VOL. LI *WORST BOY,» BUT NOT WHOLLY BAD Judge Astonished at Re markable Reformation. A police court reporter sees a great deal of the wrong side of human na ture. He could perhaps become a misanthrope If once in a while something did not happen that shows how much good there may be hidden even in the most unpromising human beings. Wil liam T. Ewens in {Thirty Years in Bow Street" tells of a case that came under bis own eye that taught him not to condemn anyone as wholly bad. "He's the worst boy in the district," said the Jailer, referring to a red haired urchin in the dock. "He treats his mother shamefully.'^ "Oh, don't say that?' pleaded £lie mother tearfully. "He's a dear, good boy to me, ain't you, Joe?" ~ Joe grinned. He was an accom plished young liar, but he drew the line at aiding and abetting his mother when she told such a palpable un truth as that The Jailer had not slandered him when he described the way In which he treated his mother. Fortunately perhaps for her, he was the only child she had. She lavished all her love on him, worked day and night in order that he might live in idleness and contented herself with scanty fare so that he might have good food and plenty of it Even in the depth of winter she wore thin clothing in order to provide him with good boots and a warm overcoat Every night he went to her for pocket money and got it. At least twice a week she had to give him epough to take him into the gallery of one of the cheap theaters, and while he was enjoying the play for sixpence or so, with perhaps fried fish and potato to follow, his poor old mother was prob ably crying herself to sleep. He re warded all her kindness with base In gratitude, and sometimes with per sonal Violence. As years rolled on and the boy grew Into a red-haired ruffian it was useless for his mother to plead for mercy on the ground that he was "a dear, good boy," and he was sent to prison on several occasions. His mother always met him at the prison gates, and he had what he described as "a high old beano" with the money she had saved during his retirement. Then there came a sudden change— the most remarkable change the mis sionary then at Bow street had ever known or heard of—the poor old woman suddenly became blind. The son, instead of 111-uslng her be cause she was no longer able to min ister to his wants, became a re formed character. He gave up hla evil companions and worked hard in order that his mother might have all that she required. On Sunday night he astonished all who knew him by leading the poor creature to church. He was virtually the only nurse she had during a painful illness, and Just before she died In bis arms, she was heard to say: "He's a dear, good boy to me, is my boy. I'll pay hla fine, air. If you'll let me." And soon after the funeral Joe went to one of the colonies where he did well and reared a number of reP haired boys who never saw the in alile of a police court. Dog Wat Cap Collector It was a great mystery for a time, the disappearance of caps belonging to children at a Philadelphia public achool. It threatened to be one that only a master mind could solve. Then one day the blacksmith across the way came to the office of the principal with four caps. Asked where he got them, he aald: "Why, ma'am, my dog brought them to me —one at a time —this morning." And sure enough, aa the blacksmith and the teacher stood there talking, along came the dog. He went Into the cloak closet and In a Jiffy was out again—a cap In hla mouth. They followed him Into the blacksmith shop, and there. In a corner bidden by anvils, was an assorted collection of caps. Modern Girl'a Champion Basil King, the Canadian novelist, said as he boarded the Mauretmxla for a visit to Spain: "It is true that I am going blind, but I see clearly that the world grows better. Some people condemn the i modern girl with her audacious dress, but I see clearly that the modem girl Is the same prudent and cleer minded creature that her mother was. plus greater strength and courage. Tea, she's prudent and dean minded. A Montreal girl in boots and riding breeches said to me one after noon over a cigarette and a cup of ten: * " 'Men are not bargain hunters— and the girl who cheapens herself soon finds it out.'" Forward March Not much use in looking ahead un less yon go she*d.—Bostoo Transcript THE ALAMANCE (JTLEANER. Varioas Uses Found for Wood of Cypress In 'some southern cities heavy cy press planks are used for street curb ing. Agricultural implement and ma- chlnery manufacturers make seed boxes of It, wagon makers employ It for beds, and carriage builders work It into panels for fine bodies. Automobile makers put It to similar use. Its slight tendency to warp has caused its employment by builders of incubators. Car shops use it for freight-car siding, piano manufacturers make shipping boxes of It, anQ It Li a material both for coffins and the boxes In which coffins are shipped. Skiffs, steamers, and yachts are oc casionally- finished In cypress, and many builders of gasoline launches are said to be using cypress exclu sively for hull