THE ALAMANCE GLEANER J VOL. LIV. * GRAHAM, N, C., THURSDAY APRIL 26, 1928. HO. 12. T WHAT'S GOING ON | NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENTEVENTS Flood Control Bill Fought by CooHdge and Others as "Extortionate." By EDWARD W. PICKARD THAT the flood control bill passed by tbe senate and, vltb certain amendments, under debate in the house last week, is the most extortionate measure in tbe history of the govern ment is the opinion of President Cool ldge. His remarkably outspoken view of this bill created something ot a sensation in Washington and it en couraged a group of representatives, led by Mr. Frear of Wisconsin, in a determined fight on the measure re ported by the house committee. The main issue was the 'question of local contribution upon which the President had Insisted. "Contribution is a cardinal prin ciple In federal, state, and municipal aid," said Mr. Frear. "This case pre sents no exception. Thousands of cor porations and large Individual owners under this bill will enjoy enormous financial benefits through flood protec tion. They should contribute toward 'the expense. If we pass this bill and adopt the plan of giving away the tax payers' money without limit to re Uabllltate or benefit great Interests that can bring political pressure to bear on congress, a hundred other flood control projects now knocking at committee doors will all demand the same treatment without contribution." fteid of Illinois, chairman of the flood control committee, said in reply: "There is in the bill no provision for local contribution. There can be none if congress Intends to protect the Uves and property of its citizens from these destructive floods. No levee sys tem can be effective unless It Is uni fied, co-ordinated, and complete, and should any levee district fail to pay a contribution necessary under tbe rec lamation theory the whole plan would falL Nearly every levee district Is now or will soon be bankrupt There Is no possible way for them to get money, as they are unable to sell any bonds because of the default in tbe bonds already issued." There were conferences of bouse and senate leaders for the purpose Of modifying tbe measure so that the President wonid sign it Senators Bansdell and Sackett talked with Mr. Oooiidge and reported that he would approve a bill similar to the Jones bill originally reported from the sen ate committee. This draft, while it eliminated local contributions, con tained various safeguards which were not In the measure as passed by the senate and approved by the house flood control committee. By HOLDING op action on the $304, 000,000 naval appropriation bill the radical Republicans forced the sen ate to adopt the resolution of Blaine of Wisconsin demanding from Secre tary Wilbur Information aa to tbe cost In Uvea and money of the operations of the marines In Nicaragua, llr. Wil bur Informed tbe senate that mainte nance of the marine expeditionary force In Nicaragua had resulted in the death of 21 marines and the wounding of 45 others. He set extra-cost to the government of marine activities In Nicaragua at $1530,170. The total eost of maintaining the expeditionary force, Mr. Wilbur fixed at 43530,000. It was explained, however, that more than $2400,000 of the total cost would have been expended on the marines even If they had remained In their home stations. The secretary said it was known that 202 Nlcaraguana bad been killed In lights with tbe marines -117A8HINGTON, New York and Chh v V cago were making plans to give rousing welcomes to the German-Irish transatlantic aviators and were as sured that tbe flyers would visit those dties after getting away from desolate Greenly Island In Belle We straits, no stories of their flight show that they last their way because their com pass failed In the dark and tbe snow storm, and they wandered far to the north of their roate. Rellaf and aid reached them by plane and otherwise and they were busy repairing tbe Bremen an they could continue their flight to New York. James Fltt maurlce, promoted to major by tbe Free State government, was taken to Lake Ste. Agnes, Quebec, by Duke 8chlt!er, Canadian aviator, to get a new propeller witb which he Intended by fly back to Greenly Island. Baron von Huenefeld, Koehl and Fltzmaurlce will be entertulned in New York for Ave days, i|nd then, proceeding to Washington, will be the guests of President Coolidge, the Irish minister and the German ambiusudor. Tlie wives#of Koebl and Fltzmaurlce will soon Join them In this country. GEN. UUBEKTO NOBILE and a crew of fifteen left Milan, Italy, In the dirigible Italia on the way to the North pole, and on the first lap of the Journey ran Into a fierce storm over Germany. Finally the airship, somewhat battered, came down safely at Seddln airdrome, near Stolp, Pom erailla, where repairs were made and further