THE GLEANER ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. m ? C J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. ? $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. , Entered at tne Postofflce at Graham. N. 0., as secoud-class matter. I GRAHAM." N. C? SEPT. 13, 1928. j Democratic Speaking. At the Court House at 8 o'ciock, Monday night, Sept. 17th, Mr. J. C. B Ehringhaus of Elizabeth City, leading lawyer of Eastern Carolina, and speaker of State wide reputation, will address the people on the issues of the cam paign. The people are invited to come out and hear him. Mr. Ehringhaus is a party lead er?mot a "bolter." Vance On Party Loyalty. hi Back in 1884, 1888 and 1892 the nomination of Grover Clev laud was vigorously opposed lor the reason that he was endorsed by Tammany just as Alfred E. {Smith is now. Men, hitherto staunch and unwavering in their party loyalty, became lukewarm and "bolted" the nomination. Cleveland was twice elected and gave the country two of the most virile administrations in the his tory of Republic, and to-day his administrations tower as beacons i in government affairs. The great Vance antagonized Cleveland's nomination, but when the nomination was made he did not sulk and give comfort to the ' enemy as some are doing now. He bowed to tfhe will of the majority, and what he said more than two-score years ago is as true now as it was then. Senator Zobulon B. Vance said: "An individual preference be fore the nomination of a candi date is one thing uud the duty of a true, man after that nomination has been fairly made is an other and very different ihing indeed. In the one case, a pref erence may be indulged in prop erly, without danger to the prin ciples we profess or the party which has those principles in charge ; in the other case we endanger both uud falsify our pretentious by contributing un deniably to the success of our adversaries. "If we refuse to abide by the voice of a majority of our fellow democrats, freely and unmistak ably expressed in friendly con vention, there is an end of a 1 as sociated party effort in the gov ernment of our country ; i? we personally participate in that consultation or convention and then refuse to abide by the decis ion of the tribunal of our own se lection, then there is an end 'of all personal honor among men. Postmaster-General New has a dense of decency and propriety. A few days ago he ordered the seizure of a lot of postal cards mailed in a New Jersey town, "which bore attacks on the private and personal life of Governor A1 Smith. There are lots of people, Wrho, it is believed, will be asbam ed that they took a hand in that aort of propaganda. A "whis pering" campaign is going on in the form,of letter-writing, which "would be unmailable under postal angulations, if the contents were lenown, and,by "word or month." !Much of it would not be tolerated Iu the open by decent opponents ?f the victim. Maine went Republican last 'Tuesday. Who expected anything jlse ? Was anybody looking Tor a miracle? If it had gone ^Democratic, a miracle it would ihave been. There ia nothing in the result to specially comfort IRepublicans or deject Democrats. Cooperative carlot loadings of poultry are held in Randolph ?County from once to twice each '.month by the county farm agent and the sales are bringing in an average of about $2,000 per car. A hog cholera eradication camp aign began in Pitt County on Sep tember 3. The county agent will neek to iumunize moet of the ani . jnals against attacks of this dis ease. Hotchpotch. The latest publication to come mt against the candidacy of Gov. f ill .teracy, the Catholic Church 1 ind paganism held the world in i heir grip, but the human race 1 lurvived. Once strong drink was tree as water in our country; i higher civilization curbed it, ind the march of temperance bids fair to move steadily forward to i saner control of its manufac ture and consumption as states uanship and science point the way. ORDER \uthorizio? the Issuance of $2,000. 00 Bonds of Alamance County, North Carolina, For School Purposes Be it ordered by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Alamance, North Carolina, as follows : Section 1. Pursuant to the County Finance Act of Nort h Carolina, bonds of the County of Alamance, North Carolina, are hereby authorized to be is sued in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $2,000. 