THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., Jnly 30, 1025. ' Postofffee Hons. Offlo open 7.00 a. m. to T.OO p. m. UDday 9.00 toll.oo a. m. and 4.00 to 6J>O p. m J.R. GdT^Slß,Fottaanttr. ♦ Hl* ' * ♦+H'*H#*'l'M++++ ♦ LOCAL NEWS. ♦ ♦ * ♦♦♦+!•+ +++++ + +>++++++++++++ —The County Commissioners will meet next Monday in regular month ly session. —Owing to the long drouth, there is a great scarcity of vegetables on the market. —Graham Men's Federation will begin a series of services at Mann dale Sunday next. —Rev. Arthur M. Wood, formerly of Elraira, N. f will preach at the Presbyterian 4-hnrch next Sunday morning. —Capt. Sam H. Webb, near Oaks, was in town Wednesday. * He said it was dry in that section, just as it is in this section. —lf you know anv news, the Gleaner by "word of mouth" olr by ] letter or note. We want to print all the news that is printable. —Rev. 11. E Orutchfield, near Kernersville, will preach at Graham Christian Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The public is cor diall) invited to the services. • . —A number from hereuane taking in the Sharpe Isley reunion at Friendship today. Those returning report, a large crowd, a bountiful spread, some interesting talks and a general good time. —lt continues hot and dry. It has been over two months since a real seasonable rain fell in this lo cality. Only thoqp wlxf planted com in lowlands cad now hope to make a crop that amounts to any thing at all. The upland crop will be exceedingly short, and n > amount of rain cow can do it much good. The tobacco is being cat short, too, but cotton, we understand, has not suffered so badly. Feiv recall a drouth of such duration atthiß sea son of the year. And the wave con tinues with little variation —hot day and night. Fire In Patterson Building. The fire alarm sounded abont 3:30 this morning and the town got up to Bee what was the matter. When first seen the flames were leaping oat of the 3rd story and looked ugly and threatening. The firemen turned out promptly and one of the Burlington companies came to help. As soon as things were ready, it took but a few min utes to get it under control, but it was prompt and well directed effort that saved the principal business block in town. The fire started in the room on the third floor which is used as a lodge room by the Junior Order, Daugh ters of Liberty and perhaps another order or two. The flre is thought to have origi nated from throwing a cigar or cig arette in a box containing saw dust, nd that it had smouldered from 30 1« 36 honfr No one, save two per sons, is known to have been iu the lodge room the day or night before, and neither of these smoked. The platform upon which the pre siding officer sits was consum d and a hole burned through the floor at that point. Two desks were badly charred, also several chair* were burned or charred. The floor of the room was not badly damaged; not so much so us the ceiling. Ail the windows of the third floor next to Main St. and some of those on side next to Couit Square were broken. "At first sight of the fire it looked like the block was doomed, bat thanks to the firefighters the danger had soon vanished. The first to discover the fire were the two daughters of former Chief of Police W. H. Boswell, who lives almost opposite the Patteraon. Tbey called to their parents and Mrs.Bos well, barefoot, ran to the fire house and turned in the alarm. To her is doe the gratitude of the owners and tenant" of the fire-stricken building and also a hero medal for her bravery. The total damage will hardly ex ceed a thousand dollars. The water damage is about equal to that of the fire. The first floor of the main build iag under the room where the fire wasia occupied by Graham Drag Co. and the Citizens Bank. Water ran down into both of these. In this same building are The Little City Store and Graham Hardware Track For Btre. Let us do your hauling of every kind, moving, etc. Have a new track. Terms reasonable. Bbamuw k