trial flights begun. Two more hops will take It to King's bay, Spits bergen, which will be the base of op erations. Noblle, who piloted Amund sen over the North pole two years ago In the dirigible Norge, Intends to make several flights over thcjpole, taking scientific observations, ae carries a cross given by the pope which will be planted In the Ice at the top of the world. Admiral j. k. robison, former chief of the navy engineering bu reau, was a star witness for the de fense in the Sinclair Teapot Dome conspiracy trial and be assumed full responsibility for the change In the government's' policy from conserving the navy's oil reserves to storing fnel oil In seaboard tanks and that be fa vored the opening np of the whole re serve. "Sinclair asked me what we wanted If a contract was entered Into," declared Robison. "I told blm we wanted a pipe line among other things, and such arrangements as would give him the largest possible profits, and give -us the largest possible share of his-production. The more money be got, the more I got for the navy. "I wanted to get the absolute maxi mum for the navy, and 1 got It." Rob ison almost shouted at the Jury, as he banged the rail of the witness en closure with his fist. Under cross-examination Robison was compelled to admit a close friend ship for Slnclulr. Be disclosed that he traveled for a week In Sinclair's pri vate car and was Sinclair's dinner guest at the exclusive Lotus club In New York. Be also admitted he bad played poker with Sinclair the very night that Sinclair secured three val uable contracts, one of them to sup plement the Teapot lease. The defense sought to show through former Secretary of the Navy Denby that the scheme to lease the Teapot Dome reserve was conceived lu the Navy department, but Denby'a testi mony was shut out by a government objection. Before the senate Investigating com mittee C. C. Chase, a aon-ln-law of Albert B. Fall, made admissions that were considered extremely damaging to Sinclair's cause, and be was sum moned by the government as a re buttal witness In the trial. SPRING In China brought ? resump tion of the Nationalist campaign against tbe Northerners and according to latest reports the Southern armies under Chiang Kai-shek are making great progress In 8hantung province, where the miseries of war are added to those of famine and flood. Foreign military observers In Shanghai predict tbe collapse of Marshal Chang Tso-lln and his withdrawal to Mancborla with in a few weeks. Japan expresses re newed fear for the safety of her na tionals and her Interests la 8bantnng' and therefore has landed marines at Tslngtae and Is preparing to send a large body of troops It Is almost cer tain that what Japan especially de sires Is to assure ths status of her large Interests In Mancharla In case Chang Is defeated there. GOV. AL SMITH was formally en tered as a candidate for the Dem ocratic nomination tor President by the New York stats Deasocratlc com mutes at a meeting la the National Democratic dob la New York eUy. His same was pre seated by former Lieut. Got. George R. Lunn, and the laudatory resolution waa wconded by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt Both speakers centered tbe hopes of their party on the oil scandals. Senator Blease of South Carolina, who la rtrongly against Smith, has put Into - the Congressional Record bis opinion of the situation In his state. Sum marized, this la that South Carolina will oppose Smith for the nomination to the last ballot; that If Smith gets the nomination In the regular way by the two-thirds rule. South Carolina will not Initiate or join In any rump convention; and Anally, that If Smith gets the nomination, some South Caro lina Democrats, though not a great many, will vote the Republican ticket, while a considerable number of them will remain away from the polls, but not enough. In any event, to throw South Curollna into the Republican column. Both Republicans and Democrats of Illinois held their state conventions, the former being strong for Lowden and the latter turning the delegates to Houston over to Smith. Republicans of Colorado refused to instruct their delegates at large for Hoover. Those of Delaware and Connecticut chose un Instructed delegations to the Kansas City convention, aud It Is expected these delegations will do their best to "draft" Coolidge. Senator less of Ohio, temporary chairman of the- na tional convention, says he believes It wilt be the duty of Mr. Coolidge to ac cept the nomination If a deadlock, real and not manipulated, develops. Meanwhile one national ticket al ready Is In the Aeld. The Socialists held their national convention In New York city and nominated Norman M. Thomas of New York for President and Jauies U. Maurer of Reading, Pa., for vice president Thomas Is a min ister and lecturer. Maurer Is a" mem