planking. It also makes handsome church pews and benches. Telephone boxes and switch boards of cypress are coming Into use, and speels for some purposes are turned from the wood.' Apiarists em ploy it for beehives; fishermen for seine floats; furniture makers for stools, tables, and curtain poles; mold ers and machinists use it for patterns; merchants for boxes. Church and Business Make for Longevity Statistics which have reached the Labor department have Indicated that French clergymen and business men live longer than men in other profes sions, their average being 65 years f)r clergymen and 04 for men in busi ness. Next come the farmers, with an average of 81 years of life, while soldiers, lawyers and workers, though living under entirely different condi tions, average 57 years. School teach ers and physicians show the lowest average, 52 years. This Is explained by the fact that educators, from the university professor down to the coun try schoolmaster, are underpaid. The report'does not seem flattering to the government. It says: "Officials are as underpaid as the professors, but while the latter have to famish stren uous mental effort, which should be supplemented by better food and less material worry, the former lead a sedentary, carefree existence and ma terial worries do not shorten their Uvea." Worth-While Furniture Gradual buying of worth-while fur niture la se much mere sensible than hasty selection of a panorama of pieces that do nothing more than relieve a home of utter barrenness. Apparently It never occurs to some people to buy part of a handsome anlte when they can't afford the suite complete. They crowd a room with tawdry matching pieces, Ignoring the future of their home entirely, when they might hap pily combine a lovely new dresser with the simplest bed, until their matching pieces can be bought. Mabftgany and walnut finish go well together, walnut and certain finishes of oak combine agreeably, but mahogany and oak will not make frienda.—Family Herald. Evidence at Hand An American tourist in Italy was somewhat embarraased by learning of the custom in vogue in the Italian post office, where It se«ms, one cannot ob tain possession of a registered letter unless some post office employee knows yon. The tourist came out of the post office In despair, aa she knew no one in the town. Suddenly a man lounging outside came up to her and asked If she wanted "« witness to iden tify heir," and aald that his charge would be trivial. He took her back to the post office, swore that he had known her since tfhildhood, likewise her parents and grandparents, and she got her letter. I Lovf?» Fundamental* ' To embrace the whole creation with love sounds beautiful, but we must be gin with the Individual, with the near est And he who cannot lore that deeply. Intensely, entirely, how should b« be able to love that which la re mote and which throws bat feeble rays upon him from a foreign star? How ahould ho be able to love with any feeling which dsesrras the name of loveT The greatest cosmopolites are generally the neediest beggars, and they who embrace the entire universe with love, for the most put, lore noth ing but their narrow set£.—Herder. Queen Woe Thn/ty ImNBB. the tragic queen. wife of Edward n, was apparently a thrifty queen, for in the records at the Brit* ish museum may It* found her holiest book, in which she recorded among other things that she had paid 20 shUUagy to a poor man whose house had been taned down and other items, sach as'paying for the binding of a black carpet and the lining for her chariot Most homely of all charges is the one showing a sum paid oat for repair to the hath. She was extravagant in some isspucts and quite generous to the peer sad aalsHaasta , GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1925 Ancient Castle Now , Used as an Office There Is a castle twenty odd miles down the river from London which houses a complete office staff In much the same manner as might a block of chambers In the city of London or elsewhere. It was tullt In the Seven teenth century, and la of Norman de sign. This ence fortified stronghold lies off the London road which runs lito Gravesend, the castle overlooking the Thames is almost In direct line with Tilbury Docks on the opposite side. The approach to the castle Is by a slope cut out of th'e chalk cliffs ofT the main highway. Northfieet tdtwn lies* several hundred yards distant 3nce the ornamental gateway at the foot of the slope Is reached, the Twentieth century Is left behind. Nearby Is an ancient dockyard. This fell Into disuse many generations back; but not long ago a plant for the manufacture of paper wus installed on the site. Thus arose the problem of accommodating the clerical and other staffs employed In the business during the ordinary working hours. The demand for castles by the moneyed classes being somewhat limited, the stronghold at Northfieet was taken oyer and Its Interior con verted Into up-to-date offices. Yet modern as Is the interior aspect, the view from within across the river Is still by means of cross-bow windows and stone