the gleaner KAHAM, H. 0.. JAN. 5, 1928 IT '# ~ +++++???? *+++++++++++++++ LOCAL NBW8 + .llll >H I l I l l l I l + * ?With hn extraordinary demand oar advertising apace, a lot of in esting local items as well ae edit al is crowded off the seat. ?The cold snap has taught moet us a leeson about frozen and rating water pipes, but we may rget it and be caught in the same next time. ?That knitting mill, or any other w enterprise for Graham, should te a start right here at the begin ng of the new year. The sooner e better. Almost every day some e asks why are not some new and Ipful enterprises put in motion, tli the assuring statement that euty of help is available. ?The cold wave came and blank sd the country East to West and an North to South. It hit here .turday evening. The peak was ached Sunday night, and Monday urning the mercury was down to n above, stated Dr. Goley, th lic-ial weather reporter. Some hers, however, reported a lower liiperature. According to reports is is the coldest saap in several ars. ? ? srsonal. Miss Emily Lea spent the week nl with friends in Durham. Miss Lila Bell 'left Sunday for aleigh, where she is teaching. Miss Mary Cooper spent last week iih relatives in Durham and Ral gh. Miss Nina Jo Holt and Don Holt ere week-end visitors in Greeus >ro. Mrs. J. T. Roach and sister, Miss ra Ray, visited relatives in Chapel ill last week. James A. Cooper and William arden returned to State College the rat of the week. Mrs. S. C. Sposn, Jr., and chil ren spent the holidays with rela ves in Richmond, Va Mrs. Arthur Heritage of Chicago [Tired a few days ago on a visit to sr sister, Mrs. W. U. Holt. Mrs. H. W. Scott and little uigbter, Miss Bettie, spent Friday id Saturday with relatives in Ral gh. Mrs. R. N. Cook and little son nbby visited her sister, Miss Lucy ay Cooke, in Dnrham the first of le week. Capt. and Mrs. J. Wilson Wil amson had Mr. and Mrs. L. L. lallard of Raleigh as their guests ist week. George A. Long and Don Holt re trned to thfc University Monday, Iter spending the holidays at their ome here. Mr. and Mrs. Grady McBane re-~ arced Sunday from Morehead City here they spent the holidays at the atter's old home. Col. and Mrs. Don E. Scott were iew Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. ). S. Parker, Jr., of Greensboro, t the Country Club. Mrs. C. Brown McCoy, who spent be holidays here with her sister, ilrs. Will E. White, returned to ler borne in Charlotte Tuesday. Mr. Watt Cooper, who spent the ididays at his home here, left Sat irday for Blackey, Ky., where he ias been for the past six months. Misses Margaret Hunter of Gra am and Ida Wilkins of Haw River ttended the Land-Barber wedding 11 had bo urn on Wednesday of last feek. Miss Nina Jo Holt and Messrs. >V att Cooper and John W. Harden pent last week at a house-party at be home of Judge Cranmer at Southport. Misses Elizabeth and Annie Ruth larden, Margaret Stockard, Era foy, Ersell Geanes and Mabel ihore returned to school at N. C. 3. W. Monday. Little Miss Mildred Mordaunl ^ kittemore has returned to hei lome in Graham after spending the r*ast week in Greensboro as the ?nest of relati res. Miss Margaret Moore spent th( holidays with her sister, Mrs. B. J lesznak, in Roanoke, Va? ahd the btter and children returned with ber for a visit here. Mrs. J, L.;Scott, Jr., left yeeter bay for Greensboro, where she wil J* joined with her daughter, Mrs Lbss. W. Causey, and they art ?earing today for a stay of a fe? weeks in Florida. Sam Raper of Davidson countj J? "?? pig clnb champion of Nortl Carolina for the rear 1927. Graham Hotel Property Sold at Auc tion. On last Saturday afternoon the Graham Hotel property waa aold at public auction. The aale included land and building. It waa aold in eight lota?five fronting on the Courthouse Square, the depth of the building, and at the rear of theae three othera fronting on E. Elm St. and about 100 feet deep. The purchasers are