WhenFbod Sours Lots of folk! who think they have ??Indigestion" have only an add condl* tlon which could be corrected In lira or ten minutes. An effective anti-add like f hllllps Milk of Magnesia soon restores digestion to normal. Phillips does away with an that sourness and gas right after meals. It prevents the distress so apt to occur two hours after eating. What a pleas ant preparation to take! And how good It is for the system I Unlike a burning dose of soda?which Is .but temporary relief at best?Phillips Milk of Magnesia neutralizes many times Its volume In add. Next time a hearty meal, or too rich ^ diet has brought on the least dis comfort. try? PHILLIPS L Milk of Magnesia Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh r-T ??11 nuiiiTTiMti iri Sores oa Maa aad Beast MtMP back f or flnt bottlr I f not nritad. ana?.? Latest Toad Story Mrs. Sarah Chaloupkas, of Wyoming, , Iowa, lg telling a toad story. Her toad, a tree toad, she says, croaks though It has been Imbedded In the Concrete basement wall of her home 11 years. The toad was not heard tmtll a year after the house was built, and Is silent In the winter, but through the spring, summer and fall It Is noisy. Three yenrs ago, according to Mrs. Chaloupkas, the toad was silent and she thought It was dead, but a few days later she heard It again and to day It Is croaking as merrily as ever. Electrical Contractor Gives Advice to Others l think Milks Emulsion should bo advertised all over the world, so >s to help all of the sick. "In 1912 I bad a great deal of trou ble with my stomach and bowels. Tor several years I tried everything that I saw advertised, bnt I kept getting worse all the time. I got so bad that. I was In bed for three months In 1916.' While In Philadelphia In 1917 I hap pened to see one of yonr ads. I had tried everything that I thought was amy good, but concluded to give Milks Emulsion a trial. It could not do any . worse than the rest "To my surprise It regulated my bowels end I found I did not suffer any more after eating and had no pain at alt. I continued the use of Milks Emulsion for six months, until I was in fine health and have been for the past eight years. When I think of the way I suffered night and day for six years, I feel that every person with stomach and bowel trouble should know about Milks Emulsion." Tours truly, 8. B. PEDDICORD, JR.. Elec trical contractor, 1435 W. Baltimore St, Baltimore, Md. Sold by all druggists under a guar antee to give satisfaction or money refunded. The Milks Emulsion Co., Terre Haute, Ind.?Adv. Man Battli With S*al His alarming battle with a hnge aeal has Just been reported by John Rat ten, a road foreman at Banff, Scot land. Aa he approLched the animal on L Banff beach It growled and snapped at bis leg. He warded It off with a shovel, but the aeal grasped It firmly 'with It atnnned the animal sufficiently In Its mouth. After a strenuous strag gle Rattan regained the. shovel, and for him to make his escape. IWhen a fool qnlts laughing be be gins to notice where common sense abides. WILL DO ALL IT CLAMS TO DO Ifci.Stasia SaysofLytfiaE-Pfafc. Pratt, W. Vs.?1 was so weak sad nervous that I was la had most ??^???SBHHmammaaBSBnai^mww -11 At- - AS ? - i ?u uw UM ana eoaldnt ?it op ?ad I n ?lr # j?ui old. I eew your odrer tletag la a Bif alio* and after I bad token three dooeo of Ljrdla B. Pinkhom'e Vege tal* Caapoud I ootid feelthet I woe better. Af ter tokloir two K ?l "7 work ud ?c I fwt lilc* a nnr woman. I naom Rk-< 2??J? Ctanpwmd to y.frtoxU and ny it will do all it ?g. "Ni to do and mot*. I wilT dadb WL rewn.tavc^ (fiunninenam RADIO //TUBES* %eplace old /LjHBnJn or inferior tubes withnew 11 I HI If Cunningham \1 |HJ n Tubes and V IH [I enjoy modern ?Hi radio re pro duction. Easy Than "Have you ever tried loving your neighbor a* yourself?" "Occasionally, when I have felt par ticularly disgusted with myself." Sightlau Howell?"Do you believe that love la blind?'.' . Powell?"Say, a bat has perfect eyesight compared with It" m<@arch QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTS ?at thm standard. If jmt paid a doikra pound you could not u> buy btf r food product* than B Great MM "Greatness,'^ said HI Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "consists less In deeds than Id deft appeal to public Imagi nation."