FULLKS, Phone 650 Graham, N. C. ♦ + + PERSONAL ♦ ti 111 111llIin11 I 11111 * Maj. J. J. Henderson spent Tues afternoon in Asheboro on Cosiness. John Brooks, of Burlington and Lacy Ezell spent Wednesday in Chapel Hill. Miss Catharine Miller of Golds boro is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Willie A McAdams. Col. Don E. Scott returned last Friday from a visit to Mrs. Scott and baby son at Morehead City. Mrs. Carl Hill and children of High Point visited here last week at the home of Mrs. Mcßride Holt. Miss Mary Walker leaves tomor row for Greonville, S. 0., to visit her brother, Rev. Joseph G. Walker. Capt. and Mrs. Dover G. Heritage have returned from the encampment of N. C. National Guard at Camp Glenn. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Goley spent la9t week-end with their daughter, Mrs. Geo. R. Ross, at Jat-kpon Springs. Mr. and Mrs. T„C. Markham of Durham visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mcßride Holt last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. A. K. Hbrdee and children, Master Kirk and little Miss Ellen, left Monday for a stay of some days at Beaufort. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rives and little Miss Mary Worsley went to Raleigh Monday to visit Mrs. John W. Harden. Mess. E. P. McClure, R. 11. Fe.r reil and J. W. McAdama attended •be Furniture Show in High Point Wednesday, Misses Mary Phillips, Fannie D., Edith and Delia Moore, aud Lassie Ezell spent last week-end at Pied mont Springs. Miss Lottie Deuny of Elizabeth, N.. J , was hare last week visiting her aunts, Mrs- Mcßride Ilolt and Miss Ada Denny. Mr. Chas. A. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. VV. Ernest Thompson and little Sarah Bell attended the Furniture Show in High Point Monday. Mrs. S. E. Everett left last Friday for her home in Suffolk, Va., after Bpending some time here with her mother, Mrs. Jacob A. Long. Miss Gertrude Chandler, trained nurse, who has been with Mrs. E. S. Parker for several months, leaves today for her home at Chapel Hill. Misses Belle and Mary Addie White of Sanford are visiting their father, Rev. T. E. White, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mont gomery. Prof, and Mrs. S. A. Hollemau of High Point visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed par Long Tuesday &nd attended the Albright family reunion at Mt. Hermon. Miss Eunice Rich left a day or two ago for Lake Placid, N. Y., ac companying Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Holt and little daughter Ann of Burlington. Little Misses Louise and Mary Jane Strayborn of Durham, who have been here visiting their grand mother, Mrs. W. L. Cooper, returned home Wedneadav. Dr. Will S. Long, Jr., W. J. Micks, Chas. Evans, L. G. Goins, and Mcßride Rich represented Gra ham's two firs companies at the State igeet in Asheville. Mies Virginia Harden spent the week-end in Greensboro with Miss Nancy Hayes. The latter accom panied the former home and spent Monday and Tuesday. Mr. John B. Stratford returned Wednesday from a business trip to Raleigh, Oxford and Roxboro, and for the next week will be taking a vacation and reat spell. .Mrs. Jacob A. Long returned home with her daughter, Mr*. R. Jess Mebane, Greensboro, who came down Thursday afternoon and spent the night with Mrs. Long. Mr. W. B. Green left this morn ing for Goldston. His sister, Mise Maty Lane Green, -missionary to China for a number of years, will return with himHo spend some time. Haj. J. J. Henderson went to Piedmont Springs last Friday, even ing and returned Sunday with Mrs. Henderson and little Cora Emmaline who had spent five weeks there very pleasantly. v Mrs. H. W. Scott and children. Master Billie and little Miaa Bettie, left last Friday morning for two weeks' stay at Morehead Citr. Mr. Scott carried them in his car and re turned that evening. Mr. J. Dolph Long and son George and Mrs. George S. Attmore, mother of Mrs. Long, went to Greensboro Sunday to see Mrs. Long who