| THE GLEANER ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. ~SLOOAYEAR, IN ADVANCE. r The editor win nu. .v responalttlo for /lewi eqpressed by corr«epondei>t«. Sntere 1 at tt>9 Pos'offlce at Oraliam. N. 0.. h« Koiuii jltti matter. GRAHAM, N. C., July 30. 1925 COL BRYAN In the passiug of William Jen nings Bryan, there passed the world's best known and most dis tinguished private citizen. Thrice candidate for president of the United States and thrice de feated, yet ever in the limelight. Perhaps no man, living or dead, ever faced and spoke to as man} people from a platform ns he. lie was distinguished both as pol itician and lecturer ami excelled in both roles. lie was also h grertt teacher and student of the Bible and his last great effort was for the upholding of Bible truths in the little town of Dayton, Tenn., where he passed away last Sunday afternoon while he slept. Iu compliance with an expressed request his remains will be laid to rest iu the National cemetery at Arliugtou. The Textile School at State College. Xhe Board of Trustees have eu larged the Textile Department and made it into a separate ad ministrative unit which will be knowu as the Textile School of the North C aroliua State College. Professor Thomas Nelson who has been director of the Textile De partment for the past twenty years, has beeu named Dean of the School. There has been added to the Textile School a lierearch Depart ment which will be directed by Mr. James McDowell, cotton spec- ialist with an international repu- taiion. Mr. W. E. Shiun who has been H teacher iu 4he school will devote his entire time to re search problems, lie in spending this summer in research labora tories so as to become acquainted with all the various methods of textile testing. J. E. Sirriue «fc Company, Mill Engineers of Greenville, 8. C., have'drawu plans for an addition tJtbe textile buildinu. This will be completed during the yearand equipment added which will make the Textile School of the North Carolina State College one of the beat equipped textile schools in Americ* for cotton manufacturing For the seventeenth year the National Association of Cotton Manufacturers has awarded the Student's medal to this Textile School. The medal ia presented to the student having the highest proficiency in his work for four years. This association is com posed of the leading Textile man nfacturen' of America. In addition to the regular courses offered in the school, wliich are Textile Manufacturing, Textile Engineering, ' Textile Chemistry and Dyeing, a now courne iu Textile Desigu will be offered during the comiug year to those who wish to specialise in the designing and weaving of fan cy fabrics. The Textile School also has a two year course for University and College graduates who have selected the Textile Industry a* their vocation and who wish tj supplement their academic train ing with a thorough textile educa tion. Watch the boll weevil aud be ready to dost when necessary, advises Director I. O. Sehauh, of the agricultoral extension service. Director Schaub looks for hcavy damage to North Carolina's cotton crop from boll weevil this year. Imagine * good palatable din- Mr without salt and think of the farm animals that never get any. Salt wbeU the appetite, adulates the digestive glands and prevents tftomaeh troubles All farm »pj tnals need salt. , Pure bred stock is much better than wild cat stock, says John A daily exteaaion specialist. NEWS FROM WHITSETT. James F. Greeaon, an attorney at law from Sapulpa, Oklahoma, has spent the last month iu this part of the state on a visit with his mother, Mrs. Jane Greeson, and hi# sisters, Mrs. D. C. Stewdrt and ;»tra. J. H. Coble, lie has many friends in Guilford and Alamance counties where he spent his early lift-. He located in Oklahoma immediately after graduation in law from Wake Forest College. Revival services at Brick Church will begin Sunday, August 2nd, with sermons aMI a. in. and 2 p. m. During the week following Hev. Jl. A. Fesperman will preach daily at 1U:30 A. M. There will be no sen - ices at ufight. Many have expressed the opinion that the farm lands of eastern Guil ford should be reduced twenty five per cent in valuation, instead »i the ten per cent reduction that has been proposed. Even a higher rate would give greater satisfacti >u to most tax-payers, than a feeling thr.t property is on the tax books at a valuation beyond iti market value. One of the largest crowds assem bled for months for a funeral service] was present for the services held at Brick Church at 2 I*. M. Wednesday, July 2i)th, for