?Washington Star. Holding Him to It Toung . Multlrox?I'll never forget the time I proposed to you. Miss Malnchance?Righto, old dear I I don't Intend to let you forget It. Tou never can tell. Many a warm heart Is barely covered by an evening gown. It May Be ~J^Unknt When^w/-^ Children Cry for It Oastoria Is a comfort -when Baby la fretful. No sooner taken than the little one Is at ease. If restless, a few drops soon bring contentment No harm done, for Castoria Is a baby remedy, meant for babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest Infant; yon have the doctors' word for that I It Is a vegetable pro duct and you oould use It every day. But It's In an emergency that Castoria means most Some night when consti pation must be relieved?or colic pains ?or other suffering. Never be without It; some mothers keep an extra bottle, unopened, to make sure there will al ways be Castoria In the house. It Is effective for older children, too; read the book that conies with It UALE'S ? I HONEYof HOREHOUN D<m</TAR There's nothing like this for break ing up colds?amazing relief to ?ore throats, head and chest?Safe ?money back. 30c at all druggists. thel^qfe Doctor It ii mmHil that my car should always operate prop* erly and accordingly I use Champion Spark Plug*. Champion U the better spark plug because It m has aa exclusive silli* UW manlte Insulator spa* r I dally traated to with- 3?T stand the much higher fig3 temperatures of the modem hlghcaapim w.?9 sioo ^pgine. Also a new WT? patented solid copper gsstrrf seel that remains absolutely gas-tight HH under high com pres slon. Special analysis a=^B electrodes which assure jgggsss Champion SpnKPhi& , ?a*^^ Cettae ?a| Grain lamlort mad Thaaa On turn plating Investing. Storks and Bonds an alysed. Oulde to safe Inveat. Free Proa pert ua. Raphael Berll. Times Bldg.. N. T. OINNKU TAKR NOTICE? JM gerea el raareh land for agio 4a Slaepaxem Bag; good duck shooting; ptoaty of poadg; apply P. O. BOX 111. SHOW HILL, MP. tfle STAMPS Specimen Reck from Heart of Psaea MoT let Tunnel. ? mUee long throagk Rocky Mount alna. MI Mar I oa St.. Colo. Crtahn let Igane of "* i Isaas Belli lie" Is out bow ready for mulling. Hundrede af detailed listings everywhere, each with name and address of owner, or agent, copy ?l. Cross Csentry PeMlahftag Conraaaar. Ine. 1?S W. 45tli SC. Tlsaea H, EewTeofc Oty t^eelTVid mm|?"ra5;lon?T?ber^*pay*?n* commlaartoa. Free sample*. Line gaaranteod vlt&S saraa ctlkv* RUGS We cover your floors with seamiest woven ruse. Choice designs. Room slsut lt.lt op. Send for Illustrated folder PITRAI MILLS ?I Wnlawt - Philadelphia, Pn Photo Stadia. Thriving California town. Bs tabllahed f years. Large Clientele. Ftneot of egnlpment. Money maker II.MS. Waste*a Brokerage. Mil W. Ptclf Leg dagolSBChltf. *. a babtiaoai, no. a-aa . rvjs. Not Perfect Ad alumnae of a nearby college was entertaining Iter former history pro fessor at dinner, much to the Interest of her three small sons.- Jack, the eldest, kept eyeing the professor close ly, and finally, after dinner, be asked, "Mother, yon say Professor Smith was your history professor?" "Tea, sonny, and ? splendid one, too." "Well," pronounced the six-year-old observer, "he has a bole In bis sock." Town Good Firm Risk The Arizona town of Chandler, with a population of 1,600 and assessable property In excess of (1,600,000, has a record of two years without a Bra. Soon after a quantity of gasoline be came Ignited In April, 1036, doing dam age of 11.18, the town officials put In a Bra siren system of summoning the volunteer Bra department But fortune decreed that the sound of the siren should not disturb the quiet of the towa after the siren had been turned on once for a demonstration. Going Fishing "I have my nets and my tackle all reedjr." "Why the shotgun T" "We might sight a few flying Bah." %udies that Ada StuktoDiwes IfcMAE MARTIN If! amazing to see how faded, out - of - style iroaaea can be transformed by a few buttons, a lit tle braid and the quick magic of borne dyeing or tinting. Torn dent need any experi ence to tint or dye Bucceaafblly If you are sure to use.tfoa. fkd*-'' lesa Diamond Dye a. Tinting with them la easy as bluing, and dyeing takes Juat a little more time to "set" the col or*. They nerer fir* thing* that radyed look which torn* from n*tng Inferior dm. Ia ?lst on IHmmd Dim and mm disap pointment Over 10 million package* need a year. My new Ofrpage Ulnatrated boat, "Color Craft." fires hundred* ed ?noneyeariag hint* fop renewing clothe* hM draperies. Iff Free. Wrlta fot It now.tOllaelfafdmDapt O-ldg, Diamond Dye*. BmHagtw Tenant Get Fertilizers in Compact Form New Commercial Mixtures With Nitrogen Compounds Increase Plant Food. Concentrated fertilizer* are here this season. More than that, they will receive greater consideration from New York farmers and prob ably will be nsed far more extensive ly In the years to come, says Prof. E. L. Worthen of the agronomy de partment of the New York State Col lege of Agriculture at Ithaca, N. T. Synthetic Nitrogenous Materials. The development of so-called con centrated mixed fertilizers results from advances In the manufacture of synthetic nitrogenous materials. These materials are higher in plant food