mulllons. Humble Clam Uses Tools to Build Home The use of tools by so lowly a crea ture as a clam Is described by Dr. D. T. Marshall In Long Island Life. There Is a species of clam called a piddock, which bores boles In hard clay and soft rock and spends Its life In the cavity so made. The piddock burrows Its home In the rock by con stantly turning Its rasplike shell In the cavity. This explanation Is all very well after the hole la started, but how about the beginning of the hole before the piddock could get In to turn round? The piddock begins the hole by rub bing the surface with Its foot, or, as one may 'as accurately describe It, with its hand, in which It holds a handful of sand gralna. Is not tills just as much making use of a tool as the action of the housewife who uses a handful of sand to scour a pot? Two I magma in Metal I saw once lying side by side In a great workshop fwo heads made of metal. The one was perfect; all the features of a noble, manly face came out clear and distinct In their lines of strength and beauty; In the other scarcely a single feature could be rec ognized; It was all marred and spoiled. "The metal had been let grow a little too cool, air," said the man who was showing It to me. I could not help thinking how true that was of many a form more precious than metal. Many a young aoul that might b« stamped with the Image and super scription of the King while it is warm with the love and glow of early youth Is allowed to'grow too cold, and the writing is blurred and lhe Image Is marred. —Canon Telgmuouth Shore. Silver Conductore Many questions are constantly being received which refer to the desir ability of using silver as a conductor In radio recelvera. The answer is that silver Is the best conductor of elec tricity known and has several advan tages over any other conductor. Most aaetals, such as copper, brass, etc., are sutject to corrosion. This corrosion, which forms on the surface of the metal, greatly increases the resist ance of the conductor to radio-fre quency currents, which travel on the surface. This Is not true iq. the case of silver. Sliver oslde, which la the corrosion which forms on silver, Is an excellent conductor of electricity. Be cause of this fact silver Is an Ideal metal for switch contacts, tube sock ets, etc. If You Want Solitude Anyone searching for solitude should go to Trlstsn da Cunba. a very lovely Island which la a six-day trip by steam er from Cape Town, South Africa. That statement should be modified to say a six-day trip when steamers run. but It la often many montha before a ship calls at this little south Atlantic Island. The inhabitants, few in num ber, would starve were It not for occa sional supplies, which are brought ashore with great difficulty, owing to die surf. Quail Can't Dispel Scent Quail do not have the power to withhold their scent, as is believed by a number of gunners. They msy be se frightened st the approach of dogs that the scent temporarily leaves them, bnt the act Is unintentional. Some gunners have a habit of wait ing a few minutes before following a scattered covey to cover, thus giving the birds a chance to thr«w off soma MOW DIAMOND DEALERS GUARD THEIR PRECIOUS GEMS.-J- In the wholesale Jewelry district of New York, where millions of dollars' worth of diamonds and precious stones are daily han dledl extraordinary precautions are taken against possible liold ups. It is of course a simple matter to provide burglar-proof vaults. In buying and selling precious stones it is necessary, however, to remove the gems from tlie sufes to display and examine them. The offices where fortunes In gems are handled are Ingeniously safe guarded. The system employed Is evidently efficient, since a holdup In dluinond dealers' of fices Is unheard of. The casuul visitor to these offices will scarcely notice the precautions tuken to guard against attack. The offices us ually contain an outer room'en closed by high partitions. The only employee In evidence Is seated behind a small wliußfw. When the visitor satisfies the Observer at the window, and not before, a door is opened in the partition, and on his entering Is quickly closed. The office is divided Into a series of rooms or cubicles, each enclosed with high partitions. 1% enter nay one of these the door Is opened by the observer behind the win dow In the outer office. Listen carefully and you will hear the click of the catch as It is con trolled, opened ond closed from the outer office. It Is impossible to gnln en trance to one of these Inner rooms without the help of a man in the outer ofllce. Once inside, the door Is fustened, and it can only be opened from the desk outside. Should a holdup be attempted In the outer office the thief would find himself con fronted by n formidable bnrrier or series of barriers. Should the man in ttie office be over come the doers to the. Inner rooms would still remain locked. Let the tlilef attempt to hold up any one after gaining admission to the offices qpd he would be locked in without the asslstnnce of the man in the outer office. The machinery work# so