3 The Alamance gleaner ? i ' ^ l j "? VI i VOL. mi. GRAHAM, N, C., THURSDAY JULY 7, 1927. ** NO. 23. .? ^ Plan Highway of 2,275 Miles ? t Concrete Roadway From Chicago to Los Angeles Is Contemplated. Chicago.?A concrete highway from Chicago to Los Angeles will link the toro fields of the Middle West with the oil regions and fruit lands of the Pacific. This Is the plan of the re cently formed United States Highway Oti association, which visualizes a "Main Street of America," that will serve both as a commercial and a military highway. Travel time be tween the two points will be reduced by several days, it is expected. This pavement will be about 2,275 miles long and the width in heavily traveled sections will be as much as 40 feet. The mapped-out route is 200 miles shorter than any other highway or railroad between Chicago and Los ing any dangerous passes, welcome news for prospective tourists from the Great Plains. The roadway then drops down to San Bernardino, Calif., and I-os Angeles is but a short Journey away. Permanent Organization. The United States Highway 66 as sociation is a permanent organiza tion formed by chambers of commerce and automobile clubs, representatives and state officials from the Middle West to the Pacific coast. John T. Woodruff of Springfield. Mo., president of the association, has been engaged In both railroad and highway develop ment work as an attorney and an en gineer. Mr. Woodruff assisted in revo lutionising highway building in his state. "A great highway," declares Mr. Woodruff, "cannot be worth Its pur pose unless, like a trunk-line railway, JBi * ? -t ? a*? P uou ilide about OIV soft cuskiorvs beklnd ike purring motor uour cbr, today, Hearken, back to tke time of your Grand/atker-^ Our *ta^j ] artist kaa portrayed for you a feuj of the modes of travel common 100 yeecs I aAo In tke states noufservad by U.S.*66 ujkick Is skorter tkan any railroad or I * olker klAkujau bctuueerv Great Lakes and Los Angeles.-- It ia malnlalrved / nouTas all-year-all-toeatker-road and tuill be paved,untkout ? detoura^jjoonjrom Chicago to Pacijic Coast.. ( ( ^ A? T r Angeles and when finished the trip may be made comfortably In eight or nine days. United States Highway 66. its offi cial name, follows established main roadways as much as possible. In Illi nois. for instance, the route follows the 275-mile paved highway from Chi cago to St. Louis. However, in the Interest of shortened travel United States Highway 06 breaks to the sootliwest from the Billionarea to Springfield and Joplin, even though a 250-mile" stretch of concrete now ex tends westward from St. Louis to Kansas City. About half of the high way Is paved from St. Louis to Jop'.in. Expect Co-operation. From Joplin on there is very little paving, but through the centralized or ganization highway authorities are certain that the co-operation between county, state and federal government road builders will bring about an early completion of this concrete rib bon. The route extends to Tulsa, Okla homa City and Texola from Joplin and then touches an oil region of upper Texas. The roadway then passes on to mysterious Santa Fe, N. M? and hrom there to Albuquerque, which hardly anybody can spell, and On to Gallup, made famous by eastern sce ?orio and magazine writers who have hoen there. Holbrook, Flagstaff and Needles are high spots on the thoroughfare through the tombstone and cactus Nate of Arizona. The Rocky moun tains are crossed without encounter Million Miles Flown for Each Fatality in U. S. Newark, N. J.?One can now fly 0l)re than 1,000,000 miles to the risk ? single fntallty. This is the pres et situation in this country as estab lished by the air-mail service and *iiieh is welcomed by those interest- I * In commercial aviation enterprises, tn the army and navy the distance '""n to a fatality Is about one-half ""s rate due to the greater inherent "sard called for by military require ments. hazards in commercial flying are "'Mly diminishing In proportion to , distance traveled, as the area of "Iterations expands. Is the prelimi Jsry conclusion of Dr. Frederick L. ?"'man, consulting statistician, Pru ntial Insurance company, who has * seveyai years been investigating 7* situauon. Doctor Hoffman last made 14 flights himself, covering ?ere than 2,000 miles of air distance. * !