THE GLEANER IB80ID ITIEY THOSSDAI. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor* |1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. BnMra4 at Uw Pontomoa at Orataan. N. C., aa aaeKM-alaaa m attar. GRAHAM, N. 0., MAY 3, 1928. THE STRAW VOTE. The Charlotte Observer's ;>ol' for president, covering the month of April, closed with Sunday last.' The Democratic vote showed a total of G,98C, of which Smith re ceived 4*250, McAdoo 1504, Keen? stndy was made aa a place of ^^M^nSdat^triSrim was ? m senior in the University Inst year. The cost of publication was borne jointly by the University and those agencies In the county that coopei-aied In the book there are no mis leading statements of extravagant propaganda in the guise of adver tisement of the couuty's oppor tunities. On the contrary, the author adopted a method of im partial representation to insurel the essential data Its'own true face value. Copies of the book may b<- had by writing to the Extension Di vision of the University at Chapel Hill or the Burlington Chamber of Commerce. A limited number will be distributed free. U- D. C- Meeting This Afternoon. Graham CBapter of the U. D. C. is holding its regulsr monthly meet ing this afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. J. Henderson, who with Meed am es Wm I. Ward and W. Krneat Thompson are hostesses for the evening. Mrs. B. S. Qrsves of Yaoc- yyille, fith District Leader, is present to make a talk. She is accompanied by Mrs. Anderson. A feature of this meeting will be a paper by Mrs. M. It. Rives ou "Reconstruction days in North Caro lina?political, economic nud social. - I Grady Pugb, Bank Robber, Back in Alamance Jail. Grarly I'ugli, who escaped from the county jail oa the afternoon of April 12th, ha* ended hi* vacation, lie was arrested in Kobeeou county* the latter part of last week and brought back here Sunday by Dep uty H. .Stockard. Deputy W? C. liritt of Lumberton gets the $100; reward. l'ugh escaped through an ?owning 7 by 11 inches in a Graham jail cell. The opening has been materially reduced in size to prevent auolboresckpe. for l'ugh'feels much smaller How than when he went out. l'ugh is held here for holding up tie cashier and robbing the bank at l.lon College. In Kobeson he had settled down an a farm helper, and by way of "dressing up" had dj\d his hair' ami mustache red. A Correction. The family of the late John Black rei|uests~TnK Gi.kankk to state that an error was made in acknowledging flie (lowers sent by Graham Chapter I of the Daughters of the Confederacy. The acknowledgment was sent to the Burlington Chapter, due to the fact that the wreath was furnished by a Burlington florist and the card said from U. D. C. without specifying the chapter. ? tt ?~?: Confederate Veterans' Dinner Will 1 Be May 18 j On account of tbe Confederate ? Veterans' Reunion at Little Rock, 1 Ark., next week from the 8tb to 1 11th, and tbe absence of aome of tbe ] veterans on tbe lOtb, Graham Cbap- ] ter U. D. C. has postponed ita din ner, heretofore given the veterans on Memorial Bay, till May 18tb. The usual memorial service by tbe daughters, however, will be held , on tbe 10th. Tbey will meet at tbe Confederate monument at 5 p. in , and tb9 pnblic ie cordially invited i to attend the exercise. Commissioner's Sale ol Real Property. By virtue of an, order of the Superior Court of Alamance county made> in a certain pro ceeding therein pending enti tled: "Mrs. M. F. Gattis vs. J. M. Gattis," the undersigned commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at the court house door in Graham, ft. C., upon the terms hereinafter set : out, to the last and highest bid der, the following > described real property, on ? ' MONDAY, MAY 28th, 1928, at 12:00 o'clock, noon. X certain tract oi parcel of and in Burlington township, ' Alamance county, State of : North Carolina, adjoining the ends of J. W. Holt, James Baldwyn, Southern Railroad, Mo!lie Stockard and ? others, bounded as follows: Beginning- at an iron stake, North side of railroad, Bald wyn's corner; thence N 68 deg W 1 ch 53 Ike to an iron stake; Holt's corner; thence N 2 deg W 3 chs 80 Iks to an iron stake; thence N 7J deg W 2 chs 28 Iks to an iron stake: thence i | i ???? 