The Alamance gleaner VOL. UV. GRAHAM, N, C., THURSDAY MAY 3, 1928. * NO. 13. * ? w : -? * ? ?" * ? ? ' ? ?' - : s i HAPPENNINGS OF THE WEEK| NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENTEVENTS Ohio and Bay State Pri maries Boost Stock of Hoover and Smith. By EDWARD W PICKARD EPRESENTATIVE MARTIN B. Madden of Chicago, for year* one of the most active and useful members of congress, collapsed Fri day In bis office In Washington and within' a few minutes was dead. For a long time Mr. Madden had been In poor health, and bis recent hard work as chairman of the appropria tions committee and In trying to bring the house around to the Presi dent's views on the flood control leg islation we>e held responsible for the heart wttack that ended fatally. Mr. Madden was seventy-three years old and was a native of England. He had represented the First Illinois dis trict In the house since 1905. LAgT week'* primaries, especially Id Ohio oud Massachusetts, pro Tided base for the claims that the Ite publican and Democratic natlcnnl conventions will nominate Berber! Hoover and Al Smith, respectively early In the balloting. In the case of Hoover the result In Ohio was consid ered especially convincing, for, though the Lowden and Dawes forces made desperate efforts to defeat him. the secretary of commerce won all seven of the delegates at large and at least 24 of the district delegates. This was more Hum his most enthusiastic sup porters had expected, and the antl Hnnverltes were correspondingly de pressed. One most notable feature of the voting was the defeat of Senator Fess. selected as temporary chairman of the Republican convention, for delegate at larg^ He will not decline the honor of presiding, but must go without credentials as either delegate or alternate. Hoover ran sway with the Ohio preferential vote In Ohio, and also In Massachusetts, and his managers claim 30 of the Bay state delegates, who are unlnstructed. They hope, too, that the Tfi unlnstructed delegates chosen last week by Penn-* sylranla will he led Into the Hoover camp by Secretary Mellon when the strength of- the Hoover vote Is dem onstrated In the early ballots. Mich igan's state convention Instructed that state's 33 delegates to vote for Hoover "as long ns he Is a candidate for the Presidency." and live of Nevada's olne have declared their preference for Hoover. The line-up of the dele gates an far chosen shows: Hoover. 533: l-owden. 183; Cnrtls. 24; Norris. 28: Borah. It: unclassified, 203. Gov. Al Smith captured the Maasn thusetts delegation of 3d and probnhlv it least Wt of the Pennsylvania dele gatton. In addltlonllt Is assumed all the Ohio delegates, 48 In number, will climb Into the Smith wagon wlieh they have obeyed their Instructions to vote for Atlee Pnmerene. So Smith Is now way ont In the lead with 471 practically, assured votes. Reed cotphes next with fid. and Pomerene. George. Ayres and Hitchcock are trailing. It seems certain that Smith will hare a majority on the first ballot at Hous ton. and his enthusiastic boomers be Ueve he will have the requisite two thirds. 733J4. on that first vote. THKHE hai bepo ? rather wide spread tinpreealon that the grain growint atates of the Middle Wni would prefer Lowden to Hoover aa the Republican nominee, the Idea be ing that the farmer* believed that the work of Hoover aa food administrator during the war was InlmlraJ to their Interests. That this Impression la oot necessarily correct and I* based on misinformation as to Hoover's alti tude toward the agriculturists hotb during the war and at the present ttma. Is the contention of Don IJvfng aton Of Watertonn. 