00, for the purpose hereinafter designated : Section 2. The proceds of said bonds shall be applied sole ly to the erection and purchase of school houses. Section 3. That a tax suffi cient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds when due. shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. A statement of the county debt of Alamance County for school purposes has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said County, and is open to public inspection. Section 5. All expenses to be defrayed by means of the j bonds hereby authorized are necessary expenses of the1 County of Alamance, within j the meaning of Section 7 of] Article 8, and Section 3 of Ar-! tide 9, of the Constitution of North Carolina t and are necessary expense in order to enable the Board of Education to maintain its six months school term in Alamance Coun ty, as required by the Consti tution. Section (i. This order shall take effect thirty days after its first publication, after final passage; unless in the meantime a petition for the submission to the voters is filed under the County Finance Act, and in such event, it shall take effect when approved by the voters of the County at an election, as provided in said Act. "The foregoing order has been introduced and a sworn statement has been filed under the County Finance Act, show ing the assessed valuation of the County to be $33,500,000 and the net -debt for school purposes including the propos ed bonds, to be $282,450. A tax will be levied for the pay ment of the proposed bonds and interest, if the same shall be issued. Any citizen or taxpay er may protest against the is suance of such bonds, at a meet ing of the Board of Commis sioners to be held at 2 o'clock P. M., September 24, 1828, at the regular meeting room of said Board, in the County Courthouse, Graham, N. C.'? or at an adjournment thereof. By Order of Board. B. M. B0GER8, Clerk. One of the large condenser} companies is interested in Ala mance County and recnetly aent s representative to the county t< study the situation. Mr. White Writes Open Letter. o a Mebane, N. C., Sept. 11, 1928. v CI l'o the Hoard of Commissioners of c Alauiauce County : ti 1, together with a great many u >f the citizens of Alamance Coun- h ty, was very much surprised to f earn that your Hoard had au- >* thorized another issue of bonds * to the amount of $45,000. When a delegation of the tax- w payers of Alamance County went a before your Board several months I ago, opposing the bond issue of ? 1100,000, you were asked what '' this issue was for, and if there E were any other issues conteinpla- a ted or would be authorized. Your ? Hoard slated positively that there y would be no furthei issue of 0 bonds, as the $100,000 would be u si I necessary, and with this as- 0 surauce the opposition to this 5100,000 bond issue withdrew, ? and us I understand was issued 1 and the proceeds of this issue has I been or is now beiug spent. s You thou advertised a $05,000 e bond issue, and again a commit- 8 tee wont before your board oppos ing this issue. This opposition c had no effect ou your Hoard, so J there was nothing left to do, but ! for the opposition of further is- 1 suing of bonds to get up a petition 1 NEXT Tuesday Morning Sept. 18 ! The Bigger and Better \ MEBANE ! Six-Counties-Fair i FOR ' Five Big Days and Five Big Nights $,1000 Fireworks every night?beautiful, elabo rate?best in the State Horseshoe Throwing Con test Every Afternoon Free attractions never be fore seen here Twenty Car Show of Won ders never before seen Largest Poultry Show in the State Cattle Exhibits, the big gest ever Tilley's Fashion Show Thursday night Merchants and Manufact urers Display, showing the most wonderful exhibts Beautiful Flower Show, Automobile Show, a regular circus of attractions never before seen at any Fair Twenty acres of wonders to behold. Free parking space east of Fair Grounds Bring all your family and visit the best Fair in the State ? one mile west of Mebane pposing this issue. We were dvised that it would take 1203 oters to call fur an electiou. We irculated these petitions and so ured the names of over 2000 vo jrs, although we could have lorethau doubled this number ad it been necessary. You then Bscinded your act ion of *05,000 isue of bonds, and immediately uthorized an issue of 8-15,000 . 