3 74} deg E 1 ch 75 Iks to. an iron stake in Baldwyn's line; thence 8 H deg E 6 chs 35 Iks to the beginning, containing o one acre, more or leas. i Terms of Sale: Cash, or at j least one-half cash, and the bal- 1 ancr parcel of. land in Patterson township, 'Alamance county, ?itate of North Carolina, and ad joining the lands of John M. 3oble, W. T. Pickett and others md bounded as follows: Beginning at a persimmon, running thence N 74 deg E 45 poles to a stone, W. T. Pickett's corner, (formerly W. C. Horn itday's); thence N 150 poles to a stone, W- T. Pickett's corner; thence W 43 poles to a stone; thence S 151$ poles to the be ginning, containing 43 acres, more or less. Second Tract: Certain tract or parcel of land situate in Pat terson township, Alamance county, State of North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of J. C. Eulis8r Ward Mill, lot and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock formerly a whiteoak tree, running thence W 57 poles to a rock C. C Thompson's corner; thence S 151 poles to a rock in said Mill lot; thence N 74 deg E 48 poles, to a rock pile in Euliss' line; thence N 57 poles to a rock; thence S 11 poles to a rock; thence N 82 poles to, the begin ning corner, and containing 48$ acres, but to be the same be there more or less. Third Uract: Being a lot or pdrcel of land containing six (6) acres, more or less and adjoin ing the lands of R. C. Horna day, Charles Moser and others and being the wood lands pur chased' by Claude Thompson from the Sara Pickett heirs and reference is mads to the deed for a more specific description. The above property is lands seized and possessed at his death by the late Q. C. Thompson. The sale is subject to a Federal Land Bank loan with the Fed deral Land Bank of Columbia, 8. C., and the purchaser may assume the said loan or pay the full, purchase price and dis charge the said loan. This sale is held by the Administrator to create assets to pay debts of the .estate of the late C. C. Thomp son. Time of sale: Saturday, May 12, 1928, 12:00 o'clock, noon. Place of sale: Courthouse door in Graham, N. C. Terms of sale: Cash. J. C. EULISS, Administrator of the estate of 'C. C. Thompson, Liberty, N. C., R. F. D. No. 3. T. C. Carter, Att'y. "He u thoroughly faauiiar with the daties of the office and possesses the ability aad character to perfona then with credit to himself aad hoaor to the State aad the Democratic Party." M. L. SHIPMAN tfibmits his candidacy for the office of Commissioner of Labor and Printing To the Democratic Voters of the State and respe&fully solicits your a?Uoe support now and in the Democratic Primary, June 2,1928 NORTH CAROLINA FIRST IN ALL THINGS ' Leadership jg ;' In keeping with the policy ol Rendering the utmost In service RICH & THOMPSON ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL OF A NEW HENNEY SEDAN INVALID CAR An Efficient Car Powered with a Straight-Eight Lycoming motor which develops 88 full horsepower. Engineered to perforin perfectly, quietly and almost without effort. A Convenient and Comfortable Car? ' 148 inch wheel base, roomy interior, neither patient or passengers are crowded as in case of an ordinary sedan converted for ambulance use. Patient ridee in center ot car ihstead of over rear axle. Ldads from side, placement or removal can be made with extreme ease. Equipped with Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock Absorliers. A Dignified Car^ > ? Does not create the excitement or attract unwelcome attention as the ordinary ambu lance. Distinctive, it impresses one with the thought that a new dignity has been in troduced into Ambulance service. _ c^iiperj of funeral SerVic^ Ml atLoWesbyhssible ^asbiSi . f tMf mi IWnIfifmL |la the coatoadioa of thfe latest a?*i- > I f tola to J Rich * Thompson's I Motor Eqnlpment 1 Everything hot booa forma to provide for ^ I ettlcleat aat comfortable use. I HRich ^Thompsofi I ^tinerai nircCtar# I BURUflOTON , GRAHAM I pnojk. I077 C=>C ~ PHONE W7 I ' STATEMENT Commercial Casualty Company, Newark, N. J. j Condition December 31. 193T, u Shews by Statemeat Filed. i Amount of capital paid up in cash $ 2,600,000.00 j Amount of Ledger Aaaeta Dec. 31at of previous year, < $13,399,860.38; Increase qapltal during year,?; Total, 13,'399,860.38 j Income?From Policy holders, $12,082,037.50; Miscellan eous, $934,124.29; Total, 13,016,161.79 Disbursements?To Policyholders, $5,464,851.11; Miacel- , laneous, $6,766,431.0$ Total, 12,231,282 19 , A8SET8 * . Value of Real Estale I 508,215.28 , Mortgage Loana on Real Estate , , 5,993,750.00 ? Loans seoured by pledge of Bonds, Stocks, or other * collateral 25,000.00 Value oj Bonds and Stocks 4,748,940.97 Cash in Company's Office 1 / 133,067.27 Deposits in Trust Companies and Banks on interest - 441,177.65 Premiums in course of Collection.. 2,165,982 70 InteVest and Rents doe and accrued 124^417.51 Bills Receiyable 69,465.51 < All other Assets, as detailed in statemeut... 734,819.48 . - Total ;!