ber of the Reading city council and president of the Pennsylvania Stata Federation of Labor. PUBLICATION of the government engineer's allotments for river and harbor work during the Sseal gear 1929 discloses that Eastern and South ern waterways, together with the Mis sissippi, Missouri and Ohio rivers, have the lion's share of the Items running over 11,000,000. Of the big allotments $7,225,000 goes to the Mississippi river between the Ohio and Missouri rivers and between the Missouri river and Minneapolis, $4,500,000 on the Ohio river, $3,030,000 on the Missouri, $1, 700,000 on the Hudson rlvpr, $1,200, 000 on the East river, $2,150,000 on the Delaware river, $1,000,000 on the In land Waterway from the Delaware river to Chesapeake bay, $800,000 for the Savannah, On., harbor, $800,000 for the waterway from Beaufort to the Cape Tear river, N. C., $050,000 for Miami harbor, and $1X125,000 for the Sablne-Neclies waterway, Texas. The Illinois river Is allotted $575,000 for Improvement work with the develop ment of the Illinois link of the Iskes to the gulf route. PRESIDENT COOI.IDOE, In an ad dress at the opening session of the annual convention of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution In Washington, criticised federal en croachment on the rights of the states and the growing Interference of gov ernment In business and the life of the Individual. Be was warmly ap plauded when he asserted that the American theory of society "rests upon a higher level than communism," and ottered a plea that the nation re turn to the high Ideals for which tba American Revolution was fought GEN. OSCAR CARMONA. dictator of Portugal, was inaugurated President of the republic, having been elected by regular suffrage without opposition In March. Violent earthquake shocks, extend ing over several days, caused the loss of many lives and vast destruction of property In the Balkans, mainly la Bulgaria. There were also destruc tive temblors la Peru and In Oaxaca date. Mexico. Ellsworth Mil too Statler, sixty-Ave, who rose from bellboy to ownership of more hotels than any other man In the world, died of pneumonia at the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York, which be ep aratqfL Forty parsons were killed In West Plains, Mo, by a mysterious explosion that wrecked a dance ball. Auto Make? it Easy far Get me to Traoel Dlgbwajra and automobiles, whllo raw n( the standards of health through the mdhaat IM* air. hare alao had a deterrent effect la that the Increased truffle baa given germa a larger Odd of operations. Prof. Uojd Arnold of the college of medietas. Ualrerdtj of nilnole. mode that statement la Hemming the ever automobiles," he said, "has changed the popOlatloo la more ways than no be easily estimated. "One effect of oar Improved mesne of eommunlcatlso and travel la that diet est can ha spisad rapidly hp coo tact over a la rye area as compared with former times. We are more to-, terceted to welt people as germ car riers aow thaa we are la sick people as germ carriers. Sick people Immo bilise the aw aires: they go to bed. Oarma are carried ffooi the rick to the - - t*.-? tbe value of Isolation gad qua ran tins. "The development of oar highways, however, and the associated ecooomlc and social ehancas have leaded to raise the general health level. The la creese In tbe hazards of contact with germ carriers has been offset by the increase In the health of the Indi viduals In ear population, and high ways and health are still Intimately bound np with the welters of the peo ple of tbe present day." Use?Ity mahan the ttarid brae* What Jumatra Is Like ' f Sumatran Woman of tha Rural Olatrlcta. (Prepared by the National Ueocraptale Society. Washington. D. C.) SUMATRA, largest of (lie Dutcb East Indies, und unlil fulrly re cently in the hands of savages. Is rapidly undergoing develop inenl by Its methodical rulers. It Is un Immense islund. nearly four limes Hie size of Java and thirteen times larger than Holland Itself, but Its war ded muted population amounts to less > than 3,200,000, most of which, for vari ous reasons, Is not srullable for labor. Ilecsuse of this the Island has been slow In attracting attention, although more favorably altuated Ihnn Java and rlclier In naturhl resources. Java bns already been developed. 