the burial of Jm-1 \V. Clapp, a leading farmer and miller. The funeral sermon wan preached by the pastor of the First Reformed Church of Greensboro, Rev. 11. A Fesperman, who chose as his text lob 14:14 "If a man die shall he live again?'' In answer to this question be stated that only a few of the thinkers of the ages had aii sw'ered "No." Many like Confu cius of China had said "1 do not know"; but a majority of all lands and faith had said "Yes, he shall live again." Egyptains believed in immortality; BO did the followers of Jupiter and Minerva in (Ireeee and Koine; the Teuton and the Norsemen dreamed of dwelling with the gods; the American Indian looked into the future for his happy hunting ground; so believed iho Brahmin, and the Moslem, &c., (fee., and i\e as intelligent Christian individuals must believe in immortality because (1) The soul longs for immortality; its Creator must havo had in miud the satisfaction of thin longing, (2) Qod is the great economist. Man even himself tries to preserve the beat in art, in literature, in archr i lecture, Ac., certainly tho great economist, Qod, will see that hiß crown of creation, man, oadures for ever. (3) Man ia a two-wi»rld crea ture; he only partly completes his exiatence in a brief 40 or 60 or eveu 80 year life ou earth, (4) the tangles, and injustices of life demand a here after to bring order from confusion, and tbe final triumph of right, (5) the doctrine of immortality, is fully attested from tbe faet of the resurrection of Jesus, and the direct teaching of tho Bible. The Bible so teaches; man's reason so con cludes. „ Joel W. Clapp lacked only a few days of reaching bis sixty eighth year. For some months he has been an invalid. He was married to Miss Mary E. Johnson May 10, 1879. He is survived by his widow, two tons, and two daughters. His old est son is a prominent minister ia the lleformed Church, having bbtu located at Collegeville, Peon., fur many years. This son, lie v. William S. Clapp, arrived iu time for the funeral services. The younger son, Murphy Clapp, is in Michigan and was unable jg be present. There was a large gathering of relatives of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Jo'an W. Summers are ia llaleigh this week attending the great gathering of farmers that is being held at State College. C. K. Fitzgerald leturned from a visit of two days to New York City this morning, and will spend the remainder of the week here, leaving Monday next for Charlotte where he is located. Get Rid of That Backache! (.rahrm People Point the Wiv. The constant aching of a bad back, The weariness, the tired feel ng; Headaches, dizziness, nervousness, Distressing urinary disorders— Are often signs of failing kidneys And too serioui to be neglected. Oet rid of these troubles! Use Doan's Pills—a stimulant diu retic to the kidneys. Host) of people recommend Doan's This is a Graham rase. You can verify it. A. G. Ausley, prop, of grocery, N. Maple St., says: "J was having considerable trouble with a dull backache. I started UMDg Doan's Pills and after taking just one box, the backache left end I haven't been bothered since. I also used Doan's some years- ago for backache and irregularity of the Sidneys and they enred me in short order." Price Wte, it all dealers. Don't simply ask lor a kidney remody— get Doan's Pills the uif)» that Mr. Aualey had. KW*r-||il bwa Cb.. Mfca., ttuflalo, N. Y. . . • ; •• ~ THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GBAHAM, N. 0. Burlington's New Hotel. As a result of community effort and cooperation. Burlington lias a new seven-story hotel, the '"Ala- Ijnance." It was opened last week with a banquet to' the Hto^kbolders; and turned over to the lessee, J. F. i Soiners, an Alamancu man lavgely interested iu operating lu>tels of Ihe belter class. This new hostel™ faUtfilt Of brick, concrete and 6t«e£— fire-proof, and cost complete and' furri'shed o vr,p $•'100,000. While not aa large an some hotels, there is nothing lack ing quality. It's stately and a beauty inside. Burlington and Alamance connty can feel proud of the achieve ment. 4 White Furniture Co. of Mehaue provided the supeib Inrnishinps *ud Alamance contractors did a vast amount of the work. Hall's Cfttarrli Medicine Tho«e who nre In a "run-down" condi tion will notice thnt Catarrh both*.* them much more than when they are In Rood health. This fact proves that white Catarrh Is a local disease. It Is greatly Influenced by ■ constitutional conditions. HAIX'S CATAHRH MKDICINB Is • Combined Treatment, both local and In ternal. and has b«en successful In the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Bold by all drugcrlsts. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. It costs more to raise pigs ou a dry l"t than it. does on pasture. Tho Kansas Experiment Station finds that it requires 11 per cent more corn and 67 ;jer cent more proteiu to make 100 pounds gain in a dry lot than on Alfalfa pas til ro. CASTORIA For Infants and CUldrea in Uro Fcr Over 30 Years Signature of 666 is a prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever, Dengu or Bilious Fever. It kllla the germ*. Notice of Sale of Real Estate Under Mortgage. Under and by virtue of the power of pale contained in a cer tain deed of tru.it executed by William Edgar Thompson and wife, Leiley Thompson, to Ala mance Insurance & Real Estate Co., Trustee, on September 22, 1919, securing the payment of certain bonds described therein, which deed of trust is duly pro bated and recorded iu the office of tjie Register ol Deeds for Ala mance county, North Carqjifia. in Book No. 84, page 12;defauli having been made in the pay ment of said bonds, and the in terest thereon as provided and set out in said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will, on SATURDAY, AUG. Ist, 1925, at 12 o'clock, noon, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door of Alamance county, at Graham, North Carolina, the following described real pro perty, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land iu Burlington Township, Alamance County,-and state of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of G. W. Anthony, Luje. nia Thompson, W. N. Thomp son and others, bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a rock corner with said Anthony and W. N. Thompson in a road, running thence S 48* W (B. 8. 48} deg) 1.8 li chsto an iron bolt on said Anthony's line in said road; thence 8 56 deg £ 1.73$ chs to an iron bolt in spid VV. N. Thompson s line; thence N li deg W (B. S.) 219 chs to the beginning, containing 18*100 of an acre, more or less. This sale will be made subject to increase bids as provided by law, and will be beld open ten days after sale to give oppor tunity for such bids. This the gtitb day of Juue, 1925. 4)aj9«pce Ins. & Real Estate Co., Trustee. W. I. Ward, Att'y, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. RtvUH qualMed u Administrator of tbe muw of MuniM C. UmUuer. ilwwi, the undaralgDM hereby aoußet all per eoat holding claim* again* NM M MM to fiwat the aaiur, duly authpn tu-ated, on or befoiath* lotti ilar of July, ISBft, or ttala notice will be pl «led In bar of their recoeerj. AU perxun* Indebted to aaid I •atata are requeued «> make immediate aet- UaaaeoL This Uie ath day of July. IM. • M. L GKUUINUKK. Ada'r Margaret u OmUpr, *tV. Joa. T. AJlen, Aft*. SMI Albright Reunion. The Albright family reuftion was held at Mt. Hermon Tuesday. The day was.propitous, bat awftilly hot. Of .course the big feature was the grrai community di Dner, bat there were other things. Lieut. GOT. J. fe. liner Long gave a good address on Community Life, Dr. W. T. Whit sett had an interesting historical paper on the early days in Alamance, and Rev. L>. I. Offman spoke of the early settlers and their descendents. The reunion will be an annual afiair. W. fl. Albright of Liberty was elec ted pretfident, 0., P. Albright of Graham vice-president, and S. A. Sharpe secretary and treasurer of the association. Not hinV is so useless as advice on how to handle women. I Makes a meal J taste better i tyallepTorgc I Special j I u As g"»d ns it looks' ' THIRD RE-SALE Of Land Under Deed of * Trust. Under nud by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust from W. N-. Thompson and wife, to W, 3. Coulter, Trnstee, dated the 1 Itii day of March, 1924, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Book No. 100 of Deeds of Trust, at pages 19-27, and in the office of the Register of Deeds for Orange county in Hook No. 07. at page 801, .default hav ing heeii made in (lie payment of the in debtedness thereby secured, and certain legal holders of notes thereby secured having made demand upon the under signed Trustee that he sell the hereinafter described property, and the undersigned being required to sell same upon such de mand being made, and having offered said property for sale pursuant to advertise ment duly made and the bids received at former sales having been advanced as provided by law, the said Trustee will, on MONDAY, AUG. 8 1925, at 12:00 o'clock noon or us soon after said hour of twelve o'clock, as may be possi ble, at the court house door in Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the