for a nfew cKy directory. Charlotte—Ralph O. Cooley. 23-year old youth of Thrift, died at St. Peter's hospital from a fractured skull receiv ed In an automobile collision on the Tuckaseegrf 1 road, near Thrift. Halifax.—Halifax County commis sioners has reduced the amount which the county will loan the State Highway Commission for highway construction within the county from f1.500,900 to $900,000. Salisbury.—Committees have been named and are lining oat their work la connection with the entertaining ot ot the national meeting of the Patrio tic Order Sons of America which will be held in SaHsbdrr in September. High Point.—The North Carolina X»- tional Guard can never be a IKC«M without the moral inppoct of the ham- IKM and professional men of the state. Adjutant General J Van R Metts. of Raleigh, declared in addressing (be High Point Kiwanta Club here. Duke. —Following the refusal of N'eUl McK. Solomon. LilMagtoa attor ney. to accept the poet of soltcttor for Harnett after ha ring been elected to MOM. Che hoard of county commie nonen appointed Floyd M. Taylor, of Bale's Creek, to the poet. Chapel Hill.—The 12 mite stretch of paved road between Chapel HID and Durham, which la generally regarded aa one of the prettiest drives In. ttaa section, will soon become a "highway beautiful" tn a nsore real sens* of the word, according to plans being pot into effect by .the cirtca departments of th* women's clubs of the two towns. Charlotte. —Earl Brooks, ths L>>-year old son of Mr. aad Mrs. F. A. Brooks. 1914 North Brevard street. Is dead and his nine-year-old brother. Alexander, in desperately 01 as a result it is believ ed. of playing in fool ditch waiter near their home. .. • Lambert on.—ldentification of the remains of the yoong white man who was killed 32 miles south of here when officers raided a moonshiners' camp, was made here by Spurgaon Green, of Thomasville. who said he was a broth er of the dead man. Be accompanied the remains to Ashehoro. Carthage. —Rather than return to the Mecklenburg Industrial school. Tlllle Moore, young white girt, leaned to safety from the rapidly moving au tomobile of Sheriff R. G. Fry. about two miles beyond Albsmarbs. Before Deputy Sheriff KeUy could brine the car to a stop, she diapppeared tax the thick wood*. Durham. -Contract for che erection of eleven now buildings, at coat of four million dollars, has bees let to the George A. Puller Company, of Washington. D. C.. according to aa announcement made from the office of Horace Trumbauor, Philadelphia arch itects. received here. #> Raleigh.—Thomas L. Cookua, 87 yeair oltl veteran of the World War. aad employe of the V. 3. Internal Rev enue Department, made a death touch of loose stone is the darkened recees es of the Hillaboro street bridge, and then fired a 38-calibre bullet from an automatic through hia head. Sanford Mrs. Neal Spivey U» dead and her oldest daughter severely in- Jured. her husband and other eight children having received only slight bruises, as a result of a collision on the 3*ttford>Joaesburo highway. The family was returning home after at tending chareh services aad the one horse wagon in which they wore trav •ling was run down by a small truck. North WUheeboro. —At the ctoee ef business on July 19th. the local branch of the Carottaa Motor club bad dis posed of 1.553 license tags aad $23. 533.30 had boea taken tn as payment tor tkess plates. This office sold 3*3 track pistes. 1,333 car plates, 1 re placemeat plate. 1 public service plate. 13 public service plates, and 3} old plates Raleigh.-Mann McLean, of Ulhng. ton. cranked his Dodge when It was la gear, aad the machiae drove him through a plate glass wladow on fay. eyetteviUe street, pushing oat every pfoce of the glass aad cattiag htm so badly that hospital treatmeat was necessary. Kinston. —Ffre destroyed the mala ■ building of the Hlaes Bros. Lumber company's plant here with a loss esti mated at tM M* to 171. MO. The miU. la southeast Ktastoa. la the largest of lis kiad In Klastoa. H was reported several hundred men would be tfcrova oat of employment of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Almond, of the Bear Creek section of this countjy#^ burned his father's barn with all con tents. Asked why he did it the little | fellow answered "Because I wanted to - see a big Are." North W Hkesboro. —Samuel Harris, respected Confederate veteran of the Ferguson community, committed sut- | clde by drowning himself in river near the bridge, a half-mils be low Ferguson. Tarboro. —Miss Flossie Waters, an 18 year old girl, living at the home of Herman Harper on the Governor Carr plantation near Sparta, commit ted suicide Sunday when she killed herself with a shotgun. High Point.