than the animal, fish, or vegetable ma terials which have commonly been used as carriers of plant foods for commercial fertilizer. All the nitrogen In a fertilizer may come through synthetic materials or "chemicals." While an objection has been raised because these concen trated fertilizers do not contain nitro gen In the form of organic materials, experiments do not show any consist ent superiority of nitrogen from or ganic sources as compared with that from "chemicals." Results from con centrated fertilizers, although still somewhat Incomplete, Indicate an ap proximate equal value, pound for pound, of plant food In concentrated mixtures and In fertilizers of ordinary, low concentration. Advocate Ratios. Buyers of fertilizer will be advised more and more to consider using ra tios such as 1-2-1, 1-3-1, or 1-1-1 In stead of the analysis such as 540-6. The analyses which have been used for years by New York farmers indl _cate the percentages of plant food contained. However, since concen trated fertilizer may carry double or triple as much plant food as those less concentrated, the use of ratios to represent the plant food contained In stead of the exact formula Is advised. Professor Worthen points out that It Is possible to Injure seeds or young plpnts unless the rate of application of concentrated fertilizer Is reduced. If a 10-20-10 fertilizer replaces a 5 10-5, the rate of application should be reduced one half, for example. Special precautions should be tak en to prevent the fertilizer from com ing In direct contact with the seed, but If the rate of application Is not unduly heavy and If the fertilizer^ is properly mixed with the soil, crops will not be Injured. Colloids in Soils Have Much to Do With Plants Now tbat such words as legumes, humus and bacteria have become fa miliar to farmers and their relation to the soil fertility Is understood, the term "colloid" Is about to claim the attention of soil builders. Soil col loids consist mainly of organic matter and partially decomposed mineral sub stances existing In ? very finely di vided state. These colloids are Im portant, scientists are finding out, be cause tbey have much to do with plant growth. The extent of bacterial ac tion In the soil. Its water holding ca pacity and the solubility of the plant foods depend very largely upon the nature of the colloids present Fall Plowing for Trees Is Favored by Forester "Proper tillage of the qoll U prob ably the moat necessary prerequisite to successful tree growing," says C. W. Watklns, Nebraska extension forester. He advises the man wbo plans to set out trees In the spring to plow the ground In the tall. This conserve* the moisture and makes a compact, moist soil for planting In the spring. There will be enough moisture stored In the fall plowed land to start the trees in the spring even If there Is very little rain at that time. After the trees are planted, regular cultivation and an oc casional hoeing will prevent weed growth and give the trees a chance to get started. ? Agricultural Squibs! SCHMOCHMHKHMKHMHCWHaQMHMHMA No economical substitute tor tbo use of limine materials In frowlng leg umes baa been found. ? ? ? The borne gardener mag extend bla growing aeaaon In the tell by the nae of hotbeda and cold frames. ? ? ? Giving your dairy barn a good sys tem of ventilation now means health ier stock and pnrer milk in the win ter. see Federal specialist* estimate that per cent leas chickens are being raised on American farms this year than In 1927. ? ? e The production of hogs, beef cattle <and horses moves In cycles. That Is, there Is a period of large production followed by a period of leaser produc tion. Prices move In lbs opposite direction. see Moving pallets from the range to the laying hosse ta .delicate- work tn so tor as the pullets are concerned. Remember that tbey are going Into atrnngs Quarters and win receive new management from now on. Sudden change* are often dlsastrnne tn egg production. MiiiiiNiliiii t ? , ? ???? Elephant or Tractor, Question in Africa T? the Congo rlrer basin of Africa, whore the soil la perhaps as rich as anywhere else In the world, there Is a merry rivalry between American trac tors and elephants as motive power on the farms. The big beast driven by a mahout for a salary of 24 cents a day can turn the sod of one and a quarter acres. Ontslde of a little salt the elephant can find bis own feed. It Is not bothered by the tsetse fly, so fatal to other domestic animals. A tractor is flgured to be 14 times more costly to ran. Bat Its Initial cost Is about $400 to the elephant's $2,400, and It can turn the sod of 2$ or more acres In a day. So each has Its advantages. After nearly 60 years of experiment there are available In the region only 24 elephants sufficient