bight st bidder for cash the following described property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land lying ami lieing in Orange county, State of North Carolina, near Efland Station, and more particularly bounded and described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: Beginning on the east side of the Pub lic Road leading north from the Method ist Church ut Etland, N. C. at a stake, the northwest corner of the Qattis Horner lot: and running thence with said lot N. 89 deg, E. 204 ft. to a stake, said Horner's northeast comer; thence with this lot 6. Hls ft. to a stake, bis southeast corner on the line of William Allen's lot; thence with Allen's lot N. 89 deg. E. 288 ft. to a rock, said Allen's northeast corner; thence with his line 8. 182 ft. to a stake, Allen's Houthenst corner on 11. I). Smith's line; thence with fourth's Hlie N.S9deg.E7o ft. to a cedar and pine pointers. Smith's cor ner on E. 8. brown's line; thence with lirownN.97ft.toßrowri's northwest corner; thence with his line E. 802 ft. to a stake. Brown's northeast corner and on the west line of Mttple St: thence E. 40 ft. to the east line of said Stm t and line of T. . W. and Robert Riley; thence with their line N. ) deg E. 240 ft. to • stake, their cor uer; thence with their line Ji. 89 deg. E. 235 ft. to a rock, their corner and the northwest corner Hit the Quail's lot; thence with the line of (Quail's lot N. 81 8-4 deg. E. 283 feet to an iron, the northeast cor ner of said lot on the Freeland line; thence with ssid line N. 44S ft. to their cornet and corner of the heirs of 8. T. Forrest: thence with the Forrest line N. in all ICCS ft. to McQowan's Creek at the water or cattle fence; thence up said Creek as it meanders westward 1T94 ft to a dogwood on the old line of the Riley A Bain tracts; thence 3. 810 ft. to a pile of rocks oat he west side of tlie Public Roa.t; thence 8. across the road and witli the east side of the road and into and with the mail 1200 ft. toa point fc the road; thence N. 89 deg. K. 14 ft-' to the first station, and con tainlng fifty and one-fourth (SO 14) acres, more or less. (The above given lines fol low the survey made by James O. Webb." April 5, 1919. See Deed Book 48. page 10N, also Hook y. Page 368, Public |ieg istrr of Orance County). Excepted fmm the above described tract is a )M conveyed to 8. Qattis Homer by depd bearing date of June 34, !*■ ipg the lot 50 li Hy «00 ft. .and known naTot No. 11 of the subdivision of Mebane Real Estate & Trust Company's property, »t Efland, N. C.. knofcn as the Thomas I*. Riley tract. The bidding an the altove describe I tract will begin at $87.80 per acre... This the 16th day of July. 1935. W. A COULTER. * Trustee Teaching club boys and girls how to play games was a uew feat ure of tue State College Buuimer School tfiis year. The young folks 6howed much originality in devising new games. Torn Tarheel sajrp the Negro mother on his place that lets her baby go naked about half the time mast have heard about how suuHght build* bones and bodies for belter babies. Barley seems to be coming back to popularity in Piedmont North Carolina. It makes surer and bigger yields than oats, fiuds the farmers who have tried it. " ' ■ ——— ["ACHSNGLIMBS"! | And Many Other Common Ills | I lUWd bT BUd-Dr^kL 1 I Mrs. John Skaggs, residing near £ M Lanes Prairie, Mo., on the Ozark M S Trail, says: "1 have taken Black- # M Draught for a number of years, M 5 about fifteen, and it is about the m M only purgative medicine I ever M ■ take. It is the only kind that I've ■ 5 found that doesn't hurt me. I "I take Black-Draught for in- | digestion, for colds and Headaches. g 2 1 take it foraching in my limbs and m 1 shoulders. It helps this trouble. I J S take it for sour stomach. "We think Black-Draught is ■ 2 splendid and never are without it • I in the house. - f, j ach that affected my breathing, and H 5 Black-Draught helped this trouble. 