1 understand that your Hoard 'ill meet ou tiie 17th to hear nyoue that objects to this issue. hartly think that it is neces ary for those opposed to further isuing of bonds to go before the] toard, as their wishes have been bsolutely jgnored'. I trust that t your next meeting that ou will rescind your action, therwiso it will be necessary for is to .agaiu circulate petitions pposing the bonds. I think that 1 speak the seuli neuts of the great majority of ax-payers of Alamance County hat they oppose any further is ue of bonds of increased iudebt dness of our couuly, which is dready very burdensome We, of course, must be govern - id in our action as to the action -ou take in this matter. Frauk y, I state that it seems to me that t is now a question of whether he tax-payers aud voters or our tublic servants are going to con trol the county. Respectfully submitted, W. E. WHITE. General Coxey says we are in lie hands of burglars, bootleggers, tankers and brokers. The ;eneral must have forgotten chew ng gum manufacturers and ste lographers. A representative of one of the arge condensery companies has teen in Alamauce to look over die situation in respect to estab ishing a branch factory. Cottou qlanted after irish pota toes without additional fertilizer ?rill make an average of 11 bales to the acre, reports It. O. Tarking Loii of Bath. Mildred Ives of Pasquotank County and Sam RapeJ of David son represented the club boys and girta of North Carolina at the Camp Vail Training School for club leaders near SpringfiUd, Massachusetts, September 9 to-22. Tn September the old poultry houses should be repaired or new ones built. Blue prints, showing How to build the North Carolina house, are available at State Col lege. Brazil once belonged to Port ugal. Morlqaree's Sale. Pursuant to the authority conferred in the undersigned by virtue of the power contain ed in a certain Mortgage Deed executed by Freeman S. Parker and wife, Lillian Parker, to A. Schi ffman, said Mortgage Deed given to secure a note, and is recorded in the office of the Reg ister of> Deeds of Alamance County in Book 96 M. D. page 264, default having been made in the payment of the note, the undersigned Mortgagee will of sale, at publie auction to [the the highest bidder for cash, on MONDAY, THE 15TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1928 At 12 o'clock noon, or sopn t hereafter, at the Court House, a certain tract or parcel of land in Alamance County, Town of Mebane, N. C., and described as followsl: It being lot No. 21 on the map of the Vickers property made by W. B. Trogdon , Jr., and filed in the Register ot Deeds Office of Alamance Couns ty, N. C., in Book 35, pages 251 and 252 to which reference is hereby made. This the 10th day of Septem: her 1928. A. SCHIFFMAN, Mortgagee. ^jjfr? " ?'v and tbe beast, but in tbis instance beauty is repre jaented by Miss lone Carle,-famous wild animal subjugator, and tbe (beast honors go to "Bombay" and "Cleopatra," two tiger cubs tlia( [ate recent additions to tbe menagerie of John Robinson's Circus. ?John Robinson, will brlngr his famous circus to tbis vicinity within iStew days and spectators .will see a performance that is all new ^rom beginning to end. * A' massive and gorgeous spectacle, "King Solomon and Queen of Sheba." will open the program, which contains inany^new^and novel features from all portions of the universe. Burlington, Saturday, Sept. 15th Performances 2 and 8 p. m. cSupefj of pine rat SerVice^ jj| atjyOWe^tpoasjfrJe tZbsfcll" THE PASSING Of a loved one leaves indelible impres sions upon the minds of those who are left behind. Thus as the years roll on the memories of tender care, thoughtfulness and sympa-. thetic consideration in our SERVICE will prove a source of greatest consolation HRio.h Thompson ? UJ rectory BURLSflOTC ' GRAHAM PHO/E tO// - PHONE 5*>7 - - \ ' -Vice ? , ail i i i i ?? The Southern Planter Semi-Monthly Richmond, Virginia The Oldest Agricultural Journal in America 50 CENTS FOR ONE YEAR >1.00 FOR THREE YEARS $1.50 FOR FIVE YEARS TWlCE-A-riONTH 200,000 TWICE A-MONTH NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a : power of sale contained in a Mortgage Deed executed by I Albert H. King and wife, Luo- i la Wilson King, of Alamance i County, to Morris Brewer of ] Orange County, North Caro- ! olina, which Mortgage Deed ? is duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Al- ( aniance County in Book No. 83 : at page 534, to which reference is hereby made, the undersign - ed Mortgagee will, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 8.1928, At 12 O'Clock Noon offer at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door at Gra ham, N. C., a certain tract or parcel of land in Alamance County, North Carolina, and being more particularly des- 1 cribed as follows : First Tract: A certain tract or parcel of land in ? township Alamance County and State of North Carolina, bounded as follows : Lots Nos. 61, 62 and 63 block D. Property known as Piedmont Estatee, map of which made by Paul King, C. E., is