—T. W. Stoner, captain of a fire company here, was seriously burned while fighting Are. He la In a local hospital In what is said to be a serious condition. Monroe. —Lula Lincoln, H-year-oki colored girl of Monroe, was Instantly killed in front of J. M, Thompeons on the Charlotte highway when the touring car in which she wae riding turned over. Kins ton —Two tobacco barn fires were reported here bringing the total of such blazes to nine since the be ginning of the curing season last month. I Greensboro. —Carolina Fuller, 9t~ I year-old negro, died at St. Leo's hoe pi la 1 following an accident at the intersection of East Market and BOOM streets when she was run over by an unidentified negro in a Dodge tearing car, as she was droseing the street. Lincolnton.—The Jury in the ease of Rev. A. C. Lynn, Lutheran minis ter of Cherryville, tried in Superior court here on tine charge of man slaughter. brought In a verdict of not guilty, the vote being aaanlmons ler acquittal on first ballot. Shelby.—Smt for !*>.»** againat five Cleveland county officers, tin led ing the sheriff, a special officer ami three policemen, has been CM fcf John VanDyke of the Kings section, charging alleged mnSnwlW st reet and confinement. Ktestoe. —A new Christian dturch at Bethel, en the rand between thfa city and Gritton. has bee* opened. The building replaces one burned! some time a«s, and in described an • iuindaome and commodious edifice AsheetQe. —W. C McCeeneU, ht, reel estate eperaoor oC Adiewtlln naff Fort Myers. Fie., and son of e prem* nent merchant of Asfcertlie, wee held after his automobile struck end tonally injured a woman at Bdeataat, Ge.. wm exonerated. Chapel Hill. —K. X. Grey, ef Char lotte, superintendent of public mi ' tare of Mecklenburg aouaty. wee dm ted president of the North Carodme Association ef Superintemaants ef Pintle Welfare at a meeting at th» oegaaiaation held in Sendees heQi Cullowhee. —A check tat HUM(, pert of bite HO; 000 loan Fund distrib uted by the North Carolina Grand Ledge of Masons. was received by President Hunter, of the Cuflowhee VormaJ School, recently. Thin He ey will be put immediately at •» command of worthy and needy stur tents. aeideville. —After a wee*'# absence which toihiered hie escape from the county jail at Yanceyville. EL fit Start ler, lone prisoner at the "fail, liae tm turned. During his absence Sadler went to see hie wife, who to sick at rhair home ht Virginia, he stated: He returned after finding her Hewflllk improved, and geve himself up es serve the remainder of his term. Wilmington.—Glaring heeiHlgfWe am an. approaching automobile wene blamed by the coroner's jury after investigating circumstances sur rounding the death of John C. Etett son, jr., IS. who died tm> hours alter he was struck by e mooer truck near this city. Reideville.—James Smith, of roll county, was severely injured end Jobs Chandler of Burlington, and Dewey Klmbrough and Neiil Totten suffered minor hurts as the rssnlt ef an airtwmebile accident when Allen and Ward driving e roadster miiwiini into Smith's touring car hnrtt&s it down a fifty foot embankment. Durham.- —Four cents more has been added bo the Durham city tax rate the the current year, under the intended budget as adopted by tike city coun cil. The rate Cor next year will he *l4O en the SIOO within the city Urn its .an increase of twentyffee ceona over tat* year's rate, perhaps the greateet single year's increase lib tike history of die city. StateavUle. —A farmers' sate day. sponsored by Be ill's Department store here. in co-operation with the coenty tarm demonstration agent H. W. Graeber, ie be be put en here tar the benefit of the farmers ef Eredett and counties. The sale will fee held every hit Monday in each month, beginning at 19 o'ctoeh kg the morning, the test sele to he eendntfe ed Monday. August 31 Raleigh.—Theee who are relieved to have special liceesee tor ennytaff on their has bases or practicing (Mr profession are warned in a itatsana* Waited by the state department ef revenue that a twenty per cent pen alty en via he impeeed after August L AahevUW. —Ashevßle ts being weß advertised by its booster ear. which It now tn Canada. The aetoeaefctK which was sent oet by the AahenHe chamber nI commerce, la pHal«d by Jack h«wi and Moore Bryson. soan of members of the board of directum nf the civic area a Italian ' _

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