8. I>.. former state commissioner of agriculture. * "I know of no firmer who has ever been associated with Herbert Hoover either to bis fbod administration work daring the wer, or In his relief or nth ar activities since the war. who Is not actively supporting blin today for the Presidency." said Mr. Mvlngsino "On many occasions my work In he half of the farmer brought me to net Suet With Herbert Hoover. In Renfrm ber, 19)7. flu rule* of the gralrr ?Mtd held It In a secret trust fund for the ultimate benefit of the. Standard and the Sinclair Crude Oil Purchasing companies: He said the directors of tha Standard bad al ready turned the entlte sum over to the Sinclair Purchasing company Stewart's belated admission 'wan re ported to tha senate by Senator Walsh, and n resolution was adopted urging the oil man's Indictment for. perjury. The preeecutlon of I he pending Indict ment of Stewart for contempt also was demanded by the Indignant sen ators CONFIDENCE In President Cool IdgSf Nlrarngnan policy tm shown nf the senate when thai hody passed the t3M.U0U.llt)li naval appro priation Mil after decisively defeat Inn three amendments offered hy radical Republicans, that would force the withdrawal of American marines from Nicaragua. A few Democrats voted with the radicals hut they were de sorted by Borah, although he opposed the sending of the marines to the Central American errantry. The mess ore as passed raises the enlisted strength of the navy to Mini. carries t32.0dn.0no for aviation, Including fqnda for the construction of two giant dirigibles, and provides appro*! tpately fh0.0nn.nno for new Ship con stTuctlon. COMBINED force* of the Chines* Nationalist* and the army of Pent Yu-hslang, Christian general, an making their way toward Peking through ghantnng province. They cap tured Tainan, capital of the province and an Important key position, and took, large stocks of war material Previously Peng's troop* bad occupied Tsinlng and word has come tb*t sol diers killed Dr. Walter P. Seymonr American Presbyterlao missionary there. Both the Nationalist and the Peking governments have protested against the action of Japan In send ing troop* Into Shantung province. S KCH ETA It T OP STATE KKU l/KJO'S plan for s multilateral treaty to end war has the adherence of at least no* power, though It Is i:ot no* of the "groat" one*. The Polish government Instructed Its minister to Washington to accept the American proposal with s few minor exceptions which It was believed could he ad justed easily. Premier Brtand of France made public hi* proposals for a similar treaty, and. our Rial* de partment officials did not Ilka them a little Ml There la small chance of their being approved by the govern ment. The plan offered by Brlaod Is described In Washington as more of * treaty to Justify war than a part to outlaw IL Frank lock hart, ooe or the bom (oaoos oT automobile racers, met death at Dajtooa Beach Ha.. la aa attempt to eetaMlah a new speed record. a tire of the Slots special boflt on his design Mew oot while he was trarellng at a speed of shout 300 afles aa how sad the car was cats polled Baajr feet, hart I log slang the sands. Lochbart was almost Instant \j killed. ' Other deaths of the week locloded those of ArcLMabop Mora r del Rio. exiled primate of Mexico: Bdroo Oknra. millionaire Japanese mer chaot; C W. folds. loader lo finance and dele weak la CfclCMB. and Baron Beter Wrangel. erstwhile leader of the -While" Bnaatano. Urge Sorghum Crowing in Boil Worm Fight Grain sorgtiains. arltb Won Worth their moat prominent market, likely *111 become an Important (arm crop o west Tezaa If the proposed -non ?itton xooe" la eatnbllabed a* an ef fort at pink boll worm eradication. Agricultural authorities recall that prior to tbs westward advance of cot ton grain sorgboau constituted the principal commercial crop at that m tbaa WjOOO acres of cottoa lid now ?ro Infested bjr the bolt worm. The MO. they soy. la well adapted to bOo, tbo itiiow Mn bud other onbttt tatee for core. With thoeaaada of seres of rings bud la oortbera and westers Texas loini under eottleatloo each year, the federal experiment statloe at Big 8pnagi ha* stadled the oas of grata sorghums la sarfsas aysteam of crop rotation. Basalts are ronadjgrattfr "' 'i riii: ' ?ii ?