is recovering nicely from an \ operation of two weeks sgo. Mrs. Wb. D. Reaves and little son, who have been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lacy Holt, leave for their home at Greenville, S. C., tomorrow. James H. Rich and eon Worth and Alvis M. Rich spent last Fri day at the Furniture Show iii High Point. Worth remained over a few days for a visit to his uncle Dr. Reitzel. Dr. Herbert Long attended the marriage of Miss Marion Lee New man, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. N. G. Newman, at Holland, Va , on 21 st inst. The bride is a granddaughter of Mr. J. N. H. Clendenin. DEATHS. John T. Shaw died at Mebaue Friday afternoon, July 24tli, aged 67 years, and was buried at 1 law fields Saturday/* He is survived by his widow, two sons, Earl and Lacy, one daughter, Miss Barbara Shaw, and a brother; J. S. Shaw, and sis ter, Mrs. Margaret Stanford of Dur ham. Mr. Shaw had made his lioin* at Suebane most of his life, lie con- 1 duoted a jewelry business a'd hail been mayor of his town a number of years. He was a 32nd decree Mason and he was buried with Masonic honors. Mr. Shaw was one of the county's most highly es teemed citizens and his numerous friends sincerely regret passing. Mrs. Susie Jane Coble, wife of Earl Coble, died on 13th inst., in the Mt. Ilermon section, aged 24 years. She and her infant were buried at Mt. Hermou on the 14th. * Funeral •services were conducted hy I)r C. B. Hall of Durham. She is surviv ed by her husband and two small children. Mrs. Vera Pearl Dixon, ivife of Jas. P. Dixon, near Snow Camp, died at St. Leo's Hospital while un dergoing an operatic n on 17 lb inst. She was 34 years old »nl is survived by her husband aud two children. The burial was at Caue Creek church on 18th. James Albert Johuson died last Saturday morning at Swepsouville, aged 57 years. His wife and sev eral children survive him. bnrial was at Mt. Pleasant church in Chatham county, and the funeral was conducted by Rev. F. A. Lup ton of Swepsonville. Malcom A. Godfrey, sged 72 years, died Sunday at Hillsboro where ha. was visitiug his daughter, Mr&. Taylor, death resulting from a stroke of paralysis two weeks be fore. The burial was at Bethel church in Newlin Township. Mr. Godfrey lived in Graham for a num ber of years and was a highly es teemed citizen. His home was sear Bethel. His wife died three years ago, and three swus and three daughter survive him He was a member of Graham Council Jr. 0. U. A.M., and he was buried with Junior Order honors. Mrs. Martha J. Way, widow of John Way, died suddenly at Mebane Wednesday morning from a stroke of paralysis. She was attending a meeting being conducted by her son and was stricken while at services. The burial was at Pleasant Hill. She made he? home with her daugh ter, Mrs Otis Crutchfield, in Bur lington. Billie Reid, 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hunter, died Mon day. The remains were carried to Moore's Chapel for interment. A large number pf friends sympathize with the bereaved. Moving to Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn B. William son are moving from here to Greens boro4his week to their bsndsome new home in Irving Park. Tbey have made their home here for the paat ten yeare or more, and their good friends here siucerelr regret their going away. Mr. Williamson is one of the county's foremost business men and is a leader in (be cotton milling bus iness. Up to the death of the late L. Banks Holt he was the general manager of the four mills belonging to the b- Banks llolt Mfg. Co., aud •ince Mr. Holt's death he has been president and treasurer of the com pany. Besides these he is interested other cotton milling business and other business enterprises. But we ars pleased to aay he is not severing his business relations in Alamance. Mrs. Williamaoo has been a lead ing spirit in church work and the social life of the community and her kindly eounael and gracious deeds will be sorely missed. She hsa en deared