8umutru Is an Hand of great future. In the development of thai future practically all the labor has lo be Im ported on short-terra contracts t'hletlj ll Is Chinese, which Is ezpenslva; Kllng, wldcb Is viewed with dlsfuvoi by the Rrltlsh Indian government; ot Javanese, wldcb Is unwilling to come und does not thrive In the climate. The best Idea of current life In Humutru Is to lie hod by leaving the towns behind aud striking Into the In terbir. From the capital. Mednn, the roud to the south at first lends through some miles of country dense and green with vegetation, with liny Ihntched nu live huts making pfciures<|ue brown spots In the midst of fruit trees and coco palms. As one approaches nenr er to the hills, this glvee way to open plains covered with high gross and low bushes, the characteristic tobacco land of Hell. The larger estates, especially those of the Dell company, are divided Into sections under the administration of assistant managers. Knelt year only one-tenth to a fifth of their enormous area Is nnder cultivation, since to maintain the high quality of the to bacco grown the land la lefi fallow for from Ove to ten years after each crop During the flrsl year the native* arc la-rmllted to grow rice upon the fallow flelda; then th* soil Is left lo Itself und to Hie bustles nud rank grass which rooa cover It. The totfllcco crop Is a rich one, bnt lie demands II makes upon the land and upon labor are such that It If not tnrprlslng to find the newer estates annually devot ing more and more "of their attention and territories to rubber aod otber lesa exacting products. Up Through the Plantation*. Gradually ascending In altitude, the roed peases through many miles of these monotonous, fa How lying plaint, their desolate appearance only In creased by an occasional row of on used drying sheds and a few flro blackened trunks of hog* toealnng trees, solitary survivors of the primeval forest 'Hit sections actually In cultivation, however, art extremely Interesting, with many arret of magnltJcent tobac co plants growing to a height of Ore or aix feet In ctoeely planted parallel ridges. Frequently they hedge the road on both aldea and extend la on broken rows aa far aa the aye can follow over the rolling BHda. The work of the plantation la many ?Ided and the enrloua nationalities em i ployed are usually engaged In I belt own distinctive branches of labor. Thus, altboogh aotnetlmea replaced by olber races, cblocsa predominate In the actual work on the tobacco plants; the bollock-cart drivers are Klluga; the carpenters are Boy ana; the Jav anese are woodmen, road builders, and gardeners; and Ilia Bataka and Su matra Malaya, wbo are not obtainable la large numbers nor reliable for sou talned labor, dear the land prepara tory to planting, and bo lid roads and imbeds. The yblqoltooa Sikh la often found la bis favorite capacity of guard or Unas ad lag Mill beUoefc cans wltb loose roofs of thatcbed palm leaves, matting, or even sbeet tin, rum ble slowly up and down the roads, bnullng supplies and mnterlal for the estates. Many of the slow-plodding In dian oxen are magnificent big Gurerat animals, wltb large humps and long silky dewlaps, and, wltb their red-tur baned Tamil drivers sitting on the floor of the open-fronted carts, are strongly reminiscent of the tea plan tations of Ceylon. The road Is very good, wide, and well made. There la practically no rock In this part of the Island; and the metaling, for the roads must be Imported; nevertheless, the chief high ways of the coastal plains and the pass over the mountains are all macad amised. In tbe highlands, where metaling has not yet been attempted, such roads as exist are of a very dif ferent type, "fhese are of dirt or clay, well built and maintained, and good In dry weetlier. Rut Sumatra has an enormous uunual rainfall, and during the wet season there clay roads be come almost Impassable. Mountains and Qrsat Forests. The roud from lledan to the In terior, however, gives no warning of what Is to follow. Leaving the plains and die tobacco plantations. It grad ually uscemls through wilder country, and presently, with well engineered zigzags, begins to climb Into the mountains. As the road climbs higher die sctnl tropical vegdtatlon which has suc ceeded the coarse grass of the denuded plains gives way In turn to magnifi cent virgin forests, unbroken except for the narrow, winding path of the road. Tbe enormous stralgbt-trnnked trees, ensnnred by giant creepers, vines, and huge air plants, make so thick a canopy overhead that only a dim twilight filters In, and that falls to reach the ground through tbe dense, Impenetrable tangle of vegeuUon. Little brooks of clesr water rush steeply down the mountainside, hurry- . Ing to the sluggish yellow rivers of the plains their tiny contributions for tbe cxtcnslcme of Sumatra's coast 11 up tcrflles flit In lite blue-black rhadows; Jungle fowl, their brilliance all sub dued In the obscure half light vanish silently from tbe edges of tbe road as one approaches, and other little creep ing and fugitive things seek tbe se curity of the anbetraylng Jungle. Insects with voices ont of all pro portion to their probable size scream shrilly from the branches, sod the occasional whistle of a bird or the dull boom of a falling tree echo through the tllenL dark recesses of tbe wood. Much of (bo life of tbo Jungle I* to bo mo aloog thlo little