> thaa eottoaeaad balls, an* In can moo OH u I roach*** Both en Is aid bdAr or* remmiDetfderf as aa aeaaowkal wlator feed for cattle. Widespread planting of sorghum crops, H Is contended hiagsa on fba gOTarnoMofa action hi regard la tfea esabHshwent of ooacuttua so aw. Riperu derlaiv that pink hoi I worn tafbautlae M Tenia, nnies* curbed, way Hack, tka future develop mm of cooaa is lb* aoocbwaaiars states. Tka ila cat toe bait la Mtcb . e'.i jjf ? ,.tia?k r^rr\ | LOVE FOR V I BLUE I (? br D. J. Walak.t IT WAS Llda's first Say la the dress goods. She bad worked for throe years in the kitchen ware, on til abe bad come to feel a personal ac quaintance with every otenall In tbe department, and donble-bollers and Jelly-strainers bad come to be a very rltal part of ber existence. Tbe transfer came-as a complete surprise, although It made little dif ference to J-lda. Nothing mgde any difference. There bad been a time when she bad asfetred to a boyershlp, but that bad been while ber mother was 11 ring, and there bad been a real Incentive. But Llda's mother had been dead since March and there was no longer anyone Interested in her suc cess. And because Llda was so very lonely, sbe bad ceased to care berselt Her sales In tbe dress goods for tbe Brat day were not very large. Her fingers were bungling, and sbe was hopelessly slow in measuring off tbe materials for Impatient buyers. Sbe wondered bow long tbey would keep ber there. But tbe second day showed some Improvement, and soon Llda's sales mounted evqn higher than Miss Boland's, who bad sold dress goods for ever to many years more than Llda bad sold Mtchenware. One day tbey received a new ship ment of materials, and Llda enrolled a bolt of heavenly trine tageta. It bad a beautiful shimmer of silver and was exquisitely soft to tbe touch. All her Ufa,Llda bad hoped some day to possess just such a dress?a gor geous, shlmmery blue. Blue was Llda's color. Tin material waa very popular. All day LI da toaaiored off great lengths of It and the bolt dwindled rapidly. The more Llda measured ot It, the more she came to lore It The soft ness, the exqulslteness of It: Ity sllrer shimmer and Its daintiness seemed to represent sll that bad been lack ing In Llda's life. There were only Ore yards left on the bolt when ahe last customer turned sway. Just be fore closing time. Hesitantly, almost lovingly, Llda' smoothed oat tbe soft, Instroas folds. One more customer and tbe last of the lovely materiel would be gone. Lfda's mind was very suddenly made up. Of course, she had no use In the world for sucb s dress, but perhaps some day . . . And she turned to the supervisor. "May I?could I"?she faltered, but the supervisor seemed to understand st once whst she wanted. "How many yards are tbere left!" be asked. "give," replied Llda. "Then you bad better take It right off the bolt It won't last long In the morning, you know. And I doubt If, we will get any more In, in that same color. Pretty, Isn't It T "Ob, lovely 1" exulted Llda. "My favorite colpr." "Mine, too." smiled the supervisor. "Ton can Just wrap that and take It with, you tonight. Miss Hanley. ill sign your slip In the morning." "Ob. thank yon," glowed Llda. and she bugged tbe brown paper package all the way home In the crowded car. Her heart felt strangely Ughter than It bad been In all those lonely months since March. Was It Just because spring was coming, or was It the blue silk, she wondered. And then she fell to thinking of tbe supervisor. He was qolte young to bave attained to a supervtaorshlp. And what a pleas ant smile be badl She wondered vaguely If be might be married, and than abided herself for being so .fool ish. As If that made any difference I Tbe next week tbe spring sales be gan, and business In the silks In creased to a ma sing proportions. Llda wotted tremendously hard and was too tlied In tbe evenings to do any thing else bat read the paper and go to bed. 8he hadn't even time through tba day to choose a pattern for tbe bioe dress Tbe material lay to Its brown paper wrappings In her top bu rsas drawer. Ones or twice she had taken It eat and bald tbe soft, ehlav moving folds against her, and had flashed softly at sight of bar reflec tion to the mirror. Why, tbe was al most pretty I The Mica want tack to normal tta next week, and on Tuesday Lid* used tar pans to to to tta pattern depart ment 8be found precisely what aba wanted, and the draaa earn* to ba a lovely finlabed thine In bar mind's eya. Of