herself to ail with whom she has oome in contact. They hare sold their splendid residence here to Mr. Walter B. Harden, who will more' in as soon as it is vacatfd. Subscribe tor THB OLBAXBB • - , ? s-vv*- -* - ■ . THE AfeAMANOE OLKAHER, GRAHAM, Baptist Philathea Meeting at Haw River. The Philatheas of the Haw Rivtr Baptist church held a most delight ful meeting Thursday evening. The party met at the home of one of their members, Miss Ella Chil drey, and enjoyed a pleasant hoar together. Miss Childrey served her guests delicious ice cream and cake. The clasß members present were: Mre. W. P. Williamson, Miss Rosa Cole, Misses Lala and' Lena Alexan drew, Mjjj.». S.Cole, Mrs. Dewey May, Mrs. L. Blalock and Miss Nina Clark. PH*sl FOR TMI RELIEF Of Pain in the Stomach and Bowels. Intestinal Cramp COLIC, DIARRHCEA SOLD EVERYWHERE * Notice! Trustee's Sale of Real Estate Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a eeriain deed of trust executed to the undersigned, Alamance Insurance and Real Estate Company, on the 20th day of June, 1024, by Heal Es tate Investment Company, for the pur pose of securing certain (Kinds descrilxjd iu said deed'of trust, jvhich de (l of trust is duly.probated ami recorded in the office of the Reglser of Deeds for Alumau.-e county, in Hook of Deeds of Trust No. 108. page 25, default having been made in the payment of laid bonds And interest on the same, the undersigned Alamance Insurance and Heal Estate Company, Trustee, will on MONDAY, AUGUST Brd, 1W25, at 13 o'clock noon, at fliu courthouse door of Alamauce county, in Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: Four certain tracts or pa reel i of land in Alamance county. North Carolina, known as Tracts Nos. 1, 2, 8 andfl in the subdivision of the lands of Sallie isomers Harrison, surveyed November 28, 1920, by Lewis 11. Holt, which plot will be re corded in the Register of Deeds office as a part of the records of said title, which tracts of land " are described as follows, to-wit: v First Tract: Beginning at a point on |llaw River, corner witli.Peter Hughes; thence up suid river as it meanders to a corner with John Kernodle at the derrin ger Mill Dam; thence with said Kernodle's line in a Westerly direction-to the center of the macadamized road, corner with lot No. 6; thence with the center of said rood running South, or towatd Burlington, to a hiekory tree, corner with Mr. Barber; thence 8 82$ (leg E 14.10 cha to a rock; thence'S S7f deg E 4.50 chs to a hickory tree; thence N 76 deg E 3.50 cha to the point of beginning, containing One Hun dr«t and Fifty-nine and One-half (1591) acres, more or legs, and being the part upon which i» situated the old home of Sullie Somers Harrison. Further records of suid description can be found in the plot in the Register of Deeds office of Alamance ccunty. Second Tract: A certain tract or parcel of land in Morton's Township, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Walter Fuller, Heury Ireland, J. H. Ross, Joe licwey, and others, bounded as follows; Beginning at a rock, Walter Fuller's and Lewey's corner; thence SB9 deg N 15 chs 88 Iks to a rock, corner in Fuller's line.; thence? W 14 80' 14 chs 50 Iks to a rock, corner in Ireland's line; thence 8 87 8-4 deg E 18 chs 35 Iks to red oak, corner and Ross; thence E. 18 chs. 89 Iks. to the beginning, containing Twenty (30) acresi more or less. ' , Third Tract; A certain tract or parce/ of land In Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoiniug the lands of C'has. Kernodle, lienry Ireland, Walter Fuller ami others, bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock, C. R. Kcrnodle's corner; thence N. 2} o E. 18 sfi elm. to a rock in a branch, corner with said C. It. Kcrnodle; thence N. 484 oE. 20.20 chs. to a rock, corner with aaid Ireland and Ketnodle; thence N. 18) o E. 18.88 chs. to a rock., comer with said Ireland'* line; thence W. 87f o 18.85 cb*. to a red oak. corner in J. 11. KOMI' line; thence W. 87| oN. 81.28 chs. to a rock in J. 11. Ross' line; llitnce 8. -Ml o E. B.BV chs. to a rock, corner with said Gerringer: thence 8. o W. (B. 8. 