> most enthusiastic in his antid for the future of flying, believ f that in a few years flying will be common on this side of the Atlan 't Is In Europe at the present l^octor Hoffman Is also of the opln that recent legislation providing 'he federal supervision of flying ? strongly in the direction of I ^n safety by providing for thor l Iwla tlon of aI1 alrcraft anJ | ca' examination of pilots. I it connects our centers of population, tups our rich agricultural and mining regions and presages expansion for millions of young citizens In unde veloped territories. United States Highway GG, in my opinion, does all of that and more; it will, by every token, become America's^Iaiu street* in reality as well as namfe." Moslem Piety Keeps Irak Officials Busy London, England.?Corpse smuggling at tlie frontiers of Irak keeps Euro pean health officials busy enforcing quarantine rules, according to reports received here by the editors of the Lancet. Tite desire of all devout Mo hammedans to make pilgrimages to the cities visited by the prophet, as well as the blessings that accrue to the faithful when they make one of the holy cities their final resting place, makes plenty of work for the quaran tine officers. New laws have been put into effect calling for the examination of all local corpses as well as those in transit from other countries. Now no corpse can be buried in one of the holy places without a pass. Examinations and health permits are also Issued to the thousands of pilgrims that throng into Arabia from the East, thus enabling health officers to check up on t he most fruitful sources of the spread of epi demics in the Orient. Poem Parties Revived by Japanese Emperor Tokyo.?The imperial monthly poem party, one of the features of Japan- J ese court life, is to be resumed after j having been suspended several months because of tbe death of Emperor Taisko. A subject for eucli poem party Is always provided by his majesty. For the remainder of this year, Kmperor Hlrohito announced the following sub jects upon which the versifying guests might try their hands: June, "The Thread"; July, "The Duckweed"; Au gust, "The Cool Wind"; September, "Moonlight in the Garden"; October, "A Chrysanthemum by a Mountain Road"; November, "Ice in the Dale," and December, "An Icy Night." The poem party is held on the Hfth day of each month. War Hero With Many Medals Asks for Job Los Angeles, Calif.?An appeal to City Engineer Shaw to find in his de partment a position for Louis Van Iersel, said to have received more decorations than any man who served In the World war, was made by Dr. A. D. Houghton of the state committee of the hospital department? American Legion. Iersel, whose health was un dermined during the war, formerly worked In the city survey department of the engineer's office. Iersel has received medals from the king of England for life-saving at sea; the French Croii de Guerre for rescu ing 16 wounded comrades; a second ("roil de Guerre for capfu?lng 65 Ger mans, live of tiiem officers, during the battle of the Argonne; the Congres sional Medal of Honor and the Med allle Milltaire; the Italian War Cross; the War Cross of Montenegro, and life memberships in the American legion and the Disabled Veterans of the World War. He also received the "Hero" medal of the Breakfast club recently. South Sea Flapper* Taking to Clothes San Francisco.?Too many clothes are ruinatiou of the South Sea Isles. Not only for romance's sake?al- . though Joseph Darnard, bishop of Samoa and the Union Islands, devout ly believes In romance?but for rea sons of health, clothing Is undesirable In the tropics. The bishop, Interviewed here on his way to Itome after 2*J years In the Is lands, Is a proponent of the theory that aborigines are best ofT when left alone. He Is definitely opposed to allowing South Sea islanders to wear trousers, shirts or collars. Nor, he says, should tropic maidens adopt even the flimsy lingerie of their civilized sisters. The tappa or cotton cloth, worn from neck to knees by the women and about the loins by the men, is a suf ficient garment for all uses In the South Seas, the bishop declares. 