5 I "Forsuch common complaints, I m think Black-Draught is the best 1 S medicine a person can use." For millions of others. Black- £] • Draught is their favorite liver and g | stomach medicine. • Obtainable everywhere. c . su g Notice! Trustee's Sale of Land. [ ~ Under and by virtue of the power of- sale contained in a f certain deed of trust * executed 1 by J. C. Squires and Wife, Mrs. \ Lula Squires, bearing date of a May 2, 1924, and recorded in ® the office of the Register of f Deeds for Alamance county in t Book of Mortgage Deeds, No. ; 100 at Page and default i having been made in the pay -1 ment of the notes secured there ~r by, the undersigned Trustee i will, on i THURSDAY, AUG. 6th, 1925 iat 12 o'clock noon, at the 9 Courthouse door in Graham, ■ sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real prqperty, to-wit: A certain parcel of land be , ginning at a White Oak and } running thence N 60 E ' 41.95 chs to a stone near mouth rof Bogg's Spring Branch; [ thence N 25 deg E 1 ch to a i stone on the bank of Rock Creek; thence up said creek as it meanders 4.50 chs »tqa birch , on bank of said creek; fheuce S r 14 deg VV 3 chs 50 Iks to a ? staktf; thpnce S. 40 deg E 9.50 . chs to a stake, William Spoon J corner; thence S 45 deg W 18 i chs to a stake Garrett's corner } s thencq N 45 W 2 50 to a stone " Garrett's comer on side of road; thence S 45 deg W with Gar - rett's line 17-20 chs to a stone; . thence with Joel Isley lihe N 62 deg' 30' W 23.75 chs to the be -1 grnning and containing eighty five and Qne-half acres (85.5) e more or less. Also another tract situated B in said county and bounded as b follows: Beginuing at a persim ; mon at the mouth of a oranch t above Creek Mill and running ' thence N 28 deg E 20.30 chs to j a Poet Oak on Phillip Isley's r line; thence with said Islev's } line N 45 deg W 4.30 chs to a ; stake in the middle of Rock e Creek; thence up said creek as L t it meanders to a beech on the i bank of said Creek: thence S *36 deg E 4.50 chs to a sycamore ; near the North end of Mill dam; , thence up said Rock a« it naean • ders to the beginning and con taining forty-two acres more or less, | This being that oertain tract - of land conveyed to Mi*. Lula 1 Emma Squires, wife of J. C. ' Squires by David Cummings rand wife. . Terms of Sale: Cash. *- "• This July's, 1925. * •*» J. J. HENDERSON", Trustee. Commissioner's Sale of i j Land. « : i Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of Alamance { county made in the special pro- , ceeding therein pending en- ( titled, "Lawrenqe G. Nicholson, Executor of the estate of A. B. ( Nicholson, vs. Mary A. Nicholson and others," whereto the widow and all of the devisees and heirs ' at law of the late A. B. Nlchol son are duly constituted parties, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the courthouse door in Gra •hain, fin SATURDAY, AUG. 8, 1925, at 12:00 o'clock noon, all of the following described real proper ty, to-wit: (1) A certain tract or parcel of land in Alamance county, State of North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of R. L. Walker, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake at the intersection of Albright Avenue and Mdyille Street on the North side of Al bright Avenue and running thence N 2f E 125 feet along I the West side of Me l ville Street to a stake corner of lot No. 6, I thence N 87 degrees 10' West j 90 j feet to a stake corner of lot No. 6, No. 4 and No. 7; thence S 3 degrees W 125 feet to a stake on the North side of Al bright Avenue a corner of lot No. 4; thence with the said Al bright Avenue on the North side thence South 87 deg 10' feet to the beginning, contain about one-fourth of one acre | and known and designated as lot No. 5 in the lands on this day sold by the party of the first part. There is situate upon the above described lot of real prop erty the home place of the said ) A. B. Nicholson where his said i widow now resides. I (2) A certain tractor parcel . of land in Graham Township, E Alamance County, State of l North Carolina, adjoining the E lands of Jas. N. Williamson, A. l R. Flintom and the Courthouse square and bounded as follows: ! Beginning at an iron p\pe the • South West corner of the Court - house square in the line of the ) lot of Jas. N. Williamson; thence North with the Western line of said Courthouse square 24 feet to an iron bar a corner 5 of the lpt of W. H. Holt; thence i West at right angles with the first line 60 feet to an iron pipe; t thence South parallel with the ffrst line 24 feet to an iron pipe • in the line of the lot of the said J Jas. N. Williamson: thence East J with the line of the said Wil -1 liamson 60 feet to the beginning, containing 1440 square feet, more or less. There is situate upon the above described lot the brick store building known as the Nicholson Building. (3) Those certain lots of land in. Alamance county, North Carolina, being lots Nos. 9, 10, 11 aujl 12 in block B on the plat of land of the late Captain Jas. N. Williamson, Sr., record ed in Piatt Book No. 1, page No. 3, in the office of the Regis ter of deeds, Alamance county, North Carolina. (4) Beginning at -a corner with Lawrence Nicholson on Melville Street 80$- deg from the south tside of Long Avenue, I running thence N 86$- deg E to } an iron stake in the line of lot ■ NT>. 