"WORTH WEIGHT IN GOLD" Verdict of Woman Who Tried Pmkham'oCompound Tolly, N. T.?"It knit ma to walk ?r alt down without halp Mid I frit aick and weak. motberin Uw took Ljrdia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Com pound and the Induced me to take It. I em now on the fourth bottle and have aleo need Lydla E. Pinkham'e Sanative Waab. The madlrinee Chat wiu <10 lor mo what the vege tablo Compound and Sanative Waah bare done are certainly worth their weight In gold. I think 1 have given them a (air trial and I expert to take two more bottlee of the Vegetable Compound."?Mac. Chaxi.es Moo UK. R. 7. D. 1, Tully. V. Y. .n^M more Gas Sourness, Dizziness Heartburn or Distress after eating or drinking Not a laxative but a tested aure relief for digestive dis orders of the stomach and bowels. Perfectly harmless and pleasant to take. AWwIi'jw Dif?tion and Swaatmu tkm Braath of "ware ^ JaT V J - ] Sure Relief Bell-ans FDR INDIGESTION 29* AND 794 MCKAfiCS EVERYWHERE Rechltu, Anyway Policeman?I'm pulling you In tn feckless driving, endangering IN Uvea of pedestrians. Motorist?Why, man. there leo't a pedestrian on the street. Policeman?All right, then; I'll make it attempted suicide.?Boston Transcript. WOMEN, BUILD UP YOUR HEALTH! Roanoke, Va.?"There in nothing Ue Dr. rierce'a Favorite Preecrip t*?? for weak women. 1 Decanw au rundown in health, had no pappetite and could f not eleep. My nerve* ? were to unttrung I could not lie still. My back ached, I had paint In my aide, loet in weight and had no etrength left. I wae juet a* mieer able a* I could be wtwn I decided to take the Preemption.' It etreacthened my nervee, I could eet end alaep end wee aoon well end etrooc. I went from 117 to 1J0 end never felt heMer."?Mr* A. C Hemilton. 106 Commonwealth Ave. N. E. All dealer* Send 10? for trie] packer* et teblete to Dr. Pierce * Buffalo. N. ?? Christ mat Card* The earliest example of Ihe art of miking Christmas tarda la attributed to J. C Horsley. R. A.. who In 1840 mid* designs of this character. Sub sequently the demand (or three to krna became enormous, and at present Cbrlatmai cards are often of much artistic merit In both design and ?olerlag. THIM to MtMw qahe Hot Btpr fefftia lor all aorta of achat and fria* bat ba in ft it ttaoinc Bayar; that MM MMt be no the pecfaaa. ?ad as ?wy (ablet. Bayer ? |tsn> ha and (ba word giuMn lu red? it on every ban. Yon can't go wrong V yoa aitll jaat look at tha bos wfaaa apt bar <t: HiiifiBiMiBHf M Feel Tired and j- Achy? Too Often This Warn* of Sluggish Kidneys. T AME? Stiff? Achy? Sure your kidneys ere working right? Slug gish kidneys allow wests poisons to ' accumulate and make one languid, tired and achy, with often dull head aches; dizziness and nagging back ache. A common warning is too fre fluent; scanty or burning excretions. Doan's Pill*, a stimulant diurstic. increase the secretion of tha kidneys and thus aid in the elimination of bodily waste. Users everywhere en dorse Dean's. A>k your nctfhiorl IDOAN'S T I A STIMULANT DIURETIC ?"* KIDNEYS IbmrMiltarn Co. Mfg Chtm. Btiftelo. NY Blooming health is cv-j ident in &? clear com*l pled on.The? i_ impurities or fhensteman^ dhnmatedhy At Draf state or S7S Fear! tK.. H. T. Cttr* World'* Large it Statue Wlint will be the largest statue oi Its kind in thOv world Is to be erected In the bay at Rio de Janeiro, a hnge figure of the Christ, 100 feet high, says Popular Mechanics Magazine. It la the work of the Polish sculptor, I.andowslil. Goes Up Straight An Inventor In France claims to have developed an airplane which will rise straight up and Is operated by a compressed air motor. For COLDS there is noth ing like Sali-' con. Two of these when your cold sterts and it's knocked out before it really gets started. It may take 24 hours to break up a heavy stubborn cold but you can depend on Salicon; it will do the trick. No dor* in Salicon??tanr physicians pre scribe it?great for Flu. and grippe, too. At all druggists ft and SOc. Tbcre is ,no substitute for Salicon Doss Not Affoct the Heart Doss Not Upsot the Stomach I DON'T LET WORMS TORTURE CHILDREN Children who have worm* have not a chance of being healthy. Watch for the eymp tonu. Gritting the teeth, pick ing the noatrila, disordered atomach. , lie your child*! body of