$ 14,944,836.37 1 Leas Assets not admitted ^ 327.282,42 i Total admitted Aaaeta 1 $ 14,617,553.95 ? " EIABILITIES Unpaid Claims , $ 3,568,827.03 Expense. Investigation and Adjustment of Claims 25,900.00 Unearned Premiums. 4,589,992.74 Commission, Brokerage, and other charges due..... 411,711.53 Salaries, Rents, Expenses, Bills, Accounts, Fees, etc., due or accrued 31,122 65 Estimated amount for Federal, State, county, and mu nicipal taxes .. 240,000 00 All other Liabilities, as detailed in statement . .jL_ 750,000.00 Total amount ol all Liabilities exoebt Capital $ 9,617,563 95 Capital paid up $2,500,000.00 Surplus over all Liabilities, $2,500,000.00 Surplus as regards Policyholders .$ 5,000,000.00 Total Liabilities $ 14,617,553 95 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1927 * Premiums Rec'd Losses Paid Accident __ f 11,634.90 $ 3,408.51 Health J J 15,275.98 9,758.88 Auto Liability .. r. _ 8,372.79 1,468.15 Liability other than auto 24,092.14 9,112.05 Fidelity __ _ 1,109.00 258.16 Surety 15,375.84 12,559.21 Plate glass 2,140.76 599.63 Burglary and -theft ;.. 1,687 35 Auto property damage 4,864.73 3,102.14 Aujo collision ^ ' 2,159.01 2,706.97 P roperty damage and collision other than aah>..._ 51.00 Total - <86,763.60 $42,973,70 President, C. W. Feigenspan; Secretary, W. Van Win^e; Treas urer, W. C. Garrison; Attorney for service, Dan C. Boney, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C.; Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA?INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Raleigh, Feb. 16th, 1928. I, Dan C. Boney, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Commer cial Casualty Company, of Newark, N. J., filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company on the 31st day of December, 1927. Witness my band and official seal, the day and date above written. (Seal) DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. STATEMENT ' (Columbian National Life Insurance Company Boston, Mass. \ Condition December 31, IMT, uUowl by HUtement Filed. Amount of Capital paid Hp in cash $ 2,000,000.00 Amount of ledger aeeeta Dec. 3 let of previous year, Increase of capital during year $500,000; Total See Life Income?From Policyholders $407,008.11; mia'l's Disbursements?'To Policyholders, 198.0Q6.2l; Total 387,390.93 A88ET8 Premiums in coarse of collection $ 97,787.69 All other assets, as detailed in statement ; 3,780.56 Total $ 101,618.25 Less assets not admitted Total admitted Assets See Life LIABILITIES Unpaid claims $ 70,058.18 Expanses, investigation, and adjustment of claims 1,500.00 Unearned premiums ' 167,407.67 Commission, brokerage, sad other rhsrflss due 25,694.34 Estimated amount for Federal, State, oounty, lnd mu nicipal taxaa ] 8,374.05 Reinsurance 6,697.66 All other liabilities, aa'detatiled in statement 4.844.57 - Total amount of all liability except capital.. ? 284,476.47 Surplus over liabilities ' . See Life Total liabilstaas ' 8ee Life BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1927 X Pnalun Ssc'd Losses Paid Accident $143.07 871.46 Health ; 197.33 14.28 Non-cancellable accident and health. 589.28 President, Arthar E. Chills Secretary, Wm. H. Brown Treasurer. Herbert L. Newton ' Attorney for service, Dae C. Boaey, Ins. Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C. ! Manager for North Os tidies. Homo Office. | STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA?INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Raleigh, rf. C. I I, Dan C. Boney, Insurance Commiaaioner, do hereby certify that the above is e true and twlfel abstract of the statement of the Colombian ' National Life Ioaannce Company, of Boston, Mass., Sled with this Da ; paftment, showing the oendition of said Company on the Slat day of December, 1927. Witness my hand end official seal, the day and data above written. ) - DAN t^BONKY^^k,^ , ? '.? t. ? ?*' . ? '"*/'? ?.'*? v - #, * ? ? -. .* - ...? 18...,av_ * iL e Miserable With Backache? Too Ofton This Warns of Shiniih Kldnay Action. "RVERY day find you lime and achy J-? ??nl?rin| nagging backache. headache and dirty epelle? An the kiiheejr i errnioee too frequent. ecanty or hamaig Id paaeage? Theee an au' UnDee^Wk Paaa'e.aajtima the kadneya and thus aid hi the ?6i*iatiee e^waen^roiriia An gear nefgUer/"" ^ IDOAN'S "&* ^rrawujrrmmrnc a kidneys ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Herlae qwllted ae AdaUaletfaUie. C.T-A. of theaewaef jogn a. WyaU. deoeaaad, lale at Ala ?anna eeeaitar.Sorth Carolina. t>ta late eottfyali peaapeakaatag iMaiaaalwItle aaMeatala to exhibit tbcra duly nrtW. to the aadanlaH at Ha* Klaer. (forth cero id sr gAVfivSiS "Jfil'oenoaa taOabted to aaM aetata win ||mm naba lMadifttt MttkBOQt. '?' ?I -'tv