'These people were constituted, born healthy; clothing reduces their vitality and contributes to the Ills which have nearly exterminated some races of Is landers," he says. ."The islanders can be civilized with out clothing. Their condition should be improved, but it Is wrong to revo lutionize the ways that nature hus taught them to live." Bang! Playful Seal's Life Ended by Bullet Lynn, Mass.?A motorist on the North Shore motor road the other day noticed a seal swimming and diving by the roudside. He stopped and watched It. Other motorists stopped and watched It. Dozens deserted their cars and stood around the bank ap plauding the antics of the seal. There was a hopeless traffic Jam. Irate patrolmen threatened, pleaded, hut the thyong of nature lovers took no heed. Meanwhile the road became mortarthoroughly blocked. A riot call brought an extra detail and Sergeant Lyons, crack rifle shot, and his rifle. Hang! A few bubbles appeared where the seal had been. Nature lovers returned to their cars; traffic went on. About Chamberlin Plulnfield, N. J.?Jersey folks rend ing *about the potential wealth of , Clarence D. Chamberlin recall when he seemed to be having a hard time to make a living. He used to take folks up in the air for $."? a flight or less if business was dull, but once lie carried milk In bis plane to a sick child for nothing. How Rude! North Bergen, N. J.?Fellow In court for sending a girl mash notes said he thought the girl was in love with him. "Don't think any woman Is ever In love with a man," said Re corder Alfred Miles. "They only love themselves." oooooooooooooooooooooooooo | Village It Abandoned g o When Factory Closet f X Plymouth, Conn.?The desert- g ? ed village of Oliver Coldamith 6 O finds a parallel in the Tillage of g 2 llraystone not far from here. 5 5 Shutters are falling from the 2 2 windows and gardens are grow- O o log up with weeds. Trains no 2 X longer atop at the station. o 6 The village was once called ? 2 Hoadleyvllle, after Silas Hoad- g O ley, pioneer clockmaker of Amer- 5 g lea. When the clock factory g g went out of existence the place (> q was abandoned. ,? " g CVOOCHVCMVOOCHSOCKSOOOOCKICKJOO-OU THE COUPLE IN THE YELLOW CAR ? T <? bjr D. J. Walah.) LIBBIE PRENTICE closed the door of the little white school and, turning the key In the lock, hurried down the path to where It Joined the main highway at the foot of the hill. Llbbie had tanght for three years In that very same lit tle schoolhouse and so far as she knew she would go on teaching there for another three years, provided, of course, she could keep on the right side of the school board and the par ents of her pupils. Today had been a particularly trying one for both teach er and pupils. The school board had decided that It was time to Introduce a new method of writing and Llbbie had tried patiently to undo all she had tried to teach and stimulate an Interest In the newer way of bundling the pen and pencil.- But the children had not taken readily to the lesson and Libble felt that her effort hid been wasted. Tomorrow would be no better, and the day after?but why go on? Libble was only undergoing an experience all too common In the life of a person who Is trying to Instruct youngsters who have no desire to re ceive Instruction. Gaining tbe highway, Libble walked rapidly toward the village, where she boarded. According to her nsual rou tine she would, upon reaching the village, go first to the postofflce to see If she had any tnall and then to ber boarding bouse, where she would spend the time until dinner looking over school papers. This task always left her depressed, because It was the barometer by which she knew Just how much of her carefully given In struction had sunk In, and all too often she would find very little, In deed, had taken root. The blowing of a motor horn caused her to step quickly to one side of the road Just In time to avoid a big yellow car. Glancing np, she caught a fleet ing glimpse of a child's face looking out of the window of the car and the Impression was left with Libble thnt never before had she seen such a dis tressing little face. Libble kept on her way and on ar riving at the village went to the post offlce. As she reached the building the big yellow car drew np and a man in livery stepped out, entered the post offlce and went up to the window, and as Libble entered she heard him ques tioning the postmaster about direc tions and nearby towns. Evidently the answers did not please him, for he frowned and went back to the car. Soon he came back and asked If there was a good place In the town where they could put up for the night, and upon receiving an answer again left tbe building and drove away In the yellow car. "What was the trouble. Mr. Curtis?" Libble asked the good-natured post master. "Well," said Mr. Curtis, "that fellow said he was taking a party to Keys rllle and the child got sick and the woman doesn't dare go any farther. I sent the man over to Mrs. Winn's? why. that's where yon board. Isn't It, Miss Prentice? Well, no doubt you will see 'em