9; thence S3i deg W75 feet 1 to an iron bolt corner with lot > No. 3; thence N 86£ deg W 150 > feet to an iron stake in Melville i Street corner of lot No. 3;' } thence N 3J deg E 75 feet to | the beginning; it being lots : Nos. 4, 5 and i of lot No. 6, ac i cording to the plan of subdi ' vision of R. L. Walker lands ' sold by W.I. Ward, surveyed > by Lewis H. Holt, April 8,1920. > Also Lot beginning at an iron ■ eiwja in the Southern margin of Long Avcfnue, corner of lot No. 8 and running thence S 3J deg W 122J feet to an iron ' stake a line of lot No. 5; thence 1 N 86$ E 60 feet to an iron stake, oorner of lot No. 11; 1 thence N 3£ deg E of line of lot . No. 11, 122£ feet to an iron' stake of Southern margin of Long Avenne; thence N 86J deg W with the margin of Long Avenue 60 feet to be ginning and being lots Nos. 9 and 10 of subdivision of R. L. Walker property as shown by the said platt and surveyed by Lewis H. Holt. All property abutting on streets, subject to assessments for street improvements will be sold subject to such assessments. This real property is being sold free of the dower estate of Mary A. Nicholson, widow of A. B. Nicholson, a*d to create assets in the administration of tfce estate of A.' B. Nicholson and for division among his de visees and heirs at law. It will be offered for sale in separate lots, subject to advance bids and confirmation by the Court. The bidder will be re quired to pay one-half of his bid. in cash and the balance within six months, deferred payment to bear interest at 6 per cent until paid, and title retained until the purchase price is fully paid. This the 30th. day of June, I^s. J. Dolph Long, Commissioner. Sale Under Deed of Trust. Under and by virtue of the power of xiilrt in a deed of trust duly executed in favor of the un dersigned trustee, I j G. A. Burke and wife, Callie Burke, November 24th, 1924, aud recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 103, page 40, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secared, the undersigned trustee will, on MONDAY, AUG. 17th, 1925, I • at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door at Graham, North Carolina, offer for sale to the 1 highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described property: i • A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Ala . mance county, and State of North L Carolina, adjoining.the iands of Church street, George W Anthony and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron bolt on , Northwest side of said Street 55 ft. from an iron pipe, corner of 1 said Authony and W. J. Burke; running theuce N 55$ deg E 60 ft. 1 to an iron bolt on Northwest side : of said Street; thence 90f deg W i IN 35 deg W 175 ft. to an iron bolt; theuce S 56| deg W 60 ft. , to an iron bolt; thence S 35 deg E 175 ft. to the beginning, con taining .23 of an acie, more or less. On which is situated a ' dwelling. This the lith day of July, 1925. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co., Trustee. Coulter, Cooper & Carr, Att'js.. SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST. Under and by virtue of the power of sale in a deed of trust duly executed in favor of the undersigned trustee, by W. C. Lloyd and wife, Alice B. Lloyd, Sept. 17, 1924, and recorded in the office of ' the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Book of Mortgages apd Deeds of Trust, No. 86, page 144, de fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersign ed trustee will, on » MONDAY, AUG. 31, 1925, at twelve o'clock noon, at the court house door at Graham, North Carolina, offer for sale to the higeest bidder for cash, t{ie following described property: A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Alamance county and State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Ireland Street and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the east side of Ireland Street, cor j ner with Mrs. Mina C. Hunt; running thence S 89 degs and 30' E with Mrs. Hunt's line 264 ft. to a stoni, Mrs. Hunt's corner; thence N 30 degs E 75 It. to a stone, Patton's corner; thence N 89 deg 30' W 264 ft. to a stone in the east side of Ireland Street; thence 8 SO degs W 75 ft. to the beginning, con taining one-half (}) acre, it be ing the same land that was deeded to Mrs. Susan A. Waller by Robert M. Douglas, Trustee, the 2nd day of February, 1901. On said lot is situated a modern six-room dwelling. This the 23rd day of July. 1925. . W.E.SHARPE, Trusted Coulter Cooper, & Carr, Att'jiy