frequented road wblcb opeoa ap tbo rary heart of tbo rlrglo forest; bat Infinitely mora Is tbo observer observed. Sometimes tbo craek of a broken branch betrays tbo hurried withdrawal of a larger animal, or a whirr of wlnga that of soma startled bird; bat only ooe's owa sixth sense tells of tbo bidden watch ers who silently follow an Intruding man's progress with wondering, nn frteodly eyes. Tbo swaying of branches overhead as one slgrags ap Mm peas does not mean wind la (bo quiet forest; K means monkeys, and tbafp antics ana aa unfailing amassment. Some wait In all en co on til tbo traveler draws oaar, then plunge back Into tbo forest with a crash of branches wblcb In evitably produces tbo shock they seem to have designed. Some tear furiously aloog through tbo tress la a desperate attempt to ernes la Croat of tbo car. When they do cross, far overhead, la a stream of small gray bodies flying through tbo air between tbe trsetopa. they aa fartoaaly race along on tbo otbar aide and erase bock *ala. ? l CUPPED I | WINGS | Kkr Dk J. Walsh.) NETTIE QBIOSBT stamped her toot Impatiently, but the neat Uttla white baa in the pansy bed went right on with her angleworm entree. With an expert ewoop Nettle had the hen by the legs, and la aplte of fluttering and squawks carried her Into tbe aummer kitchen. Shining aclaaora anipped the ben'a white wings. "Iou'11 atay pat from now on. Un tU your wlnga grow, at leaat Now try your orer-tho-tonce atunt 1" Beleaaed In the wlre-incloaed poul try yard tbe hen did In truth try her wlnga almoat at once. It waa moat boring In that pen. Out and over tbe fence were dellcloua tld-blta hidden In flower beda and potato patchea But queerly enough the trnaty wlnga which bad alwaya before borne her up over the top wire of the netting about the yard utterly failed ber now. Something waa wrong. She fell back, to cluck her Indignation In ber gravel-covered run. Nettle watched ber with amuse ment. Then auddenly ahe discovered that ahe waa wasting a morning which she had meant to spend quite otherwise than with tbe chickens. "Myrtle will be at the library by this time. Uncle doesn't mind If bis luncheon la a bit sketchy this warm weather. Or bis dinner either. It will be so easy for me to slip o# tor the afternoon with Myrtle. And such en trancing work) If 1 must be burled here In this bole of a town while uncle thinks be baa rheumatism, rm entitled to soma relief. TU tell Myrtle I must have the work. She la sympathetic, and every body knows ber Hear' undo Is. It will be settled la no time." Nettle, on ber way to ber own room to cbangi ber linen a mock tor an outdoor costtnne, glimpsed a hit of color whirling down tbe street A second glance aaaured ber It was Sue Badley. Sue must have a new dress, and such a red. too. Tbe flivver cer tainly was the tladley car. A little twitch at her eonacletcp disturbed Nettle for an Instant Sue bad been helping Myrtle at the library for two or three rears. And bow Important that helping waa?to Sue. "But abe doesn't need the money, and ahe baa so much to do on the farm, anyway. It really will be a kindness If I take the place." Not away from her. Nettle did not call | It ithnL Just fill In temDorarllv. There were all the new book* to cata logue and, for another thins, her ex perience In filing op there In the dty would be welcomed by the over worked Myrtle. "Indeed you are a godsend. Nettle," the librarian Informed her an boor later, "We bare *o many new con venience* that are a nuisance, really. And you will know all about them. Sue I* a dear, bat, well, b'm." # A page of Soe'a acrlbbly writing lay on tba desk as the two talked, and Nettle contrasted In ber mind her own neat copperplate. She waa doing a favor In taking this place, with ber accuracy and efficiency. Bo every one aAmed to think, too. Tho Elderrrlll* Argns carried a pleas ant little Item that week about "our talented townswoman. Miss Nettle Grigsby, who ha* consented to assist Miss Myrtle IIalnes In the manage meut of the Eldersvllle library. Miss Grigsby left a lucrative poeltloo In the dty office of Goldlng A Ooldlng to care for ber aged and Infirm uncle. Clayton Grigsby. Success, Mis* Grigsby, aays th* Argus." Very nice, thought Nettle's neigh hers. Little Miss Alma Austin flat tared out to ber gat* as Nettie paaasd ou* night and begged ber to accept the leadership of the En tie Nona Li brary drd* for lbs year. Ber. Mr Maasay beamed en bar when he hap pen ad to moat bar la the post office. All at one* Nettle Mt aba bad b* com* a. public character. And Code Clayton waa carod tor well enough. H* never bad maeb to say anyway. H* could mad hie "Bo awn Empire" just as well with bar la the cool library three blocks away aa with ber cooped ap la the hot kitch en, or chasing tba bona out o< the *U*tb*1nMls war* a bit bakaky fla vored It wouldn't matter. It waa only afternoons she stayed at lb* library aad who could cook an tba aftaraooo la summer! Not Nettle. The only ana who did not soma overjoyed with the now arrangement was So* Badley. So* did not bring la great bonthaa of daisies aad jar* of cottage' Hi eras any mor*. Whan Nettle mot bar at church Sua only amllod stiffly. Instead of the jolly evenings on tba side parch while Dado Clayton smokod his pipe la tba dining tosa^Sno^sMdoai wgiatMnwh * A.. ' 'uJj S -Ki. 