there." Arriving at Mrs. Winn's, who had a big, roomy house and besides ber reg ular boarders often accommodated tourists, Llbble went straight up to her room and started at once on her task of correcting school papers. She had only nicely settled down to work when ber attention was called to the fact that there was a child In the next room and it was sobbing. Children were rather unusual In Mrs. Winn's select boarding house and Llbble hoped the little thing would not cry at night, because the walls were thin and sounds carried easily. At the dinner table that nfgbt only I the usual boarders appeared with the exception of the man Llbble bad seen driving the yellow car, but as be did not seem Inclined to talk she learned nothing concerning tlfe child she had seen In the passing car. At midnight Llbble was awakened from a deep sleep by the sharp, pierc ing cries of the child, who occupied the room next to ber own. The cries continued for moments and then a woman's voice harshly commanded si lence, The child cried on and soon there was another sound which fairly brought Libble to her feet It was aa If the woman had given the little one a sharp slap. This of course only made him cry the harder and the woman continued to slap and admon ish him to keep quiet "Surely," thought Llbble, "that woman must know that a child that cries like that Is ill or in pain at least" So. hastily donning a kimono and slippers, she slipped ont of her room and a moment later knocked at the adjoining door. Falling to get an answer she turned the knob of the door and entered. Sitting bolt upright In the middle of - the big bed was the most pathetic lit tie figure Llbble hud ever seen In all her life. It wag a boy of iierhaps seven yours of age. He hud a idiihs of yellow, curly hulr which wus rumpled in a perfect tangle, und even though he hud cried until Ills little face wus fairly purple, one could see that lie was III. His little body wus racked with sobs and he was fairly smothered In his attempt to suppress his tears. "Whatever Is the matter?" demand ed Libble of the womnn who" was bending over the bed und talking in a high, excited voice to the little fel low. "I don't know, miss. I only know be has cried until I am distracted and I think I shall go wild," and the woman wrung her liunds In despair. "Stop! Bobby, stop, I say! Here is a lady come to see you." But Bobby cried on. "Then Bobby, as you call him. Isn't your child?" queried Llbble." "Ob, do, Miss, I am only bis nurse. Mr. and Mrs. Oraham, Bobby's father and mother, hare been away months for the madam's health. Bobby and his teacher, Miss French?he has a tutor, you know?and 1 have been at the Grahams' camp, but Miss French was tuken III and hud to go to the hospltul. Bobby has missed her so much and as It Is about time for his parents to return I was taking him back to town. The Grahams are very rich people and have, a big house In town. Master Bobby Is a very fortu nate boy, but quite si>ol!ed. miss." At the time the woman had been talking Llbble had been looking ut the child and, tlnally going up to the bed side, she lifted the little fellow up Id her arms und cuddled his head against her shoulder. He snuggled gratefully up In her arms uud put his little head down In her neck und us his fuce touched her clieek Libble found that he was literally burning up with fever. "1 urn afraid Bobby Is really 111." she said gently to the woman, who still stood wringing her hands, "and it you will go down to the foot of the front stairs you will find a telephone. I'lease call 152. I am sure a doctor Is needed at once." The woman left the room and soon a doctor came and it wax true, Hobby was very ill. Thei doctor pronounced it scarlet fever, and that complicated matters as far as Libbie was con cerned, because she could not go on with her teaching, and as a nurse was , not to be had for love or money in | that town, she was obliged to help take care of Bobby. By the time Bobby was well enough to be removed to his own home he had become so attached to Libbie that he Absolutely refused to be sepurted from her; When Bobby's purents came to take the little fellow home they were quite as much taken with Libbie us Bobby had been and ofTered her the position of tutor to their son. And as another teacher had been secured to teach In Libby's place she wus only too glud to accept, especially as the salary was nearly double what she had been re ceiving, and anyway she really loved little Bobbie so dearly she was glad