H. J. Stock ard, J. M. Ivey, W. Lee Andrews, C. L. Shoffner, Z. T. Hadley, J. L. and Percy Amick. The prices paid aggregate $11,155, which ia "dirt cheap." We have no idea nor an intimation of what the purchasers expect to do with the property. The purchasers are all good citizens and financially able to improve the property and put it in good shape. This is a good hotel site, centrally located and convenient to the busi ness of the town, and the town needs a hotel about as much as it needs anything. As a hotel it iB in bad repute, but there ia no sound reason for the bad name to remain a part and parcel of the property. A good face-washing will change its reputation, just like washing a dirty faced boy and combing his hair changes him into an attractive lad. Whatever may be their intentions, we feel sure the purchasers will not allow the property to further de generate, but will start it on the up grade, and. make it useful and at tractive. Announcement of Interest to Graham People and Elsewhere At a luncheon on Dec. 29 given by Mrs. M. B. Hutchinson at Col umbia, S. C, the hoeteea announced the engagement of Misa Valeria Chieholm Prioleau to Mr William deRos8et Scott of Graham. The home of the bride-elect ia Columbia, S. C , but for the past six months she has been a worker in the Epis copal parish in Burlington, and is an unusually handsome and attract ive young woman. The groom-elect ia the son of Mr. Chaa. A. Scott sad engaged in a general inauraaee business. ' His numerous friends here and elsewhere congratulate him. Notice of Sale. Pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust from T. C. Montgome ry and wife, Julia E. Mont gomery, to me as Trustee, . which said deed of trust is re corded in office Register of Deeds, Alamance county, in Deed of Trust Book 101, page 26, default having been made in the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust, I will offer for sale at public one tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door in Graham, on MONDAY, JAN. 23, 1928, at 12 o'clock, noon, the follow ing described real property, to wit: That certain lot or parcel of land in the Town of Graham, Alamance county, North Caro lina, adjoining the homeplace of the said T. C. Montgomery, W. A. McAdams and othere, and described as follows: Beginning at a stake on N. Main St. on the west side there of and at the northeast corner of the Adelaide and L. L. Ker nodle lot (being the homeplace I of the said T. C. Montgomery); and running thence with the i line of said lot in a South west | erly direction 158.48 ft. to a stake, to the Northwest corner of said Adelaide Kernodle lot; thence in a Northwesterly di rection 84.42 ft to a stake; thence in a Northeasterly direc tion with the line of said W. A. McAdams 134.42 ft. ta a stake on the went side of mid street, corner with said W. A. McAdams lot; thence with said street in a Southeasterly direc tion 84.42 ft. to the beginning. 1 This is the same lot conveyed to the said T. C. Montgomery and wife Julia E. Montgomery, 1 by deed recorded office Register ofv Deeds, Alamance county, ' Deed Book 81, page 427. 1 Said real property will be sold ' subject to advance bids and ' confirmation by the court. *! This the 19th day of Decern ' her, 1927. W. I. WARD, Trustee. ! Jfadleys ? Jhe ? tleWelers Commissioner's Re-Sale of Valnable Land. ' Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance County made in a Special Proceedings therein pending, whereto all the heirs of the late D. C. McPherson were made parties for the pur pose of selling the lands of which he died seized for parti tion, the undersigned will offer lor sale to the highest bidder at 12:00 o'clock, M., SATURDAY, JAN. 21st, 1828 at the Court house door in Gra ham, N. C., tbet following val uable real property: Lying on both sides of the Public Highway from Burling ton to Whitsett, adjoining the lands of J. E. Carrigan, J. A. Barnett, N. S. Cardwell, H