course, aba redacted, aba was btterly foolish to bay such an Impractical dress, but It was nice to possess something pretty, area If one bad no need for It But she won da red at the Irony of fata wbsu tta management the next day announced the data of tta tta ploy res' annual dance. The em ployees' annual dance meant not a thing to LIda. There bad been four since aba bad been In tta employ of tta company and aba had not ooce been asked. The whole door pas bussing with excitement and It was " ? ' evident that nearly everybody wet going. Llda meaaured off yards and yarda of alike while Ulaa Boland and Ulaa Atkins discussed It She beard Ulaa Boland say she was going to wear cerise. Uda halt wished that abe might go. If only to wear the bine drees. She started when she heard the supervisor's name mentioned. Ulaa Boland'a vol<4 carried above the hum of the store. "Oh. sure, he'U ask me. He's asked me every time ao far. And he's the guy with the bank roll, too." "Time you got him to sign on the dotted line la all I got to say." ob served Ulaa Atklna. "Ton couldn't do no worse." ' It was absurd that Llda should feet a prick of envy, but abe disliked to associate Ulaa Boland and the super* visor. He was distinctly not ber "kind." Miss Boland and Ulaa Atkins fell to talking about the dance again shortly before closing time, and Uda foun

a aerlea of proceaalona. but the prto clpal and moot latereating feat are la the poor people. Oa tha I mat Sonday mordomos, or chiefs, wboee duty It la J to collect money and other gifts. arg ?elected for the eaaulag year. Tlie moat attracdra feature at carnival time la the "Battle of Flow era" in the aqua re of San Fraadace at Poota Delgada. Tboaa wieblng to participate prepare their eeachea tor that purpoae. covering them with elaborate floral deolgnr. Oarh of the Peepla The handkerchief egll forma the principal head covering of the older * women of the peaaanl claaa, while the younger weir fancy ' scarfB. Wooden ahoeu are also worn by many of the peaiant women and servants. The old Carpi oca, with Its cape pil ing over the shoolderu to prated the neck from the cold. Is not used as extensively by the men as la former yearn, but the taaaeled cap need by the laboring claaa la often aeen la the atreeta of Poota Delgada. la the dues man; or tne worn? wear a (pedal garb known aa the "cnpofe aodi cap*lie." The capote Is a long bine doak, to which la ah Itched the large bonnet-shaped hood known as- capello. which completely hides the face, extending far oot In the front and back. This costume Is a not found elsewhere In PortngaL Santo Maria, the second til Aid of the eastern district Is much smaller lhan St Michaels. On a clear day Its outline may be discerned from St Mlcbaela TIMa do Porte, on the bay of 8anta Luxia, Is the largest town. This Island furnlahes much of the | red volcanic day that Is nsed In the mannfactore of all kinds of pottery. I socb as the porous water bottles | that larp the water cool, sees, Jars, od other receptacles, some of which are eery artistically designed. The moantaihs of this Island range from 1.700 to 1.900 feet Of the central group, Payal Is the most important The dty of Horta is the prlndpal port It bas a erell proteded harbor and Is the great cable statloo of the Atlantic Mas cables connect the Azores with all porta of the world. A message has bsen sent around the world from New York da Horta In 11 mlnntea. The lace workers of Payal are famous foe their skill In making a beautiful drawnwork called "crivo." The Islands Of Pico, Tercel ra. Sao Jorge, and 0redoes (le dose to PayaL Pico Is separated from Payai by a narrow channel, only Ave miles wide. Tercel ra Is the most Interesting of this group from an historical point of daw. A naturally fortified place. Aagra. the picturesque capital, was the central point of battles sod poli tical disturbances of by-gooo times The castle of 8. Joso Batista, the old 8panisb fortification hnUt oa the slops of Monte Bra all. is an Inter eating relic of the Seventeenth cen tury. The massive walls of this cas tle extend dowp to the eon front and to the edse of the dty.