ly trained for use on the farms. Autoiiti Fight Gatm* Automobile driver* of Anstralla are tired of climbing in and out of their ear* in order to open and clone road gate* to keep cattle at home. In that I land of many cattle It ha* been neces aary to fence across many of the coun try roads. A scheme to have at each gate an excavation, with tracks across for cars, but so constructed that stock cannot cross, is meeting with blgb favor. Nb provision- will be made for horses and carriages, because they are considered by ranches as being "relics of the dim and distant past." Wrote Check* Bill Younger and Curtis Benton, both well known scenario writers, had been discussing a certain candidate for membership In the Writers' club when Benton suddenly exclaimed: "And there's another fellow who lives by his pen 1" Younger looked at the uncouth chap Benton had pointed out and finally said: "You can never make me'be lieve that fellow's a writer." "I merely said he lived by his pen," asserted Benton. "Be keeps hogs." Lucky Purchase A once stately mansion was being town down at tbe national capital to make way for stores. Tbe material bad been sold for a song. In moving one of the wbite bnt soiled stone mantel pieces the paint was accidentally rnbbed off. Lucky purchaser 1 The ma terial was found to be alabaster. Not Quite McNntt?I met that Impossible Billswlggle today. His Wife?Yes, and I suppose you argued with him until you were black In the face. McNutt?No, Just around one eye. ?Pathfinder Magazine. The average man holds the key to the future because there are so many of him.?Charles R. Brown, dean of the Tale Divinity school. fctl?Knl?h? ?JMIng' www faa Mch eylMar r nii?W? " with the epharieal eyliadar head to form a perfectly awled com* hoathm chamber ? i>m lug high uniform compra?lou at iDdawi, at all epeedt ead nM mtgr fa. Is? I " SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST! I Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are ? I not getting, the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe I by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. I | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART I f 'j Jjo Accept only "Bayer" package I which contains proven directions. I f Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets I w Also bottles of 24 and 100?Druggists 8 Aspirin Is the trsdt msrfc ot Bsjsv Msnufsctnio or HonosastleuUssUr or SallcyUcacU | Compromiee "And how do yon get on with your j wife?" "I've a splendid working arrange ment with her. In the morning she does what she wants, and In the afternoon I do what she wants." Jungle Diving Beauty Teacher (exhibiting a picture of a zebra)?What Is this? Pupil?A horse In his bathing suit. First discovery of a baby Is that crying pays. y Habit of Saving Crowe The American Bankers' association has made the state.nent that in 1918 there * ere 10,000,000 savings accounts, and the number is now more than 40, 000,000. Oar Ancestora Howell?Do you believe in the Dar winian theory? Powell?Stop your monkeying. A woman can sharpen a pencil about as quick as a man can thread a needle. BARE TO HAIRS If you want to grow hair f on your bald head, save j the hair you have, stop j foiling hair, dandruff, etc, I write for literature and fl information. " W. H. FORST, Mfg. - Scottdale, Penna. I Joy of Labor The only things worth having In this -did rale of tears and laughter are those yon hare to work at least a little to get, and we suppose a really Intelligent mosquito would frfber hare the girls wearing stockings than not.?Ohio State Journal. Bloated Hopes Tessle?"I thought you said you had a rich uncle?'' Tommle?"Yes; but he just got married again." Conversing with a man who always agrees with you is as bad as talking to an echo. Perecrihance I always at its best 1 ^ ^JkouMuvhrnorer 1 / y^OMlMrjQugfd&jsnu>oUMes& V \ Mlence / iWkpl\ recor dmcjmced, ' ? UUS patented Willys-Knight double dim Wl H X Til? engine ia as fresh at the end ofS hard ^ XV kVjw day's run u at the start?and after thoaundi of 9k miles you wili find thlssu pee lor motor cren smoother |J\ ^ end quieter then on tbe day you took delivery. 1 \ ?EF / Its "topBrfty of design Insane remarkable freedom I \ Jf freen carbon troubles and repairs. There arenoralrea I *MmA Jr to grind, no rslre springs to weaken. At tbe lowest price I ??Urn. / in history, the Standard Sis is bringing tbe advantage* of ??" I / Willys-Knight's sparkling aetirity, sustained brillianee and 1 . ease of control to thousands of new and enthusiastic owners. 1 WILLYS.OVERLAND,-INC., TOLEDO, OHIO WILLVS-ICN l?WTc& WILLYS-OVERLAND, Inc. - TOLEDO, OHIO 1 ^ " ?. ? ? - ?. .. * > .. . '? , p ?* ?v> */- V 7 .? ?v-; II B yAui*. fife- ? m ^^B i I

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