8f a) 8.88 chs. to a rock, cor ner with aaid Gerringer; thence .V. 87 o W. 2.27 chs. U> the center of McClurc Oeck; corner with said Gerringer; thence down said cn-ek &• it' meanders 8 88 o W. 2.40 cha. to the center of creek; thence lieu ring to VV. side of creek 8. 21J o W. 2 .42 chs. 8. 8| o W. 2 ft-') chs. 8. 24* o W. 8.50 chs. 8. 16 o W X creek 1.18 chs. to a large hollow beeeli tree on E. hank of Creek. 8. 80 o W. 2.80 chs. to the mouth of said creek in Haw River; thence 8. fit o W. 1.50 chs. to a rock, corner with said Gerringer on E. bank of said river; thence 8. 78} o E. (B. 8. 78 o) 5.08 cha. to a rock, corner with said Gerringer; thence 8. 241 o W. (B. 8. 28} o) 11.07 chs. to the center of a branch, corner with Said Gerringer, (rock set In N.'hank); theme up safel branch as it meanders 8. 804 oh. 1.19 chs. 8. 40 o E. 1.80 cha. 8. 04 o E. l.flt ch*. S. 28 o 1.14 chs. 8. 85 o E 1 00 chs. 8. 88 oE. 1.85 chs. 8. 70 o E. 8 cha. to a rock in said branch, ronicr with said C. R. Keroodle; theoce 8. 88$ o E. (B. 8. 87| o) 21.70 rha. to a post oak tree, cor ner with said C. It. Kernodle to point of beginning, containing One Hunoted and Forty Beren (147) acres, more or iesa. Excepted from the last described tract Is a tract of Twentjr Biz and Poor-tenths (24.4) acres, sold off to L. M. Gerringer on the West sid^. This sale is made made subject to ad vaoced bids as allowed by. law, and will bo held open for 10 day* after the date of sale for the reception of such bids. This the 29th day of June, 1925. Alamance Ins. & Real K».a-e Co. Trustee. Dameron & Rhodes, Attys. Notice! Sale of Real Estate Under Deed of Trust by Assignee ot Trustee. • Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer certain deed of trust executed to the Alamance Insurance and Real Estate Ipo , Trustee, on 13th day 6f*Bep., 1918, by Bridget Holt for the purpose o securing the payment of cer tain bonds -described in said deed of trust, which said deed of trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance Connty in Book of Mortgage Deeds and Deeds of Trust No 77, beginning at page 162, default having Seen made in the payment of said bynds and interest on the same, -the undersigned James Reeves as signee of Alamacce Insurance and Real Estate Co., Trustee, will, on SATURDAY, AUG. Ist, 1925, at 12:00 o'clock i oon, at the courthouse door of Alamance County, in Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real proper ty, to-wit: A certain. tract or parcel of land in Graham township, Ala mance county, etate of North Carolina, adjoining the lands af Geo. W. Anthony and Henry Bann, in the town of Graham, and bounded as follows: %ginning at an iron bolt on the South side of College Street, 3eorge W. Anthony's corner; thence South with said Antho ay's line one hundred and fifty 150) feet to an iron bolt in said Anthony's line; thence East Fifty feet (5u ft ) to an ir.>n >olt in said Baun's line; thence Kojjth One Hundred and Fifty ft,) with said Bann's line ; iron bolt, Paid Bann's cor- ' aer on South 'side of said Col ege St.; thence West with Col ege St. Fifty feet to the begin ning, containing seven thousand Eive hundred square feet. This sale is made subject to advance bids allowed by law, and will be held open for 10 lays after the date of sale for the reception of such bids. Th4s June 27th, 1925. (Alamance IDS. & Real Estate Co. Trustee. By James Reeves, ( Assignee of Trustee. Notice! Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed to the undersigned, Pfedmout Trust Company, on the Bth day of March, 1922, by J. D. Foushee and his wife, Rosa Foushee, for the purpose of securing certain bonds described in said deed of trust, which deed of trust istiuly probated and recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, jo Book of Deeds of Trust No. 89, page 298, default having been made in the payment of said bonds inter- est on the same, the undersigned Piedmont Trust will, on MONDAY, AUG. 3rd, 1925, at 12 o,clock noon, at the court house door of Alauiauce County, in Graham, H. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest, bidder for ca»h the following de scribed real estate, to-wit . A certain tract or parcel of land in Grtham Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of Johu Perry, J. C. Walker and others, and bounded as follows: TnU being a part of the Whit sett land fronting on Wbitaett Ave. 85 ft.: Beginning at. Perry's corner, running thence 8 133 ft. to a ditch; thence W with ditch 83 ft. to an iron stake at Walker's corner; thence N with Walker's line 133 ft. to Whitsett Avenue; thence E with Whitsett Avenue 85 ft. to the beginning, containing Thirty-one one-hnndredlhe (.31) of an acre, but to be the same, be there, mors or less. Upon the above described prop erty, there is situated a four room cottage. This sale is made subject to ad vanced bids as allowed by law, and will be held open for 10 days after the date of sale for the re ception of such bida. This Jnne 29, 1925. PIEDMONT TBCHT COMPANY, Trustee. Dameron & Rhode#, Attys. •UWCRIBB FOB THB OLSANB& THB SOUTHBUN SERVES THB SOUTH Faith in the South and courage to back it • \ \ \ It took cotkrage to turn more' than a hundred million dollars of the earn ings of this railroad back into the property without paying a dividend for thirty years. It required foresight to insure the wisdom of such courage. Faith in the South stood back of this program. Now, after thirty years, this faith has borne its fruit I, # The South is prosperous. The South- A ern Railway has come into its own, and Southern Railway securities are taking their rightful place in the in vestment markets. \ \ .# ■ I * SOUTHIRN RAILWAY SYSTEM uty? (Hljarlotte ©bjswwr is carrying more high class features, in connection with receiving the latest news from the ASSOCIATED PRESS, the CONSOLIDATED PRESS, nnd the NORTH AMERI CAN NEWSPAPER ALLIANCE, than any other news paper published in the Oajjolinas. If you are not a read er Carolinas' biggest and foremost newspaper, there must be a reason. If the OBSERVER knew the reason, no doubt you would be a reader. . . If you are not a'subscriber and will kindly fill in and. clip the coupon below and send to the Circulation De partment, The Observer will send you free sample copies of the NEW OBSERVER, or better still, fill in and mail the coupon with a small remittance and The OBSERV ER will put you on as a subscriber. You don't have to pay for a year at one time. A shorter period will be appreciated and will perhaps be more convenient for you at this time. Send your remittance for any amount you wish. By all means, don't overlook sending in the cou pon filled in and let us send vou sample copies and tell, us why you are not a reader of The OBSERVER. SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL Imo 3 raos. 6 mos. 1 year. Daily and Sunday 75c $2.25 $4 50 $9.00 Daily without Sunday 65 1.75 3.60 7.00 Sunday Only 40 1.00 1.75 3.50 The Charlotte Observer, Circulation Department, Charlotte, N. Carolina. Gentlemen : Encloaed find • for months subscription OBSRRVEK. ..f Send nam pie copies to ' - My reason fonnot reading The OBSERVER is. ' Name Address Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA— ALAMANCH COUNTY la the Maperlor o«rt, Mamie Sutton Taylor vs. Will Taylor The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Alamance, County, North Carolina, foj divorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to ap pear heforeD/J. Walker, Clerk of the Superior Court, at his of fice in Graham, North Carolina, on the 7th (lay of July 1925, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 17th day of Jane, li>2s. D. J. WALKEB, Clerk Superior Conrf. Henderson. Kcrnodle & Bradahaw, Attyi Encouragement She (as tfkln toots at grade crow ing)— George, you go right ahead. Don't let that big brats bally yoo.—» j Bwori^i >£