recorded in Book No. 2, page No. 23 of Register of Deeds office, Ala mance county. Second Tract. A certain tract or parcel of land in Alamance County, North Carolina, ad joining Alamance Road, Sec ond Street, W. P. Moore and others and more particularly describeda sf ollows : Beginning at an iron stake at the end of Broad street on corner with W. P. Moore ; running thence with W. P. Moore's line 225 feet to a stake on Second street; thence with Second street in an eartejly di tion 50 feet to a stake ; thence in a northerly direction 225 feet to a stake on Alamance Road ; thence with the said Alamance Road 50 feet to the beginning, the same being a part of the lot of laud sold to Albert H. King by J. L. Scott and wife. Sale will be held open ten days for increased bids. This the 6 th day of Septem ber, 1928. MORRIS BREWER, Mortgagee A. H. GRAHAM, Attorney, Hillsboro, N. C. Notice of Sale. By virtme of the authority given to the undersigned Trus tee in a certain deed of trust executed by W. W. Brown and, wife, Mollie Brown, dated January 3, 1925, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Alamance county in Book 96, page 103, (default having keen made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured), the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale to the highest bidder, at the courthouse door in Gra ham, N. C., the following described land at 12:00 o'clock, noon, on % SATURDAY, SEPT. 22, 1928, Adjoining the lands of Addie V. Boone, Mebane Real Estate & Trust Company and others, bounded as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe on Northwest side of Church Street, corner with Addie V. Boone; running thence with the line of said Boone N. 39 deg. 22' W 252.5 ft to an iron pipe, corner with Mebane Real Estate & Trust Company; thence N 56 deg E 60 ft to an iron pipe, corner with Mebane Real Estate & Trust Company; thenceJS 43 leg E 53.8 ft to an iron pipe, jorner with said Mebane Real Estate & Trust Company; thence N 50 deg E 125.3 ft to in iron pipe, corner with Meb me Real Estate & Trust Com pany; thence S 39 deg 22' E 211.8 ft to an iron pipe in said Church St., corner with said Mebane Real Estate & Trust Company; thence S 56 deg W 187.2 ft to the beginning. Terms of Sale: Cash. This the 16th day of August 1928 A. M. SCALES, TiMi At pp J. DOLPH LONG. Attv. Assignee's Sale of Real Properly. By virtue of the power aud authority contained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed on the 5th day of Aug., 1927, by R. L. Burnett and wife, Annis Bur nett to Claud Cates and duly assigned to J. Lloyd Cates, said Mortgage Deed is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Alamance County, in Book 105, page 4, same being given to secure payment of a certain bond therein described; and default having been made in the payment of said bond and interest thereon, the said As signee qf Mortgagee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real property, at the court house doer in Gra ham, N. C., on MONDAY, SEPT. 24, 1928, at 12 o'clock, noon, A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Alamance County, adjoining the lands of Jack Lee, Roy Harrell et als. 1st TRACT. 61 x 171 ft be ing lot adjoining Jack Lee on one side and Roy, Harrell, Fogle and Church lot on the back and Street on front which is about twenty feet wide. 2nd TRACT. Beginning at a stone on the North side of Lin coln St in what is known as Richmond Hill, Will Mitchell and Chas. Gant corner, running thence with Graham line S ? deg E 2.2 chains to a' stone, Graham corner, thence with the line of Press Sellars, N 82? deg W 1.15 chains to a stone on Sellars line, thence N ? deg W 2.18 chains to a stone, thence S'74? deg W 1.15 chains to the beginning, one-fourth (J) of an acre, upon which is situated a four-room dwelling house. This the 20th day of August, 1928. J. Llyod Cates, Assignee of Caud Cates, Mortgagee. L. D. Meajor, Attorney. CASTOR IA . For Infants and Children In Usa For Over 30 Years I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as the Executor of the estate of John D. McPherson. deceased, this I is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to file them, duly verified, with the undersigned, on or beforo AugustWL lie9, or this notice will be pleaded Inbar of their recovery. | All persons indebted to said estate are I requested to please make prompt settlement. This the 18th day of August 1828. W. LA WHENCE McPHKBSON, Raec'r Snow Camp. N. C. J. Dolph long, Atty. Z?-Ml 6 6 6 Cores Chills and Fever, Intermittent. Bemittent and HlHoan Fever iae to Malaria. It Ullatto genu.