smoothly, that the casual visitor Is unaware of the precautions that surround him. How Mas»achu»etts Town Copet With Tuberculosis With meney given by a life In surance company the National Tu berculosis association has staged in South Framlnghum, Mass., a seven year demonstration that tuberculosis may be swiftly lessened In any town. In enlightened areas the disease Is on Its way out, anyhow} towns about South Pramlngham show a seven-year reduction In tl\p death rate of 32 per cent. But in South Framlngham the reduction was per cent, says the New York World. Fighting tuberculosis pays in bard cash. It pays an Insurance company and its policy holders to have risks live longer. It pays a town to have fewer workers on the sick list. The South Framlngham campaign cost $2.40 per capita, and the town was spending |2 per capita for health work before It began. There was no magic and little medi cine in the demonstration. It was the duty of the doctors to cetch the disease before it got too long a start in sny case. Then Its transmission to others could be prevented, anil the pa tients often cured by "extensive pas teurization of milk and pe'rsonal hy giene, with attention to exercise, rest, recreation and moderation in all things." How Mystery Was Soloed One of the most S|>e:tacular forms of lightning (If It ran be so called), occurs In the Andes, and haa occasion ally been reported from other moun tainous regions. At times the moun tains seem to set ss gigantic light ning rods. giving rise to more or less continuous diffused discharges be tween themselves snd the clouds, says Nature Magazine. A few years ago American meteorologists thought they had found an example of this striking phtnomenon In North Carolina, but the once mysterious "Brown mountain lights" have been proved to be mere ly the beams of distant locomotive and automobile lieudllghts or due to other human agencies. Means Majority Rule "Preferential voting" Is s system ot voting whU-h ullows each voter the right to expreoa not merely his first choice, but his second snd third choices among the candidates. The object of preferential voiing is to secure the election of persons desired by a ma jority snd not merely s plurality of the voters. s JSUMM Pr&achenf*Sons High in World of Finance From time Immemorial the sons of preachers have enjoyed a bad reputa tion, go that men have thought of them as men of old thought of Nazareth—that no good could out of them. Of course this charge has never been able to stand up statis tics, but what care men toe statistics when they see a living example of the truth # Nothing proves more clearly the vi tality of error than the fact that though the contrary about preachers' sons has been proved repeatedly, you can never mention the downfall of a preacher's son without hearing some one say, "Well, j&u can expect noth ing else from them, for preachers' sons are generally bad." We have long since of ever overtaking this error with respect to their morals, but we wonld like to call attention to their achievements as moneymakers. Mr. Babson, than wbom' there Is no higher authority where statistics are involved, - has been looking Into the records of preachers' sons, and fie has found that whether* the preacher him self Is a. moneymaker or not his sons, at least, have a fine record In that line. He sa/s that 40 per cent of the millionaires of this country and Can ada are sons of preachers. Our popu lation of 112,000,000; and there are 200 millionaires. It follows then thst It takes 0,000 preachers to produce' one per cent of the millionaires, while It takes 1\8G3,- 833 of the general imputation to pro duce one per cent of • the millionaires. A little figuring will show that as wealth-producers preachers' sons pro duce 376 times as much as all at the other professions combined. T)n one side we place the sons of the manse whose reputation Is not above par, and on the other side we gather all the financiers, doctors, lawyers, professional men, with their big f*es, and the great army or labor ing men The sons of the manse are able to accumulate as much as this great mass of men. As a certain cereal beverage has it, "There Is a reason."—Presbyterian Standard. Varnith Pr—rv— Bona The warnlqg "handle with care" may no longer be so necessary In mu seums and laboratories where vain able bones . of dinosaurs, mastodons and men'e departed ancestors are pre served and studied, according to Prof. E. a Case of the University of Mich igan, who has found that by use of a varnish made from bak elite fragile material may be preserved In a prac tically Indestructible medium. The usual means of making * such speci mens somewhat more durable has been to treat them with .shellac. As an Illustration of the success of the new method. Doctor Case says: "A human skull was selected that the writer could have crushed In his hands. Aft er treatment Is was dropped upon a table top, at*first, and final ly from a height of 18 Inches upon Its vertex wltbeat Injury." » Local Color An Armenian pageanf was being given. Several Bible scenes wen en acted. One of them represented