1 HE GLEANER ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. $1.00 A YEAR. IN ADVANCE. BnUrad at Um Poatoffloe at Graham, N. C., aa aeeoad-claaa matter. GRAHAM, N. 0., JAN. 5, 1928. Other automobile manufacturers of well known and popular makes are coming out with new styles and designs, but Ford told the public lie that he was coming out with new models months ahead. Thus he cornered the public interest and got many paces ahead of the other fel lows, regardless of whether they S have put out a superior prodnct or not. The treasury department at Washington has just announced that the public debt during 1927, was reduced 81,038,312,000, leav ing 818,036,000,000 on January 1st. Since the peak in 1919 the debt has been reduced 88,560,000,000, repre senting an annual interest saving of 8342,000,000. All theee are in comprehensible sums, and reduction is nothing less than a marvel notwith standing the immense sums, stag gering in proportions, expended for government operating expenses. The fourth annual Newspaper In stitute will be held at Chapel Hill on next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday?11th, 12th and 13th. For this occasion, editors, publishers and managers of newspapers have been assigned different phases of newspaper work for discussion. The speakers are selected as near experts along the lines which.have been assigned them. They should be able to tell their brethren much that would be helpful in mak ing better papers?both for the clientele and the financial advance ment of tho publications. Encouraged by the fact, no doubt, that six months-ago the State Wage and Salary Commission upon re quest gave highway employees a substantial increase in salaries, 336 employees in other State depart ments asked for an increase in sal ary. The Commission saw fit to re fuse all the applications for increas ed pay, and at the same time recom mended that the departments reduce the number on their pay-rolls in favor of efficiency. No doubt the Commission acted wisely, for it is probable there are not a few who do not earn their pay and perform inefficient service. Those who strive and do good work should be well pud. Tobacco yielded 168 more per acre where magnesium limestone was used as compared with where 110 such lime was used on test plots at the Tobacco Branch Sta tion near Oxford tin Granville county. Summons by Publication. NORTH CAROLINA? ALAMAXCB COUNTY In the Superior Court, Lottie Walker, Plaintiff vs. W. T. Walker, defendant The defendant above named will take notice that an action as above entitled h