lh?M rela oui yarasltea. -OlT! him Prey*! V?. ? milage?Amtrlu'l tale. vegetable worm medic lea for 75 years. Bay It teday. At ell drug stores. Frey's Vermifuge Expels Worms HEADACHE ^Jk RELIEVED . . QUICKLY ?s Jd^TLiyVTrrizziLzzzipl caEtobmpiiis For Poisoned Wounds Try Hiafarf* Mm ai Mynfc h^-gtaaaar? I tar m? MM tf Mm I ? MM Ray >mn am |W M?c* I I MM far K. M eaaaa art aaa Rat- I I M MHtorailUMKI. I Notions About Seed Potatoes Doubtful Whether There Is Any Difference in Value of Each "End." (PrapiroS by iu DalUS Siatos Dopartraoal of Africa! tor*.) Much experimental work ha* been done with the potato to determine the beet method* of treating the *eed to secure the rnoit satisfactory yield*. The reenlt* have varied to the point of confuilon In many Instances. In technical bulletin No. 5-T, "Source, Character and Treatment of Potato Sets," Just laaued by the United State* ' Department of Agriculture, William Stuart review* the reiults of note worthy experimental work and In addi tion present* the result* of the de partment Investigations on the source, character and treatment of potato seeds. Value of End for Seed. The relative value of the seed and stem end of the tuber for seed pur poses has served as a basis of numer ous studies, both in this country and in foreign countries to determine which portion of the tuber will ordi narily produce the larger yield. Some growers are lb firmly convinced that the seed eDd of the tuber Is undesir able for seed purposes that they clip It off and discard 1L Other growers are equally convinced that the seed end Is superior to the item ead for planting. These different viewpoints have been responsible for repeated ef forts to demonstrate the superiority of one over the other. After a study of the literature In which each "end" of the potato has proved superior to the other In dlffer ent| tests, Mr. Stuart concludes that It Is doubtful whether there Is any real superiority of one end over the other for seed purposes. The data as a whole, however, seem to Indicate that as the weight of the set Increases there Is a greater response from the seed <nd than from the stem-end set Orsenlng Process. Sprouting seed potatoes In the light before planting them, a process known as "greening," has long been practiced by growers of early potatoes In most European countries In an effort to hasten the development of tubers of marketable slse early In the season. Greening 1* not yet a commercial prac tice In the United States. In fact the department studies, covering a period of years In four different localities, show rather conflicting result* when yearly comparisons are made, or when the average yields for the period are considered. Detailed discussion of the subject Is Included In th* bulletin. Consideration Is also given to the ad visability of planting Immature rather than mature seed. A copy of the bulletin may be ob tained by writing to the United States Department of Agriculture, Washing ton, D. C. Sensible Idea to Want to Own Only Pure Breds It Is a floe and sensible ambition for every farmer to want to own nothing bnt pure breds, and the ambition can be gratified. By starting with pure bred sires, and then securing an oc casional good pure-bred female, satis factory progress is possible. The young man who Is at the present time embarking upon the perilous enter prise of farming, may console himself with the Idea that If be oses good Judgment, and has at least a fair amount of "good breaks," be will en ter Into the sere and mellow years of retirement with a spendld live stock equipment and some mooey In the bank. His sons, carrying on where be leaves off, have the priceless oppor tunity of fixing blood lines and build ing up famlllet of stock. Beans All Summer ~ When a garden runs out of beans It seems Uke It Is about done for. Maybe that Is why a good gardener most always sees to It that be has a succession of beans coming on all the time. Pole beans planted In early June should give a steady supply of beans throughout the late summer and fall Bosh beans ought to be planted at Intervals of two to three weeks la order to Insure enough. One thing about beans that M In their favor Is that any that are not need can be kept over. Agricultural Hints Measaremeat to tba foundation of