the nativity, with the scene, of coarse, laid in a manger. Just sa th&enrtain was being drawn, a rather distant automobile born oat on the street wss blown. An Imagina- woman with a party of friends heard this and a pleased smile Il luminated ber face. "Now, Isn't that clever of these pageant people I" sbe exclaimed. In a vtflce beard several feet sway, "Having a cow moo off stage, In order to get the proper at mosphere of the manger T Piano* Fight Pmat* Forest caterpillars which are thfeat eoing German forests are being at tacked by low-flying airplanes that spray thousands of pounds of srse nated potash on tree tops, resulting in the destruction of hundreds of thou sands ef the destructive worms. The Germsn department of agriculture is continuing the battle with augmented armaments. Sprays and gases are to be uaed from the ground while the airplanes attack from above. Similar antlcaterplllar campaign* are planned throughout the country.—Family Her ald. I Wolves Com* Back Wolves hav« been increasing for several yean, especially to the north ern state*. Whan the price of wolf skins ran as high as SSO a* animals were hunted with enthusiasm, while today, with the value of skins leas than half what It was, the wolves often allowed to Increase. The danger from wolves Is especially great In Canada, and these "cross the border into the United States In large numbers, prey ing upon the cattle and sheep and do ing great damage. The gray , timber wolf Is the commonest species. Boy Had Good Idea of Penalty of Lying "Yon know, where people go who toll lies?" said a court official at Newcas tle, England, to a small girl In the wit ness box recently. "Yes, but I dont believe R," was the reply. This Incident jigs suggested to an English commentator an Instance where, the converse of the Newcastle episode occurred In the court of Judge Maule a few years ago: A small boy was placed In the witness box and was asked the same question, "Do you know where people go who tell lies?" on which Maule commented: "If he knows that, it's a good deal more than I do." However, the byr did know, for he was taken through s catalogue of offenses from telling lies to steallhg apples, and replied "Hell-flre" to all,of them. Counsel suggested that he was not competent. 'The Judge demurred. "He thinks that for every willful fault he will go'te hell-fire; and he 1s very likely, while he believes doctrine, to be most strict in'his observance of the truth.* If you and I belleveh that such would be the penalty for every offense we "committed, we should be better men than we are. Swear him." —San Francisco Argonaut. Traditions Tell of Many Sunken Cities Traditions of sunken cities are al ways Interesting. »Iloth Klllarney and Lough Xeagh are reputed to. have once been the sites of famous Irish cities, drowned as a punishment for the wickedness of' their Inhabitants. Holland bousts of several ruined towps sunk at the bottom 'of the Znyder zee, while off the cost 'of Holsteln lies bur led the "legendary , city. of Vlneta, whence (so fishermen say) the tolling of the bells in the'church splrescomes up faintly through the waters on quiet days. of all Is Ts, said to have stood where.now Is the Bay of* Douarnency, a little west of Qnlm per, la Hrjjtnny. Ts was a magnifi cent city, built below the level of tha serf, and It owed'Ha destruction to a certain wicked princess named Dahut, who, to gratify an Idle whim, opened the sluice-gates and herself perlnhed In the ru4n which upon the city. * • Bear it Photographer! A student of forestry was camping with- two frienda In the wildest part of Allegheny park. Taking his camera, he rambled oft alone to look for pic* taresque subjects. He had placed his camera on a fallen tree, and had gone some little distance to get a viewpoint, when be •aw a black bear browsing amongst some berry* bushes. He was scared, and. forgetting his camera, sped back to his camp and companions. With them Ije returned to the spot, bat, In the meantime, the bear. had disap peared. The camera was still on the log, but a plate had been exposed. When It was developed It Showed the frightened young man ID rapid flight down the tralL The' bear, Investigating the camera, had touched the trigger .with Its nose. SadlrfM W*ll j ▲ question as to the Identity of a I person named Sadler has been sug ! gested by a recent appeal, sponsored I by leading men, for the restoration tp I the nation of the historic theater • known as Sadler's Well. Sadler lived In the time of the Stuarts, and was a ! road surveyor and a property owner. ! One day some workmen, while digging ; for gravel on a piece of land belong ing to him In Clerkenwell, came on an ancient well—one of the medicinal springs to which pilgrimages were for- made. T«he site at onfe became , a popular resort. Sadler built round ! It a pleasure house, set In pretty gardens and groves of trees. He pro vided music and other entertainments, and In a short time the existence of the waters was aWuoet totally forgot ten. —Family Herald. Easily Explained Bluebell* 1* a lovely girl. reople like ber. She bu.i way with her, a way that Invite* confidence#. Bat' sometime* one of ber co&fidlng friends baa to take ber to taak mildly. "Bluebelle." aaid one of these, "1 don't gave that secret away. When I told it to you the other eve ning I made It between you, me and the gate post." *' "Well, you remember it was a strange gate post," responded Bluebelle gravely. Billets Dot ur There la a peculiar und subtle and quite Indefinable pleasure that comes to a man when the woman he loves first writes to'him. Soever curt, so ever banal the letter, there Is no mat ter. It Is something from her to him; something altogether private and se cret ; something she has set down for him to read; something not to be ■bared with a sordid world.