W. Trollinger and others and de scribed as follows: Lot No. 1. On the South side of said Highway, and be ginning at an iron bar in Car rigan's line in said Highway, running thence with said High way, N 83} deg E12.32 chs to a stake in said Highway, corner with lot No. 3; thence S 14 deg E 2.82 chs to an iron bar corner with said Barnett, thence S 33} deg W 16.45 chs to W. F. Rock, corner with said Carri gan; thence his line N 14 deg W 15.33 chs to the beginning and containing 11 acres more or less. On this lot is situate a dwelling lately the home of D. C. Mc Pherson. Lot No. 2. Beginning at an iron bar in said Highway, cor ner of lot No. 1 in line of said Carrigan, running thence N 14 deg W 19.23 chs to a rock, cor ner with said Carrigan; thence N 62} deg E 6.42 chs to a rock, corner with lot No. 3 in line of said Trotmger; thence S 14 deg E, with line of No. 3, 21.53 chs to a stake in said Highway, corner with lot No. ft in line of lot No. 1, thence with line of lot No. 1 along said Highway S 83} deg W 6.22 chs to the be-, ginning and containing 19.7 acres more or less. Lot No. 3. Beginning at a stake in said Highway, corner of lot No. 2, in line of lot No. 1, running thence N. 14 deg W, 21.53 chs to a rock, corner of lot No. 2 in line of Trolingcr; thence N 62} deg E 6.42 chs to a rock; thence S with said Card well 14 deg E 23.64 chs to a stake in said Highway, corner with lot No. 1; thence along said Highway S 83} deg W 6.10 chfto the beginning and con taining 14.1 acres more or less. On this lot is a well of good water and small barn. Bidding starts on ttract m a whole at $8302.50. All this property is well lo cated near Burlington and ad mirably well suited for a small farm. By order of Court this prop erty will be offered in separate [ots and as a whole and the bid or bids will be reported that will bring the greater sum of money. Terms of Sale: One ? third cash; one-third in six months and one-third in twelve months, deferred payments to carry in terest from day of sale till fully paid. Sale subject to confirma tion of Court. This the 2nd day of January. 1 1928. J. 8. COOK, Commissioner. i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Hartaa aaaiiked m Adtalaietrator of the nlate of fl WIUIetM. lato of At ?bum county. Stow of Nortb Carolina thiats to notify nil persons bavin# elaimi tftloM itid aetata to pre Mint tbrm. dol) authenticated, to ike undersljn d on or be [ (ore the lOtk day of Dee.. IM. or tkis not 1m will be pleaded la bar or tbeir recovery. All owing aald estate art requeeted ti make Immedlaie settle meat. This Dee. y ttr H. U KLLIlfOTOlf, Admr. plecdt Be xe pa haw. Koute Mo. 1. AMZ1 J. ELLINGTON, M. D Specialist Eye* Ear, Nose aad Throa CASTOR IA tm Isfeats ud Children la Um For Ovw 30 Y?arf ? -. ? Trustee's Sale ol Real Property. By virtue of the authority conferred upon the undersigned Trustee by a certain deed of trust executed by Mrs. Leland V Miller, widow, to the under signed, which .said deed of trust is dated March 19, 1997, and given for the purpose of secur ing twenty certain bonds de scribed therein, and recorded in office of the Register of Deeeds, Alamance county, in Deed of Trust Book 103, page 988 default having been made in the payment of said bonds and interest as described and provided in said bonds and said deed of trust, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, JAN. 23, 1938, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Graham, N. C., offer for sale, to the last and highest bidder for cash, the following described real prop erty: Two certain tracts or parcels of land in Bnrlington township, Alamance County, State of North Carolina, bounded as fol lows: First Tract: Adjoining the lands of Sarah E. Faulkner and others, bounded on the west by a lot owned by Sarah E. Faulk ner, on the Bouth by side of Means St., fronting 71 ft on Means Street. Beginning at a stake on said St 142 ft