an engineering work. ? ? ? ? The bona* wren fMde Itself almost entirety on harmful Insects. see Popcorn that to top dry to pop can be pot la popping condition by adding a little water. see Best resells are obtained when Uae for alfalfa to applied before the need to sown if the soil to soar, for lime acta slowly. see Sow seeds of cos letters far a sum mer crop. It to the most beat-reslst ant aad an rest croppee of all the let tuces. No nee trying to start head lettuce this late. ess Good toots mod equipment may-ibeea the dMtenace between a good, rleee. well-enttlrated garden aad aae fall a( weeds. A little time vent-la over heating garden tends ?n bring ample payment Small Girl Know All About Wtfa of Noah The kindergarten teacher was telling her group the story of Noah and the arlc. Suddenly IKtle Isabel waved her hand wildly. "I know soinefln * else," she an- - nounced triumphantly. "Noah's wife could ride a horse!" The teacher was for the moment completely nonplused, and couldn't Juat then remember whether thoae were prehorse days or not. To gain time, she asked: "How do you know she could. Isa bel?" "'Cause I saw the picture and she was ridln' a white horse. An' I know her name, too." Again the teacher was not stqjs whether or not the Bible mentioned Mrs. Noah. "Well, what was It, Isabel I" "Joan. I saw the picture of the lady on the horse and daddy said It was Joan of Arc!"?True Story Mag azine. NewDressesfor TheSchoolGid %MAE MARTIN L?. Thousand* of cr mothers with (laugh- (F ters of high school or college age, hare f '|| problems like this h i r a. =t] Little Bock, Arkan- jMjWH sas, mother. She rrTojJ | says: "I don't be- M\\v^v llere I could hare /. jjf A put my daughter 'j\ I IM through the last two A 1 \ . p. years of high school and college without JJ, /, J,?D the help of Dla- (III ' \ Uj [ mond Dyes. Dresses *U1 LV?'1 long . out of style I I J U and / faded were \ I / | made new with a gjj] package or so of Diamond Dyes and L? the addition of a few dozen buttons and^a little braid. Sometime^ two dresses were com bined and brought up to date In lines that gave no hint of their past Peo ple nerer knew they were redyed when I used Diamond Dyes They never take the life out of doth or make It limp. They always make things fresh, crisp and bright" Diamond Dyes are true dyes like those used when the doth was made. Tinting with them la as easy as blu ing, anil dyeing only takes a little more time. Insist on Diamond Dyes and save disappointment'- They never streak, spot or run. My handsome new book, "Color Craft", will help you with your clothes and home furnishing prob lems Slzty-fonr pages of dollsr-sav Ing suggestions, fully Illustrated In colors It's FREE. Simply write Mae Martin, Home Service Dept. Diamond Dyes Burlington, Vermont "Men of tho Treat" An organization started six years ago by an Englishman among African tribesmen in tbe highlands of Kenya, with tbe object of enconraglng the na tives to replant denuded areas, has extended the scope of its operation and is now seeking to educate public opinion throughout the British empire in forestry and to Instill love of trees into all sections of the community. To this organization has been given tbe appropriate title of "Tbe lien of the Trees." Accommodating ' She?"1 don't Uke to be pawed over and kissed." He?"AU right?m kiss yon first"?Life. One of the secrets of enjoying life is net to want more of anything than yon can have. Less Kitchen Work Now SHREDDED Hfl ' "^B'7 |UK| *? Ready to serve for breakfast lunch or supper. Serve with strawberries and milkorcteam TRI5CUIT -Eat tttoasted and buttered Made by The Shredded Wheat Company Always Keep Coficnra Preparations On Jland The Soap, taeniae of its absolute purity and emollient properties, is unsoipiuscd for ereey-day use. Assisted by Cuticura Ointment it doss much to keep the skia and scalp, healthy. Cuticura Bkavine Stick J makes shaving easy for tender-faced men. Cutlcnra Talcum is the ideal toilet powder. s j?" Catic.ua Shaaiae Stick th.' A; ^ mH j B A ? ? It Kills Them! jt * Non-poisonous. ,/jjfry Won't spot or stain. "A Tha Baa on svary packaf a *y ?is'your guarantss. /jfti 8and for frta inaaet book- A* let. If daalar cannot supply ^ ?writs ^ McT,ocwkfc*C? , Beldame, Md. MBM????p?? BARE TO