that she did not have to, lose sight of him. Straggling Capital In mad) respects Angora, the new Turkish capital, resembles a Western boom town in the United States pass ing through u period of prosperity. New buildings are springing up on every side; more automobiles and mo tor trucks are entering every day; additional hotels and restaurants are being opened and there is a continual trek of new arrivals from Constanti nople. Unfortunately, the original archi tects and town planners did not draw up careful designs for Angora, so that the town Is already assuming a strag giing and fur from symmetrical ap- I pearance. Old "Beit Seller" Not all of the books that rank aa "beat sellers" are fresh from the pena of the atlthora, aa evinced by the ninth reprintlmt In the pnat 20 years of Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress," by one publishing house. Thla claaalc, now 252 years old. has run through thou aanda of previous editions. Many claim that, next to the Bible, It la the moat widely rend book In the Kngllsh language. However that may be, the churac-ters of Great heart. Valiant and Stundfust und the scenes of the Land of Beulali and Crossing of the River will be memorable In the minds of many generations yet to come.?St. I'aul Pioneer-Press. "Piccadilly" There la some difference of opinion concerning the derivation of the name "Piccadilly." It U believed to be from "plccadllls." the small stiff collars af fected by men of fashion of the time of James L The street was named for the house of entertainment known 4s "Piccadilly house." Rea$on for Bathtub fve often wondered, observed Cosh Miller, cigar More philosopher. If the person that flrst said necessity la the mother of Invention was tryln' to get sarcastic with the old bozo that In vented the bathtub.?Thrift Magazine. Sea QfMarmoia !??' ?' ? ???? ? " ? Windmill on Shore of Sea of Mar mora. * ~ (Prepared by th? National Oeo*raphle 8o?l*ty. Wanhlnicton. D. C.) THK Sea of Marmora?or the Pro pontis, If one wishes to be clas sical?and Its shores, have prob ably been the scent of more stir ring events in history than any body of water of similar size. It Is little more than 100 miles long and some forty miles across at Its broadest point Thus It Is about the same size as Lake Champlain. The Marmora Is a sort of vestibule between the outer and Inner doors of the Bluck sea? the Dardanelles and the Bosporus. The Marmora and the Black seas are no more than twenty miles apart at their nearest point, but It is as tonishing wliat a difference In aspect twenty miles may make. The Mar mora lias much of the softness of air. vividness of color, and beauty of scen ery that we associate with the Aegean ! and Ionian seas. Thread the narrow j slit of the Bosporus, however, and you pass Into an entirely different world sterner, barer, rockier, colder. It Is partly perhaps that ttic Black sea Is very much larger. While Its two historic gateways?the Dardanelles and the Bosporus?are strategically the most Important fea tures of the Marmora, that picturesque little sea has a character of Its own, and one not to be caught from the deck of a Mediterranean liner or from the windows of the Orient express. Such Impressions as the passing tour ist takes away are chiefly of the ttat and treeless Thradon shore. The long er Asiatic const, however. Is much more Indented, and rises on the south east to the white peak of the Bithyn I Ian Olyinpus. A high, green headland divides the eastern end of the Mar ! mora Into the two romantic gulfs of j NIcomedia and Moudania. The south I shore again Is broken by the moun tainous peninsula of Cyzlcus. ofT Its windy western corner lies a group of islands, of which the largest Is the one that gives the Marmora Itg [ name?a mass of marble ten miles j long, famous from antiquity for Its quarries. Another considerable Island Is the long, white sandsplt of Kalollm no*, Just outside the Gulf of Mou dania ; but best known are the Princes Isles, a little archipelago of rock and pine that Is a favorite summer resort Cities en Its Shorn. In any other part of the world this Inland sea would lone a a" hare he roine a place of sojourn for yachts men and suminerers. So happily Is It treated by sun and wind, so amply provided with hays, capos. Islands, mountains, forests, and all other ac cidents of nature that make clad the heart of the amateur explorer. As It Is. the Xlarmora remains strangely wild for a sea that has known so much of life; yet Its shores are by no means