from corner of Everett St: -and run ning Southeast with Means St. 71 ft. by a stake; thence South west parallel with Everett St. 165 ft. to a stake; thence Northwest parallel with Means St. 71 ft. to a stake; which is also the corner of Sarah ,E. Faulkner's lot; thence Northeast parallel with Everett St. and with Sarah E. Faulkner's line to the beginning, it being a portion of lot No. 61 on town plot formerly.known as Com pany 8hops, N. C. Second Tract: Beginning at a stake back corner of Bettie Faulkner and said C. K. Staf ford; runniug thence S 36 E 71 j ft to a stake, corner of said C. K. Stafford in Joseph Fix line; thence S 53 24 W 30 ft to a stake in said Fix line; thence N 36 36 W 71 ft to a stake, corner with Dr. Bohannon: thence N 58 24 E 50 ft to the beginning, being the back part of lot purchased by Dr. Bohan non from John M. Fogleman. This sale to be open for ten days for advance bids. This the 21st day of Decem ber, 1997. AlaMAKC* LreURANCK & Rkal Estate Co., Trustee. J.DOCTH LONG, Attv. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having qutllltd aa executrix gf toe laet will of Am 1l Turner, tbla 1* u notify all pereons baring clalma afaloat the aetata of defleaaed to pieaeni the aawa fair uttaa. tiemted 10 the undeeicned oa or baton M* 15th day of Deoeaaber. 1MB, or tbJs aottae will be pleaded la bar ad their recovery. All pereooa Indebeed ieaatd aetata win auU. neoaaplaatlle^eal MBALIZZIE r. TUBNUL J. took. Atty. It eeeTiir aati In Trim This Winter? Watch The Kidnap Altar Winter'* Cat*. ' CHttezflateA up. hapunbaa mu m tha bind and are apt to uaW aa brad aad achy with haadachaa. dniaaa and j^jbSltyathiiwtai^Sr Pw'l Mb, a athaalaat dhnith. bawaata tha aaarabaa al thaJihiija aS'wbiiaa. Atk W?r ntijitmrl ' IDOANS ?"&* a stimulant mmc * uombvs ;r .6 6 6 b ? i?iilprtia tor I Nonce of Sale of Seal Estate UitoOcci of TrasL Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trnst executed by J. E. Simpson to Central Loan & Trust Corn party. Trus tee, dated 10 day of October, 1981, securing the pajstoent of certain boods described .therein, which deed of tract is duly pro bated and reoorded in the office of the Register of, Deeds eT Ala manoe county, North Carolina,: in book 89, page, SIS; default having been made in the pay ment of said bonds, and the in terest therein as provided and set out in said deep of trust, the undersigned Trustee will, on MONDAY, JAN.' S8rd, 1928, at 19 o'clock, soon, offer , for ?ale aft public auction to the highest bidder for cub at the courthouse door of Alamance county, at Graham, North Ca rolina, the following described I real property, to-wit: j , A certain tract or parcel of , land lying in Melvflft Town ship, county and sfpne afore said, adjoining the lands of John W. Bason, W. M. Burns and others and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a stake on the North side of Oraham road, the said Burn's corner; running thence with said Burn's line 14 chs 50 Iks to a white oak; near a spring; thence N 80 deg E 7 chs 75 Iks to a stone said J. W. Bason's line; thence 8 50 deg E 7 chs to a red oak, J. W. Ba son's corner; thence 8 10 djlg E 7 chs 50 Iks to the Oraham road; thence westwordly with said road 14 chs 50 Iks to the beginning and con taining 18* acres more or less, same being the tract of land conveyed to Oraham Land Company by V. H. Thompson and wife Martha Thompson by deed dated the 10th day of November 1818 and recorded in' the office of the Register of Deeds in bookNod 54 at page 481. i " This sale will be made subject to increased bids as provided by law and will be held open tea (10) days after sale to give op portunity for such bids. ? , This the 18th day of Decem ber, 1897. i Central Loan & Trust Co., Ti'usteu. NOTICE. Trustee's Sale si Brail Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in n certain mortgage deed of trust executed by Everett W. Sweet and' wife, Fannie L. Walker