HAIR If you want to grow hair on your bald head, save the hair you have, stop foiling hair, dandruff, etc, write for literature and information. , W. H. FORSJ, Mfg. ? Scottdale, Penna. Race Mingling In Hawaii, according to the Hono lulu Ntppu-Jljl, intermarriage between ita many races Is becoming more and more prevalent. American men in the islands showed tbe highest percentage of intermarriage in the year ending June 80, 1927, only 152 out of a total of 383 being with women of their own people. Hawaiian women also inter marry frequently, for out of 271 mar riages recorded, 136 were with mem bers of other races. The Chinese, in spite of a popular belief that they are inclined toward Intermarriage, showed a total otbut 42 such weddings out of 175 men who were married. Only 29 out of 798 Japanese men married wom en of another race, and intermarriages among Japanese women totaled 41 out of 810. \ Took Eaglm on Hook The Reason's best fish story Isn't about fish. John H. Pitts, Alabama Polytechnic Institute football coacb, cast his line and a big bald eagle, also fishing, nabbed it In midair. The fish hook caught the eagle and Pitts land ed him. The blrdi measuring five feet, four Inches from wing tip to wing tip, was presented to the Institute's zool ogy department Complimont, Anyway "Will you marry me?" "You haven't a chance. But I rather admire your taste." No man, no matter what 41s preju dices, can hold out long against a man who likes him. imfe v%?.?'"?un-,- r?qWf fcrtSftSSS*?8 ALTO AGENCY AND OAKAdB L1t? Va. city; mIw 1110,000 yr.: 100 ear capacity; Balck aqeney; prion for r. ?.. 93MOO plus inventory. File J-1117. QBOCEBY AND MEAT MARKET Norfolk. Va.; rcpt* RMOO pr.; A-l loca.; price 10.7*0 plus ffiyentory. File J-0114. HOTEL?NORFOLK. VIRGINIA Downtown loca.; rt. 012*; sickness compels quick sale; total price Il.tOO. File J-170*. CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP Norfolk. Va.; rt. 0*0; rcpts 10,000 yr.; can be doubled; price only >1,000. File J-000. s RESTAURANT?NORFOLK. VIRGINIA Rcpts. 118.000 yr.; main traffic loca.: well equipped; big sacrl.. 14.000. File J-0800. _ THE APPLE COLE COMPANY 1001 Transportation Bid*.. Detroit. Mich. Skin bleach. Wonderful and sure. For proof use one complete box of Kremola. Cuiee the eybb^ oy ofJbesi'ajk CO., Dept. B, Rtt Michigan At*.', OhJeapo A Qf) tryri?qJ* JBabyeS5'^e?1SIWM or wllPnudl'eo^f^^MOT^^^sM-pace SOMETHING NEW For TImm Who Want Different Entertainment at Homo SPORT SOUTAIRE "?For You or Your Boy A little booklet explaining: how Jo play Baseball. Football. Bowling and many other sporting games with a deck of cards. Start a baseball season of your own. Be your own manager. Keep a record of the hits, errors and strikeouts of the men playing. For home entertainment It can't be beat. Can be played Solitaire or by any number of persons. To get your copy of the newest pastime, wrap up 26c In a piece of pa per and drop it in an envelope to gether with your name and address ' and send It to HERBERT J. BERTSCH 252 Prospect Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. WHITE PEKIN DUCKLINGS Special C. O. D. Offer. RIDQWAY DUCK HATCHERY. LaRoe. Ohio. ? x.ivr.1*-. moHT EVERY MOKMNO ?d NICNT TAKE. _ W. N. U? BALTIMORE, NO. 18-1928. Cat Can Hit Credential* George Nlederauer, a young college student, arrived in Washington, after getting lifts from San Bernardino, Calif., with the aid of a gasoline can. Flagging motorists with the'can and having them pick him up on the as sumption he was a fellow-driver In distress, the drivers would usually 'laugh when they found the gas con tainer was only the wanderer's suit case filled with clothing and continue to carry him on his way. Something' Brewing Ted?Last night when I got home my wife had my slippers ready, my pipe filled and? Harry?How much did her new hat cost? Nothing la more expensive than the things that are presented to us. ?eme sarazen - n. Brilliant Golf Champion Says: * "When it comet to the crucial moment, I tern to a Lucky Strike. They leave a toothing effect vpom my throat. They're great, they afford a real ptoume." * * 1k? Gnmi mi tkm Cup i ? ' * ' It s toasted" No Throat IrriUtion-No Cough. ??* ^ ^ ;? /;-? . ?3... ? "ilWliHi. i 1

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