'Si fi*? ii t.'.ftf;-! after bar errands at post office and' Jt grocery aba whirled the flivver teat 3 past tba Grlgsby house. Myrtle had duly reported NetOefe Jd need of tba position, of course. Bat Sua did not believe the atory. aba thought aba bad failed u assistant. And bar brows eyas took a bard laafe ' that came from toe many tears aba abed alone. Whatever happened aba would never bag any one's sympathy. Many a farm woman knows bow aba ML But few farm women are the harp In ea of their own stories; as Hdara villa awoke to find, one bright as- - tumn day. ; ! A celebrity was la their midst A real one. Mo leas than a poat so groat that ba wgs rated above at Uonalres. And be bad bind a car o< Sam Hook at the Elite garage and inquired the way to the Hadley tem. Only thoae who have lived la small towns can understand tba excite ment rife In Elderavllle about that time. Some cousin of the HadleysT They came from that vague region knows as "Back Bait- Come to think of ft ' ' Mrs Uadley bad such an lntellectaal look, now didn't aba? A noble brow. Miss Alma Aastln said. And Mr. Hadley waa really quite t bright man. Ever so many bad no ticed It Postmaster Rankin mam* t toned tbe fact that they took soma One magazines. Druggist Thornton remembered that the Hartleys never bought patent medicines. Or, at least only |pe ones he personally as sured them were doctors' prescrip tions. Discriminating family, all said. Tet no one Included Soe la tbe glory. 8be bad failed. Sue hadn't been quite satisfactory as library as- . slstant Miss Nettle Orlgsby bad had to take bold and straighten out a lot of things after 8oe?a bam, hi signed. Nettle beard all tbe talk, a bit touched up by Myrtle, who dearly loved romance. In our book covers. But that afternoon, at tbe Literary dub, things happened. Tbe celebrity was real. And he came accompanied by the high-school principal, who had met blm before. Everybody waa In a state of blissful fneslnces Even Net tle held her breath when tbe visitor grew eloquent over his errand la tbelr "charming little dty." "To award tbe year's poetry prise given by the Pacific Quarterly. And I may say we have found a genius. Yea. a genius." Tbe celebrity was not so good at speech-making but he might bass done bis showing off by singing Jaaa, for all tbe attention the Uterary dob paid to blm. The ooe who held their eyes was Soe Hadley, blushing and trying to back around behind somebody after she had thanked tba gentleman for the check so hand somely presented In a leather and fffltfl MM. Sue Oadlej 1 Utile Sue, who never had time to put ber dress on the rlfbt way, and who bought the flrat one (he M* - anyway. Sue, wboee bands were so cramped with tarn work that In ber afternoons at the library ber poor angers just wouldn't write legibly. Sue, who had gone borne and cried her eyes out, who wouldn't go to tat tle and snap out of ber the "why" of It alb The celpbrlty was chatting on. taw that tbe presentation was made and be could just talk, he developed a tery pleasing style. "Like a little bird with dipped wings, Is your Miss Hadley. Bat I find She doesn't waste her ttaie mop log, or fluttering vainly abost Or getting Into other people's gardens. A tame little bird, as pretty domerile fowls are. But bow we should miss tbem were they gonel Bow we. should miss them P Everybody smiled at Sue, egiwelng down In a comer by fat Bra. A twill. Everybody wanted to Use her and congratulate ber. Been Nettie har ried up and bagged her until aha gasped. But It was not the bag whkh made Sue look so pretty, with the eld smile spilling all over bar then. It was something Nettle whispered: "I never dreamed yes loved the library ael And you had a right there so much mete than tl And you're going back. Tomorrow, ru not have a adnata for work Uke that this winter. Dade wants as many attentions In the cold weather, and neat summer Tm going to raise chickens really. Not Just a tow eg them, but a let I believe 1 like them better then books. They get soma* where eoam of them." Bee took NetdCe speech with ? grain of salt but tt that lady had : made ap her toted. that settled tL No more clipped wtnge for the peat of Bdersvilla. Id Bgyptlaa tombs have baas foaad places of a brtUtaat aeariat ?oetrans parent glaat t^mmpoaltlonjrfwhlch IS the fifteenth watery the Chinese rediscovered the sweat of tide ghat- ; hut agate tta wdgs^w^lestte be |