Sweet, bearing daft of January 94, 1995, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Book of Mortgage Deeds No. 100 at page 569 and 554, and default naving been made in the pay ment of the bonds secured thereby, the undersigned Trus tee will sell at public auction at the courthouse door in Gra ham, Alamance county, North Carolina, on TUE8DAY, JAN. 17, 1998, at 19 o'clock noon to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real property, to-wit: A certain lot of land in Bur lington Township, Alamance county, vMorth Carolina, ad joining Mfcd lands of B. M. Walker, 8. Main Street and Worth Street (extended), and more particularly described and defined as follows: Beginning at an iron bolt, corner of 8. Main Street and an alley dividing the P. L. Sel lers andWOl Anderson property, running thence N 73 9-4 deg W 900 feet with said alley to a corner with said alley and 8. Worth 8treet; thence N 59 deg 94' E with Worth Street <5 feet to an iron bolt; thence 8 49 9-4 deg E 900 feet to an iron bolt on S. Main Street; thence with said a Main Street 65 feet to the beginning, being a part of " lot No. 4 of the P. L. SMlats land. This the 17th day ef Decern tar, 1997. t IX. 1L FONVTLLE, I J. J. Henderson, Atty. Trustee's Sale si Real Property. By virtue of the authority contained in a certain deed oi trust executed to the undersign ed Trustee on the 3rd day oi May 1980, by Thomas Clapp ana wile, Daisy Clapp, which deed of trust is recorded in office of Register of Deeds, Ala mance county, in Deed of Trust Book 87, page 74, to secure the payment of six certain bonds described therein, default hav ing been made in the payment of said bonds and interest as set out in said bonds and deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auc tion, to the highest bidder 'for cash, at the courthouse door in Oraham, Alamance county, North Carolina, on SATURDAY, JAN. 81, 1928, at 18 o'clock noon, the following described real property: A certain tract or parcel of land in Oraham Township. Ala mance county, 8tate of North Carolina, adjoining the lands cf L. B. Holt, 8olomon Home i wood, J. W.. Bflrittjlfll othprvbonnded as ' said L. B. Holt; numimg IfS! ? deg E 17,4 chs to a rock in aafl L. B. Holt's line, corner wfM ' Lane; thence 8 1H deg K (hasp ' sight 20) 17.10 chs to a KMfc. comer said Harden and Ian on East side of Boyd Branch ed creek; thence with the meandaw ing of said creek- corner* and distances as fol lows: 8 44f dag W 4.50 chs 8 18 J deg W 0.5# chs to a rock, corner of said Harden on West side of saip creek; thence N 45 deg W ? dp to a. rock, corner of said Harden and A. C. and J. E. Holt (now Home wood); thence N 48*. deg W (back sight 42 8-4) 16.82 ?fas to the Beginning, containing 25.1 acres, more or leas. Sale subject to advance bids as provided by law. j?> This the 15th day of Dees?* ber 1027. The AUaaau Innrua a , Reel Eetete Co., Tl ??*??? . J. Dolph Long, Atty. Chattel Mortgage Blanks?For sals at The Gleaner office, i t ? PENDERS THE BETTER CHAIN STORES /Vlon<$ Savers tSThuE String Beans, ^ lOc Hiilsboro CORN 3 for 25c I ReadHfrFty COD FISH, 2 cam 25*> ^PEACHES, 3 Iargecans506 Large Halves in Heavy Syrup SngarCorn,can18^ pSafs^^Can 23& Colonial Small c?{m, Libby'sSliced irp Lima Beans |u2v Pineapple ID" Sahlw's Faaey f HV Libby or Del Mouto 1F. Sliced Beets, Can | (jc. Sliced Peaches] Jv I D.P.CQFFEE ^UMnk lb 47c* D. P. Famous Cake Plain, Layer, Light Fruit 25 as lb * Salt Pork Rib Balliaa lb 16? Plata* lb 1 be Fat Back* lb 17e Our Pride Bread 21 On ocas of Quality 10c D. P. Bacoa Breakfast Sliced i-lb Carton 23c 1-lb Carton 45c ! 4 J mm^VV^V>?O^vvvvvvvsx\.N.KV\.VVVVVVVVV^VVN.N.V^.V MOTHER! Fletcher** Castoria is a harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups. . (H?ami to relieve Infanta in arms and Children all ages of Constipation Wind Colic ( ' Flatulency To Sweeten Stonaarh Diarrhea thyiltfc Bonds natural amp wimotsc uputes ^ iifltf'