—Prom Tb# Rasp," by Phillips Macdouald. NO. 27 Great Artist Reached Helping Hand to Manf, When a man become* so that he Is In a class quite by hhuidßi legend springs up all around Win and everything that he says Is quoted tad handed about, Edwin EL masliMj writes In the North American Review. It Is noteworthy Indeed that among all the stories not one has'ever bees to John Singer Sargenfs disadvan tage. Modest ha waa and generous to his fellows, delicately considerate and magnanimous. When Carroll Beekwlth, one of tin most Intimate friends of his youth, died, his widow told' me that John, as she always called' retouched for her many of Carroll's studies to put them In more finished and sale able condition,, and when Abbey** hand Was arrested In the midst of his decorative work for the Pennsylvania capltol it Harrisfcurg* Sargent hurri edly made a long journey to superin tend the completion of some of the panels, superintending, nota ben* with a careful avoidance of person-. aHy touching a brush "to the canvan Wise he was, too, as to theory, and valiant as to principle; In the days oC reactionaries he was a progress!** and irten the race for notoriety at any price began he was a conserva tive. In one of his letters to me ha declares that, himself, as ha grows . old he Is "becoming rathe* proud of being _ called pompier." Must Risk Life to * Look From Mountain Do you know that the weather la manufactured on a huge'rock on Look* out mountain, Chattanooga, Teim., not at Medicine Hat or, Washington-aa we have always supposed? The weath er rock is a' giant slab of peculiar shape projecting from the mountain top far over the green valley 2£06 feet below. It Is necessary to crawl out on hands and knees to look over the edge, but the view Is well worth the peril. Faftns, villages, white high- ways, wooded hills and winding riven are so farJ>elow the adventurous spec tator that the country looks like a flat map done in emerald and Silver, much as it does from an airplane. It take* Iron nerves and a clear and stead* brain to peer over the dizzy verge, even lying flat on one's stomach—a simple slip means'certain'death, ,as there ts not so as a blade of grass to hold on by, only the smooth gray rodt and loose pebbles, which roll «at a touch and give one the sickening sen sation of sliding toward the edge. Stranger Guested Well A captious traveler In northern Ar kansas stopped by a fence to criddNl a near cornfield, which met his dlssp' provaL "Mighty small corn yon hava there I" he shouted to the man who, was«"superln tending the growth" from a shady corner>9 "Tea," said the Arkaaaan. "Planted the small kind." ,4 "Looks mighty yellow to me for this time of year." "Yes. Planted the yellow kind." "Well," said the traveler, seierety, "I can't understand yoJr method of farming. Ton won't get over halt a, crop there." * "No," said the Arkansan, cheerfufly. Ton are shore a good gueseer, stran ger. Half a crop that's mlna I .planted this on sharea."—lTan—g City' Star. On Their Behalf The minister in a little church that used natural'gaa for illumination an nounced his text la solemn tones — "Tea, the light of shall ba put outl" . . Immediately the church was- plunged In total darkneaa, due to n failure la the supply. "Brethren," said the minister, with scarcely a moment's pause, "In view! of U>e sadden and startling fulfillment of this prophecy, we will spend a few minutes In silent prayer lor the gas company.* Plain Geld Ring The wedding ring of plain goM, which Is a survival of Saxon time* has outlived several' attempts at change of fashion. For Instance, at the marriage St Queen Mary of England to Philip of Spain the English statesmen debated the question of the ring' and wished to have it Jeweled, but Mary herself Intervened by declaring that she weald not have It set with gems, for iha , chose to be wedded with a plain hoop , of gold like other maldena. —DetMt | Free I'ress. Historic m Rock Scylla Is a famous rock In the Strait ef Messina, off.the coast of Italy, and opposite to a whirlpool called Cfcaiyb dls on the Sicilian coast Prom tha supposed difficulty of navigating thin 1 narrow strait In ancient times, with out falling a victim to one or other ef 1 these terrors, arose the Latin sayings i "He falls Into Scylla that wiahes ta 1 avoid Chsrybdis." —Kansas City

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