uninhabited and between them plies many ah unhurried sail. The focus of this quaint navigation Is. of course. Constantinople, stundlnc high and pinnacled on either side of the crooked blue crack that opens Into I he Black sea. The busiest town In the Marmora after Constantinople Is Panderma. on the south shore. Joined to Smyrna by a railway that taps one of the most fertile districts of Asia Minor. In Its vlctnlty exists one of the few borax mines In the world. Another little railway climbs through the olive yards of the Gulf of Moudania to Brusa. on the lower slopes of Mount Olympus. This delightful town, the first capital of the Turks and their most picturesque city. Is the Hamburg of the GeTant. enjoying a renown of many centuries for Its hot mineral springs. It Is also the center of an ancient silk Industry, first Introduced from China In the Sixth century by Emperor Justinian. Its cocoons are considered to rank In quality above I those of northern Italy and are much exported to this country and to France. Another ancient watering place of the Marmora is Yalova, In the wooded hills above the Gulf of NIco media, whose baths were visited of old by Emperor Constantino, and there are many less frequented hot springs in this region. More numerous than the settle ments of * today, however, are the ruins of yesterday. Every harbor, every Ifeudlund. has some fragment of ancient masonry, and the workmen In the vineyards are constantly turning up coins, pieces of broken pottery, bits of sculptured marble, that have come down from who knows when or where. About no body of water in the world, of equal size, have stood so many stately cities. Question of the Straits Centuries Old. The true question of the straits arose as early as the Fifth ?-entury. B. C., when Alcibiades of Athens coun seled the people of Chrysopolls, the modem Scutari, at the southeastern extremity of the Bosporus, to take toll of passing ships. Yet another aspect of the question of the straits had al rtftdy risen earlier in . the century, when the Persian expeditions against Scythla and Greece crossed the Bos porus and the Dardanelles. What success they had we know, and how a counter-invasion under Alexander crossed the Dardanelles In .*{44 H. C.? crushing the Persians at the battle of the Granicus: It was in the period following the death of Alexander, when the king, doms of Bithynia, Pergamos and Pon tus flourished in northern Asia Minor, that the cities of the Marmora began to take on their greatest Importance. Chief among them was Cyzicus. on the southeastern side of the peninsula of that name. Founded earlier than Pome or Byzantium, possessed at dlf I ferent times by Athens and Sparta, by the Persians and Alexander, by the king of Pergamos and the republic of Home, Cyzicus was long celebrated as one of the most splendid cities of the ancient world. Its gold stater? were the standard of their time. With the rise of Byzantium, how ever, Its glory passed away. Goths and earthquake ravaged It: Constan tino and the Turks found It an lnex hnustible quarry for the public build ings of Constantinople. Today there Is almost no trace of Its marble among the vines and olive trees of the peninsula. hlcomedia and Nlcaea. In Blthynla. were also accounted no mean cities In their day. Indeed. Nlcoraedla. be queathed to Home with the rest ot his kingdom by Nicomedes III, In 7-1 B. C.. became for a moment, under Emperor Diocletian, the capital of the world. As for Nlcaea, It has three times heen a capital. Nlcaea. now Isnik, is not In all strictness a city of the Marmora, bui the lake on which It lies Is geological ly a continuation of the Gulf of Man dnnla. A place of Importance long after the Bithynian period. It Is chief ly remembered .today for the two councils of the church which took place there in 325 and 787. A third Bithynian city, which we have already mentioned?Brusa?has more than one title to celebrity, not ? least among which Is that its founda tion was ascribed to the advice of no less a personage than Hannibal. At any rate, the great Carthaginian lied after the Punic wars to the court ol King Prusias of Bithynla and com mitted suicide there. In 183 R. (i. to .escape falling Into the hands of the Romans. The history of the greatest city ot them aU, Constantinople, hat for near ly 2.0U0 yean been largely the his tory of the little sea that Ilea before It It was founded, a little later Uuaa Rome, by seamen from Megan.

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